(PC) 0 A.D. Alpha 16 Patañjali

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi nbanx, 18/6/14.

  1. nbanx

    nbanx Mario & Luigi

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    La Mã
    Wildfire Games, an international group of volunteer game developers, proudly announces the release of “0 A.D. Alpha 16 Patañjali”, the sixteenth alpha version of 0 A.D., a free, open-source game of ancient warfare. This alpha features localization into more than 10 different languages, an improved AI, a new GUI, big changes “under the hood” and more!
    0 A.D. is now available by default in 13 different locales, contributed by volunteers from all over the world: Catalan, Czech, Dutch, English (United Kingdom), English (United States), French, Galician, German, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Scottish Gaelic, and Spanish (Spain).
    The Japanese translation is also completed, but due to the large font files, it would cause a larger download for other players and it also requires a computer with higher specs. So, we offer the Japanese translation together with the font files as a separately downloadable mod. See installation instructions for East Asian locales on our Wiki.
    Many more languages are currently being worked on and are planned to be released in future alphas. You are welcome to contribute in this area.
    Formation Updates: The Testudo formation (for Roman melee infantry) and the Syntagma formation (for Macedonian, Ptolemaic and Seleucid pikemen) have received new animations, and their movement has improved further over the previous version. The formations are also more moddable, which sets the stage for further developments in formations.
    New AI – Petra: Petra features more aggressive expansion and combat and builds defence towers and fortresses as a human would. Petra manages resources better in late game than the previous AI, Aegis, and is more robust to external conditions. It will also trade over land with allied markets, if there are any.
    Town Bell: Click on the new “town bell” button to sound an alarm and make your citizens garrison in the nearest structure until the enemy is gone. Once you sound the bell again, your units will ungarrison and go back to work.
    Global Resource Trading Settings: You now set the chance a trader will trade a certain resource, rather than selecting it per trader. This gives you a better overview of your trade, and makes it easier to manage.
    The “Wonder” Victory Condition: If you set “Wonder” as victory condition, a counter counting down 5 minutes appears after you build a wonder. If the enemy can’t destroy the wonder in this time, you win.
    We also have an “Explored Map” game setting now, in which the entire map is covered with the Fog of War. This is an option that gives something between the “revealed map”, where there are no secrets, and the default “dark map”.
    Graphics and User Interface
    New GUI, new font: The new GUI style seen in the multiplayer lobby in Alpha 15 is now used nearly everywhere. The GUI font has also been changed to Biolinum, a free font created by the Libertine Open Fonts Project.
    Multiplayer “Ready” button: In a multiplayer game, all users must confirm game settings before host can start game. When the host changes a setting, players are set to “not ready” again. This is to avoid sneaky behaviour amongst some hosts, who would change the settings right before starting.
    New art assets: Animated flying hawks, Ptolemaic ships, Eurasian Wolf, Nile Crocodile, Ptolemaic buildings: Military settlement, Docks, Market, and quite a few new animations, e.g. a new seeding animation for farming units.
    II.System Reqirement
    Version: XP, Vista, 7 or 8
    Processor: 1 GHz Intel or x86 compatible
    Memory: At least 512 MB
    Graphics Card: Any supporting OpenGL 1.3 with 3D hardware accelerated drivers and at least 128 MB memory, e.g., Radeon 9000, GeForce 3, or similar
    Screen resolution: 1024×768 or above
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 18/6/14
  2. hugoking1

    hugoking1 Commander-in-Chief

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    đồ họa đỉnh đấy, nhưng gameplay thì ko biết ntn ? :-?
  3. nbanx

    nbanx Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    La Mã
    Cũng gần gần giống AOE nhưng có nhiều cải tiến rất hay rất đáng để thử.
  4. kirishitan

    kirishitan Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Trò này không optimize tốt, chơi hay bị lag.
  5. nbanx

    nbanx Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    La Mã
    Hì hì, đang trong giai đoạn thử nghiệm mà bạn.:8cool_cool:
  6. greenpig2016

    greenpig2016 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Game này làm 3D thì ko phù hợp với dân Việt Nam rồi. Giống như bản Aoe3 hầu như ở VN ko ai chơi cả. Vì game 3D muốn đẹp thì phải để được max setting, nếu ko sẽ xấu như ma. Không như game2d, máy nào cũng như máy nào!
    Chưa kể thời gian thực hiện dài quá. Không biết bao giờ mới hoạn thiện được !
  7. nbanx

    nbanx Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    La Mã
    Nhưng cấu hình cũng khá mềm mà bạn. Còn về việc thời gian thì chắc còn chờ dài dài, ko có tiềm lực tài chính dồi dào là khổ.
  8. nhinhonhinho

    nhinhonhinho Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Game này chắc 6-7 năm rồi hay sao ý! Trc có chơi thử, thấy cũng tàm tạm

    AOE3 nhiều người chơi mà =.
  9. kyubikai

    kyubikai Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Game đồ họa khá, chơi cũng tàm tạm nhưng mau chán lắm.
  10. JediDarkLord

    JediDarkLord Dante, the strongest Demon Slayer Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Chaos of The Force
    Nó xong chưa bà con ?
  11. nbanx

    nbanx Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    La Mã
    Chưa,tại vì studio vẫn còn nghèo và nhân viên còn ít nên chưa thể có bản chính thức đc.

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