World of Warships - ALPHA test comming soon !

Thảo luận trong 'World of Tanks' bắt đầu bởi snicoo, 20/6/13.

  1. quantaitu

    quantaitu Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

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    Hà Nội của ta - Thủ đô yêu dấu
    Chả biết các tuyến cáp sửa xong hết chưa chứ ping từ Nam Phi về SEA vẫn 500+, cơ mà cảm giác ping cao vẫn dễ bắn hơn WoT ấy nhờ =))

    Bắn 2 trận làm quen, đến trận thứ 3 vị trí ngoài cùng cánh phải, kệ 2 bên ập thẳng vào nhau :(fight) Còn mình đi theo vòng cung, 2 tháp pháo cứ thế spam liên hồi vào hông đội hình địch, xoay ngang được bắn sướng thật :"> Ko biết bọn kia đa phần là dân tank sang ngang hay newbie nhưng cứ thế này thì tương lai khá là unicum ;))

  2. embengoc

    embengoc C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ^ Thôi đi cha nội. Tự sướng vãi :)) Bắn với bot mà lên đỉnh dữ =))
    severav and quantaitu like this.
  3. congaimoilon

    congaimoilon Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    đắng lòng thanh niên bắn bot mà tưởng bắn với người =))
    severav, pip8184 and quantaitu like this.
  4. quantaitu

    quantaitu Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội của ta - Thủ đô yêu dấu
    Ôiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :-o X_X

    Thế là thế nào, thấy bên kia đặt IGN đàng hoàng cơ mà X_X
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 13/5/15
  5. congaimoilon

    congaimoilon Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    lão thấy IGN bọn nó có dấu : ko ? vd như :XXX: cái đó là dấu hiệu của bot đó :)) ông bấm vào cái Coop battle chọn về random battle để bắn với người đi (bên phải, kế bên chữ battle đó). Bắn với người nhiều điểm hơn, mấy cái mission cũng chỉ tính trong random thôi :D
  6. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Paris, Pháp
    giống mình hồi mới chơi vãi =)))))))))
    pip8184 thích bài này.
  7. pip8184

    pip8184 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    lvl 3 mới được bắn random mà, bạn ấy còn đang lên đỉnh với bot hĩ hĩ hĩ
  8. Moe~~~

    Moe~~~ You Must Construct Additional Pylons Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Các bạn phải thông cảm, ai chả có lần đầu :-"
    pip8184 thích bài này.
  9. siaukia1

    siaukia1 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sever Na đang update 2.6 gb rồi các bác ạ ~^o^~
  10. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
  11. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp

    Version 0.3.1 Release Notes
    General Changes

    Signals and Achievements

    • A system of achievements and signals has been introduced. By obtaining achievements, a player earns sets of signals that reflect the player's gaming performance. There are 10 signal types at the moment; each of them can be awarded once a day. The player can mount the earned signals on any ships: aircraft carriers have 4 slots for this purpose, while the other ship types have 8 slots each. Each type of signal affects the ship’s performance in a particular way — from giving extra credits for a battle to slightly enhancing the maximum speed. All the signals mounted on a ship are spent in one battle.
    • Along with achievements, a new feature of gift boxes has been introduced. The Gift Box can contain a certain amount of game items (only signals at this point).
    Introductory Mission

    • A scripted training mission is available only for new players. It introduces the basics of control, firing and game mechanics to newcomers. The Introductory Mission starts automatically after the login if free server resources are available. Upon completion of or exit from the Introductory Mission, the player goes to Port and receives Level 1 in Service Record.
    Teamkill Penalty System

    • For any actions against allies (damage to and/or destruction of the allied ship) a penalty is imposed on a player at the end of the battle in the form of decreased amount of experience and credits. A teamkill rating is opened for such player.
    • When the player's rating reaches a certain value, the Teamkiller status is activated for the player. From this moment an equal or increased amount of the damage the player caused to allies is deducted from the ship's combat capability. The higher the rating, the greater the damage multiplier is.
    • The teamkill rating is reduced when the player damages and destroys enemy ships. The teamkill rating will decrease slightly at the end of the battle if the player takes no hostile actions against allies during the battle. When the teamkill rating becomes low enough, the Teamkiller status is revoked.
    • When calculating the teamkill rating, the type of armament used is also taken into account. The teamkill rating can be reduced by causing damage to enemies with a certain armament type; however, this reduction will only affect the rating for damage caused to allies with the same type of armament.
    • The players with Teamkiller status are not banned. They are only marked in a certain way.

    Changes in Tech Tree

    • New technical branches added: U.S.A. battleships and Japan aircraft carriers. IJN Tier IX and Tier X carriers (Taiho & Hakuryu) are temporarily removed from the tech tree.
    • Gaps in Japan technical branches have been filled by Furutaka, Tier V cruiser, and Izumo, Tier IX battleship. U.S.A. technical branch has been changed. Bogue, Tier V aircraft carrier, has been introduced to moveIndependence, aircraft carrier, to Tier VI. Removed Saipan, Tier VI aircraft carrier, from the Tech Tree.
    • Added Ishizuchi, Tier IV Japan battleship. She will not be available for purchase for some time after the game version is released.
    • Tatsuta, Tier III Japan cruiser, has been renamed to Tenryu.
    • Visual models of several ships have been changed. Both hulls of Tenryu, Tier III Japan cruiser, have been changed. Hulls also have been added for Omaha, Tier V U.S.A. cruiser, and for Ranger, Tier VII U.S.A. aircraft carrier.
    Aviation and Aircraft Control

    • When an order is given to a squadron with a middle button click, the camera will focus on the squadron, in a similar way to tracking a shell or torpedo after firing.
    • If an aircraft carrier is destroyed, a countdown timer will be activated for all her airborne squadrons. When the countdown time (3 minutes for now) expires, these squadrons will be destroyed. During the countdown, the squadrons will follow the last orders given to them. When an order has been fulfilled or cannot be further fulfilled, the squadron will automatically switch to waiting on orders. All the aircraft in the squadron that were not shot down by the enemy after the destruction of their carrier ship will not be considered as lost in action in the battle results. When the battle is over, these aircrafts will be automatically added to the ship without cost.
    • From now on, fighter squadrons that are not out of ammunition can be ordered to escort ships or other squadrons. When escorting a ship, fighters will attack any enemy squadron within 1.5 km radius from the escorted ship. When escorting other squadrons, fighters will attack only enemy fighter squadrons within the same radius from the escorted squadron.
    • Attack aircraft/fighter squadrons that are out of ammunition can only be ordered to follow the player's ship or squadrons.
    • For all squadrons, we temporarily disabled the ability to follow and escort allied ships and squadrons. For now, only the player's aircraft carrier and squadrons can be followed or escorted. Moreover, now the squadrons that are already followed or escorted cannot be ordered to follow or escort the player's ship or other squadrons.
    • For attack aircraft squadrons, we added a visual indication to inform the player that it is impossible to cancel or redirect a squadron's attack after it has started. In such situations, the torpedo cone or bomb delivery ellipse will be yellowed.
    Game Balance Changes


    • Now plating and construction steel are also treated as armour for the purpose of shell ballistics calculation.
    • Arming threshold has been raised for AP shells.
    • Penetration threshold has been lowered for HE shells.
    • Damage from HE shells has been reassessed upwards and penetrating hit damage has been increased.
    • Ship combat capability will no more be decreased because of close HE shell explosions; these explosions will only damage affected ship modules.
    • Torpedoes' visibility from the air has been reduced.
    • Both reloading time and action time of the Damage Control Party consumable has been increased for battleships.
    • The action time of Damage Control Party will be 20 seconds for U.S.A. battleships, 10 seconds for Japanese battleships, and 15 seconds for Warspite, Tier VI U.K. battleship.
    • Patrol area dimensions have been increased for catapult-launched reconnaissance aircraft.
    • The Repair Party consumable will become available on Tier IX and X heavy cruisers.
    • Damage from HE bombs has been increased.
    • Reload time of all 610 mm torpedo tubes has been decreased.
    • Damage to the main battery turrets has been decreased.
    • The ship mobility system has been improved. Now turning circle radius and dynamics are more dependent on the displacement, engine power, and the linear dimensions and proportions.
    • With addition of many new ships with different armour structure, there were a lot of issues reported regarding incorrect armour stats displayed in Port. The Armour UI was temporarily removed, and will be brought back after reworking.
    Individual Ships

    • The main battery firing rate has been increased for Yamato, Tier X Japan battleship.
    • Smoke Generator and the Smoke Charge consumable have been added for Kitakami, Tier VII Japan cruiser.
    • The main battery rate of fire has been increased for Baltimore, Tier IX U.S.A. cruiser.
    • Mogami and Myoko have swapped places in Japan's technical branch. Now Mogami rests at Tier VIII whileMyoko is at Tier VII.
    • Both main battery firing rate and combat capability have been increased for Zao, Tier X Japan cruiser.
    • The aiming speed of main battery guns has been increased for Fuso, Tier VI Japan battleship.
    • AA armament has been weakened for the top hull of Fuso, Tier VI Japan battleship.
    • AA armament has been weakened for the top hull of Kongo, Tier V Japan battleship.
    • Accuracy of 140 mm secondary battery guns has been reduced for Nagato, Tier VII Japan battleship.
    • Warspite, Tier VI U.K. Premium battleship, now features improved accuracy of secondary battery, and main battery accuracy at short range. The ship will also enjoy higher efficiency of the Repair Party consumable.
    • Accuracy of 140 mm secondary battery guns has been reduced for Amagi, Tier VIII Japan battleship.
    • Changed the efficiency of Warspite's repair crew, it is now 10% more effective than in 0.3.0
    Game Maps

    *Visual design of all maps is still in progress.

    • Map randomization priorities have been revised.
    • Matchmaking screen has been remade. Now the player will only see the ships within the player's range (the ships which the player can enter the battle with).
    • Hotspot map has been introduced. It is available for high-tier ships in Domination and Encounter Battle modes.
    • Towns have been added to North and Islands of Ice maps.
    • The appearance of Port has been completely revised for Standard and Premium Accounts.
    • The ship spawning system and location of islands have been reworked for Islands of Ice map.
    • Domination mode has been added and location of islands changed for North map.
    • Fault Line map's game area has been reduced. The ship spawning system and location of islands have also been changed for this map.

    • The post-processing effect for the smoke screen has been enhanced by adding the animation and improving visibility in the centre of the screen.
    • A new technology was implemented for animating and rendering flags.
    • When a shell ricochets off the armour, its trajectory change will now be visible.
    • Added a visual effect of displaced air bubbles that will be displayed when a destroyed ship is sinking.
    • For all maps, game area borders have received visual improvements.

    • A new improved sound system will be used for playing all sounds.
    • All shot sounds now consist of three elements: attack, body, and tail. For each ship, both effects and combinations of these elements have been customized according to the ship type and tier. Sound effects have been completely reworked.
    • Hit sounds have been fully remade.
    • Some game interface sounds and their interaction have been improved.
    • Voice messages have been enhanced.
    • Battle countdown timer sounds will now be played as follows. Sound alert No.1 will be played when the Battle!button becomes visible. Sound alert No.2 and a voice message will be played one second before the end of the countdown.
    • The ship destruction sound effect has been reworked.
    • Ship movement sounds have been improved together with the algorithm for dynamic mixing of these sounds in each of the camera views.
    • Smooth transitions between the soundtracks have been enhanced for the game login screen video, Port and battle loading screen.
    • Starting from this version, the same sound banks will be used for high and low sound quality. Selected sound quality will affect only the replay settings and the overall number of various sound effects (for example, shot sounds).
    • Ambient sounds have been improved.
    • All sound effects have been mixed on the basis of the new sound system.
    • Several new sound tracks have been added.
    System Changes

    • Battle Interface and HUD have been optimized for low and medium performance computers.
    • Interface performance has been improved for the Port screen.
    • Distance-dependent level-of-detail (LOD) switching for models has been enhanced.
  12. SowonAoD

    SowonAoD C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đệt chưa research Independence rồi :(
  13. Ivan_

    Ivan_ Fire in the hole!

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    reset hết mà , tiếc làm gì :)
  14. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    đệt, sao ta xem có mấy cái signal OP vl ấy...
    - 20% thời gian bị cháy
    - 20% thời gian bị ngập
    - 100% khả năng nổ kho đạn
    + 20% thời gian sửa tàu khi xài repair works
    +5% max speed (+ 5% là thêm 2 knot rồi)

    thằng có signal lợi gấp mấy lần thằng ko có....
  15. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

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    Paris, Pháp
    bá quá =))))))))
  16. severav

    severav Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ủa đâu có nói gì tới remove mod của CV đâu nhỉ, tự nhiên mất tiêu mấy cái mod 2 TB 2 Fighter, aircover
  17. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    mod CV chúng nó sửa lại hết rồi, giờ CV Mỹ chỉ có 1 đội torp duy nhất, muốn 2 thì phải hy sinh fighter....
  18. vit12345

    vit12345 Chrono Trigger/Cross

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    Taiho với Taiho-kai chắc imba quá chúng nó cho ra để rework rồi 8-}
  19. severav

    severav Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    xong CV, mod toàn củ chuối ^:)^ cv nhật cũng chã khá hơn ^:)^
    premium có khác [​IMG]
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 14/5/15
  20. Ivan_

    Ivan_ Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ax ,hôm nay mình mới up patch mới, con CV independence mình mua để trong xưởng thay bằng con bogue đểu vậy :(. tưởng nó cho lên cấp 6 thôi chứ .cái nhạc nền mới lúc ở port nghe hay qua' , ai biết bài gì ko :)

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