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Thảo luận trong 'World of Warcraft' bắt đầu bởi Cherry.SamS, 19/6/05.

  1. Cherry.SamS

    Cherry.SamS Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ---------------------------------- Alpha 6.0-------------------------------
    Core :
    - Equip function allow you to equip up to 3 items to a npc.
    - Thief can now use combo points
    - new command to remove the nearest game object ".removego"
    - Pet spell tab added
    - Pet action bar can now receive spell shortcuts
    - Add on hit trigger for weapons
    - new command ".armagedon" to remove all mobs/spawners.
    - new warlock demonology talents : Improved Healthstone, Demonic Embrace, Improved Health Funnel, Fel Intellect,
    Fel Domination, Fel Stamina, Master summoner, UnholyPower,
    ShareDamageWithPet, ImprovedSpellstone
    - new mage frost talents : Improved Frostbolt, Permafrost, Ice Shards, ImprovedFrostNova, Piercing Ice
    Improved blizard, FrostChanneling, Shatter, Cold snap, Ice Barrier,
    Ice Block, Improved frost ward
    - new aura effects : FireDamageIncrease, ShadowDamageIncrease, NatureDamageIncrease,
    FrostDamageIncrease, Feather fall, ManaPercentBonus, HealthPercentBonus,
    FireDamageIncrease, ShadowDamageIncrease, NatureDamageIncrease,
    FrostDamageIncrease, HealIncrease, RunSpeedBonus,
    - Items now have bonus attributes : Strength, Iq, spirit, stamina, agility, health and mana.
    - Mob can now have class and mana-type
    - 2 new AI for npcs : StandingGuardAI and StandingNpcAI
    - looted gold in group are now divide to all the group members
    - While in group the xp are divide to all group members ( depend on the level of each member )
    - You can now mount horses and other mountable creatures. Select the mount and type ".mount" to dismount ".unmount"

    Fix :
    - Thief now have energy
    - Mob can no longer regenerate Rage
    - Energy is now well regenerated even in combat
    - You can no longer equip soul shard
    - Talents FirePower and Emberstorm are now cumulative
    - The beast faction now appear in yellow instead of red
    - Some fix in the items db
    - Some new mobs
    - All the vendors/trainners npc
    - DefensiveAI fixed

    External scripts :
    - Warlocks now have 90% of their spells and talents
    - Mage now have 70% of their spells and 35% of their talents
    - Warrior and rogue have some more spells
    - Shaman now have the basics for totem spells and some totem spells
    - Some fix in the items db
    - Some new mobs
    - All the vendors/trainners npc
    - NightElf now are polymorph to wisp after death

    ---------------------------------- Alpha 5.0-----------------------------

    Core :

    - Two new handlers for the death system : OnCharacterReclaimCorps and OnCharacterRepop.
    - New aura effects : OnMeleeHit
    - BaseQuest : MinLevel now represent the minimum level needed to take the quest. IdealLevel represent the ideal level to complete the quest.
    - new Warlock destruction talents : Cataclysm, Bane, Aftermath, Improved firebolt, Devastation, Shadowburn,
    Intensity, Destructive Reach, Pyroclasm, ImprovedImmolate, Ruin,
    Emberstorm, Conflagrate
    - new Warlock affliction talents : Suppression, Improved corruption, Improved Curse Of Weakness, Improved Life Tap, Improved Curse of Agony
    Fel Concentration, Amplify curse, Nightfall, Improved Drain Mana,
    Siphon Life, Curse of exhaustion
    - new gm command ".restart xminutes" to stop and restart the server.
    - new gm commands ".hide" to hide yourself from everyone and every mobs, and ".unhide" to turn you visible to everyone.
    - new gm command ".docgen" to generate the documentation of the core and scripts, this may take more than one minute and kick you from the server. The docs are in the folder /docs
    - Reactions table added /scripts/globals/Reaction.cs
    - Beast mob now attack prey, regarding the reaction table mobs can fight each other.
    - "Speak to npc" quest and "area trigger" quest can now be define.
    - Area spells will no longer affect the caster.
    - new Mobile field GodMode who immune the mobile from all damage, physical and magical.
    - Equiped magical items now should stack their magical properties ( if defined, SpellStones are an exemple )
    - Mob now can use defensive spells
    - Imp can cast Blood pact
    - ManaType for mob can be set, 0 = mana, 1 = rage, 3 = energy

    Fixes :
    - Fireball no longer display 19 hits damage
    - Delivery quests can be completed while having all the items before accepting the quest.
    - You now need to have the shield skill to equip a shield
    - The defensive AI is fixed
    - Switching items while dead is now impossible
    - Mobs targeted spells effects are now displayed

    External scripts :
    - Lots of new mobs, especialy animals and low level mobs.
    - Lots of new quests for low level characters.

    Aura effect supported :














    ---------------------------------- Alpha 4.0 --------------------------------

    New core features for alpha 4 :

    - Delivery quests are available
    - Kill quests are available
    - full npc chating system
    - You can now use the command ".set turbo on" to set your run movement speed to 40. ".set turbo off" to return to normal speed
    - support for Healing other time, recover mana over time, change the mobile speed and lots of other aura
    - New aura/spell effect : flee, stun, polymorph, attack bonus, attack speed/slow, movement slow/increase
    - Weapon skills now increase properly and can be boost up or down with the "Character.onSkillProgressFactor" function
    - Mob now have an AttackSpeed field
    - You can now add your own http handler in Globals.cs
    - Attack power is now used

    Fixes :

    - Delete character fixed

    Extern scripts :

    - All mage teleport spells
    - Some new creatures
    - Some new commands
    - lots of spells from Bovie
    - Treasure lists

    ---------------------------------- Alpha 3.0--------------------------------

    New core features for alpha 3 :

    - New chest/container base system
    - Damage over time aura
    - Periodic aura effect support
    - Treasure list for mobs; loots lists are no longer supported
    - XYZ target spells are now supported
    - You can now use .addgospawner ObjectName Frequecy, ie .addgospawner CheapChest 3600, will spawn a chest every hour
    - New ".addlocation LocationName" command to add a Location object into the Globals.cs. You can use this location with ".go LocationName" to teleport you at this location.
    - Mob can now learn and use spells
    - Find mineral
    - The server will now no more crash, it kick the user instead and put a trace in the console/send to all connected gm a notification of the error
    - Base system for Talents
    Talents list :
    - Spiritual healing
    - Improved renew
    - Improved mend pet
    - Improved arcane explosion
    - Improved Slam
    - Divin Fury
    - Master healer
    - Improve fireball
    - Improve Frostbolt
    - Fire Power
    - Piercing Ice
    - Improved Thunder clap
    - Concusion
    - Call of flame
    - Improved Lightning shield
    - Improved flametongue
    - Emberstorm
    - Improved curse of agony
    - Improved Immolation

    Fix :

    - Mob now display their auras properly
    - Some savegame/loadgame performance issues
    - Summon pet are now saved properly
    - Trainer spell should no longer be never-ended when teaching a new skill
    - No more infinit gold on mobs
    - You can teleport thru all the world
    - Equip ammo no longer crash the client
    - Fix some performance issues when adding a lot of objects to backpack
    - Casting a spell now break your melee attack
    You can no longer equip/auto-equip armor if you don't have the skills/Level

    Extern scripts :
    - Mobile.Selection can now be used to know the current Mobile object selected by a character

    ---------------------------------- Alpha 2.1 --------------------------------

    Fix 2.1

    No more crash when connecting with a wrong IP address ( loopback/localaddress )
    Summoned creature no longer attack spawner
    Summoned creature now disapear when dying
    You can no longer put non-empty bag into another bag
    You can no longer equip/auto-equip weapon if you don't have the skills/Level
    Auto equip for bag now working corectly
    Mono-Linux version

    --------------------------------- Alpha 2.0 ----------------------------------

    New core features for alpha 2

    - Internal Http server now have a port configuration
    - Internal Http server now can allow access only to an IP
    - Aura can now accept HealthBonus and ManaBonus
    - Spelling corections in the InventoryTypes enum
    - new Spell effect, Summoning, GainHealth, GainMana, LooseMana.
    - Multiple bags support
    - You can no longer cast spell while sit/sleep/kneel etc.. you must be stand
    - Prerequesites for Armor and weapon now are working
    - You can no longer equip two two handed weapon or shield while using a thw
    - Add some inventory message when full
    - GM command to grant access
    - Player command to change password
    - Creature now have default AI template ( EvilCreature )

    New external features for alpha 2

    - More emotes
    - More cimetery locations
    - Paladin, Warlock, starting skills/Items
    - Base for a lots of Mage/Warlck/Priest spell
    - .Money command, .learn command added

    fix for alpha 2

    - Don't allow two computer with the same IP to connect the server
    - You can now fight hand by hand
    - Auras are removed when character die
    - Client should not crash with a "corpse error" when releasing corpse.
    - Character can no longer go above level 60
    - you can now add item in backpack at character creation
    - Attributes are increased and displayed when you level up
    - .Mark/.recall are now working
    - Herb/Vein should now display the right icon


    ALPHA 3 Release notes

    Bug fix :

    - Now armor have Agility * 2 as base

    Hiện tại server WOW vn đang test sẻ đưa vào hoạt động ::)
  2. leon_sh

    leon_sh Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    người ta đã có bản 1.5.1, anh mới có bản alpha bêta :P
  3. Cherry.SamS

    Cherry.SamS Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    T_T cai na` free dau phai? cai' cai giong thang SV chinh trơ`i T_T
  4. nosmoking

    nosmoking Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bác cứ cho nó vào hoạt động lun đi anh em test cho vui đang cần cái server nào đông đông chơi cho nó có hừng
    30 char đi nào 30 char đi nào 30 char đi nào 30 char đi nào
  5. Nuub

    Nuub Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    phải rùi đó , mà bi giờ còn 1 nguyên nhân nữa khi làm sv sớm : trong thời kì "nguyên sinh" của wow thì những sv mới mở có thể thu hút dc nhìu người hơn, tao duoc cho dung , sau này nếu wow pt hơn thì cũng có nhìu sv hơn , lúc đó khó chen chân lém :D
  6. mpk

    mpk Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nhìn English hoa cả mắt thía à không bít rõ cái sever nào ra hồn
    Cho hỏi 1 câu nhé sever này có thu phí hông zậy ta
  7. vsniperu

    vsniperu datinh4you

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    chài copy đễ tăng MP hã =)) tui đem lên admin àh

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