Bàn luận chuyển từ CEX -> DEX

Thảo luận trong 'Sony' bắt đầu bởi nikanbino, 25/7/12.

  1. chothue_ps2

    chothue_ps2 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    tb chờ e3 tung chiêu rồi mới ra trò :))

    sony đứng xem vỗ taY chuẩn bị tung last hit :))
  2. thanbinhzz

    thanbinhzz Youtube Master Race

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  3. DaivyPhuong

    DaivyPhuong Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đây là game Resistance 3 tôi đã patch lại version 1.2
  4. sứa con lon ton

    sứa con lon ton Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hơ. vậy vẫn cần máy có OFW 3.55 mới hành động dc. ah?
  5. tony_yayo

    tony_yayo Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    gì mà khiếp thế bác, 5 part cơ á :4cool_oh:

    giờ bên Ps3iso up patch xôm phết nhờ :9cool_sweet_kiss:
  6. DaivyPhuong

    DaivyPhuong Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    quên đi làm patch 1.2 nó có patch 1.5
  7. Sonix

    Sonix ♫ VGM Collector ♫ Lão Làng GVN

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  8. tommy442

    tommy442 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mình thấy k bít nó có cho hacks để chơi trên ofw 4.11 k nhỉ.
  9. thuytinh266

    thuytinh266 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ko biet choi 3.6+ games tren Dex 4.20 co cân disc ko vay? hay la giong nhu hack cfw 3.55 ko can disc.
  10. tony_yayo

    tony_yayo Mega Man

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  11. chothue_ps2

    chothue_ps2 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    What you need:
    • Ps3 on Firmware 3.55 or below.
    • Usb Keyboard.
    • Internet Connection to download debian via Nikitis’s script
    • Connect the PS3 directly to the modem via Ethernet cable.
    • PDF Version of this Tutorial can be downloaded from HERE (Has all the files available as download links, very handy!.)
    • Know how to put PS3 into RECOVERY MODE (HERE is a link if your NOT sure)

    Firstly I wouldn’t attempt CEX2DEX conversion if you don’t know Linux! – I take no responsibility for your actions or bricks you may cause by following this tutorial!.

    You have to be on 3.55 CFW or less for this method to work!.

    Followed the below steps from Gitbrew & devwiki with a little modification.

    1. Download and install PS3 Dual Boot GameOS/Linux CFW 3.55 - 3.55 with SS Patches. 1/2 hdd to OtherOS++

    2. When installation is finished, reboot in Recovery Mode (not the Backup/Restore in XMB) and choose "Restore PS3 System"

    3. Now your GameOS should use only the half of your HDD

    4. Install and run setup_flash_for_otheros.pkg from the xmb.

    5. Reboot (It's important to shut down and then turn on your PS3)

    6. Store dtbImage.ps3.bin on root of USB drive, plug it in, Install and run install_otheros.pkg (Try different USB ports if you don't get any beeps.)

    7. Install and run boot_otheros.pkg

    8. Install and run reboot.pkg (use the package, not manually reboot!)

    9. You should be in petitboot now. 'Exit to shell' with the USB Keboard's down arrows and press enter, (3rd option).

    10. Download script create_hdd_region.sh onto root of your USB pen
    • Plug USB Pen into PS3.
    • Now Type

    mount /dev/sda1 /mnt


    cd /mnt


    chmod 755 create_hdd_region.sh



    **Make sure you have no errors, it will error here if you didn't put the PS3 into recovery mode (Step 2 Above)**

    11. Reboot completely, shutdown and restart the PS3, run boot_otheros.pkg from the xmb

    12. Run reboot.pkg from the xmb (use the package, not manually reboot!)

    Installing Debian Linux Via the Nikitis Script.

    13. You should be in petitboot now. 'Exit to shell' with the USB Keboard's down arrows and press enter, (3rd option).
    • Now Type.

    git clone git://github.com/nikitis/PS3-Debian-Installer
    **wait for the prompt to appear....

    • Now Type.

    chmod 755 PS3-Debian-Installer/debian-installer.sh

    • Now Type.


    P.S. I was having a problem connecting to the git here with my router and had to connect the PS3 directly to the modem. (Not sure if its my router but thought I would mention it for troubleshooting issues.

    The Nikitis script does most of the work for you, couple of steps where you need to add a new user and enter the password for root, configure locales and then configure kernel. <-- keep reading I talk you through all this!. -->
    Depending on your Internet connection depends how long the downloads take, I did this on a 50MB connection and took just over 45 Minutes.

    I enabled all locales and left the kernel as default. (Probably screwed up with the locales but I thought it was better to be safe than sorry )

    Your see it say.. complete... rebooting etc.. but before you reboot remember to remove the usb pen from the ps3.

    P.S. The system complains about connected usb devices at boot and hangs causing you to hard restart by pulling the power cable.
    The keyboard being connected is ok its just the usb pen.
    (my case could be unique? But thought id mention it for troubleshooting)

    Linux has finished Installing! - Should be rebooting but if it drops you back to xmb then run boot_otheros.pkg & reboot.pkg.. then select the top option!

    PS3 Linux booted;

    At the terminal prompt, login with your username and password, the one you created during the install.

    I wouldn’t normally do this for security purposes, however for CEX2DEX.
    now type;


    Enter the roots password you created during install.

    1; Insert the usb pen and mount it. (The USB Pen might* get mounted automatically, to check type 'mount' without the prompts and look for the usb pen in the out put)
    example of output and what your looking for; <-- Your output will be different - Dont panic -->

    /dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled)
    devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse)
    map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse)
    map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse)
    /dev/disk1s1 on /Volumes/NO NAME (msdos, local, nodev, nosuid, noowners)
    /dev/sda1 on /some_random_mount_point

    If you can see the pen in the mount output above

    umount /dev/sda1
    **This will un-mount the usb pen, Now mount it again to the mount point below (just follow on from below)**

    If you cant see your pen in the above output type the following;

    mount –rw /dev/sda1 /mnt
    **This will mount the usb pen onto /mnt**


    cd /mnt
    Changes to the /mnt directory - simillar to 'cd' in dos.


    **ls <--its like 'dir' in dos**

    **To confirm the usb pen has mounted to the correct point (command above) – you should see the files you have on the pen**

    Lets dump a couple of flashes and compare, To make sure they’re identical!!.
    We are dumping the flashes directly to the usb pen don’t remove the device during the command process, it can take a while.. 6 to 12 Minutes for each dump to complete. but!! you want 2 dumps to make sure you ps3 has no problems reading the flash.

    dd if=/dev/ps3nflasha of=/mnt/flashCEX.bin bs=1024

    when the prompt appears again type;

    dd if=/dev/ps3nflasha of=/mnt/flashCEX1.bin bs=1024

    **Confirm the files created are 16777216 bytes in size**

    Running both commands above will create 2 new dumps of your ps3 flash – on the root of the usb pen, flashCEX.bin & flashCEX1.bin.

    (Highly recommended to burn both files to disk.. make a backup make a few, this file is IMPORTANT!!! If you screw up, you can flash this file back via ie..E3 flasher or progskeet)(you also need a way to enter service mode ie..Usb payload dongle)

    Un-mount the usb pen;

    umount /dev/sda1

    **Leave PS3 Linux on, your need it again shortly**

    I loaded both bin files into hex edit (free app) and hit the compare and went to edit compare to confirm both files are identical, but you could md5

    If both files are identical continue. If not, ask for help at ps3hax.net

    Load flashCEX.bin into CEX2DEX (top option) hit the button and it will pop up save to box – save this file as metldr.

    Download the pre-compiled version of metldrpwn from; http://wiki.gitbrew.org/wikibrew/Metldrpwn
    Extract to desktop

    Copy the metldr file you just created in CEX2DEX into metldrpwn folder on desktop, now copy the metldrpwn folder over to the root of the usb pen.

    Back to PS3 linux mount the usb pen and run metldrpwn

    mount –rw /dev/sda1 /mnt


    cd /mnt/


    sudo chmod -R 755 metldrpwn


    cd metledrpwn


    sudo make



    **when you run ./run.sh your looking for (problem status 089) <--confirms all is good, if you haven’t got problem status 089 then do not continue. Ask for help at ps3hax.net.

    If you have problem status 089 continue;
    sudo cp /proc/metldrpwn/dump /mnt/dump (<--copies the file named dump back to the usb pen, you need this dump for CEX2DEX)
    umount /dev/sda1 (<--unmounts the usb pen)

    **Leave the PS3 Linux on, your need it again shortly**

    load CEX2DEX on windows
    top line goes the original flash again (flashCEX.bin)
    bottom line goes the dump file you got from metldrpwn, named ‘dump’
    If everything went ok with CEX2DEX it will create a new file, name it flashDEX.bin.
    If CEX2DEX doesn’t give you this option scroll down and check the error. (Ask for help)

    Copy flashDEX.bin over to the usb pen’s root.

    Back to linux mount the usb pen again

    mount –rw /dev/sda1 /mnt


    cd /mnt

    At this point your about to flash the NOR chip of your PS3 with the flashDEX.bin file. Before you continue make sure you have followed every step and read http://ps3devwiki.com/ and know exactly what your doing!!!.

    I take no responsibly for your actions and PS3 bricks.

    If you screw this next bit up you can still save the ps3 but you need either an E3 or progskeet hardware flasher to flash over the flashCEX.bin to the nor (Beyond the scope of this tutorial.. but HERE is an awesome tut to follow!..P.S. you also need a downgrade dongle like E3 card reader or others.)

    Ok so you read the warning and you still wanna do this right???.
    **Make sure you run this command from the PS3 and not via SSH (ssh = connected terminal)

    Now Type.


    dd if=/mnt/flashDEX.bin of=/dev/ps3nflasha bs=1024

    Now the command above^ will kick up some errors, on my Nor PS3 this took about 10/12 minutes to complete, what ever you do, do not switch off the PS3, kill the command or stop the command from completing!, do not interfere, the ps3 will drop you back to the prompt!.

    Now Type.


    umount /dev/sda1


    sudo shutdown –h now

    ps3 shuts down.

    Restart PS3.

    Drop the ps3 into RECOVERY MODE, your notice that recovery mode is booting pettiboot,
    exit to shell.

    Now Type.



    The PS3 will now boot into XMB on a CEX unit, shutdown the PS3 and enter RECOVERY MODE

    Connect the PS3 Controller via USB to the PS3.

    Goto 'system update' make sure you have a DEX PUP on the USB PEN (The usual when you do an update via USB...Go here..

    Ive attached a PDF of the tutorial which has all the download links for you!.
    Attached Files
    File Type: pdf Debian DEX Tutorial.pdf (161.8 KB, 410 views)
  12. nikanbino

    nikanbino Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đọc thấy loạn não, mà ko có máy để làm, máy mình là OFW 4.21 -_____-
  13. firedragonsss

    firedragonsss Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đọc thấy nhức đầu thật. Đợi một thời gian có hưỡng dẫn tiếng việt thì tốt quá.
  14. residentevil6

    residentevil6 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bực mình thiệt, lần nào vô đây cũng thấy 3 con số 3.55 hiện trước mắt. Không có con số đẹp 4.11 à
  15. S.W.A.T

    S.W.A.T The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    hic, cái list game ngon quá chừng................................................

    giờ phải ráng mà đọc TUT chuyển quả DEX gấp.
  16. Blue Magic

    Blue Magic Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Số đó biết đâu cuối nay nay sẽ có :D
    Kiên nhẫn đi bạn.
  17. S.W.A.T

    S.W.A.T The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    cái CEX2DEX đọc muốn khùng luôn....
  18. DarkHelm

    DarkHelm Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đọc thấy cũng được mà k rành mấy cái kỹ thuật vi tính lắm nên thôi! :D đợi mọi người làm được rồi đem đi ra ngoài làm! :D an tâm
  19. heo_con_un_in

    heo_con_un_in T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Balamb garden
    Dạo này farm bên box diablo bỏ bê hội PS3 quá, qua đọc thử thấy vụ CEX 2 DEX này support nhiều game hot lại nổi máu lên. Hình như chưa ai trong box báo danh là chuyển cái này thành công hết nhỉ? chuongkim hay bác Davy Phuong có động tĩnh j ko ????

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