Reality System 1.4c 19101994 Mã: /* ============================================================================= OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ============================================================================= ||==|| ||===== //\\ || II ======== \\ // || || || // \\ || II || \\// ||==\\ ||===== =//====\\= || II || // || \\ || // \\ || II || // || \\ ||===== // \\ ||===== II || // 1.4c ||=====|| \\ // ||=====|| || \\// || ||=====|| // ||=====|| || // || ||=====|| // ||=====|| ============================================================================= oO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*Oo ============================================================================= || M A K E B Y 1 9 1 0 1 9 9 4 || Update 16/5/2013 ||-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- || Requires: || Newgen 5d+ || Warcraft 1.24e+ ||-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- || Instal: || + Copy Code || + goto trigger */RSmain/* || remove one */"/"/* of */"///! external ObjectMerger"/* || save map || close map || open map and add */"/"/* back ============================================================================= oO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*OoO*Oo ============================================================================= */ P O S I T I O N +- position.create(real x, real y, real z) //-create a position with x,y,z | +- return lastCreatedPosition3D | +- position.GetUnitPos(unit whichUnit) //-create a position with x,y,z | +- return lastCreatedPosition3D //at unit-point | +- position.GetLocPos(location whichLoc) //-create a position at location | +- return lastCreatedPosition3D | +- .move(real x, real y, real z) //-move a position to new x,y,z | +- .destroy() //-destroy a position | +- .x //-get x of position | +- .y //-get y of position | +- .z //-get z of position | +- .x= //-set x of position | +- .y= //-set y of position | +- .z= //-set z of position A N G L E 3 D +- angle3d.create(position pos1, position pos2) //-create a angle3d : pos1 -> pos2 | +- return lastCreatedAngle3D | +- angle3d.GetUnitAngle3D(unit whichUnit) //-create a angle3d for unit | +- return lastCreatedAngle3D | +- angle3d.Angle3DBetweenPoints(location loc1,location loc2) //-create a angle3d : loc1 -> loc2 | +- return lastCreatedAngle3D | +- .destroy() //-destroy a angle3d | +- .alpha //-get angle in Oxy | +- .beta //-get angle in Oxz or Oyz | +- .alpha= //-set angle in Oxy | +- .beta= //-set angle in Oxz or Oyz U N I T 3 D +- unit3d.CreateAtPosition(player id, integer unitid, position pos, real angle) | +- return lastCreatedUnit3D //-create a unit3d at position | +- unit3d.create(player id, integer unitid, real x, real y, real z, real angle) | +- return lastCreatedUnit3D //-create a unit3d with x,y,z | +- unit3d.CreateAtOffset(real x, real y) //-create a unit3d on surface with x,y | +- return lastCreatedUnit3D | +- unit3d.getStructId(unit whichUnit) //-get struct when you just know unit | +- return integer | +- .Move(position pos) //-move unit of unit3d to the position | +- .move(real x, real y, real z) //-move path of effect3d to x,y,z | +- .remove() //-remove unit of unit3d and destroy(unit3d) | +- .destroy() //-just destroy(unit3d), not remove unit | +- .getPos //-get position of unit3d | +- return position | +- .getPath //-get unit of unit3d | +- return unit | +- .CustomValue /*default: 0*/ //-get custom value of unit3d | //you can use it for something | +- .CustomValue= //-set custom value of unit3d | +- .created //-check: if struct is created => return true | +- return boolean | +- .x //-get x of unit of unit3d | +- .y //-get y of unit of unit3d | +- .z //-get z of unit of unit3d E F F E C T 3 D +- effect3d.CreateAtPosition(position pos) //-create a effect3d at position | +- return lastCreatedEffect3D | +- effect3d.CreateAtUnit(unit) //-create a effect3d at unit | +- return lastCreatedEffect3D | +- effect3d.CreateAtOffset(real x, real y) //-create a unit3d on surface with x,y | +- return lastCreatedEffect3D | +- effect3d.create(real x, real y, real z) //-create a effect3d with x,y,z | +- return lastCreatedEffect3D | +- effect3d.getStructId(unit whichUnit) //-get struct when you just know path (it's a unit) of effect3d | +- return integer | +- .add(string modelName, string attachPointName) //-add effect to path | +- return bj_lastCreatedEffect | +- .Move(position pos) //-move path of effect3d to the position | +- .move(real x, real y, real z) //-move path of effect3d to x,y,z | +- .scale(real scaleX, real scaleY, real scaleZ) //-you can change scale of effects on path by changing scale of path | +- .getPos //-get position of unit3d | +- return position | +- .remove() //-remove path of effect3d and destroy(effect3d) | +- .destroy() //-just destroy(effect3d), not remove path | +- .getPath //-get path of effect3d | +- return unit | +- .CustomValue /*default: 0*/ //-get custom value of unit3d | //you can use it for something | +- .CustomValue= //-set custom value of unit3d | +- .setTimedLife= //-set TimedLife for effect3d | //auto remove and destroy | +- .created //-check: if struct is created => return true | +- return boolean | +- .x //-get x of path of effect3d | +- .y //-get y of path of effect3d | +- .z //-get z of path of effect3d D U M M Y +- effect3d.CreateAtPosition(position pos) //-create a dummy at position | +- return lastCreatedDummy | +- effect3d.CreateAtUnit(unit) //-create a dummy at unit | +- return lastCreatedDummy | +- effect3d.CreateAtOffset(real x, real y) //-create a dummy on surface with x,y | +- return lastCreatedDummy | +- effect3d.create(real x, real y, real z) //-create a dummy with x,y,z | +- return lastCreatedDummy | +- effect3d.getStructId(unit whichUnit) //-get struct when you just know path (it's a unit) of dummy | +- return integer | +- .add(string modelName, string attachPointName) //-add effect to unit of dummy | +- return bj_lastCreatedEffect | +- .Move(position pos) //-move unit of dummy to the position | +- .move(real x, real y, real z) //-move unit of dummy to x,y,z | +- .scale(real scaleX, real scaleY, real scaleZ) //-change scale of unit of dummy | //note: scale of effect is attached on unit will change too | +- .getPos //-get position of dummy | +- return position | +- .destroy() //-remove and destroy all | +- .getPath //-get unit of dummy | +- return unit | +- .getEfx //-get effect is attached | +- return effect | +- .CustomValue /*default: 0*/ //-get custom value of dummy | //you can use it for something | +- .CustomValue= //-set custom value of dummy | +- .setTimedLife= //-set TimedLife for dummy | //auto destroy | +- .created //-check: if struct is created => return true | +- return boolean | +- .x //-get x of unit of dummy | +- .y //-get y of unit of dummy | +- .z //-get z of unit of dummy O T H E R S +- PolarProjection3D(position pos, real dist, angle3d ang) //-Polar 3D | +- return position | +- DistanceBetweenPositions(position pos1, position pos2) //-Distance: Pos1 -> Pos2 | +- return real | +- DistanceBetweenUnits(unit a, unit b) //-Distance: UnitA -> UnitB | +- return real //just x,y | +- Distance3DBetweenUnits(unit a, unit b) //-Distance: UnitA -> UnitB | +- return real //3D with x,y,z | +- DistanceBetweenUnit3Ds(unit3d a, unit3d b) //-Distance: Unit3D_A -> Unit3D_B | +- return real //3D | +- DistanceBetweenEffect3Ds(effect3d a, effect3d b) //-Distance: Effect3D_A -> Effect3D_B | +- return real //3D | +- DistanceBetweenUnit3DAndEffect3D(unit3d a, effect3d b) //-Distance: Unit3D_A -> Effect3D_B +- return real //3D Một số công dụng: 1. Cho phép tính góc trong Oxyz (3D) từ đó lấy Polar 3D. Dễ hiểu hơn là so sánh với angle có sẵn của warcraft thì chỉ có thể lấy góc từ vị trí A -> B trong Oxy (2D), angle3d của sys cho phép lấy góc từ A -> B nhưng trong Oxyz. => nếu A ở vị trí thấp hơn B thì lấy Polar 3D với distance (tự cho) góc angle3d từ A->B thì ta sẽ được các điểm đi từ A -> B NHƯNG là đường thẳng trên không nối liền 2 điểm A, B chứ KHÔNG PHẢI là các điểm từ A -> B trên mặt đất như khi lấy Polar của war. Từ đó mở rộng ra ta có thể làm các hiệu ứng đi kèm như: - Knock back chéo lên trời hay văng vào ngọn núi nào đó - Tạo các spell hoành tráng có effect trên không bắn vào target 2. unit3d cho phép tạo unit trong Oxyz (bình thường thì phải tạo rùi add/remove CROWFORM rùi nâng FlyHeight), quản lí type: "unit3d" như type: "unit". 3. effect3d cho phép tạo effect trên không (thường thì tạo unit rùi attach model vào), một effect3d có thể chứa nhiều model effect (tìm hiểu hàm .add), move trong hệ trục Oxyz, chỉnh kích cỡ effect (hàm .scale), hẹn time remove effect (hàm .setTimedLife). 4. dummy cũng như unit3d nhưng tại sao phải tách riêng? Đơn giản là tôi muốn quản lí dễ dàng hơn. Đồng thời kết hợp khả năng của 2 thằng unit3d và effect3d lại. 5. position (3D) thay thế location (2D) 6. angle3d tính góc trong Oxyz (chéo lên, chéo xuống, hướng nào cũng được tất) 7. đi kèm 1 số hàm tính distance 3D nếu xài distance của war thì khi 2 unit A(0,0) và B(0,100) thì distance sẽ cho ra 100 dù cho B ở vị trí cao hơn A cả ngàn thước đi chăng nữa vì vậy mà mềnh làm mí cái distance 3D là zậy. Và còn cách công dụng khác tùy cách bạn sử dụng nó Link down: P/s: kiểm duyệt sản phẩm trước khi ấn bản nào
RepeatData32 version 7b Cách thức sử dụng giữ nguyên. Viết lại code hoàn toàn, tốc độ xấp xĩ T32 (theo dh-gà test)
RandomSeed PHP: library RandomSeed initializer Initglobals private constant integer MAX_SEED =999 private integer MAX_CHANGE =5 private timer T private integer Seed private real array PeriodTime private integer array PlusSeed private integer TimerCount private integer i=0 private integer TempInt =0 private real TempReal=0endglobalsprivate function ChangeSeed takes nothing returns nothing if Seed<MAX_SEED then set i=GetRandomInt(0,2) set Seed=Seed+PlusSeed[i] set TempInt=PlusSeed[i] set PlusSeed[i]=PlusSeed[MAX_CHANGE] set PlusSeed[MAX_CHANGE]=TempInt else set Seed=1 endif call SetRandomSeed(Seed) call TimerStart(T, PeriodTime[TimerCount],false, function ChangeSeed) set TempReal=PeriodTime[TimerCount] set PeriodTime[TimerCount]=PeriodTime[MAX_CHANGE] set PeriodTime[MAX_CHANGE]=TempReal if TimerCount==0 then set TimerCount=MAX_CHANGE else set TimerCount=TimerCount-1 endifendfunctionfunction IsSuccess takes integer percent returns boolean return percent>=GetRandomInt(0,100)endfunctionprivate function Init takes nothing returns nothingset i=0set MAX_CHANGE=MAX_CHANGE-1loop set PeriodTime[i]=I2R(i+1)/10. set PlusSeed[i] =i+1 exitwhen i==MAX_CHANGE set i=i+1endloop set T=CreateTimer() call TimerStart(T, PeriodTime[i],false, function ChangeSeed) set Seed=GetRandomInt(1,MAX_SEED) call SetRandomSeed(Seed) set TimerCount=GetRandomInt(0,MAX_CHANGE)endfunctionendlibrary Cách hoạt động của hàm Random? Hiểu sơ bộ thì là truyền vào 1 cái gọi là nhân (seed). Hàm random sẽ dùng cái nhân đó để tính toán ra cái gì sẽ đi ra. Bản thân hàm random cũng nhận thêm 2 đối số nữa để giới hạn kết quả đầu ra (min và max có thể random ra được) Tóm lại kết quả của hàm random tùy vào 3 giá trị seed, min và max Vấn đề Có thể có những lúc bạn thấy việc Random của war3 hơi điêu Mình cũng có thằng bạn chơi war3 kêu vậy và bản thân mình cũng mới gặp điều này. Cách giải quyết vấn đề này? Min và max thì sẽ do bạn, người làm map quyết định tùy theo việc bạn định làm là gì Seed thì theo như mặc định sẽ chỉ được thiết lập 1 lần khi khởi tạo map May mắn thay Blizzard cho phép ta có thể thay đổi cái seed này Vậy nếu bản thân cái seed này cũng random và thay đổi liên tục theo thời gian thì chúng ta có thể yên tâm hàm random sẽ cho ra kết quả "bất ổn định" hơn (Thứ ta cần đây ) Đây cũng chính là những gì code này thực hiện! Cách dùng system? Chỉ phải nhét code vào map thôi là xong Tự nó chạy mà @@ Bonus function IsSuccess takes integer percent returns boolean - percent = xác suất, tỉ lệ thành công tính = % - Trả về true nếu thành công và ngược lại trả ra false Note - Code này trong map sẽ có tác dụng cho cả hàm random của GUI nữa! - Tớ đã test thử trong 1 map hẳn hoi rồi & tự cảm thấy hài lòng (Ko phải quảng cáo đâu >,<)
MISC 19101994 Mã: [COLOR="#FF8C00"]/*==================================================================================================== M A K E B Y 1 9 1 0 1 9 9 4 Update: 16/5/2013 Instal: Just Copy code Requires: Newgen or X Design Warcraft 1.24e+ ==================================================================================================== F U N C T I O N S PolarX (real x, real dist, real angle) -> real PolarY (real y, real dist, real angle) -> real PolarProjection (real x, real y, real dist, real angle) |___ You can use Misc_X1 and Misc_Y1 <=> returns of PolarX and PolarY RAbs (real) -> real IAbs (integer) -> integer Distance (real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2) -> real Angle (real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2) -> real Fibonacci (integer) -> integer UnitHasItemId (unit whichUnit, integer itemId) -> integer |___ It count and return num.Item ParabolZ (real distance, real dist_run, real height) -> real LineZ (real dist_run, real alpha) -> real CircleZ (real distance, real dist_run) -> real HeartY (real a, real MaxSize, real x) |___ return Y1 and Y2 SpecialEffect_Heart (real X, real Y, real aoe, real d, string sfx, real angle) UnitsInGroup (group) -> integer AddGroup (group dest, group source) RemoveGroup (group dest, group source) constant ConvertATtoINT (attacktype) -> integer constant ConvertDTtoINT (damagetype) -> integer GetRectFromCircle (real x, real y, real aoe returns rect) EnumDestructablesInCircle (real x, real y, real radius, code actionFunc) GetMinimumInteger (integer x, integer LIMIT) GetMinimumReal (real x, real LIMIT) GetMaximumInteger (integer x, integer LIMIT) GetMaximumReal (real x, real LIMIT) PauseAllUnits (boolean pause) OpenGate (destructable whichGate) CloseGate (destructable whichGate) DestroyGate (destructable whichGate) CountPlayersInForce (force whichForce) GetUnitLevelFromId (integer unitid) -> integer constant notI (integer) -> integer |___ 1 => 0 and 0 => 1 constant I2B (integer) -> boolean |___ 1 => true and 0 => false constant B2I (boolean) -> integer |___ false => 0 and true => 1 ====================================================================================================*/[/COLOR] library Misc globals public real X1 = 0 public real Y1 = 0 public real X2 = 0 public real Y2 = 0 endglobals /**/function PolarX takes real x, real dist, real angle returns real return x + dist*Cos(angle*bj_DEGTORAD) endfunction /**/function PolarY takes real y, real dist, real angle returns real return y + dist*Sin(angle*bj_DEGTORAD) endfunction /**/function PolarProjection takes real x, real y, real dist, real angle returns nothing set X1 = x + dist*Cos(angle*bj_DEGTORAD) set Y1 = y + dist*Sin(angle*bj_DEGTORAD) endfunction //! textmacro Abs takes A, B /**/function $A$ takes $B$ a returns $B$ if a < 0 then return -a endif return a endfunction //! endtextmacro //! runtextmacro Abs("RAbs","real") //! runtextmacro Abs("IAbs","integer") /**/function Distance takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real return SquareRoot((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)) endfunction /**/function Angle takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real return bj_RADTODEG*Atan2(y2-y1,x2-x1) endfunction /**/function ParabolZ takes real distance, real dist_run, real height returns real return ((4*height*dist_run)/distance)*(1-(dist_run/distance)) endfunction /**/function LineZ takes real dist_run, real alpha returns real return Tan(alpha*bj_DEGTORAD)*dist_run endfunction /**/function CircleZ takes real distance, real dist_run returns real return SquareRoot(((distance/2)*(distance/2))-(RAbs((distance/2)-dist_run)*RAbs((distance/2)-dist_run))) endfunction /**/function Fibonacci takes integer n returns integer local integer array i if n <= 1 then return n endif set i[0] = 0 set i[1] = 1 set i[3] = 2 loop set i[2]=i[0]+i[1] set i[0]=i[1] set i[1]=i[2] set i[3]=i[3]+1 exitwhen i[3]>n endloop return i[2] endfunction /**/function HeartY takes real a, real MaxSize, real x returns nothing if x > RAbs(MaxSize) then debug call BJDebugMsg("Math Error!") return endif set Y1 = a*RAbs(x) + SquareRoot(MaxSize*MaxSize - x*x) set Y2 = a*RAbs(x) - SquareRoot(MaxSize*MaxSize - x*x) endfunction /**/function UnitHasItemId takes unit whichUnit, integer itemId returns integer local integer index = 0 set bj_forLoopAIndex = 0 loop if GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlot(whichUnit, bj_forLoopAIndex)) == itemId then set index = index + 1 endif set bj_forLoopAIndex = bj_forLoopAIndex + 1 exitwhen bj_forLoopAIndex >= bj_MAX_INVENTORY endloop set whichUnit = null return index endfunction /**/function SpecialEffect_Heart takes real X, real Y, real aoe, real d, string sfx, real angle returns nothing local real x = aoe local real y loop call HeartY(.75,aoe,x) set y = PolarY(Y,Distance(0,0,x,Y1),Angle(0,0,x,Y1)) call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(sfx,PolarX(X,Distance(X,Y,X+x,y),Angle(X,Y,X+x,y)+angle),PolarY(Y,Distance(0,0,x,Y1),Angle(0,0,x,Y1)+angle))) set y = PolarY(Y,Distance(0,0,x,Y2),Angle(0,0,x,Y2)) call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(sfx,PolarX(X,Distance(X,Y,X+x,y),Angle(X,Y,X+x,y)+angle),PolarY(Y,Distance(0,0,x,Y2),Angle(0,0,x,Y2)+angle))) set x = x - d exitwhen x < -aoe endloop set sfx = null endfunction /**/function UnitsInGroup takes group g returns integer set bj_groupCountUnits = 0 call ForGroup(g,function CountUnitsInGroupEnum) set g = null return bj_groupCountUnits endfunction /**/function AddGroup takes group dest, group source returns nothing set bj_groupAddGroupDest = dest call ForGroup(source, function GroupAddGroupEnum) set source = null set dest = null endfunction /**/function RemoveGroup takes group dest, group source returns nothing set bj_groupAddGroupDest = dest call ForGroup(source, function GroupAddGroupEnum) set source = null set dest = null endfunction /**/constant function ConvertATtoINT takes attacktype at returns integer if at == ATTACK_TYPE_HERO then return 6 elseif at == ATTACK_TYPE_MELEE then return 1 elseif at == ATTACK_TYPE_PIERCE then return 2 elseif at == ATTACK_TYPE_SIEGE then return 3 elseif at == ATTACK_TYPE_MAGIC then return 4 elseif at == ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS then return 5 endif return 0 //NORMAL endfunction /**/constant function ConvertDTtoINT takes damagetype dt returns integer if dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_ACID then return 16 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_COLD then return 9 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_DEATH then return 18 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_DEFENSIVE then return 21 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_DEMOLITION then return 22 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_DISEASE then return 12 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_DIVINE then return 13 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_ENHANCED then return 5 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE then return 8 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_FORCE then return 17 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_LIGHTNING then return 10 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC then return 14 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_MIND then return 19 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN then return 0 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_PLANT then return 20 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_POISON then return 11 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_SHADOW_STRIKE then return 25 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_SLOW_POISON then return 23 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_SONIC then return 15 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_SPIRIT_LINK then return 24 elseif dt == DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL then return 26 endif return 4//NORMAL endfunction /**/function GetRectFromCircle takes real x, real y, real aoe returns rect return Rect(x - aoe, y - aoe, x + aoe, y + aoe) endfunction /**/function EnumDestructablesInCircle takes real x, real y, real radius, code actionFunc returns nothing local rect r if (radius > 0) then set r = GetRectFromCircle(x,y,radius) call EnumDestructablesInRect(r,null,actionFunc) call RemoveRect(r) set r = null endif set actionFunc = null endfunction //! textmacro Minimum takes A, B, C function GetMinimum$A$ takes $B$ returns $C$ if a < b then return b endif return a endfunction //! endtextmacro //! runtextmacro Minimum ("Integer","integer a, integer b","integer") //! runtextmacro Minimum ("Real","real a, real b","real") //! textmacro Maximum takes A, B, C function GetMaximum$A$ takes $B$ returns $C$ if a > b then return b endif return a endfunction //! endtextmacro //! runtextmacro Maximum ("Integer","integer a, integer b","integer") //! runtextmacro Maximum ("Real","real a, real b","real") function PauseAllUnits takes boolean pause returns nothing local group g = CreateGroup() local unit f call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(g,bj_mapInitialPlayableArea,null) loop set f = FirstOfGroup(g) exitwhen f==null call PauseUnit(f,pause) call GroupRemoveUnit(g,f) endloop call DestroyGroup(g) set g = null endfunction hook PauseAllUnitsBJ PauseAllUnits function OpenGate takes destructable d returns nothing call KillDestructable(d) call SetDestructableAnimation(d,"death alternate") endfunction function DestroyGate takes destructable d returns nothing call KillDestructable(d) call SetDestructableAnimation(d,"death") endfunction function CloseGate takes destructable d returns nothing call DestructableRestoreLife(d,GetDestructableMaxLife(d),true) call SetDestructableAnimation(d,"stand") endfunction function CountPlayersInForce takes force f returns integer set bj_forceCountPlayers = 0 call ForForce(f, function CountPlayersInForceEnum) set f = null return bj_forceCountPlayers endfunction function GetUnitLevelFromId takes integer unitid returns integer local unit u = CreateUnit(Player(15),unitid,0,0,0) local integer level = GetUnitLevel(u) call RemoveUnit(u) set u = null return level endfunction constant function notI takes integer i returns integer if i==0 then return 1 endif return 0 endfunction //! textmacro IntAndBool takes A, B, C, D, E, F constant function $A$ takes $B$ returns $C$ if $D$ then return $E$ endif return $F$ endfunction //! endtextmacro //! runtextmacro IntAndBool ("I2B","integer i","boolean","i==1","true","false") //! runtextmacro IntAndBool ("B2I","boolean b","integer","b==false","0","1") endlibrary 1 cái cùi mía viết lâu rùi, up lên cho topic chui lên trên cách xài không có, đơn giản chỉ là 1 số hàm nhỏ khá hữu dụng cho map
Framework 1.09 (4/7/2014) PHP: /*====================================================================================================// FrameWork 1.09 by 19101994 update 7/4/2014 (mm/dd/yyyy)//====================================================================================================//// Instal:// - Just copy////*/globals//==============================C=O=N=F=I=G============================== constant boolean USE_BIG_FRAME = true /*allow use FRAME2000m = 2.000000000 FRAME4000m = 4.000000000 FRAME8000m = 8.000000000*/endglobals//====================================================================/*////// How to use:// - demo and summary*/// S U M M A R Y//! novjasslibrary Framework ( N={64,32,16,08,04,02,01,2s,4s,8s} ) note: {2s,4s,8s} are allowed when USE_BIG_FRAME = true VARs: Framework_FRAME<N> //Example Framework_FRAME01 = 1.000000000 FUNCTIONs: function AddFrame<N> takes frame f , boolean instant returns nothing //add struct to frameN. Example: frame32 => loop(method update) 1/32s function AddFrameAuto takes frame f, real delay, boolean instant returns nothing //add struct to frame?, auto select frame for delay //lvl_1 <= not delay, run every 1/32s //you can use tick public module begin //code //finish-conditions or not // return true == loop // return false == stop public module end //lvl_2 //you can use tick and TickDelay = ConvertDELAYtoTICK( real delay ) runtextmacro Framework_begin takes DELAY //code runtextmacro Framework_null //finish-conditions or not // return true == loop // return false == stop runtextmacro Framework_endendlibrary//! endnovjass/**///====================================================================================================//====================================================================================================//====================================================================================================library Framework interface frame method update takes real whichFrame returns boolean method end takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing endinterface //! textmacro FRAMEWORK_VARIABLES takes NAME private integer $NAME$_nFrame = 0 private frame array $NAME$_saver private timer $NAME$_timer = CreateTimer() //! endtextmacro globals public constant real FRAME64 = 0.015625000 //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_VARIABLES ("FRAME64") public constant real FRAME32 = 0.031250000 //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_VARIABLES ("FRAME32") public constant real FRAME16 = 0.062500000 //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_VARIABLES ("FRAME16") public constant real FRAME08 = 0.125000000 //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_VARIABLES ("FRAME08") public constant real FRAME04 = 0.250000000 //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_VARIABLES ("FRAME04") public constant real FRAME02 = 0.500000000 //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_VARIABLES ("FRAME02") public constant real FRAME01 = 1.000000000 //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_VARIABLES ("FRAME01") endglobalsstatic if USE_BIG_FRAME then globals public constant real FRAME2s = 2.000000000 //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_VARIABLES ("FRAME2s") public constant real FRAME4s = 4.000000000 //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_VARIABLES ("FRAME4s") public constant real FRAME8s = 8.000000000 //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_VARIABLES ("FRAME8s") endglobalsendif //! textmacro FRAMEWORK_FUNCTIONS takes TYPE private function DoTheLoop$TYPE$ takes nothing returns nothing local integer i = 0 loop exitwhen i==FRAME$TYPE$_nFrame if FRAME$TYPE$_saver[i].update(FRAME$TYPE$) then set i=i+1 else call FRAME$TYPE$_saver[i].end() set FRAME$TYPE$_nFrame=FRAME$TYPE$_nFrame-1 if FRAME$TYPE$_nFrame==0 then call PauseTimer(FRAME$TYPE$_timer) else set FRAME$TYPE$_saver[i]=FRAME$TYPE$_saver[FRAME$TYPE$_nFrame] endif endif endloop endfunction function AddFrame$TYPE$ takes frame f, boolean instant returns nothing if FRAME$TYPE$_nFrame==0 then call TimerStart(FRAME$TYPE$_timer,FRAME$TYPE$,true,function DoTheLoop$TYPE$) endif set FRAME$TYPE$_saver[FRAME$TYPE$_nFrame] = f set FRAME$TYPE$_nFrame=FRAME$TYPE$_nFrame+1 if instant then call f.update(FRAME$TYPE$) endif endfunction //! endtextmacro //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_FUNCTIONS ("64") //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_FUNCTIONS ("32") //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_FUNCTIONS ("16") //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_FUNCTIONS ("08") //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_FUNCTIONS ("04") //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_FUNCTIONS ("02") //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_FUNCTIONS ("01")static if USE_BIG_FRAME then //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_FUNCTIONS ("2s") //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_FUNCTIONS ("4s") //! runtextmacro FRAMEWORK_FUNCTIONS ("8s")endif function AddFrameAuto takes frame f, real delay, boolean instant returns nothing if false thenstatic if USE_BIG_FRAME then elseif delay/Framework_FRAME8s >= 16.00 then call AddFrame8s(f,instant) elseif delay/Framework_FRAME4s >= 15.00 then call AddFrame4s(f,instant) elseif delay/Framework_FRAME2s >= 14.00 then call AddFrame2s(f,instant)endif elseif delay/Framework_FRAME01 >= 13.00 then call AddFrame01(f,instant) elseif delay/Framework_FRAME02 >= 12.00 then call AddFrame02(f,instant) elseif delay/Framework_FRAME04 >= 11.00 then call AddFrame04(f,instant) elseif delay/Framework_FRAME08 >= 10.00 then call AddFrame08(f,instant) elseif delay/Framework_FRAME16 >= 9.00 then call AddFrame16(f,instant) elseif delay/Framework_FRAME32 >= 8.00 then call AddFrame32(f,instant) endif call AddFrame64(f,instant) endfunction //lvl_1 //you can use this.Frame_tick public module begin private integer tick = 0 method update takes real whichFrame returns boolean set tick = tick + 1 endmodule public module end endmethod endmodule //lvl_2 //you can use this.Frame_tick and Frame_TickDelay = ConvertDELAYtoTICK( real delay ) //! textmacro Framework_begin takes DELAY private integer tick = 0 private integer tack = 0 method update takes real whichFrame returns boolean local integer TickDelay = R2I($DELAY$/whichFrame) set tick = tick + 1 if ModuloInteger(tick, TickDelay) == 0 then set tack = tack + 1 //! endtextmacro //! textmacro Framework_null endif //! endtextmacro //! textmacro Framework_end endmethod //! endtextmacroendlibrary ServerFrame 1.06 (6/7/2014) PHP: /*====================================================================================================// ServerFrame 1.06 by 19101994 update 7/6/2014 (mm/dd/yyyy)//====================================================================================================//// Instal:// - Just copy*///! textmacro SF_Instal private constant integer MAX_CLIENT_ON_A_SERVER = 16 //16 is best//! endtextmacro/*//// Functions:// AddFrameAuto( cframe f, real delay, boolean instant )// AddFrame8s ( cframe f, boolean instant )// AddFrame4s ( cframe f, boolean instant )// AddFrame2s ( cframe f, boolean instant )// AddFrame01 ( cframe f, boolean instant )// AddFrame02 ( cframe f, boolean instant )// AddFrame04 ( cframe f, boolean instant )// AddFrame08 ( cframe f, boolean instant )// AddFrame16 ( cframe f, boolean instant )// AddFrame32 ( cframe f, boolean instant )// AddFrame64 ( cframe f, boolean instant )////// Demo:*///! novjassscope test initializer TEST struct demo extends cframe static method create takes nothing returns thistype local thistype this = allocate() set tick = 0 call AddFrame64(this, true) return this endmethod private integer tick private method update takes real per returns boolean set tick = tick + 1 return tick * per < 30.00 endmethod private method end takes nothing returns nothing call destroy() endmethod endstruct private function TEST takes nothing returns nothing local integer i = 0 loop call demo.create() call demo.create() call demo.create() call demo.create() set i = i + 1 exitwhen i >= 800 endloop endfunctionendscope//! endnovjass/*//// How to register a client with a new server?//*///! novjassscope test initializer TEST struct demo extends cframe static method create takes nothing returns thistype local thistype this = allocate() set tick = 0 call s.add(this, true) return this endmethod private integer tick private method update takes real per returns boolean set tick = tick + 1 return tick * per < 30.00 endmethod private method end takes nothing returns nothing call destroy() endmethod private static sframe s private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing set s = sframe.create(0.015625000) endmethod endstruct private function TEST takes nothing returns nothing local integer i = 0 loop call demo.create() call demo.create() call demo.create() call demo.create() set i = i + 1 exitwhen i >= 800 endloop endfunctionendscope//! endnovjass/*//// Notes:// You shouldn't register a client with a new server!//*/library ServerFrame initializer init requires SFc globals private sframe Server_1_64 private sframe Server_1_32 private sframe Server_1_16 private sframe Server_1_8 private sframe Server_1_4 private sframe Server_1_2 private sframe Server_1_1 private sframe Server_2_1 private sframe Server_4_1 private sframe Server_8_1 endglobals function AddFrameAuto takes cframe f, real delay, boolean instant returns nothing if delay/8.000000000 >= 19.60 then call Server_8_1.add(f, instant) elseif delay/4.000000000 >= 17.80 then call Server_4_1.add(f, instant) elseif delay/2.000000000 >= 16.10 then call Server_2_1.add(f, instant) elseif delay/1.000000000 >= 14.50 then call Server_1_1.add(f, instant) elseif delay/0.500000000 >= 13.00 then call Server_1_2.add(f, instant) elseif delay/0.250000000 >= 11.60 then call Server_1_4.add(f, instant) elseif delay/0.125000000 >= 10.30 then call Server_1_8.add(f, instant) elseif delay/0.062500000 >= 9.10 then call Server_1_16.add(f, instant) elseif delay/0.031250000 >= 8.00 then call Server_1_32.add(f, instant) else call Server_1_64.add(f, instant) endif endfunction //! textmacro AddFrame_Single takes NAME, NAMEs function AddFrame$NAME$ takes cframe f, boolean instant returns nothing call Server$NAMEs$.add(f, instant) endfunction //! endtextmacro //! runtextmacro AddFrame_Single ("8s", "_8_1") //! runtextmacro AddFrame_Single ("4s", "_4_1") //! runtextmacro AddFrame_Single ("2s", "_2_1") //! runtextmacro AddFrame_Single ("01", "_1_1") //! runtextmacro AddFrame_Single ("02", "_1_2") //! runtextmacro AddFrame_Single ("04", "_1_4") //! runtextmacro AddFrame_Single ("08", "_1_8") //! runtextmacro AddFrame_Single ("16", "_1_16") //! runtextmacro AddFrame_Single ("32", "_1_32") //! runtextmacro AddFrame_Single ("64", "_1_64") private function init takes nothing returns nothing set Server_1_64 = sframe.create(0.015625000) set Server_1_32 = sframe.create(0.031250000) set Server_1_16 = sframe.create(0.062500000) set Server_1_8 = sframe.create(0.125000000) set Server_1_4 = sframe.create(0.250000000) set Server_1_2 = sframe.create(0.500000000) set Server_1_1 = sframe.create(1.000000000) set Server_2_1 = sframe.create(2.000000000) set Server_4_1 = sframe.create(4.000000000) set Server_8_1 = sframe.create(8.000000000) endfunctionendlibrarylibrary SFc globals //! runtextmacro SF_Instal () endglobals interface cframe method update takes real whichFrame returns boolean defaults false method end takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing endinterface struct sframe private cframe array frames [MAX_CLIENT_ON_A_SERVER] private integer num private timer t private real per private thistype next static method create takes real period returns thistype local thistype this = allocate() set num = 0 set next = 0 set t = CreateTimer() call SaveInteger(hash, GetHandleId(t), 0, this) set per = period return this endmethod private method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing call FlushChildHashtable(hash, GetHandleId(t)) call DestroyTimer(t) set t = null call next.destroy() endmethod method add takes cframe f, boolean instant returns nothing if num >= MAX_CLIENT_ON_A_SERVER then if next == 0 then set next = thistype.create(per) endif call next.add(f, instant) return endif // if num == 0 then call TimerStart(t, per, true, function thistype.act) endif set frames[num] = f set num = num + 1 if instant then call f.update(per) endif endmethod private static method act takes nothing returns nothing local thistype this = LoadInteger(hash, GetHandleId(GetExpiredTimer()), 0) local integer i = 0 loop exitwhen i >= num if frames[i].update(per) then set i = i + 1 else call frames[i].end() set num = num - 1 if num == 0 then call PauseTimer(t) else set frames[i] = frames[num] endif endif endloop endmethod private static hashtable hash private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing set hash = InitHashtable() endmethod endstructendlibrary Link Download: Đánh giá: ServerFrame chạy nhanh và tốt hơn Framework bản cũ nhiều. Trong map có demo để test so sánh, để so sánh các bợn Enable Framework hoặc ServerFrame lên và vào test. Bản test được test dưới tốc độ 1/64s và số lượng là 3200 vòng lặp chạy 1 lúc. Hi vọng với sys này các bợn có thể làm spell MUI nhanh và tốt nhất có thể :) Đây là 1 số spell mình làm = Framework: Đây là bản convert sang ServerFrame: Lưu ý: spell không có dmg, và nếu ai xài (thêm dmg) thì đề nghị ghi cái credit, thanks!