Maõ Môû Options > Game Options and choïn Enable Console laø YES. Ñeå söû dung nhaán ~ vaø ñaùnh developer 1 trong khi chôi. ( baïn cuõng coù theå daùnh nhö theá naøy: "cod2.exe" + set developer 1 trong oftion ) Nuùt load seõ xuaát hieän. Nhaán noù, thaáy chöõ: "devmap. Ñieàn caùi naøy vaøo : god : Baát töû give ammo : mình ñoàng da saét give all : cho taát caû noclip : khoûi nghe veà nhieäm vuï notarget : ñoâng lính kill : baén 1 phaùt , xuyeân taùo ufo : bayyyy jumptonode : dòch chuyeån töùc thôøi give [item] : cho ñoà {moùn ñoà} demigod : ? choïn maøn chôi: môû ~ , ñaùnh maáy chöõ döôùi vaøo, cho pheùp chôi maáy maøn ñaõ hoaëc chöa chôi tôùi: map moscow : Chôi maøn "Red Army Training" map demolition : Chôi maøn "Demolition" map decoytrenches : Chôi maøn "The Diversionary Raid" map decoytown : Chôi maøn "Holding The Line" map elalamein : Chôi maøn "El Alamein" map eldaba : Chôi maøn "The End Of The Beginning" map tankhunt : Chôi maøn "Repairing The Wire" map trainyard Chôi maøn "Railroad Station No. 1" map downtown_assault : Chôi maøn "Downtown Assault" map cityhall : Chôi maøn "Stalingrad City Hall" map downtown_sniper : Chôi maøn "Comrade Sniper" map libya : Chôi maøn "Crusader Charge" map 88ridge : Chôi maøn "88 Ridge" map toujane_ride : Chôi maøn "Armoured Car Escape" map toujane : Chôi maøn "Retaking Toujane" map matmata : Chôi maøn "Assault On Matmata" map duhoc_assault : Chôi maøn "The Battle Of Pointe Du Hoc" map duhoc_defend : Chôi maøn "Defending The Pointe" map silotown : Chôi maøn "The Silo" map beltot : Chôi maøn "Prisoners Of War" map crossroads : Chôi maøn "The Crossroads" map hill400_defend : Chôi maøn "The Battle For Hill 400" map hill400_assault : Chôi maøn "Rangers Lead The Way" map bergstein : Chôi maøn "Bergstein" map breakout : Chôi maøn "The Brigade Box" map newvillers : Chôi maøn "The Tiger" map rhine : Chôi maøn "The Crossing Point" Môû nhieäm vuï: môû ~ , ñaùnh maáy chöõ döôùi vaøo, cho pheùp chôi maáy maøn ñaõ hoaëc chöa chôi tôùi: /seta mis_06 9 : Môû "Rommel's Last Stand" Mission Set /seta mis_07 9 : Môû "D-Day" Mission Set /seta mis_08 9 : Môû "The Battle For Caen" Mission Set /seta mis_09 9 : Môû "Hill 400" Mission Set /seta mis_10 9 : Môû "Crossing The Rhine" Mission Set /seta mis_05 9 : Môû "The Tank Squadrons" Mission Set /seta mis_04 9 : Môû "Fortress Stalingrad" Mission Set /seta mis_03 9 : Môû "Not One Step Backwards!" Mission Set /seta mis_02 9 : Môû "The Battle Of El Alamein" Mission Set /seta mis_01 9 : Môû "The Winter War" Mission Set[/CENTER]
Ban oi cho minh xin cai key code. Minh mua dia DVD ve ma chang thay no o dau ca, khong cai duoc. Danh ngoi nhin. Tuc that!!!