Tình hình là sắp update demon nên mình tổng hợp một số thông tin lại cho mọi người dễ theo dõi. Mục lục: I. Giới thiệu II. Cốt truyện III. Ưu điểm và nhược điểm IV. Trang bị IVa. Force Sheilds IVb. Scepters V. Job Guide Va. Beginner Job Vb. First Job Vc. Second Job Vd. Third Job Ve. Forth Job VI. Quest VII.Credits I. Giới thiệu: [spoil] Demon Slayer là một job mới theo thuộc resistance. Demon Slayer là warrior sử dụng STR là chỉ số chính và sử dụng vũ khí bao gồm Scepters, Maces and Axes cùng với Force shield tăng DF (Thay thế mana), def và stat. Demon Slayer là job đầu tiên để giới thiệu DF (Demon Force) thay vì mana để sử dụng các skill. Bạn có thể bổ sung DF bằng 2 cách 1 là dùng skill đánh quái lấy DF, và cách còn lại là dùng skill passive để tự hồi phục DF (thông tin chi tiết trong phần giới thiệu skill)[/spoil] II. Cốt truyện [spoil]The story-line of the Demon Slayer starts 100 years ago in the Temple of Time. The Demon Slayer has served the Black Magician for many years but he suddenly notices the evil in the Black magician and decides he can no longer serve him. He sees Masetuma, one of the Black Magicians servants and tells him of what he has decided and what made him think that way. He then goes to face Akylum, a general of the Black Magicians army. Days before this encounter, he met with the other generals of the Black Mage: Orca, Von Leon and Akylum. It turns out they are discussing to burn his town, hearing this the Demon Slayer storms out and hurries to his town. He arrives only to see his town in flames. He quickly spots the pendant that his wife wore and comes to the realization that his family is dead by the hands of the black mage. The Demon Slayer returns to the Temple of Time. Upon arriving he see Akylum, he attacks Akylum out of sheer rage but achieves nothing. Akylum summons a couple of monsters on him but the Demon Slayers kill them quickly. The Demon Slayer underestimates Akylum. Akylum traps the Demon Slayer and Masetuma inside a sphere. After hundreds of years, he wakes up and easily cracks the sphere. He finds himself in a lab in Edelstein surrounded by two rabbit guards, the same rabbits from the Mercedes storyline. He is so infuriated and confused that he kills them. At once the character "J" comes out of hiding and recruits the Demon Slayer to fight for the resistance. From that point on all of the quests involve the Demon Slayer exacting his revenge on all those who had killed his family. (nguồn http://www.ellinforest.com)[/spoil] III. Ưu điểm và nhược điểm [spoil]Ưu điểm: Máu trâu với skill tăng HP của war và thêm 1 skill nữa ở job 4 DS có lượng máu đủ cho bạn đú đởn với các loại boss trong game trừ những thành phần nguy hiểm def cũng khá trâu train quái trên lv thoải mái vì máu trâu def cao và dam khá tởm với demon impact và nhiều skill khác của job 4 thì demon hứa hẹn là 1 job săn boss khá tốt có cánh (nghĩa đen đấy chứ ko phải diana j đâu ) bay dc nhảy cao dc di chuyển khá tiện lợi ko cần xài mana nên đỡ tốn pot hơn có ai cãi ko có sẵn power stance 100% như mech ấy Nhược điểm: ko tốn mana nhưng tốn nhiều máu hơn có quá nhiều ưu điểm [/spoil] IV. Trang bị [spoil]DS dc tính vào hàng ngũ những warrior đẹp trai cao to cơ bắp đầy ng chính vì thế đương nhiên là hắn ta sẽ dùng tất cả những j war dùng dc ngoài ra thì hắn ta dùng dc thêm 2 loại trang bị đặc biệt bao gồm Force Shields và Scepters. Force Shields: [spoil] Force Shield of Patience (level 10) MaxDF +20, WDEF +10, MDEF +5, MaxLV 4 Force Shield of Will (level 30) MaxDF +50, WDEF +30, MDEF +15, MaxHP +150, MaxLV 4 Force Shield of Power (level 70) MaxDF +80, WDEF +60, MDEF +30, MaxHP +350, STR +7, DEX +7, MaxLV 4 Ultimate Force Shield (level 120) MaxDF +110, WDEF +85, MDEF +45, MaxHP +600, STR +12, DEX +12, MaxLV 9 [/spoil] Scepters [spoil] Doomed Scepter 29 attack (level 10) Dignity Scepter 49 attack (level 30) Assurance Scepter 69 attack (level 50) Demon Bane 83 attack (level 70) Evil Bane 108 attack (level 120) [/spoil] [/spoil] V. Job Guide Va. Beginner Job [spoil] Dark Winds: You can move quickly using the Devil Wings. (Riding Skill) 150% speed and 120% jump. (1st-3rd job) Devil Wings: You can move quickly using the Devil Wings. (Riding Skill) 190% speed and 120% jump. (4th job) Demon Jump: The Devil Wings can be used in a variety of jump skills (high jump, double jump, glide). High jump: jump + ↑↑, double jump: jump + →→ or ←←, glide: jump while in the air Fury Unleashed: When attacking bosses, your inner rage increases your damage and additional Force is absorbed. (Link Skill) 10% boss damage and an additional 6 Force is replenished. Demonic Blood: Demons are born with a strong will and overwhelming charisma. Gives you level 20 Will and Charisma. You have a 100% stance effect. Curse of Fury: There is a chance of instant death when attacking an enemy. When the target is instantly killed, you replenish HP and Force. 5% chance of instant death when attacking. If the effect activates, replenish 5% HP and 5 Force. [/spoil] Vb. First Job [spoil] Demon Lash: Attack enemies in front of you by hitting them with 4 consecutive attacks. Force is absorbed when using this skill. At max level (10), the first and second attacks hit 6 enemies for 100% each. The third attack hits 6 enemies for 90% each two times. The fourth attack hits 6 enemies for 90% each three times. (Note: you must keep pressing the skill key for the next attack to be performed, similar to Aran) Skill chính của DS để hồi phục DF chơi DS bạn sẽ spam skill này như aran nên chuẩn bị bàn phím mới trc đi nhé Grim Scythe: Summon the demon’s scythe to attack a number of enemies in front of you at the same time continuously. (Prerequisite – 1 Demon Slash) At max level (15), consumes 3 Force and 15 HP, hits up to 8 enemies for 85% damage 3 times as long as the skill key is held down. 1 skill khá vô dụng vì chỉ cần demon slash là bạn đã qua được job 2 nhàn nhã và vui vẻ rùi Battle Pact: Consume HP to increase the attacking speed of your one handed axe or one handed blunt weapon. (Prerequisite – 5 Demon Slash) At max level (20), consumes 80 HP to increase attacking speed for 180 seconds. Shadow Swiftness: Permanently increase accuracy, speed, and jump. (Prerequisite – 1 Demon Slash) At max level (10), gives 200 accuracy, 25 speed, and 20 jump. HP Boost: Permanently increase maximum HP. (Prerequisite – 1 Demon Slash) At max level (10), increases HP by 20% [/spoil] Hướng nâng skill đề nghị: [spoil]Đủ point để max hết nên cứ làm tới đi ko cần phải xoắn [/spoil]
Vc. Second Job [spoil] Barbed Lash: Permanently increases the damage of Demon Lash. At max level (1), increases Demon Lash’s damage by 40%. Soul Eater: Drag many enemies in front of you towards yourself. At max level (20), consumes 6 Force and 45 HP, hits up to 8 enemies for 150% damage 4 times and also drags them towards you as long as the skill key is held down. Dark Thrust: Dash forward pushing a large number of enemies. At max level (20), consumes 10 Force, hits up to 8 enemies for 105% damage 3 times Chaos Lock: Attack enemies near you by tracing their position. There is a chance to stun your targets, and you can teleport your character in one direction by using the arrow keys. At max level (15), consumes 18 Force, hits up to 6 enemies for 305% damage, 90% chance to stun for 3 seconds. Vengeance : Reflect damage given to you by the enemy, with a chance of stunning them. However, you cannot inflict more than half their HP at one time. At max level (20), consumes 150 HP, for 180 seconds, reflect up to 400% of the damage you receive. There is a 90% chance of stunning the target for 5 seconds. Weapon Mastery: Increase your mastery of one handed axes and one handed blunt weapons, as well as your accuracy. At max level (20), increases mastery by 50% and increases accuracy by 120. Physical Training: Increase your strength and dexterity permanently. At max level (10), increase STR and DEX by 30. Outrage: Permanently increase attack and critical chance. At max level (20), increase attack by 25 and critical chance by 20%.[/spoil] Hướng nâng skill đề nghị: [spoil] 30. 1 Soul Eater (1), 1 Dark Thrust (1), 1 Barbed Lash (1), 1 Chaos Lock (1) 31. 3 Outrage (3) 32. 3 Outrage (6) 33. 3 Outrage (9) 34. 3 Outrage (12) 35. 3 Outrage (15) 36. 3 Outrage (18) 37. 2 Outrage (MAX), 1 Weapon Mastery (1) 38. 3 Weapon Mastery (4) 39. 3 Weapon Mastery (7) 40. 3 Weapon Mastery (10) 41. 3 Weapon Mastery (13) 42. 3 Weapon Mastery (16) 43. 3 Weapon Mastery (19) 44. 1 Weapon Mastery (MAX), 2 Physical Training (2) 45. 3 Physical Training (5) 46. 3 Physical Training (8) 47. 2 Physical Training (MAX), 1 Soul Eater (2) 48. 3 Soul Eater (5) 49. 3 Soul Eater (8) 50. 3 Soul Eater (11) 51. 3 Soul Eater (14) 52. 3 Soul Eater (17) 53. 3 Soul Eater (MAX) 54. 3 Dark Thrust (4) 55. 3 Dark Thrust (7) 56. 3 Dark Thrust (10) 57. 3 Dark Thrust (13) 58. 3 Dark Thrust (16) 59. 3 Dark Thrust (19) 60. 1 Dark Thrust (MAX), 2 Vengeance (2) 61. 3 Vengeance (5) 62. 3 Vengeance (8) 63. 3 Vengeance (11) 64. 3 Vengeance (14) 65. 3 Vengeance (17) 66. 3 Vengeance (MAX) 67. 3 Chaos Lock (4) 68. 3 Chaos Lock (7) 69. 3 Chaos Lock (10) 70. 3 Chaos Lock (13) Kết quả: Max tất cả trừ Chaos Lock để 13 [/spoil] Vd. Third Job [spoil] Demon Lash Arch: Permanently increases the damage of Demon Lash. At max level (1), increases Demon Lash’s damage by 80% (cumulative damage increase of 120%). Judgment: Attack a large number of enemies in all directions inflicting fatal damage. At max level (20), consumes 40 Force and 300 HP, hits up to 10 enemies for 300% damage 4 times with a 40% critical chance. Vortex of Doom: Drag many enemies towards you while inflicting damage. There is a chance to stun your targets. At max level (20), consumes 18 Force, attack up to 10 enemies for 190% damage 3 times. 90% chance to stun the targets for 5 seconds. Raven Storm: Summon bloodthirsty ravens to attack a large number of enemies in front of you, damage inflicted will be used to heal HP. At max level (20), consumes 25 Force, hits up to 8 enemies for 170% damage 4 times, up to 40% of your HP will be healed. There is a cooldown of 10 seconds. Carrion Breath: The Poison Demon’s strong poison is spewed around you hitting a large number of enemies. Targets will take damage over time. At max level (20), consumes 12 Force and 80 HP per attack, hits up to 10 enemies for 169% damage 4 times as long as the skill key is held down. Targets will take 135% damage every second for 8 seconds. Black-Hearted Strength: Increase defense, resistance to states, and resistance to elements. At max level (20), consumes 200 HP, for 180 seconds, increase defense by 100% and resistance to states and elements by 80%. Insult to Injury: When the enemy is inflicted with a status effect, further increase your damage and critical chance. At max level (15), when the enemy is inflicted with a status effect, increase damage and critical chance by 15%. Focused Fury: Through concentrating your mind, permanently increase damage and attack speed by 1 stage. At max level (20), increase damage by 25% and attack speed by 1 stage. Force Guard: Guard against an enemy’s attack using the Force Shield. If the guard is successful, the Force Gauge and HP will be replenished slightly. At max level (15), there is a 30% chance of guarding against an attack, if the guard is successful, 3% of your HP and 5 Force will be replenished. Max Fury: When using Demon Slash, there is a chance to acquire extra Force, and you automatically recover Force every 4 seconds. At max level (5), when using Demon Slash, there is a 70% chance of acquiring extra Force, automatically recover 10 Force every 4 seconds. [/spoil] Hướng nâng skill đề nghị: [spoil] 70. 1 Demon Slash 2nd Reinforcement, 1 Death Draw (1), 1 Dark Judgment (1), 1 Blood Raven (1) 71. 1 Demonic Breath (1), 1 Concentration (1), 1 Max Force (1) 72. 3 Max Force (4) 73. 1 Max Force (MAX), 2 Concentration (3) 74. 3 Concentration (6) 75. 3 Concentration (9) 76. 3 Concentration (12) 77. 3 Concentration (15) 78. 3 Concentration (18) 79. 2 Concentration (MAX), 1 Force Guard (1) 80. 3 Force Guard (4) 81. 3 Force Guard (7) 82. 3 Force Guard (10) 83. 3 Force Guard (13) 84. 2 Force Guard (MAX), 1 Blood Raven (2) 85. 3 Blood Raven (5) 86. 3 Blood Raven (8) 87. 3 Blood Raven (11) 88. 3 Blood Raven (14) 89. 3 Blood Raven (17) 90. 3 Blood Raven (MAX) 91. 3 Dark Endure (3) 92. 3 Dark Endure (6) 93. 3 Dark Endure (9) 94. 3 Dark Endure (12) 95. 3 Dark Endure (15) 96. 3 Dark Endure (18) 97. 2 Dark Endure (MAX), 1 Demonic Breath (2) 98. 3 Demonic Breath (5) 99. 3 Demonic Breath (8) 100. 3 Demonic Breath (11) 101. 3 Demonic Breath (14) 102. 3 Demonic Breath (17) 103. 3 Demonic Breath (MAX) 104. 3 Dark Judgment (4) 105. 3 Dark Judgment (7) 106. 3 Dark Judgment (10) 107. 3 Dark Judgment (13) 108. 3 Dark Judgment (16) 109. 2 Dark Judgment (18), 1 Evil Torture (1) 110. 3 Evil Torture (4) 111. 3 Evil Torture (7) 112. 3 Evil Torture (10) 113. 3 Evil Torture (13) 114. 2 Evil Torture (MAX), 1 Death Draw (2) 115. 3 Death Draw (5) 116. 3 Death Draw (8) 117. 3 Death Draw (11) 118. 3 Death Draw (14) 119. 3 Death Draw (17) 120. 3 Death Draw (MAX) Final : Max hết và bạn có thể chọn max demon breath hay dark judgment max 1 cái và cái còn lại để 18 [/spoil] Ve. Forth Job [spoil] Demon Slash Final Upgrade: Permanently increases the damage of Demon Slash. At max level (1), increases Demon Slash’s damage by 160% (cumulative damage increase of 280%). Demon Explosion: Enemies all around you are shot into the air then inflicted with fatal damage. At max level (30), consumes 80 Force and 600 HP, attacks up to 10 enemies for 400% damage and sends them into the air, then attacks them with 335% damage 4 times with a 100% critical chance. Demon Impact: Thrust forward instantaneously and inflict fatal damage to a large number of enemies. When attacking a boss monster, Demon Impact has additional critical chance and inflicts extra damage. At max level (30), consumes 30 Force, attacks up to 3 enemies for 400% damage 5 times. If the monster is a boss, there will be a 100% critical chance, 50% defense will be ignored, and 30% extra damage. Devil Cry: An instant burst of power is released to attack enemies all around you. Targets’ defense and accuracy will be decreased and experience and item drop rate will be increased. At max level (20), consumes 500 HP and 60 Force, hits up to 15 enemies for 210% damage 5 times. For 15 seconds, the targets’ defense will be decreased by 15% and their accuracy will be decreased by 20% while their experience and item drop rate will be increased by 20%. Dark Bind: Attacks a large number of enemies and inflicts damage over time. In addition, passively allows you to ignore monsters’ defense, including bosses. At max level (20), consumes 120 Force, attacks up to 15 enemies for 900% damage, the target is inflicted with 200% damage every second for 15 seconds. There is a cooldown of 120 seconds. Permanently ignore 20% of monsters’ defense. Metamorphosis: For a certain period of time, increase damage and HP. Two dark orbs will rotate around the caster and attack enemies that are close-by multiple times. At max level (30), consumes 75 Force and 300 HP, for 180 seconds, increase damage by 35% and HP by 20%, the orbs will hit 150% damage. Infinity Force: Instead of spending Force for attacks, there is no restriction on Force skills. However, this skill’s cooldown cannot be ignored (Time Leap). At max level (15), consumes 120 Force, for 30 seconds, use Force skills with no restriction. There is a cooldown of 300 seconds. Vampiric Touch: For a certain period of time, damage inflicted by party members will be used to heal their HP. However, more than 3% of their HP cannot be healed at one time. At max level (10), consumes 50 Force, for 180 seconds, 3% of your party members’ damage will be used to heal HP. Maple Warrior: Increase the stats of all party members by a certain percentage. At max level (30), consumes 500 HP and increases all stats by 15% for 900 seconds. Advanced Weapon Mastery: Mastery of the one handed axe and one handed blunt weapon, minimum critical damage, and attack is increased. (Prerequisite – 20 Weapon Mastery) At max level (30), mastery is increased to 70%, increase attack by 30 and minimum critical damage by 15%. Hard Skin: Permanently strengthen the body to decrease damage taken from enemies. At max level (30), permanently reduce damage taken by 20%. [/spoil] Hướng nâng skill đề nghị: [spoil] 120. 1 Demon Slash Final Reinforcement, 1 Vampiric Touch (1), 1 Demon Impact (1), 1 Dark Bind (1) 121. 1 Demon Explosion (1), 1 Devil Cry (1), 1 Infinite Force (1) 122. 1 Weapon Expertise (1), 2 Metamorphosis (2) 123. 3 Metamorphosis (5) 124. 3 Metamorphosis (8) 125. 3 Metamorphosis (11) 126. 3 Metamorphosis (14) 127. 3 Metamorphosis (17) 128. 3 Metamorphosis (20) 129. 3 Metamorphosis (23) 130. 3 Metamorphosis (26) 131. 3 Metamorphosis (29) 132. 1 Metamorphosis (MAX), 2 Weapon Expertise (3) 133. 3 Weapon Expertise (6) 134. 3 Weapon Expertise (9) 135. 3 Weapon Expertise (12) 136. 3 Weapon Expertise (15) 137. 3 Weapon Expertise (18) 138. 3 Weapon Expertise (21) 139. 3 Weapon Expertise (24) 140. 3 Weapon Expertise (27) 141. 3 Weapon Expertise (MAX) 142. 3 Vampiric Touch (4) 143. 3 Vampiric Touch (7) 144. 3 Vampiric Touch (MAX) 145. 3 Demon Impact (4) 146. 3 Demon Impact (7) 147. 3 Demon Impact (10) 148. 3 Demon Impact (13) 149. 3 Demon Impact (16) 150. 3 Demon Impact (19) 151. 3 Demon Impact (22) 152. 3 Demon Impact (25) 153. 3 Demon Impact (28) 154. 2 Demon Impact (MAX), 1 Dark Bind (2) 155. 3 Dark Bind (5) 156. 3 Dark Bind (8) 157. 3 Dark Bind (11) 158. 3 Dark Bind (14) 159. 3 Dark Bind (17) 160. 3 Dark Bind (MAX) 161. 3 Maple Warrior (3) 162. 3 Maple Warrior (6) 163. 3 Maple Warrior (9) 164. 3 Maple Warrior (12) 165. 3 Maple Warrior (15) 166. 3 Maple Warrior (18) 167. 1 Maple Warrior (19), 2 Devil Cry (3) 168. 3 Devil Cry (6) 169. 3 Devil Cry (9) 170. 3 Devil Cry (12) 171. 3 Devil Cry (15) 172. 3 Devil Cry (18) 173. 2 Devil Cry (MAX), 1 Hard Skin (1) 174. 3 Hard Skin (4) 175. 3 Hard Skin (7) 176. 3 Hard Skin (10) 177. 3 Hard Skin (13) 178. 3 Hard Skin (16) 179. 3 Hard Skin (19) 180. 3 Hard Skin (22) 181. 3 Hard Skin (25) 182. 3 Hard Skin (28) 183. 2 Hard Skin (MAX), 1 Maple Warrior (20) 184. 3 Maple Warrior (23) 185. 3 Maple Warrior (26) 186. 3 Maple Warrior (29) 187. 3 Demon Explosion (4) 188. 3 Demon Explosion (7) 189. 3 Demon Explosion (10) 190. 3 Demon Explosion (13) 191. 3 Demon Explosion (16) 192. 3 Demon Explosion (19) 193. 3 Demon Explosion (22) 194. 3 Demon Explosion (25) 195. 3 Demon Explosion (28) 196. 2 Demon Explosion (MAX), 1 Infinite Force (2) 197. 3 Infinite Force (5) 198. 3 Infinite Force (8) 199. 3 Infinite Force (11) 200. 3 Infinite Force (14) [/spoil] VI. Quest Chuyển job 2 [spoil][video=youtube;g_0L0lVqMT0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_0L0lVqMT0&feature=player_embedded[/video][/spoil] Chuyển job 3 [spoil][video=youtube;-gg1isPdeCA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gg1isPdeCA&feature=player_embedded[/video][/spoil] Chuyển job 4 [spoil][video=youtube;Ym_amSFcMb0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym_amSFcMb0&feature=player_embedded[/video][/spoil]
Cái này ko đúng lắm. DS có 2 skill drain HP cực mạnh là raven storm ở j3 và vampire touch ở j4 với 2 skill này di mob hầu như ko tốn 1 bình hp pot nào
Demon Slayer chơi = game controll phê miễn bàn Mà sao 3 cái class mới có skill 70 buff cho char khác, sướng phê lòi ra
Mình nghĩ là ko nên max Raven storm Vì max lvl 20 vẫn có cooldown 10 secs. Trong người thì chắc chắn lúc nào cũng fai mang theo HP pots rồi. Nên để max 2 cái kia còn raven lvl 13 thì hơn Đọc hết description của từng skill thì thấy tnay` hợp lý hơn ở job 3
@hải : nên max raven còn cái vortex of doom ko max cái này vô dụng =.= ra chiêu chậm + ko hiệu quả thường thì sau khi dùng chiêu này để gom mob rồi xài judgment hoặc demon breath dể kết thúc nhưng mà judment với breath đều có range rộng gần như toàn màn hình nên ko cần gom mob về làm gì. rush thì dùng dark thrust ở j2 rồi raven nên max khi max cd giảm heal nhiều hp hơn, sau này có đi vol hay empress thì còn có cái mà xài
jud với poison thì mình chỉ cần max 1 cái nên mình thích max raven hơn rush thì chỉ từ 1 hướng sang còn vortex thì lure về giữa nên combo với jud hoặc poison tiện hơn hihi
Hiện tại đa số các class đều có skill tăng chỉ số phụ (+30 primary and secondary stat) nên gần như không cần thiết phải tăng chỉ số phụ. Tốt nhất để 4, còn nếu thấy thiếu tăng lên 30 là vừa đủ. DS là class warrior, mà đồ class này thì chỉ cần str, cứ str mà bấm, không cần quan tâm dex làm gì.
Cho hỏi một bộ EQ khỏe cho nhà nghèo đc ko?Cho biết luôn tên Monsters,để biết đường mà đi,ko thì cho luôn thì tốt quá ^^~ Job 4,15x mà dam 6~7k nhìn oải quá....