World of Warships - ALPHA test comming soon !

Thảo luận trong 'World of Tanks' bắt đầu bởi snicoo, 20/6/13.

  1. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    5.8 preview

    Bastion Mode

    To bring additional diversity to high-Tier battles, we’re introducing a new experimental mode called ‘Bastion’ in version 0.5.8. Currently, it is only available on the map “The Atlantic”. The main feature of this mode is its onshore installations, designed to give fire and reconnaissance support to the team that captured them. There are two types of such installations in the game:

    • Forts, which are fortifications armed with an array of large-calibre main guns and an air defence battery. It’s a powerful force, even with minimal support from allied ships
    • Surveillance stations, which are fortifications that provide their team and forts with additional ways of detecting enemy ships
    On-shore installations can be captured or temporarily neutralised by main battery gunfire or bombs dropped by aircraft. These actions reduce the real effectiveness of the enemy team and earn advantage points similar to the Domination mode that players are already familiar with. To win, a team should be the first to earn 1,000 points by suppressing and capturing enemy fortifications and destroying their ships.

    Matchmaker Changes
    In version 0.5.8, we will launch a new and improved matchmaker for the Random Battles mode. The purpose of this change is to exclude situations where players can immediately guess the outcome of a battle by the composition of the teams, and to make confrontations more honest. The features of the new matchmaker are as follows:

    • Situations where opposing teams appear to have different numbers of players are completely excluded
    • Aircraft carriers in opposing teams will continue to belong to the same Tier
    • In every battle, we have “Battle Tiers”, i.e. the maximum tier of a ship for a given battle. Ships of Tiers corresponding to the Tier of the battle are called “tops” or “top ships”. The following rules will apply to them:
      • Permissible difference in the number of divisions between the teams is limited and now equals 1
      • Permissible difference in the number of destroyers between the teams is limited and now equals 1
      • Permissible difference in the number of battleships between the teams is limited and now equals 1
      • Permissible difference in the number of cruisers between the teams is limited and now equals 2
    • For each type, the number of top ships will be strictly symmetrical. For example, if in a Tier VIII battle one team has two Tier VIII battleships, two Tier IX cruisers and one Tier VIII destroyer, the other team will also have two Tier VIII battleships, two Tier IX cruisers and one Tier VIII destroyer
    • The above rule also applies to battleships belonging to a Tier that is one step lower than the Tier of the battle. For example, if in a Tier VIII battle one team has one Tier VII battleship, the other team will also have one Tier VII battleship
    Here are some of the new features that have to be tested to determine whether they’re necessary or not:

    • The new matchmaker logic does not provide for any ‘mixing’ of ships by nation, i.e. theoretically, there could be a situation where three Japanese destroyers will encounter three U.S. ones
    • If it takes too long to assemble teams for a battle for whatever reason, battles may be fought between teams with incomplete lineup (11х11, 10х10 etc.)
    • Balancing the lowest Tier ships outside of their type is allowed. For example, a tier VIII battle could involve a Tier VI destroyer against a Tier VI battleship
    • Balancing two same-type ships with enemy ships of adjacent Tiers is allowed if they are not in the top of the team and if they are not battleships. For example, in a Tier VIII battle, a Tier VI cruiser could find herself against a Tier VII cruiser on the opposing team
    • Divisions may include ships of various Tiers (low-Tier ships are allowed to divisions with high-Tier ships)
    Meanwhile, the World of Warships developers would like to express their gratitude to all commanders who sent in their ideas and comments regarding the matchmaker. We will continue to collect your feedback on update 0.5.8 to make the process of selecting ships for a battle fair and enjoyable for all players.

    New Maps
    In update 0.5.8, we add two new maps for Tier VII-X ships:

    • The “Sea of Fortune”
    • The “Loop”

    Cruisers Armour Protection
    As part of our improvements to the game, we have revised all armour models. Our aim is to bring the armour models created at different stages of project development to the same level of detail. In version 0.5.8, we redefined armour models for cruisers more precisely. In some cases, this resulted in around 5% of HP being redistributed between the ship’s parts. The improved level of detail of the inclined protective deck and ship’s lines increased the chances for a ricochet of armour-piercing shells in some scenarios, particularly when hitting the ship on the bows or stern. Armour interaction with high-explosive shells and bombs is not affected.

    Rotating Turrets and Main Battery Mounts
    In update 0.5.8, we have added a special feature to enable a 360-degree rotation of certain turrets and turret mounts. This change will make the gameplay more comfortable on certain ships and allow their commanders maneuver more aggressively, reducing losses in firepower when shifting fire from side to side.

    • For a better visual distinction between AP and HE shells as well as between a player’s own and other shells, the tracer color scheme has been adjusted
    • Players who wish to get more detailed information on their actions in a battle may use the “Detailed Badges” option
    • Improved the logic of the “Situation awareness” skill operation. From now on, the detection indicator is displayed in all cases when the ship is visible to the enemy team
    • Enhanced sound configuration capabilities, including “National” voiceovers for Commanders
    • Added a friendly fire notification to the team members. The notification is displayed at an interval of at least 10 seconds
    • We have enhanced our Personal Offers mechanism, so be ready to receive different offers during the Public test. Please note that all prices and discount rates will be set in testing purpose and will be changed in release version
  2. the ant

    the ant Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cuối cùng thì cũng có cái Turret quay 360 :)), Izumo thích điều này
    Hy vọng patch này MM đỡ điên hơn
  3. severav

    severav Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    izumo k quay đc 360 độ đâu :5cool_big_smile: mổi con konigberg là quay đc 360 độ thôi :5cool_big_smile:
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 28/6/16
  4. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Area 51
    Derzki pháo ở đít quay được 360
  5. vit12345

    vit12345 Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    pen của súng 16inch/45 mark 6 (North Carolina/South Dakota) trong game


    0km là ~755mm

    cơ mà cái sướng nhất khi bắn khẩu này là tiếng súng, nghe phê nhất trong số mấy con BB <(")
  6. vit12345

    vit12345 Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Asia cũng đã bán Yuubari và Sims, giá lần lượt là 11$ và 22$

    inb4 plebs can never get a taste of Gremy

  7. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    plebs can never get a taste of Nikolai
  8. severav

    severav Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    biết có mổi mấy con này đc xoay vài tháp
  9. SowonAoD

    SowonAoD C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    tháp số 2 của atago không quay được 360 độ á @@
  10. vit12345

    vit12345 Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    stats đạn của BB Đức tier9 và 10 (H-39 và H-41)

    406mm L/52 SK C/34: reload 29s

    AP: 406mm Pzgr L/4.4
    HE: 406mm Sprgr L/4.4
    420mm L/48 Drh LC1940: reload 32s

    AP: 420mm APC L/4.6
    HE: 420mm HE L/4.6
    stats mà thế này thì 2 con phế vật vl
  11. vit12345

    vit12345 Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    nó OP vãi lìn đồng chí vẫn muốn buff nó hở <(")
  12. SowonAoD

    SowonAoD C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cấu tạo như thế thì quay 360 độ là đúng logic rồi còn gì =))

    mà stat súng của BB Đức sao lại là phế? :-?
  13. vit12345

    vit12345 Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    ko đúng, thực tế là vì lí do đảm bảo an toàn nên trên 1 số tàu người ta ko cho turret giữa xoay đủ 360 độ được, đề phòng trường hợp quay bắn thẳng vào tháp chỉ huy.

    dev cho phép quay như vậy 1 phần là để buff 1 số đứa có stats hơi kém

    tier9 đạn dmg bé nhất 12700 vs 12900/13500, tier10 dmg ngang đạn iowa/montana nhưng load chậm hơn cả 2 con còn lại 32 vs 30.

    và nên nhớ mỗi con chỉ có 8 main gun thôi đấy.
  14. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Area 51
    I need 480, I dun care Hoteru the fuck she is. Just give me the damn 480 or BUFF IT!
  15. vit12345

    vit12345 Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ^ buff is imminent unless dev want some wehraboo's salt
  16. SowonAoD

    SowonAoD C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thế thì phải xem cái alpha thế nào, không thì nát bét...
  17. vit12345

    vit12345 Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    \H-39 broadside alpha = 12700 x 8 = 101600 | DPM = 210207
    \Iowa broadside alpha = 13500 x 9 = 121500 | DPM = 243000
    \Izumo broadside alpha = 12900 x 9 = 116100 | DPM = 232200

    \H-41 broadside alpha = 13500 x 8 = 108000 | DPM = 202500
    \Montana broadside alpha = 13500 x 12 = 162000 | DPM = 324000
    \Yamato broadside alpha = 14800 x 9 = 133200 | DPM = 266400

    stats raw ko gắn equip giảm tgian load. gắn vào thì + thêm 12% mỗi tàu.

    thấy thọt chửa
  18. SowonAoD

    SowonAoD C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    À cái chỉ số chính xác ấy, nó là alpha hay sigma nhỉ :-?
  19. vit12345

    vit12345 Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    tirpitz 1.8 kìa lel

    p.s Yamato là BB duy nhất có sigma 2.1 =))
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 29/6/16
  20. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    Ger BB can eat shits :v
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 29/6/16

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