The debris fields created by spaceships are 60% larger: send your forces into battle and capture more resources! The game speed has been increased by 2 times: The increased speed paves the way for faster development and faster, more interesting fights!
hihi trận đầu tiên thành công tốt đẹp Defender falcom destroyed. The attacker has won the battle! He captured 2.499 metal, 2.500 crystal and 0 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 0 units. The defender lost a total of 0 units. At these space coordinates now float 0 metal and 0 crystal.
cú crash đầu tiên kill 1 em SC, 1 em LF và 2 con RL của em nó Defender Yoshi destroyed. The attacker has won the battle! He captured 4.785 metal, 3.345 crystal and 682 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 0 units. The defender lost a total of 12.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 3.000 metal and 1.800 crystal.
First ACS của Jupiter VN đây . Chẳng lời gì cả, bị nó onl hốt 11 REC . Rank 39 + rank 40 vs rank 60 [D.O.L.] [align=]on (24.04.2011 19:53:52) the following fleets met in battle: justanewbie & FarmOfFarm -vs- Cinkz Attacker: justanewbie Weapons: 40% Shields: 50% Armour: 50% H.Cargo.......... 2 L.Fighter.......... 5 H.Fighter.......... 15 Attacker: FarmOfFarm Weapons: 50% Shields: 0% Armour: 50% S.Cargo.......... 9 L.Fighter.......... 20 H.Fighter.......... 6 Pằng chíu ... chíu ...... Defender: Cinkz Weapons: 40% Shields: 40% Armour: 40% S.Cargo.......... 5 H.Cargo.......... 3 H.Fighter.......... 19 Recy.......... 5 Esp.Probe.......... 3 R.Luncher.......... 3 Boom ... boom ... boom ... Attacker: justanewbie H.Cargo.......... 1 . . . . . .(lost: 1) L.Fighter.......... 2 . . . . . .(lost: 3) H.Fighter.......... 12 . . . . . .(lost: 3) Attacker: FarmOfFarm S.Cargo.......... 4 . . . . . .(lost: 5) L.Fighter.......... 4 . . . . . .(lost: 16) H.Fighter.......... 5 . . . . . .(lost: 1) Defender: Cinkz S.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 5) H.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 3) H.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 19) Recy.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 5) Esp.Probe.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 3) R.Luncher.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 3) Defender Cinkz destroyed. The attacker has won the battle! He captured: 20.265 metal 16.409 crystal, and 6.467 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 148.000 units. The defender lost a total of 335.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 173.400 metal and 112.800 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 2 % -= Result =- (Assuming the attacker got the debris..) Attacker gain (-lost units): 181.341 The attacker lost a total of 148.000 The defender lost a total of 335.000 Total Damage: 483.000 Advanced bilance Attacker lost.............gain..........difference 97.000.................193.665..............96.665 51.000.................129.209..............78.209 0........................6.467...............6.467 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ..................................181.341 Defender lost.............gain..........difference 198.000......................0............-198.000 137.000......................0............-137.000 10.000.......................0.............-10.000 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: .................................-345.000 [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]
có ali nào chưa nhỉ hay để mình tự sướng vừa lập nick 3 477 10 ai có gì cho xin 1 sc nhé cám ơn nhiều
The attacker has won the battle! Loot : 1.675 Metal, 1.675 Crystal and 1.649 Deuterium. debris field : 0 metal and 0 crystal. Repaired : ? phát súng đầu tiên ---------- Post added at 17:53 ---------- Previous post was at 17:25 ---------- phát thứ 2 nổ sung spam chơi The attacker has won the battle! Loot : 1.666 Metal, 1.666 Crystal and 1.667 Deuterium. debris field : 0 metal and 0 crystal. Repaired : ?
hix bữa nay cái sim bi ji` hay sao á. Sim toàn trật lất The attacker has won the battle! Loot : 18.933 Metal, 7.579 Crystal and 14.685 Deuterium. debris field : 33.000 metal and 30.000 crystal. Repaired : ?
[align=]on (02.05.2011 02:34:03) the following fleets met in battle: kd3788 -vs- bendan Attacker: kd3788 Weapons: 50% Shields: 50% Armour: 50% H.Cargo.......... 2 Cruiser.......... 14 Pằng chíu ... chíu ...... Defender: bendan Weapons: 30% Shields: 0% Armour: 50% S.Cargo.......... 17 H.Cargo.......... 10 L.Fighter.......... 11 H.Fighter.......... 2 Esp.Probe.......... 22 L.Laser.......... 14 Boom ... boom ... boom ... Attacker: kd3788 H.Cargo.......... 2 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Cruiser.......... 14 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Defender: bendan S.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 17) H.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 10) L.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 11) H.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2) Esp.Probe.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 22) L.Laser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 14) Defender bendan destroyed. The attacker has won the battle! He captured: 31.211 metal 11.907 crystal, and 7.010 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 0 units. The defender lost a total of 302.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 83.400 metal and 81.000 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 1 % -= Result =- (Assuming the attacker got the debris..) Attacker gain (-lost units): 214.528 The attacker lost a total of 0 The defender lost a total of 302.000 Total Damage: 302.000 Advanced bilance Attacker lost.............gain..........difference 0......................114.611.............114.611 0.......................92.907..............92.907 0........................7.010...............7.010 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ..................................214.528 Defender lost.............gain..........difference 160.000......................0............-160.000 142.000......................0............-142.000 0............................0...................0 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: .................................-302.000[/align] [align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]
[align=]on (03.05.2011 01:17:48) the following fleets met in battle: kd3788 -vs- ephedrin Attacker: kd3788 Weapons: 50% Shields: 50% Armour: 60% Cruiser.......... 16 Pằng chíu ... chíu ...... Defender: ephedrin Weapons: 30% Shields: 30% Armour: 40% S.Cargo.......... 13 L.Fighter.......... 1 Recy.......... 1 Esp.Probe.......... 4 R.Luncher.......... 10 L.Laser.......... 22 Boom ... boom ... boom ... Attacker: kd3788 Cruiser.......... 16 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Defender: ephedrin S.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 13) L.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1) Recy.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1) Esp.Probe.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 4) R.Luncher.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 10) L.Laser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 22) Defender ephedrin destroyed. The attacker has won the battle! He captured: 4.266 metal 4.266 crystal, and 4.267 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 0 units. The defender lost a total of 140.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 23.400 metal and 22.200 crystal. -= Result =- (Assuming the attacker got the debris..) Attacker gain (-lost units): 58.399 The attacker lost a total of 0 The defender lost a total of 140.000 Total Damage: 140.000 Advanced bilance Attacker lost.............gain..........difference 0.......................27.666..............27.666 0.......................26.466..............26.466 0........................4.267...............4.267 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ...................................58.399 Defender lost.............gain..........difference 92.000.......................0.............-92.000 48.000.......................0.............-48.000 2.000........................0..............-2.000 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: .................................-142.000[/align] [align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]
ku này là sáng đập mà hụt, đợi cả ngày, thấy nó luôn có *, không bít là do mấy thằng khác spy hay nó tạo * nữa, đến tối thấy res không giảm, hạng lại không tăng, ship lại không đi quê quá đập luôn. [align=]on (03.05.2011 13:10:20) the following fleets met in battle: kd3788 -vs- YoJelly Attacker: kd3788 Weapons: 50% Shields: 50% Armour: 60% Cruiser.......... 24 Pằng chíu ... chíu ...... Defender: YoJelly Weapons: 40% Shields: 0% Armour: 30% S.Cargo.......... 1 Cruiser.......... 6 Esp.Probe.......... 4 R.Luncher.......... 6 L.Laser.......... 10 T.Laser.......... 5 Boom ... boom ... boom ... Attacker: kd3788 Cruiser.......... 24 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Defender: YoJelly S.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1) Cruiser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 6) Esp.Probe.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 4) R.Luncher.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 6) L.Laser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 10) T.Laser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 5) Defender YoJelly destroyed. The attacker has won the battle! He captured: 7.355 metal 7.357 crystal, and 4.487 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 0 units. The defender lost a total of 242.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 73.200 metal and 28.800 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 1 % -= Result =- (Assuming the attacker got the debris..) Attacker gain (-lost units): 121.199 The attacker lost a total of 0 The defender lost a total of 242.000 Total Damage: 242.000 Advanced bilance Attacker lost.............gain..........difference 0.......................80.555..............80.555 0.......................36.157..............36.157 0........................4.487...............4.487 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ..................................121.199 Defender lost.............gain..........difference 179.000......................0............-179.000 63.000.......................0.............-63.000 12.000.......................0.............-12.000 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: .................................-254.000 [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]
[align=]on (06.05.2011 03:57:53) the following fleets met in battle: adelavn -vs- unleashed23 Attacker: adelavn Weapons: 40% Shields: 50% Armour: 60% Cruiser.......... 26 Pằng chíu ... chíu ...... Defender: unleashed23 Weapons: 10% Shields: 0% Armour: 10% S.Cargo.......... 6 L.Fighter.......... 3 H.Fighter.......... 2 Esp.Probe.......... 32 Sol sat.......... 11 R.Luncher.......... 50 L.Laser.......... 6 Ion. K........... 5 Boom ... boom ... boom ... Attacker: adelavn Cruiser.......... 26 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Defender: unleashed23 S.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 6) L.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 3) H.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2) Esp.Probe.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 32) Sol sat.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 11) R.Luncher.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 50) L.Laser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 6) Ion. K........... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 5) Defender unleashed23 destroyed. The attacker has won the battle! He captured: 6.933 metal 6.933 crystal, and 6.933 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 0 units. The defender lost a total of 262.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 19.800 metal and 46.200 crystal. -= Result =- (Assuming the attacker got the debris..) Attacker gain (-lost units): 86.799 The attacker lost a total of 0 The defender lost a total of 262.000 Total Damage: 262.000 Advanced bilance Attacker lost.............gain..........difference 0.......................26.733..............26.733 0.......................53.133..............53.133 0........................6.933...............6.933 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ...................................86.799 Defender lost.............gain..........difference 152.000......................0............-152.000 110.000......................0............-110.000 5.500........................0..............-5.500 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: .................................-267.500 [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align] ---------- Post added at 11:24 ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 ---------- [align=]on (05.05.2011 13:52:55) the following fleets met in battle: adelavn -vs- Crackle Attacker: adelavn Weapons: 40% Shields: 50% Armour: 60% Cruiser.......... 19 Pằng chíu ... chíu ...... Defender: Crackle Weapons: 50% Shields: 30% Armour: 50% S.Cargo.......... 14 L.Fighter.......... 44 H.Fighter.......... 2 Esp.Probe.......... 10 Sol sat.......... 1 R.Luncher.......... 9 L.Laser.......... 10 Boom ... boom ... boom ... Attacker: adelavn Cruiser.......... 19 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Defender: Crackle S.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 14) L.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 44) H.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2) Esp.Probe.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 10) Sol sat.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1) R.Luncher.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 9) L.Laser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 10) Defender Crackle destroyed. The attacker has won the battle! He captured: 5.998 metal 4.664 crystal, and 3.605 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 0 units. The defender lost a total of 302.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 103.200 metal and 55.200 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 1 % -= Result =- (Assuming the attacker got the debris..) Attacker gain (-lost units): 172.667 The attacker lost a total of 0 The defender lost a total of 302.000 Total Damage: 302.000 Advanced bilance Attacker lost.............gain..........difference 0......................109.198.............109.198 0.......................59.864..............59.864 0........................3.605...............3.605 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ..................................172.667 Defender lost.............gain..........difference 205.000......................0............-205.000 97.000.......................0.............-97.000 500..........................0................-500 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: .................................-302.500 [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]
[align=]on (07.05.2011 12:06:56) the following fleets met in battle: adelavn -vs- CRISPY Attacker: adelavn Weapons: 40% Shields: 50% Armour: 60% Cruiser.......... 34 Pằng chíu ... chíu ...... Defender: CRISPY Weapons: 40% Shields: 30% Armour: 30% S.Cargo.......... 11 H.Cargo.......... 1 H.Fighter.......... 8 Cruiser.......... 6 Recy.......... 1 Esp.Probe.......... 27 Sol sat.......... 4 R.Luncher.......... 1 L.Laser.......... 6 T.Laser.......... 5 Boom ... boom ... boom ... Attacker: adelavn Cruiser.......... 33 . . . . . .(lost: 1) Defender: CRISPY S.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 11) H.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1) H.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 8) Cruiser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 6) Recy.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1) Esp.Probe.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 27) Sol sat.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 4) R.Luncher.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1) L.Laser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 6) T.Laser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 5) Defender CRISPY destroyed. The attacker has won the battle! He captured: 9.061 metal 9.063 crystal, and 8.275 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 27.000 units. The defender lost a total of 403.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 135.600 metal and 90.000 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 2 % -= Result =- (Assuming the attacker got the debris..) Attacker gain (-lost units): 224.999 The attacker lost a total of 27.000 The defender lost a total of 403.000 Total Damage: 430.000 Advanced bilance Attacker lost.............gain..........difference 20.000.................144.661.............124.661 7.000...................99.063..............92.063 2.000....................8.275...............6.275 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ..................................222.999 Defender lost.............gain..........difference 247.000......................0............-247.000 156.000......................0............-156.000 16.000.......................0.............-16.000 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: .................................-419.000 [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]
tình hình là hiện giờ còn 1 mình hunter thao hồ spam [align=]on (08.05.2011 11:59:10) the following fleets met in battle: adelavn -vs- PulseAllien Attacker: adelavn Weapons: 60% Shields: 60% Armour: 60% Cruiser.......... 37 Battleship.......... 9 Battlecr........... 1 Pằng chíu ... chíu ...... Defender: PulseAllien Weapons: 40% Shields: 30% Armour: 50% S.Cargo.......... 13 L.Fighter.......... 20 H.Fighter.......... 20 Cruiser.......... 3 Recy.......... 2 Esp.Probe.......... 6 R.Luncher.......... 50 L.Laser.......... 10 Boom ... boom ... boom ... Attacker: adelavn Cruiser.......... 37 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Battleship.......... 9 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Battlecr........... 1 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Defender: PulseAllien S.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 13) L.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 20) H.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 20) Cruiser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 3) Recy.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2) Esp.Probe.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 6) R.Luncher.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 50) L.Laser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 10) Defender PulseAllien destroyed. The attacker has won the battle! He captured: 16.115 metal 16.115 crystal, and 11.619 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 0 units. The defender lost a total of 571.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 171.600 metal and 99.000 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 2 % -= Result =- (Assuming the attacker got the debris..) Attacker gain (-lost units): 314.449 The attacker lost a total of 0 The defender lost a total of 571.000 Total Damage: 571.000 Advanced bilance Attacker lost.............gain..........difference 0......................187.715.............187.715 0......................115.115.............115.115 0.......................11.619..............11.619 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ..................................314.449 Defender lost.............gain..........difference 401.000......................0............-401.000 170.000......................0............-170.000 10.000.......................0.............-10.000 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: .................................-581.000 [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]