[Thảo luận + Hỏi đáp] Dynasty Warriors các phiên bản cũ

Thảo luận trong 'Dynasty, Samurai & Orochi Warriors' bắt đầu bởi JakeSatan, 13/7/08.

  1. Bergelmir

    Bergelmir The Lone Traveler from Vault 101

    Tham gia ngày:
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    bác cần giải thích thông số gì ?

    barrack thì để cho lính đi kiếm tướng
    teahouse thì để ăn food tăng stat
    blacksmith thì để làm các việc liên quan tới vk
  2. Venom_Rider

    Venom_Rider Donkey Kong GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cần Thơ
    Mới kiếm được cái ele Thunderclap, nhìn chung nó không vip như tưởng tượng :6cool_beat_brick: thất vọng vì tưởng có được combat resitance để quẩy cho sướng nhưng nó chỉ auto lùi lùi như cái cây Dragon Spear của Triệu Vân hồi DW7
    Mà để ý thấy mấy cây vũ khí 5* 6* lấy cho đẹp thôi chứ xài vk mình tự chế quẩy Ultimate mới nổi, cầm 2 cây 5* 6* của Zhao Tai vào một màn 2* Ulti lớ ngớ bị nó đập phát về thành, đổi qua xài cặp kiếm chế 10 Veloc, 10 Slash, 10 Jubi, 10 Recover, 10 Cyclone quẩy vừa phê vừa không sợ chết :5cool_still_dreamin Jump cancle đi còn nhanh hơn cả Xích Thố, sướng thôi rồi :9cool_sweet_kiss:
  3. DarkSlayer

    DarkSlayer Yojimbo GVN LEGENDARY ⚔️ Dragon Knight ⚔️ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hidden Fortress
    Mấy cái Element đấy bác, với lại cái nào xài ngon nhất, à mà cái ambition chẳng lẻ chơi lấy hết tướng là hết chơi mấy màn to hả bác ?

    p/s/: mấy vũ khí thường có thể ép Element thì mấy sao cao nhất ?
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 17/5/14
  4. Bergelmir

    Bergelmir The Lone Traveler from Vault 101

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    Stackable Attributes

    Aggression (A) - Attack increases when both of your weapons have same affinity.

    I don't recommend using two weapons with the same affinity because you'll be at a disadvantage when facing certain officers.

    Aggression (B) - Increases the damage inflicted by your Musou attack.

    Awe - Your attacks may stun the enemy.

    Stunned enemies will be stationary with a few stars over their head. If you really need to stun enemies, you can always perform a C3 attack instead with most weapons.

    Barricade - Your defense increases greatly, but your attack decreases.

    Chain - Increases the amount of time that chains can be linked together.

    This increases the duration of time in between attacks before you lose a combo. A higher combo allows you to build up your Musou and Rage meters faster.

    Cyclone - Inflict some damage on even enemies that are guarding.

    Yeah, that description fails to mention a ton of things. Cyclone is the "Wind" element of past Warriors games. For one, it hits enemies even when they're guarding (actual damage, not chip damage). It's equivalent to the enemy never blocking. Cyclone activates on charge attacks and the final hit of the normal string. Next, it deals % damage based on the enemy's max health. This means that on higher difficulties where the enemies have more health, Cyclone will inflict more damage. Regardless of your attack stat, it'll take a certain % off of the enemy's health. Attacks that proc elements multiple times with Cyclone equipped are absolutely devastating on Chaos.

    Enlightenment - Your Rage Gauge will recover somewhat with each successful attack.

    Explosive - A powerful shockwave may be unleashed following a successful attack.

    This is a damage multiplier with chance activation on every normal and charge attack. The proc rate is also very high. At level 10, it multiplies your damage by 1.5.

    Fear - Your attacks may frighten enemies.

    Enemies that are scared will have a few blue circles over their head and make frightened gestures. They're completely vulnerable to attacks while in this status. It's basically a longer version of a stun. However, proc rate is too low for this to be any useful.

    Flash - Cause enemies that have accumulated damage to explode.

    This activates on charge attacks and the final hit of the normal string. There's no visual explosion or anything, but it does deal extra damage. At the moment, I'm not sure whether it's a damage multiplier or simply direct damage. Either way, this attribute is great for attacks that proc elements multiple times.

    Flurry - Increases the damage inflicted by consecutive attacks.

    You'll do more damage as long as you can keep the combo going. This is a good attribute to use if you have a Musou-based setup.

    Frenzy - Your attack increases greatly, but your defense decreases.

    Frost - Your attacks may freeze the enemy, rendering them immobile.

    This activates by chance on charge attacks and the final hit of the normal string. This time, enemies can even be frozen in midair!

    Induction - Lightning may strike the enemy following a successful attack.

    This is a damage multiplier with chance activation on every normal and charge attack. The proc rate is also very high. At level 10, it multiplies your damage by 2!

    Inferno - Adds additional fire damage to your attacks.

    This activates on charge attacks and the final hit of the normal string. Fire will burn enemies in the air and slowly drain their health.

    Jolt - Lightning may be emitted when you take damage from the enemy.

    This is basically the opposite of Induction in terms of effect and usefulness. The proc rate is too low for it to be used as a defensive attribute.

    Jubilation - Recover a portion of your Health Gauge when you defeat an enemy.

    This is one of the best attributes to use on Chaos Mode. It works during Musou and Rage attacks too to quickly refill your health (aside: Recovery doesn't).

    Morass - Your attacks may decrease the enemy's speed and attack speed.

    Pretty self-explanatory, but it's worth noting that their movement speed in the air also decreases, making it look like they're floating.

    Protection - Defense increases when both of your weapons have the same affinity.

    I don't recommend ever using two weapons with the same affinity. This is because you'll end up at a disadvantage when facing certain officers. If you really need defense, go with the Defense Boost skill and/or Barricade attribute instead.

    Recovery - Your Health Gauge will recover somewhat with each successful attack.

    The healing rate is inferior to Jubilation's, but the two can be stacked if you really need the health. Unlike Jubilation, this does not activate during Musou attacks or True Rage.

    Roar - Recover a portion of your Musou Gauge when you defeat an enemy.

    This is much better than it seems because it works to refill your Musou gauge even during Musou attacks! At high levels, if you perform a crowd-clearing Musou in a large crowd, you will earn back most of what you used. The thing that makes Roar shine, though, is that it can prolong your True Rage attack as long as you keep killing enemies (try it with Yueying).

    Slash - Inflict additional damage against the enemy or even defeat them in a single blow.

    This activates by chance on charge attacks and the final hit of the normal string. Slash deals % damage based on the enemy's max health. Thus, on the harder difficulties where the enemies have more health, Slash does more damage. You also have a chance at killing peons in one blow but not officers.

    Spurt - Defeated enemies will drop Winged Boots.

    By "will", the game means "may". Winged Boots are the items on the field that grant you temporary 2x running speed for 30 seconds.

    Survival - The lower your health is, the more your attack increases.

    Thorns - Returns a portion of damage suffered to the enemy.

    At level 10, Thorns will flinch any enemy that attacks you. This prevents you from ever being combo'd, making it great on Chaos for non-Dive characters.

    Thunder - Lightning will shoot out from enemies you attack.

    This activates by chance on charge attacks and the final hit of the normal string. It deals % damage based on enemy's max health (like Cyclone and Slash). It also flinches grounded enemies and creates a small area of effect that can damage nearby enemies.

    Triumph - Recover a portion of your Rage Gauge when you defeat an enemy.

    Uplift - Your Musou Gauge will recover somewhat with each successful attack.

    This is inferior to Roar because it does not activate during Musou attacks and True Rages. The only reason to ever use this is to stack it with Roar when building a Musou-based weapon.

    Velocity - Increases your attack speed.

    Venom - Inflict poison damage on enemies.

    This activates by chance on charge attacks and the final hit of the normal string. The proc rate is decent. Enemies poisoned will turn green and have their defense stat lowered. The effect will eventually wear off over time.

    Vigor - A shockwave may be emitted when you take damage from the enemy.

    This is like the opposite of Explosive in terms of effect and usefulness. The proc rate isn't as high as it needs to be to protect you.

    Whirlwind - Enemies knocked back by your attack will suffer additional damage.
    Non-stackable Attributes

    Agility - Unleash your fighting spirit when successfully executing a somersault.

    When you perform a backflip while being juggled in the air (L1), your character will damage the ground below. This attack has terrible range and damage, making this attribute a waste of a slot.

    Awareness - Able to guard attacks from behind.

    Desperation - Attack doubles when near death and getting up from the groun[d.

    Attack doubles for 30 seconds and "near death" means red health.

    Fury - Able to use a True Musou attack at any time.

    A True Musou attack normally occurs when your health is in the red. Your characters will get fire element on their Musou attacks (including Rage Musou). A True Musou attack is NOT the same as a True Rage attack, which happens when you perform a Musou attack in Rage mode and kill enough peons to activate stronger hits.

    Greed - Obtain Gold when landing an attack on enemies who are guarding.

    Once you have a few of your hits blocked, you'll gain either 5 gold or 100 gold. If you really need the gold, then I suggest selling your weapons instead.

    Resolve - Defense doubles when near death and getting up from the ground.

    Your defense doubles for 30 seconds, and "near death" means red health.

    Rigidity - Your guard will become unbreakable.

    Swiftness - Speed doubles when near death and getting up from the ground.

    Your speed doubles for 30 seconds, and "near death" means red health.

    ambition tui mới chơi có 1 ít thôi nên chả biết :)) đi cấp chaos mà đánh toàn rớt đồ 2 3 sao .

    vk rare thì ko fusion đc
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 17/5/14
  5. Venom_Rider

    Venom_Rider Donkey Kong GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Cần Thơ
    Mấy cái element thì tùy gu mỗi người mà nâng thôi, riêng cá nhân tui thì nên để ý mấy thằng
    - Cyclone: Dam tướng khi đỡ, nó ko giống cái Wind như hồi DW7 là phá giá luôn mà chỉ xuyên giáp
    - Veloc: Tương tự Agility của WO, tăng tốc độ đánh, đặc biệt có lợi với các vũ khí dam to nhưng lề mề Quan Vũ, vì bản này đã ko còn Combat Resistance nữa, lớ ngớ sẽ bị tụi bá dơ bá tánh nó tỉa tót mà flinch mất combo
    - Jubilation: Hồi 1 tí tiết khi giết được 1 quái. Đi Chaos, Ultimate phải đặc biệt ưu tiên.
    - Recovery: Hồi 1 tí tiết(ít hơn Jubi) khi đánh trúng 1 con quái. Cái này mà kết hợp với Jubi, Veloc mà cầm thêm các cây vũ khí đánh tốc độ thì khỏi lo vụ máu me.
    - Slash: Slay của bản cũ, dam to cho tướng và có thể 1HKO vài con tướng bé. Ưu tiên cho các thằng có Musou khủng như Lu Bu hay Guan Yu.
    Còn lại thì tùy sở thích mà build theo phong cách của mình nhưng tui đã test bộ element này vào cặp Curved Sword cho Zhou Tai và cảm thấy quá hài lòng :9cool_sweet_kiss:
  6. dsc_lk11

    dsc_lk11 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Có ai giúp em không ạ, down game rồi mà chơi không được từ đêm qua, buồn quá :(
  7. DarkSlayer

    DarkSlayer Yojimbo GVN LEGENDARY ⚔️ Dragon Knight ⚔️ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hidden Fortress
    sau một hồi suy nghĩ thì lấy mấy cái này


    Frost bang

    Induction set




    p/s: vãi thật vào test ultimate dễ như ăn kẹo.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 17/5/14
  8. Bergelmir

    Bergelmir The Lone Traveler from Vault 101

    Tham gia ngày:
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    thì build thêm 1 cây def đánh cho lâu sướng tay hơn :1cool_byebye: chán rồi thì xách cây kia ra phang

    cái total fee làm sao tăng lên ? leadership lv1 đầy cột exp rồi mà nó ko lên 2
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 17/5/14
  9. gotei13

    gotei13 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

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    Mấy bác giúp với chẳng là mới tải được game thấy có 2 file CODEX và Dynasty warriors 8 xtreme legends, trong cả 2 thư mục đều có lauch.exe nhưng cái ở trong file CODEX vào được nhưng màn hình bị đen 1 lúc rồi tự động out, còn bên file Dynasty warriors 8 xtreme legends thì không vào được. Thế bay giờ em phải làm thế nào bây giờ mong mấy bác chỉ giúp:6cool_surrender:
  10. hinokage

    hinokage Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

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    Vào trận phải ra lệnh cho Bodyguard dùng battle tactic
  11. Bergelmir

    Bergelmir The Lone Traveler from Vault 101

    Tham gia ngày:
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    mấy tướng dùng để làm nguyên liệu upgrade thì bị mất luôn hả ? 8-}
  12. Venom_Rider

    Venom_Rider Donkey Kong GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cần Thơ
    Đi vài stage là chiêu lại được chứ gì, chỉ chú ý là đợi khi up hết hạng mục của thành thì hẳng upgrade tướng cho khỏi mất công farm allies.
    Mà bây giờ farm tiền cực lòi mắt, đi ambition vòng vòng được có mấy chục k gold, có cách nào farm thật mau không nhỉ?
    Mà cái element Roar nó bá đạo vãi lềnh, mới test thử xong 1 cây Roar Uplift + skill Victory Cry, vô mấy màn đông lính quẩy một phát là Rage Musou ko bao giờ hết, cứ như xài trainer luôn :6cool_surrender:
  13. penidemi

    penidemi Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nghe nói cheat engine xài được thích thì cứ xài
  14. Bergelmir

    Bergelmir The Lone Traveler from Vault 101

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    lỡ bỏ anh zhao yun lv 150 vô upgrade giờ đi 3 4 map rồi vẫn chưa gặp lại 8-}

    đang để dành gem làm 1 cây vk full lửa băng sét xem thế nào =))
  15. hinokage

    hinokage Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Zhao Yun thì nếu đã xây xong Tongquetai và unlock thằng Minister thì gặp thằng Minister đi Map Chang Ban (Jing Province - North) (map này có 4 anh, ngoài ra còn Pang Tong, Liu Shan, Guan Ping)
  16. 3n1x

    3n1x Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cho mình hỏi ai có cách gì chỉnh cái cam nó xa xa ra tí k :(
  17. tranngocchau

    tranngocchau Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ko có thời gian cày cuốc nhiều, bác nào luyện kha khá cho xin cái save với ^^
  18. thulinhquydo

    thulinhquydo T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    có ai lấy weapon 5 và 6 hết chưa show xem nào :D, cày cuốc Guan Yu lấy vk5 đánh lubu học máu thằng hạ hầu đôn bay vào ks chết :|, tức muốn chết
  19. Bergelmir

    Bergelmir The Lone Traveler from Vault 101

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cái leadership sao nó ko chịu lên lv thế nhỉ đem 3 đứa vô trận cho xài skill inh ỏi mà cứ lv 1 hoài
  20. thulinhquydo

    thulinhquydo T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    có ai fix lại ảnh bên HD ko, bị hết băng thông photobucket nên chẳng thấy j cả :|, để build thử 1 cây giống vk5 xem đánh có giống vk5 ko :|

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