When did you actually started working?

Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi billhainh, 26/9/12.

  1. billhainh

    billhainh Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Balamballe, Bari
    The story goes on like this:

    I have a younger brother, and he's kind of... not so enjoying his youth..

    The boy's still at his 17, but he's pretty not so into studying at school much (His scores's $uck to the core.., like 2 chemicals, 1 maths, 0 physics...), and he's always say that he's working on a project on his own.

    When I was his ages, I just doing my studying, and hanging out with friends to bars or just go outside for some work out. But this brother of mine's just like the other side of a coin. When he done school, he goes straight home, and lock himself inside his room. I watched him sometimes, the boys just go straight home like a good kid, and never saw him talked to a girl (Felt like I have such a loser for a brother :6cool_beat_shot: )

    I once asked him: Why don't you just be a normal students?

    He said, every students he saw are all different, and there ain't no "normal students" nor "special students", you are "students" when you are learning something.

    Me: The f*ck are you learning? Why your score's so bad?

    He said, the things he heard and noted at school, don't have a f*ck relation to what he's doing (which he said is developing, I guess he's trying to become some game-developer?) so he just don't care about what the school teach him, and self-teach himself what he needs.

    He said that he's at the age to be working and training, so he's really doing it, and I don't have the right to interfere.

    So, I begin to think about myself, and started to think, when was the first time I actually work in my life?

    When was I produce things which I can be proud of?

    When did I actually first start a thing called "project", then finish it?

    It makes me wanted to ask that quesiton to you all:

    When's the first time you actually working?

    And, a side-question, should I let my brother do as he wish, and keep watching him, or should I guide him so that he focuses on university?
  2. xp_virus


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    Well. For your story. i would like to show deep understanding for what your brother thought. I used to 17 and i used to have the same bloody thinking. i used to "work" on my own "project" (i suppose that's what we wanna call it somewhat sound like pro) i worked on it for 3 years. i started drawing (i can draw manga), wrote story (about 60 pages), character design and all that shit. i thought i was really in my gaming world where i was the author and the main character. But i tell you that was just all about childish thinking. We was swimming too much in the gaming world which is a perfect world with full of fantasy, fairy and pretty girl. no worry of your bloody future, money and about yourself. I stopped thinking all that shit when i realised that what i was doing did not actually help me any better. I was just dreaming in my fantasy world. the fact that everything around me was worthless but what i was doing made me wasted ảound 3 to 5 years of time. and it was lost and i never got it back.

    It's not like when your started working. working for money or for your interest or for your future. They are all different depend on one's situation. What i say is not when you start working but when your start living as the real you. That's when you aware of the value of the people around you, your family, and the value of your self to this world. try to live as a valuable person.
  3. Zell Dinch

    Zell Dinch Gloria in excelsis Deo Lão Làng GVN

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    Tell him computer science is not a game. And he will get to nowhere with a 1 in Maths. I guess the game developing thingy he mentioned is just the Rpg Maker - toy of kids. Computer, including game development is basically based on Maths. Calculus and stuff. Tell him he will end up being a manual worker with a school result like that
  4. Sunoflife

    Sunoflife Mayor of SimCity

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    You reminded me of a meme on 9gag. It said: if you choose programming just because you like games, you're gonna have a bad time.
  5. xp_virus


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    I agree. a game developer not only a game lover but also a programming lover. In addition, it requires different knowledge and abilities to get the job done. I myself use to participate in a game develop group right here in GVN. I do not want to mention the group's name as it was dismissed long time ago due to lack of man power and appropriate management. we were all young and worked on a game lover basis. We were student and did not aware of the true value behind the job. The leader never stopped asking people to join with consistent abilities. However, it did not work out. We had lack of abilities and "tools" or we had not reached the level of using those "Tools" so we failed. That was a serious team work not just a individual dream project.

    Putting your ass in school does not mean wasting your time. I totally agree study maths has nothing to do with what you will do in the future. You are not going to solve a simultaneous equation in your work place. But learning maths help your brain to think. and the fact that make your smarter. Think faster, and able to do multi-task job. Learning history and literacy help you to be a decent person. know yourself well and your country well. If you know what i mean, translate everybody's comment to your brother and ask him to think carefully before act. Do not waste his youth
  6. Mr.Garfield

    Mr.Garfield The Cat Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    wow long time since somebody talked sense in here

    btw isn't there a group named "Game maker", it's not the same with yours?
  7. xp_virus


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    hey thanks. i will take that as a compliment. Well, actually...i cannot exactly tell you the name as i don't remember clearly. But i dont think there was more than 1 group that tried to develop a game using RPG maker, it was quite well known in MOD section at that time. i think it was..roughly 7 or 8 years ago. and now i haven't talk to my "old friend" for a long long time since he told me the group was dismissed.
  8. Asakim

    Asakim Sora, Wielder of Keyblades ♞ Blade Knight ♞ Lão Làng GVN

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    Ho Chi Minh City
    Maybe, your younger brother is living in a fantasy world, maybe he was obsessed with games or, Game developing , . I wonder if he knows real life isn't perfect as he expected. And i know Game maker or game developing require a good knowledge, a good creative mind to do that job. I know we've inherited a bad education system since we were young . Tell him , " if he really want to do that job, he needs to completed his score as good as possible, " If i were a leader of a company or just a Human resource Manager, I definitely don't employ your brother because of his grades, " why would i choose a man that is not serious in studying,bad manner, even in his daily life
  9. Mr.Garfield

    Mr.Garfield The Cat Lão Làng GVN

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    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    of course that's a compliment, i agree with you especially the part about history and literature. I admit neglecting history in highschool but i've never doubt literature will help you become a better person. Too bad most of the youths today just dismiss it as not necessary, reading has become an alien concept to them already...
  10. xp_virus


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    thanks for that Mr Garfield. i agree with you too, but I did mean Literacy. I know why you bold the Literature because you think i may made a mistake. Literature is good too. but western education does not focus too much on literature. they rather focus on science and maths, chemistry, physic and all that shit. But before you actually like Literature you need to learn literacy :)) otherwise you will not know what the hell is that and obviously, uneducated person can't be a decent person can they? i dont know but i acquire a lot from western education system and i reckon, the more you read, and write the better person you will be.
  11. Mr.Garfield

    Mr.Garfield The Cat Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    i thought we did a pretty damn well job with literacy so i just assumed you mean literature :))
  12. xp_virus


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    Damn right. =) i used to hate literature alot. i was usually half asleep during the literature class. i didn't score very high in that subject as well. However when i getting older and i started reading a lot of book including novels and documentary book. and i really liked it. and i especially find it really interested in psychology and philosophy books which help me to understand more and more about human being, thinking and behaviour. I will graduate in marketing degree soon and they become much more important to me.
  13. cruelshade

    cruelshade Garena VN

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    Most likely you hate the subject name "Literature" but not literature itself. Likewise, I have been loving reading since my childhood. Even boring classical piece of literature taught in highschool could pique my interests and I did put myself into the shoes of those characters, protagonists as well as antagonists to understand their urges at all times. However, I always slept during Literature class taught by my homeroom teacher, to the extent that she did let me sleep all the time. I could say the teaching methodology of Literature in Vietnam was partly at fault since it's rather a process of imposing of impression than encouraging creativeness.

    Talking about these matters makes me relive the memories of my highschool period though.
  14. Zell Dinch

    Zell Dinch Gloria in excelsis Deo Lão Làng GVN

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    Oh damn high school. I was like... mugging for an overall of 6.5 in Literature for HSG
  15. billhainh

    billhainh Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Balamballe, Bari
    Hi guys, I'm the younger brother of the owner of this account.

    I borrow his acc so that I could learn a little, or maybe a lot from you predecessor, who might already come accross some of my childish thought when you were my age.

    I'm really wanted to have a two way conversation with you guys, those which have passed the same education as mine.

    This is not showing off, but I have been a good kid before entering high school. "A good kid" is what I meant it, good grades (I got each subject higher than 8), and every things about moral and physical were passed.

    And, no, I don't use scripting language [which is RPG maker, but that's not just some toy (since you still need some basic knowledge to make it funtion), but in a programer's sight, it should be a toys like you said].

    I though the relation between Developing Application and Calculus||stuff these day are so small (Because of the development of hardwares), that I can skip it?

    I must state that, I'm not those kid with passion, but without knowledge.

    I might not have any certificate yet, (since I'm trying to earn them). But I have experienced Life through books, Games, and with my real experience myself, and I felt it's enough when seeing the other fooling around each day passed, I would rather shut myself inside the room reading book, learnt something, or practice programing/drawing, or just playing games.

    I'm trying to become the one who hire, not the one being hired.

    Sorry for any behaviour that make you felt uncomfortable..

    For myself:

    I might failed at school, but I just know I'm learning what I need. As you can see, I can read-write English at a decent level (Not at perfection though..), and what I thought about the grade at school is I can have them when I actually need them (For University, etc), but now, I'm trying to create something with this project of mine (which what I need is more time to practice and more time to thinks about it).

    I learn programing and computer science through books from Open Source Comunity, and have practiced programming regularly since last year.

    I learn story-telling, story-developing, character designing, new technology and phylosophy (those related to my interest) through books and games I read and play, and also, some from my teacher at class (Since I'm not the type to take thing un-seriously, once I decided to go to school, I would listen to every of the teachers's speeches. Thought I don't have time to pratice science subject like math, chemistry nor physic with homeworks...)

    And I have devoted all of my times on this project, which I called my own stepping stone for my future.

    I thinks I understand what I'm doing, and I wanted to keep doing it.

    Anw, thanks you guy so much for hearing me out.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 2/10/12
  16. Zell Dinch

    Zell Dinch Gloria in excelsis Deo Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    If there is anything that you need to do Computing, it's Maths. Graphics, visualisation,.... they're all Maths. You don't simply mess up with ready-to-use engines in a professional enterprise. I'll not try to bombard you with my own opinons. Instead these are what youll need if ur serious about career


    And even if you ignore the application of Maths, high school Maths is dead easy, if you have a potential to be a great computer scientist. You may say: I don't like geometry and proving things so ill not do it. Well but you must be retarded to get a 1 in Maths. It means you can't carry out any simple reasoning
  17. cruelshade

    cruelshade Garena VN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    If you were my son, I would let you do as you please provided you scored enough to pass the highschool graduation.
    When you said you knew what you're doing and it's reasonable, actually but unfortunately, you didn't have any proof. That is to say, even if you had enough determination, stating that your own project would be your stepping stone to the world prestige without firm evidences makes you looks weak, let alone persuasibility of your words and works.
  18. Mr.Garfield

    Mr.Garfield The Cat Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    just cheat your way through high school (like me), it's not that hard...
    but, like others say, math is important, get something done with it

    and do you mind telling me how will you get money from your project?
  19. xp_virus


    Tham gia ngày:
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    your speech reminds me one of my old friend at ddth.com. he had the same thinking about his study in school. he always looks half asleep and complains that he didn't has enough sleep last night. i asked and he answered he was working on his secret gaming project. he is a very good programmer. coder and graphic designer. he studied in Le Hong Phong and he just didn't care about result's shit. but he never suffer from the pressure in that kind of study environment but his result wasn't good at all. he justified as he didn't want to be a smartass in the class. he said he could control his result so easily. i challenged him and he shown a bloody damn high score even the second place in the class. i was surprised. that's his story, i dont know yours but according to what you said, i think you know what you are doing and what is the purpose. you sure have the enthusiasm, passion and spirit to reach your dream. i don't know what is your family's financial status, perhaps your parent are rich and dont really care about your result. I do have some friends who can reach their dream with their parent's support. they didn't even study in school. but their parent are willing to spend money for them to do anything they want. failure is not a problem. and good. they are so bloody lucky. if you have that such an opportunity, congratulation. if not, you need to know how can you reach your dream. what are the criteria and requirement enough for you to do your job. shutting yourself in room doesn't give you any better. go outside, make friends, gather ideas, to see the world, learn what you need to learn in school, score a consistent result to make your family happy, i am sure you are also happy to see your good result. nothing can be done individually because we are not GOD.
  20. Zell Dinch

    Zell Dinch Gloria in excelsis Deo Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Well if your friend is that brilliant, he should never ever get a 1 in Maths >_<.

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