[Thông tấn xã] Season 3's Infomation

Thảo luận trong 'Vindictus' bắt đầu bởi Daric™, 18/8/14.

  1. MatelGamer

    MatelGamer Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    MapleStory world
    đầu tư cái máy mới đê, máy cùi chụp screen mất cả hình tượng =))
  2. huy762127

    huy762127 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hình như mấy bác bên EU ra Arisha rồi phải hok ???

    Có thể cho bên CN xin patch English có Arisha hok ???
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 13/12/14
  3. Mũi Tên Bạc

    Mũi Tên Bạc Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    [Mới] Cập nhật các thay đổi trong Test Server - Kr (Tiếng Anh)

    Battle: Added new area to both Colhen and Rocheste, added new 4 person battles including "Blind Swordsman", Added new 8 person raid "Weeping Garden" which introduces the Wood Elf Regina, a 1 entry limited raid.


    Unique Boss Monsters: introduces new unique episode 1 bosses, you can meet these bosses on any map in battle areas, and every time you do they have different characteristics, and there is a low chance to meet a Named Boss instead of these, and you can obtain extra evil cores from them

    Level expansion, level 90: expanded level cap to 90, Weapon and Armor Masteries expanded to rank 5

    Item Combining: Added item combination system. Speak with new Colhen NPC Tianan (Tianan/Dianan) from level 80 on to use item combination. In order to manufacture level 90 equipment you need to learn the basic "Item Combination" skill. You get recipes from completing battles. You get ingredients from free battling and raid battles, each material has different abilities (stats), and can be combined into one item. Added item subsititution system. You can replace items you have added to equipment. Added item ability system. One item part will have an "Ability", and you can use the skill when the item is created. These abilities help in battle, and the trigger conditions, chances, and cooldown rates for them all vary. Added item decomposition system. With 5 Victory Fragment Parts (name may need tweaking) you can trade one item material for another at the seal shop.

    Skill Awakening: Added Skill Awakening system. Starting at level 80, Tianen can enable you to awaken your skills. Skill awakening have success rates and can succeed or fail. Awakened skills all have differences in their maximum effectiveness, but all awakened skills are the same as each other (I think this means one Arishas Lord of Mana is the same as another, you dont get fucked by RNG when your Lord of Mana rolls a shitty awakening). You can greatly decrease CD, decrease CD, decrease SP usage, decrease stamina use, increase damage, increase knockdown rate. You use an "Awakened Stone" to perform skill awakenings. You get Awakened Stones from free battle, each one has its own "Awakening Rate(Amount?)" Everytime the effect of an awakened skill is activated, an Awakening Stone is consumed (not sure if this means simply going in to manipulate them, or in battle, I think the latter). When you have no stones, you cant use the awakened effect (I was right then, basically this is Noctenium, lol), Tianen can refill these used up stones.

    Items: Level 90 equipment has been added. Defeating Regina will give you materials for these. Males and females new sets are both called Regina Sets. Level 90+ spirits can be merged into "Intermediate Spirit Stones" (our Element Stones), which can be used on lvl 70-90 equipment, Through dissassembly of level 60 items, you can get higher level materials. Orange quality items have been added, when these items drop the evil core will have a special appearance. Other party members evil core with an orange item will have a special effect. Added Paradise Orbs. In free battle you can collect Paradise Orbs from Luminaries.

    Etc: Changed game start page. Changed character select page.

    Changes to Element Stones: You can disassemble any item with any proficiency now (ie Tailoring can now disassemble Weapons). Level 48-55 items can now provide catalysts. Lowered cost of basic Element Stone creation. Low Rank Element Stones (level 30-60) use 0 AP, 2k gold. Element Stones (I think these are our blue ones) use 20 AP, 10k gold, and now you can use lower quality ingredients to make higher quality ingredients.

    Expertise Changes: The newest items can now be created with expertise crafting. level 80 items and level 90 items have been added to the lists, when you make level 90 items, the item combination screen will appear. Expertise crafting has been updated to include "Expert" rank. You can buy the quests for these from your respective NPCs. Tailoring has now been updated to be able to craft heavy and light armor

    Success Changes (after battle): All battles give a fixed 50 AP reward, this doesnt decrease with successive battles, everytime you win, 50 AP. When you get items after battle, the system has changed so you mainly get items you can use (I think this is like getting only Apex stuff on Arisha in Titan, instead of 5x Barbaric Chests then a White Shark hat). Items you need for quests drop rates have increased, this includes Bryialne Hearts, Argontel Hearts, Eflame Hearts, White Scale Fragments, Frost Stones, Wild Berries, White Striped Spiders Webs, Kobold Explosive Pouches, Kobold Explosive Bombs, Flicker Blades, Larken Armor Frags. Thor Twinswords etc have all been changed to Thors Items, or Thors Weapons. Level 60/70/80 weapons and armors drops rates have been increased. Level 60 items have been removed from the Seal Shop. Seal Shop seal costs have been reduced. The Seal shop now includes level 80 and 90 materials. The Strange Travelers AP Restoration now takes less AP.

    Item: Added Rank 7 enchantments. 4 Weapon enchantments, 6 Armor Enchantments, 1 Shield Enchantment. Rank 7 Scrolls can be obtained from Season 2 Level 70-80 raid battles at a low rate. Practice Mode Tickets were renamed (small difference in Korean, departure ticket to campaign ticket).

    Character Growth Speed Changes: Season 1 and 2 makes your character grow (level) faster. Increased Season 1 story exp gains. Season 2 story and battle exp increased (not sure if story battles).

    Easy Mode: Added Easy Mode from "Deep Ice Caverns" to all of Season 2, you can only run Easy Mode with one person. Easy mode battle difficulty is decreased, as well as Easy Mode Drops.

    Story: Changed under level 20 story completion to add gold.

    Marketplace: You can now search the Marketplace based on an items capabilities and price (I think maybe the price thing means they added that capability when you search for a specific items name), and added Advanced Search. Fixed a bug with listings for enchanted items, fixed a bug with equippable items not properly displaying their price. (Without knowing what the issues were beforehand, Im having trouble translating this)

    Battle: Added 3 seconds of invincibility when coming out of Succubus Queens dream sequence. Fixed issue where SQueen can still give you an effect even after the attack is complete (I need background for this, maybe there was a bug with blocked attacks still giving an ailment), Fixed issue where game is slow when cancelling cutscenes. Fixed issue with attacks/traps hitting in succession when you dont dodge/block them (I think when you get hit like 5 times by the same thing instead of just once). Fixed Karoks skill "SP Skill:Howling" to cancel Revived Blood Lords harmful effect. Fixed the mid battle overlaps of character and monster models. Players can no longer penetrate certain bosses models (Kraken, Bark, etc)

    Character: Changed max weight for characters based on level, includes Lann, Evie, Kai, Vella, Lynn, and Arisha. Fiona and Lann have new appearances. The bug with Hurks "Full Moon" skill where it did not recieve an effect from its own skill rank, but rather from the "New Moon" skill for its damage and knockdown rate was fixed. Kais "Mounting" skill explanation now has the key presses added. Evie can now use Hook Chains (after some pre-req, no idea what this is).

    UI: When strengthening items, there is now an arrow saying if you cannot revive the item. Fixed issue with using the Records (basically in game book about what youve done) after Season 1 and getting an error message. Fixed an issue with the Ranking UI when using the scroll button.

    Avatar: Fixes a typo in the Ninja Set description. Fixed an issue with the Avatar shop incorrectly lisitng the outfit youre wearing in the sell box. Fixed an issue with differently ranked outfitters not displaying their proper color. Affects "Gothic Frill Set" and "Wild Punk Set".

    Pet: Glowing Chieftain Juniors issue with not properly displaying his hammer in preview fixed

    Cash Shop: Fixed issue with not properly displaying "My Favorites List" between all characters on an ID


    Hiệu ứng mới khi rớt evil core:
    Đỏ - Nhặt được rare drop
    Xám - Đồng đội được rare drop


    Easy mode:



    Nguồn: http://www.reddit.com/r/Vindictus/c...anslation_of_test_server_patch_notes/?nxid=15[/spoil]

    Regina set (tiếp):




    Regina bow?



    To huy762127: Tôi gửi file patch bên topic server CN rồi đó
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 14/12/14
  4. doraemont

    doraemont Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    ha noi

    Bow nhìn đẹp thật, Elchulus, Skeleton, Armadillo đều đẹp. Bow thiết kế đối xứng,cánh cung, lại nghĩ đến người Nhật +joy, Regina Bow mà dye style theo phong cách Ai Cập nhìn rất hợp +cold
  5. huy762127

    huy762127 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Mình có gữi lời cám ơn ở 2pic ser CN rồi đấy . Cám ơn
  6. laylayzi

    laylayzi Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    có thông tin chi tiết về skill mới của Lann ko mấy pác
    cụ thể là
    + Critical limit up (skill chung)
    + Spear dash (skill của lann spears)
    + Risky wind (lann swords)
    + Critical damage (lann swords)

    nếu có cho mình thông tin nha
  7. huy762127

    huy762127 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Phải chăng đây là kĩ năng mới của Lann

  8. HeoAcubu

    HeoAcubu T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Từ trái qua phải từ trên xuống dưới
    Critical uncap 50% ~> 65%
    Risky wind +50% crit rate và uncap 18% crit rate (?) là 73% crit rate khi max @-)
    Lighting fury cho swords ( màu vàng ) +30% dmg và +7% knockdown
    Crit dmg +55 crit (?) chưa biết chính xác ra sao nhưng xem bên forum kr hình như + 1/4 crit dmg tức x2.25 dmg nếu crit
    Lighting fury ( màu xanh ) cho spears giảm 5 stamina và invul khi chém
    Spears dash + 0.36 iframes
    Blood pact +20% dmg của spears lann lên boss và ngược lại
  9. laylayzi

    laylayzi Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thank HeoAcubu

    Spear Dash đã cứu vớit cuộc đời lann spears :2cool_confident:
  10. rongsatthu9

    rongsatthu9 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Path of Exile !!
    So sánh dễ dàng hơn :4cool_baffle:

    Gì đây :7cool_waaaht: Inner mới à :7cool_extreme_sexy_
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 18/12/14
  11. huy762127

    huy762127 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Inner Halloween , bên CN vừa có hồi tháng 10 vừa rồi
  12. Daric™

    Daric™ C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
  13. 9Inches

    9Inches Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    phối giống, phối giống ... :1cool_dribble:
  14. Mũi Tên Bạc

    Mũi Tên Bạc Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Avatar, tóc, trang điểm mới:


  15. rongsatthu9

    rongsatthu9 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Path of Exile !!
    Thì ra cái kiểu môi kute kia của fifi là phải mua :7cool_waaaht: Thôi thì pay to cool vậy :7cool_extreme_sexy_ Mà éo hiểu cái áo rét kiểu gì thế kia, lộ hết cả hàng thì chống rét bằng niềm tin à ...
  16. Eris

    Eris Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Ngọn cây
    jennifer lawrence đã chuẩn bị vác kiếm và khiên chạy long nhong trong vin :7onion51:
  17. HeoAcubu

    HeoAcubu T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    s3 battle , devcat không rút kinh nghiệm từ map TD với peak gì cả . Map dài , dai , chán , chạy map thì nhiều đánh chẳng bao nhiêu , nếu làm map giống giống ship thì hay , boss xuất hiện liên tục , tạo cảm giác action dồn dập , tránh nhàm chán
  18. MatelGamer

    MatelGamer Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    MapleStory world
    mình chỉ muốn một lúc phải đối mặt với cả một đội quân, và vài con boss phụ đi kèm boss chỉ huy, cảm giác thật là thốn :1cool_dribble:
    cơ mà hi vọng graphic chịu đc :3cool_embarrassed:
  19. thanhsonvn8x

    thanhsonvn8x The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Huệ , Vịt Nem
    ^ Xem chạy map buồn ngủ quá, quái gì lèo tèo có vài con :7cool_extreme_sexy_

    OBOT CHAMAN Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tưởng đi từng boss giống ss1...ai ngờ nó gom tất boss cho vào 1 lần run như ss2...đi mệt vãi.
    SS2 có mấy map mới chỉ chạy đúng 1 lần cho biết :(

    - - - Updated - - -

    làm sao để Fiona nó trượt 1 đoạn như con Fiona trong video thế mấy pro...đoạn 21'5s ấy

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