I just updated my game (the same game I showed last time). This time I'm pretty satisfied with it so I've been going around advertising it for the past 3 days. Just wondering if posting advertisements on forums would worth it. I for one really hate those fucking spammers...
What advertisements? You mean the sub-forums? I never go there. Or you mean just spamming with topic everywhere? I never pay any attention to it either. But I'm pretty much broke right now so advertisement is kind of a waste on me. Maybe it'd be different with people who have money to spend... PS: I wouldn't mind you spamming this box with your game. Better than those fucking language things...
I mean going around every posting "Hey check out my game!" And nah I think it's better to find a place that's still alive I've spammed enough here.
Just feel my anguish and hatred for those fucking TOPIKKKKKK in this godforsaken realm man, and you'll comprehend....
Well this kind of topic is very much like dust & litters. If you clean regularly it's negligible, but leave it be for awhile and you're in a dump of shit. Now back to finding an international forum about mobile gaming to do the same thing hm...
The one on r/iosgaming. After mentioning reddit I was thinking hmm maybe I could actually go there and help him look for places to promote the game. Of course iosgaming was the one that came up first, went there and saw your thread submitted 8 hours before
You can also try on this http://www.reddit.com/r/playmygame/ There are some related subs on the side bar too, take a look around. Maybe you can find something interesting there, or just spam your promotions.
Hmm, I'm trying some more subtle methods: https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/3a6or2/game_i_made/ btw the playmygame subreddit have only 6k subscriber, idk if anyone would even read my thread. Y'know, the thing they say about spamming is it has very high diminishing returns =)
Oh btw this is a sneak peak at the game I'm currently working on, a vertical scrolling shooter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByFy6Fb6p0hAVF92QkFwc01Pdjg/view?usp=sharing Please excuse the "programmer's art", I'm looking for a real artist to draw the fireworks atm :( Oh and if you happen to know someone who might be interested in being a pixel artist for me please tell me
Dấu ấn rồng thiêng flying above GBA's Fire Emblem village shooting NES' TwinBee's bullets? Good Job Vat.
Oh no wonder they looked so damn familiar. But I have such a bad experience with Touhou any shooter game could give me nightmares :(