[Hình Ảnh] - Một số Item Sets trong Ep 9 !

Thảo luận trong 'Vindictus' bắt đầu bởi Mũi Tên Bạc, 23/7/11.

  1. Mũi Tên Bạc

    Mũi Tên Bạc Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hãy cùng chiêm ngưỡng những Item Sets và 1 số vũ khí (Lann) sẽ được Nexon tung ra trong Ep 8 – Part IIEp 9, Vindictus !

    I/ Item Sets



    Light Armor

    Def : 1878
    Crit Resis : 55
    Str : 721
    Agi : 109
    Will : 88




    *퍼버 데 피르 (Lann)


    Plate Armor

    Def : 3189
    Crit Resis : 32
    Str : 649
    Agi : 118
    Will : 163

    Stamina : 25




    *콸레위히 (Karok)


    Plate Armor

    Def : 3189
    Crit Resis : 32
    Str : 649
    Agi : 118
    Will : 163

    Stamina : 25


    *캄 데 피르 (Fiona - Evie)


    Plate Armor

    Def : 3189
    Crit Resis : 27
    Str : 649
    Agi : 118
    Will : 163

    Stamina : 42


    *타락천사 (Evie - Fiona)


    Light Armor

    Def : 1890
    Crir Resis : 32
    Str : 41
    Agi : 130
    Int : 683
    Will : 49

    Stamina :25


    II/ Vũ khí :

    Từ trái -> phải : Attack > Attack Speed > Balance > Str > Agi > Will

    *트윈샤브르 (Sword)


    Atk : 5507
    Atk Speed : 9
    Crit : 39
    Bal :68
    Str : 88
    Agi : 28
    Will : 46


    *피르아스피어 Pyrospear


    *레이더스 듀얼소드 (Sword)


    *레이더스 듀얼스피어 (Spear)



    *Tôi chơi lann nên chỉ post vũ khí mới của lann, ai chơi class khác có thể vào xem thêm tại :


    [Spoil]Từ trên xuống

    Dòng 1 : Vũ khí
    Dòng 2 : Ring
    Dòng 3 : Giáp vải
    Dòng 4 : Giáp nhẹ
    Dòng 5 : Giáp nặng
    Dòng 6 : Giáp sắt
    Dòng 7 : etc…[/Spoil]

    Nguồn : http://heroes.gameabout.com
    (Đã tham khảo, kiểm tra lại stat trên Vindictusdb)​

    III/ Một số thông tin từ nhà phát triển game :

    [Spoil]Recent Update Response

    Q: Recent updates have brought several rebalancing towards several characters, with new skills and changes in mechanism. But of them all spear lanns, the one that alot of users felt that needed a fix most urgently, was left out. Any reasons to that?

    A: Rebalancing has not ended but is still an on-going thing. And spear lanns have not been deliberately left out in this case.

    We are aware that many players feel the need for a rebalance for spear lanns. But what we've come up with so far, considering the characters traits and our image spear lanns, was unsatisfactory.

    Therefor we felt that we needed to refine our work, and thus was left out from the recent update. We would like the players to understand that we are not negleting spear lanns.

    We're working hard on making a unique characters that users can enjoy. We hope to be able to release info on our progress as soon as possible.

    Q: After the addition of 2nd stage transformation, the difference between paladins and dark knights have become more evident. This seemed to have lead to a increase in demand for a way to reset transformation sides, are there any plans on this?

    A: Our concept with transformation was to make it a one-time decision with no way of going back. So we don't have any plans on making any ways to change sides.

    Picking a side is like picking an ocupation in other games so asking for a reset is like asking for a way to change ocupations.

    Although we don't have any plans to add this feature, we might reconsider if the demand persists.

    Q: There are complaint about the exp requirments for transformation and that it's being a hinderance in experiencing 2nd stage transformation. Are there any plans to decrease the amount of exp required for transformation levels?

    A: The general opinion among is that transformation leveling shouldn't become too easy.

    A decrease in the required amount of exp has been considered during the development of 2nd stage transformation but in the end we decided to lower the required level for 2nd stage transformation to 10 from 20.

    We're still monitering transformation progress and if we reach the conclusion that not enough players are experiencing 2nd stage transformation, we will further lower the lv requirment.

    Q: The new cash item, dye amplets, has gone through alot of turmoil while it was tested on the test server. How do you think it's working out now on the live servers?

    A: The goal of implementing dye amplets was to give players a greater variety of choices in coloring their gear. But when it was first released on the test servers, some of the resulting colors were too extreme and brought negative feedback

    Having a greater variety of colors is a good thing but we didn't want Heroes to lose it's original decor so we change the color range to it's current stage.

    About the 2011 Update plan

    Q: Of all that is planned for 2011, the one that caught the most attention was the ending for the current story. Battles so far have revolved around the current story, how are things going to be done after it reaches the end?

    A: The story is a unseperable factor of Heroes and once it reaches it's end this winter, a new story will begin.

    The storyline will remain an important factor and battles will conintue to be based on it.

    Q: Many people are talking about the 30-man raid. There are many concerns on the lag that would ensue from all the participants.Could you explain how your planning to address this issue?

    A: 30-man raids will not be hosted in a different way. We will have dedicated servers for this so players don't have to worry about lagg.
    Since the load of dedeicated servers is too heavy, we won't be able to make all battles hosted in this matter but we are discussing on ways to expand this feature.

    Q: We saw the 30-man raid system test video and the battle seemed a bit sloppy. Is this how 30-man raids will look like when it comes out?

    A: The video revealed on the homepage was just a test on the technical parts, the actual 30-man raid battle will be performed differently.

    Teamwork will be an important factor in the 30-man raid. Players will need to plan ahead of time who will set the traps using the environment, produce secondary arms and make use of the resources on the map.

    If the test image was like street soccer, the actual 30-man raid is like the professional league

    Q: Hosting was not the only concern with the 30-man raid. With that amount of players, there are concerns of the lagg from spells and other effects. Are there any plans for this issue?

    A: A valid concern. Putting adside the network issue, just having 30 players on screen would be enought to cause alot of lagg.

    Since armor breaking or spells can be a cause for lagg, there will be additional options that can be setted when the 30-man raid comes out.

    Q: We expect that gathering 30 people for a raid could be a difficult task as well. Are there any plans on making a system for aiding party recruitment?

    A: We're planning on releasing a system for easier recruitment soon.
    For now, we're preparing a patch to let party members roam around town freely and communicate even after the boat has been made.

    And by the time the 30-man raid is released, the general game system will be reorganized. We will make sure that none of these concerns will materialize so please look foward to this new content.

    Q: Party feathers or Evie's levitation could have different implications on this scale. How are these going to be balanced?

    A: We were expecting the need to fix some stats on some items and skills on 30-man raids since there was no content of this scale.
    One thing we are thinking of is having party feathers and levitation function differently than it is now.

    Q: There was also a mentioning on a 8-man raid with four bosses on the update plan. Could you give more details on this?

    A: Out current plan is to have players stand on specific locations and have the mosters summoned. Once the monsters of summoned each room is going to get close of so the players will battle in each room in four pairs.

    There are more battle styles being planned as well

    Q: Kalok's secondary weapon and the new chracter Kai has also been revealed. How is the progress on these?

    A: Both Kalok's secondary weapon and Kai are being tested with prototypes.

    We're trying a variety of weapons for Kalok's secondary, of those including the ones on the pictures we had revealed. When we decide on which one we'll go with, we'll anounce it on the developer's notes.

    As for Kai, we're trying a all new aproach that is beyond merely a 'different apearance and different motions'. This is something we've been trying to do with each new character.

    Since Kai is going to be Heroe's first ranged character, we're taking that much effort to make this work.
    Fun factor is, of course, our first priority in development.

    Q: It was once said that the 5th character could not be Kai, what was the reasons in finalizing the decision on Kai? And will Kai be a male as in the illustration?

    A: We have wanted to develope Kai for quite awhile but we haven't been able to put it in progress untill now. Kai was originally planned to be released before Evie but had been postponed.

    The reason we decided on Kai was that since Heroes is based an a fantasy background, we thought a bow-and-arrow character was a must.

    We mentioned the possibility of Kai not being the fifth character because after developing Kalok, we were trying to proceed development without being restrained too much on plans that were years old.

    As for gender, Kai was originally planned to be a male but considering the demand for female characters in Asian regions we had to reconsider.

    There were ideas for making a character without a gender-lock and there was even a joke of making a character that changes gender depending on the situation like Lanma [japanese anime where the main character changes into a girl when he's drenched in cold water, warm water reverses the effect]

    Currently Kai is practically opted to be a male but, since we need to see how things go, we can't be 100% sure yet.

    Q: Once Kai comes out, all of the five characters that were anounced will be released. Are there plans for making more characters?

    A: Our goal is to have a new character each year. There will be more character after Kai.

    If Kai comes out as a male we would expect the next one to be female but since we're still at the stage of setting up a plan we can't say for sure yet.

    Q: When is Episode 9 expected to be released? Are there going to be any lv cap increase or new towns?

    A: We're planning to have Episode 9 out by late June.

    Episode 9 will not only have story progress but also ranking system, skill tab renewal and more

    There won't be any increase in the lv cap and nor is there any plans for a new town for this update.

    Q: Please explain how the guild system will be changed

    A: Guilds will have added functions like guild storages and it will get easier to use guild functions.

    Guilds will gain level and guilds skills depending on the activitiy of guild members

    We are still discussing on what kinds of skills we will add.

    We're also going to add guild PvP like the mass PvP video we showed recently. This will take place on dedicated servers in order to prevent lagg

    Q: How is the ranking system going to be implemented?

    A: The ranking system is for self satisfaction.

    Along with being able to set goals in-game, players will get to feel pride for the achievments they make.

    We will make sure that non-battle elements will also take a big part in the ranking system.

    User feedback

    Q: Hacking and 3rd party programs have been a big issue lately, any plans on addressing this issue?

    A: We are aware that many players feel that our actions against hackers are too weak. But because we have to follow Nexon protocol, it's difficult for us to apply different measures on our own.

    Also, we feel wary about increasing the penalty from 1st time 15day ban 2nd time perma-ban due to the risk of pushing out punishments too far.

    The aproach we are attempting is to rather block out all attempts of hacking in the first place. The hacking shield has recently been upgraded to address the issues on 3rd party programs

    And there has been many hacking incidents in NA due to the game being based on the Source Engine. We have finished our counter measures against these issues and plan to implement them on live servers as soons as possible.

    Q: 1:1 trade has been something that had been requested for a long time. How do you feel about adding this feature?

    A: 1:1 trade has been something the development team had been discussing for quite awhile.

    But actual implications had been pushed behind due to updates that were higher priority. We already have made some progress in making the system.

    We hope to implement this soon since we also expect this to help stimulate the community of the game.

    Q : The demand for non-combat content is increasing. What kind of plans do you have for this?

    A: It has been something we've been discussing for a long time. As we have said in our update plan for 2011, we plan to go with a 'keeping the tradition with more content' pcyhe.

    And the 'more content' part is where non-combat content fall into. We're still debating over what kind of factors we should add for the community.

    Yet, we are aware that the kind of content that players want vary, so we'll make sure we don't lean towards on a certain aspect.

    Q: There's also a high demand for unlimited cash inner-wear like the one that was sold during last Christmas. Do you have any plans on adding more?

    A: It's been something we've been wanting to do for a while but we're carefull on setting a date on this.
    We would like the players to understand that our priority for now is not adding additional cash content, but regaining trust.

    If the demand persists, we do have the intention on adding more.

    'To our players'

    Q: Whats the main goal for 2011?

    A: We intend to release content according to the plans that we have revealed and refine it in ways that are not detrimental to the originall concept.

    This year, we're going to concentrate on giving a finishing what we have planned instead of trying any new, wild attempts.

    As said earlier, we want to 'keep the tradition with more content' this year.

    Q: Anything you want to say to the players?

    Director Lee Un Suk : 30-man raids and Kai is merely the begining. There is alot more in store for the future of Heroes.

    I hope to see a new wind of change with the new director Han Jae Ho. Although there is a lot of misunderstandings about him withing the gaming community, he's one of the most trustworthy developer within the team and I hold faith in him as does the whole team.

    He excells in passion and drive in which he is a rolemodel for other employs and also is talented in making dreams into reality.
    There are alot of bad rumors surrounding him but he's a talented developer and I hope the players can find their trust in him.

    Director Han Jae Ho : Since we're talking about rumors there is one thing I would like to clear out. I have never taken any role in developing Maple Story. I wanted to make this clear because not only is it discourteous to me, but also to the development team of Maple Story.

    I have mentioned in the developers note that I am aware that the players don't trust me and that my goal is to regain trust. And the only way to do this is to change this with my actions.

    It's hard to reveal the extent of the content we're planning this year right now but I promise that it will be big and make sure that Heroes doesn't fall behind the anticipated games that are planned to be released this year.

    We're going to do our best to provide the best quality gaming experience for our users.

    Stay and watch, and I promise that I won't let anyone down.

    Live Teamleader Jeung Sung Woo : We are recieving alot of suggestions in improving spear lanns and we would like players to know that we too have alot of affection for spear lann as well.

    We promise to release a supurb update as soon as it's ready.

    And we will keep our users updated on progress through developer notes and throughly test the changes on test servers and moniter feedback so rest assured.

    Art Teamleader Park Sung Sup : The dragon and new character will look amazing with the unique feeling of Heroes so we hope you all look foward to it. We'll make sure to reach your expectations.

    Nguồn : vindictushq.com​

    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 23/7/11
  2. KeoC4

    KeoC4 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bác post thêm vk của ep 8 và ep 9 đi xem cho sướng , thấy bảo vk ep 9 đẹp lắm mà
  3. bloodyangel1993

    bloodyangel1993 Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cơ bản là đánh con pyro ta sẽ có set pyro dành cho lann và fiona
    đánh con koalehuyk ( phiên âm thế chả biết tiếng Anh là j ) ta sẽ có set dành cho karok và evie
    còn set raider thì ai cũng biết cả
  4. Mũi Tên Bạc

    Mũi Tên Bạc Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Edit thêm chỉ số Stamina cho item sets Ep 9, đây là điểm khác biệt nhất so với các set cùng loại.
    Hôm qua ko để ý nên có thiếu sót :|

    To all : ông nào thạo tiếng Hàn có thể dịch tên mấy set này cho anh em ?
  5. aceinthehold

    aceinthehold Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Kết nhất cái set của Karok , đó chính là set mình mong đợi :)), còn mấy set khác def cũng tuơng đuơng với mấy set Lorica, Vehem, Chiulin, DrW thôi thì xài mấy set cũ cho lành. chạy theo chắc chết quá ,
  6. macphuc89

    macphuc89 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Lonely Land
    quan trọng là cái bonus stamina kìa, chứ nhìn tổng thể thì thà xài set 61 ep 7 cho lành (ta sẽ fuse set của lann - trừ cái gloves)

    ---------- Post added at 10:54 ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 ----------

    mới xem lại mấy cái stat của dòng weapon lann, rút ra kết luận:

    sẽ xài Glas Sword (Damage 5k3 crit 46 bal 62 atk speed 3 str 94 agi 29 wil 53)

    đang phân vân với cây Glas spear, stat cũng khá imba.... phân vân quá >< (crit 48 atk speed -3 bal 56)
  7. otcayxe

    otcayxe Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Tp Hồ Chí Minh
    xem qua cái A&Q kia thì nó sẽ có hệ thống pty mới cho chế độ 30 người cùng raid .. chắc là khỏi sợ lag rồi :)
    và : " Our goal is to have a new character each year. There will be more character after Kai" :x
    btw : cái set đầu tiên của lann kia thay mũ đó = cái mũ frostheart hunter thì đẹp phết
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 24/7/11
  8. zZNewAssassinZz

    zZNewAssassinZz The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cho dù có thêm char mới nhưng gameplay vẫn ko thay đổi theo chiều hướng thế giới mở thì vẫn sẽ gây nhàm chán thôi [​IMG]
  9. otcayxe

    otcayxe Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Tp Hồ Chí Minh
    ờ thì nếu đội ngũ pt vindictus ko muốn game nó chết thì kiểu gì chẳng phải thay đổi về gameplay
    như việc làm cái raid 30 người cũng là thay đổi( chính xác là thêm) cần thiết rồi
  10. zZNewAssassinZz

    zZNewAssassinZz The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thay đổi gameplay của 1 game nói thì dễ nhưng thực hiện ko hề đơn giản ... hầu như phải viết lại ít nhất 50% game ... do đó biến Vindictus thành 1 game thế giới mở có lẽ chỉ là 1 mơ ước xa vời ... [​IMG]
  11. KeoC4

    KeoC4 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    1 thế giới khác trong vin ư .... có lẽ nào sẽ có thêm máy bay , xe tăng , robot , công nghệ hiên đại chăng .... thay vi cưỡi ngựa như thời xưa chắc tớ sắm 1 con LX cưỡi vi vu:))
  12. hutchbaka

    hutchbaka Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bộ mới của fiona + tới 42 stamina :o
    Kiểu này butterfly swing xoay được thêm 2 vòng
  13. dhanvn

    dhanvn Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    so với các set cũ mấy set này hơn được cái là thêm it staminal còn thì def giảm khoảng 200, và đặc biệt crit res giảm thê thảm. trước toàn 50% crit res giờ còn có khoảng 25 đến 30% crit thế này boss hay quái nó đánh trúng quả nào thì crit quả đó mất. ngoài ra set mới hơn các set cũ ở điểm rất quan trọng nữa là nó đẹp. đặc biệt set của karok đẹp mê hồn. mình nghĩ nó chơi cái bài set mới ra thì đẹp hơn set cũ nhiều nhưng lại ko mạnh hơn thậm chí còn yếu hơn mục đích là để người chơi phải bỏ NX ra mua fuse stone đây mà. NX kinh doanh ác thật
  14. theluckyone

    theluckyone T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Link so sánh chỉ số giữa các bộ đồ mà Evie đang có so với set sắp tới Wonderland ( bạn nào chơi char khác có thể add thêm bộ mới = cách search ở ô kế bên và delete hết những bộ đang hiển thị đi ).
    Vì trước giờ mình chưa thấy ai post hình cách này nên mình link cho mọi ng tham khảo, cái này nhanh lắm có thống kê sẵn chỉ số nào của set nào là cao nhất luôn!
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 25/7/11
  15. dhanvn

    dhanvn Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hic cái bộ của fiona có 27 %crit res, kiểu này pvp dính phát nào crit phát đó. chẳng may ăn 1 phát stigma của đối thủ thì đi luôn
  16. NeroX

    NeroX Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Có fuse mấy set plate của lann vào plate của karok với fiona được không nhỉ. Cùng là plate armor mà.
  17. macphuc89

    macphuc89 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Lonely Land
    tất nhiên là dc, với dk cái set fuse đó bạn phải mặc dc.

    ví dụ như bạn fuse set Ingkells vào set BH >>> ok

    nhưng nếu fuse Ingkells vào Holy >>> ok nhưng ko mặc dc vì Holy là set chuyên dụng cua Fiona mặc dù nó cũng là plate armor

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