Cần cheat cua ONMUSA 3 trên PC

Thảo luận trong 'Cheat Code - Hints - Secrets' bắt đầu bởi baokhanh, 14/12/05.

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  1. baokhanh

    baokhanh Youtube Master Race

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    Tui đang cần cheats và hướng dẫn game ONIMUSA 3 trên máy PC.
    Pác nào có thì cho tui với..... Đang chơi bí đường mất rồi........ Cám ơn trước.........
  2. Ein_Swordman

    Ein_Swordman T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    The Promise Land
  3. baokhanh

    baokhanh Youtube Master Race

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    Tui cần chỉ cách mở mấy cái hộp ra mà thôi, suy nghĩ nhức đầu quá..........
  4. Kaput

    Kaput Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    mình thấy trong cái trainer mới ( trainer +12 ) trên gameburnworld có cả chức năng phá puzzle đó , chưa dùng thử nhưng hình như mấy cái hộp sẽ chạm vào là mở được ngay như hộp thường :D
  5. DarkVega2005

    DarkVega2005 Youtube Master Race

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    onimusa 3 cần gì phải hướng dẫn chi cho mắc công.........như tôi nè chơi có phải hướng đâu cũng về nước như ăn cơm bữa vậy :D ...........mà nếu cần hướng dẫn .........cần mã bất tử còn đã hơn là phải chơi hướng dẫn chi cho mệt :whew: mỏi lần chơi là phải cuối đầu xuống nhìn tờ giấy..............thà lấy bất tử đồ cho sướng hơn không #>:) :devil: #>:)
  6. Orochimaru

    Orochimaru Mega Man

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  7. lính chì

    lính chì Youtube Master Race

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    tui choi sao no khong ve nuoc
    Cheat codes
    Press [Enter] during game play and type [ + ] followed by one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. To disable a code, type [ - ] followed by the code.Code Effect
    twilightzone Activate developer gallery teleport sequences (Only during game teleports)
    version Display version
    opnauticus Glittering Silver Ring of Knowledge (+24 intelligence, +5% Gold Dropped)
    quwhba Instant kill
    drlife Invincibility
    extracreamy Less chunky
    superchunky More chunky
    movie Record a movie
    imalittalteapot Silver ring, weapon, garment

    Contributed By: mrxedo, ZephyrTheBreeze, Cromaxion
    Difficulty Modes
    Mercanary is the default mode. Higher difficulties will allow more members to join your party.Unlockable How to Unlock
    Elite Difficulty Beat Veteran
    Veteran Difficulty Beat Mercanary

    Contributed By: ravetrade
    Two-handed weapon exploit
    Conflict between two-handed weapon and offhand equipment is ignored when you are in spell-casting mode instead of melee attack mode. Therefore two-handed weapons can be equiped together with either a shield or a single-hand weapon (at least until it is patched).
    Equip a two-handed weapon together with a shield:
    1. Equip a shield, leave your main hand empty
    2. Select a spell instead of melee attack as your action
    3. Equip a two-handed weapon onto your main hand

    Equip a two-handed weapon together with a single-hand weapon:
    1. Equip two single-hand weapon onto both hands
    2. Select a spell instead of melee attack as your action
    3. Remove the single-hand weapon from your main hand, then equip a two-handed weapon onto the main hand

    If you wield a two-handed weapon together with a single-hand weapon, you will still be able to initiate Dual-Wield powers such as Wave of Force and Elemental Rage, and at the same time you still benefit from the two-handed weapon skills, such as the chance to stun bonus.
    Contributed By: raj72616a

    Free resurrection scrolls
    During the beginning of the game when you still have drevin on your team you come to a bookcase that gives you resurrection scrolls. You can click the bookcase over and over as many times as you want for free scrolls.
    Contributed By: Komhyr
    Keep money after asking for your dead bodies back
    If all your characters die and you want your items back for free without venturing to where you died, before you talk to the necromancer in Eirulan, drop all of your gold onto the ground. Ask him to summon your items to you, then pick up the gold on the ground. You will have all of your items without losing any gold.
    Contributed By: tanh
  8. jt0211

    jt0211 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    bác cần trainer thì vào gamecopyworld.com đi ở đó nhìu lắm ,down mệt nghỉ lun
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