[Preview] Kingdomhearts 2 [Preview]

Thảo luận trong 'Kingdom Hearts' bắt đầu bởi ro_t3, 20/8/05.

  1. NemS

    NemS T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Vô Sản
    WoW..!!!Ko ngờ lại có Squall và Cloud nữa game ngày càng HOT,mà sao Cloud lai dùng vải băng thanh kiếm của mình lại nhỉ..??!! Thú thật mình chẳng biết game này nhưng nhờ bài giới thiệu của xuất sắc của ro_t3 mình tìm đến game để chơi và mê luôn (còn đang chơi) mình rất mong đc sớm chơi phần 2 (dù tiếng J cũng đc )
  2. tgame

    tgame Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

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    Iceberg Castle

    Cutscene 1

    Cutscene 2

    Cutscene 3

    Cutscene 4

    Cutscene 5

    Cutscene 6
    http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=lqIw55v0JO0&search=kingdom hearts 2

    Cutscene 7
    http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=0leuF6FRA08&search=kingdom hearts 2

    Phần english translation của các cutscene này mình sẽ up sau để các bạn đang chơi bản tiếng nhật hiểu nội dung của trò này ::)
  3. tgame

    tgame Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

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    Iceberg Castle
    Các bạn ráng xem bằng tiếng anh nhé
    Dù sao cũng đỡ hơn là tiếng nhật
    cutscene #1

    org sitting : ive been waiting
    i went and met him
    he looks a lot like you
    org standing : -and you?
    org sit : an empty shell
    no, i suppose this is my real idenity
    org standing : i was asking for your name
    org sitting : theres no purpose in those thing (name)
    and you? have you remembered your real name?
    org standing : my real name is......

    you guys know the next part but i will translate for continuation purposes

    Kairi : sora...
    Sora : ah! dont scare me liek that ka---(gets cut off)
    Riku : whats wrong sora? finished already?
    if there are other worlds, i wonder why did we have to be here?
    EM : this world has been connected
    sora : who, who are you?
    EM : a world connected to the evil
    Kairi : sora, dont change
    riku: the gate has opened
    sora: riku...
    EM : you dont know anything
    Kairi : sora...

    Roxas : ugh (waking up sound). A dream about him again...
    heine : right? can you forgive that?
    pence : yeah, i'm getting anxious/excited
    olette : seifer is going too far
    heine : its true that thing are getting stolen around town.
    and we have had a long rivalry with seifer. i'll forgive him for thinking we are the culprits. but i cant forgive...i cant forgive him saying here and there that we are the cuprits. thanks to him we have to be taking care of this situation (dragged into this mess). this is too much! i wont take it! so, what should we do?
    Roxas : umm.... we catch/find the culprits!!! we get rid of our black mark!
    pence : that sounds like fun
    heine : what do we do abour seifer?
    Roxas : more than that, we need to revive our reputation. if we find the real culprits, noone can say anything about us right?
    heine : yeah.... (grunt)
    pence : oh no!! its gone! our---is gone! what the...??
    heine: our-----!?!!?!? what the....?!?!
    olette : whats this?! i cant say ----!
    pence : but you guys know what i'm talking about right? you know what ---- is right?
    roxas : its been stolen.... not only our ---- but the word itsellf!!!
    heine : what kind of burglar/robber is this?! this is not seifer territory (this isnt seifers doing).
    roxas: right?
    heine : ok! first we investigate.
    roxas : (as hes running) what the...?!?!
    Voice : the heart will return....revival/eye opening is soon...
    olette : roxas!! (YAY the first time his name has been officially said!) Lets go!
    heine (text) : over here!

    end of cutscene #1!!!!!!
  4. tgame

    tgame Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Iceberg Castle
    cutscene #2

    pence (text): alright, time to investigate
    heine (t) : hey roxas
    store guy : i didnt think that you guys would do such things...
    roxas : if its about the burglar, its not us
    store guy : i wanna believe you...but only you guys would steal such things right?
    roxas : what was stolen?
    store guy : you already know. i dont wanna be the one to say it... go ask the the accessory store
    Fuu : you stole it (its sorta hard to understand her but im sure thats what she said).
    Rai : it cant be forgiven!
    heine : what??? (in a pissed off tone)
    Seifer : what a stupid conversation..
    heine : what!!!! (again, pissed off) *grunting
    seifer : why dont you give us back our ---- ok? (demanding).
    Rai : the culprits have to be you. (saying to roxas gang)
    seifer : what stolen was evidense to your defeat. what? am i making you angry? anyways, even though --- is gone, the past wont change.
    fuu : revival
    seifer : hahahha thats good! (not really sure about this part, fuu's comment) If you admit defeat, we'll let it go.
    heine : roxas!
    pence : roxas, calm down (meaning dont get too stressed)

    *battle scene

    seifer (in the battle mode taunt) : "fall to your feet and admit defeat!"

    seifer : hey hey, hurry up and give me your best (taunting)

    *back into battle mode

    siefer : ""fall to your feet and admit defeat!"

    *back into normal cutscene

    Rai : seifer is not feeling to well!
    Fuu : end the fight!
    Heine: what was that thing?
    Olette (feel liek calling her omlette hahha) : the theif?!?

    sorry im not too sure what the text says.... please get someone to translate that and insert it in.

    Roxas : what?


    Roxas : its no use... What...?! wh-whats this?!?

    *fight ends

    end of cutscene #2!!!!
  5. tgame

    tgame Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Iceberg Castle
    Cutscene #3
    Heine : Whats this?
    Roxas : When that guy (store guy) became the store owner, i was his first customer. So, it's a commemeration picture.
    Olette : So it's a picture to remember it right? What the...?!
    Pence : Yes! We got back the word! (im guessing "picture/photograph")
    Heine : Hey, what was the culprit like?
    Roxas : I dunno, the photos were just lying there. (denying/not telling them that he fought)
    Heine : That won't be enough to get rid of our black mark!
    Roxas : *giggles
    Heine : Two-shot (used as a slang term for when a guy and girl get a photo together)
    Olette : Roxas, you look so happy!
    Roxas : Thats not true.....
    Pence : So, all the photos are of ones with Roxas in them?
    Olette : Oh, thats why everyone thought we were accusing us.
    Seifer : So Seifer wasn't going aroung telling everyone it was us.
    Roxas : is it really just a bunch of photos of me?
    Pence : Yeah. See?
    Olette : This one too.
    Pence : See? All of them. What if the theif was trying to steal Roxas alltogether!! (talking sarcastically/lightheartedly)
    Heine : Don't say such stupid things. Theres no point in stealing a useless guy like this! (again, joking)
    Roxas : Thats so mean! (again....jokingly)

    *all laugh
    *screen goes black

    Voice (Sora?): Where is this?
    Voice (I think this one is Roxas) : Who are you?
    Voice : Who are YOU?
    Computer Voice : Recovery level - 12% (Im pretty sure that what it says)
    DIZ : Member of the 13th order (talking about/to org guy), it looks like he (i think talking about Roxas) found this place.
    EM (right?) : But why did the nobody steal the photos?
    DIZ : Its coveting data.. He probably couldnt classify him. Well, there not much time left. We'll have to hurry up Namine.

    *KH1 scene
    *at the end of the flashback
    DIZ : The problem is the kid (sora), hes even found keyholes...

    Roxas : Keyblade....? Keyblade---. What was that?

    *throws stick

    Roxas : Oh?! I'm sorry...

    *back at "clubhouse"

    Roxas : Thanks
    Pence : Will we...always be able to be together?
    Olette : That would be nice.
    Heine : What? What are you talking about all of a sudden?
    Pence : Nah, nothing really... I was just thinking about it.
    Heine : Well, I honestly think its impossible. But when you become an adult its inevidable right? Whats important is not how many times we meet but how many times we think/remember eachother.
    Pence : hahh, that speech didnt suit you!
    Heine : Give me back my ice cream then! Anyways, whats with this negative atmosphere?
    Olette : Its the fault of yesterday's memory thief (nobody) right?
    Heine : No. It's just beacuse our summer break is almost over and were getting depressed. And with that, a suggestion. Let's all go to the ocean/beach. Why? We havent been to the beach all summer! Blue sea! Blue sky! Let's ride a train and go to the beach! No? Jeez....!
    Roxas : I don't have that much money...
    Heine : Leave that to me!

    Heine : Alright, it's the day after tomorrow. Let's fight the final battle together. Whoever wins, we split the prize four ways, ok?
    Roxas : Yea, that sounds good.
    Pence : You two might be able to do it.
    Olette : Good luck!
    Heine : It's a promise!!
    end of cutscene #3
  6. tgame

    tgame Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Iceberg Castle
    Cut scene #4

    Olette : Good morning.

    *Time stops

    Roxas : What the….?
    Namine : Hello, Roxas.
    Roxas : Yea… Who are yo…
    Namine : I wanted to meet you in person.
    Roxas : Me?
    Namine : Yea, you.

    *Time goes back to normal

    Pence : I’m accompanying Olette in shopping.
    Olette : Wanna come along Roxas?
    Roxas : Wha…umm… more than that, what was that just now?
    Pence : He’s playing a trick on us.
    Olette : Oh well, anyways we’ll see you later Roxas.
    Roxas : Ye..yeah…I wonder if she went to the haunted house.

    *Runs after Namine into the woods

    Roxas : That’s weird… Let me go!

    *Runs back past Seifer’s gang

    Seifer : Hey, chicken store (directed at Roxas).
    Fuu : Who/what is this?
    Seifer : I don’t know what they are, but I don’t like them at all! Use whatever you need (directed at Roxas)!

    *Goes into battle

    Roxas : What should I do?
    Namine : Roxas! Use the keyblade!

    *Goes to Station of Serenity and battles

    Namine : My name is Namine. Roxas…do you remember your real name?
    EM : What are you trying to do Namine?
    Namine : But if it stays like this Roxas….
    EM : He shouldn’t know the truth!
    Roxas : Hey! Give me back my money!
  7. tgame

    tgame Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Iceberg Castle
    Cut scene #5

    Rai : Seifer! Strike a pose!
    Seifer : Like this?
    Rai : That’s awesome!
    Rai : One more shot!
    Roxas : What are you guys doing!
    Fuu : Commemeration.
    Rai : Because those white guys disappeared!
    Fuu : No problem!
    Roxas : What were those things?
    Seifer : That’s what we’re wondering! Whatever they we’re, I’ll punish whomever doesn’t show courtesy!
    Rai : Leave the protection of the town to Seifer!
    Heine : Whatever…
    Roxas : Wait!
    Seifer : Hey! Don’t run away from tomorrow’s competition!
    Rai : It’s a promise!

    *Back at “clubhouse”

    Pence : Were you…playing with Seifer and them?
    Roxas : No, it’s not that… Oh yeah, how was the beach? You guys went right?
    Olette : We didn’t go, it needs to be the four of us…right?
    Roxas : …sorry. Hey, want to go to the beach tomorrow? You probably want to eat “yakisoba” (Japanese fried noodle dish *its really good!) don’t you?
    Heine : I have a promise to keep tomorrow.
    Roxas : Oh… Ah!


    Heine : Let's fight the final battle together. Whoever wins, we split the prize four ways, ok?
    Roxas : Yea, that sounds good.
    Pence : You two might be able to do it.
    Olette : Good luck!
    Heine : It's a promise!!

    *Back to “clubhouse”

    Heine : I’m going home.
    Computer : Revival level, 48%.

    *In computer room

    EM : Is that Namine data as well?
    DIZ : No, it seems Namine took the data. I’m starting to lose control (of Namine). Doing anything at her own convenience!!
    EM : Please calm down.
    DIZ : Oh well, as long as she carries out her duties. I don’t care what happens to Roxas.

    *Back at Twilight town.

    Pence : Who are you going to root for?
    Olette : Of course the two of them (Roxas and Heine).
    Announcer : My battle freak friends. A heated summer battle has once again some this year. We have finally come to the struggle battle final tournament…and the title match! Who will be the one to win the tournament and challenge Setzer?
    Rai : It’s gonna be Seifer!
    Announcer : Who will win the title match and become this years champion?
    Pence/Olette : Heine! Roxas!
    Girls in the background : Mr. Setzer!!!!
    Announcer : Well it seems like the crowd is getting excited so it’s time for our regular chant!
    Everyone : Let’s struggle!!!!
    Store guy : Alright! Let’s start by introducing the contenders! The ones who got this far, the four roughnecks! A regular at the finals, the self appointed director of discipline, Seifer! Even though no one has been watching/rooting for him, what’s different this year? Vivi! The boy everyone knows, Heine! Also a first timer at the finals. And, the fourth is also a first timer, a regular at my store, Roxas! So who will win, a struggle battle in this middle of the summer. This will be given to the victor! The symbol of the event, the four crystals trophy! Also, a chance to challenge the champion Setzer! It looks like it’s about time. The competitors have been divided and will be given conformation of the official rules.
    Roxas : Sorry about yesterday…
    Heine : You were that worried about it? One night should normally make you forget about such things…
    Roxas : There were a lot of other things going on too…
    Heine : Sorry… Why do I have to apologize (jokingly)?!?
    Store guy : Struggle battle round 1 is a best friend battle between Roxas and Heine!


    Heine : I lost!!! Ahh, I lost! You really are strong.
    Roxas : It was fun to fight against you.
    Heine : Not for me (jokingly)!
    Roxas : Fine, I’ll share some of my good spirits with you.
    Heine : I don’t need such things.
    Seifer : Get out of my way!
    Heine : If you rush you will lose (taunting).

    Seifer : Don’t treat me like a fool/idiot!
    Store guy : It feels like a threatening atmosphere. More than that, Vivi is supposed to be a follower/henchman of Seifer.
    Heine : Was Vivi always that strong?
    Seifer : It’s mine!
    Store guy : What just happened? Anyways, the victor is Vivi! is this a new Lighting explosion move??
    Seifer : That’s not Vivi.
    Roxas : Huh?
    Seifer : “Own” him.
    Announcer : It’s about the 3rd place deciding match…it seems Seifer has abandoned it…
    Heine : So that means I’m 3rd place! Yeah!
    Announcer : Fight with a spirit of fair play.
    Store guy : At last! This is the championship match between Roxas and Vivi!

  8. tgame

    tgame Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Iceberg Castle
  9. tgame

    tgame Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Iceberg Castle
  10. songe

    songe Youtube Master Race

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    bạn post mấy cái này làm chi tốn thời gian. Nếu có ai mua đĩa tiếng Nhật về chơi thì người đó biết tiếng nhật rồi bạn cần gì phải dịch. Hoặc ko thì bạn có thể viết thành truyện hay tiểu thuyết cho những người chưa chơi cũng được. Dù sao thì 1 tháng 3 cũng ra mà, ai lại gấp
  11. Rociel

    Rociel シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

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    Hồ Chí Minh
    cut csenen cho những người đang chơi?Làm chi vậy...những người họ sẽ thưởng thức thôi đâu cần phải post lên làm gì chứ?Nếu có tiếp tục chủ đề thi 2hãy nói về thông tin chứ đừng spoil lên như vậy nữa.
  12. tgame

    tgame Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

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    Iceberg Castle
    hix mấy cái cut scene đó phục vụ cho phần dịch là chủ yếu để mọi người biết là mình đang coi phần dịch của đoạn nào
    Mấy ông giỏi tiếng nhật thì tôi không nói gì nhưng những người không biết tiếng nhật như tui mà chơi game này không hiểu gì về nội dung thì chán lắm nên phải coi mấy đoạn dịch này
    Đúng là 1 tháng 3 thì chờ cũng không lâu nhưng lúc đó là hk II lớp 12 của tui rùi,chơi nữa có nước chết,nên tranh thủ lúc còn đang rảnh chơi về nước bản tiếng nhật trước đã
  13. AkaiRyu

    AkaiRyu Mario & Luigi

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  14. tgame

    tgame Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

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    Iceberg Castle
    Spoil Warning
    Đây là đoạn Tifa hợp sức với Cloud đánh Sephiroth
    quá tuyệt vời ::)
    Sau đây là một vài thông tin mới
    Tên thật của hollowbastion là Radiant Garden
    Thông tin thêm về Diz
    Người chủ chính thức của Hollow Bastion, Ansem là một bậc hiền triết đáng kính trọng và là vua của Radiant Garden. Ông ta tin rằng bóng tối có thể chiếm lĩnh trái tim của con người mặc cho nó trong sáng như thế nào và có thể nắm quyền kiểm soát và nuốt chửng trái tim đó. Để chống lại thế lực bóng tối đang lan tràn trong thế giới của mình ông ta nghiên cứu bóng tối và quan hệ của nó đối với trái tim bằng cách sử dụng những thí nghiệm tàn nhẫn đối với trợ lí nghiên cứu của ông ta,người mà sau này có Nobodies gia nhập Organization XIII. Thí nghiệm này dẫn đến sự phát hiện của ông ta về một loài sinh vật mà ông ta đặt tên là "Heartless" và ông ta bắt đầu nghiên cứu,viết những khám phá mới của ông ta vào các báo cáo của ông ta. Một trong những vật thí nghiệm của ông ta là Xehanort. Cuối cùng hắn ta tìm được lối vào chỗ sâu nhất của lâu đài Ansem và tìm được một nguồn năng lượng lớn nằm trong những 'heart' của thế giới hắn ta.

    Sau khi thảo luận với người đến từ thế giới khác, vua Mickey, Ansem lập tức dừng lại nhũng thí nghiệm của mình khi nhận ra những hiểm họa từ nó.Tuy nhiên đã muộn rồi. Xehanort, với quan điểm hắn mới chính là Ansem,tiếp tục những thí nghiệm của Ansem bao gồm việc sử dụng một cỗ máy để tạo ra Heartless . Là kết quả của thí nghiệm của Diz để tìm kiếm sự thông thái Xehanort sử dụng Heartless để tàn phá Hollow Bastion dưới quan niệm hắn là Ansem và tìm kiếm kiến thức về những bí ẩn của vũ trụ mà người tạo ra hằn đã mơ ước. Điều này dần đến "the discarding of his body"(chịu thua #>:) ) và sự tạo thành Xemnas. Bởi những điều khủng khiếp mà mình đã gây ra, Ansem mãi mãi xấu hổ với hành động của sinh vật do mình tạo ra và dằn vặt mình trong hối hận về tội lỗi của mình cho đến khi ông ta quyết định giải quyết mọi việc bằng đôi tay của mình và xóa bỏ những sai lầm của mình. Từ thời điểm đó, Ansem lấy tên là Diz và ẩn mình trong tấm áo choàng màu đỏ với khuôn mặt bị che phủ dưới lớp băng đỏ ngoại trừ con mắt bên phải và miệng cho đến khi ông ta lấy lại được thanh danh của mình.
    Như vậy ansem trong Kh1 không phải là ansem thật sự nhỉ
  15. tgame

    tgame Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Iceberg Castle
    Thông tin mới tìm được về 13 thành viên của Organization
    1. Xemnas


    No. 1 in the Organization: Xemnas.Previously known by fans as the Enigmatic Man, Xemnas (whose name is an anagram of Ansem's name with an 'X' added to it), the "Seeker of Darkness", is the Nobody version of Xehanort. He is the man whom Sora fights in the Final Mix version of the original Kingdom Hearts at Hollow Bastion and revealed Sora's existence to Roxas. He can manifest some sort of energy as a weapon (one of the ways he uses it is by making red "sabers" with it), use the element of darkness and move through solid objects such as humans. He is the final member of the Organization to battle in Kingdom Hearts II.

    2. Xigbar


    No. 2 in the Organization: Xigbar.Xigbar, the "Magic Bullet Shooter", is a senior member of the Organization. A missing right eye and the deep scar on his left cheek indicate that he was in some sort of intense battle in the past. He has several grey streaks in his hair, which is worn in a pony tail. For someone his age, Xigbar talks a lot and likes to insult people. He uses ray guns and the element of time. His original name was Braig.

    3. Xaldin


    No. 3 in the Organization: Xaldin.While he looks like the silent-type, Xaldin, the "Whirlwind of Six Spears", is actually quite talkative. He confronts Sora in Beast's Castle when he threatens to destroy Beast's mystical rose and forces Beast to fight for him. He sports long black hair and long sideburns, and wields six lances while controlling the element of wind. There is a screenshot of him saying, roughly translated, "Once we obtain Kingdom Hearts we will become complete beings!" His original name was Dilan.

    4. Vexen


    No. 4 in the Organization: Vexen.Vexen, the "Freezing Scholar", is the research scientist of the group and loves to study the secrets of the heart. Vexen is older than most of the other members in the game and has long dirty blond hair. He can control the power of ice and carries a large shield in battle that blocks any frontal attacks made against him.

    In Chain of Memories, he appears to help in Marluxia's plot, but is really siding with Zexion and Lexaeus. He first battled Riku in order to create a replica of him. However, Vexen cared nothing for his "experiment" and allowed Naminé manipulate the duplicate's memories against his wishes. When he finally encountered Sora, Vexen said that he came to collect his "debt" and provoked Sora's anger by making him believe that he controlled Riku rather than create a repilca in his image. After their battle, Vexen gave Sora the key to Twilight Town and was going to reveal something important to the boy. Because of that, Marluxia considered him a traitor and sent Axel to kill him.

    In Twilight Town, Vexen attempts to reveal to Sora why he feels as though he has been to Twilight Town despite being fairly certain (though memories are never quite certain in Castle Oblivion) that he has never been there. Sora and Vexen battle again after Vexen tells Sora to throw away his memories and listen to his heart. Following the fight, Vexen sees Sora is a true threat; even after being weakened by false memories, Sora remained very strong. Just as Vexen is about to reveal to Sora not only Marluxia's plot to use him, but also the existence of "the other side of Sora's heart", Vexen is struck behind by one of Axel's chakrams. Dispite pleading for mercy, Axel laid the death blow to Vexen telling him "Now you can be nothing instead of just being nobody." His original name was Even.

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  16. tgame

    tgame Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

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    5. Lexaeus


    No. 5 in the Organization: Lexaeus.Lexaeus, the "Peaceful Giant", is a well-built, muscular fighter in Organization XIII's ranks. Lexaeus is one of the two members of the Organization in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories that appears in Riku's story only. He employs a large tomahawk and the element of earth in battle.

    Lexaeus, along with Vexen and Zexion are older members of the Organization who are less than pleased when they are forced to submit to the will of newcomers like Marluxia. When they realize the Lord of Castle Oblivion plans to overthrow the Organization by capturing and manipulating Sora, Lexaeus and Zexion decide to capture Riku and use him in the same fashion to counter Marluxia.

    Lexaeus seems to keep an eye on events unfolding in the higher floors of Castle Oblivion and he is the one that informs Zexion that Axel has killed Vexen. When it becomes dangerously apparent that Sora might fall into Marluxia's grasp, Lexaeus confronts Riku directly, trying to convince him to open himself up to the power of the darkness in his heart. Riku refuses to give in, however, and Lexaeus attacks him. In a very close battle, Riku manages to defeat the brute, but with his last bits of strength, Lexaeus releases all of the darkness within him in hopes of overwhelming and consuming Riku. However, King Mickey protected Riku once more. His original name was Elaeus.

    6. Zexion


    No. 6 in the Organization: Zexion.Like Axel, Zexion, the "Shadow Walking Tactician", is a skilled manipulator by nature, though as we discover, not skilled enough. Appearing in Chain of Memories, his talents lie outside of battle, even to the point where he does not possess a weapon; he is the only Organization member in the entire game that does not fight in an actual battle.

    He is one of two Organization members who appear only in Riku's story. He has the ability to identify individuals by their scent, sensing when they die, and seems to be able to do so from great distances. His element is shadow.

    Zexion informs Vexen and Lexaeus when he senses two new scents in the lowest basement of Castle Oblivion. One of the scents was Maleficent, and he senses that she was eliminated by the other visitor, one with a scent "exactly similar" to that of the Superior. With little information on what was happening, he and the others decide to see what develops. Not long after, though, he identifies the other guest in the castle: Riku. He observes the boy's progress through Castle Oblivion until Vexen's death, when he and Lexaeus decide that they should use Riku just as they believe Marluxia will use Sora.

    After Larxene, Lexaeus, and even Marluxia are killed, Zexion sees that Riku is no longer needed and attempts to destroy him himself. He leads Riku into a manifestation of the Destiny Islands, Sora and Riku's home, in which Riku sees his friends disappear. Zexion appears and wages psychological war on Riku, telling him about how he threw away his friends and his home, opened the door to darkness, and destroyed his islands. Following Riku's battle with a Darkside Heartless, Zexion uses his power to disguise himself as Sora and attacks him, telling him that he's become nothing more than a pawn of the darkness. He engulfs Riku in light, but a vision of Kairi manages to convince Riku to shed his fear of the darkness. With newfound strength, Riku follows Zexion's scent through the light and strikes him, but Zexion escapes. However, his escape was short-lived. Axel brings the Riku Replica down to him and convinces the replica that he could become real by gaining power that the real Riku didn't have. The replica agreed, and with Axel's suggestion, struck down Zexion without difficulty.

    He was originally one of Ansem's youngest lab assistants and test subjects, Ienzo.

    7. Saix


    No. 7 in the Organization: Saix.Saix, the "Moon Dancing Demon Man", has an X-shaped scar on his face and wields a gigantic broadsword that can change form to suit his needs. Despite his ranking, he is respected as if he were the second in command. He doesn't feel any emotion, or at least doesn't let any show. He controls the element of moon.

    8. Axel


    No. 8 in the Organization: Axel.Axel, the "Wind of Dancing Flames", worked as a double agent in Castle Oblivion. In battle, he utilizes a pair of chakram as well as the element of fire. He is a skilled manipulator and one never quite knows whose side he is really on. He seems to have some connection to Sora due to his relation to Roxas.

    Chain of Memories
    Axel was the first member of the Organization to battle with Sora in Castle Oblivion, though the fight was nothing more than a test of Sora's strength. He gave Sora his first set of world cards to proceed through the castle. Later, he pretended to join with Larxene and Marluxia in their plan to seize control of the Organization using Sora. To gain their trust, he asassinated Vexen when ordered by Marluxia to rid them of "traitors". However, Axel's intent on killing Vexen was also personal due to Sora almost learning about Roxas. Afterwards, in order to derail Marluxia's plans, Axel set Naminé free so that she could reveal Sora the truth about how she has manipulated the memory of him and his friends.

    Eventually, Axel confronted Marluxia, prepared to destroy him by reminding him the order to wipe out traitors of the Organization, but Marluxia used Naminé as shield to keep Axel at bay, though he resolves to go through anyone, even Naminé, in order to kill Marluxia. He says so just as Sora finds the two black-coated men facing off, and Marluxia vanishes with Naminé, leaving Sora to fight Axel. Sora eventually defeats Axel, after which he states their common relation before vanishing, letting Sora believe him to be gone for good. After Marluxia is defeated by Sora, Axel enlisted the aid of the Riku Replica that Vexen created to kill Zexion in Castle Oblivion's basement levels and fight the real Riku. Of the six members of the Organization to appear in Chain of Memories, Axel is the only one who survived.

    Kingdom Hearts II
    His role and motives are fully revealed Kingdom Hearts II to revolve around Roxas, whom Axel sees as a dear friend and kindred spirit. He was the one who dragged Roxas back to the Organization personally on the reason that he does not want Roxas to find Sora knowing well what would happen once they meet. To that end, Axel took matters to ensure that by abducting Kairi and convincing other members that they were being set up. However, those acts eventually branded Axel as a traitor due to him becoming a hinderence in DiZ's plan. Axel, starting to realize that he was wrong to stop Roxas, sacrificed himself to save Sora from the Nobodies with a kamikaze attack.
  17. tgame

    tgame Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

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    Iceberg Castle
    9. Demyx


    No. 9 in the Organization: Demyx.A blond fighting musician, Demyx, the "Nocturnal Investigator", uses a weapon that resembles a sitar. He is seen as immature compared to the other members and rather incompetent at completing missions. He doesn't enjoy fighting, but can control and combine water with his sitar for strong attacks. Demyx is known to appear in the Underworld.

    10. Luxord


    No. 10 in the Organization: Luxord.Being the "Man that Gambles with Fate", gambling permeates into all aspects of Luxord's life. He has neatly ordered white hair, a mustache, several earrings, and uses a deck of 52 playing cards as his weapon. He loves to gamble, and sees battle as just another form of it. He controls the element of illusion.

    11. Marluxia



    No. 11 in the Organization: Marluxia.A relative newcomer to the Organization, Marluxia is Lord of Castle Oblivion and the "Elegant Assassin's Blade". In battle, he wields a pink scythe and the element of flower (referred to as "nature" in some official material; the meaning of nature does not exactly correspond to the powers Marluxia possesses).

    Along with Axel and Larxene, Marluxia conspired to overthrow the Organization by using Naminé to manipulate Sora's memories. Marluxia first appears as a hooded Unknown before Sora on his pathway and tells him, "Ahead lies something you need, but to claim it, you must lose something dear." and later to quell a fight between Vexen and Larxene.

    He declares the replica of Riku a failure and threatens to tell “The Superior” about this. The intimidation tactic is effective and Vexen reluctantly agrees to Marluxia's order to kill Sora. Axel remarks that Vexen would kill Sora, thus rendering their plans useless, but Marluxia is confident Vexen will fail. He assigns Axel to eliminate Vexen when the latter has failed to kill Sora and tell him about the "other side of the heart".

    Marluxia is combined with a strange creature for the final battle of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.Upon Axel's return, Marluxia extends his trust to Axel as he had done with Larxene. However, Axel betrays them and convinces Naminé to do what she thinks is right. Larxene fails to kill Sora and is eliminated as well. Marluxia re-captures Naminé and is confronted by Axel, who reveals Marluxia and Larxene were the traitors for conspiring against the Organization. The two are about to fight with Marluxia planning to use Naminé as a shield. Sora appears and Marluxia disappears to the 13th floor, leaving Axel to fight Sora.

    Seeing that Axel had been defeated, Marluxia anticipates Sora's arrival on the 13th Floor. The two fight, only for Sora to realize he had been fighting a replica of Marluxia. The real Marluxia, atop a giant creature called Spectre, confronts Sora and another battle ensued. However, Marluxia, like the other members of the Organization, is defeated.
  18. tgame

    tgame Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

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    12. Larxene


    No. 12 in the Organization: Larxene.The only female member and the "Apathetic Princess", Larxene, conspires with Marluxia to overthrow Organization XIII. She is arrogant, abrasive and cares not for the feelings of others. Larxene uses the element of thunder (Larxene actually uses electricity to attack; thunder is the sound that is a result of lightning, and is often used as an attack name in many Square Enix games) to fight and she wields kunai held between her fingers as her weapons. Compared to the other members, she is incredibly agile in battle.

    In her first encounter with Sora, she flips the plans of the Organization into high-gear when she attacks Sora and she made the luck charm into a shape of a star different from Kairi's. The act fully replaces Kairi in Sora's memories with Naminé. After the battle, Larxene mocks Sora, claiming he's trying to “play” the hero.

    We discover later that Larxene, along with the Lord of Castle Oblivion, Marluxia, is conspiring against the Organization. The newcomers intended to use Sora to achieve their ends and had planned to include Axel in their plans.

    The trust Marluxia and Larxene place in Axel proves to be fatal when he derails their plans by setting Naminé free. Larxene appears to Sora after he fights the Riku Replica for the fourth time to destroy them all.

    Larxene, again, mocks Sora for "chaining" himself to false memories of Naminé and the "promise" he made to her. However, the taunt proves fatal, as Sora attacks with Donald and Goofy aiding him. In the end, Sora kills her, leaving only two members of the Organization in Castle Oblivion for him to deal with.

    13. Roxas


    No. 13 in the Organization: Roxas.The youngest and newest member of the Organization, Roxas, the "Discovered Key", was "born" when Sora briefly became a Heartless. Roxas (whose name is an anagram on Sora's name with an 'X' added) is a special Nobody who fights with two keyblades and the power of light. During his time in the Order, he and Axel became best friends, but that changed after Xemnas revealed to the boy Sora's existence. Roxas, against Axel's wishes, wanted to find out the truth behind who he really was and left the Organization.

    Roxas co-oped with Riku when he was attacked by Heartless (due to possessing the Keyblade), but Roxas was beaten (and knocked out) by Riku when they turned against each other at the end, duelling with keyblades. He was eventually found by DiZ, who took him to Twilight Town. DiZ had Naminé replace some of Roxas's memories with Sora's, much to Axel's enraged fury, who does not want Roxas involved with DiZ and Xemnas's plans. As a result of DiZ's scheme, Roxas lived a normal life until his past came back to haunt him when Axel showed up. :p
  19. tgame

    tgame Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

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    Đây là hình 4 thành viên đầu
    No #1 Xemnas


    No # 2 Xigbar


    No # 3 Xaldin


    No #4 Vexen

  20. Leon Kenshin

    Leon Kenshin Leon S. Kennedy Lão Làng GVN

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