Cheat FE:SS(Dễ sử dụng,99,99%thành công)

Thảo luận trong 'Fire Emblem - Mộc đế' bắt đầu bởi Mp2, 23/1/06.

  1. Mp2

    Mp2 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hải Phòng
    Cái cheat của bác AkaiRyu tui thấy khó dùng lắm....Lên gamefaq có mấy cái gameshark dùng quên lun :o ..........có khi còn đày đủ hơn cả ở trên gameshark......Tui đã dùng thử mấy cái đó rồi.....Trên gamefaq thì dùng bét nhè ko hề có lỗi....Còn lấy trên gameshark vừa ít vừa bị lỗi(cái nì ko có change class như trên gamefaq)....Ko biết cách up file nên tui post lên đây lun...... Mong mọi người hưởng ứng
    (Lấy từ Gamefaq)
    Vào VBA->Cheat->GameShark
    1.Enabler Code

    000005C6 000A
    100013E4 0007

    000005C6 000A
    100CFB1C 0007
    2.Character Codes
    Cái này tui xin chỉ 1 số chỗ cần thay:
    XXXX:điền đoạn mã ở phần bên dưới thay cho cái này(vd:để cheat phần portait thì xuống phần portrait tìm đoạn mã bạn muốn để thay thế vào).Tương twuj với phần class
    ##:ở cái nì bạn chỉ cần thay 2 con số mà bạn muốn(ở level thì thay từ 01-20,EXP thì thay kiểu gì thì tùy nhưng nhớ đừng để nó quá 99 thì nó sẽ mất dòng chữ EXP bên cạnh và bạn cũng phải dùng đến cheat này cho những thằng có EXP-- như này thì nó mới tăng đươc lv như bình thường,những cái kia mọi người thử tìm hiểu xem)
    - Slot 1 -
    8202BE4C XXXX Portrait(xem mã ở phần portrait0)
    8202BE50 XXXX Class(nt)
    3202BE54 00## Level(từ 01-20)
    3202BE55 00## Experience(Tùy mọi người)
    3202BE58 00## Turn Status(cái nì chưa dùng)
    3202BE5E 00## Max HP(chỉ cần 50=>80hp but khi lên level nó sẽ lùi lại là 60)
    3202BE5F 00## Current HP(cũng 50)
    3202BE60 00## Strength(ko nên quá 19)
    3202BE61 00## Skill(nt)
    3202BE62 00## Speed(nt)
    3202BE63 00## Defence(nt)
    3202BE64 00## Resistance(nt)
    3202BE65 00## Luck(nt)
    3202BE66 00## Constitution Bonus(co lẽ ko cần lắm)
    3202BE69 00## Move Bonus(cái này thử thay bằng 10 thì đi khắp bản đồ)

    3202BE6A 00## Item Slot 1 Type(xem phần item để thay vào)
    3202BE6C 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202BE6E 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202BE70 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202BE72 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202BE6B 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity(cái nì thì chon 50 để số lần sử dụng là 80)
    3202BE6D 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202BE6F 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202BE71 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202BE73 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202BE74 00## Sword Level(FB=S;B5=A)
    3202BE75 00## Lance Level
    3202BE76 00## Axe Level
    3202BE77 00## Bow Level

    3202BE78 00## Staff Level
    3202BE79 00## Anima Level
    3202BE7A 00## Light Level
    3202BE7B 00## Dark Level

    3202BE7E 00## Support 1(f1=A;a1=B)
    3202BE7F 00## Support 2
    3202BE80 00## Support 3
    3202BE81 00## Support 4
    3202BE82 00## Support 5
    3202BE83 00## Support 6
    3202BE84 00## Support 7
    3202BE85 00## Support 8
    3202BE86 00## Support 9
    3202BE87 00## Support 10

    - Slot 2 -
    8202BE94 XXXX Portrait
    8202BE98 XXXX Class
    3202BE9C 00## Level
    3202BE9D 00## Experience
    3202BEA0 00## Turn Status
    3202BEA6 00## Max HP
    3202BEA7 00## Current HP
    3202BEA8 00## Strength
    3202BEA9 00## Skill
    3202BEAA 00## Speed
    3202BEAB 00## Defence
    3202BEAC 00## Resistance
    3202BEAD 00## Luck
    3202BEAE 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202BEB1 00## Move Bonus

    3202BEB2 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202BEB4 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202BEB6 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202BEB8 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202BEBA 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202BEB3 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202BEB5 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202BEB7 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202BEB9 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202BEBB 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202BEBC 00## Sword Level
    3202BEBD 00## Lance Level
    3202BEBE 00## Axe Level
    3202BEBF 00## Bow Level

    3202BEC0 00## Staff Level
    3202BEC1 00## Anima Level
    3202BEC2 00## Light Level
    3202BEC3 00## Dark Level

    3202BEC6 00## Support 1
    3202BEC7 00## Support 2
    3202BEC8 00## Support 3
    3202BEC9 00## Support 4
    3202BECA 00## Support 5
    3202BECB 00## Support 6
    3202BECC 00## Support 7
    3202BECD 00## Support 8
    3202BECE 00## Support 9
    3202BECF 00## Support 10

    - Slot 3 -
    8202BEDC XXXX Portrait
    8202BEE0 XXXX Class
    3202BEE4 00## Level
    3202BEE5 00## Experience
    3202BEE8 00## Turn Status
    3202BEEE 00## Max HP
    3202BEEF 00## Current HP
    3202BEF0 00## Strength
    3202BEF1 00## Skill
    3202BEF2 00## Speed
    3202BEF3 00## Defence
    3202BEF4 00## Resistance
    3202BEF5 00## Luck
    3202BEF6 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202BEF9 00## Move Bonus

    3202BEFA 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202BEFC 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202BEFE 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202BF00 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202BF02 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202BEFB 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202BEFD 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202BEFF 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202BF01 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202BF03 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202BF04 00## Sword Level
    3202BF05 00## Lance Level
    3202BF06 00## Axe Level
    3202BF07 00## Bow Level

    3202BF08 00## Staff Level
    3202BF09 00## Anima Level
    3202BF0A 00## Light Level
    3202BF0B 00## Dark Level

    3202BF0E 00## Support 1
    3202BF0F 00## Support 2
    3202BF10 00## Support 3
    3202BF11 00## Support 4
    3202BF12 00## Support 5
    3202BF13 00## Support 6
    3202BF14 00## Support 7
    3202BF15 00## Support 8
    3202BF16 00## Support 9
    3202BF17 00## Support 10

    - Slot 4 -
    8202BF24 XXXX Portrait
    8202BF28 XXXX Class
    3202BF2C 00## Level
    3202BF2D 00## Experience
    3202BF30 00## Turn Status
    3202BF36 00## Max HP
    3202BF37 00## Current HP
    3202BF38 00## Strength
    3202BF39 00## Skill
    3202BF3A 00## Speed
    3202BF3B 00## Defence
    3202BF3C 00## Resistance
    3202BF3D 00## Luck
    3202BF3E 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202BF41 00## Move Bonus

    3202BF42 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202BF44 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202BF46 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202BF48 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202BF4A 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202BF43 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202BF45 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202BF47 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202BF49 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202BF4B 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202BF4C 00## Sword Level
    3202BF4D 00## Lance Level
    3202BF4E 00## Axe Level
    3202BF4F 00## Bow Level

    3202BF50 00## Staff Level
    3202BF51 00## Anima Level
    3202BF52 00## Light Level
    3202BF53 00## Dark Level

    3202BF56 00## Support 1
    3202BF57 00## Support 2
    3202BF58 00## Support 3
    3202BF59 00## Support 4
    3202BF5A 00## Support 5
    3202BF5B 00## Support 6
    3202BF5C 00## Support 7
    3202BF5D 00## Support 8
    3202BF5E 00## Support 9
    3202BF5F 00## Support 10

    - Slot 5 -
    8202BF6C XXXX Portrait
    8202BF70 XXXX Class
    3202BF74 00## Level
    3202BF75 00## Experience
    3202BF78 00## Turn Status
    3202BF7E 00## Max HP
    3202BF7F 00## Current HP
    3202BF80 00## Strength
    3202BF81 00## Skill
    3202BF82 00## Speed
    3202BF83 00## Defence
    3202BF84 00## Resistance
    3202BF85 00## Luck
    3202BF86 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202BF89 00## Move Bonus

    3202BF8A 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202BF8C 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202BF8E 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202BF90 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202BF92 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202BF8B 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202BF8D 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202BF8F 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202BF91 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202BF93 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202BF94 00## Sword Level
    3202BF95 00## Lance Level
    3202BF96 00## Axe Level
    3202BF97 00## Bow Level

    3202BF98 00## Staff Level
    3202BF99 00## Anima Level
    3202BF9A 00## Light Level
    3202BF9B 00## Dark Level

    3202BF9E 00## Support 1
    3202BF9F 00## Support 2
    3202BFA0 00## Support 3
    3202BFA1 00## Support 4
    3202BFA2 00## Support 5
    3202BFA3 00## Support 6
    3202BFA4 00## Support 7
    3202BFA5 00## Support 8
    3202BFA6 00## Support 9
    3202BFA7 00## Support 10

    - Slot 6 -
    8202BFB4 XXXX Portrait
    8202BFB8 XXXX Class
    3202BFBC 00## Level
    3202BFBD 00## Experience
    3202BFC0 00## Turn Status
    3202BFC6 00## Max HP
    3202BFC7 00## Current HP
    3202BFC8 00## Strength
    3202BFC9 00## Skill
    3202BFCA 00## Speed
    3202BFCB 00## Defence
    3202BFCC 00## Resistance
    3202BFCD 00## Luck
    3202BFCE 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202BFD1 00## Move Bonus

    3202BFD2 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202BFD4 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202BFD6 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202BFD8 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202BFDA 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202BFD3 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202BFD5 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202BFD7 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202BFD9 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202BFDB 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202BFDC 00## Sword Level
    3202BFDD 00## Lance Level
    3202BFDE 00## Axe Level
    3202BFDF 00## Bow Level

    3202BFE0 00## Staff Level
    3202BFE1 00## Anima Level
    3202BFE2 00## Light Level
    3202BFE3 00## Dark Level

    3202BFE6 00## Support 1
    3202BFE7 00## Support 2
    3202BFE8 00## Support 3
    3202BFE9 00## Support 4
    3202BFEA 00## Support 5
    3202BFEB 00## Support 6
    3202BFEC 00## Support 7
    3202BFED 00## Support 8
    3202BFEE 00## Support 9
    3202BFEF 00## Support 10

    - Slot 7 -
    8202BFFC XXXX Portrait
    8202C000 XXXX Class
    3202C004 00## Level
    3202C005 00## Experience
    3202C008 00## Turn Status
    3202C00E 00## Max HP
    3202C00F 00## Current HP
    3202C010 00## Strength
    3202C011 00## Skill
    3202C012 00## Speed
    3202C013 00## Defence
    3202C014 00## Resistance
    3202C015 00## Luck
    3202C016 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C019 00## Move Bonus

    3202C01A 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C01C 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C01E 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C020 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C022 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C01B 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C01D 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C01F 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C021 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C023 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C024 00## Sword Level
    3202C025 00## Lance Level
    3202C026 00## Axe Level
    3202C027 00## Bow Level

    3202C028 00## Staff Level
    3202C029 00## Anima Level
    3202C02A 00## Light Level
    3202C02B 00## Dark Level

    3202C02E 00## Support 1
    3202C02F 00## Support 2
    3202C030 00## Support 3
    3202C031 00## Support 4
    3202C032 00## Support 5
    3202C033 00## Support 6
    3202C034 00## Support 7
    3202C035 00## Support 8
    3202C036 00## Support 9
    3202C037 00## Support 10

    - Slot 8 -
    8202C044 XXXX Portrait
    8202C048 XXXX Class
    3202C04C 00## Level
    3202C04D 00## Experience
    3202C050 00## Turn Status
    3202C056 00## Max HP
    3202C057 00## Current HP
    3202C058 00## Strength
    3202C059 00## Skill
    3202C05A 00## Speed
    3202C05B 00## Defence
    3202C05C 00## Resistance
    3202C05D 00## Luck
    3202C05E 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C061 00## Move Bonus

    3202C062 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C064 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C066 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C068 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C06A 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C063 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C065 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C067 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C069 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C06B 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C06C 00## Sword Level
    3202C06D 00## Lance Level
    3202C06E 00## Axe Level
    3202C06F 00## Bow Level

    3202C070 00## Staff Level
    3202C071 00## Anima Level
    3202C072 00## Light Level
    3202C073 00## Dark Level

    3202C076 00## Support 1
    3202C077 00## Support 2
    3202C078 00## Support 3
    3202C079 00## Support 4
    3202C07A 00## Support 5
    3202C07B 00## Support 6
    3202C07C 00## Support 7
    3202C07D 00## Support 8
    3202C07E 00## Support 9
    3202C07F 00## Support 10
    - Slot 9 -
    8202C08C XXXX Portrait
    8202C090 XXXX Class
    3202C094 00## Level
    3202C095 00## Experience
    3202C098 00## Turn Status
    3202C09E 00## Max HP
    3202C09F 00## Current HP
    3202C0A0 00## Strength
    3202C0A1 00## Skill
    3202C0A2 00## Speed
    3202C0A3 00## Defence
    3202C0A4 00## Resistance
    3202C0A5 00## Luck
    3202C0A6 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C0A9 00## Move Bonus

    3202C0AA 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C0AC 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C0AE 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C0B0 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C0B2 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C0AB 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C0AD 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C0AF 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C0B1 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C0B3 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C0B4 00## Sword Level
    3202C0B5 00## Lance Level
    3202C0B6 00## Axe Level
    3202C0B7 00## Bow Level

    3202C0B8 00## Staff Level
    3202C0B9 00## Anima Level
    3202C0BA 00## Light Level
    3202C0BB 00## Dark Level

    3202C0BE 00## Support 1
    3202C0BF 00## Support 2
    3202C0C0 00## Support 3
    3202C0C1 00## Support 4
    3202C0C2 00## Support 5
    3202C0C3 00## Support 6
    3202C0C4 00## Support 7
    3202C0C5 00## Support 8
    3202C0C6 00## Support 9
    3202C0C7 00## Support 10

    - Slot 10 -
    8202C0D4 XXXX Portrait
    8202C0D8 XXXX Class
    3202C0DC 00## Level
    3202C0DD 00## Experience
    3202C0E0 00## Turn Status
    3202C0E6 00## Max HP
    3202C0E7 00## Current HP
    3202C0E8 00## Strength
    3202C0E9 00## Skill
    3202C0EA 00## Speed
    3202C0EB 00## Defence
    3202C0EC 00## Resistance
    3202C0ED 00## Luck
    3202C0EE 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C0F1 00## Move Bonus

    3202C0F2 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C0F4 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C0F6 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C0F8 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C0FA 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C0F3 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C0F5 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C0F7 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C0F9 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C0FB 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C0FC 00## Sword Level
    3202C0FD 00## Lance Level
    3202C0FE 00## Axe Level
    3202C0FF 00## Bow Level

    3202C100 00## Staff Level
    3202C101 00## Anima Level
    3202C102 00## Light Level
    3202C103 00## Dark Level

    3202C106 00## Support 1
    3202C107 00## Support 2
    3202C108 00## Support 3
    3202C109 00## Support 4
    3202C10A 00## Support 5
    3202C10B 00## Support 6
    3202C10C 00## Support 7
    3202C10D 00## Support 8
    3202C10E 00## Support 9
    3202C10F 00## Support 10

    - Slot 11 -
    8202C11C XXXX Portrait
    8202C120 XXXX Class
    3202C124 00## Level
    3202C125 00## Experience
    3202C128 00## Turn Status
    3202C12E 00## Max HP
    3202C12F 00## Current HP
    3202C130 00## Strength
    3202C131 00## Skill
    3202C132 00## Speed
    3202C133 00## Defence
    3202C134 00## Resistance
    3202C135 00## Luck
    3202C136 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C139 00## Move Bonus

    3202C13A 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C13C 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C13E 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C140 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C142 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C13B 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C13D 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C13F 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C141 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C143 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C144 00## Sword Level
    3202C145 00## Lance Level
    3202C146 00## Axe Level
    3202C147 00## Bow Level

    3202C148 00## Staff Level
    3202C149 00## Anima Level
    3202C14A 00## Light Level
    3202C14B 00## Dark Level

    3202C14E 00## Support 1
    3202C14F 00## Support 2
    3202C150 00## Support 3
    3202C151 00## Support 4
    3202C152 00## Support 5
    3202C153 00## Support 6
    3202C154 00## Support 7
    3202C155 00## Support 8
    3202C156 00## Support 9
    3202C157 00## Support 10

    - Slot 12 -
    8202C164 XXXX Portrait
    8202C168 XXXX Class
    3202C16C 00## Level
    3202C16D 00## Experience
    3202C170 00## Turn Status
    3202C176 00## Max HP
    3202C177 00## Current HP
    3202C178 00## Strength
    3202C179 00## Skill
    3202C17A 00## Speed
    3202C17B 00## Defence
    3202C17C 00## Resistance
    3202C17D 00## Luck
    3202C17E 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C181 00## Move Bonus

    3202C182 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C184 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C186 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C188 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C18A 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C183 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C185 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C187 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C189 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C18B 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C18C 00## Sword Level
    3202C18D 00## Lance Level
    3202C18E 00## Axe Level
    3202C18F 00## Bow Level

    3202C190 00## Staff Level
    3202C191 00## Anima Level
    3202C192 00## Light Level
    3202C193 00## Dark Level

    3202C196 00## Support 1
    3202C197 00## Support 2
    3202C198 00## Support 3
    3202C199 00## Support 4
    3202C19A 00## Support 5
    3202C19B 00## Support 6
    3202C19C 00## Support 7
    3202C19D 00## Support 8
    3202C19E 00## Support 9
    3202C19F 00## Support 10

    - Slot 13 -
    8202C1AC XXXX Portrait
    8202C1B0 XXXX Class
    3202C1B4 00## Level
    3202C1B5 00## Experience
    3202C1B8 00## Turn Status
    3202C1BE 00## Max HP
    3202C1BF 00## Current HP
    3202C1C0 00## Strength
    3202C1C1 00## Skill
    3202C1C2 00## Speed
    3202C1C3 00## Defence
    3202C1C4 00## Resistance
    3202C1C5 00## Luck
    3202C1C6 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C1C9 00## Move Bonus

    3202C1CA 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C1CC 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C1CE 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C1D0 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C1D2 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C1CB 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C1CD 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C1CF 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C1D1 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C1D3 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C1D4 00## Sword Level
    3202C1D5 00## Lance Level
    3202C1D6 00## Axe Level
    3202C1D7 00## Bow Level

    3202C1D8 00## Staff Level
    3202C1D9 00## Anima Level
    3202C1DA 00## Light Level
    3202C1DB 00## Dark Level

    3202C1DE 00## Support 1
    3202C1DF 00## Support 2
    3202C1E0 00## Support 3
    3202C1E1 00## Support 4
    3202C1E2 00## Support 5
    3202C1E3 00## Support 6
    3202C1E4 00## Support 7
    3202C1E5 00## Support 8
    3202C1E6 00## Support 9
    3202C1E7 00## Support 10

    - Slot 14 -
    8202C1F4 XXXX Portrait
    8202C1F8 XXXX Class
    3202C1FC 00## Level
    3202C1FD 00## Experience
    3202C200 00## Turn Status
    3202C206 00## Max HP
    3202C207 00## Current HP
    3202C208 00## Strength
    3202C209 00## Skill
    3202C20A 00## Speed
    3202C20B 00## Defence
    3202C20C 00## Resistance
    3202C20D 00## Luck
    3202C20E 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C211 00## Move Bonus

    3202C212 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C214 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C216 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C218 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C21A 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C213 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C215 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C217 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C219 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C21B 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C21C 00## Sword Level
    3202C21D 00## Lance Level
    3202C21E 00## Axe Level
    3202C21F 00## Bow Level

    3202C220 00## Staff Level
    3202C221 00## Anima Level
    3202C222 00## Light Level
    3202C223 00## Dark Level

    3202C226 00## Support 1
    3202C227 00## Support 2
    3202C228 00## Support 3
    3202C229 00## Support 4
    3202C22A 00## Support 5
    3202C22B 00## Support 6
    3202C22C 00## Support 7
    3202C22D 00## Support 8
    3202C22E 00## Support 9
    3202C22F 00## Support 10

    - Slot 15 -
    8202C23C XXXX Portrait
    8202C240 XXXX Class
    3202C244 00## Level
    3202C245 00## Experience
    3202C248 00## Turn Status
    3202C24E 00## Max HP
    3202C24F 00## Current HP
    3202C250 00## Strength
    3202C251 00## Skill
    3202C252 00## Speed
    3202C253 00## Defence
    3202C254 00## Resistance
    3202C255 00## Luck
    3202C256 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C259 00## Move Bonus

    3202C25A 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C25C 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C25E 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C260 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C262 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C25B 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C25D 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C25F 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C261 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C263 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C264 00## Sword Level
    3202C265 00## Lance Level
    3202C266 00## Axe Level
    3202C267 00## Bow Level

    3202C268 00## Staff Level
    3202C269 00## Anima Level
    3202C26A 00## Light Level
    3202C26B 00## Dark Level

    3202C26E 00## Support 1
    3202C26F 00## Support 2
    3202C270 00## Support 3
    3202C271 00## Support 4
    3202C272 00## Support 5
    3202C273 00## Support 6
    3202C274 00## Support 7
    3202C275 00## Support 8
    3202C276 00## Support 9
    3202C277 00## Support 10

    - Slot 16 -
    8202C284 XXXX Portrait
    8202C288 XXXX Class
    3202C28C 00## Level
    3202C28D 00## Experience
    3202C290 00## Turn Status
    3202C296 00## Max HP
    3202C297 00## Current HP
    3202C298 00## Strength
    3202C299 00## Skill
    3202C29A 00## Speed
    3202C29B 00## Defence
    3202C29C 00## Resistance
    3202C29D 00## Luck
    3202C29E 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C2A1 00## Move Bonus

    3202C2A2 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C2A4 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C2A6 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C2A8 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C2AA 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C2A3 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C2A5 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C2A7 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C2A9 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C2AB 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C2AC 00## Sword Level
    3202C2AD 00## Lance Level
    3202C2AE 00## Axe Level
    3202C2AF 00## Bow Level

    3202C2B0 00## Staff Level
    3202C2B1 00## Anima Level
    3202C2B2 00## Light Level
    3202C2B3 00## Dark Level

    3202C2B6 00## Support 1
    3202C2B7 00## Support 2
    3202C2B8 00## Support 3
    3202C2B9 00## Support 4
    3202C2BA 00## Support 5
    3202C2BB 00## Support 6
    3202C2BC 00## Support 7
    3202C2BD 00## Support 8
    3202C2BE 00## Support 9
    3202C2BF 00## Support 10

    - Slot 17 -
    8202C2CC XXXX Portrait
    8202C2D0 XXXX Class
    3202C2D4 00## Level
    3202C2D5 00## Experience
    3202C2D8 00## Turn Status
    3202C2DE 00## Max HP
    3202C2DF 00## Current HP
    3202C2E0 00## Strength
    3202C2E1 00## Skill
    3202C2E2 00## Speed
    3202C2E3 00## Defence
    3202C2E4 00## Resistance
    3202C2E5 00## Luck
    3202C2E6 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C2E9 00## Move Bonus

    3202C2EA 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C2EC 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C2EE 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C2F0 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C2F2 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C2EB 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C2ED 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C2EF 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C2F1 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C2F3 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C2F4 00## Sword Level
    3202C2F5 00## Lance Level
    3202C2F6 00## Axe Level
    3202C2F7 00## Bow Level

    3202C2F8 00## Staff Level
    3202C2F9 00## Anima Level
    3202C2FA 00## Light Level
    3202C2FB 00## Dark Level

    3202C2FE 00## Support 1
    3202C2FF 00## Support 2
    3202C300 00## Support 3
    3202C301 00## Support 4
    3202C302 00## Support 5
    3202C303 00## Support 6
    3202C304 00## Support 7
    3202C305 00## Support 8
    3202C306 00## Support 9
    3202C307 00## Support 10

    - Slot 18 -
    8202C314 XXXX Portrait
    8202C318 XXXX Class
    3202C31C 00## Level
    3202C31D 00## Experience
    3202C320 00## Turn Status
    3202C326 00## Max HP
    3202C327 00## Current HP
    3202C328 00## Strength
    3202C329 00## Skill
    3202C32A 00## Speed
    3202C32B 00## Defence
    3202C32C 00## Resistance
    3202C32D 00## Luck
    3202C32E 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C331 00## Move Bonus

    3202C332 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C334 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C336 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C338 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C33A 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C333 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C335 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C337 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C339 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C33B 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C33C 00## Sword Level
    3202C33D 00## Lance Level
    3202C33E 00## Axe Level
    3202C33F 00## Bow Level

    3202C340 00## Staff Level
    3202C341 00## Anima Level
    3202C342 00## Light Level
    3202C343 00## Dark Level

    3202C346 00## Support 1
    3202C347 00## Support 2
    3202C348 00## Support 3
    3202C349 00## Support 4
    3202C34A 00## Support 5
    3202C34B 00## Support 6
    3202C34C 00## Support 7
    3202C34D 00## Support 8
    3202C34E 00## Support 9
    3202C34F 00## Support 10

    - Slot 19 -
    8202C35C XXXX Portrait
    8202C360 XXXX Class
    3202C364 00## Level
    3202C365 00## Experience
    3202C368 00## Turn Status
    3202C36E 00## Max HP
    3202C36F 00## Current HP
    3202C370 00## Strength
    3202C371 00## Skill
    3202C372 00## Speed
    3202C373 00## Defence
    3202C374 00## Resistance
    3202C375 00## Luck
    3202C376 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C379 00## Move Bonus

    3202C37A 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C37C 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C37E 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C380 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C382 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C37B 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C37D 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C37F 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C381 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C383 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C384 00## Sword Level
    3202C385 00## Lance Level
    3202C386 00## Axe Level
    3202C387 00## Bow Level

    3202C388 00## Staff Level
    3202C389 00## Anima Level
    3202C38A 00## Light Level
    3202C38B 00## Dark Level

    3202C38E 00## Support 1
    3202C38F 00## Support 2
    3202C390 00## Support 3
    3202C391 00## Support 4
    3202C392 00## Support 5
    3202C393 00## Support 6
    3202C394 00## Support 7
    3202C395 00## Support 8
    3202C396 00## Support 9
    3202C397 00## Support 10

    - Slot 20 -
    8202C3A4 XXXX Portrait
    8202C3A8 XXXX Class
    3202C3AC 00## Level
    3202C3AD 00## Experience
    3202C3B0 00## Turn Status
    3202C3B6 00## Max HP
    3202C3B7 00## Current HP
    3202C3B8 00## Strength
    3202C3B9 00## Skill
    3202C3BA 00## Speed
    3202C3BB 00## Defence
    3202C3BC 00## Resistance
    3202C3BD 00## Luck
    3202C3BE 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C3C1 00## Move Bonus

    3202C3C2 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C3C4 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C3C6 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C3C8 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C3CA 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C3C3 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C3C5 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C3C7 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C3C9 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C3CB 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C3CC 00## Sword Level
    3202C3CD 00## Lance Level
    3202C3CE 00## Axe Level
    3202C3CF 00## Bow Level

    3202C3D0 00## Staff Level
    3202C3D1 00## Anima Level
    3202C3D2 00## Light Level
    3202C3D3 00## Dark Level

    3202C3D6 00## Support 1
    3202C3D7 00## Support 2
    3202C3D8 00## Support 3
    3202C3D9 00## Support 4
    3202C3DA 00## Support 5
    3202C3DB 00## Support 6
    3202C3DC 00## Support 7
    3202C3DD 00## Support 8
    3202C3DE 00## Support 9
    3202C3DF 00## Support 10

    - Slot 21 -
    8202C3EC XXXX Portrait
    8202C3F0 XXXX Class
    3202C3F4 00## Level
    3202C3F5 00## Experience
    3202C3F8 00## Turn Status
    3202C3FE 00## Max HP
    3202C3FF 00## Current HP
    3202C400 00## Strength
    3202C401 00## Skill
    3202C402 00## Speed
    3202C403 00## Defence
    3202C404 00## Resistance
    3202C405 00## Luck
    3202C406 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C409 00## Move Bonus

    3202C40A 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C40C 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C40E 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C410 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C412 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C40B 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C40D 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C40F 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C411 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C413 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C414 00## Sword Level
    3202C415 00## Lance Level
    3202C416 00## Axe Level
    3202C417 00## Bow Level

    3202C418 00## Staff Level
    3202C419 00## Anima Level
    3202C41A 00## Light Level
    3202C41B 00## Dark Level

    3202C41E 00## Support 1
    3202C41F 00## Support 2
    3202C420 00## Support 3
    3202C421 00## Support 4
    3202C422 00## Support 5
    3202C423 00## Support 6
    3202C424 00## Support 7
    3202C425 00## Support 8
    3202C426 00## Support 9
    3202C427 00## Support 10

    - Slot 22 -
    8202C434 XXXX Portrait
    8202C438 XXXX Class
    3202C43C 00## Level
    3202C43D 00## Experience
    3202C440 00## Turn Status
    3202C446 00## Max HP
    3202C447 00## Current HP
    3202C448 00## Strength
    3202C449 00## Skill
    3202C44A 00## Speed
    3202C44B 00## Defence
    3202C44C 00## Resistance
    3202C44D 00## Luck
    3202C44E 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C451 00## Move Bonus

    3202C452 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C454 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C456 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C458 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C45A 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C453 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C455 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C457 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C459 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C45B 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C45C 00## Sword Level
    3202C45D 00## Lance Level
    3202C45E 00## Axe Level
    3202C45F 00## Bow Level

    3202C460 00## Staff Level
    3202C461 00## Anima Level
    3202C462 00## Light Level
    3202C463 00## Dark Level

    3202C466 00## Support 1
    3202C467 00## Support 2
    3202C468 00## Support 3
    3202C469 00## Support 4
    3202C46A 00## Support 5
    3202C46B 00## Support 6
    3202C46C 00## Support 7
    3202C46D 00## Support 8
    3202C46E 00## Support 9
    3202C46F 00## Support 10

    - Slot 23 -
    8202C47C XXXX Portrait
    8202C480 XXXX Class
    3202C484 00## Level
    3202C485 00## Experience
    3202C488 00## Turn Status
    3202C48E 00## Max HP
    3202C48F 00## Current HP
    3202C490 00## Strength
    3202C491 00## Skill
    3202C492 00## Speed
    3202C493 00## Defence
    3202C494 00## Resistance
    3202C495 00## Luck
    3202C496 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C499 00## Move Bonus

    3202C49A 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C49C 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C49E 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C4A0 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C4A2 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C49B 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C49D 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C49F 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C4A1 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C4A3 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C4A4 00## Sword Level
    3202C4A5 00## Lance Level
    3202C4A6 00## Axe Level
    3202C4A7 00## Bow Level

    3202C4A8 00## Staff Level
    3202C4A9 00## Anima Level
    3202C4AA 00## Light Level
    3202C4AB 00## Dark Level

    3202C4AE 00## Support 1
    3202C4AF 00## Support 2
    3202C4B0 00## Support 3
    3202C4B1 00## Support 4
    3202C4B2 00## Support 5
    3202C4B3 00## Support 6
    3202C4B4 00## Support 7
    3202C4B5 00## Support 8
    3202C4B6 00## Support 9
    3202C4B7 00## Support 10

    - Slot 24 -
    8202C4C4 XXXX Portrait
    8202C4C8 XXXX Class
    3202C4CC 00## Level
    3202C4CD 00## Experience
    3202C4D0 00## Turn Status
    3202C4D6 00## Max HP
    3202C4D7 00## Current HP
    3202C4D8 00## Strength
    3202C4D9 00## Skill
    3202C4DA 00## Speed
    3202C4DB 00## Defence
    3202C4DC 00## Resistance
    3202C4DD 00## Luck
    3202C4DE 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C4E1 00## Move Bonus

    3202C4E2 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C4E4 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C4E6 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C4E8 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C4EA 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C4E3 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C4E5 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C4E7 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C4E9 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C4EB 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C4EC 00## Sword Level
    3202C4ED 00## Lance Level
    3202C4EE 00## Axe Level
    3202C4EF 00## Bow Level

    3202C4F0 00## Staff Level
    3202C4F1 00## Anima Level
    3202C4F2 00## Light Level
    3202C4F3 00## Dark Level

    3202C4F6 00## Support 1
    3202C4F7 00## Support 2
    3202C4F8 00## Support 3
    3202C4F9 00## Support 4
    3202C4FA 00## Support 5
    3202C4FB 00## Support 6
    3202C4FC 00## Support 7
    3202C4FD 00## Support 8
    3202C4FE 00## Support 9
    3202C4FF 00## Support 10

    - Slot 25 -
    8202C50C XXXX Portrait
    8202C510 XXXX Class
    3202C514 00## Level
    3202C515 00## Experience
    3202C518 00## Turn Status
    3202C51E 00## Max HP
    3202C51F 00## Current HP
    3202C520 00## Strength
    3202C521 00## Skill
    3202C522 00## Speed
    3202C523 00## Defence
    3202C524 00## Resistance
    3202C525 00## Luck
    3202C526 00## Constitution Bonus
    3202C529 00## Move Bonus

    3202C52A 00## Item Slot 1 Type
    3202C52C 00## Item Slot 2 Type
    3202C52E 00## Item Slot 3 Type
    3202C530 00## Item Slot 4 Type
    3202C532 00## Item Slot 5 Type
    3202C52B 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
    3202C52D 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
    3202C52F 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
    3202C531 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
    3202C533 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

    3202C534 00## Sword Level
    3202C535 00## Lance Level
    3202C536 00## Axe Level
    3202C537 00## Bow Level

    3202C538 00## Staff Level
    3202C539 00## Anima Level
    3202C53A 00## Light Level
    3202C53B 00## Dark Level

    3202C53E 00## Support 1
    3202C53F 00## Support 2
    3202C540 00## Support 3
    3202C541 00## Support 4
    3202C542 00## Support 5
    3202C543 00## Support 6
    3202C544 00## Support 7
    3202C545 00## Support 8
    3202C546 00## Support 9
    3202C547 00## Support 10
    3.Cheat item ở phần supply
    3203A81C 00XX Merchant Slot 1 Type
    3203A81D 00## Merchant Slot 1 Quantity
    3203A81E 00XX Merchant Slot 2 Type
    3203A81F 00## Merchant Slot 2 Quantity
    3203A820 00XX Merchant Slot 3 Type
    3203A821 00## Merchant Slot 3 Quantity
    3203A822 00XX Merchant Slot 4 Type
    3203A823 00## Merchant Slot 4 Quantity
    3203A824 00XX Merchant Slot 5 Type
    3203A825 00## Merchant Slot 5 Quantity
    3203A826 00XX Merchant Slot 6 Type
    3203A827 00## Merchant Slot 6 Quantity
    3203A828 00XX Merchant Slot 7 Type
    3203A829 00## Merchant Slot 7 Quantity
    3203A82A 00XX Merchant Slot 8 Type
    3203A82B 00## Merchant Slot 8 Quantity
    3203A82C 00XX Merchant Slot 9 Type
    3203A82D 00## Merchant Slot 9 Quantity
    3203A82E 00XX Merchant Slot 10 Type
    3203A82F 00## Merchant Slot 10 Quantity
    3203A830 00XX Merchant Slot 11 Type
    3203A831 00## Merchant Slot 11 Quantity
    3203A832 00XX Merchant Slot 12 Type
    3203A833 00## Merchant Slot 12 Quantity
    3203A834 00XX Merchant Slot 13 Type
    3203A835 00## Merchant Slot 13 Quantity
    3203A836 00XX Merchant Slot 14 Type
    3203A837 00## Merchant Slot 14 Quantity
    3203A838 00XX Merchant Slot 15 Type
    3203A839 00## Merchant Slot 15 Quantity
    3203A83A 00XX Merchant Slot 16 Type
    3203A83B 00## Merchant Slot 16 Quantity
    3203A83C 00XX Merchant Slot 17 Type
    3203A83D 00## Merchant Slot 17 Quantity
    3203A83E 00XX Merchant Slot 18 Type
    3203A83F 00## Merchant Slot 18 Quantity
    3203A840 00XX Merchant Slot 19 Type
    3203A841 00## Merchant Slot 19 Quantity
    3203A842 00XX Merchant Slot 20 Type
    3203A843 00## Merchant Slot 20 Quantity
    3203A844 00XX Merchant Slot 21 Type
    3203A845 00## Merchant Slot 21 Quantity
    3203A846 00XX Merchant Slot 22 Type
    3203A847 00## Merchant Slot 22 Quantity
    3203A848 00XX Merchant Slot 23 Type
    3203A849 00## Merchant Slot 23 Quantity
    3203A84A 00XX Merchant Slot 24 Type
    3203A84B 00## Merchant Slot 24 Quantity
    3203A84C 00XX Merchant Slot 25 Type
    3203A84D 00## Merchant Slot 25 Quantity
    3203A84E 00XX Merchant Slot 26 Type
    3203A84F 00## Merchant Slot 26 Quantity
    3203A850 00XX Merchant Slot 27 Type
    3203A851 00## Merchant Slot 27 Quantity
    3203A852 00XX Merchant Slot 28 Type
    3203A853 00## Merchant Slot 28 Quantity
    3203A854 00XX Merchant Slot 29 Type
    3203A855 00## Merchant Slot 29 Quantity
    3203A856 00XX Merchant Slot 30 Type
    3203A857 00## Merchant Slot 30 Quantity
    3203A858 00XX Merchant Slot 31 Type
    3203A859 00## Merchant Slot 31 Quantity
    3203A85A 00XX Merchant Slot 32 Type
    3203A85B 00## Merchant Slot 32 Quantity
    3203A85C 00XX Merchant Slot 33 Type
    3203A85D 00## Merchant Slot 33 Quantity
    3203A85E 00XX Merchant Slot 34 Type
    3203A85F 00## Merchant Slot 34 Quantity
    3203A860 00XX Merchant Slot 35 Type
    3203A861 00## Merchant Slot 35 Quantity
    3203A862 00XX Merchant Slot 36 Type
    3203A863 00## Merchant Slot 36 Quantity
    3203A864 00XX Merchant Slot 37 Type
    3203A865 00## Merchant Slot 37 Quantity
    3203A866 00XX Merchant Slot 38 Type
    3203A867 00## Merchant Slot 38 Quantity
    3203A868 00XX Merchant Slot 39 Type
    3203A869 00## Merchant Slot 39 Quantity
    3203A86A 00XX Merchant Slot 40 Type
    3203A86B 00## Merchant Slot 40 Quantity
    3203A86C 00XX Merchant Slot 41 Type
    3203A86D 00## Merchant Slot 41 Quantity
    3203A86E 00XX Merchant Slot 42 Type
    3203A86F 00## Merchant Slot 42 Quantity
    3203A870 00XX Merchant Slot 43 Type
    3203A871 00## Merchant Slot 43 Quantity
    3203A872 00XX Merchant Slot 44 Type
    3203A873 00## Merchant Slot 44 Quantity
    3203A874 00XX Merchant Slot 45 Type
    3203A875 00## Merchant Slot 45 Quantity
    3203A876 00XX Merchant Slot 46 Type
    3203A877 00## Merchant Slot 46 Quantity
    3203A878 00XX Merchant Slot 47 Type
    3203A879 00## Merchant Slot 47 Quantity
    3203A87A 00XX Merchant Slot 48 Type
    3203A87B 00## Merchant Slot 48 Quantity
    3203A87C 00XX Merchant Slot 49 Type
    3203A87D 00## Merchant Slot 49 Quantity
    3203A87E 00XX Merchant Slot 50 Type
    3203A87F 00## Merchant Slot 50 Quantity
    3203A880 00XX Merchant Slot 51 Type
    3203A881 00## Merchant Slot 51 Quantity
    3203A882 00XX Merchant Slot 52 Type
    3203A883 00## Merchant Slot 52 Quantity
    3203A884 00XX Merchant Slot 53 Type
    3203A885 00## Merchant Slot 53 Quantity
    3203A886 00XX Merchant Slot 54 Type
    3203A887 00## Merchant Slot 54 Quantity
    3203A888 00XX Merchant Slot 55 Type
    3203A889 00## Merchant Slot 55 Quantity
    3203A88A 00XX Merchant Slot 56 Type
    3203A88B 00## Merchant Slot 56 Quantity
    3203A88C 00XX Merchant Slot 57 Type
    3203A88D 00## Merchant Slot 57 Quantity
    3203A88E 00XX Merchant Slot 58 Type
    3203A88F 00## Merchant Slot 58 Quantity
    3203A890 00XX Merchant Slot 59 Type
    3203A891 00## Merchant Slot 59 Quantity
    3203A892 00XX Merchant Slot 60 Type
    3203A893 00## Merchant Slot 60 Quantity
    3203A894 00XX Merchant Slot 61 Type
    3203A895 00## Merchant Slot 61 Quantity
    3203A896 00XX Merchant Slot 62 Type
    3203A897 00## Merchant Slot 62 Quantity
    3203A898 00XX Merchant Slot 63 Type
    3203A899 00## Merchant Slot 63 Quantity
    3203A89A 00XX Merchant Slot 64 Type
    3203A89B 00## Merchant Slot 64 Quantity
    3203A89C 00XX Merchant Slot 65 Type
    3203A89D 00## Merchant Slot 65 Quantity
    3203A89E 00XX Merchant Slot 66 Type
    3203A89F 00## Merchant Slot 66 Quantity
    3203A8A0 00XX Merchant Slot 67 Type
    3203A8A1 00## Merchant Slot 67 Quantity
    3203A8A2 00XX Merchant Slot 68 Type
    3203A8A3 00## Merchant Slot 68 Quantity
    3203A8A4 00XX Merchant Slot 69 Type
    3203A8A5 00## Merchant Slot 69 Quantity
    3203A8A6 00XX Merchant Slot 70 Type
    3203A8A7 00## Merchant Slot 70 Quantity
    3203A8A8 00XX Merchant Slot 71 Type
    3203A8A9 00## Merchant Slot 71 Quantity
    3203A8AA 00XX Merchant Slot 72 Type
    3203A8AB 00## Merchant Slot 72 Quantity
    3203A8AC 00XX Merchant Slot 73 Type
    3203A8AD 00## Merchant Slot 73 Quantity
    3203A8AE 00XX Merchant Slot 74 Type
    3203A8AF 00## Merchant Slot 74 Quantity
    3203A8B0 00XX Merchant Slot 75 Type
    3203A8B1 00## Merchant Slot 75 Quantity
    3203A8B2 00XX Merchant Slot 76 Type
    3203A8B3 00## Merchant Slot 76 Quantity
    3203A8B4 00XX Merchant Slot 77 Type
    3203A8B5 00## Merchant Slot 77 Quantity
    3203A8B6 00XX Merchant Slot 78 Type
    3203A8B7 00## Merchant Slot 78 Quantity
    3203A8B8 00XX Merchant Slot 79 Type
    3203A8B9 00## Merchant Slot 79 Quantity
    3203A8BA 00XX Merchant Slot 80 Type
    3203A8BB 00## Merchant Slot 80 Quantity
    3203A8BC 00XX Merchant Slot 81 Type
    3203A8BD 00## Merchant Slot 81 Quantity
    3203A8BE 00XX Merchant Slot 82 Type
    3203A8BF 00## Merchant Slot 82 Quantity
    3203A8C0 00XX Merchant Slot 83 Type
    3203A8C1 00## Merchant Slot 83 Quantity
    3203A8C2 00XX Merchant Slot 84 Type
    3203A8C3 00## Merchant Slot 84 Quantity
    3203A8C4 00XX Merchant Slot 85 Type
    3203A8C5 00## Merchant Slot 85 Quantity
    3203A8C6 00XX Merchant Slot 86 Type
    3203A8C7 00## Merchant Slot 86 Quantity
    3203A8C8 00XX Merchant Slot 87 Type
    3203A8C9 00## Merchant Slot 87 Quantity
    3203A8CA 00XX Merchant Slot 88 Type
    3203A8CB 00## Merchant Slot 88 Quantity
    3203A8CC 00XX Merchant Slot 89 Type
    3203A8CD 00## Merchant Slot 89 Quantity
    3203A8CE 00XX Merchant Slot 90 Type
    3203A8CF 00## Merchant Slot 90 Quantity
    3203A8D0 00XX Merchant Slot 91 Type
    3203A8D1 00## Merchant Slot 91 Quantity
    3203A8D2 00XX Merchant Slot 92 Type
    3203A8D3 00## Merchant Slot 92 Quantity
    3203A8D4 00XX Merchant Slot 93 Type
    3203A8D5 00## Merchant Slot 93 Quantity
    3203A8D6 00XX Merchant Slot 94 Type
    3203A8D7 00## Merchant Slot 94 Quantity
    3203A8D8 00XX Merchant Slot 95 Type
    3203A8D9 00## Merchant Slot 95 Quantity
    3203A8DA 00XX Merchant Slot 96 Type
    3203A8DB 00## Merchant Slot 96 Quantity
    3203A8DC 00XX Merchant Slot 97 Type
    3203A8DD 00## Merchant Slot 97 Quantity
    3203A8DE 00XX Merchant Slot 98 Type
    3203A8DF 00## Merchant Slot 98 Quantity
    3203A8E0 00XX Merchant Slot 99 Type
    3203A8E1 00## Merchant Slot 99 Quantity
    3203A8E2 00XX Merchant Slot 100 Type
    3203A8E3 00## Merchant Slot 100 Quantity
    4.Mã magic,item,suppor level và Turn phase
    Magic and Weapon Levels

    Values:FB=S Rank
    B5=A Rank
    79=B Rank
    47=C Rank
    1F=D Rank
    01=E Rank
    00=Can't Use Weapon

    Turn Status

    00 - Waiting for an order
    10 - Carrying someone, waiting for an order
    42 - Grayed out
    52 - Grayed out, carrying someone
    63 - Being carried

    Phase Digits:
    00 - Player Phase
    40 - Neutral Phase
    80 - Enemy Phase

    Support Levels

    In these codes, replace the ## with:
    50=Support C ready, just need to talk
    51=Support C
    A0=Support B ready, just need to talk
    A1=Support B
    F0=Support A ready, just need to talk
    F1=Support A
    5.Mã Item
    00 (blank)
    01 Iron sword
    02 Slim sword
    03 Steel sword
    04 Silver sword
    05 Iron blade
    06 Steel blade
    07 Silver blade
    08 Poison sword
    09 Rapier
    0A Dummy
    0B Hero's sword (Brave Sword)
    0C Shamshir
    0D Killing sword
    0E Armorkiller
    0F Dragonkiller
    10 Light sword (Light Brand)
    11 Runesword
    12 Lancebuster (Lance Reaver)
    13 Longsword (Zanbato)
    14 Iron spear (Iron Lance)
    15 Slim spear (Slim Lance)
    16 Steel spear (Steel Lance)
    17 Silver spear (Silver Lance)
    18 Poison spear (Poison Lance)
    19 Hero's spear (Brave Lance)
    1A Killer spear (Killer Lance)
    1B Horsekiller (Horseslayer)
    1C Javelin
    1D Slender spear (Spear)
    1E Axebuster (Axereaver)
    1F Iron axe
    20 Steel axe
    21 Silver axe
    22 Poison axe
    23 Hero's axe (Brave Axe)
    24 Killer axe
    25 Halberd
    26 Hammer
    27 Devil axe
    28 Hand axe
    29 Tomahawk
    2A Swordbuster (Swordreaver)
    2B Swordkiller (Swordslayer)
    2C Throwing axe (Hatchet)
    2D Iron bow
    2E Steel bow
    2F Silver bow
    30 Poison bow
    31 Killer bow
    32 Hero's bow (Brave Bow)
    33 Short bow
    34 Longbow (Ballista)
    35 Long arch (Long Ballista)
    36 Iron arch (Iron Ballista)
    37 Killer arch (Killer Ballista)
    38 Fire
    39 Thunder
    3A Elfire
    3B Thunderstorm (Bolting)
    3C Fimbulvetr
    3D Dummy
    3E Excalibur
    3F Lightning
    40 Shine
    41 Divine
    42 Purge
    43 Aura
    44 Dummy
    45 Miir (Flux)
    46 Luna
    47 Rizziah (Nosferautu)
    48 Eclipse
    49 Nosferatu (Fenrir)
    4A Gleipnir
    4B Life (Heal)
    4C Relife (Mend)
    4D Recover
    4E Libro (Physic)
    4F Reserve (Fortify)
    50 Rest (Restore)
    51 Silence
    52 Sleep
    53 Berserk
    54 Warp
    55 Rescue
    56 Torch
    57 Hammerne
    58 Unlock
    59 M shield (Barrier)
    5A Dragon axe
    5B Angelic clothes (Angelic Robe)
    5C Energy ring
    5D Secret book
    5E Speedwing
    5F Goddess statue
    60 Dragonshield
    61 Talisman
    62 Boots (Swiftsole)
    63 Body ring
    64 Hero's proof (Hero Crest)
    65 Knight's medal (Knight Crest)
    66 Orion's arrows (Orion Bolt)
    67 Sky whip (Elysian Whip)
    68 Guiding ring (Guiding Ring)
    69 Treasure key (Chest Key)
    6A Door key
    6B Thief's key (Lockpick)
    6C Salve (Vulnerary)
    6D Special medicine (Elixir)
    6E Pure water
    6F Antidote
    70 Torch
    71 Fairy shield (Fili Shield)
    72 Member card
    73 Silver card
    74 White gem
    75 Blue gem
    76 Red gem
    77 Gold
    78 Reginleif
    79 Treasure key (Chest Key x5)
    7A Dummy
    7B Dummy
    7C Hopron shield (Hoplon Gaurd)
    7D Dummy
    7E Dummy
    7F Dummy
    80 Dummy
    81 Demon killer sword (Shadow Killer)
    82 Demon defeater spear (Bright Lance)
    83 Demon cutter axe (Fiend Cleaver)
    84 Demon render bow (Beacon Bow)
    85 Sieglinde
    86 Battle axe
    87 Ivaldi
    88 Master proof (Master Seal)
    89 Metis scroll
    8A Dummy
    8B Sharp claws
    8C Ratona (Latona)
    8D Dragon spear
    8E Vidofnir
    8F Naglfar
    90 Decaying breath
    91 Audhumla
    92 Siegmund
    93 Garm
    94 Nidhogg
    95 Heavy spear
    96 Short spear
    97 Champion's proof (Ocean Seal)
    98 Moon bracelet (Lunar Brace)
    99 Sun bracelet (Solar Brace)
    9A 1G
    9B 5G
    9C 10G
    9D 50G
    9E 100G
    9F 3000G
    A0 5000G
    A1 Wind sword
    A2 Salve
    A3 Salve
    A4 Salve
    A5 Dance
    A6 Black nightmare
    A7 Demon stone fragment
    A8 Unclean demonic light
    A9 Reducing demon fist
    AA Dragonstone
    AB Demon surge
    AC Dark bullets
    AD Rotting claws
    AE Long rotting claws
    AF Poison claws
    B0 Deadly poison claws
    B1 Scorching fangs
    B2 Burning fangs
    B3 Evil eye
    B4 Bloody eye
    B5 Stone
    B6 Aircalibur
    B7 Juna's nut
    B8 150G
    B9 200G
    BA Black gem
    BB Gold gem
    6.Mã Portrait
    3D64 Eirika
    3D98 Seth
    3DCC Gilliam
    3E00 Franz
    3E34 Moulder
    3E68 Vanessa
    3E9C Ross
    3ED0 Neimi
    3F04 Colm
    3F38 Garcia
    3F6C Innes
    3FA0 Lute
    3FD4 Natasha
    4008 Cormag
    403C Ephraim
    4070 Forde
    40A4 Kyle
    40D8 Amelia
    410C Artur
    4140 Gerik
    4174 Tethys
    41A8 Marisa
    41DC Saleh
    4210 Ewan
    4244 L'Arachel
    4278 Dozla
    42AC Enemy
    42E0 Rennac
    4314 Duessel
    4348 Myrrh
    437C Knoll
    43B0 Joshua
    43E4 Syrene
    4418 Tana
    444C Lyon
    4480 Orson
    44B4 Glen
    44E8 Selena
    451C Valter
    4550 Riev
    4584 Caellach
    45B8 Fado
    45EC Ismaire
    4620 Hayden
    7.Mã change class
    7164 Lord
    71B8 Lord
    720C Great Lord
    7260 Great Lord
    72B4 Cavalier
    7308 Cavalier
    735C Paladin
    73B0 Paladin
    7404 Knight
    7458 Knight
    74AC General
    7500 General
    7554 Thief
    75A8 Manakete
    75FC Mercenary
    7650 Mercenary
    76A4 Hero
    76F8 Hero
    774C Myrmidon
    77A0 Myrmidon
    77F4 Swordmaster
    7848 Swordmaster
    789C Assassin
    78F0 Assassin
    7944 Archer
    7998 Archer
    79EC Sniper
    7A40 Sniper
    7A94 Ranger
    7AE8 Ranger
    7B3C Wyvern Rider
    7B90 Wyvern Rider
    7BE4 Wyvern Lord
    7C38 Wyvern Lord
    7C8C Wyvern Kn.
    7CE0 Wyvern Kn.
    7D34 Mage
    7D88 Mage
    7DDC Sage
    7E30 Sage
    7E84 Mage Knight
    7ED8 Mage Knight
    7F2C Bishop
    7F80 Bishop
    7FD4 Shaman
    8028 Shaman
    807C Druid
    80D0 Druid
    8124 Summoner
    8178 Summoner
    81CC Rogue
    8220 (Egg)
    8274 Great Knight
    82C8 Great Knight
    831C Recruit (2)
    8370 Journeyman (3)
    83C4 Pupil (3)
    8418 Recruit (3)
    846C Manakete
    84C0 Manakete
    8514 Journeyman (1)
    8568 Pupil (1)
    85BC Fighter
    8610 Warrior
    8664 Brigand
    86B8 Pirate
    870C Berserker
    8760 Monk
    87B4 Priest
    8808 Bard
    885C Recruit (1)
    88B0 Pegasus Kn.
    8904 Falcoknight
    8958 Cleric
    89AC Troubadour
    8A00 Valkyrie
    8A54 Dancer
    8AA8 Soldier
    8AFC Necromancer
    8B50 Fleet
    8BA4 Phantom
    8BF8 Revenant
    8C4C Entombed
    8CA0 Bonewalker
    8CF4 Bonewalker
    8D48 Wight
    8D9C Wight
    8DF0 Bael
    8E44 Elder Bael
    8E98 Cyclops
    8EEC Mauthe Doog
    8F40 Gwyllgi
    8F94 Tarvos
    8FE8 Maelduin
    903C Mogall
    9090 Arch Mogall
    90E4 Gorgon
    9138 (Egg)
    918C Gargoyle
    91E0 Deathgoyle
    9234 Draco Zombie
    9288 Demon King
    92DC (Archer on Ballista)
    9330 (Archer on Iron Ballista)
    9384 (Archer on Killer Ballista)
    93D8 (Ballista)
    942C (Iron Ballista)
    9480 (Killer Ballista)
    94D4 Civilian
    9528 Civilian
    957C Civilian
    95D0 Civilian
    9624 Civilian
    9678 Civilian
    96CC (Peer)
    9720 Queen
    9774 (Prince)
    97C8 Queen
    981C (Empty)
    9870 (Dead Prince)
    98C4 (Tent)
    9918 Pontifex
    996C (Dead Peer)
    99C0 Cyclops
    9A14 Elder Bael
    9A68 Journeyman (2)
    9ABC Pupil (2)
    đó là toàn bộ cheat của game fe:ss....mình có thể đảm bảo là dùng ngon(trừ những cái mình chưa dùng đến như portrait và turn phase).Chúc mọi người sử dụng thành công..Và mình tin rằng những người chưa bào giờ dùng cheat cũng có thể cheat game nì 1 cách dễ dàng
  2. KANAN

    KANAN Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    xin hỏi mấy cái cheat trên dùng cho FE nào vậy .Tui đang chơi FE8 nhưng ko biết cách cheat.Xin chỉ giùm cảm ơn nhiều
  3. Mp2

    Mp2 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hải Phòng
    Đó là cheat cho bản FE8 đó bạn.....Cách sử dụng thì như mình hướng dẫn bên trên....Vào giả lập rồi chọn cheat->cheat list->game shark còn lại bạn cố thử tìm hiểu nhé ....dễ thôi mà....Nhưng mình lưu ý 1 điều "cheat chỉ làm mình mất hứng thú chơi game thoai"....như mình nè tìm được cái cheat này là mình bỏ luôn cái save dùng cheat luôn.....bởi FF8 khá dễ nên cũng chả cần cheat làm gì....Chỉ cần luyện 2 cái arena là oánh bét nhè :D

    Nhân tiện năm mới xin được chúc tất cả mọi người gặp nhiều may mắn...và tất nhiên là chúc cho box FE ngày cang phát triển và vững mạnh :x
  4. knight_capain

    knight_capain T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    knight city
    thế bạn có biết cheat cua FE6 ko
    chỉ mình với
  5. Anti Justice

    Anti Justice Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cái bạn knight_capain này mình thấy có vẻ gì đó hơi kì kì.
    Từ cái này có vẻ rất ngu ngơ cho đến bài viết dưới cùng trong topic này thì lại có vẻ rất oai. Còn cái này nữa >> cũng biết điều ghê đấy.
    Mấy điều trên chỉ là AJ nói leo vào thôi nghen, cứ coi như câu bài đi.
  6. Darkone

    Darkone Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Heaven and Hell ^_^
    ặc ặc, cái này không phải là nói leo đâu, giống chọc wê thì có. Luôn tiện minh nói luôn, cái đoạn cheat của bạn Mp2 mấy Modifier (change class) một số cái bị lỗi hay gì đó, bị đứng hình hoài.
    Mà hỏi thiệt nha cheat dài vậy ông có test chưa vậy, còn tui mới test 1 số đã :whew:
  7. deathless

    deathless Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mấy cái cheat của FE tui không bao giờ dám sài cheat của class vì hồi trước chơi FE 4 chỉnh class tùm lum nên đến đời con của Diadora là Yuria lại thành class Queen=>không sài được Narga mặc dù có máu thánh nhưng không biết dùng phép thuật Light.Kinh nghiệm sương máu tởn tới già
  8. Mp2

    Mp2 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hải Phòng ma` chua test tui lam` con cho' cho ong......Tuy copy that nhung tui phai thu roai` thi` moi post len day chu......Con` tui dung cha sao ca....Cheat du cho ca 25 char cua tui ma` co sao dau......Ong thu lai xem sao
    P/S:MOs thong cam ko hieu sao bo go cua dien dan lai ko dung duoc len danh post ko dau
  9. lonesomeone

    lonesomeone T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mấy cái nì là cheat cho cả seri fire emblem luôn hả bác?
  10. Darkone

    Darkone Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Heaven and Hell ^_^
    của FE 8 thôi đại ca ạ, không đọc kĩ àh. Mà ông xài cheat thì cẩn thận. Khi nào phá đảo rồi thì hãy xài, nếu chơi lần đâu mà xài thì mau chán lắm đó
  11. Mp2

    Mp2 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hải Phòng
    Đúng vậy đó tìm thấy cái cheat này khi sắp phá đảo lần đầu.......thành ra chán quá lên bỏ luôn....
    Mà Darkone nè ....sao ông change class lại bị đứng hình vậ làm có bị sao đâu nhỉ.......

Chia sẻ trang này