Multi Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown-Vùng Trời Vô Định

Thảo luận trong 'Tin tức - Giới thiệu - Thảo luận chung về game' bắt đầu bởi F22Raptors, 9/12/15.

  1. pow

    pow Let Us Cling Together

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    Phần 7 ngoài single ra có multi co-op không nhỉ? Game này hồi xưa chơi rất thích story của nó nhưng skip bản Assault Horizon vì review tệ hại và story thì không diễn ra trên StrangeReal nữa. Nếu tính cả series thì chắc tôi thích Belkan War nhất (mặc dù nếu tính cả Ace 6 ra thì tôi mới chơi 4 bản =) ).
  2. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    em đây thì kinh tất cả các bản rồi :Air Combat-Ace Combat 2-AC3-AC4-AC5-AC Zero-AC6- Ace Combat Advance(cho Gameboy Advance,dở như hạch)-ACX-ACJA-AC Nothern Wing(game cho mobile,java,đếch có android)-ACAH và hiện tại là AC Infinity,trừ cái Ace Combat 3D cho hệ 3DS thì chưa chơi vì... hổng có máy,chẳng lẽ giờ lại bỏ tiền túi ra mua 3DS để chơi game đó???
  3. BBL2R

    BBL2R SPARTAN John-117

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    Không biết AC dạo này còn xài Rock máy bay làm nhạc nền không hay lại theo xu hướng nhạc điện tử. Hồi nhỏ chơi AC2 trên PS ngoài việc lái mb thì phần thích nhất là mấy bài Rock máy bay làm nhạc nền lúc chiến đấu.
  4. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    mỗi bản có 1 style music khác nhau nhưng chắc kiểu nào cũng phải nhét 1 bài rock cho mấy trận đánh lúc cao trào vào :D
    cơ mà có cả cha làm story cho phần ACZ vào nên thể nào cũng lại gặp lại mấy đoạn intro ngầu vãi đạn cho đám ace squadron của địch giống như phần ACZ
  5. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    Bài dịch bằng tiếng anh về bài báo mới nhất nói về AC7 của Famitsu
    "The Famitsu interview said
    The Feelings Evoked by Numbering for the First Time in Eight Years
    The December 10th, 2015 issue of Famitsu had the scoop on info about "Ace Combat 7." In the article, we had an interview with Mr. Kazutoki Kono, but we have posted here the full version, including a portion of the article which could not be printed.

    --This article is titled Numbering for the First Time in Eight Years, but could you please explain the concept?

    Kazutoki Kono (below: Kono): "Numbered title" would express the meaning better, so more properly the concept is "numbered Ace Combat title." It's what users who were cheering us on were always hoping we would work on next.

    --Isn't there always a subtitle under the title?

    Kono: For this release, the number one goal was to show everyone how this latest release was a return to the numbered games, so in short we decided that the main title "Ace Combat 7" would illustrate that the best. The necessity of a subtitle is currently being considered. Please stay tuned for a further announcement. Also, I think the numbering alone was enough to make our consumers happy.

    --I see. The impact of the PV was excellent as well.

    Kono: About that, the thing about the PV is that it wasn't pre-rendered, the movement of the people and the planes, the flow of the clouds, everything was rendered on actual hardware. We are pursuing three goals for this game, and one of them is rendering three dimensional clouds to properly portray the sky. Before then we had naturally used stuff like pictures of clouds in a skybox to get across the right idea. For this game we've implemented three dimensional clouds, so if you try to fly through a specific cloud, the cloud will actually exist, right there in front of you, since we've created the map structure as two layers of sky and land.

    --You think flying through clouds would create a realistic feeling experience.

    Kono: Flying around the periphery of a cumulonimbus and flying through the middle of a cloud feels natural and enjoyable. We've also taken into consideration things like differing airflow and weather conditions inside and outside of a cloud, and topographical effects as well. The wispiness of the underside of the cloud and their appearance from ground level will also be apparent. To get in your plane and behold a sea of clouds which unfurls out to the very horizon - the world of the sky: in this game, actually depicting such a thing (without the use of illusions) will be possible.

    --That sounds like a singular experience, I'm looking forward to it. Could you talk some about other aspects?

    Kono: Another aspect we're pursuing is the fun of "playing airplane." I'm not talking about becoming more realistic in some way, I mean special weapons and maneuvers.

    --When you talk about maneuvers, do you mean that the cobra and kulbit techniques will be possible? The Su-30 in the PV did something like that…

    Kono: Yep. I've talked with the current director Hamanaka (Mr. Takahiro Hamanaka), and rather than anyone being able to bring certain death with the punch of a single button1, we're going in the direction of skilled people being able to take full advantage of maneuvering to make stuff like that happen. The third aspect is "improving how you defeat enemies." We are pursuing those three aspects in the campaign mode.

    --That sounds like fun! Incidentally, "Assault Horizon" and "Infinity" both take place in the real world, but what about this one?

    Kono: The numbered games take place in a fictional world. That said, since over ten years have passed since the Playstation 2 era, we want it to be approachable to a new audience who have not touched the series before.

    --The main setting is a continent which has appeared before in the series?

    Kono: That it is. Where precisely, I cannot yet say. (wry smile)

    --If one were to build a space elevator, I hear it'd be best to have it somewhere near the equator.

    Kono: I shall leave the details to your imagination. Haha.

    --Hehe. Even so, the space elevator left quite an impact.

    Kono: It's representative of the game. It's not real, but it's not within the realm of fantastical sci-fi either. A Japanese architectural firm is currently planning one, and as a matter we were actually working on the game when we heard about it.

    --You mean it's representative of something that if it were to really exist, it wouldn't be particularly odd. The part of the PV with the bungee jumping wasn't from the top, but about how high up was it?

    Kono: The person in the PV is wearing something like a spacesuit, so it's a height that would be intolerable without it. Anyway, it's slightly wrong to say "the structure's height," but it reaches 100 thousand kilometers from the surface of the earth to its furthest point (it extends to a space station beyond, from which it derives its centrifugal force).

    --That's certainly the largest structure in the series. The part closest to the earth sprawls out like the Tokyo Tower, but…

    Kono: Since it serves as an entrance into space, I expect the area on the surface would have container terminals and other such facilities, so that was the basic premise.

    --It looks like a fighter should be able to pull through there. I'd want to try it, anyway.

    Kono: Yep, you can. We were thinking of it in terms of aerial shooter design too.

    --I'm curious about the massive airborne aircraft carrier too, but how would that exist?

    Kono: The fictional plane the dev team calls the FAS.

    --The one that launches a mass amount of UAVs.

    Kono: A "drone carrier" has some utility. A space elevator would be vulnerable in case of emergency, so it acts as a guardian angel, orbiting the surrounding area.

    --So the FAS isn't based on any existing design. What's the motive behind it?

    Kono: One of the themes of the game will be how unmanned aircraft will shape the future, so we included the design to that end. By the way, we had Kanno (Masato Kanno, art director for much of the series) handle the design work. I love the feeling of functionality his designs convey despite having such simple lines, and like the Arkbird and Stonehenge, the FAS is one of Kanno's original designs.2 He'll be the art director for 7.

    --I see. It certainly resembles the Arkbird which appeared in 5, in that it's a very curvy design.3 We haven't talked about real airframes yet, so first of all, the F-22, F/A-18F, and Su-30 are confirmed. This is the series premiere for the Su-30, isn't it?

    Kono: It is. My personal favorites are the Su-27, Su-37, and Su-35, but I asked the staff "how about the Su-30," and up to this point the series has been full of single-seat Flankers, so I thought why not go with a two-seater?

    --I see. The F-22 and F/A-18F are big-league fighters.

    Kono: Since the F-22 is the epitome of a fighter, even to anyone who has no interest in fighters and has only seen them in movies and stuff, its position as the protagonist's plane5 befits it. Regarding the F-22's flat planform for stealth, it's removed from the appearance of more traditional fighters like the F/A-18F as well.

    --I'm curious about other planes as well. I have to imagine the F-15 and A-10 are pretty much locked in.

    Kono: Pretty much. We've planned for a lineup befitting a numbered game. New hardware has since been introduced, so rather than reusing what's been in the series thus far, we're taking care with it.

    --You mentioned content for Playstation VR support, but I expect we'll be able to look around and see the details in the cockpit.

    Kono: Absolutely you will. Lots of people go "It looks like I'm flying!" when trying VR support, and we're trying to make content based around flying the free skies easy to intuitively grasp, so the decision to support VR was very quick, since there are so many advantages to it. That said, there are also plenty of technical challenges, and the dev team is currently evaluating and working them out.6

    --I look forward to it. What will the campaign mode be like?

    Kono: To make the campaign, it's necessary for the scenario to have been worked out as the missions are being built. We're currently at the stage where we're proceeding with mission design.

    --Are there many on the production team who have worked on the series before?

    Kono: Continuing from his work on AC04 and AC5, director Katabuchi's (animation director Mr. Sunao Katabuchi) involvement has already been determined. Itomi (Mr. Kousuke Itomi) is also involved extensively in the scenario and script. I look forward to incorporating the scenario on which he collaborated with Katabuchi. I believe everyone will find it to their satsifaction, so please look forward to it.

    --I wonder who will be responsible for the BGM.

    Kono: As it's always been with this series, I have requested it of Kobayashi (Mr. Keiki Kobayashi).

    --That lineup will make the old fans happy. Lastly, do you have any message you'd like to tell the Japanese fans?

    Kono: As with 4, 5, and Zero, rest assured that we (Project Aces) aim to make Ace Combat cool and fun. We take great pride in being one of the few Japanese IPs to have taken off across the world. Please look forward to it!


    Lastly, printed here are messages from director Sunao Katabuchi and Keiki Kobayashi.

    Sunao Katabuchi: Ace Combat 4 and 5 are memorable to me for being the tipping point in my own career. I've been able to return to that same world once again. Kono and the main staff from the old days have come together to once again attend meetings, and I've already been able to collaborate with them on the outline of the story. I welcome the newcomers, and I would like to express to all of you my gratitude.7

    Keiki Kobayashi: Hi everyone, I'm Keiki Kobayashi. Have you taken a look at Ace Combat 7? I wonder what kind of drama awaits you flying around those blue skies freely, piercing the clouds. I've written fine music for this game, so by all means look forward to it.8"

    "One of the themes of the game will be how unmanned aircraft will shape the future, so we included the design to that end."
    Nghe sao có mùi Top Gun 2 trong câu này vậy ta????
  6. RyuK

    RyuK Chrono Trigger/Cross Lão Làng GVN

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    Chắc giống STEALTH
  7. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    UAV xuất hiện cũng khá nhiều trong mấy bản trước rồi, nhưng chắc phần này cho tụi nó đóng vai trò quan trọng hơn chứ không đơn giản chỉ là cái bia di động như trước,có khi nào bản này lại cho mình điểu khiển UCAV không ta :D
  8. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    Hình nền đẹp cho phone của anh em đê :D
  9. solowing

    solowing Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

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    Nói thật qua các dòng Ace chỉ thích mỗi con Su-37,mấy con còn lại chắc chỉ có f-18 là dùng nhiều do multirole.
  10. BBL2R

    BBL2R SPARTAN John-117

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    Máy bay thì hồi nhỏ khi chơi AC ấn tượng nhất là chiếc Phantom F4 và mấy chiếc Su của Nga như Su 27.
  11. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    fan cuồng của họ nhà Ong Bắp Cày (F-18) đây :). Thích nhât là con EA-18G(cũng là máy bay chủ lực của mình để cày cuốc trong Ace Combat Infinity),kế đó là em F/A-18C , không thích đám Super Bug E/F cho lắm

  12. BBL2R

    BBL2R SPARTAN John-117

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    Chắc cũng bị nhiềm giống như gu xe hơi, chỉ thích hàng xưa cũ thôi chứ không tiêu hóa nổi mấy cái xu hướng mang hơi hướm tương lai, giả tưởng nên cũng không thích máy bay mang hơi hướm phi thuyền.
  13. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    thế thì cỡ bác không nuốt nổi được cái Ace Combat 3 rồi.Vậy chắc đám super plane trong suốt seri bác cũng bỏ xó luôn hả?
  14. acecombat92

    acecombat92 Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

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    hải phòng
    Ông solowing là lấy tên lão solowing pixy tên mã gryphus one đúng không nhỉ ? Acecombat thì thích mấy cái dạng thuần fighter như su 27, f 16 hơn là mấy cái multi role
  15. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    chơi rồi mà nói kiểu râu ông nọ cắm cằm bà kia vậy.
    Solowing là cái thằng wingman của mình trong Ace Combat Zero,về sau là boss cuối
    Còn Gryphus One là nhân vật mình điều khiển trong Ace Combat X
    Hai thằng chả liên quan gì đến nhau cả
  16. BBL2R

    BBL2R SPARTAN John-117

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    Hổng nhớ có chơi cái đó ko, chỉ nhớ AC2 là cái đầu tiên chơi trên PS, thấy nó dễ chơi và hạp gu. Rồi sau đó PS2 hổng nhớ có chơi bản AC nào ko. Bản cuối cùng là bản trên Xbox 360 boss hình như là thằng đồng đội cũ.

    Mà thật ra ngày xưa chơi game bắn mb là bắt đầu trên PC hồi mấy cái DOS kìa.
  17. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    Bản mà có boss từng là đồng đội mình là Ace Combat Zero trên PS2,còn cái Ace Combat 6 thì làm gì có thằng nào phản bội mình.
  18. acecombat92

    acecombat92 Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

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    hải phòng
    Solo wing pixy và PJ là 2 đồng đội, solowing hình như là ông cầm ak ở thành phố bị phá huỷ, thấy nói bản zero thì nhân vật chính sau cuộc chiến ko thấy xuất hiện trên bầu trời nữa
  19. solowing

    solowing Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

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    Tên của nhân vật đó là Larry "Pixy" Foulke,cực kì thích char này vì nếu không đặt lý tưởng nhầm chỗ mà vẫn là wingman của PJ thì Galm team là ace of ace squadron mất.
    Cộng thêm mấy đoạn live action cutscene của char này cũng cool nữa nên lấy làm id luôn.
  20. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    Ace Of Ace Squadron thì vẫn đang cân nhắc giữa Wardog/Razgriz và Galm,cá nhân mình thì thích Galm hơn vì anh Solowing có lý tưởng khá là thực tế còn đám kia thì mang nặng tính truyền bá chủ nghĩa hòa bình quá
    Còn Ace Of Aces xét về 1 cá nhân thì chắc chỉ có ông Mobius 1 quá,1 mình anh thay đổi luôn cả 1 cuộc chiến,qua đến bản 5 phần Arcade cũng 1 mình anh cân nguyên team địch luôn bởi vì các cấp lãnh đạo chỉ ra rằng sức mạnh của 1 mình anh bằng nguyên cả 1 phi đội không quân :))

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