Appendix surgery - First time hospitalized in my life

Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi censy, 8/10/13.

  1. censy

    censy Castitatis Lilium

    Tham gia ngày:
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    So hey guys I've just been back from the appendix surgery. The worst thing from it wasn't the pain from the surgery itself, but I still couldn't believe they put a tube deep into my dickhole to lead the pee out without me having to going to the toilet. They pulled it out 13 hours after the operation (******* painful) and it's been nearly 6 days and it still hurts.

    That's all folks :2cool_confident:
  2. *Inferno_Kami*

    *Inferno_Kami* Mario & Luigi

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    Field of Blades
    Go awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  3. censy

    censy Castitatis Lilium

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    You have your manhood too, have some sympathy bro :(
  4. DevVn

    DevVn The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Damned Graveyard
    Ouch! That's painful. But it's your fault really.

    You probably didn't go to the hospital until it's nearly too late, didn't you? The appendix broke and infection zone was too large. Otherwise, you'd have laparoscopy instead of a normal surgery and will be discharged after a few hours resting.
  5. censy

    censy Castitatis Lilium

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Right I started to feel the pain at 9pm last Tuesday, but it was just like any other normal stomachaches so I decided to wait until I could take a dump. But then it was 3am Wednesday morning and the pain was freaking horrible I couldn't sleep so I went to a nearby hospital. After a blood test they diagnosed me with some stomach infection and gave me medicine (maybe painkillers).

    I went home, took the medicine, and was able to sleep. But then at 3pm that day, I started to have a fever, the pain from the stomach area was better but then I felt painful in the appendix area. My relatives came back from work late, so not until 9pm was I taken to the hospital (not the one from the early morning pfft). The surgery took place at 1am Thursday. The doctors said it wasn't really late, but it was far from early to be hospitalized (the appendix didn't break fyi :D)

    Well anyway I'm glad this is over with. Now I can have a week off to take a break from everything. Whew.

    What about you Dev? Have you ever had a problem with your appendix?
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 10/10/13
  6. DevVn

    DevVn The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Damned Graveyard
    You were treated by a whack then. When my appendix got removed, it was at 47 hours after the first symptom appeared. It actuary broke partially and it hurts like hell. But still, I had laparoscopy and sent home 10 hours after the treatment. Nowadays, unless your condition is extremely dangerous where they literally need to wash your intestine, they wouldn't do a normal surgery for appendix.

    The mere fact that they sent you home after concluding that the stomach got infected is enough for you to sue them, really. First thing to do when someone got infection in gastrointestinal system is to check his/her appendix. One of the doctor I knew told me that.
  7. censy

    censy Castitatis Lilium

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Seriously when the second hospital diagnosed me with appendix infection I immediately thought of sueing the one I had gone to in the morning for making me suffer all day with the wrong medicine and the worsened pain -.-

    Anyway I had Laparoscopic Surgery too (3 holes right?). But if you were sent home 10 hours after the treatment and more importantly they didn't mess with your dick, wow I had a pretty old-fashioned treatment here. Were you in VN?
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 10/10/13
  8. DevVn

    DevVn The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Damned Graveyard
    Sue them! Sue them! I wanna see those bastards suffer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3 holes then yes, it was laparoscopy. I heard from my surgeon that if everything went smoothly, the patient can fully recover within a month. They must have messed up somewhere then. :-s I wish your little guy the best of luck.

    I had one in VN, Viet Duc Hospital.

    Oh! We were treated with different procedures. Yours requires a placement of a pipe, mine doesn't. Maybe your appendix was too close to your bladder.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 10/10/13
  9. Phọt Ra Quần

    Phọt Ra Quần Mười năm nay tao chưa đánh răng Lão Làng GVN

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    Ảo Tưởng Hương
    What, why? I had an appendix surgeon before (turned out my appendix was fine but I had a-mess-that-even-docs-don't-know-what-it-was there) but I didn't need stuff in my penis >_>
  10. wiwi

    wiwi The Pride of Hiigara

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    Uh oh... I don't really wanna read this thread. Anyway, you turn out okay and it's the most important.
  11. censy

    censy Castitatis Lilium

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Yea it's a good way to get to know how it feels like to be hospitalized and have an operation, also I met some cute nurses :D I've realized there are something that should not be taken for granted, seriously

    1. Not having something in your dick is good (13 hours the tube was in my weiner = 780 most uncomfortable minutes of my life so far. Right after I woke up from the sedation I asked the doctors to remove the tube but to no avail :()
    2. Being able to sleep, no thanks to exhaustion, is good.
    3. Being able to pee without any pain is good (I still feel uneasy peeing so I keep the number of times I pee a day to the minimum :()
  12. middleofnowhere

    middleofnowhere Mario & Luigi

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    What a topic !!!
    What do u want with this kind of thread ?
  13. Faiembo`lem`

    Faiembo`lem` Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

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    Me +1....

    U guys weird... I was never hospitalized in my life.

    *Run away*

    - - - Updated - - -

    With they all saw your penis with a tube, I doubt you could woo any of the cute nurses....
  14. Xenogear

    Xenogear The Last of Us

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Sealeap Zack
    roflmao, how did i only hear about this now?
    you aint a real man till you are catheterized bro, your pain will make you stronger
    or in this case, your dick stronger
    trust me, i read about it online
  15. censy

    censy Castitatis Lilium

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hey what's up guys :D :D

    How are you celebrating your lunar new year (well kinda inappropriate to ask in this topic but hmmm fk it :D)

    Btw thanks Xeno xD
  16. Xenogear

    Xenogear The Last of Us

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sealeap Zack
    my parents are here so we had dinner together,
    nothing fancy but i liked it
  17. CyberTuxedo

    CyberTuxedo Mega Man

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    this thread is wayyy funnier than I expected =)) btw why on earth did you post your seasonal greetings here instead of g-talk?

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