1.0.5 thông tin chính thức mới nè

Thảo luận trong 'Diablo' bắt đầu bởi viethalsing, 16/10/12.

  1. viethalsing

    viethalsing Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Diablo III Patch 1.0.5 – v.

    Patch Features

    New System: Monster Power
    Similar to the "Players X" command in Diablo II, Monster Power is a system designed to give players more control over how challenging enemies are in each difficulty. With this system, players can choose to increase the health and damage of monsters according to different "power levels" and in return they’ll receive scaling bonuses to experience as well as boosts to Magic Find and Gold Find which will stack above the 300% cap. The option to increase Monster Power will be available to all players starting at level 1 in the Quest Selection window, and can be adjusted separately for Normal, Nightmare, Hell, and Inferno difficulties.

    For more information on how to enable and use Monster Power, click here!

    New Event: Infernal Machine
    The Infernal Machine is a device that will allow level 60 players to battle "uber" versions of some of Sanctuary’s most nefarious bosses. While the rewards for defeating these bosses will be great, some assembly is required. Only the most powerful Nephalem can unlock the secrets to building the Infernal Machine, but once forged the device can be used to open portals to special encounters featuring not one, but two bosses which have been augmented from their original versions, both in terms of difficulty and appearance. Defeating each boss pair will provide players with extra items and gold, as well as a chance to find components for a new Legendary ring.

    For more information on the Infernal Machine event, click here!


    Resplendent Chests will now operate similarly to Elite packs in Inferno difficulty:
    When players open a Resplendent Chest, they will receive a reward based on how many Nephalem Valor stacks they have active at the time
    Opening a Resplendent Chest will grant one stack of Nephalem Valor
    Major in-game events will now grant one stack of Nephalem Valor when completed by a level 60 character in Inferno difficulty
    If completed in a multiplayer game, all eligible characters in the party will receive the buff regardless of whether they participated in the event or were close to the event's location
    Major in-game events in Inferno difficulty that involve a special chest or Unique monster will now also drop additional loot for every stack of Nephalem Valor a player has active at the time of the event’s completion
    Several events have had Unique monsters added to them for this purpose
    Experience Shrines can now appear in Inferno difficulty
    Two new shrines have been added to all difficulty levels:
    Empowered Shrine – Increased resource regeneration and reduced cooldowns
    Fleeting Shrine – Increased movement speed and pickup radius
    Followers, pets, and summoned creatures will no longer attack enemies that are in an idle state unless the player is within 10 yards of the enemy (note: Hydra heads and Sentry turrets are not affected by this change)
    The reduction of snare effects against Elite monsters has been reduced (in the player’s favor):
    Normal: 20% to 0%
    Nightmare: 30% to 15%
    Hell: 40% to 25%
    Inferno: 40% to 25%
    Crowd control effects will now be affected by diminishing returns. To learn more about how diminishing returns will work in Diablo III (and why these changes are an overall buff to player CC), click here!
    Auction House

    Search parameters will now save when switching between the gold and real-money auction house
    An option to display Auction House toasts including sales and expirations has been added to the Social options menu
    Players can now search for +Damage on off-hand items
    User Interface
    An additional sortable column has been added which will allow players to sort returned results by one of their indicated Preferred Stats
    To switch between Preferred Stats, right-click on the column and choose from the available drop-down menu
    The Preferred Stat list is now sorted alphabetically
    An "X"-out button has been added to allow players to quickly reset individual Preferred Stat filters
    A "Search for Similar" option has been added for items in the Sell tab
    Right-clicking on items in the tab and selecting “Search for Similar” will automatically populate the Search tab with that item’s stats as well as perform a search for all items currently up for auction that have similar stats
    Bug Fixes
    When claiming stackable items from the auction house, the claimed items will always attempt to fill out partial stacks completely before moving to an open slot in the stash
    The color-coding for the "Quality" drop-down menu for Pages & Recipes has been updated to match the color-coding for all other categories
    Fixed a bug that was causing the minimum value for the Spirit Regen affix to not filter items correctly

    The "Friend of Friend" feature for finding and adding Real ID friends is now available for Diablo III
    A new item delivery system has been added that will allow Blizzard to send license-based items directly to players (for example, Collector's Edition rewards)
    An Achievement button has been added to the in-game navigation tray
    Players can now link Achievements in chat
    Players can now customize their banner in-game while in town
    Each banner reward type now has sub-categories organized by the content they were rewarded from (Hardcore, Crafting, Challenges, etc.)
    New unlocked banner rewards are now highlighted so they can be found more easily
    Players can now change font color (per channel) and size
    Clicking on items linked in chat will now provide a comparison tooltip based on what you are currently wearing
    Several additional improvements have been made to in-game chat to increase usability
    Leaving a multiplayer game will no longer remove you from the party
    This means that players can leave the game to browse the Auction House or switch characters without being removed from the group (picking a hardcore character or a character not eligible to go back into the game, however, will disable the "Resume Game" button)
    To leave a party while in-game, right-click on your hero portrait and select "Leave Game & Party"
    To leave a party while in the hero screen, right-click on your hero and select "Leave Party"

    Bug Fixes
    Azmodan should no longer be able to cast Flame Meteors or continue channeling his Laser attack while stunned

    Defensive bonuses provided by certain class skills have been reduced. To learn more about these changes and why they were made, click here!
    Active Skills
    Battle Rage
    Duration increased from 30 seconds to 120 seconds
    Hammer of the Ancients
    Increased Critical Hit chance is now based on the amount of Fury the player has when Hammer of the Ancients is activated:
    For every 5 Fury a player has, Hammer of the Ancients has a 1% increased Critical Hit chance
    Skill Rune – Smash
    The radius of Smash has been slightly increased to help resolve an issue that caused Hammer of the Ancients to occasionally miss targets immediately in front of the player
    Skill Rune – The Devil's Anvil
    Movement speed reduction increased from 60% to 80%
    Skill Rune – Iron Impact
    Now grants 100% bonus armor per enemy hit for 3 seconds
    Cooldown reduced from 15 seconds to 12 seconds
    Rend should now more reliably hit enemies that are running away
    Skill Rune – Mutilate
    Mutilate has been redesigned to slow enemies by 60% for the duration of Rend
    Skill Rune – Run Like the Wind
    Proc coefficient reduced from 0.2 to 0.08
    Threatening Shout
    Cooldown reduced from 15 seconds to 10 second
    Skill Rune – Grim Harvest
    Now also has a chance to drop a health globe
    War Cry
    Cooldown reduced from 30 seconds to 20 seconds
    Fury generated reduced from 30 to 20
    Skill Rune – Charge!
    Fury generated reduced from 60 to 40
    Skill Rune – Impunity
    Bonus resistance reduced from 50% to 20%
    Fury cost from 16 to 10
    Attack speed no longer influences the cost of Whirlwind. The end result is that the cost discrepancy between slow weapons and fast weapons has been greatly reduced.
    Skill Rune – Blood Funnel
    Healing increased from 1% to 2% of Maximum Life per Critical Hit
    Passive Skills
    Bonus Fury regeneration increased from 10% to 20%
    Inspiring Presence
    Healing increased from 1% to 2% Maximum Life per second
    Fury regeneration has been quadrupled, increased to 2 Fury every 1 second (up from 1 Fury every 2 seconds)
    Demon Hunter
    Active Skills
    Bola Shot
    Explosion radius increased from 7 yards to 14 yards
    Skill Rune – Volatile Explosives
    Explosion radius increased from 14 yards to 20 yards
    Chakram will now always fire a projectile, regardless of distance or if an enemy is targeted
    Added a 30-second cooldown
    Reduced each Companion's attack cooldown from 1.5/2 seconds to 1 second
    Weapon damage increased from 30% to 38%, but they can no longer critically hit
    Companion's damage now scales with attack speed
    Skill Rune – Wolf Companion
    Wolf Companion has been redesigned to be a more durable pet:
    Now has comparable durability to one Zombie Dog
    New attack: 120-degree Cleave with a 10-yard radius that hits for 94% weapon damage
    Skill Rune – Spider Companion
    Spider Companion has been redesigned to be a more durable pet:
    Has slightly more durability than the Wolf Companion
    New attack: 120-degree Cleave with a 10-yard radius that hits for 38% weapon damage and Slows every enemy it hits by 60% for 2 seconds
    Skill Rune – Boar Companion
    Boar Companion has been redesigned to be a more durable pet:
    Has more durability than the Spider Companion
    New attack: Single-target attack that hits for 38% weapon damage
    Provides (155 @ 60) Life per second and a 15% bonus to all resistances for the Demon Hunter
    Evasive Fire
    Skill Rune – Shrapnel has been renamed "Hardened"
    Hardened increases your Armor by 25% for 3 seconds and replaces the backflip
    Skill Rune – Parting Gift
    Weapon damage increased from 45% to 55%
    Poison bomb delay reduced from 1.2 seconds to 0.6 seconds
    Cost changed from 10 Discipline to 30 Hatred
    Increased from weapon damage from 55% to 175%
    Players can now have two turrets active at once, but an 8-second cooldown has been added to compensate
    Sentry can no longer critically hit
    Skill Rune – Spitfire Turret
    Weapon damage increased from 8% to 30%
    Skill Rune – Vigilant Watcher
    Vigilant Watcher has been redesigned and now reduces the cooldown of Sentry by 2 seconds instead of increasing the duration
    Skill Rune – Chain of Torment
    Weapon damage increased from 80% to 125%
    Shadow Power
    Base spell changed from 20% Life Steal for 3 seconds to 15% Life Steal for 5 seconds
    Skill Rune – Night Bane
    Changed from 4 Hatred per second for 3 seconds to 3 Hatred per second for 5 seconds
    Skill Rune – Blood Moon
    Changed from 30% Life Steal for 3 seconds to 25% Life Steal for 5 seconds
    Skill Rune – Gloom
    Changed from 65% damage reduction for 3 seconds to 35% damage reduction for 5 seconds
    Skill Rune – Shadow Glide
    Changed from 40% movement speed increase for 3 seconds to 30% movement speed increase for 5 seconds
    Spike Trap
    Skill Rune – Sticky Trap
    Explosion radius increased from 8 yards to 16 yards
    Skill Rune – Bandolier has been renamed "Echoing Blast"
    Echoing Blast gives your Spike Traps three charges with a minimum delay of 1 second between each explosion, and deals damage as Poison
    Movement speed increased from 65% to 75%
    Hatred cost reduced from 16 to 12
    All rune variants now allow you to walk through enemies while active
    Skill Rune – Equilibrium has been renamed "Emberstrafe"
    Emberstrafe leaves behind fire trail that deals 65% weapon damage per second for 2 seconds
    Can now be used while under the effect of roots, including Jailer (and will break the effect)
    Skill Rune – Trail of Cinders
    Reduced damage from 1500% to 300% weapon damage over 3 seconds
    Trail can now stack
    Skill Rune – Acrobatics
    Cooldown reduced from 15 seconds to 10 seconds
    Passive Skills
    Custom Engineering
    Adds the ability to have a third Sentry turret out a time
    Now also increases the maximum number of Spike Traps you can have out to 6
    Numbing Traps
    Damage reduction reduced from 25% to 20%, but now also works with Grenades and Sentry
    Now also increases Life, Armor, and Resistances by 10%
    Thrill of the Hunt
    Thrill of the Hunt has been redesigned:
    Every 7 seconds, your next Hatred spender roots all targets hit by it for 2 seconds. Enemies can only be rooted once every 7 seconds. (This does not affect Sentry.)
    Now displays a buff icon when ready to use
    Bug Fixes
    Active Skills
    Rapid Fire
    Starting a channel at maximum range will no longer cause the channel to interrupt itself and attempt to close towards the mouse cursor
    Fixed a bug that caused Companion attack and Multishot to sometimes fail to hit targets that were at a different elevation than the player
    Active Skills
    Breath of Heaven
    Skill Rune – Infused with Light
    Bonus Spirit regeneration increased from 6 to 8 additional Spirit per hit for 5 seconds
    Dashing Strike
    The strike animation after dashing now scales with attack speed
    Mantra of Evasion
    Skill Rune – Wind Through the Reeds
    Run speed bonus increased from 5% to 8%
    Passive Skills
    Beacon of Ytar
    Cooldown reduction increased from 15% to 20%
    Near Death Experience
    Cooldown reduced from 90 seconds to 60 seconds
    Now also works on Freeze and Immobilize effects (note: the tooltip will not say Freeze, because Freezes are classified as a Stun)
    Damage reduction reduced from 25% to 20%
    Seize the Initiative
    Conversion of Dexterity to Armor reduced from 100% to 50%
    Bug Fixes
    Active Skills
    Mystic Ally
    Skill Rune – Earth Ally
    Earth Ally will now actively follow players
    Dashing Strike
    Players can no longer become stuck if they die to a damage-over-time spell while casting Dashing Strike
    Witch Doctor
    Active Skills
    Reduced Mana cost by 20% (from 122 to 98 per period at level 60)
    Weapon damage increased from 575% over 12 seconds to 575% over 6 seconds
    Skill Rune – Resentful Spirit
    Weapon damage increased from 287% to 383% over 2 seconds
    Spirit Barrage
    Skill Rune – Well of Souls
    Will now seek out targets up to 40 yards (up from 25 yards)
    Wall of Zombies
    Cooldown reduced from 25 seconds to 20 seconds
    Skill Rune – Pile On
    Changed from 745% weapon damage with a 25-second cooldown to 550% weapon damage with a 10-second cooldown and the radius has been slightly increased
    Passive Skills
    Gruesome Feast
    Now shows a buff icon when you have active stacks
    Fetish Sycophants
    Proc chance increased from 3% to 5%
    Jungle Fortitude
    Damage reduction reduced from 20% to 15%
    Bug Fixes
    Active Skills
    Damage now benefits from Intelligence and other skill bonuses
    Active Skills
    Archon: Slow Time
    Slow increased from 30% to 60%
    Arcane Power cost reduced from 45 to 40 (Snowbound cost will remain the same at 20 Arcane Power)
    Arcane Power cost reduced from 20 to 18 per period
    Weapon damage increased from 155% to 170%
    Skill Rune – Chaos Nexus
    Weapon damage increased from 40% to 44%
    Skill Rune – Entropy
    Weapon damage increased from 178% to 196%
    Skill Rune – Intensify
    Weapon damage increased from 202% to 221%
    Energy Armor
    Armor bonus reduced from 65% to 35%
    Skill Rune – Prismatic Armor
    Resistance bonus reduced from 40% to 25%
    Skill Rune – Ancient Guardian
    Health threshold increased from 35% to 50%
    Skill Rune – Dartling has been renamed "Vigoron"
    Vigoron regenerates Life every second for the wizard
    Ice Armor
    Now reduces damage from melee attacks by 12%
    Skill Rune – Crystallize
    Armor bonus per stack reduced from 30% to 20%
    Magic Missile
    Weapon damage increased from 110% to 125%
    Skill Rune – Charged Blast
    Weapon damage increased from 143% to 162%
    Skill Rune – Split
    Weapon damage increased from 50% to 56%
    Angle of damage reduced from 30 degrees to 20 degrees
    Skill Rune – Seeker
    Weapon damage increased from 121% to 138%
    Skill Rune – Penetrating Blast
    Pierce chance increased from 70% to 100%
    Delay between cast and impact reduced from 2 seconds to 1.25 seconds
    Arcane Power cost reduced from 60 to 50
    Proc coefficient (base skill + runes not listed) reduced from 0.25 to 0.125
    Skill Rune – Star Pact
    Proc coefficient reduced from 0.25 to 0.10625
    Skill Rune – Meteor Shower
    Proc coefficient reduced from 0.1 to 0.05
    Skill Rune – Liquefy
    Proc coefficient reduced from 0.125 to 0.10625
    Ray of Frost
    Movement speed reduction increased from 30% to 60%
    Duration of slow increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds
    Arcane Power cost reduced from 20 to 16 per period
    Skill Rune – Numb
    Movement speed reduction increased from 60% to 80%
    Skill Rune – Cold Blood
    Arcane Power cost reduced from 12 to 10 per period
    Skill Rune – Sleet Storm
    Weapon damage increased from 215% to 280%
    Proc scalar reduced from 0.25 to 0.1875
    Skill Rune – Black Ice
    Weapon damage increased from 193% to 387% over 3 seconds
    Slow Time
    Cooldown reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds
    Movement speed reduction increased from 30% to 60%
    Skill Rune – Time Shell
    No longer reduces the size of Slow Time
    Skill Rune – Perpetuity
    Now reduces cooldown to 12 seconds (from 16 seconds)
    Spectral Blade
    Weapon damage increased from 135% to 165%Angle of damage increased from 60 degrees to 90 degrees
    Range increased from 10 yards to 15 yards (range of Thrown Blades will remain at 20 yards)
    Proc coefficient reduced from 0.222 to 0.14
    Skill Rune – Deep Cuts
    Weapon damage from Bleed increased from 35% to 45% over 3 seconds
    Skill Rune – Healing Blades
    Removed Critical Hit requirement
    Heal amount reduced from 8% to 5%
    Skill Rune – Thrown Blades
    Proc coefficient reduced from 0.111 to 0.08
    Storm Armor
    Ability has been redesigned to periodically deal 100% weapon damage as Lightning to nearby enemies
    Now triggers much more frequently
    Skill Rune – Reactive Armor
    Redesigned to deal 70% weapon damage as Lightning to ranged and melee attackers
    Skill Rune – Strike Back has been renamed "Thunder Storm"
    Thunder Storm increases your periodic damage to 130% weapon damage
    All other runes remain unchanged
    Now breaks roots
    Skill Rune – Reversal
    Now ignores line of sight when returning to the casting location
    Wave of Force
    Cooldown reduced from 15 seconds to 12 seconds
    Skill Rune – Force Affinity
    Cooldown from 12 seconds to 9 seconds
    Passive Skills
    Unstable Anomaly
    Increased health threshold from 20% to 30%
    Now heals the player to 45% of Maximum Life and slow targets that are knocked back by 60% for 3 seconds
    Bug Fixes
    Active Skills
    It is no longer possible to bypass the cooldown of Archon by combining Arcane Orb, Diamond Skin, and Archon
    Archon: Teleport
    Now properly breaks roots when cast
    All runes now properly benefit from Arcane Dynamo's five-stack damage buff
    Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause the heads of the Hydra to become separated from the base when cast near a wall
    Magic Weapon
    Skill Rune – Blood Magic
    Blood Magic should now work with damage over time spells (such as Archon: Disintegrate, Ray of Frost, etc)
    Passive Skills
    Illusionist should now reset the cooldown of Archon: Teleport when it procs

    Crafting materials can now stack to 500
    Jeweler Designs that drop in the world will now show up as Rare quality (yellow) to make them more visible on the ground
    Crafting reagents can now be converted up to the next highest level at the Blacksmith at a ratio of 10:1
    Tomes of Training can be converted up to the next highest level at the Blacksmith and Jeweler at a ratio of 10:1
    Salvage now uses the required equip-level of the item instead of the base item level to determine what components the item will be salvaged into
    Example: If an item is an iLevel 60 and has a reduced level requirement of 52, the item will salvage into Hell crafting materials instead of Inferno crafting materials
    This is being done to accommodate the change of item affixes rolling at the monster's level rather than the item's level (detailed further in the Items section below)
    Bug Fixes
    Fixed a bug where crafted items were not displaying the correct Required Level to equip them

    Now heals both the Templar and the player when cast
    Can now be cast when the player is below 75% health (up from 50%)
    Mana regeneration bonus increased from 2 to 4 Mana per second
    Cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds
    Affected radius increased from 6 yards to 10 yards
    Removed the health threshold for when Intervene can be cast:
    Spell will now cast whenever the player is hit and off cooldown, regardless of the player's currently health %
    Now also reduces the movement speed of enemies that the Templar hits by 60% for 3 seconds
    Basic ranged attack weapon damage increased from 25% to 40%
    Cooldown reduced from 6 seconds to 5 seconds
    Poison Bolts
    Weapon damage of initial hit increased from 40% to 100%
    Poison now deals 40% weapon damage over 2 seconds (instead of over 3 seconds)
    Affected radius increased from 4 yards to 6 yards
    Cooldown reduced from 45 seconds to 25 seconds
    Mass Control
    Cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds
    Powered Armor
    Armor bonus reduced from 15% to 5%
    Reflect Missiles
    Reflect Missiles has been replaced with Missile Ward:
    Missile Ward reduces incoming damage from ranged attacks by 6%
    Bug Fixes
    Magic Find and Gold Find values inherited from Followers should now respect the 300% cap
    Followers will no longer run in place or run slowly when players perform abilities that augment their movement (ex: Leap, Teleport, Vault, etc.)
    Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause followers or quest NPCs to attack idle creatures (such as treasure goblins) if they were the closest target

    Affixes on items will now roll their level based on the level of the monster killed rather than the item's level (this applies to all items including random affixes on Legendary and set items)
    The location of Legendary items will now be marked by a column of light as well as a ping on the mini-map the first time they drop, and a new sound has been addedClass-specific items will now drop more often
    The chance for Legendary and set items to drop has been doubled
    Items below iLevel 58 no longer drop in Inferno difficulty
    Square-quality gems no longer drop in Inferno difficulty
    The cast time for identifying Rare items has been reduced to 1 second
    The cast time for identifying Legendary items has been increased to 4 seconds
    Lore books will now appear light blue instead of green when dropped on the ground
    Monk class Skill bonuses can now roll on shields
    "Extra Health From Globes" now also benefits health potions
    Bug Fixes
    The order in which you equip gear with a Legendary affix to add bonus Elemental Damage will no longer cause your damage output to change
    Mara's Kaleidoscope can now correctly roll 3 random affixes in addition to its 3 fixed affixes
    Fixed a bug with Nagelring and Unity legendary rings which caused them to not drop
    Fixed a bug where Mempo of Twilight could not roll 170-200 of a primary stat
    Fixed a bug where several +X damage item affixes were not correctly applying to skills
    These affixes include "Cold skills deal X% more damage", "Increase damage against elites by X%", and "+X% damage to beasts"
    NOTE: This bug fix will apply to all existing items and will not require new items to drop.

    Additional health per monster in multiplayer games has been reduced from 75% to 70%
    Damage and health of monsters levels 50-63 have been reduced to coincide with the addition of Monster Power
    Elite modifiers have been changed slightly at higher levels:
    The minimum stun duration required for most Elites is now 0.65 seconds (up from 0.5 seconds); stuns less than 0.65 seconds will have no effect
    The minimum stun duration required for Rares and bosses is now 0.85 seconds (up from 0.5 seconds); stuns less than 0.85 seconds will have no effect
    Sand Shark AI has been improved:
    Sand Sharks can now use an “Under Sand Attack” while burrowed, which causes the Sand Shark to charge to the player and do a 10-yard radius earthquake-like attack for low damage
    Sand Sharks can now walk toward you while above ground, which gives players more time to DPS them
    Skeleton Fire Mage fire pools, Wood Wraith spore clouds, and Oppressor fire breath attacks should now do reduced damages to pets and followers
    Two-handed skeleton executioners have had their escape radius reduced
    The "coolup" has been increased on the Fallen Lunatic's suicide power from 1-3 seconds to 2-5 seconds, giving players a more predictable time to kill them (or run away) before they explode
    Lacunis now have a cooldown on their combo attack
    Treasure Goblins will now play a sound whenever they become aware of a player
    Bug Fixes
    Damage caused by the Reflects Damage affix can no longer be dodged
    Fire Chains monsters should no longer link with burrowed monsters (if a monster burrows while linked with Fire Chains, the link will be removed)
    The explosion effect of a dying Molten monster and the damage done by the effect should now always occur at the same time
    Monsters with the Desecrator affix will no longer occasionally cast desecrator pools on players more than 50 yards away
    Damage done by the Arcane Sentry beam attack should now properly sync with the beam graphic
    Heralds of Pestilence will now abort their ranged attack if the player uses a power to make themselves un-targetable while the attack is casting (or "winding up")
    Rare Heralds of Pestilence will now spawn minions
    Arcane Enchanters will now properly reduced their damage based on a players Damage Reduction Against Elites modifier
    Flying Moloks can no longer go invisible and become untargetable
    The following monster types can now spawn as Rares and Champions, allowing certain achievements to be completed:
    Mallet Lord
    Skeletal Sentry
    Skeletal Raider
    Skeletal Marauder
    Armored Destroyer
    Dust Imp
    User Interface

    You can now change the icon for each tab in the shared stash
    The intent of this feature is to allow players the option to visually customize their stash tabs to better reflect its contents
    Bug Fixes
    Switching from a weapon to a shield in your off-hand will no longer cause your Damage stat to display less damage than your character actually deals in combat
    Bug Fixes

    Shrines will now buff all players that are within the shrine’s radius or in the same level area
    Nephalem Valor stacks are now restored whenever a player rejoins the last multiplayer game he/she was disconnected from
    The damage stat in the Hero page should now display the appropriate values when switching main and off-hand weapons with a shield
    Fixed a bug where buffs on other players weren’t displaying correctly in the party UI
    Fixed a bug that was causing players to not be able to rejoin a multiplayer game if they switched to a character that was saved to a difficulty level not yet unlocked by the other party members
    Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when mousing over the tooltip for crafting materials
    Removed the initial tick of damage from fire trenches in Keep Depths and slightly reduced the radius
    Installing and patching the PTR will no longer overwrite and reset the Diablo III retail preferences files (D3Prefs.txt); it is now saved as a separate file (D3PrefsPTR.txt)
    Act I
    Act I - Realm of Chaos: The cut-scene no longer hangs on a black screen when you begin the Realm of Chaos encounter
    Act I - Defiled Crypt: Loot can no longer fall inside the chest upon completion of the "Matriarch's Bones" event
    Act I - The Festering Woods: It is no longer possible for loot to fall inside the broken pillar bases.
    Act III
    Act III - Stonefort: It is no longer possible for the first soldier during the event "Protect and Serve: Protect the soldiers raising the catapult" to be killed by monsters before reaching the winch
    Act III - Rakkis Crossing: Captain Haile can no longer be killed during "Blaze of Glory: Talk to Captain Haile"
    Act IV
    Act IV - The Pinnacle of Heaven: Tyrael is now present in the cutscene during "Prime Evil: Climb to the Pinnacle of Heaven in the Silver Spire"

    HCLIGHT Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Vô định khả viết
    Sao ko thấy nhắc gì đến ET của wiz nhỉ, vậy là skill đó ko bị nerf à ? hay mình đọc thiếu nhỉ
  3. bachlinhlung

    bachlinhlung Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Hơi rối nhưng cảm ơn bác người tiên phong \m/
  4. killerpro16

    killerpro16 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ôi đệt đau cả mắt
  5. IloveDiablo124

    IloveDiablo124 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đang update rồi, ko biết load xong có chơi được chưa nhỉ :D?
  6. rock_you_like

    rock_you_like Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    x2 drop rate kìa !!!
    Hàng legend Tung Của sẽ tràn ngập !!!
  7. Oniony

    Oniony The Warrior of Light

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    vãi cả chưởng bê nguyên cái PTR-Note sang :)) liếc sơ 1 phát mà đau cả mắt toàn chữ với chữ, tiêu đề thì củng chả thèm in đậm cho dễ nhìn mà củng éo dịch sang tiếng việt luôn 8-}
  8. dragonknight183

    dragonknight183 Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Không thấy đả động gì đến chuyện 1 lần chế được nhiều gem nhỉ.
    Mỗi lần chế gem là click mỏi cả tay.
  9. son_

    son_ Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Cái này có từ lâu, lâu lắm rồi mà, làm mình tưởng có cái j mới =)) Update xong có chơi được luôn ko nhỉ :(
  10. muitit

    muitit Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    toàn tiếng anh ko, sao hiểu trời , tiếng việt đâu pro ?? :@@
  11. duytien0o

    duytien0o Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bác cop het cái patch note thế này thì cho em link trực tiếp đọc cho rồi
  12. meodaugaubk

    meodaugaubk T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    sao ko thấy đả động gì đến ring amu nhỉ :-?
  13. naruto172

    naruto172 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mình nghĩ bác này post sai chỗ rồi
    4rum của người việt mà post toàn tiếng anh thế này thì ai đọc được ?
    những người đọc được thì người ta sang bên forum battle.net đọc rồi
  14. kuroemon93

    kuroemon93 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Còn rối mắt hơn cả bên battle.net nữa. Post nhảm vãi, đưa cái link để người khác đọc cho nhanh.
  15. Oniony

    Oniony The Warrior of Light

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  16. Moody

    Moody Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Wuxia Town
    mẹ say quá rồi mà cố căng mắt để đọc cái skill của Wiz thay đổi thế nào mà post thế này ko thể đọc nổi =.= ai còn thức copy riêng đoạn skill wiz cho mình đc ko =.= cố đọc cho xong rồi đi ngủ mai chiến luôn mà khổ quá =.=
  17. baby_fatcat

    baby_fatcat Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    chưa gì các bác nem gạch oan cho người ta, cái này bác y chắc copy ở cái laucher lúc update ấy ~...~
  18. cskv99

    cskv99 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ai có link down 1.05 ko? shere mình với.
  19. rôngkiller

    rôngkiller Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    nhà đá
  20. rôngkiller

    rôngkiller Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    nhà đá

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