info e nó đây : Rates XP/SP: 1000x Rates party XP/SP: 2x Enchant Save: 3 Enchant Max: 16 Chance normal enchant scroll: 75% Chance blessed enchant scroll: 80% Attribute stones: 50%, up to Lv 7 General: Starting lvl: 40 Starting adena: 50.000.000 Buffs: 2 hours Buff slot: 26+4; 13 PvP reward Custom currency Auto Events Custom zones: Exp,Easy,Hard,Party Custom Clan Instance Custom coins: Clan Coin, Blue Coin, PvP Coin, Event - Apiga Custom NPCs: Buffer with scheme Gatekeeper NPC Shop Event Shop PvP Shop Warehouser Augumenter Symbol Maker Clan Reputation Manger Noblesse Manager Event Manager (Nexus Event Engine) sv cũng đông dần r. ae vào làm team farm vs pvp nhé. có gì pm raider
t chơi thì thấy bt . sv này vừa farm vừa đánh nhau vui. mấy sv khác farm tí là max. chơi 2 3 hôm là chán