Tổng hợp khí tài quân sự của VN \m/

Thảo luận trong 'Thư giãn' bắt đầu bởi Sis, 19/4/12.

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  1. Gallus

    Gallus Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    VN dùng đạn 5.56 từ khi nào thế :-?
  2. MaxAnthony

    MaxAnthony T.E.T.Я.I.S GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    từ khi khẩu M16 đến VN cách đây vài chục năm
  3. Gallus

    Gallus Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tưởng cái đống đấy tịch thu được bắn chơi thôi, hóa ra cũng tự sản xuất đạn 5.56 à?
  4. _Great_Paladin_

    _Great_Paladin_ The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ho Chi Minh City
    đạn dược như thế nhà Vịt tự sản đc từ lâu roài mà ^^
  5. Silent Knight

    Silent Knight The Pride of Hiigara

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    Dark Space
  6. Tia Sáng

    Tia Sáng Zack Snyder =thất bại của Holyweed Lão Làng GVN

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    Viện Tâm Thần
    Dàn rau muống ở đâu thế ?
  7. Redgord

    Redgord Mario & Luigi

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    Con này là Galil mà :)) FN đâu ra :))


    FNC nhìn thô hơn nhiều.


    VN mình kể ra hợp tác quân sự và mua hàng của chú Do Thái nhiều phết!
  8. bushmaster

    bushmaster Rậm rạp nhất chuồng ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Không có
    Khẩu đang nói đến là Pindad(FNFNC indo version) chứ không phải Galil đâu
  9. Gallus

    Gallus Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    FNC đấy. Để ý băng đạn và đầu nòng .
  10. I_AM_GHOST

    I_AM_GHOST Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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  11. Trần Trần Trục

    Trần Trần Trục Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cam Ranh hay Tiên Sa sẽ là căn cứ quân sự của Mỹ ?

    Quân đội ta đã về rồi ..

    Đọc thật kỹ nha ..

    CAM RANH BAY, Vietnam — Forty-five years ago, American cargo ships filled this vast harbor, unloading supplies day after day for U.S. troops fighting the Viet Cong.

    Today the bay's azure waters are largely empty, except for local fishing boats. The once-bustling American air base, formerly home to fighter squadrons and a combat hospital, is abandoned, a reminder of the U.S. military's exit from most of Southeast Asia after the Vietnam War.

    But the Pentagon is seeking a return engagement.

    On Sunday, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta became the first Pentagon chief to visit Cam Ranh Bay's deep water port since the war. He recalled "the great deal of blood that was spilled in this war on all sides - by Americans and by Vietnamese."

    He also made clear that the U.S. Navy is hoping that difficult history will not stand in the way of its return to the sheltered anchorage off the strategically important South China Sea.

    "Access for United States naval ships into this facility is a key component" of the American relationship with Vietnam, "and we see the tremendous potential here," Panetta told reporters, standing on the stern of a Navy supply ship anchored near the bay entrance, undergoing maintenance.

    The vessel is one of only a handful of U.S. ships that the Vietnamese have allowed back to Cam Ranh Bay, about 200 miles northeast of Ho Chi Minh City, since diplomatic ties were re-established in 1995. It is unarmed and sails with a largely civilian crew, a requirement imposed by the Vietnamese government, which has prohibited military ships from docking since 2002 when the Russians closed the base they maintained there after the U.S. departure.

    U.S. warships have called regularly at other Vietnamese ports since the guided missile frigate Vandergrift made a port call in Ho Chi Minh City in November 2003.

    The Obama administration is reasserting the U.S. role as a Pacific power after a decade of wars elsewhere. Hoping to counter China's growing military might, Pentagon planners are seeking closer ties to countries on China's periphery and access to ports and other facilities to beef up the American presence in potential trouble spots.

    "It will be particularly important to use harbors like this as we move out ships from our ports on the West Coast toward our stations here in the Pacific," Panetta said.

    Cam Ranh Bay is ideally located off the South China Sea. But a Vietnamese military officer accompanying Panetta said opening it up to U.S. warships was not possible because the port was a "restricted military area." The officer refused to give his name.
    Panetta, who flew to Hanoi later Sunday for talks with Vietnamese officials, said that being allowed to use ports such as Cam Ranh Bay is important to the new U.S. strategy. The Pentagon plans to rotate ships, troops and other military equipment into the region from the United States rather than establish permanent bases, as it did during the Cold War.

    But Vietnam isn't eager to grant the U.S. permission to re-establish its military presence, even at a size far smaller than it was during the Vietnam War. The relationship will develop "at its own pace," said a Defense Department official.

    As a fallback, the Pentagon is considering asking the Philippines to reopen Subic Bay naval base and Clark airfield, two Cold War-era facilities also close to the South China Sea.

    Vietnam views China's burgeoning military power as a threat, and Hanoi accused Beijing of sabotaging oil explorations in its waters twice last year by cutting undersea cables, a charge China denied. The countries both claim the Spratley Islands, in the waters between Vietnam and the Philippines, among other territorial disputes.

    But Vietnam still is nervous about antagonizing China further by forging too close a military relationship with Washington, U.S. officials acknowledged.

    American officials say closer military ties with Vietnam would be controversial in the U.S. as well because of long standing concerns about Hanoi's human rights record.

    As Panetta's motorcade wound through small villages circling the bay, women in conical hats squatted by the side of the road. There was little sign of the once-vast American presence. Hanoi maintains a small naval base on the site of the former U.S. installation, as well as a small civilian port in another part of the sprawling bay. There is a new airport and plans to open beach resorts where U.S. Air Force fighter pilots once swam in the ocean between missions.

    During the war, the harbor was so busy that cargo ships carrying supplies for U.S. units had to anchor for weeks at a time outside the bay until there was room for them to enter and unload. Now fewer than five ships were visible.

    Panetta was a young Army officer during the 1960s, though he did not serve in Vietnam. But he harked back to the war Sunday, arguing that the scars it left on both countries should not prevent them from cooperating half a century later.

    Read more here: http://www.bellinghamherald.com/2012...#storylink=cpy
  12. Silent Knight

    Silent Knight The Pride of Hiigara

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Dark Space
  13. Nomurasan

    Nomurasan Zael ♥ Calista Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tóm lại là Mỹ nói "rất muốn quay lại VN"
    VN vẫn tỏ ra thận trọng "không nhanh thế đâu ku"
  14. zorro14119892003

    zorro14119892003 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đà Nẵng thân iu
    ^t80 đâu ku SK :6cool_beat_shot:
  15. Silent Knight

    Silent Knight The Pride of Hiigara

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Dark Space
    Chịu khó xem lại chương trình là thấy :-"
  16. bushmaster

    bushmaster Rậm rạp nhất chuồng ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Không có
    mi có link xem lại không :6cool_beat_shot:
  17. Silent Knight

    Silent Knight The Pride of Hiigara

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Dark Space
    Tự mò đi các thanh niên,vì dù sao nó xuất hiện cũng nhanh lắm =)
  18. stamp_tem

    stamp_tem Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Lính già Mil24A
  19. MaxAnthony

    MaxAnthony T.E.T.Я.I.S GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    sao mày post bài mà lôi cả đống clone vào thế em nhìn hoa hết cả mắt :5cool_ops:
  20. stamp_tem

    stamp_tem Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Dùng 3 trình duyệt vào GVN , đang xem phim bằng firefox nên dùng tạm nick này , mà em có 3 nick chứ mấy ;))
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