[AndroidPolice]Hands-on với S-Voice của Samsung

Thảo luận trong 'Thư Giãn Express - Bản Tin Cuối Ngày' bắt đầu bởi Funnnny, 20/5/12.

  1. Funnnny

    Funnnny Will Code Python For FOOD Moderator

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    Hanoi, Vietnam
    [spoil]S Voice is Samsung's entry into the fledgling "virtual assistant" market currently occupied by Siri,Evi, Speaktoit Assistant, Vlingo, and a handful of others. The Galaxy S III rom leaked earlier today,and while most of the stuff in it is broken and completely useless without the version of Touchwiz it's meant to run on, S Voice is a perfect combination of being interesting AND working. So we're going to take a look at it on my Galaxy Nexus, which is currently running vanilla (well, AOKP) 4.0.4.S Voice is only meant to run on the GSIII's Touchwiz build, so I expect lots of force closes. It's not meant to do this, so I won't be too hard on it when it stumbles. But hey, this should be a great indicator of how well the intent handling is!
    First though, we've got to install it:
    And oh my lord, those permissions do not mess around. It's totally justified though, S Voice needs all this because it can control just about everything on your phone.
    After installation, S Voice immediately spills the beans with a "Hey, this is based on Vlingo!" Terms of Service page. Afterward you are presented with a "Voice assistant for dummies" walkthrough, which I have dutifully taken screenshots of. The one incredibly neat feature this informs you of is the ability to have a verbal "wake command" for the voice recognition. By default, "Hi Galaxy" will take the place of pressing the listen button.
    It also informs you that "You can say 'Hi Galaxy' when in S Voice or locked screen to automatically wake up S Voice." Now I'm not sure if "locked screen" means "with the screen on at the lock screen" or "anytime the phone is off" the latter would be really cool. Either way it's a special GSIII only feature, "Hi Galaxy" only works in-app on my Gnex.
    There is also an extremely scary "Note: Wake-up command may consume battery" message. So the microphone really is just listening all the time. (Where's my tin foil hat?)
    After the tutorial, you are presented with the full list of abilities for S Voice (any punctuation and capitalization weirdness is Samsung's fault):
    • Voice Dial - "Call Charlie mobile"
    • Text Message - "Text Katie message are you free tonight for dinner?"
    • Search Contacts - "Look up James"
    • Navigate - "Navigate to Cambridge, MA"
    • Memo - "Memo Send mom a card"
    • Schedule - "New Event Lunch with James July 21st at 1PM"
    • Task - "New task Finish project"
    • Music - "Play playlist my favorites"
    • Social update - ""Twitter update" Why do humans live so far North?"
    • Search - "Search Bonobo apes"
    • Open App - "Open Calculator"
    • Record voice - "Record voice"
    • Driving mode - "Driving mode on/off"
    • Set Alarm - "Set alarm for 6:00 AM"
    • Timer - "Set timer for 1 minute"
    • Weather - "What is the weather for today?"
    • Simple settings controls - "Turn Wi-Fi on"
    • Get an answer - "How tall is Mount Everest?"
    • Local Listing - "Find restaurants"
    After the hand holding is over we are presented with with this screen and it's time to get down to business! The little button on the left will mute the phone, meaning it will turn off the text to speech responses like when it reads your messages back to you, and the "?" button will bring up the list of actions.​
    So how does it work? Well, it's important to keep in mind it's not designed for this hardware, but man, the voice recognition is terrible. It's no where near in the same league as Voice Actions. Hopefully on the GSIII things go a little smoother. For now we'll just focus on S-Voice's abilities.​
    For starters, this "Hi Galaxy" wake command is crazy sensitive, even if you casually bust it out mid sentence the phone will pick up on it and start recording. It's awesome. You can even say "Hi Galaxy [command]" without waiting for it to respond and it will handle everything. It's very impressive.​
    First up is Voice Dialing, which works great, but it isn't very photogenic. You say "Call bob" and it jumps into the dialer, so I really have nothing to show you a picture of. Next!​
    Text messaging sort of works, just like I said, the voice recognition isn't so hot... I also don't understand why, in the first image, it completely drops my "Hey" from "Hey I'm testing..." It detects it and then just forgets about it.​
    The usage flow is great though. Once you say your text, you are presented with a cancel/send dialog, which you can answer with a tap or verbally. You can specify name only (picture 3, which was supposed to be "Send text to Artem") and it will respond with "What is your message?" It's very cool.​
    Every left-pointing speech bubble you see in the pictures (except for "Say 'Hi Galaxy'" and the initial "What would you like to do") are read aloud with a Text To Speech engine. There's no TTS built in, it uses whatever you have on your phone, which in my case is the dreary default Google TTS. Maybe the GSIII comes with something nicer.​
    Searching Contacts is totally busted, "Look up [contact name]" always does a web search, you probably need Touchwiz contacts for it to work. Navigation works great, but again, there isn't much to show.​
    I really can't make this thing not say "Ass Voice." I swear it isn't me - I just don't think anyone told it its name, they should really fix that. Voice recognition is just all around bad, it took about 4 tries to get anything close to recognizable.​
    Again we see it dropping words it previously recognized for no reason. Originally, it recognized "Don't forget to make an ass voice post..." Then inexplicably it drops "Don't forget to make" once it determines it's a memo (with absolutely no input from me). I want my memo to be exactly what I said. The combination of bad recognition and editing makes this very frustrating. Again though, the usage flow is awesome, you can say new memo and it will ask what you would like to write.​
    COOL! Calendar entries are scanned for conflicts. That's pretty awesome. The voice recognition is so terrible though. This took about 15 tries. The "What time should I schedule this for?" won't accept "All Day" as an answer, which is another problem. It's also terrible at natural language. You can't say "On June 27th schedule Google I/O" or really anything that deviates from the example. New event entries are the #1 thing I want from a voice assistant. Entering them by hand is tedious.​
    New Task entries look exactly like this.​
    Music force closes, which means we're on to Facebook. It's pretty startling how much easier voice is. The first time you do it, it prompts you to login and allow the Vlingo app, after that it's smooth sailing. I doesn't remember the initial entry that prompted the login though.​
    Again you can specify the command first and it will ask for the content. The third picture was supposed to be "I've got to stop using S Voice in my examples" which it somehow turned into "Hi back to stop you seen voice in my dimples." That should give you an idea of how terrible the voice recognition is. It's bad. It's really bad. All these other pictures took several attempts to get something recognizable. I use voice actions daily with no problem.​
    Search brings up this crazy looking custom Google search. If you can get the Voice Recognition to cooperate, it works.​
    Opening apps works, if it's not sure what you meant it will even give you a list of available possibilities. Cool. "Record Voice" is broken.
    If I say "Driving mode on" it responds with "Driving mode on." Well then... glad that feature... works...? Timer and Alarm work great. They're the exact same function. Wifi off is also pretty straightforward.
    Weather is very pretty. If I didn't already have it on my home screen and in my notification bar I would be impressed. Bizarrely worded questions like "Should I bring an umbrella?" even work and get you a simple "yes/no precipitation." Protip, Samsung: sentences start with a capital letter.
    Clicking the "more" button brings up Wolfram Alpha and WOW guys I really did not need the precipitation rate accurate to hundredths of an inch per hour. Calm down. I just wanted to know if it was going to rain.
    The answer service works great, and just like Siri, uses Wolfram Alpha for everything. For broader questions you get a little embed; for directly answerable stuff it just spits out the answer. Larry Page's middle name is "Edward," who knew?​
    "Find a restaurant" gives you nice little phone call icons for each entry. The default of TWENTY listed entries is a little much though, some pagination every 10 or so would have been fine.​
    Overall, the capabilities of S Voice are really great. The interface is nice and I really like the ability to issue a command first and then the parameters. The "Hi Galaxy" wake command is amazing and really a handy feature. The sensitivity of it is top notch, even something like "Hi Galaxy set timer for 2 minutes" is handled flawlessly.​
    The voice recognition though, is pure crap. When your vocabulary is limited, like with the baked-in commands, it's good enough to work, but try and dictate a memo, or a calendar event title, and it will fall flat on its face. Getting screenshots for this article was very frustrating and took way longer than it should have because of all the recognition issues. It's no where near the level of Google's Voice Actions.​
    Still though, like I said in the intro, this isn't meant to run on a Galaxy Nexus. We'll have to see how it preforms on the hardware it was meant to run on. Recognition issues aside, this preformed surprisingly well for being freshly ripped from a leaked rom.​
    This hands-on was mainly meant as a look at the capabilities of S Voice, and they are pretty comprehensive. I really can't think of something I'd want to do verbally that S Voice doesn't support. If they can clean up the recognition issues, Samsung will have a really killer feature on their hands. We'll just have to wait until the Galaxy S III launch![/spoil]

    Bài viết hơi dài

    Vậy là Voice của Android đã tiến 1 bước mới (so với bạn nào ngày xưa chém gió là Siri là team toàn hàng khủng của đại học hay gì mới làm được). Ko có gì bất ngờ là với Intent của Android thì khả năng của Voice được nâng lên mạnh hơn Siri rất nhiều: bạn có thể cập nhật Facebook hay bất cứ Social Network nào


    , gửi mail, mở browser bằng các client khác nhau


    Các câu hỏi thì vẫn dùng WolframAlpha giống hệt bạn Siri.
    Chờ đợi 1 integration với các app khác như Remote control tivi, remote control Car v.v =)
  2. wth.is.life

    wth.is.life Mario & Luigi

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    Không biết với Speaktoit thì thế nào :-?
  3. LAVU

    LAVU The Warrior of Light

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    Bạn ta dùng Siri cập nhật FB với chat Skype được mà :-?
  4. Lee Soo Man

    Lee Soo Man Donkey Kong

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    Clone Haotakua
    Bởi ta nói cái thằng dốt iOS mà hay chửi đổng lắm =))

    Này thì Siri kô cập nhập đc status Facebook hay Twitter
  5. Funnnny

    Funnnny Will Code Python For FOOD Moderator

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    Hỗ trợ Intent thì mấy cái món kiểu như: cập nhật Foursquare, post ảnh lên Instagram chắc là sẽ dễ dàng hơn =). Mấy cái này đợi Google Majel + Google Glass chắc chắn sẽ còn cool hơn nhiều
  6. dan9khoa

    dan9khoa T.E.T.Я.I.S Knight Tàu ngầm GVN

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    Speaktoit Assistant được cái có avatar hiển thị cảm xúc. Nhìn dễ chịu hơn mấy cái này
    nhưng mà tên nó là S Voice mà nó nghe thành Ass Voice thì pó tay rồi. Tự chửi mình luôn
  7. fray92

    fray92 Legend of Zelda

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    iPhone 4S Siri nghịch được 1 thời gian rồi chán cái S-voice này chắc cũng rứa =]
    S-voice này không biết các dev tách ra cho vào các máy android khác được không O.o
  8. Funnnny

    Funnnny Will Code Python For FOOD Moderator

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    Hanoi, Vietnam
    Có, tách ra cài tùm lum rồi =)), cứ máy cài ICS là chạy được.

    Voice Assist vui là chính, đợi bọn Google release Majel với Glass xem có gì hay ko
  9. ATiệp

    ATiệp C O N T R A

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    đang dùng ip4, ko có siri ( fake đc nhưng ngại )
    chuyển qua dùng 1 cái gọi là sara, dùng đc 10p chán, xóa
    chắc tại mình dốt eng nên phát âm sai bét =.=
  10. 1s1k_d2006

    1s1k_d2006 The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

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    Bạn Fan nì thì fanboy Android nhất cái box thì còn ai lạ gì nữa =))
    Mà hồi đấy mình chỉ nhớ mình nói cái kiểu integrate voice reg vào các app cơ bản như Siri được Apple đưa ra trước nên có lợi thế vào user và market, Google muốn ăn vào được thì cũng mất 1 khoảng thời gian, bằng chứng là bây h "có vẻ" như là S-Voice tốt hơn Siri sau khi 4S ra được hơn nửa năm ??? Apple ra voice reg sau Google 1 khoảng thời gian dài, nhưng UX hơn hẳn, để rồi bây giờ S-voice cũng phải theo kiểu personal assistant như Siri.
    Còn về tech thì đến cả M$ cũng có hẳn 1 đội chuyên làm về voice reg với NLP, có phải mỗi Google hay Apple có ? Quan trọng là integrate + design + marketing ntn thôi.

    H đợi Google Car chạy ở US hay cái glass xem ntn, dù sao mình cũng là fan Google ;))

    Hem dùng hàng Apple nên không có Siri, con Atrix thì vẫn Android 2.3 với cái Vlingo nên không test được, đành utube thần chưởng xem S-voice công lực đến đâu.

    Để các bạn tự comment ? Nhưng với mình là đều cùi cùi như nhau, với lại chỉ có tụi Mĩ dùng là còn tốt tí.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 21/5/12
  11. fray92

    fray92 Legend of Zelda

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    Cái bản leak trên xda-developers cài vô xài thử rồi :(
    Toàn thông báo Network Error trên con One X, đổi cả 3G lẫn wifi đều thế, đang hóng mấy bố dev chỉnh lại =]
  12. july3rd

    july3rd Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bài ko nguồn thì mấy point nhỉ? Muốn xem bài gốc tiếng Anh mà ko có nguồn...
  13. minhanh8767

    minhanh8767 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Đà Nẵng
    đang xài ip4 chuẩn bị chán... đang tính mua lumia 900 .. tự nhiên ra cái s3 lại thấy phân vân.... X_X
  14. flame1602

    flame1602 C O N T R A

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    Fear Street
    Soft qué gì đến tên mình cũng không nhận diện được. Đặt tên khéo nhở ;))
  15. Symphonic

    Symphonic Around The World Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cái này bên xda có người post .apk rồi, nhưng thấy bảo tụi vlingo đang chặn nên ko xài đc, với lại hay bị lỗi force closed nữa. Đã dùng qua nhiều phần mềm voice trên android: DragonGo, Speaktoit, assistant, Iris ... nhưng mình chưa thấy cái nào là hài lòng.
  16. wth.is.life

    wth.is.life Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mình chỉ kiếm cái Voice assistant cho vui chứ chả dùng bao giờ
  17. kaizvn

    kaizvn Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

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  18. Lee Soo Man

    Lee Soo Man Donkey Kong

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    Clone Haotakua
    Topic nào có iOS hay Android mà ta với hắn chả vổ nhau đôm đốp =))
  19. Kuroemondora

    Kuroemondora Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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  20. Funnnny

    Funnnny Will Code Python For FOOD Moderator

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    Hanoi, Vietnam
    Giờ mới đọc....sao bạn..ngu thế

    Chỉ cần có Intent là làm được.

    Mà đùa, cập nhật qua mail với text mà cũng gọi là hỗ trợ chăng T_T
    bài viết ko chủ ý war nhé, nhưng hình như mấy bạn iOS não ngắn nhảy vào chưa gì đã chém ác quá =). Bạn nào não dài hơn thì xin lỗi

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