[Dự án]Việt hóa Half-Life 2 (demo coming soon!)

Thảo luận trong 'Thư giãn' bắt đầu bởi Gallus, 17/5/15.

  1. Gallus

    Gallus Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đôi lời:
    Trước tiên là, mình cũng định post trong box tin tức giới thiệu hay gì đấy, nhưng vì đang ở giai đoạn sơ khai, muốn mọi người bình luận, góp ý nên để tạm ở đây, bao giờ hoàn thành sẽ move sau.

    Đôi lời đầu tiên, Half-Life là series yêu thích nhất của mình, đánh dấu ngày đặt chân vào PC game, cũng một phần vì nó mà mình đam mê anh ngữ. Đến nay ngót đã hơn chục năm, tuy cuộc sống bộn bề có làm vơi đi phần nào, nhưng vì ông em trai quý tử và vì tình yêu với anh Freeman :4cool_beauty:. Ông em trai mình thì hơi kém tiếng tây, mà nằng nặc đòi chơi HL2, bồi hồi nhớ lại lúc bằng tuổi nó, mình cũng mất cả tuần để phá đảo HL1, để nó chơi mà éo hiểu gì thì vừa tiếc cho nó vừa tiếc cho tựa game ruột, đành tặc lưỡi loay hoay cả đêm qua.

    Phần dịch thuật thì mình có thể đảm nhận được hết, chỉ vướng quả compile file close caption, ngồi tải hết đủ các phiên bản Source SDK từ 2006 đến 2013, lặn lội tìm từng topic, đọc từng câu chữ trên Steam Community, đến gần 5h sáng thì ơ rê ka :2cool_confident:. Liên thiên thế đủ rồi, vác cái topic này lên đây, vừa để tham khảo ý kiến, nhờ vả mọi người giúp đỡ lặt vặt, .

    Screenshot đầu tiên:



    Trạng thái:
    - Giai đoạn 1 - Viết mã: Xong.
    - Giai đoạn 2 - Biên dịch: Xong.
    - Giai đoạn 3 - Biên tập & chạy thử: Đang tiến hành
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 19/5/15
  2. LAX Girl

    LAX Girl Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Wonder Land
    Theo mình nên dịch từ cái HL 1 remake Black Mesa luôn :2cool_sexy_girl:
  3. Akira Phân

    Akira Phân C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Cầu Sài Gòn
    Ko liên quan HL3 chừng nào ra
  4. Gallus

    Gallus Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cái đấy tại thấy có dự án bên voz rồi nên thôi :9cool_pudency:
  5. LAX Girl

    LAX Girl Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Wonder Land
    Lên youtube search walkthrough full down về, đừng mất công tự rush làm gì bác nhé, rush xong quay rồi cắt ra encode up lên youtube cũng mất mẹ vài ngày.
  6. Gallus

    Gallus Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cũng có ý định đấy mà chưa search thử, chỉ sợ walkthrough tụi nó không bật sub :3, mợ LAX rảnh hông làm cho cái cover xinh xinh coi :4cool_beauty:
  7. Gallus

    Gallus Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hỏi Gà Bé nhé :9cool_too_sad:
  8. LAX Girl

    LAX Girl Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Wonder Land
    phuocfats, Meiji1412 and Gallus like this.
  9. Grozar

    Grozar Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Grove Street
    Mấy trò Half Life, CS của bọn Valve này trò nào chơi 1 lúc cũng thấy buồn nôn chóng mặt. :-(||>
  10. nhangheo182

    nhangheo182 Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    số ít bị thôi bạn và bạn nằm trong số đó thì xui thật :))
  11. asm65816

    asm65816 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    El Sallia
    Bạn xác định phần thoại nằm trong file nào rồi dump hết ra, làm gì phải mất công tìm đọc từng câu chữ trên Steam làm gì.
  12. Gallus

    Gallus Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Sửa lại logo HL2 và dòng chữ to ra tí nữa được không LAX, có vẻ hơi nhỏ :5cool_big_smile:
  13. Gallus

    Gallus Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    À không, toàn bộ captions nằm trong 1 file duy nhất bạn ạ, chỉ có điều là thứ tự nó không theo thứ tự câu trong game, gây khó khăn trong việc dịch liền mạch, nó sắp xếp theo abc của file sound tương ứng với câu thoại, nên lộn tùng phèo hết cả lên, mình spoil một đoạn cho dễ hình dung:

    "barn.anotherdropship" "Another dropship! "
    "barn.bunyip" " "
    "barn.chatter" "We're picking up radio chatter. They're looking for your car. "
    "barn.comeonin" "Come on in. "
    "barn.crapships" "Oh crap. Here come the dropships! "
    "barn.ditchcar" "You're gonna have to ditch the car, Freeman. They're looking for it now. "
    "barn.drivecarinhere" "Drive the car in here. "
    "barn.drop_barn" "Dropship! By the barn! "
    "barn.drop_field" "Dropship! Over the field! "
    "barn.drop_lite" "Incoming! Dropship at the lighthouse! "
    "barn.drop_road" "Dropship! Coming in over the road! "
    "barn.exit_cliffpath" "This way, Dr. Freeman. We'll take the cliff path before another gunship finds us. "
    "barn.exit_comewith" "All right, Dr. Freeman, come with me. Before another one comes. "
    "barn.exit_killship" "I'll take you out on the cliffside path as soon as you kill that gunship. There's no way we can make it with that thing harassing us. "
    "barn.exit_killshipnag" "Kill the gunship, then we'll go. "
    "barn.exit_watchstep" "Right along there. And watch your step. "
    "barn.getcarinbarn" "Hurry, get your car in the barn! "
    "barn.getcaringarage" "Get your car in the garage. "
    "barn.getcarinhere" "Get your car in here! "
    "barn.getcarinthere" "Get your car in there! "
    "barn.getoffroad01" "Get off the road! "
    "barn.getoffroad01a" "Get off the road! "
    "barn.getoffroad02" "Get your car off the road! "
    "barn.gettauoff" " "
    "barn.heretheycome" "Here they come! "
    "barn.incomingdropship" "Incoming dropship! "
    "barn.lighthouse_morale" "Okay, Doc, you'll have to go on foot from here. There's a secret path along the cliffside, but no one's going anywhere until we fight off this attack. Having you here to fight alongside us will make a big difference for morale. "
    "barn.lite_gunship01" "It's a gunship! "
    "barn.lite_gunship02" "Gunship! "
    "barn.lite_rockets01" "Head for the lighthouse, Freeman, there's rockets in there! "
    "barn.lite_rockets02" "We stowed our rockets in the lighthouse. Help yourself. "
    "barn.lite_rockets03" "Freeman, if you've got a launcher, the lighthouse is full of rockets. "
    "barn.lite_rockets04" "You'll find the launcher for your rockets up in the lighthouse, Freeman. "
    "barn.nowwhat" "Oh man, now what? "
    "barn.parkit" "Park it there! "
    "barn.stashinbarn" "Stash your car in the barn! "
    "barn.vmech_accept" "The Freeman will accept this weapon, or suffer greatly on the road ahead! "
    "barn.vmech_proceed" "The Freeman must not proceed without the tau particle cannon! "
    "barn.vmech_remove" " "
    "barn.vmech_wisely" "This tau cannon once killed many of our kind. Use it wisely. "
    "barn.youmadeit" "You made it! "

    "breencast.br_collaboration01" "<clr:188,188,188><I>It has come to my attention that some have lately called me a collaborator, as if such a term were shameful. "
    "breencast.br_collaboration01_pl" "<clr:188,188,188><I>It has come to my attention that some have lately called me a collaborator, as if such a term were shameful. "
    "breencast.br_collaboration02" "<clr:188,188,188><I>I ask you, what greater endeavor exists than that of collaboration? "
    "breencast.br_collaboration02_pl" "<clr:188,188,188><I>I ask you, what greater endeavor exists than that of collaboration? "
    "breencast.br_collaboration03" "<clr:188,188,188><I>In our current unparalleled enterprise, refusal to collaborate is simply a refusal to grow--an insistence on suicide, if you will. "
    "breencast.br_collaboration03_pl" "<clr:188,188,188><I>In our current unparalleled enterprise, refusal to collaborate is simply a refusal to grow--an insistence on suicide, if you will. "
    "breencast.br_collaboration04" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Did the lungfish refuse to breathe air? It did not. "
    "breencast.br_collaboration04_pl" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Did the lungfish refuse to breathe air? It did not. "
    "breencast.br_collaboration05" "<clr:188,188,188><I>It crept forth boldly while its brethren remained in the blackest ocean abyss, with lidless eyes forever staring at the dark, ignorant and doomed despite their eternal vigilance. "
    "breencast.br_collaboration05_pl" "<clr:188,188,188><I>It crept forth boldly while its brethren remained in the blackest ocean abyss, with lidless eyes forever staring at the dark, ignorant and doomed despite their eternal vigilance. "
    "breencast.br_collaboration06" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Would we model ourselves on the trilobite? "
    "breencast.br_collaboration06_pl" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Would we model ourselves on the trilobite? "
    "breencast.br_collaboration07" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Are all the accomplishments of humanity fated to be nothing more than a layer of broken plastic shards thinly strewn across a fossil bed, sandwiched between the Burgess shale and an eon's worth of mud? "
    "breencast.br_collaboration07_pl" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Are all the accomplishments of humanity fated to be nothing more than a layer of broken plastic shards thinly strewn across a fossil bed, sandwiched between the Burgess shale and an eon's worth of mud? "
    "breencast.br_collaboration08" "<clr:188,188,188><I>In order to be true to our nature, and our destiny, we must aspire to greater things. We have outgrown our cradle. It is futile to cry for mother's milk, when our true sustenance awaits us among the stars. "
    "breencast.br_collaboration08_pl" "<clr:188,188,188><I>In order to be true to our nature, and our destiny, we must aspire to greater things. We have outgrown our cradle. It is futile to cry for mother's milk, when our true sustenance awaits us among the stars. "
    "breencast.br_collaboration09" "<clr:188,188,188><I>And only the universal union that small minds call 'The Combine' can carry us there. "
    "breencast.br_collaboration09_pl" "<clr:188,188,188><I>And only the universal union that small minds call 'The Combine' can carry us there. "
    "breencast.br_collaboration10" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Therefore I say, yes, I am a collaborator. We must all collaborate, willingly, eagerly, if we expect to reap the benefits of unification. "
    "breencast.br_collaboration10_pl" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Therefore I say, yes, I am a collaborator. We must all collaborate, willingly, eagerly, if we expect to reap the benefits of unification. "
    "breencast.br_collaboration11" "<clr:188,188,188><I>And reap we shall. "
    "breencast.br_collaboration11_pl" "<clr:188,188,188><I>And reap we shall. "
    "breencast.br_disruptor01" "<clr:188,188,188><I>We now have direct confirmation of a disruptor in our midst, one who has acquired an almost messianic reputation in the minds of certain citizens. "
    "breencast.br_disruptor02" "<clr:188,188,188><I>His figure is synonymous with the darkest urges of instinct, ignorance and decay. Some of the worst excesses of the Black Mesa Incident have been laid directly at his feet. "
    "breencast.br_disruptor03" "<clr:188,188,188><I>And yet unsophisticated minds continue to imbue him with romantic power, giving him such dangerous poetic labels as the One Free Man, the Opener of the Way. "
    "breencast.br_disruptor04" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Let me remind all citizens of the dangers of magical thinking. "
    "breencast.br_disruptor05" "<clr:188,188,188><I>We have scarcely begun to climb from the dark pit of our species' evolution. Let us not slide backward into oblivion, just as we have finally begun to see the light. "
    "breencast.br_disruptor06" "<clr:188,188,188><I>If you see this so-called Free Man, report him. "
    "breencast.br_disruptor07" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Civic deeds do not go unrewarded. And contrariwise, complicity with his cause will not go unpunished. "
    "breencast.br_disruptor08" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Be wise. Be safe. Be aware. "
    "breencast.br_instinct01" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Let me read a letter I recently received. 'Dear Dr. Breen. Why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle? Sincerely, A Concerned Citizen.' "
    "breencast.br_instinct01_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct02" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Thank you for writing, Concerned. Of course your question touches on one of the basic biological impulses, with all its associated hopes and fears for the future of the species. "
    "breencast.br_instinct02_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct03" "<clr:188,188,188><I>I also detect some unspoken questions. Do our benefactors really know what's best for us? What gives them the right to make this kind of decision for mankind? Will they ever deactivate the suppression field and let us breed again? "
    "breencast.br_instinct03_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct04" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Allow me to address the anxieties underlying your concerns, rather than try to answer every possible question you might have left unvoiced. "
    "breencast.br_instinct04_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct05" "<clr:188,188,188><I>First, let us consider the fact that for the first time ever, as a species, immortality is in our reach. "
    "breencast.br_instinct05_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct06" "<clr:188,188,188><I>This simple fact has far-reaching implications. It requires radical rethinking and revision of our genetic imperatives. "
    "breencast.br_instinct06_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct07" "<clr:188,188,188><I>It also requires planning and forethought that run in direct opposition to our neural pre-sets. "
    "breencast.br_instinct07_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct08" "<clr:188,188,188><I>I find it helpful at times like these to remind myself that our true enemy is Instinct. "
    "breencast.br_instinct08_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct09" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Instinct was our mother when we were an infant species. "
    "breencast.br_instinct09_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct10" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Instinct coddled us and kept us safe in those hardscrabble years when we hardened our sticks and cooked our first meals above a meager fire "
    "breencast.br_instinct10_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct11" "<clr:188,188,188><I>and started at the shadows that leapt upon the cavern's walls. "
    "breencast.br_instinct11_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct12" "<clr:188,188,188><I>But inseparable from Instinct is its dark twin, Superstition. "
    "breencast.br_instinct12_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct13" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Instinct is inextricably bound to unreasoning impulses, and today we clearly see its true nature. Instinct has just become aware of its irrelevance, and like a cornered beast, it will not go down without a bloody fight. "
    "breencast.br_instinct13_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct14" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Instinct would inflict a fatal injury on our species. "
    "breencast.br_instinct14_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct15" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Instinct creates its own oppressors, and bids us rise up against them. "
    "breencast.br_instinct15_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct16" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Instinct tells us that the unknown is a threat, rather than an opportunity. "
    "breencast.br_instinct16_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct17" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Instinct slyly and covertly compels us away from change and progress. "
    "breencast.br_instinct17_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct18" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Instinct, therefore, must be expunged. "
    "breencast.br_instinct18_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct19" "<clr:188,188,188><I>It must be fought tooth and nail, beginning with the basest of human urges: The urge to reproduce. "
    "breencast.br_instinct19_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct20" "<clr:188,188,188><I>We should thank our benefactors for giving us respite from this overpowering force. "
    "breencast.br_instinct20_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct21" "<clr:188,188,188><I>They have thrown a switch and exorcised our demons in a single stroke. "
    "breencast.br_instinct21_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct22" "<clr:188,188,188><I>They have given us the strength we never could have summoned to overcome this compulsion. "
    "breencast.br_instinct22_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct23" "<clr:188,188,188><I>They have given us purpose. They have turned our eyes toward the stars. "
    "breencast.br_instinct23_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct24" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Let me assure you that the suppressing field will be shut off on the day that we have mastered ourselves...the day we can prove we no longer need it. "
    "breencast.br_instinct24_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_instinct25" "<clr:188,188,188><I>And that day of transformation, I have it on good authority, is close at hand. "
    "breencast.br_instinct25_tv" " "
    "breencast.br_overwatch01" "<clr:188,188,188><I>I have been asked to say a few words to the transhuman arm of Sector Seventeen Overwatch, concerning recent successes in containing members of the resistance Science Team. "
    "breencast.br_overwatch02" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Let me say up front that I regret having to temper my heartfelt congratulations with a strong measure of disappointment. But I wouldn't be doing my duty as your Administrator if I didn't pass along the message I have received from our Benefactors. "
    "breencast.br_overwatch03" "<clr:188,188,188><I>The capture of Eli Vance is an event of major significance, make no mistake. And while it's true that conceivably we could have taken him at almost any time in the last several years, the manner of his capture may prove to have unexpected benefits. "
    "breencast.br_overwatch04" "<clr:188,188,188><I>It cannot have gone unnoticed by all resistance members that Doctor Vance's capture coincided with the act of giving shelter to Gordon Freeman. This might cause other resistance members to think twice before harboring Doctor Freeman. It might cause them to question his allegiance; even prompt some to turn him out, or turn him over to our cause. "
    "breencast.br_overwatch05" "<clr:188,188,188><I>However, we cannot count on such developments. Doctor Freeman's reputation is such that other desperate renegades are likely to grant him a great deal of license in the spirit of spreading general chaos and terror. "
    "breencast.br_overwatch06" "<clr:188,188,188><I>This brings me to the one note of disappointment I must echo from our Benefactors. Obviously I am not on the ground to closely command or second-guess the dedicated forces of the Overwatch, but this does not mean I can shirk responsibility for recent lapses and even outright failures on their part. I have been severely questioned about these shortcomings, and now must put the question to you: "
    "breencast.br_overwatch07" "<clr:188,188,188><I>How could one man have slipped through your force's fingers time and time again? How is it possible? This is not some agent provocateur or highly trained assassin we are discussing. Gordon Freeman is a theoretical physicist who had hardly earned the distinction of his Ph.D. at the time of the Black Mesa Incident. I have good reason to believe that in the intervening years, he was in a state that precluded further development of covert skills. The man you have consistently failed to slow, let alone capture, is by all standards simply that--an ordinary man. How can you have failed to apprehend him? "
    "breencast.br_overwatch08" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Well...I will leave the upbraiding for another time, to the extent it proves necessary. Now is the moment to redeem yourselves. If the transhuman forces are to prove themselves an indispensable augmentation to the Combine Overwatch, they will have to earn the privilege. I'm sure I don't have to remind you that the alternative, if you can call it that, is total extinction - in union with all the other unworthy branches of the species. "
    "breencast.br_overwatch09" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Let's not allow it to come to that. I have done my best to convince our Benefactors that you are the finest the species has to offer. So far they have accepted my argument, but without concrete evidence to back it up, my words sound increasingly hollow even to me. The burden of proof is on you. As is the consequence of failure. I'll just leave it at that. "
    "breencast.br_tofreeman01" "<clr:188,188,188><I>I'd like to take a moment to address you directly, Dr. Freeman. "
    "breencast.br_tofreeman02" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Yes. I'm talking to you. "
    "breencast.br_tofreeman03" "<clr:188,188,188><I>The so-called One Free Man. I have a question for you. How could you have thrown it all away? It staggers the mind. "
    "breencast.br_tofreeman04" "<clr:188,188,188><I>A man of science, with the ability to sway reactionary and fearful minds toward the truth "
    "breencast.br_tofreeman05" "<clr:188,188,188><I>choosing instead to embark on a path of ignorance and decay. Make no mistake, Dr. Freeman. This is not a scientific revolution you have sparked...this is death and finality. "
    "breencast.br_tofreeman06" "<clr:188,188,188><I>You have plunged humanity into freefall. "
    "breencast.br_tofreeman07" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Even if you offered your surrender now, I cannot guarantee that our benefactors would accept it. "
    "breencast.br_tofreeman08" "<clr:188,188,188><I>At the moment, I fear they have begun to look upon even me with suspicion. So much for serving as humanity's representative. "
    "breencast.br_tofreeman09" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Help me win back their trust, Dr. Freeman. Surrender while you still can. "
    "breencast.br_tofreeman10" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Help ensure that humanity's trust in you is not misguided "
    "breencast.br_tofreeman11" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Do what is right, Dr. Freeman. "
    "breencast.br_tofreeman12" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Serve mankind. "
    "breencast.br_welcome01" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Welcome. Welcome to City 17. "
    "breencast.br_welcome02" "<clr:188,188,188><I>You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers. "
    "breencast.br_welcome03" "<clr:188,188,188><I>I thought so much of City 17 that I elected to establish my Administration here "
    "breencast.br_welcome04" "<clr:188,188,188><I>in the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by our benefactors. "
    "breencast.br_welcome05" "<clr:188,188,188><I>I have been proud to call City 17 my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, "
    "breencast.br_welcome06" "<clr:188,188,188><I>Welcome to City 17. "
    "breencast.br_welcome07" "<clr:188,188,188><I>It's safer here. "
    "canals.airboat_drivehard" "It's going to be tough dodging Civil Protection out there in the open, but drive hard and you'll make it. "
    "canals.airboat_gassed" "Hey, Dr. Freeman, I've been hoping you'd show up. Got this airboat all gassed up and ready to go. "
    "canals.airboat_go_nag01" "You'd better get going now! "
    "canals.airboat_go_nag02" "I've gotta stay here. There could always be more runaways coming along. "
    "canals.airboat_go_nag03" "I'm staying put. You go on. "
    "canals.airboat_nag01" "Go ahead and get in the boat, Dr. Freeman. "
    "canals.airboat_nag02" "Get in the airboat, sir. "
    "canals.airboat_nag03" "Climb on in and fire her up. "
    "canals.airboat_redbarn" "You'll find more help up at Station 7, just a few bends up the river. It's the old red barn. "
    "canals.al_radio_stn6" "<clr:255,212,255><I>Black Mesa East to Station 6. Do you read? Dr. Freeman is on his way downriver. Lend him the airboat and give him all the help you can. Repeat. Gordon Freeman has returned! It is critical he reaches Black Mesa East. "
    "canals.arrest_getgoing" "Get going! "
    "canals.arrest_helpme" "Help me! "
    "canals.arrest_lookingforyou" "They'll be looking for you now! "
    "canals.arrest_run" "You'd better run! There's nothing else you can do here! "
    "canals.arrest_stop" "Stop! We didn't do anything! "
    "canals.boxcar_becareful" "Be careful now. "
    "canals.boxcar_becareful_b" "We really can't afford to get noticed. "
    "canals.boxcar_becareful_c" "Civil Protection catches you down here, it's bad news for the whole railroad. "
    "canals.boxcar_go_nag01" "Get going now. "
    "canals.boxcar_go_nag02" "You better get going. "
    "canals.boxcar_go_nag03" "Get outta here. "
    "canals.boxcar_go_nag04" "Hit the road, Jack! "
    "canals.boxcar_jolt" "Meanwhile, let my vortigaunt friend here give you a jolt to get you going. "
    "canals.boxcar_lethimhelp" "He'll help you if you let him! "
    "canals.boxcar_lookout" "Look, we're just the lookout for the underground railroad. "
    "canals.boxcar_lookout_b" "Main station is right around the corner. "
    "canals.boxcar_lookout_d" "They'll get you started on the right foot. "
    "canals.boxcar_sirens" "Guess those sirens are for you, huh? "
    "canals.boxcar_sirens_b" "Good thing you found us. "
    "canals.boxcar_sirens_c" "You're not the first to come through here by a ... "
    "canals.boxcar_vortstop" "Hey, stop that. The vorts are on our side now. "
    "canals.gunboat_breakcamp" "Get going, Doc. We've gotta break camp. "
    "canals.gunboat_comein" "Come on in. I'll show you what you're up against. "
    "canals.gunboat_dam" "This here's the dam. It's just up ahead. "
    "canals.gunboat_eliright" "Get going, Dr. Freeman. I can see Eli was right about you. "
    "canals.gunboat_farewell" "Farewell, Dr. Freeman. "
    "canals.gunboat_finishingup" "I think he's just finishing up now. "
    "canals.gunboat_getin" "Come on, get in here. "
    "canals.gunboat_giveemhell" "Give 'em hell, Doc. "
    "canals.gunboat_goonout" "Go on out. "
    "canals.gunboat_herelook" "Here, take a look at this. "

    Đoạn trên là ngay đầu tiên luôn, nhảy từ cảnh bắn nhau ở ngọn hải đăng, rồi lại sang những hình ảnh phát sóng của Breen, rồi lại tới khúc lái xuồng máy :))
  14. Gallus

    Gallus Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Do FOV đấy bạn, thử chỉnh tìm FOV phù hợp là hết bị.
  15. asm65816

    asm65816 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    El Sallia
    Thì đa phần game đâu có sắp xếp câu thoại theo thứ tự diễn biến nội dung đâu. Muốn biết câu nào xuất hiện trước, câu nào sau thì tìm vào phần event sẽ rõ.
  16. lalasatalin

    lalasatalin Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mình thích cái đoạn vì yêu 1 game lên mới thích học tiếng anh đấy :-bd
  17. Gallus

    Gallus Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thường thì nó nằm ở đâu bạn?, mình đã tìm rồi nhưng không thấy
  18. asm65816

    asm65816 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    El Sallia
    Mỗi game mỗi kiểu, nhưng nó đều có quy tắc chung là trong mớ code event sẽ có ID của các pointer, từng pointer lại chỉ tới từng câu nói.
    Các câu thoại thường được xếp theo block chứ không theo trật tự xuất hiện trong game. Trật tự này do event quy định.

    Vd: trong mớ event
    <nhân vật 1 qua trái 2 bước>
    <nhân vật 1 đụng cái bàn>
    <cái bàn lật ngửa>
    <nhân vật 1 quay lại>
    <pointer 3 chỉ tới câu số 3, câu chửi của nhân vật 1>.....

    Đại khái là vậy.
  19. Gallus

    Gallus Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mình đã tìm hiểu rồi, bộ source SDK này hiển thị caption kèm theo âm thanh trong game, valve không hướng dẫn chỉnh sửa cái này, mà chỉ hướng dẫn viết caption hiển thị kèm theo file âm thanh tuỳ ý, nếu code cả phần đó thì khác nào làm lại âm thanh từ đầu tới cuối :3.

    Có tìm hiểu cách khác thì biết được có một tool là face poser trong bộ engine, sử dụng để chỉnh câu thoại khớp với chuyển động môi của nhân vật, nhưng mà khổ nỗi bộ tool này không hiểu vì lý do gì lại không hoạt động kể từ khi valve update SDK mới :6cool_beat_brick:

    Giờ đang làm theo cách, xem thứ tự từng cảnh trong game, rồi tìm theo phân đoạn, ví dụ: opening, Trainyard, Trainride... cũng tạm ổn.
  20. Gallus

    Gallus Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Update trailer đầu tiên, công việc vẫn còn khá nhiều.

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