Website : Server Information : Client running at 60 frames per second. (Original is 20) Free items in Epic Shop Level max 120 Castle Ronelia with special drops (teleport to Ronelia in limestone) A lot of skill changes to balance game. Ranking System Online Prizes Experience Rate: Very fast to 110 Crone Rate: 10x Drop Rate: 25x Forge/Refine Rates: 100% Success on Rare Forge. 100% Success on Unique Forge. 100% Success On Ancient Weapon/Armor Forge. Upgrade forged Weapon and Armor: +25 max (safe +11) Level 1 - 11: 100% Level 12 - 15: 40% Level 16 - 25: 25% Accessories and craft: +20 max Level 1 - 7: 95% Level 8 - 10: 50% Level 11 - 14: 40% Level 15 - 20: 10% Epic TSB – Server Time(GMT-2) Tuesday 21:00 (BW) Thursday 21:00 (BW) Friday 21:00 (BW) Saturday 18:00 (BW) Sunday 19:00 (TSB) BW - Blind War - Do not you see who their opponents. TSB - Township Battle - The winner controls the cities. Monsters in TSB have a chance do drop special items.