Cheat đây: BUS ..........School Bus SEMI......... Tractor Trailer VWFB......... Volkswagen Fastback VWBUG........ Volkswagen Beetle VANAGON...... Volkswagen Van MIATA ........Mazda Miata BMW.......... BMW 5 Series MERCEDES..... Mercedes-Benz VOLVO........ Volvo Station Wagon ARMYTRUCK.... Mercedes Unimog Army Truck SNOWTRUCK.... Mercedes Unimog Snow Truck JEEPYJ....... Jeep YJ LANDCRUISER.. Toyota Landcruiser QUATTRO...... Audi Quattro PIONEER...... Give all cars better engines, brakes and handling COMMANCHE.... Comanche Pick-up Truck HOLLYWOOD.... Get the secret track
Bổ sung thêm Cheat nè , của Ninja còn thiếu nhiều lắm !!! -------- Effect...Code : Daytona car .....tombstone Bomber BFS car ....bomber FZR 2000 car ....fzr2000 Ford Indigo racer Multicolor car and horizon1 ....kcjones Slow motion ....slip Pioneer engine Beep horn to crash opponent ....roadrage Dinosaur traffic ....rexrage Monolithic studio track.... hollywood Chase mode Smoking cow tires1.... mad Large tires ....reenoip Different colors .....madland Limousine traffic School bus traffic ....schoolzone Increased traffic ....rushhour Slot car mode2 ....slot Rain mode3 ....rain Various objects ....go<18 - 51> School bus4 ....go18 Pickup ....go19 Truck ....go21 Blue Sedan ...go23 Green VW ...go27 Grey convertible ...go28 Mercedes Unimog army truck.... go31 Yellow snow truck ....go33 Tram ...go34 Limousine ...go35 Crate ...go40 Hand cart... go41 Wooden stand ...go42 Tyrannosaurus Rex ...go43 Wild West wagon ...go44 Souvenir stand ...go45 Souvenir stand ...go46 News stand ...go47 Log ...go48 Crate 1 ...go49 Beer box ...go50 Rock ...go51 Anh heerojun cho em gia nhập nhóm Cheat code với !!!! ^^ , kiến thức về Cheat cũng sâu rộng lắm đó !!!