Introduce yourself here!

Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Hung Long, 16/11/02.

  1. girl'srules

    girl'srules Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Streets of the Underworld
    Oh so if I introduce then I can spam!!? That's awsome. I was just a wanderer that's all.
    Tên: Ngọc Trương
    Tuổi: 14 ( sinh nhựt tui 24/10, ngày mà tui edit post này #>:) )
    Vậy chắc là đủ rồi há :'> Viết nhiều mỏi tay. :>
    The end ;;)
  2. Snaki

    Snaki Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    ChCh - New Zealand
    hello everybody :D
    nice to .. know u guys :">
    I'm Snaki, real name QA
    Girl - 18
    I'm from HN but at New Zealand at the moment
    Y!M to contact ^^ : antitoxin87
    cool :D ^^
  3. Black Mckenzie

    Black Mckenzie Mineral Town

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Hey all ...I'am a newcomer (newbie) ^^ Yeah ...right... i should let somebody know about me ....

    __My name is : Nguyễn Minh Hiếu.
    __I live in Nhatrang City,but later in Kingisland ,Australia.
    __Bithday :22/09
    __Age : 17 --->Too young:-/
    __Have GC ,PC and PS2 ^.^
    __Like : poetry ^__^games, movies, pop ,rock music,football ,old moneys ,stamps ,spam , and..... girlsssss ( of course:x)
    __Hate :schooling T______________T
    __Y!M :minhhieuboy_gamevn

    I am a little little boy ....Funny and kindly ...(sure:x)::)...Nice to know u guys ::)
  4. PL

    PL T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hi everybody
    My name is Hà Nhật Thành
    Genre: Male
    BOD: 4/11/1989
    Hobbies: of course Games(RTS and action,Ps2,Xbox,GB micro,etc....too much I can't remember :)) , Football , Game demo,not spam, rap or R&B hate pop and china or korea music,:|
    I'm online 18/24 so I want to make some friends :D
  5. chocolate_girl

    chocolate_girl Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hi everyone, nice to meet you (whoever you are) ^^ I'm back after a long time leaving here ( 2 years, huh ?)
    Name : Lê Thị Phương Thanh (name of someone you might know ^^)
    Gender : Female (of course !)
    Birth : 25/12/1990 (just passsed... a very nice birthday, isn't it ? ^^ Easy to remember.. I thought I was the youngest here, but actually not... some pp are much younger than me ! )
    Like : books, reading ----> reading books ^^ , swimming, basketball, football, volleyball (a lot, right ? ^^ but now playing nothing, because I have no time ><, hope to get round to those ), music (nearly all kinds), games ( no time for it anymore..), my boy :-" (anyone, have a guess...)
    Dislike : boys who smoke (><, really hate.. terrible men !), selfish guys, studying Maths ( such a problem).....
    Y!M : windy_2512
    Mail :

    Hope to see you one day ! ^^
  6. wiwi

    wiwi The Pride of Hiigara

    Tham gia ngày:
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    I wonder why people like introduction... I prefer to seeing my name unintentionally fall into others' ears/eyes ;;)
  7. dat_squall

    dat_squall T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hi!'m a real newbie in this box and this is my first post in this box. Nice to meet you all!
    Name : Nguyễn Quốc Đạt
    Gender : Male (you can guess it)
    Date of birth : 13/10/1993 (wow! I'm young!)
    I live in : Hanoi, Vietnam
    Likes : Final Fantasy 7->9
    Kingdom Hearts
    Chrono Trigger
    Seiken Densetsu 2;3;5 (wow, I had to stop or the list will be so long)
    Dislikes : Diablo (even though it is a RPG)
    Strategy games
    School, especially homeworks and tests
    Now playing : Kingdom Hearts : Chain of Memories
    Storing : Seiken Densetsu 2;3;5
    Chrono Trigger
    Final Fantasy 8;9
    I'm having emulators for Super Nintendo, Nintendo, Gameboy Advance and PS1.
    I like to make friends with friendly people, especially someone that have the same age as mine and like RPGs too.
    This is my introduction. Thanks for reading.
  8. HawkEye

    HawkEye T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Into The Space
    Age is same with me ,even the hobbies like me,!Oh cool ! But I still not know where u are?Nice to meet you :'>
  9. Introduction

    Introduction The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    I thought my introduction should be in here long ago, but I can't find it anywhere in here. Anyway, let me join again!
    Name: Aaron, but I like ppl call me "T" was born in 1975
    Little bit about my Hx (history)
    I'm living in California, USA.
    I am Pulmonology Fellow (M.D) working in USC-LAC, USC-University, UCLA-Santa Monica and Kaiser-Sunset. So anyone who have problem about their breathing and related to any kind of lung diseases, I can help out. I also know little about Cardiology, anything relate to CHF (Congestive Heart Failure). I have 3 years experience with those diseases. I hope with my little knowledge that can help people.
    I'm also a software specialist. I became software engineering in 1997 just to help my cousin to managing his company.
    My hoppies: I like to watch chinese movies the most. Even though, I like movies but don't like to go to theater, it is sleepy in there. Beside movies, I love computer and any kind of machine (even human machine :D ) because I like to break them apart and put them back together after I know how they work.
    Anyway, that's just my brief introduction about myself. My YIM and AIM is krafter09 in case that anyone want to have a little chat with me (just little) :D .
  10. Nemesis8989

    Nemesis8989 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hi everyone, nice to meet you (whoever you are) ^^ I'm back after a long time leaving here ( 2 years, huh ?)
    2 years ago, you left here, whoa! you joined this forum when you was very young, didn't you? You are cute and young, perhap Iam still young enough to make friend with you....Sometime I think I belong to the old generation(8X) and have some problem with 9X. Anyway, I still want to join 9X generation again...
    My birthday:8/9/1989
    Status: Wander without home.
    Iam looking for...something I don't have....., perhap this is... I don't know!
    I got bad result in my first semeter... I need! Chatting or anything.....
  11. Alexi Laiho

    Alexi Laiho T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    London, UK
    Oh hello,i think some of you know me,some of you dont,but i am a not-very-old member of GVN.I think i should introduce miself. My name is Trung,but the foreigners often call me " TRUNK " :p . I am a student,and my most favourite subject is english.Nice to meet all of you !
  12. Kheops

    Kheops Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    ta thien
    hello every body!
    my name Bùi quốc tú
    I come from hà đông quê lụa
    may hoppies: play game advanture, music all kinds of ...
    now I'm in group of guide
  13. Rociel

    Rociel シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hồ Chí Minh
    hello mina-san (every1)!!!!
    Wait for minutes,my custom call me now (even Tet Vn holidays).....brb.....
    Im back now (10 mins) .... phewww....wat can I say now???Ops....the name,yes,the name is....Rociel!!!That right my name is Rociel (like this nick,huh??),my frends call me that name from many years ago.
    Born: before 1980.... he he.
    My prof. is: vender,manager,teacher and gamer.
    All things I like are : Game (for consoles I having),Anime,Henta* (Animes+Games+Movies),Music (just Jpop,Eng).
    Status: having GF (this GF will marry) and ...some another GFs....(just for fun for do %#@%).

    I play game very fast,almost new RPG games end after 5-8 days I have it (all Japan game version).My frend give me the nick GM RPG PS2 (even ACT+ADV).So I have the shop sell game PS2 online (on gvn),u guys can check it below my sign.

    At last,Im in guide group!
  14. Kira Maru

    Kira Maru Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Some place in the space
    Hey,im the new kid in the block.My name is Kira Maru.I'm currently jobless becuz im waiting 4 my O lvl results.I like music,anime,computer games and manga.Nice to meet ya all.Oh,by the way,I'm a boi.
  15. shadow_cat

    shadow_cat Lonely in Gorgeous

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Flower Field
    someone kill that rociel 4 me.......quick and silent
  16. lightdevil

    lightdevil Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Under the sun
    ....2 things
    1/ tell me why ?
    2/ how much will u pay me :p ?
  17. shadow_cat

    shadow_cat Lonely in Gorgeous

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Flower Field
    1/ he 's an old pervert
    All things I like are : Game (for consoles I having),Anime,Henta* (Animes+Games+Movies),Music (just Jpop,Eng).
    Status: having GF (this GF will marry) and ...some another GFs....(just for fun for do %#@%)

    2/one ticket there and back to VN ^^
  18. lightdevil

    lightdevil Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Under the sun
    I deny because ... ;))
    1/ it suits a man ;)) :'>
    <-- he's not in VN :-?
  19. shadow_cat

    shadow_cat Lonely in Gorgeous

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Flower Field
    1/ it DOES NOT O_O whats wrong with ya? if ya have a GF to marry, stop ***cking around. im not against having a lot of GF, but not when you have your Bride waiting.

    2/thats your Prize, the fees you need to kill him sweet is automotically covered
  20. kirasue

    kirasue Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    I hav some methods here:
    1/ Bomb attack his house. ---> 2nd Osama
    2/ hang him to the ceiling and stab him many times. ---> severe punishment
    3/ use toxic gas. ---> silent and dangerous
    4/ and i think the best way is... :'> to cut off his "manhood". ---> OMG o_O God bless you
    That is a kirasue joke, dun mind =))

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