Hướng dẫn Download + tạo tài khoản RO2: Lots

Thảo luận trong 'Ragnarok' bắt đầu bởi coolzero, 21/2/12.

  1. [Gustav]Lovely

    [Gustav]Lovely Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Làm sao để gõ được cái chữ hàn kia
  2. cernarius

    cernarius Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    ^: copy rồi dán vô là được, đã thử hết thấy tui nó spam
  3. tumlumtualua

    tumlumtualua Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    roi thay ai chat nua ko :D, vơi lại sao toi chep font han roi ma toan thay O^ vuong nhi~
  4. [Gustav]Lovely

    [Gustav]Lovely Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ai 17 18 pt làm Q không? làm 1 mình tốn máu quá.
  5. never_ending

    never_ending Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ngõ nhỏ đó.
    Đùa chứ chơi bực mình không tả được. từ tối đến h, thời gian dis và lag còn nhiều gấp mấy lần thời gian chơi được game . mất 3,4p mới vào được game ,chơi được chưa đầy 1p là dis ,3 tiếng rồi mà không up nổi 1 lv. Như này chắc điên quá x-(
  6. cernarius

    cernarius Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Tỉ lệ syn mấy cái card thành công là 50%, mà sao mình syn phát nào là đi luôn 5 cái card mà chả được gì :(
  7. [Gustav]Lovely

    [Gustav]Lovely Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thể nào cũng maint vài phát nữa cho coi lag vả dis điên cuồng luôn mỗi buổi sáng chơi ngon ngon 1 tí.
    Quả này đổi sang VNPT thôi FPT chơi game nước ngoài như ... ý.
  8. leonharryvn

    leonharryvn Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    nick trong game mình la Quests !! có gì giúp đỡ nhé... mà lag ve kêu ^^ ! Dis khỏi nói luôn....
  9. never_ending

    never_ending Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ngõ nhỏ đó.
    u'r welcome ^^

    mong là trong tuần tới nó fix được và mở thêm server 6 :X chứ không chơi nổi ( không biết bọn korean có bị dis như bọn mình không nhỉ ?)
  10. [Gustav]Lovely

    [Gustav]Lovely Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Không đâu bọn nó chạy mượt lắm chả hiểu sao mà mình lag thế h qua test archer xem sao.
  11. never_ending

    never_ending Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Ngõ nhỏ đó.
    @lovely, ông xem hộ tui 2 cái nv này cái ,trên bản đồ không có điểm để lam NV
    _ thu thập cái gì mà Rugged moutein gaiters


    Đã làm xong NV Meet
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 26/2/12
  12. jmen92

    jmen92 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cái này là bị gì vậy ạ :<

    ---------- Post added at 05:06 ---------- Previous post was at 05:04 ----------

    cái này là bị gì vậy ạ :<<<
  13. deoxyvn

    deoxyvn Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ^ Thường thì có thông báo số giờ nghĩa là đang bảo trì đó bạn :D bạn lùi 2 tiếng là giờ của VN

    Update new Eng Patch
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 26/2/12
  14. granzon

    granzon Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    sáng sớm đã maint chán thế @@!!!!!!!!

    ---------- Post added at 07:48 ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 ----------

    à vô dc rồi :D tưởng maint nữa thì mệt ==
  15. dang2614

    dang2614 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    granzon tạo giúp mình 1 acc dc ko?
    nếu dc gửi dùm mình qua yahoo bin_ban79 nhé!
  16. granzon

    granzon Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ^ mình send rồi đó bạn nhận đi.
    P/s: Ai biết chỗ kiếm ingot ko? :-?
  17. [Gustav]Lovely

    [Gustav]Lovely Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cái đó là cái quần lvl 10 ông vào prontera gặp thằng smith expert để học cách chế tạo

    Ingot có được thì phải hợp từ small rock thành large rock rồi ingot có rồi thì bật J lên để hợp.

    ---------- Post added at 10:02 ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 ----------

    Skill mage đã trans sang Eng chắc chả cần phải trans sang việt đâu nhỉ:

    Intro rev 02/25/2012
    As a magician(매지션) you can promote to a Wizard/Sorcerer at level 25. A magician starts off with 3 different element trees for skills. You will have to prioritize your skill points into certain trees depending on what 2nd tier job you would like to transcend to. I’ll get more in-depth about these later.

    - “Frozen” is used in my translation, I’m not sure of the actual translation, but it seemed to fit perfectly.
    - While being in “Frozen” state, you take double damage from “Lightning” spells.
    - Cast time = CT, Cooldown = CD

    Skills rev 02/25/2012
    Cold Bolt
    CT: 0.5s
    CD: 0.0s
    1 - Attack with a bolt of ice that does 260% of corresponding magic damage. Reduces movement speed of enemy by 40% for 6 seconds.
    2 - Attack with a bolt of ice that does 291% of corresponding magic damage. Reduces movement speed of enemy by 40% for 6 seconds.
    3 - Attack with a bolt of ice that does 321% of corresponding magic damage. Reduces movement speed of enemy by 40% for 6 seconds.
    4 - Attack with a bolt of ice that does 352% of corresponding magic damage. Reduces movement speed of enemy by 40% for 6 seconds.
    5 - Attack with a bolt of ice that does 383% of corresponding magic damage. Reduces movement speed of enemy by 40% for 6 seconds.

    Frost Diver
    CT: 1.5s
    CD: 5.0s
    1 - An intensely cold attack that does 181% of corresponding magic damage. Enemy becomes "Frozen" and cannot move for 2 seconds. Anything "Frozen" takes double damage from "Lightning" attacks.
    2 - An intensely cold attack that does 214% of corresponding magic damage. Enemy becomes "Frozen" and cannot move for 4 seconds. Anything "Frozen" takes double damage from "Lightning" attacks.
    3 - An intensely cold attack that does 247% of corresponding magic damage. Enemy becomes "Frozen" and cannot move for 6 seconds. Anything "Frozen" takes double damage from "Lightning" attacks.

    Speech of Water
    CT: Instant
    CD: 3.0s
    1 - Receive 2% damage reduction and recover 1% HP and SP every 10 seconds. Only one "Speech" buff can remain active at a time.
    2 - Receive 4% damage reduction and recover 2% HP and SP every 10 seconds. Only one "Speech" buff can remain active at a time.
    3 - Receive 6% damage reduction and recover 3% HP and SP every 10 seconds. Only one "Speech" buff can remain active at a time.
    4 - Receive 8% damage reduction and recover 4% HP and SP every 10 seconds. Only one "Speech" buff can remain active at a time.
    5 - Receive 10% damage reduction and recover 5% HP and SP every 10 seconds. Only one "Speech" buff can remain active at a time.

    Fire Bolt
    CT: 1.0s
    CD: 0.0s
    1 - Attack with a fire arrow that does 332% of corresponding magic damage.
    2 - Attack with a fire arrow that does 371% of corresponding magic damage.
    3 - Attack with a fire arrow that does 410% of corresponding magic damage.
    4 - Attack with a fire arrow that does 449% of corresponding magic damage.
    5 - Attack with a fire arrow that does 488% of corresponding magic damage.

    Fire Ball
    CT: 2.0s
    CD: 3.0s
    1 - Attack with a huge fire ball that does 411% of corresponding magic damage.
    2 - Attack with a huge fire ball that does 485% of corresponding magic damage.
    3 - Attack with a huge fire ball that does 560% of corresponding magic damage.

    Fire Bolt Mastery
    1 - After casting "Fire Bolt" there is a 5% chance your next "Fire Bolt" will be instant cast.
    2 - After casting "Fire Bolt" there is a 10% chance your next "Fire Bolt" will be instant cast.
    3 - After casting "Fire Bolt" there is a 15% chance your next "Fire Bolt" will be instant cast.

    Speech of Fire
    CT: Instant
    CD: 3.0s
    1 - Receive a 2% crit rate increase. When "Fire Bolt" or "Fire Ball" hits an enemy, "Speech of Fire" does an additional 8% of inflicted damage over 5 seconds. Only one "Speech" buff can remain active at a time.
    2 - Receive a 4% crit rate increase. When "Fire Bolt" or "Fire Ball" hits an enemy, "Speech of Fire" does an additional 16% of inflicted damage over 5 seconds. Only one "Speech" buff can remain active at a time.
    3 - Receive a 6% crit rate increase. When "Fire Bolt" or "Fire Ball" hits an enemy, "Speech of Fire" does an additional 24% of inflicted damage over 5 seconds. Only one "Speech" buff can remain active at a time.
    4 - Receive a 8% crit rate increase. When "Fire Bolt" or "Fire Ball" hits an enemy, "Speech of Fire" does an additional 32% of inflicted damage over 5 seconds. Only one "Speech" buff can remain active at a time.
    5 - Receive a 10% crit rate increase. When "Fire Bolt" or "Fire Ball" hits an enemy, "Speech of Fire" does an additional 40% of inflicted damage over 5 seconds. Only one "Speech" buff can remain active at a time.

    Lightning Bolt
    CT: Instant
    CD: 0.0s
    1 - Attack with a bolt of lightning that does 148% of corresponding magic damage. This does double damage to enemies that are "Frozen".
    2 - Attack with a bolt of lightning that does 165% of corresponding magic damage. This does double damage to enemies that are "Frozen".
    3 - Attack with a bolt of lightning that does 183% of corresponding magic damage. This does double damage to enemies that are "Frozen".
    4 - Attack with a bolt of lightning that does 200% of corresponding magic damage. This does double damage to enemies that are "Frozen".
    5 - Attack with a bolt of lightning that does 218% of corresponding magic damage. This does double damage to enemies that are "Frozen".

    CT: Instant
    CD: 3.0s
    1 - Attacks upto 10 enemies with lightning that does 86% of corresponding magic damage. It's effectiveness goes up with every use, upto 3 uses.
    2 - Attacks upto 10 enemies with lightning that does 101% of corresponding magic damage. It's effectiveness goes up with every use, upto 3 uses.
    3 - Attacks upto 10 enemies with lightning that does 117% of corresponding magic damage. It's effectiveness goes up with every use, upto 3 uses.

    Speech of Wind
    CT: Instant
    CD: 3.0s
    1 - Increase cast speed by 2%. When "Cold Bolt" hits an enemy, "Speech of Wind" has a 4% chance of causing "Frozen" which only last for two lightning spells. Only one "Speech" buff can remain active at a time.
    2 - Increase cast speed by 4%. When "Cold Bolt" hits an enemy, "Speech of Wind" has a 8% chance of causing "Frozen" which only last for two lightning spells. Only one "Speech" buff can remain active at a time.
    3 - Increase cast speed by 6%. When "Cold Bolt" hits an enemy, "Speech of Wind" has a 12% chance of causing "Frozen" which only last for two lightning spells. Only one "Speech" buff can remain active at a time.
    4 - Increase cast speed by 8%. When "Cold Bolt" hits an enemy, "Speech of Wind" has a 16% chance of causing "Frozen" which only last for two lightning spells. Only one "Speech" buff can remain active at a time.
    5 - Increase cast speed by 10%. When "Cold Bolt" hits an enemy, "Speech of Wind" has a 20% chance of causing "Frozen" which only last for two lightning spells. Only one "Speech" buff can remain active at a time.
  18. deoxyvn

    deoxyvn Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hình như Speech of Fire tăng matk chứ ko phải tăng crit :-s
  19. [Gustav]Lovely

    [Gustav]Lovely Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ^ Biết tiếng Hàn à pa cái này tui cũng không biết đâu chúng no dịch đấy chứ.
    Ôi feck có đứa nào nó biết nick mình vào thịt mất bao nhiêu là scroll Resetskill bựa thật.
    Tự dưng potion cả scroll mất hết vãi.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 26/2/12
  20. deoxyvn

    deoxyvn Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    '__' lúc sáng sớm tụi nó update sửa cái bug duplicate scroll đó nên remove rồi :)) mà được tặng lại 2 cuốn vào mail thì phải

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