Code breaker cho các phiên bản

Thảo luận trong 'Cheat Code - Hints - Secrets' bắt đầu bởi shizumaru, 5/3/06.

  1. shizumaru

    shizumaru Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Soul's Planet
    Đây là code breaker của trò MMBN5 mà mình tìm được trên net,Các phiên bản khác sẽ post lên sau.Mình nghĩ tốt nhất là không nên lạm dụng code quá,chỉ nên dùng sau khi hoàn thành trò chơi hoặc khi cảm thấy quá khó:
    **M Codes** (mstr2)

    Team Protoman (TS):
    a1722b2e 3f1b0039
    1a32537e 0de825eb

    Team Colonel (TS):
    a1722b2e 3f1b0039
    96695b7f 873db9ae

    Gator Shark's Note- The Save Protection disables all codes when saving. It
    seems very effective for those codes that 'erase your gamesave if you save
    with them on'. This may not prevent all data loss, but it will cut down
    on a lot of it.

    Team Protoman (TS): (Modified with Gator Shark's SaveProtection)
    a1722b2e 3f1b0039
    1a32537e 0de825eb
    d97efd72 f8f35ad9

    Team Colonel (TS): (Modified with Gator Shark's SaveProtection)
    a1722b2e 3f1b0039
    96695b7f 873db9ae
    d97efd72 f8f35ad9

    **Money and Frags** (mnfg3)

    Have 999999 Zenny (TS)
    Debugged by Hikarinetto:
    059C2B84 7F14B23C
    4464B0B5 D6AECA25
    3DD6EC67 02FFBE91

    Have 999999 Bug Frags (TS)
    Debugged by Marik1234:
    1B48CF61 AB094724
    1C82AD6F FC7811C5
    9D5CF9FA 68A08764

    **In Battle** (nbtt4)

    No Random Battle
    Gator Shark's Note- Compatible with Instant Battle (GS):
    367B2BD6 9343D718
    16D98BD1 C2A7162D
    95B5D0E2 EDD79242

    Instant Battle [Press Select] (GS):
    17C7799F DB2B1678
    2627222E DE699440
    ED3A2939 00431EE2

    Always Full Synchro (TS):
    53B6CDBD 1C63C809

    Always Angry Emotion (GS):
    AA91E684 6F32863A

    Always have Invis on (TS):
    9EED1A4E A291B5ED

    Invincible (green) (GS):
    5513B6F9 B6CF9B56
    974FEA12 2533B168

    Always Dark Megaman Beserk Mode (GS):
    F76743F4 87C4BA40

    Always Dark Megaman in battle (TS):
    1ABE72B1 8C236529

    Enemies Start with 1 HP (TS):
    EB52F07C 764E8C8E
    46A9183C E92B7CF8
    DAD52A3E B58B0988

    Chips do 5000 Damage (GS):
    5E1C2348 53751B8E

    8 Chips on Custom screen (GS):
    016DE040 69435A27

    Always S Rank (TS)
    Author's Note- Don't Use any other codes with this!:
    2024C29B 1CC8BA05

    Repeat Last Chips (GS):
    39E461FC C25649DB
    B7424E06 E3F3D187
    Note: Select only OK on CustScreen to get all
    the chips you had last time.

    Any Chip Combo (GS):
    089A77EB 53ECCCAB
    529CBCFC 3CEB88A4
    F19F0D9E AA7855D5
    Note: Every chip is selectable

    Quick Buster Charge (GS):
    A2B7E03A 551CE791
    92B37196 65ECFBBE
    FFF8138B A3AF81B9
    A127F5B2 0E139F83

    **Gator Shark's Note-Use either Full[Press Sel] & AR button=Empty,
    or Empty[Press Sel] & AR button=Full.**

    Full Custom Gauge [Press Select] (GS):
    8C6E776E 0CF9C63C
    BDDF27B7 2C0E45D1

    AR Button for Empty Custom Gauge (GS):
    9FC4C35F 20D1804C
    A05A144C 078B0074
    80984BB5 4081065F
    96FEE192 A0270A4A

    AR Button for Full Custom Gauge (GS):
    9FC4C35F 20D1804C
    1A3B437D 5909E383

    Empty Custom Gauge [Press Select] (GS):
    EB652011 15D5DE03
    47224C2D 247750F7
    96FEE192 A0270A4A

    Inf. Soul time (TS):
    473EE300 88AA96A9

    No DarkChip HP drain or Karma loss (TS):
    F016EA9C BB30DEA7
    C25BE1DC 943EA99F

    Enemies die as soon as you enter battle (TS):
    07DF8897 3CE681FE
    EC5DA5A8 1B672BAA
    290A732F 9666E47B

    Buster Attacks (Modifiers)
    Author's Note-Use one at a time! (All TS):

    DE6413F7 187979D7

    7B88902A 241E96CF

    Dark Meteor
    749A4B31 0B430920

    Bass Another’s Hell Roller (TS and Rin)
    2192CE0F 0123D99A

    553DE6D2 74C87A79

    CCE51680 FAE1FAC7

    AE26F34C 9C7D6772

    1ACC33AF 24F8ED29

    99BE21AD 2BD06D96

    5BAFC560 9A60566F

    BB624E3A 1E2B2DD8

    35D45621 3A629064

    15198619 24A163AF

    6EAA4186 23CAA5D4

    **Liberation Missions** (lbms5)

    Always have full order points (TS):
    D470A484 2835CFAF

    One-Turn Liberate (GS):
    A59B8BCE 60564EE8
    80C7B1EA B6DA2995

    Target Phases = 99 Phases (GS):
    1BF5B366 F82E5107

    Actual Phases Taken = 1 Phase (GS):
    4AF3439F 473EBA04

    Invincible in Liberation Mission (glowing green) (GS):
    8B32742A DF1D8012
    5D4B024D 2C380A9F
    974FEA12 2533B168

    **Play As Navi and Souls** (pnas6)

    Have all souls (TS):
    57C73023 4D1E2441

    Play as Navi (TS):
    MegaMan: A2B42FEA 078DBD48
    Protoman: 1E798116 F4BB6A1B
    Gyroman: 520D410E 30656F47
    Searchman: 8D321CE9 D2013FE0
    Napalmman: F677D028 A3E1F295
    Magnetman: 46ACF59C 19A64823
    Medi: 44636E88 FA39BEBB
    Colonel: 54261C46 0FB6784C
    Shadowman: 35F813C8 A93224A5
    Numberman: 9073C586 D31EB17C
    Tomahawkman: 73EF955E 2B9566C1
    Knightman: 78DB88F5 8AA106D0
    Toadman: 2F2581CF EFF2BAA4

    Play as Soul (TS):
    MegaMan: 3B39FAA9 2A09A3BD
    Protoman: D4F4E78D EE877503
    Gyroman: 73BAD724 B5E41484
    Searchman: EE481927 B78387DD
    Napalmman: 293A1A23 36C21ACB
    Magnetman: CC4891F9 35E86C8D
    Medi: DB0278DF DEB9C974
    Colonel: 07FF0DF6 EEBBFD25
    Shadowman: 74F3271E 7F160DC7
    Numberman: 5EBE4C43 951D87EE
    Tomahawkman: 7E0E83DD 1D62EFF2
    Knightman: 5DA01255 8F03A97C
    Toadman: 10C0D4F9 A99FFE7B

    Bass Cross Megaman Codes (TS & Rin):
    Author's Note- They only change Megaman's appearance and buster. NOTHING ELSE!
    Gold: 73290FFC 06D0F5ED
    Silver: 5FA645F5 021D297A
    **Mystery Data** (mstd8)
    .´ ¦ `.
    .´_ ¦ _`.
    `. ¦ .´

    Pick up mystery data unlimited times (TS):
    4439CDA0 4786AEBB

    Chip in Green Mystery Data (all TS):
    Note - The GMD's itself must contain a chip.. Or you will just get money.

    Standard Chips
    2F70131A 59107429 Cannon
    F2199503 FDAE1C5C HiCannon
    40624D67 CD8B12D0 MCannon
    0EA26A3B C8F1BE41 AirShot
    9BD1AE9F 74C7055E AirHoc
    7D209641 BEE091B3 Boomer
    ABFBE279 2A02A880 Silence
    8E1CE83C C516E843 Tornado
    5E8BA321 63871700 WideSht1
    320ECB60 6C63F303 WideSht2
    6817D501 8F95B963 WideSht3
    90438AF0 F903F157 MrkCan1
    B03763C7 FCEEFB5D MrkCan2
    F527877A C6B512E5 MrkCan3
    90394E65 BC2137FF Vulcan1
    BA98E3FA 3489F346 Vulcan2
    C72C5DC0 AD17016C Vulcan3
    4E462745 36F82E11 Spreader
    7EAC4315 A1978946 Thunder
    499837E6 C80F53BA IceSeed
    E0B6A71C A2AF0428 Pulsar1
    46141A96 9DBAFEBB Pulsar2
    82E19120 4AA744F5 Pulsar3
    BEE631FA 193924AA SpShake1
    B444E24D 07BBED7F SpShake2
    AC7CEDA4 8DDCF8DA SpShake3
    2BB73703 19AA6263 Static
    0AA346C6 B4E70AB1 LifeSync
    7488DFE5 2809FAB7 MiniBomb
    47DFD6AB 54DF64C7 EnergBom
    80670F0A D326C567 MegEnBom
    8C2217CA 27793B2E GunDelS1
    2EF6C933 CD6D9B9E GunDelS2
    7D29D889 84FD86DF GunDelS3
    F66BDAA3 5C378A9C Quake1
    80CA7C30 72A4D7A8 Quake2
    C89D5C12 78AFFE64 Quake3
    406150C0 19941652 CrakBom
    B4F786EE E68D8006 ParaBom
    19AC859C AB4AF050 ResetBom
    2015FF5C 31464BC6 BugBomb
    50EB2F4B CA4276CF GrasSeed
    A9C0C6E1 CEDC5C11 LavaSeed
    495861DD 63E60D67 CannBall
    01A09C34 1724BFE7 Geyser
    841CBBF1 F4D14F43 BlkBomb
    E69882BD 147B0191 SeaSeed
    961782B5 423A097C Sword
    E7836A43 CABFA816 WideSwrd
    9BDF7E70 8BD3E026 LongSwrd
    87B3EDC0 64B33C36 WideBlde
    62C6BE4B 55BD9D37 LongBlde
    B18E0E36 9613A4B5 WindRack
    F71B1A64 DA57CC6A CustSwrd
    B38CB8EE A95FC67D VarSwrd
    C0ABE1B1 F8065EB5 Slasher
    BA4683ED C0BE02D2 MoonBld1
    16C13A80 F1D142CC MoonBld2
    F6101D36 87F10860 MoonBld3
    F100069E 04CFA7C1 Katana1
    7DEAD54E 5EC3F2E9 Katana2
    132F32B8 7E5DE91D Katana3
    176C4B20 79C46832 TankCan1
    DD3900C2 7319099F TankCan2
    CEFB9E56 4C9EAC6D TankCan3
    C485478D E064FCC7 RedFruit1
    207DF556 2D74E8FE RedFruit2
    653B288A C858FFB2 RedFruit3
    C97164F1 29BC9F0B Skully1
    1BF3543C ECA7AC14 Skully2
    469D002C 17970CF5 Skully3
    8147E23A 206A038B DrillArm1
    61ADE43C 8A7511B7 DrilArm2
    16915B95 3A564A7F DrillArm3
    F5F643EA 2316AD86 TimeBom1
    45D87F07 61B94FFA TimeBom2
    28B12437 2412C4C1 TimeBom3
    550BEC58 DAEAD05A Voltz1
    8E9127A2 3DE9C3FA Voltz2
    0A85C281 240C992C Voltz3
    EF8D0721 E54EA3D8 Lance
    8EB7EE47 6DABD33A YoYo
    6BC1D786 9C33FF9A Wind
    4549112D 0132BDB3 Fan
    76DF3930 A97BC3BB BoyBomb1
    2E184C56 4D8BC434 BoyBomb2
    4C4AFA4C AFEED264 BoyBomb3
    3AFD24A3 A98A5C77 Guard1
    D66D631E 25A54569 Guard2
    047B71B4 EBA6651F Guard3
    C9741B6B EEA151B5 CrakOut
    AB7317C3 E8D80014 DublCrak
    9280E502 ADDF53E9 TripCrak
    76BC0715 E445E32D Magnum
    C6D70775 8783CE6A MetaGel
    C5141346 42D225AE Snake
    BD8822FF 26157F47 CircGun
    B11FA709 4D87357F Mine
    461A7A3F FA456761 RockCube
    327BC264 7B66ACFD Fanfare
    BDF06F98 B3EFE59E Discord
    DBC7CB3E E3F115B1 Timpani
    0B858AE5 5D98C386 VDoll
    6CE38A9F 658B9247 Astroid1
    26781796 4362CA70 Astroid2
    4AE824F6 A8E58303 Astroid3
    FAD4F5D3 C6E323E6 Recover10
    E5AAC6FF 2BC6A634 Recover30
    584031F8 FB07F05B Recover50
    AF0B5AD0 DEA8A617 Recover80
    F266E01B 5BB7078D Recover120
    90339888 EB4F9CFC Recover150
    01352591 32D88034 Recover200
    C2E924E1 EEA5785C Recover300
    846AFE66 620A30BC BusterUp
    EC4B1ADB 4CA23BE0 PanlGrab
    E56A5633 5421A2F2 AreaGrab
    0BAB36F2 415FD480 GrabRvng
    2ABB1854 A021DC18 GrabBnsh
    EEEE1FDA A1DBF747 SloGauge
    24F39552 BFB3BFE8 FstGauge
    B6EE05DC 59F27EEB PnlRetrn
    A09FF202 EB31D31E Geddon1
    E5061F5F 75588923 Geddon2
    F5486529 EB22602E Geddon3
    3B9101E3 690598C1 Rainyday
    53312BFF 0D5BED03 ColorPt
    9EF13917 2724A54D ElemRage
    1E79CCCB F2210DF0 Blinder
    EC1895B0 0CC342FD AirSpin1
    E9927E8A F2EEBCD6 AirSpin2
    C1F49BCC 7AF7E902 AirSpin3
    E9FC2F26 6EAAC693 Invisbl
    FEF46A2C 1CAC3A68 BblWrap
    14A4AFF5 6BD7B6FA Barrier
    6E7405AA D57F27D8 Barr100
    22BC613A 793D0B45 Barr200
    001C36E1 05BE6B28 NrthWind
    ADFCD96D 1ABDFCB1 HolyPanl
    770743AB C7D20874 AntiFire
    94F41FBD A037367D AntiWater
    A0D0B3CB CE5146F5 AntiElec
    83544BA7 C29E489A AntiWood
    B6D2CA42 CC6B937E AntiNavi
    F8A6BA9F 94D59C7B AntiDmg
    3369E7D9 7038EB16 AntiSwrd
    415BD267 0F2024E0 AntiRecv
    C832B575 7E6E6D24 CopyDmg
    7D8FADFE B4251D34 Attack +10
    3793AAEF 2DBCCCEC Navi +20
    5643797A BFA436D1 FireHit1
    B8158E8F 3E8CBA38 FireHit2
    FD9FC897 9AC652ED FireHit3
    DAAB07E5 1C7DA39A HotBody1
    F8E92193 E9DB9479 HotBody2
    EE32CE98 ECC7935B HotBody3
    A3B779FA 9E58B324 AqWhirl1
    4EAC31EE 4774F502 AqWhirl2
    D111E9A9 5B628416 AqWhirl3
    7746106F 4204CFE6 SideBub1
    5FC7CEB1 6C717494 SideBub2
    2B6BEBA6 03B6F076 SideBub3
    B8687E7E 42BD322C ElcReel1
    07D7B0F9 AC9CC37D ElcReel2
    CD2AED60 06638C4A ElcReel3
    1FD78067 78730097 CusVolt1
    64B427CC 2D7FC0F6 CusVolt2
    D020E04F 288ECF2C CusVolt3
    013EA5D8 16AA83B7 CrsShld1
    14191FBF 12718EAE CrsShld2
    02D9E681 20EB35CB CrsShld3
    0AB5FDF9 1B72E4F7 WavePit
    A5FFE73B 02F799CE RedWave
    08C40D5F 934708BC MudWave
    5CDB75F8 66A268D0 CactBal1
    679A835B B01B6487 CactBal2
    247FE1D7 A51C3176 CactBal3
    687EE545 B7DDE058 WoodNos1
    67D84E46 47C64A08 WoodNos2
    343CBACA 7ADDDD81 WoodNos3

    Dark Chips
    3A2ACED1 D20849F9 DarkCirc
    468B2414 59C2EB2A DrkSword
    AB14A03E 69AE159F DarkInvis
    4B2F274E 49ACE10E DarkPlus
    872BB134 AD259B29 DrkLance
    8F03FE81 E2661B98 DarkWide
    630624E9 08DCB7EA DarkThnd
    08A1A2FF 6CC7AC94 DrkRecov
    0FDC7F9A 5098A19C DarkMetr
    8AB09FD3 5E1B35D5 DarkDrill
    7FFEB059 A1BB4886 DarkTorn
    E0CB1716 79BF99EE DrkSonic

    Mega Chips
    0B9C391E 052F1E15 LifeAura
    99972B29 89AC7274 Muramasa
    E4DF7A3D 78A928B7 Guardian
    CB0E0B6E 3B566F23 Anubis
    A62D49EF EF7A8A53 Attack +30
    96A491AD 48D99BAB BugFix
    22F8D2A6 5ABD3420 DublPoint
    33456805 099C3C0B Snctuary
    50B6DC55 E4C06081 FullCust
    45BA4761 55B4D3A0 Meteors
    A344321D 0BC399A1 NumbrBl
    216E8385 AF443464 Jealousy
    3AAE3725 3EF2E5A4 Poltrgst
    CC0D4170 0A576605 BlakWing
    A1794B2D 342A531F Otenko
    7B14D3A1 E8649658 JustcOne
    3B7F0F1D 2A5B0B3E NeoVari
    8434E665 34622D1B Z Saber
    DAB8C730 BF1C616D GunDelEX
    FC6267F2 C703845B SuperVulcan
    511BBF98 55D92482 Roll
    996F755C 64CCDAAC RollSP
    E7F53347 B45B0790 RollDS
    5F4D9CF0 D0185B0A Gyroman
    9C1E272E 323C9BE6 GyromanSP
    7DD481F2 95213D9E GyromanDS
    ECED33F1 F0FE2ECD Napalman
    029B2C58 49FDD484 NapalmanSP
    3AB763AD 27770A79 NapalmanDS
    686BF058 CC0C70CF Searchman
    47A26A52 31C0A104 SearchmanSP
    A66D05B4 6A5B497C SearchmanDS
    C5F88F16 F9C0A85D Magnetman
    72AE1140 D86875E8 MagnetmanSP
    14F5E40C 480CC528 MagnetmanDS
    F21FAC6C 2BDAC959 Meddy
    2DACF717 CBDA5B36 MeddySP
    6F811E10 5079502A MeddyDS
    D45BCA4B 23619549 Protoman
    E4764293 D2419BC8 ProtomanSP
    DADA7C55 41ACFB8B ProtomanDS
    13E6EB17 B9E05C5F Numberman
    9EF68102 A420D5D4 NumbermanSP
    16D967D4 528AC468 NumbermanDS
    7D3E16B6 E570147B Colonel
    FE463524 3DB46C44 ColonelSP
    F9F6E75F 8A062D7D ColonelDS
    ED8C1AB4 865496EB Shadoman
    439FE600 C87FFBE3 ShadomanSP
    3C192625 5FAAAD2A ShadomanDS
    525C43B0 D636FE43 TmHwkman
    D1673B2C ECE9106F TmHwkmanSP
    97BE5B57 7716A538 TmHwkmanDS
    29F0B11D 5FE39081 Knightman
    34EA456C D7DDB713 KnightmanSP
    4A862510 0DD57B1F KnightmanDS
    A2E6B6BF 179012BA Toadman
    6D32CBFA 867559D6 ToadmanSP
    C28BD594 F425230F ToadmanDS
    974FDF72 8A297285 Shademan
    F16111FD D1DF928A ShademanSP
    B0CE05C2 93993ED7 ShademanDS
    5C83E42D 6D8839F5 Blizman
    EF31E554 0A339BC8 BlizmanSP
    F1EEEC56 2F1C00BF BlizmanDS
    3E560310 1ABE9601 Cloudman
    90226421 EB0C363D CloudmanSP
    DD6C1965 3524DE84 CloudmanDS
    B9604052 F13945E8 Cosmoman
    A2CF4F0F 355639EB CosmomanSP
    6323E129 83CA24A5 CosmomanDS
    185223DB B4916D81 Larkman
    BAC2D5A0 907F678F LarkmanSP
    ABA256B4 C79F246F LarkmanDS
    183CE823 4B89FEA0 Gridman
    8B12E56A AEF11C8E GridmanSP
    15AEE7BE 14887F46 GridmanDS
    A4F32207 76FCE06B Django
    0620D37F 144455A6 DjangoSP
    585AC8FF 0073ED53 DjangoDS

    Giga Chips
    25B657D3 05CC5010 Bass
    C212FE9B 17B221B6 DeltaRay
    79CA16B5 69B43F88 BugCurse
    66D1E7B7 4F87E5A6 MetrKnuk
    D81BB8FC 1308C342 OmegaRkt
    8F43C356 C3069F18 BassAnly
    4F4E6B4E C4F7708D HolyDream
    763DEBBF BCCCE3F1 BigHook
    35A1331D 46FE3493 CrossDiv
    B8911506 0B785BB7 BugCharg
    49B51A3B 034892F7 Leaders Raid
    564CD8B6 094C721B Lord of Chaos
    94F9CCE9 17393FED Phoenix
    CBDFC4C7 C558EF7D DethPhnx
    77A5A4CE 3657235A FinalGun

    Secret Boktai chips:
    A1794B2D 342A531F
    DAB8C730 BF1C616D

    [Dark Chips]

    DarkCirc R
    18D05B76 DB6C221D

    DrkSword Z
    4A4E937F 584223A7

    DarkInvis I, *
    18DE5F74 EBFA5393 - I
    A9B1C49E CC81C40C - *

    DarkPlus *
    FB51ACA2 7F6D488C

    DrkLance W
    3A697FEE D6158218

    DarkWide T
    D6F5AF00 B189AF25

    DarkThnd M
    4E66EE9C E3DBF126

    DrkRecov H, *
    1A5FD596 36EF10FC - H
    B6BA455F 8AA77F57 - *

    DarkMetr F
    7F302F8C 4B2C3049

    DarkDrill D
    4CAA64E6 66F18236

    DarkTorn T
    CB302DBC 4FE47624

    DrkSonic E, *
    784E5782 567C6B95 - E
    47EA6128 F78F8C26 - *

    [Mega Chips]

    LifeAura D
    A0B4C954 C0EBE91D

    Muramasa M
    B918A713 A85ED429

    Guardian O
    10DA0EFD 3280A257

    Anubis A
    54BC540D A5EB848B

    Attack +30 *
    3DFD5301 2D021A57

    BugFix H, *
    3572AC6A 1BBC7D3C - H
    E3BCEC81 DA5BE86A - *

    DublPoint *
    9CB6B309 ACE395C2

    Snctuary S
    12114D63 0CA4164F

    FullCust *
    E7D22CF2 8F0C51E5

    Meteors R
    FBA17524 507DC90E

    NumbrBl N, *
    8763CFDE CA4E1087 - N
    4F5C48E5 BC359ED9 - *

    Jealousy J
    9EF4FF87 5EC6E39C

    Poltrgst P
    57E0A545 28F4F586

    BlakWing W
    32CFE446 D6D7D14A

    Otenko O

    JustcOne J
    6BEE624B 600B96FB

    NeoVari V
    B949C990 6667137C

    Z Saber Z
    FD0AE8E0 118413F4

    GunDelEX G
    A8AB75D9 76C5DA0E

    SuperVulcan S
    E7861EE2 BFF808C7

    Roll R
    7C719174 251ADE55

    RollSP R
    4FBAF70C 3E38BDAC

    RollDS R
    25D5C9D3 50197C7D

    [Team Protoman Navi Chips]

    Gyroman G
    74E53A77 A51BB08C

    GyromanSP G

    GyromanDS G
    FAB695A3 BC7A25CC

    Napalman N
    12DA44BC 99FB5E44

    NapalmanSP N
    48F1DC5D 854CB461

    NapalmanDS N
    53E1899C C686B45B

    Searchman S
    7E59889D 71D73D6A

    SearchmanSP S
    B17AA76B 870515BB

    SearchmanDS S
    F141C434 1CBCA58C

    Magnetman M
    8E6876EC 76A3094A

    MagnetmanSP M
    96009BF7 64C93E9D

    MagnetmanDS M
    0496FAA5 99C7D19B

    Meddy M
    DD284EC4 B6F78FD6

    MeddySP M
    8382EE69 69E4B0BD

    MeddyDS M
    0A7F5423 B442E3FA

    Protoman B
    CD5D4D90 5FEE417A

    ProtomanSP B
    FA0B38DA 04838B56

    ProtomanDS B
    7BFDB178 1ECCEE9A

    [Team Colonel Navi Chips]

    Numberman N
    3033831C F2F09E31

    NumbermanSP N
    594EF69D 53E9E8FF

    NumbermanDS N
    5095CF81 DBD5990A

    Colonel C
    4C8077F0 C16C4886

    ColonelSP C
    737E9E70 6944704F

    ColonelDS C
    114A1EBC F3C63F6E

    Shadoman S
    9F36A027 FD0E7FB0

    ShadomanSP S
    D936E7C8 BF7691DC

    ShadomanDS S
    625C9DA5 748B0615

    TmHwkman T
    AED4701D A052A6BA

    TmHwkmanSP T
    67908B98 B7C14C54

    TmHwkmanDS T
    4591FCFA E79FC5E8

    Knightman K
    44C98A8E D6670521

    KnightmanSP K
    B8A2FA44 31CE7A8A

    KnightmanDS K
    5F990B8C 93975F62

    Toadman T
    8C54FB95 15FB886C

    ToadmanSP T
    D58286C8 33418E18

    ToadmanDS T
    E9279C1C F4C39F44

    [Boss Navi Chips]

    Shademan S
    E769F7E3 E3D4139A

    ShademanSP S
    7749E2A6 228591FB

    ShademanDS S
    F8A38630 88E6B522

    Blizman B
    5C5836B5 658F55F9

    BlizmanSP B
    50068579 F8927195

    BlizmanDS B
    EF645697 7040C8AD

    Cloudman C
    C1FA733F BB44E992

    CloudmanSP C
    8C65302C BF2A6B5C

    CloudmanDS C
    25A737C1 35A5ED64

    Cosmoman C
    17D4A64E 640B907A

    CosmomanSP C
    D196AE1A 268ED16F

    CosmomanDS C
    08936B78 B12497A0

    Larkman S

    LarkmanSP S
    44C97C4E A95A2195

    LarkmanDS S
    5802F452 2685AB08

    Gridman F
    F7E1F2DF C8261207

    GridmanSP F
    4CC1F3C6 EE3CA7A2

    GridmanDS F
    B540D609 872F3EC1

    Django D
    9727264B 738F9DBB

    DjangoSP D
    2362C1E5 5E0485F6

    DjangoDS D
    2FAAA810 5A150E5E

    [Giga Chips]

    Bass F
    7134DCD8 C4DE9432

    Delta Ray Z
    F7CD9AB1 A6A06FFB

    BugCurse C
    FC74DCAB E07A0256

    MetrKnuk M
    D0E7637D DB936BB6

    OmegaRkt R
    A3E230AD ABE8DFD3

    BassAnly F
    5D5B6C29 152E4238

    Holydream H
    3640E98C 388B114E

    BigHook G
    52CC2F15 4B6A8588

    CrossDiv C
    3FD9D293 E4C6495B

    BugCharg B
    09E74D37 DFF15577

    LdrsRaid L
    BAFC738F F39EA7EB

    ChaosLrd X
    650CEE24 6B8D52A3

    Phoenix P
    6C5042D0 F908417D

    DethPhnx D
    596AAC07 6199192D

    [P.A. Chips]

    GigaCan1 *
    99D31320 236479E3

    GigaCan2 *
    94F26F86 AEF7745E

    GigaCan3 *
    0987E020 7BD8C00C

    InfVulc1 *
    3DF57E56 06E62BBA

    InfVulc2 *
    56FF8DDB 18CD8D6B

    InfVulc3 *
    5808E515 E42E78EC

    Boxer1 *
    B25FE0FC A7034EE5

    Boxer2 *
    54675533 0D87B15E

    Boxer3 *
    B3486DD1 00732DA6

    SuperSpr1 *
    ABA467DE 095669C4

    SuperSpr2 *
    8531A320 C4487A62

    SuperSpr3 *
    465AB26C 5368B13B

    ShakPar1 *
    5955EBFB 9ED61FBC

    ShakPar2 *
    240847E8 FF88FA6C

    ShakPar3 *
    56F56ABA DA97F362

    CacDanc1 *
    3F195CC2 FF4003A8

    CacDanc2 *
    B7054F40 9E19419D

    CacDanc3 *
    A2FCA2F8 C88EE8C6

    H-Burst *
    2164A7F1 F2F066A9

    LifeSrd *
    99CFB553 24CCF2A8

    GreatYo *
    CA90E4D3 6C37B82B

    PitHoky *
    D0F4398F 41097F45

    PoisPhar *
    B3A3C4D6 6C6D1206

    CsmoPris *
    282CDDE3 36245EF9

    WildBird *
    CC320E21 60DF4B6D

    Football *
    4D901EE1 75C4974B

    BigNoise *
    2EFEED27 934EAED3

    TimeBom+ *
    AF5DF196 FCA6DF30

    BodyGrd *
    70631081 D3C09CE4

    PileDrvr *
    6D058484 EBA59E4F
  2. shizumaru

    shizumaru Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Soul's Planet
    Còn đây là code breako============================================o
    Misc. Codes [MSCLN]
    82036414 4000 - Custom Guage Always Full

    3203582E 000B - Buster Level S After Battle

    3200B1C0 0000 - Cheap Chip Trader

    3200B230 00FF - Operation Battle

    8203584C 2804 - Fight ForteXX in any net area 2 (Japanese Blue Moon)

    8203584C 27F8 - Fight ForteXX in any net area 2 (Japanese Red Sun)

    3200D914 0032 - Infinite time for Kendou dolls

    7200A512 0002 - Free Net Deals
    4201A006 0000
    00000005 0008

    82035850 0000 - Zero Busting Time
    82035852 0000

    Karma Modifier Codes [KRMAC]
    8203BEF6 XXXX

    Replce XXXX with a hex value between 0000 and 03E8. If you don't
    want to mess around with that, below I have codes for each of the
    noticable karma changes.

    8203BEF6 03E8 - Light
    8203BEF6 0258 - Normal
    8203BEF6 01DB - Slightly Dark
    8203BEF6 015E - Dark
    8203BEF6 0000 - Black

    Go into a battle, the karma code will activate then. After the
    battle, Mega Man will be whatever karma level you want in the PET
    window. The karma change for Black does allow you to use dark chips
    like Hole and cho MMBN4 Custom Menu Modifier Codes [CSTMN]
    A few things about these codes.
    1)You must actually own the chip.
    2)The codes might only allow you to select a full custom once and
    then the chips in the next custom cannot be selected. I'm not sure why
    that happens but I will look more into it.

    Replace XX and YY with what you want. To get the values, go to the
    "Values" section.

    XX = Chip Value
    YY = Chip Code Value

    Slot 1
    3203BE80 00XX
    3203BE81 00YY

    Slot 2
    3203BE82 00XX
    3203BE83 00YY

    Slot 3
    3203BE84 00XX
    3203BE85 00YY

    Slot 4
    3203BE86 00XX
    3203BE87 00YY

    Slot 5
    3203BE88 00XX
    3203BE89 00YY

    Dark Chip Slot 1
    32036446 XXYY

    Dark Chip Slot 2
    32036448 XXYY

    Soul in Battle Codes [SLIBT]
    Only activate one of these at a time.

    3203BEE4 0001 - Roll Soul
    3203BEE4 0002 - Guts Soul
    3203BEE4 0003 - Wind Soul
    3203BEE4 0004 - Search Soul
    3203BEE4 0005 - Fire Soul
    3203BEE4 0006 - Thunder Soul
    3203BEE4 0007 - Blues Soul
    3203BEE4 0008 - Number Soul
    3203BEE4 0009 - Metal Soul
    3203BEE4 000A - Junk Soul
    3203BEE4 000B - Aqua Soul
    3203BEE4 000C - Wood Soul
    3203BEE4 000D - Duo Soul (turns you into a little white dot)
    3203BEE4 000E - Forte Soul (turns you into a mettuar)
    3203BEE4 000F - Dark Chaos Soul

    Play as Navi Codes [PLNVI]
    Only activate one of these at a time.

    3203BEE3 0001 - Roll
    3203BEE3 0002 - GutsMan
    3203BEE3 0003 - WindMan
    3203BEE3 0004 - SearchMan
    3203BEE3 0005 - FireMan
    3203BEE3 0006 - ThunderMan
    3203BEE3 0007 - ProtoMan
    3203BEE3 0008 - NumberMan
    3203BEE3 0009 - MetalMan
    3203BEE3 000A - JunkMan
    3203BEE3 000B - AquaMan
    3203BEE3 000C - WoodMan

    Green Mystery Data Codes [GDCDS]
    Input either the money code or one chip code at a time.

    8200A54C 0000 - Infinite GMD (Also works for Blue Mystery Datas)
    8200A554 FFFF - Max zenny from zenny GMD (999 999)
    8200A556 0FFF

    8200A554 ZZXX - GMD modifier

    Replace XX with what you want. Values are in the "Values"
    section. If you choose an "Even Value" you must put 00 where the
    ZZ is. If you choose an "Odd Value" you must put 01 where the ZZ
    Chips After Battle Codes [CABTC]
    First off, only input one of these codes at a time. Secondly, to get
    the chips listed here you must:
    1)Input the code
    2)Get into a battle
    3)Win the battle (doesn't matter what rank you get)
    After you do those the chip will be added to your pack and library. If
    you want more of the same chip keep winning battles to get more of them.

    Standard Chips
    8203B840 0001 - Cannon A
    8203B840 0201 - Cannon B
    8203B840 0401 - Cannon C
    8203B840 3401 - Cannon *

    8203B840 0402 - Hi-Cannon C
    8203B840 0602 - Hi-Cannon D
    8203B840 0802 - Hi-Cannon E

    8203B840 0803 - M-Cannon E
    8203B840 0A03 - M-cannon F
    8203B840 0C03 - M-cannon G

    8203B840 0004 - AirShot A
    8203B840 2404 - AirShot S
    8203B840 2A04 - AirShot V
    8203B840 3404 - AirShot *

    8203B840 080F - Vulcan1 E
    8203B840 240F - Vulcan1 S
    8203B840 2A0F - Vulcan1 V
    8203B840 340F - Vulcan1 *

    8203B840 0210 - Vulcan2 B
    8203B840 0E10 - Vulcan2 H
    8203B840 1C10 - Vulcan2 O

    8203B840 1C11 - Vulcan3 O
    8203B840 2611 - Vulcan3 T
    8203B840 2C11 - Vulcan3 W

    8203B840 1612 - Spreader L
    8203B840 1812 - Spreader M
    8203B840 1A12 - Spreader N
    8203B840 3412 - Spreader *

    8203B840 0213 - HeatShot B
    8203B840 0413 - HeatShot C
    8203B840 0613 - HeatShot D
    8203B840 3413 - HeatShot *

    8203B840 0414 - Heat-V C
    8203B840 0614 - Heat-V D
    8203B840 0814 - Heat-V E

    8203B840 0615 - HeatSide D
    8203B840 0815 - HeatSide E
    8203B840 0A15 - HeatSide F

    8203B840 1E16 - Bubbler P
    8203B840 2016 - Bubbler Q
    8203B840 2216 - Bubbler R
    8203B840 3416 - Bubbler *

    8203B840 0417 - Bubble-V C
    8203B840 0617 - Bubble-V D
    8203B840 0817 - Bubble-V E

    8203B840 0618 - BubbleSide D
    8203B840 0818 - BubbleSide E
    8203B840 0A18 - BubbleSide F

    8203B840 0239 - ThunderBall 1 B
    8203B840 1639 - ThunderBall 1 L
    8203B840 1E39 - ThunderBall 1 P
    8203B840 3439 - ThunderBall 1 *

    8203B840 0E3A - ThunderBall 2 H
    8203B840 1E3A - ThunderBall 2 P
    8203B840 243A - ThunderBall 2 S

    8203B840 103B - ThunderBall 3 I
    8203B840 263B - ThunderBall 3 T
    8203B840 2C3B - ThunderBall 3 W

    8203B840 0409 - WideShot 1 C
    8203B840 0609 - WideShot 1 D
    8203B840 0809 - WideShot 1 E
    8203B840 3409 - WideShot 1 *

    8203B840 160A - WideShot 2 L
    8203B840 180A - WideShot 2 M
    8203B840 1A0A - WideShot 2 N

    8203B840 240B - WideShot 3 S
    8203B840 260B - WideShot 3 T
    8203B840 280B - WideShot 3 U

    8203B840 0A0C - FlameLine 1 F
    8203B840 0C0C - FlameLine 1 G
    8203B840 0E0C - FlameLine 1 H
    8203B840 340C - FlameLine 1 *

    8203B840 060D - FlameLine 2 D
    8203B840 080D - FlameLine 2 E
    8203B840 0A0D - FlameLine 2 F

    8203B840 120E - FlameLine 3 J
    8203B840 140E - FlameLine 3 K
    8203B840 160E - FlameLine 3 L

    8203B840 0020 - GunDelSol 1 A
    8203B840 0C20 - GunDelSol 1 G
    8203B840 1820 - GunDelSol 1 M
    8203B840 3420 - GunDelSol 1 *

    8203B840 0221 - GunDelSol 2 B
    8203B840 0C21 - GunDelSol 2 G
    8203B840 2421 - GunDelSol 2 S

    8203B840 0422 - GunDelSol 3 C
    8203B840 0C22 - GunDelSol 3 G
    8203B840 2622 - GunDelSol 3 T

    8203B840 0E05 - Blizzard H
    8203B840 1205 - Blizzard J
    8203B840 2A05 - Blizzard V
    8203B840 3405 - Blizzard *

    8203B840 0606 - HeatBreath D
    8203B840 1406 - HeatBreath K
    8203B840 1C06 - HeatBreath O
    8203B840 3406 - HeatBreath *

    8203B840 122A - ElecShock J
    8203B840 162A - ElecShock L
    8203B840 242A - ElecShock S
    8203B840 342A - ElecShock *

    8203B840 0A2B - WoodyPowder F
    8203B840 262B - WoodyPowder T
    8203B840 2C2B - WoodyPowder W
    8203B840 342B - WoodyPowder *

    8203B840 042F - SandRing C
    8203B840 222F - SandRing R
    8203B840 242F - SandRing S
    8203B840 342F - SandRing *

    8203B840 0045 - TwinFang 1 A
    8203B840 0245 - TwinFang 1 B
    8203B840 0445 - TwinFang 1 C
    8203B840 3445 - TwinFang 1 *

    8203B840 1C46 - TwinFang 2 O
    8203B840 1E46 - TwinFang 2 P
    8203B840 2046 - TwinFang 2 Q

    8203B840 0A47 - TwinFang 3 F
    8203B840 0C47 - TwinFang 3 G
    8203B840 0E47 - TwinFang 3 H

    8203b840 1419 - ElementFlare K
    8203b840 1A19 - ElementFlare N
    8203b840 1E19 - ElementFlare P

    8203B840 0E1A - ElementIce H
    8203B840 201A - ElementIce Q
    8203B840 2A1A - ElementIce V

    8203B840 047E - ElementLeaf C
    8203B840 067E - ElementLeaf D
    8203B840 107E - ElementLeaf I

    8203B840 0080 - ElementSand A
    8203B840 1680 - ElementSand L
    8203B840 2480 - ElementSand S
    8203B840 3480 - ElementSand *

    8203B840 0223 - Magbolt 1 B
    8203B840 0423 - Magbolt 1 C
    8203B840 0623 - Magbolt 1 D

    8203B840 0824 - Magbolt 2 E
    8203B840 0A24 - Magbolt 2 F
    8203B840 0C24 - Magbolt 2 G

    8203B840 0025 - Magbolt 3 A
    8203B840 0225 - Magbolt 3 B
    8203B840 0425 - Magbolt 3 C

    8203B840 0808 - Tornado E
    8203B840 1608 - Tornado L
    8203B840 2608 - Tornado T

    8203B840 021B - NoiseStorm B
    8203B840 0C1B - NoiseStorm G
    8203B840 321B - NoiseStorm Z
    8203B840 341B - NoiseStorm *

    8203B840 021D - MiniBomb B
    8203B840 161D - MiniBomb L
    8203B840 261D - MiniBomb T
    8203B840 341D - MiniBomb *

    8203B840 081E - EnergyBomb E
    8203B840 1A1E - EnergyBomb N
    8203B840 261E - EnergyBomb T
    8203B840 341E - EnergyBomb *

    8203B840 061F - MegaEnergyBomb D
    8203B840 121F - MegaEnergyBomb J
    8203B840 2C1F - MegaEnergyBomb W

    8203B840 022C - Hougan B
    8203B840 262C - Hougan T
    8203B840 2A2C - Hougan V
    8203B840 342C - Hougan *

    8203B840 062E - BlackBomb D
    8203B840 0E2E - BlackBomb H
    8203B840 322E - BlackBomb Z

    8203B840 022D - Geyser B
    8203B840 162D - Geyser L
    8203B840 2A2D - Geyser V

    8203B840 0229 - BugBomb B
    8203B840 0C29 - BugBomb G
    8203B840 3229 - BugBomb Z
    8203B840 3429 - BugBomb *

    8203B840 0426 - BoundNote 1 C
    8203B840 1C26 - BoundNote 1 O
    8203B840 2426 - BoundNote 1 S
    8203B840 3426 - BoundNote 1 *

    8203B840 0027 - BoundNote 2 A
    8203B840 2627 - BoundNote 2 T
    8203B840 3027 - BoundNote 2 Y

    8203B840 0828 - BoundNote 3 E
    8203B840 1028 - BoundNote 3 I
    8203B840 1C28 - BoundNote 3 O

    8203B840 0830 - Sword E
    8203B840 1630 - Sword L
    8203B840 2430 - Sword S

    8203B840 0831 - WideSword E
    8203B840 1631 - WideSword L
    8203B840 2431 - WideSword S

    8203B840 0832 - LongSword E
    8203B840 1632 - LongSword L
    8203B840 2432 - LongSword S

    8203B840 0433 - WideBlade C
    8203B840 1433 - WideBlade K
    8203B840 2433 - WideBlade S

    8203B840 0C34 - LongBlade G
    8203B840 2234 - LongBlade R
    8203B840 2434 - LongBlade S

    8203b840 0236 - CustomSword B
    8203b840 1E36 - CustomSword P
    8203b840 2436 - CustomSword S

    8203B840 0437 - VariableSword C
    8203B840 1237 - VariableSword J
    8203B840 2A37 - VariableSword V

    8203B840 0A38 - Slasher F
    8203B840 0E38 - Slasher H
    8203B840 2238 - Slasher R

    8203B840 0035 - Fuujin Racket A
    8203B840 1635 - Fuujin Racket L
    8203B840 2235 - Fuujin Racket R
    8203B840 3435 - Fuujin Racket *

    8203B840 063F - AirHockey 1 D
    8203B840 083F - AirHockey 1 E
    8203B840 0A3F - AirHockey 1 F
    8203B840 343F - AirHockey 1 *

    8203B840 1040 - AirHockey 2 I
    8203B840 1240 - AirHockey 2 J
    8203B840 1440 - AirHockey 2 K

    8203B840 2841 - AirHockey 3 U
    8203B840 2A41 - AirHockey 3 V
    8203B840 2C41 - AirHockey 3 W

    8203B840 0A3C - Counter 1 F
    8203B840 183C - Counter 1 M
    8203B840 263C - Counter 1 T
    8203B840 343C - Counter 1 *

    8203B840 023D - Counter 2 B
    8203B840 0E3D - Counter 2 H
    8203B840 163D - Counter 2 L
    8203B840 343D - Counter 2 *

    8203B840 003E - Counter 3 A
    8203B840 1A3E - Counter 3 N
    8203B840 2A3E - Counter 3 V

    8203B840 164B - Boomer 1 L
    8203B840 184B - Boomer 1 M
    8203B840 1A4B - Boomer 1 N
    8203B840 344B - Boomer 1 *

    8203B840 164C - Boomer 2 L
    8203B840 184C - Boomer 2 M
    8203B840 1A4C - Boomer 2 N

    8203B840 244D - Boomer 3 S
    8203B840 264D - Boomer 3 T
    8203B840 284D - Boomer 3 U

    8203B840 024E - SideBamboo 1 B
    8203B840 104E - SideBamboo 1 I
    8203B840 224E - SideBamboo 1 R
    8203B840 344E - SideBamboo 1 *

    8203B840 0E4F - SideBamboo 2 H
    8203B840 1C4F - SideBamboo 2 O
    8203B840 244F - SideBamboo 2 S

    8203B840 0050 - SideBamboo 3 A
    8203B840 0A50 - SideBamboo 3 F
    8203B840 2850 - SideBamboo 3 U

    8203B840 0051 - Lance A
    8203B840 0C51 - Lance G
    8203B840 2251 - Lance R
    8203B840 3451 - Lance *

    8203B840 0648 - WhiteWeb 1 D
    8203B840 1648 - WhiteWeb 1 L
    8203B840 2248 - WhiteWeb 1 R
    8203B840 3448 - WhiteWeb 1 *

    8203B840 0449 - WhiteWeb 2 C
    8203B840 0849 - WhiteWeb 2 E
    8203B840 3049 - WhiteWeb 2 Y
    8203B840 3449 - WhiteWeb 2 *

    8203B840 144A - WhiteWeb 3 K
    8203B840 1C4A - WhiteWeb 3 O
    8203B840 2A4A - WhiteWeb 3 V
    8203B840 344A - WhiteWeb 3 *

    8203B840 0482 - MokoRush 1 C
    8203B840 1082 - MokoRush 1 I
    8203B840 1882 - MokoRush 1 M

    8203B840 0C83 - MokoRush 2 G
    8203B840 1483 - MokoRush 2 K
    8203B840 2883 - MokoRush 2 U

    8203B840 1C84 - MokoRush 3 O
    8203B840 2684 - MokoRush 3 T
    8203B840 3084 - MokoRush 3 Y

    8203B840 0E42 - CircleGun 1 H
    8203B840 2642 - CircleGun 1 T
    8203B840 3242 - CircleGun 1 Z

    8203B840 0643 - CircleGun 2 D
    8203B840 0C43 - CircleGun 2 G
    8203B840 2643 - CircleGun 2 T

    8203B840 1244 - CircleGun 3 J
    8203B840 1844 - CircleGun 3 M
    8203B840 2244 - CircleGun 3 R

    8203B840 0660 - Snake D
    8203B840 1860 - Snake M
    8203B840 2260 - Snake R

    8203B840 0E5E - Magnum H
    8203B840 205E - Magnum Q
    8203B840 2A5E - Magnum V

    8203B840 0268 - BigHammer 1 B
    8203B840 1C68 - BigHammer 1 O
    8203B840 2268 - BigHammer 1 R

    8203B840 0C69 - BigHammer 2 G
    8203B840 1269 - BigHammer 2 J
    8203B840 2C69 - BigHammer 2 W

    8203B840 066A - BigHammer 3 D
    8203B840 2A6A - BigHammer 3 V
    8203B840 326A - BigHammer 3 Z

    8203B840 0855 - Boy'sBomb 1 E
    8203B840 1255 - Boy'sBomb 1 J
    8203B840 1855 - Boy'sBomb 1 M

    8203B840 1056 - Boy'sBomb 2 I
    8203B840 2456 - Boy'sBomb 2 S
    8203B840 2C56 - Boy'sBomb 2 W

    8203B840 0C57 - Boy'sBomb 3 G
    8203B840 2657 - Boy'sBomb 3 T
    8203B840 2A57 - Boy'sBomb 3 V

    8203B840 1261 - TimeBomb J
    8203B840 1461 - TimeBomb K
    8203B840 1661 - TimeBomb L

    8203B840 0462 - Mine C
    8203B840 0E62 - Mine H
    8203B840 3262 - Mine Z

    8203B840 3463 - Cube *

    8203B840 0853 - Wind E
    8203B840 0C53 - Wind G
    8203B840 1A53 - Wind N
    8203B840 3453 - Wind *

    8203B840 3454 - Fan *

    8203B840 3464 - Ouenka *

    8203B840 0865 - Discord E
    8203B840 0C65 - Discord G
    8203B840 1A65 - Discord N
    8203B840 3465 - Discord *

    8203B840 1E66 - Tinpani P
    8203B840 2666 - Tinpani T
    8203B840 3266 - Tinpani Z
    8203B840 3466 - Tinpani *

    8203B840 0407 - Silence C
    8203B840 1807 - Silence M
    8203B840 2207 - Silence R
    8203B840 3407 - Silence *

    8203B840 1067 - Waraningyou I
    8203B840 1C67 - Waraningyou O
    8203B840 3067 - Waraningyou Y

    8203B840 0058 - MetGuard 1 A
    8203B840 1658 - MetGuard 1 L
    8203B840 2A58 - MetGuard 1 V
    8203B840 3458 - MetGuard 1 *

    8203B840 0459 - MetGuard 2 C
    8203B840 0C59 - MetGuard 2 G
    8203B840 1E59 - MetGuard 2 P
    8203B840 3459 - MetGuard 2 *

    8203B840 0A5A - MetGuard 3 F
    8203B840 225A - MetGuard 3 R
    8203B840 265A - MetGuard 3 T
    8203B840 345A - MetGuard 3 *

    8203B840 345B - Crack-out *

    8203B840 025C - DoubleCrack B
    8203B840 165C - DoubleCrack L
    8203B840 225C - DoubleCrack R
    8203B840 345C - DoubleCrack *

    8203B840 025D - TripleCrack B
    8203B840 165D - TripleCrack L
    8203B840 225D - TripleCrack R
    8203B840 345D - TripleCrack *

    8203B840 006B - Recover10 A
    8203B840 166B - Recover10 L
    8203B840 1A6B - Recover10 N
    8203B840 346B - Recover10 *

    8203B840 0A6C - Recover30 F
    8203B840 0E6C - Recover30 H
    8203B840 226C - Recover30 R
    8203B840 346C - Recover30 *

    8203B840 086D - Recover50 E
    8203B840 166D - Recover50 L
    8203B840 246D - Recover50 S
    8203B840 346D - Recover50 *

    8203B840 026E - Recover80 B
    8203B840 126E - Recover80 J
    8203B840 1C6E - Recover80 O
    8203B840 346E - Recover80 *

    8203B840 0A6F - Recover120 F
    8203B840 126F - Recover120 J
    8203B840 206F - Recover120 Q
    8203B840 346F - Recover120 *

    8203B840 0470 - Recover150 C
    8203B840 2670 - Recover150 T
    8203B840 3270 - Recover150 Z

    8203B840 0E71 - Recover200 H
    8203B840 1871 - Recover200 M
    8203B840 2C71 - Recover200 W

    8203B840 1272 - Recover300 J
    8203B840 1A72 - Recover300 N
    8203B840 3072 - Recover300 Y

    8203B840 1073 - Repair I
    8203B840 1E73 - Repair P
    8203B840 2273 - Repair R
    8203B840 3473 - Repair *

    8203B840 1474 - PanelSteal K
    8203B840 1C74 - PanelSteal O
    8203B840 3074 - PanelSteal Y
    8203B840 3474 - PanelSteal *

    8203B840 0875 - AreaSteal E
    8203B840 1875 - AreaSteal M
    8203B840 2475 - AreaSteal S
    8203B840 3475 - AreaSteal *

    8203B840 145F - StealJelly K
    8203B840 265F - StealJelly T
    8203B840 325F - StealJelly Z

    8203B840 0877 - StealPunish E
    8203B840 1477 - StealPunish K
    8203B840 1E77 - StealPunish P

    8203B840 0676 - StealRevenge D
    8203B840 1276 - StealRevenge J
    8203B840 1A76 - StealRevenge N

    8203B840 347A - PanelReturn *

    8203B840 127B - Geddon 1 J
    8203B840 147B - Geddon 1 K
    8203B840 2C7B - Geddon 1 W

    8203B840 1A7C - Geddon 2 N
    8203B840 267C - Geddon 2 T
    8203B840 307C - Geddon 2 Y

    8203B840 0E7D - Geddon 3 H
    8203B840 207D - Geddon 3 Q
    8203B840 287D - Geddon 3 U

    8203B840 0878 - SlowGauge E
    8203B840 0E78 - SlowGauge H
    8203B840 2A78 - SlowGauge V
    8203B840 3478 - SlowGauge *

    8203B840 1079 - FastGauge I
    8203B840 2079 - FastGauge Q
    8203B840 2879 - FastGauge U
    8203B840 3479 - FastGauge *

    8203B840 3481 - Blind *

    8203B840 088A - NorthWind E
    8203B840 1A8A - NorthWind N
    8203B840 268A - NorthWind T
    8203B840 348A - NorthWind *

    8203B840 348B - HolyPanel *

    8203B840 3452 - Hole *

    8203B840 3485 - Invis *

    8203B840 1286 - Mole J
    8203B840 1E86 - Mole P
    8203B840 3086 - Mole Y
    8203B840 3486 - Mole *

    8203B840 0087 - Barrier A
    8203B840 0687 - Barrier D
    8203B840 3287 - Barrier Z
    8203B840 3487 - Barrier *

    8203B840 1E88 - Barrier100 P
    8203B840 2088 - Barrier100 Q
    8203B840 2C88 - Barrier100 W

    8203B840 1089 - Barrier200 I
    8203B840 1C89 - Barrier200 O
    8203B840 2889 - Barrier200 U

    8203B840 148C - Kakigenkin K

    8203B840 068D - Daikouzui D

    8203B840 0E8E - Hiraishin H

    8203B840 188F - Mayoinomori M

    8203B840 1491 - AntiDamage K
    8203B840 1891 - AntiDamage M
    8203B840 2291 - AntiDamage R

    8203B840 0492 - AntiSword C
    8203B840 1092 - AntiSword I
    8203B840 1A92 - AntiSword N
    8203B840 3492 - AntiSword *

    8203B840 1290 - AntiNavi J
    8203B840 1890 - AntiNavi M
    8203B840 2690 - AntiNavi T

    8203B840 0293 - BadMedicine B
    8203B840 0693 - BadMedicine D
    8203B840 0C93 - BadMedicine G
    8203B840 3493 - BadMedicine *

    8203B840 3494 - CopyDamage *

    8203B840 1A1C - LifeSynchro N
    8203B840 201C - LifeSynchro Q
    8203B840 301C - LifeSynchro Y

    8203B840 3495 - Attack+10 *

    8203B840 3496 - Navi+20 *

    8203B840 347F - ColorPoint *

    Mega Chips
    8203B840 2ADC - SuperVulcan V

    8203B840 1AD9 - NeoVariableSword N

    8203B840 22D2 - Ryuuseigun R

    8203B840 0CD7 - GodHammer G

    8203B840 1CCB - Guardian O

    8203B840 12D4 - Jealousy J

    8203B840 04D3 - BugChain C
    8203B840 34D3 - BugChain *

    8203B840 02CE - BugShuusei B
    8203B840 34CE - BugShuusei *

    8203B840 34D1 - FullCustom *

    8203B840 06C9 - LifeAura D

    8203B840 24D0 - Sanctuary S

    8203B840 34CD - Attack+30 *

    8203B840 34CF - DoublePoint *

    8203B840 18CA - Muramasa M

    8203B840 00CC - Anubis A

    8203B840 08D5 - ElementDark E

    8203B840 2CD6 - BlackWing W

    8203B840 16D8 - DarkLine L
    8203B840 34D8 - DarkLine *

    8203B840 22DD - Roll R

    8203B840 02EF - Blues B

    8203B840 22DE - Roll SP R

    8203B840 02F0 - Blues SP B

    8203B840 22DF - Roll DS R

    8203B840 02F1 - Blues DS B

    8203B840 0CE0 - Gutsman G

    8203B840 1AF2 - Numberman N

    8203B840 0CE1 - Gutsman SP G

    8203B840 1AF3 - Numberman SP N

    8203B840 0CE2 - Gutsman DS G

    8203B840 1AF4 - Numberman DS N

    8203B840 2CE3 - Windman W

    8203B840 18F5 - MetalMan M

    8203B840 2CE4 - Windman SP W

    8203B840 18F6 - MetalMan SP M

    8203B840 2CE5 - Windman DS W

    8203B840 18F7 - MetalMan DS M

    8203B840 24E6 - Searchman S

    8203B840 12F8 - Junkman J

    8203B840 24E7 - Searchman SP S

    8203B840 12F9 - Junkman SP J

    8203B840 24E8 - Searchman DS S

    8203B840 12FA - Junkman DS J

    8203B840 0AE9 - Fireman F

    8203B840 00FB - Aquaman A

    8203B840 0AEA - Fireman SP F

    8203B840 00FC - Aquaman SP A

    8203B840 0AEB - Fireman DS F

    8203B840 00FD - Aquaman DS A

    8203B840 26EC - Thunderman T

    8203B840 2CFE - Woodman W

    8203B840 26ED - Thunderman SP T

    8203B840 2CFF - Woodman SP W

    8203B840 26EE - Thunderman DS T

    8203B840 2D00 - Woodman DS W

    8203B840 2701 - Topman T

    8203B840 2702 - Topman SP T

    8203B840 2703 - Topman DS T

    8203B840 0307 - Burnerman B

    8203B840 0308 - Burnerman SP B

    8203B840 0309 - Burnerman DS B

    8203B840 050A - Coldman C

    8203B840 050B - Coldman SP C

    8203B840 050C - Coldman DS C

    8203B840 250D - Sparkman S

    8203B840 250E - Sparkman SP S

    8203B840 250F - Sparkman DS S

    8203B840 2F04 - Shademan X

    8203B840 2F05 - Shademan SP X

    8203B840 2F06 - Shademan DS X

    8203B840 1710 - Laserman L

    8203B840 1711 - Laserman SP L

    8203B840 1712 - Laserman DS L

    8203B840 1513 - Kendouman K

    8203B840 1514 - Kendouman SP K

    8203B840 1515 - Kendouman DS K

    8203B840 2B16 - Videoman V

    8203B840 2B17 - Videoman SP V

    8203B840 2B18 - Videoman DS V

    Giga Chips
    8203B840 2330 - MeteorRedSun R

    8203B840 0335 - BlueMoonRay B

    8203B840 0F33 - HolyDream H

    8203B840 2531 - SignalRed S

    8203B840 2F2D - Forte X

    8203B840 2F32 - ForteAnother X

    8203B840 0536 - BugCharge C

    8203B840 052F - CurseofBug C

    8203B840 0134 - DarkBarrier A

    8203B840 332E - DeltaRayEdge Z

    Secret Chips
    8203B840 0097 - RollArrow 1 A
    8203B840 0A97 - RollArrow 1 F
    8203B840 2697 - RollArrow 1 T

    8203B840 0698 - RollArrow 2 D
    8203B840 2298 - RollArrow 2 R
    8203B840 2C98 - RollArrow 2 W

    8203B840 2099 - RollArrow 3 Q
    8203B840 3099 - RollArrow 3 Y
    8203B840 3299 - RollArrow 3 Z

    8203B840 029A - GutsPunch 1 B
    8203B840 089A - GutsPunch 1 E
    8203B840 1A9A - GutsPunch 1 N

    8203B840 0C9B - GutsPunch 2 G
    8203B840 1E9B - GutsPunch 2 P
    8203B840 309B - GutsPunch 2 Y

    8203B840 189C - GutsPunch 3 M
    8203B840 209C - GutsPunch 3 Q
    8203B840 269C - GutsPunch 3 T

    8203B840 089D - PropellerBomb 1 E
    8203B840 0C9D - PropellerBomb 1 G
    8203B840 1E9D - PropellerBomb 1 P
    8203B840 349D - PropellerBomb 1 *

    8203B840 0A9E - PropellerBomb 2 F
    8203B840 2A9E - PropellerBomb 2 V
    8203B840 329E - PropellerBomb 2 Z

    8203B840 0E9F - PropellerBomb 3 H
    8203B840 129F - PropellerBomb 3 J
    8203B840 209F - PropellerBomb 3 Q

    8203B840 02A0 - SearchBomb 1 B
    8203B840 22A0 - SearchBomb 1 R
    8203B840 24A0 - SearchBomb 1 S
    8203B840 34A0 - SearchBomb 1 *

    8203B840 04A1 - SearchBomb 2 C
    8203B840 10A1 - SearchBomb 2 I
    8203B840 1CA1 - SearchBomb 2 O

    8203B840 18A2 - SearchBomb 3 M
    8203B840 28A2 - SearchBomb 3 U
    8203B840 2CA2 - SearchBomb 3 W

    8203B840 0CA3 - MeteorRain 1 G
    8203B840 16A3 - MeteorRain 1 L
    8203B840 24A3 - MeteorRain 1 S
    8203B840 34A3 - MeteorRain 1 *

    8203B840 18A4 - MeteorRain 2 M
    8203B840 20A4 - MeteorRain 2 Q
    8203B840 26A4 - MeteorRain 2 T

    8203B840 04A5 - MeteorRain 3 C
    8203B840 22A5 - MeteorRain 3 R
    8203B840 32A5 - MeteorRain 3 Z

    8203B840 16A6 - Lightning 1 L
    8203B840 26A6 - Lightning 1 T
    8203B840 2CA6 - Lightning 1 W
    8203B840 34A6 - Lightning 1 *

    8203B840 00A7 - Lightning 2 A
    8203B840 08A7 - Lightning 2 E
    8203B840 2AA7 - Lightning 2 V

    8203B840 0EA8 - Lightning 3 H
    8203B840 12A8 - Lightning 3 J
    8203B840 20A8 - Lightning 3 Q

    8203B840 0EA9 - Hayabusagiri 1 H
    8203B840 1AA9 - Hayabusagiri 1 N
    8203B840 1CA9 - Hayabusagiri 1 O

    8203B840 0AAA - Hayabusagiri 2 F
    8203B840 24AA - Hayabusagiri 2 S
    8203B840 2AAA - Hayabusagiri 2 V

    8203B840 10AB - Hayabusagiri 3 I
    8203B840 1AAB - Hayabusagiri 3 N
    8203B840 32AB - Hayabusagiri 3 Z

    8203B840 08AC - NumberBall 1 E
    8203B840 16AC - NumberBall 1 L
    8203B840 2CAC - NumberBall 1 W

    8203B840 00AD - NumberBall 2 A
    8203B840 08AD - NumberBall 2 E
    8203B840 1EAD - NumberBall 2 P

    8203B840 16AE - NumberBall 3 L
    8203B840 26AE - NumberBall 3 T
    8203B840 30AE - NumberBall 3 Y

    8203B840 00AF - MetalGear 1 A
    8203B840 18AF - MetalGear 1 M
    8203B840 1EAF - MetalGear 1 P
    8203B840 34AF - MetalGear 1 *

    8203B840 04B0 - MetalGear 2 C
    8203B840 08B0 - MetalGear 2 E
    8203B840 1CB0 - MetalGear 2 G
    8203B840 34B0 - MetalGear 2 *

    8203B840 10B1 - MetalGear 3 I
    8203B840 16B1 - MetalGear 3 L
    8203B840 20B1 - MetalGear 3 Q
    8203B840 34B1 - MetalGear 3 *

    8203B840 00B2 - PanelShoot 1 A
    8203B840 0EB2 - PanelShoot 1 H
    8203B840 24B2 - PanelShoot 1 S
    8203B840 34B2 - PanelShoot 1 *

    8203B840 04B3 - PanelShoot 2 C
    8203B840 0CB3 - PanelShoot 2 G
    8203B840 26B3 - PanelShoot 2 T
    8203B840 34B3 - PanelShoot 2 *

    8203B840 0AB4 - PanelShoot 3 F
    8203B840 12B4 - PanelShoot 3 J
    8203B840 1AB4 - PanelShoot 3 N
    8203B840 34B4 - PanelShoot 3 *

    8203B840 02B5 - AquaUpper 1 B
    8203B840 24B5 - AquaUpper 1 S
    8203B840 32B5 - AquaUpper 1 Z

    8203B840 10B6 - AquaUpper 2 I
    8203B840 1EB6 - AquaUpper 2 P
    8203B840 28B6 - AquaUpper 2 U

    8203B840 0AB7 - AquaUpper 3 F
    8203B840 14B7 - AquaUpper 3 K
    8203B840 2CB7 - AquaUpper 3 W

    8203B840 0CB8 - GreenWood 1 G
    8203B840 12B8 - GreenWood 1 J
    8203B840 30B8 - GreenWood 1 Y

    8203B840 06B9 - GreenWood 2 D
    8203B840 14B9 - GreenWood 2 K
    8203B840 1EB9 - GreenWood 2 P

    8203B840 08BA - GreenWood 3 E
    8203B840 1ABA - GreenWood 3 N
    8203B840 1EBA - GreenWood 3 P

    8203B840 0CDB - GunDelSol EX G

    8203B840 32DA - Z-Saber Z
  3. shizumaru

    shizumaru Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Soul's Planet
    MegaMan Battle Network 2 Action Replay/GameShark V3 Codes
    Created solely by AxlTheSniper
    Version 2.0

    Table of Contents:
    1.Introduction [INT]
    2.FAQ [FAQ]
    3.Contact Info [COI]
    4.Master Code [MAC]
    5.Miscellaneous Codes [MIC]
    6.Chip Codes (gives 99 of each) [CHC]
    6a.Chips 001-100 (Cannon to MedCloud) [C11]
    6b.Chips 101-200 (BigCloud to GutsManV3) [C12]
    6c.Chips 201-261 (ProtoManV1 to Sanctuary) [C21]
    6d.Capcom Giveaways (GateSP to WoodGspl) [C26]
    7.Style Codes (beginning of a instant style section!) [ST1]
    7a.Equip Codes (gives you a style, instantly!) [ST2]
    7b.Disable Codes (removes the style, instantly!) [ST3]
    7c.Upgrade Codes (upgrades the style, instantly!) [ST4]
    8.Program Advance chips (replaces chip with a PA Chip) [PRC]
    9.Key Item Codes (gives you the Key Item) [KIC]
    10.Chip After Battle Code (you get the chip after battle ALL THE TIME)[CAC]
    11.Credits [CRE]
    12.Version History [VHI]
    13.Copyright [COP]

    1.Introduction [INT]:
    OK, this IS my first FAQ EVER made, so bear with me, people. I have been
    working day and night to get these codes I have made so far made, so you
    should buy me dinner or something (but that takes valuable time from
    code making!). Anyways, you should know how to use the GameShark/Action
    Replay enough to use it.

    _IMPORTANT_NOTE_: It is ADVISED you finish the game without cheats before you
    actually attempt to use codes for your convenience. I did, 'cause it really
    seems stupid that you can't beat the game without cheats. Anyways...

    _THE_OTHER_IMPORTANT_NOTE_: This is for Action Replay/GameShark V3 ONLY. Check
    HankChilX's FAQ for the older versions of Action Replay/GameShark. This also
    DOES NOT work with GameShark SP. Go to for those codes.

    2.FAQ [FAQ]
    Nothing here so far. Come back later or e-mail me at jayp6301*
    (replace * with @).

    3.Contact Info [COI]
    OK, if you are so desperate for a code that you'd pee in your pants for, and
    really want me to get you a code for a chip I haven't posted yet, you can e-
    mail me at AxlTheSniper* (replace * with @). Make SURE what you're
    sending it's not already covered in the FAQ and you MUST put a subject in your
    e-mail; something like "MMBN2 AR code request" and put it on high priority I
    WILL get to it as fast as I can. If you MUST talk to me "active time"
    you _may_
    chat with me on AIM. More than likely I will be talking to friends but I will
    respond. My SN is NeedForSC. Just tell me what you're talking to me about
    and what your name is on the message boards. More than likely I WON'T talk to
    you if you're not on the message board.

    4.Master Code [MAC]
    Well, the codes wouldn't work if you didn't have the master code, right?
    Here you go!

    E452258E 32E80F77
    B0E28908 90D1A2A6

    Unlike the CodeJunkies one, this one doesn't screw up the PET screen :).

    5.Miscellaneous [MIC]
    Here are some codes that you might find useful.

    AFC96968 96AF0574
    7FD49BC1 DBCF6C10
    0C820F4E 64911A9C - AR Button to reduce all enemy health to one
    7FD49BC1 DBCF6C10
    2ADE226B F6D8DD74
    7FD49BC1 DBCF6C10

    325841D4 EDEE4BEF - Start with 10 chips in Battle

    8646018F C81C4631 - Max Custom Gauge (Custom Gauge is always full)

    D27F7BF2 D22E9308 - Buster Power at 100

    684326CB 202E9545 - Infinite PowerUPs

    096CED68 3BB91535 - Infinite BugFrags

    20DA14E3 585B6CAD - 99 Regular Memory

    A1AD4F89 49E2BAA2 - SneakRun Always On

    7A1F1FEF 70E5B3E2 - PA Library Complete

    9A53B12B 44BB7B22 - One Battle for a Style

    7C22E71E CB07240D - 1000 Max HP

    7589DD85 CF5E2F6A - 2000 Max HP

    8A3ED528 86E0E4C5 - 3000 Max HP

    72D45F58 972B2D43 - 4000 Max HP

    D048316E 25FD40A5 - 5000 Max HP

    6.Chip Codes [CHC]:
    The meat of this FAQ. Enjoy.

    6a.Chips 001-100 (Cannon to MedCloud) [C11]
    54A21A82 BA5FB664 - Cannon A
    AE8FF214 2DAB28F5 - Cannon B
    24CBADCD CD61F127 - Cannon C
    4C0548E9 7FFCDF51 - Cannon D
    F546D74D 3D672323 - Cannon E
    86560F88 1492C8D3 - Cannon *

    5412813F D0A927B4 - Hi-Cannon C
    DF62CE51 D1D6D1F7 - Hi-Cannon D
    0F604E9B 2684D94E - Hi-Cannon E
    D3DF6A3D B7181F9F - Hi-Cannon F
    1B0BE62D 77E6261B - Hi-Cannon G
    95C3F512 83D6A40F - Hi-Cannon *

    DCED4001 77A32E39 - M-Cannon E
    386A4CC7 DDA79C26 - M-Cannon F
    9E66E585 CA8EA60E - M-Cannon G
    2AF39BB8 ADAF59A1 - M-Cannon H
    553440BA F3C5D977 - M-Cannon I
    708FCAEE 53C94804 - M-Cannon *

    5890D7C9 41BA2763 - Shotgun B
    2B68E580 8C2F8A62 - Shotgun F
    BC79F9AE 378F7A5B - Shotgun H
    1265E3DE B577D9DD - Shotgun J
    4C72A537 AEEE7E14 - Shotgun N
    10EE390A 3013E1CF - Shotgun *

    08310242 51927216 - V-Gun A
    09FA1F4D B7B8E594 - V-Gun F
    C91872F8 E41AF59F - V-Gun G
    CB627869 ACCFB35B - V-Gun L
    2CCEBAE6 C02DA266 - V-Gun P
    59957B5D F26E6D86 - V-Gun *

    9A5C9BA2 38BA50DE - CrossGun H
    937756FE 47EC1571 - CrossGun J
    47FF89D2 40AB37A3 - CrossGun M
    15050673 34DFC473 - CrossGun Q
    0B8EF918 103F2E63 - CrossGun S
    56E27A33 961F4580 - CrossGun *

    81DBE930 63162EC8 - Spreader M
    F65878FC 105035CA - Spreader N
    F73B13A4 5CDA81C1 - Spreader O
    AF25E396 26C2EB9F - Spreader P
    BAB87C7E 8F6F9C88 - Spreader Q
    69A0E4BC BFAC549D - Spreader *

    3148DAD2 D902F147 - Bubbler B
    E5EE1E24 C98DDC1D - Bubbler G
    C1207C64 47611FD0 - Bubbler H
    D7EC3B37 0DEA041F - Bubbler P
    00EB93A8 023052B8 - Bubbler R
    7D74827E B6BD8151 - Bubbler *

    B3D12193 21B0769C - Bub-V C
    490AE199 CD5453C2 - Bub-V D
    44B66FE7 369B40B2 - Bub-V J
    D13B45C5 6F1F5A9C - Bub-V N
    E908B543 92D92836 - Bub-V S
    EA632E6B 1562D52F - Bub-V *

    1844BD09 4E789020 - BubCross K
    94D17923 709E7E07 - BubCross O
    1EF0DFAA B74B6EE9 - BubCross P
    3FD04729 7B5B59EF - BubCross T
    30B92583 5A96423D - BubCross V
    78F41832 072906B2 - BubCross *

    CE0BAB5F 35EF5B80 - BubSprd E
    CD5E7E62 3DB21028 - BubSprd F
    AC509BAB 28B9EE06 - BubSprd I
    2C16D7A1 36C2C224 - BubSprd L
    D0AB9DB2 96C5F8AA - BubSprd M
    BAE9512F C977BD66 - BubSprd *

    75849636 EF3A4472 - HeatShot B
    1B1D555D 7A2C13DC - HeatShot G
    EF6A9865 81A252DF - HeatShot H
    88312E64 3FD281E3 - HeatShot P
    7C7C8DCC 01B0B7B3 - HeatShot R
    E93A0F5B 014561B7 - HeatShot *

    D9749B40 AC56C674 - Heat-V C
    8655C773 5DD47FAF - Heat-V D
    F03BD7FF 4B3D6E93 - Heat-V J
    178C0389 416191D6 - Heat-V N
    5D590271 0BA02186 - Heat-V S
    01E5618D 663A0003 - Heat-V *

    10DC0734 AD0F4B65 - HeatCros K
    2F9DE468 04E89CB9 - HeatCros O
    260AC8F1 C13429C9 - HeatCros P
    6E0EC10B 066F2B7B - HeatCros T
    2371C36D B754C6A8 - HeatCros V
    486992F0 66D16CD2 - HeatCros *

    CAD5F2BE 38CFE0B7 - HeatSprd E
    ACEF2849 E074BDAB - HeatSprd F
    26080C53 C0B18756 - HeatSprd I
    D372F416 8123092B - HeatSprd L
    E7E5F182 BC501A53 - HeatSprd M
    7C8B91BF 891D23C7 - HeatSprd *

    479FB377 0CF1E702 - MiniBomb B
    116A225A 52117A4B - MiniBomb E
    71B05FB4 4DFB74F5 - MiniBomb G
    6A4DC189 D69E6A49 - MiniBomb L
    201D1EEE 4B6FD264 - MiniBomb O
    90DC3935 82B12B1D - MiniBomb *

    4DC5F51A 57991750 - LilBomb F
    B33A7432 BFA3535C - LilBomb J
    D2078764 5D77ABE6 - LilBomb O
    91FE0226 E55E9AB8 - LilBomb Q
    AB1415EC 0AEE832F - LilBomb T
    148673ED 64E13E77 - LilBomb *

    F0EA7765 B2FC6D41 - CrosBomb D
    CB7DDC42 861F997F - CrosBomb J
    F06E6466 C77FF1B6 - CrosBomb O
    2D6FF684 B5FD409B - CrosBomb Q
    59BE3EDD 08BAADD5 - CrosBomb T
    9D3FCCFC 7C4A2423 - CrosBomb *

    A49A5203 0F6C3E4B - BigBomb O
    B90CAAED CDFFEF98 - BigBomb Q
    696FF0CC 12982078 - BigBomb T
    4CF53DAF 36B08C88 - BigBomb V
    F1FD5254 125CF39C - BigBomb Y
    42A33984 A7A1BA25 - BigBomb *

    E139DFB3 F4C8BD6C - TreeBom1 B
    43D592C7 E0515C22 - TreeBom1 G
    F3711E2F B30AC935 - TreeBom1 H
    66669B9E C584EA63 - TreeBom1 P
    505D197C 250A785E - TreeBom1 R
    042F3B83 A8C253C7 - TreeBom1 *

    A479C815 5C51BABC - TreeBom2 C
    E2D35F7C 38EBABB4 - TreeBom2 D
    1FAD98B8 7A447D48 - TreeBom2 J
    E03982AB 1339249D - TreeBom2 N
    A7B3F8A6 0995891F - TreeBom2 S
    454CBDDB D7E6DD5C - TreeBom2 *

    966C20BB D406039C - TreeBom3 K
    65C7CCA6 5C17C3F5 - TreeBom3 O
    D17E19C3 37556F83 - TreeBom3 P
    A674FC3B 68816FF1 - TreeBom3 T
    28C2FCCA 08F1A24C - TreeBom3 V
    EAF6DF4E 4768FD36 - TreeBom3 *

    4A048C19 FD3CD256 - Sword A
    D3F59D57 04EBE52E - Sword K
    2E189E4B 4F204EFC - Sword L
    2A3916BA 4E667F23 - Sword S
    9FD5B371 8AA35E67 - Sword Y
    59CFCDA5 B4DB196F - Sword *

    74863931 5387DB51 - WideSwrd A
    215EF1DA E02BE2A2 - WideSwrd C
    090EC61B 73A34C60 - WideSwrd L
    3DBE5E4A C0509DDE - WideSwrd Q
    DB30D0DE F57CB0C8 - WideSwrd Y
    3BDF1F41 4E703099 - WideSwrd *

    74C59E73 28603B58 - LongSwrd A
    E7F7749B A197D86A - LongSwrd I
    C5F3C030 6A0F2F23 - LongSwrd L
    499906DF 2AEBE4AD - LongSwrd O
    6BC1E46A 5E65458D - LongSwrd Y
    6CC34CD8 519DD683 - LongSwrd *

    BB14F928 7B35727E - FireSwrd F
    2B997F39 0EBE685C - FireSwrd H
    0C530CF0 33301DEE - FireSwrd N
    AB6171CB 7E644DC0 - FireSwrd R
    56A43E3E D6A97601 - FireSwrd U
    4937D8F6 1070A867 - FireSwrd *

    87244A63 B2719231 - AquaSwrd A
    E4489023 8B9972C5 - AquaSwrd H
    0F1F37A7 4C1AAF5F - AquaSwrd N
    9733B06C 1D11BC0E - AquaSwrd R
    AAAB749F 52F12A0A - AquaSwrd W
    85D3C34A 1C7EF184 - AquaSwrd *

    63156846 6C605266 - ElecSwrd E
    238723C4 6253ADA7 - ElecSwrd H
    663FD033 9046E4B8 - ElecSwrd N
    DDEB1839 C200311F - ElecSwrd R
    BC11F1F1 DE9806B1 - ElecSwrd V
    7F30F5C5 8DA76B18 - ElecSwrd *

    7EEF3233 9B890213 - FireBlde F
    662123EE 2B8C39C2 - FireBlde H
    79DC95CD C8642FE8 - FireBlde P
    C603305F D600B55E - FireBlde R
    FBFA7CF0 AF343F5F - FireBlde Z
    66A642A1 DFC954AD - FireBlde *

    8EE543DA 18DAA937 - AquaBlde A
    041290DD EA65C0DB - AquaBlde F
    619875CB 66952152 - AquaBlde J
    B3637285 F16DAEB5 - AquaBlde R
    C27824CA 2311A381 - AquaBlde Z
    09B8A906 966A714A - AquaBlde *

    0717E3E2 4579532D - ElecBlde E
    30353F67 A32F1EE8 - ElecBlde F
    193B8D85 BBF15F5B - ElecBlde M
    DC8E7869 60603901 - ElecBlde N
    733F7112 58E1967D - ElecBlde R
    8F271D4E 5B27DED9 - ElecBlde *

    B758CB51 348B9B99 - StepSwrd D
    4A6F698B D77167D9 - StepSwrd H
    FAC11503 D3E234EF - StepSwrd M
    D32A3FBA 113BD963 - StepSwrd Q
    C3EF70CA 8CDDA048 - StepSwrd U
    F6119A65 99FDD9F4 - StepSwrd *

    937F08E7 ADC74B08 - Kunai1 E
    382CA68B B34AD00E - Kunai1 I
    56E43436 9157C7DA - Kunai1 L
    B976B990 6550EBE9 - Kunai1 P
    35014DE6 FC00AA40 - Kunai1 S
    D7ABA745 E8578808 - Kunai1 *

    8519FC66 0803CAAC - Kunai2 D
    8A7AB4D4 63CC9509 - Kunai2 F
    A99FEAE9 BFF3A94A - Kunai2 J
    426744B5 B17C28EE - Kunai2 Q
    2447AD48 BDF357FB - Kunai2 R
    951180BF 86C6BA38 - Kunai2 *

    2940A125 F2EB0F46 - Kunai3 C
    4D93EA1A 61D4C87B - Kunai3 G
    5A314502 CE8EC71B - Kunai3 H
    EEF192FE 05AEF6CB - Kunai3 K
    3A0D8F61 088ED5AA - Kunai3 N
    4E9A49D9 D93CC776 - Kunai3 *

    ECB3F7A3 19719287 - CustSwrd B
    F6A54F27 FE1C79ED - CustSwrd G
    105E0D23 BC23854D - CustSwrd K
    58DB5925 70575FC8 - CustSwrd Q
    63DC7D01 1BD06D52 - CustSwrd T
    BE25D88A 334DE959 - CustSwrd *

    14F1E929 E80B298C - Muramasa N
    2831EA68 CFADE31A - Muramasa O
    2E5C4C1E 3DD0963E - Muramasa T
    E50AB9BB C421B334 - Muramasa U
    2144A54A B3F37DE9 - Muramasa W
    11EFFCBD 18A3E00C - Muramasa *

    3F139324 2DCF7E59 - VarSwrd B
    385285B7 2296C1A3 - VarSwrd L
    184EF7FB 1576DDFD - VarSwrd N
    0EA47B8C AB8A22F8 - VarSwrd T
    7AF71313 34687434 - VarSwrd Z
    098013AF 211C1501 - VarSwrd *

    466D5CEF 1E482995 - Slasher A
    F3DF7325 66268E56 - Slasher D
    1C76620D 42CE76F0 - Slasher H
    3DE2EB97 F36E7B6B - Slasher L
    25F6DF3E C9B9D06B - Slasher Q
    73DA82D8 12E44DA9 - Slasher *

    E19373B1 8A156C0C - Shockwav H
    1EB37420 FC5F737E - Shockwav J
    EAB0CD80 26487448 - Shockwav L
    00336C2B 6E6C332C - Shockwav R
    72D6B22B CB299FC7 - Shockwav U
    2FE72BA0 8CB90CF7 - Shockwav *

    E3938671 522D3F68 - Sonicwav E
    CF99DCC7 C3821C5A - Sonicwav I
    59E011BB 61722A64 - Sonicwav M
    0286F5D1 087D6E94 - Sonicwav S
    A723DA69 DDEE119E - Sonicwav W
    84AF1289 EBBE72ED - Sonicwav *

    40C25E27 ED486FAD - Dynawave G
    6147F055 C6A54AA4 - Dynawave N
    BB2C76A1 957D6767 - Dynawave Q
    10963755 9D24906F - Dynawave T
    8E158513 6D7E2578 - Dynawave V
    9ED2DB1B 7A0F64F8 - Dynawave *

    BD77A599 0CBCBC49 - Quake1 A
    7951BEFB CF056E64 - Quake1 M
    30199CAB 72A3E0F0 - Quake1 P
    16ABA542 18ACF7C6 - Quake1 Q
    2063B556 F76A47E0 - Quake1 W
    CE208298 17F5DDF0 - Quake1 *

    F1BDCB14 F44982DC - Quake2 B
    2A12A1F2 AD54AE83 - Quake2 G
    F7780D50 762A6EBE - Quake2 N
    47D62536 36F55D91 - Quake2 Q
    AF46B6CD E606A74F - Quake2 W
    92DAC5C3 AD66C6A3 - Quake2 *

    032D318C F6A34CDC - Quake3 C
    99E84916 AB498D40 - Quake3 E
    21235901 FA47298E - Quake3 O
    A0FA53E2 06325218 - Quake3 Q
    4C40ACDE 779299E9 - Quake3 W
    89A2BB73 EC510A9E - Quake3 *

    442CC16C 3CF8B892 - GutPunch B
    AB3213DC CA86EB65 - GutPunch D
    086EB212 6097DC08 - GutPunch H
    BC60328D A8ECB97F - GutPunch K
    7E6D4D00 C39D9F10 - GutPunch N
    4915FFB4 ECDD5B5A - GutPunch *

    BD0F53E3 DD6DE9B7 - ColdPnch B
    1E3F5E39 97BB99E3 - ColdPnch D
    88E480D1 8183F1C2 - ColdPnch L
    114261F9 2624EFEA - ColdPnch P
    856CD4EF 390FEFD9 - ColdPnch S
    13D09BA2 0858C6ED - ColdPnch *

    749B40A2 C5C0FB96 - DashAtk B
    F832097A 0DDD1BE0 - DashAtk D
    8B8FE780 1F990494 - DashAtk G
    9109F953 C4A3E676 - DashAtk J
    4834058F E658E22E - DashAtk L
    F45A2847 05D2ADDD - DashAtk *

    58CB1B34 D45AD1D4 - Wrecker O
    755E7E88 DE7AD095 - Wrecker Q
    A8F61F31 68BD2908 - Wrecker S
    7B459C70 9AFB45CC - Wrecker U
    89E7B372 FAAD8CD9 - Wrecker W
    C9A81DD7 9E83C624 - Wrecker *

    2FCC9DA2 3F50603F - CannBall O
    B2E9C5D0 77CA9D2E - CannBall P
    86FC72A5 175EFF78 - CannBall Q
    DE56A099 B2509051 - CannBall R
    28750F41 412D49FD - CannBall S
    D36C2007 C9530688 - CannBall *

    B7308560 90304047 - DoubNdl A
    2F6325D4 18C396E7 - DoubNdl C
    F0E16B93 CF0B68C6 - DoubNdl F
    7F1DBFF9 AEE2CF1D - DoubNdl I
    0C9A20B2 D10ED463 - DoubNdl J
    5CA27F09 373F758F - DoubNdl *

    C09665B1 10B437CB - TripNdl C
    F9E49CCD 0D32A7B3 - TripNdl I
    1662534E 950BDCCE - TripNdl M
    2DD34BCE 6AA6299E - TripNdl T
    567FAE91 E5177B9A - TripNdl V
    B5EB3ACA CAAED171 - TripNdl *

    800DD766 3BA38D2E - QuadNdl C
    79DA9E0D 67723EDA - QuadNdl H
    4612C651 0A553469 - QuadNdl I
    19C73DE5 4EA9EBF1 - QuadNdl P
    492CF177 DCF6B87F - QuadNdl U
    B422B215 00BC1EA7 - QuadNdl *

    4AAEC947 71F5FB11 - Trident E
    764CB25A 7DE68252 - Trident I
    E69F3DAB F999AEE1 - Trident K
    F0C7A653 B9305315 - Trident O
    B44BFA71 E2D7798F - Trident T
    08867E82 D81B1683 - Trident *

    12E43F12 50C2D0AE - Ratton1 H
    53EAB581 079F2F26 - Ratton1 I
    38CB9BAD 4EA35477 - Ratton1 J
    0674D09F 4A1CB73C - Ratton1 K
    A7566774 ECED1964 - Ratton1 L
    3E907A10 45E681BC - Ratton1 *

    836FAAFE FCDF605A - Ratton2 J
    2778AB96 6FFC2060 - Ratton2 K
    99B75678 ED68C47F - Ratton2 L
    82DCA0FD 61F7FDA0 - Ratton2 M
    BFBE2D8B 0888CD3A - Ratton2 N
    FC768032 AB7A2A1C - Ratton2 *

    0C971D99 C784B45D - Ratton3 L
    709235D6 26B9EC43 - Ratton3 M
    CC6E9E22 37DA658A - Ratton3 N
    1AD0C002 C01CD3B6 - Ratton3 O
    A2F9A94A 87C3C667 - Ratton3 P
    F3C982CA 4B0B86C1 - Ratton3 *

    FD03F938 A839B1A4 - FireRat B
    D5D49E99 98B9046D - FireRat F
    A754599D B1AD7C66 - FireRat G
    DC64473F 01775F9A - FireRat H
    94C2DE39 091F39C1 - FireRat R
    C09DD6D6 594EE6F5 - FireRat *

    487C9E8A 037C01FB - Tornado E
    4C8EC1AE CF90A17B - Tornado J
    E14CADFF DCF9600B - Tornado L
    EE997D32 A662F704 - Tornado M
    0B6B2834 F8042A06 - Tornado Q
    1521FF64 6738012A - Tornado *

    3ED6C88B C79E7581 - Twister N
    86C12A8E 2314B4BE - Twister O
    0EB38852 50A0D159 - Twister T
    394AAE5C 7E3F37DB - Twister U
    FBCB1BA9 601674DF - Twister Y
    19C873EE 33B32609 - Twister *

    BB229ADE 607A9EDB - Blower P
    1FFDC6A7 3DF59593 - Blower R
    F9141799 342C749D - Blower T
    4FCB1993 D0C580DD - Blower W
    87337063 68AE0E47 - Blower Z
    D72A78F2 B4E40734 - Blower *

    E5BB9DA8 1095E867 - Burner A
    2355111F 7E2E9B7A - Burner B
    82F7429F D2967D96 - Burner F
    16273DFC 9A5E006B - Burner L
    284A7502 AE767919 - Burner S
    77850CA9 D8737B2A - Burner *

    1E8EF438 AD93C3E3 - ZapRing1 A
    18A2BB6F ACFD8111 - ZapRing1 M
    83ADC92C BFBA3867 - ZapRing1 P
    2F3B8593 EA903D0B - ZapRing1 Q
    775D5BDE ADB541EA - ZapRing1 W
    08A34A91 8B20B565 - ZapRing1 *

    1F8E93D8 43BB0462 - ZapRing2 B
    1F27F56A 74AD402D - ZapRing2 G
    405E7E9B 59A87E57 - ZapRing2 N
    FE1B57F0 81EDB449 - ZapRing2 R
    AA084866 1F5E30B5 - ZapRing2 S
    8B3314A1 8CC22806 - ZapRing2 *

    E3F04868 756B7701 - ZapRing3 C
    F67FD028 FE6BF50F - ZapRing3 E
    D7DC225D 23A4CC3C - ZapRing3 O
    DF92B643 3124E20D - ZapRing3 T
    D613E21C 5A84BD1B - ZapRing3 Z
    822B625D DC3A7BED - ZapRing3 *

    F8547ADC F4C165CE - Satelit1 G
    A24D0F65 0C482097 - Satelit1 O
    24DEB363 8673C79C - Satelit1 Q
    7F18C541 972A3492 - Satelit1 U
    70F9661A 1DA1395B - Satelit1 W
    3D86C14A 5482DCB9 - Satelit1 *

    0B851D10 19568FA4 - Satelit2 H
    377B13D1 5300A5A6 - Satelit2 J
    4BFA0D08 458D0940 - Satelit2 K
    198DC97E CEE1202E - Satelit2 P
    12D62994 675AFD3A - Satelit2 R
    84A22D02 9B650DB5 - Satelit2 *

    38759B6C 7146C7E9 - Satelit3 L
    9D61AF8A 2363EA91 - Satelit3 S
    D3A8D32D 8877E584 - Satelit3 T
    5E574B73 79E21814 - Satelit3 Y
    7C2B5FAD 2A4AD70E - Satelit3 Z
    A8EB079D 1D71822B - Satelit3 *

    EC6BE24D C97783C8 - Spice1 A
    C65D4971 633BE8BC - Spice1 C
    1C539C4A 80216F0D - Spice1 G
    F38E010B 7B247E7D - Spice1 Q
    D3FC6C83 BFF1A969 - Spice1 T
    7554807C 61F976D0 - Spice1 *

    1F5A6A30 80B4CEEE - Spice2 B
    3A6EBFCF C30D96F3 - Spice2 E
    A41D391D 8130C402 - Spice2 H
    99D44D44 B2DA805D - Spice2 J
    8C445FA9 FAD5186F - Spice2 N
    196E85A9 BC010E9C - Spice2 *

    4D9C5C3C EBCE2154 - Spice3 D
    9110F24F 442AEDBC - Spice3 K
    D16198C5 4B463D2B - Spice3 M
    86567DB1 A69F50D7 - Spice3 P
    1225B0C0 F3B3C510 - Spice3 Q
    165220FE 668164EB - Spice3 *

    ECF9316C 197B3D6D - MagBomb1 F
    5544E9DD 92979E7A - MagBomb1 G
    65015135 045B3A9B - MagBomb1 J
    31DE07A5 A47C34BD - MagBomb1 M
    EC838032 0481549C - MagBomb1 N
    0B1AEB3A 9B31B322 - MagBomb1 *

    39E488F5 718DE71A - MagBomb2 B
    294D7C60 04B2A019 - MagBomb2 D
    6F97DD14 E4927758 - MagBomb2 I
    C90F4B24 48FD9BED - MagBomb2 R
    FACDF228 F3D8F088 - MagBomb2 T
    7A5037DE F8451396 - MagBomb2 *

    4D8B55B5 B9478410 - MagBomb3 H
    FBB97329 A56A8649 - MagBomb3 K
    E3DCCE5C 110FA650 - MagBomb3 O
    0519B79A 81788E38 - MagBomb3 Q
    DB122525 CD45CFCA - MagBomb3 S
    FE9A0C84 1CE26757 - MagBomb3 *

    46E875AE C1C921FF - Yo-Yo1 C
    47558908 19A4601A - Yo-Yo1 E
    C4BA9B07 111464C3 - Yo-Yo1 R
    F9AE4ABF 56563D99 - Yo-Yo1 T
    65645950 2BD0EB6B - Yo-Yo1 V
    3B81834B 591AAF9A - Yo-Yo1 *

    EDACE562 85AA733D - Yo-Yo2 A
    915BEA02 A2246328 - Yo-Yo2 G
    682D0873 AFA09BF2 - Yo-Yo2 J
    338B279A C80F7892 - Yo-Yo2 K
    41CD5D26 83FBC9CD - Yo-Yo2 N
    627C1B0E D0BC64E6 - Yo-Yo2 *

    10BA89AB 73149000 - Yo-Yo3 D
    256B0A16 56233359 - Yo-Yo3 I
    7CB6155B 8D7AFFE9 - Yo-Yo3 M
    F7675B8B 6F3AFBC5 - Yo-Yo3 S
    B511A510 92C039E9 - Yo-Yo3 Y
    BFB53699 BCE3ED6A - Yo-Yo3 *

    C405DF6D 4B45552D - CrsShld1 A
    0B62C995 86A255BF - CrsShld1 O
    6549A690 4E67CAE0 - CrsShld1 P
    EABC31C6 38EF06AC - CrsShld1 S
    6321938E 4F21122A - CrsShld1 Z
    70F26CA4 12544D91 - CrsShld1 *

    427D3293 38CCA658 - CrsShld2 A
    F4E74756 EDC0BA4B - CrsShld2 O
    5431A213 52F92FEC - CrsShld2 P
    67D2B53F 7B9DC112 - CrsShld2 T
    FC13796E 2CB54374 - CrsShld2 V
    ABD34119 DEC07C24 - CrsShld2 *

    6995E036 ED373BBF - CrsShld3 A
    2FE022E7 955D65B3 - CrsShld3 O
    077E4277 1C84C8A8 - CrsShld3 P
    75F5F6DE FCB872F9 - CrsShld3 U
    6DE3EB7A 604C53E6 - CrsShld3 W
    93277662 4B2203F0 - CrsShld3 *

    0A30C726 74A5102B - Hammer R
    402CAB6C 646B3E08 - Hammer T
    740B1CA7 5CA90A76 - Hammer U
    2FC50C2F 911B3A90 - Hammer V
    5F46D4B0 7705EA21 - Hammer Z
    0E62CDA3 6903CA75 - Hammer *

    4F485A93 435A1B9A - ZeusHamr J
    9BEF801D 6A24CC1C - ZeusHamr K
    FE7C4650 B4197534 - ZeusHamr O
    D71A42AC D6488E3F - ZeusHamr V
    606873FD 1452A70A - ZeusHamr Z
    0107C64F A0DCEB8C - ZeusHamr *

    885D1716 12688785 - Lance O
    46AB6CD9 C25CC3C1 - Lance P
    AED80536 4ACCCC29 - Lance T
    44F7F6FE 8619C5FF - Lance V
    BD7AA95E A91611BE - Lance Y
    FCE65743 C2A5F28E - Lance *

    4C677150 859EE534 - BrnzFist B
    35568F82 D90045ED - BrnzFist N
    3145E199 19F8A93D - BrnzFist O
    52CF5189 AC7CF572 - BrnzFist R
    E2F3BB3E B12820E3 - BrnzFist S
    DC3CF3DD 029FBE63 - BrnzFist *

    CE295D41 01F59147 - SilvFist E
    EE8C6235 1A34A03F - SilvFist I
    50F70AEA 68C8B397 - SilvFist L
    78FC2BA9 3F1EA302 - SilvFist S
    B462762A 6FC5EA69 - SilvFist V
    2B80559F 578DC621 - SilvFist *

    5A52A167 3B657C4B - GoldFist D
    770BF1C5 F1FFF897 - GoldFist G
    331FF4E9 5517E7AE - GoldFist L
    6B3FCA30 7934D6B7 - GoldFist O
    79ADE3DD D6264E78 - GoldFist Z
    8DA9B430 D63FE22F - GoldFist *

    96ABE122 0345AA31 - PoisMask D
    1AA9DBBB 62B2B835 - PoisMask S
    6DAEABA8 A85F819C - PoisMask U
    6A19C324 F92C3F94 - PoisMask W
    87529742 7AAE23E5 - PoisMask Z
    6E270B2F 0CF5FCFC - PoisMask *

    40183160 04E01AD3 - PoisFace P
    AE296728 C5C47E74 - PoisFace Q
    BE2C16FF C246D0AF - PoisFace U
    3956B3A3 F5E12EAA - PoisFace W
    8EA8A662 7A1D5219 - PoisFace Y
    16A56F6C 54BA8836 - PoisFace *

    AE6C2073 9FEB57C1 - Whirlpl A
    2BA9CE36 4ED48BBC - Whirlpl C
    E7CA1B90 8AFBCE1B - Whirlpl E
    7BE21B02 3A0DBF4E - Whirlpl G
    863C386E A58E38D1 - Whirlpl I
    64F1C893 FCBB3AC8 - Whirlpl *

    C2F64917 C26E2FE7 - Blckhole B
    DB35325C 2C62BE55 - Blckhole D
    58A55E90 AC382C2C - Blckhole F
    3A386608 5D13E97C - Blckhole H
    C9C21050 89649ACE - Blckhole J
    6E6CAD0F D3019008 - Blckhole *

    FA0C5B41 9678E4DF - Meteor9 C
    FBC2C20B 0E9283C4 - Meteor9 E
    8A9DCD99 CB67B055 - Meteor9 L
    0BD3ABF0 29B03CB6 - Meteor9 S
    D34506FF 99D51B25 - Meteor9 V
    A57CC074 1DE2DE55 - Meteor9 *

    3F1C1C86 1739E9D4 - Meteor12 A
    4039EED2 8864718C - Meteor12 C
    DE51318C 78009020 - Meteor12 F
    646E8E96 854DDCB7 - Meteor12 J
    29083782 D0A823A4 - Meteor12 W
    34FB5A05 F86C4D10 - Meteor12 *

    AAC0477B 1BBBF431 - Meteor15 D
    B77D3C74 78312161 - Meteor15 G
    CB524487 B21C1280 - Meteor15 H
    6236AD01 2C16EBCA - Meteor15 R
    6AC27802 397289E0 - Meteor15 Z
    9F277071 D8F77A80 - Meteor15 *

    702641E1 B8E18975 - Meteor18 B
    A254F50C 476AC0E0 - Meteor18 G
    BA68ABA6 30821B2A - Meteor18 I
    24B5AAFB 394E1F8D - Meteor18 K
    498C3079 24B0823A - Meteor18 O
    9CA11251 B30271D8 - Meteor18 *

    8E8BA42C 6FE2B909 - TimeBom1 C
    12FC7362 89581508 - TimeBom1 G
    C46193B5 EA99974A - TimeBom1 K
    52656773 4D0EC5B6 - TimeBom1 M
    A06DE9A1 11614D4C - TimeBom1 Z
    6D3EC265 7C005CEA - TimeBom1 *

    74F5EE71 D20F9695 - TimeBom2 F
    DE841965 774418AF - TimeBom2 G
    665CDD88 ECD1D04A - TimeBom2 K
    AF214B9F 726B2851 - TimeBom2 O
    6C987FFA F5BA7F27 - TimeBom2 Z
    BB2A58A6 0CDC739D - TimeBom2 *

    A4DB9D3F 7CD2F4DD - TimeBom3 E
    F46862C9 935417D2 - TimeBom3 G
    25CB44E5 7FB9A372 - TimeBom3 K
    28047998 565AB530 - TimeBom3 P
    EDA97767 D169ED77 - TimeBom3 Z
    4B405081 1158C337 - TimeBom3 *

    B123BB91 7DAD7143 - LilCloud C
    437867D6 0276238E - LilCloud G
    08C75C6B 3D9F63A3 - LilCloud I
    28740E29 A6F04F04 - LilCloud K
    A5593837 D7826CC6 - LilCloud N
    CFB98D4F 78830712 - LilCloud *

    1F10C56C 952EB1D7 - MedCloud D
    6AEFCEFB 0633EFF7 - MedCloud H
    EC7FAC74 A0E700A4 - MedCloud J
    F221924B 129CA5B6 - MedCloud L
    8A968BE9 ED3F6ECD - MedCloud O
    CFBBDB8F 7477620B - MedCloud *

    6b.Chips 101-200 (BigCloud to GutsManV3) [C12]
    1538D4E4 DE4EE80E - BigCloud Q
    C9E553DC E74FE9CE - BigCloud R
    8FC2E238 215599BF - BigCloud T
    CBA840B6 34553EDF - BigCloud V
    F7741737 9A912D35 - BigCloud W
    60D4321B 4079C961 - BigCloud *

    6185A1CF 3DFED5A0 - Mine L
    8F2E53F6 EEDD654E - Mine N
    B052BCD7 A323E706 - Mine R
    A20DE9ED A72CC9E2 - Mine S
    23F234E1 D2B6B9DE - Mine V
    38EB3E23 5AC9B29D - Mine *

    919361CD 5E34500E - FrntSnsr H
    AEE17C33 4B247A0A - FrntSnsr M
    9E0C370F E546A7B5 - FrntSnsr Q
    95FC4139 2C2A8C1A - FrntSnsr R
    3B1267D8 0D67BB3E - FrntSnsr T
    612CBCBD 12008323 - FrntSnsr *

    BEF31D0E 4C6F9345 - DblSnsr E
    C9AF6A55 78DCCCFF - DblSnsr J
    B0BB053D 2846FC33 - DblSnsr P
    D24236F1 F3F70231 - DblSnsr W
    7749CEED 75F8B070 - DblSnsr Y
    5A07FA26 C351ECA5 - DblSnsr *

    CFBA602B E173515B - Remobit1 E
    33605B17 8B1C5E79 - Remobit1 G
    FE946EC2 3FB705CF - Remobit1 J
    783C4306 BC22A71A - Remobit1 K
    CC2C83F3 2E8D20A9 - Remobit1 N
    38BC7752 22946E2D - Remobit1 *

    C04E9DCC AA7276A5 - Remobit2 B
    179C8D58 29236E46 - Remobit2 F
    BD396D14 453D642B - Remobit2 I
    4D07D7C4 8B90287C - Remobit2 R
    7A958132 1A7E5E6B - Remobit2 U
    A770C4FE 5885921F - Remobit2 *

    DA758B8F C88CD6D1 - Remobit3 A
    87469068 01ABFB52 - Remobit3 L
    FE7F1D45 4A198388 - Remobit3 M
    EA8E0856 C0DC1E90 - Remobit3 T
    5A4CF501 FC7B07C9 - Remobit3 Y
    15F31DC0 29F78B29 - Remobit3 *

    D7606112 E530E47F - AquaBall A
    987B72CF 6775F6AC - AquaBall B
    FC1B5CE1 C437AC1B - AquaBall Q
    685459FF 86423122 - AquaBall T
    D710995F 453CDC90 - AquaBall W
    2F58BC09 4CDCF1FD - AquaBall *

    7662F1AE 579CB845 - ElecBall E
    59B2DCC5 23977BF2 - ElecBall H
    70A61E5C 8609EBD9 - ElecBall J
    1EAD5856 DB413C2F - ElecBall K
    BD03AB4D 5CE142E1 - ElecBall V
    95687021 7C66D885 - ElecBall *

    0BF9367B 33D18852 - HeatBall C
    64EEB03E C8E8E76C - HeatBall F
    913115BC 91E03882 - HeatBall R
    2967ED33 86669234 - HeatBall S
    85C97BFE AEFC62F6 - HeatBall U
    006E361E 8C9356AD - HeatBall *

    9734EB5F 16E10D64 - Geyser A
    5F5BB8F9 DE5E0C9A - Geyser B
    ECF095E6 9D2C3B23 - Geyser D
    F81A0BA0 7FA9145D - Geyser L
    7DFF93D5 7DC90436 - Geyser S
    7C1C2907 C3409636 - Geyser *

    5D686B52 69A61027 - LavaDrag F
    B4CFFF2B F82BDD72 - LavaDrag G
    6E7B008E E7FB0044 - LavaDrag O
    3A1CBC37 1231CDAD - LavaDrag R
    01BF04CB 895BB39D - LavaDrag Y
    3BC13B8C 4512BC60 - LavaDrag *

    8F8DEB24 A2ABB523 - GodStone E
    C327F81D 963B05AC - GodStone I
    7BF42C1F 9A1EABDE - GodStone L
    3993B6A1 885131B3 - GodStone Q
    4CED7F6D E875CF49 - GodStone U
    C365925D FBAB4184 - GodStone *

    16AF7099 927AE88B - OldWood C
    6E7A298F F813EC73 - OldWood M
    4B8D3CDD 2225FADB - OldWood S
    C5AFFA7D 09813F2D - OldWood T
    8A6DA5B2 F0C234BF - OldWood W
    267BCFA7 8D60AECD - OldWood *

    2E9D75F9 AE5CE2A4 - Guard *

    89C04D01 8708997A - PanlOut1 A
    2C852592 9E8B65B3 - PanlOut1 B
    A192E667 6C3C51DC - PanlOut1 D
    8933A889 20DD05AC - PanlOut1 L
    A3C99DAF 3C2973D8 - PanlOut1 S
    5EB9A06C 03B41A0E - PanlOut1 *

    8AC48E2C D67EF387 - PanlOut3 C
    A3B1342E 75720762 - PanlOut3 E
    4FE4EBA9 9180F8EF - PanlOut3 N
    5C5656D4 34383580 - PanlOut3 R
    0D2693DB C17FE6D6 - PanlOut3 Y
    FC4179E0 CBEC3F6E - PanlOut3 *

    B7F7DF13 C6980030 - LineOut F
    25C7F39F 165F2C84 - LineOut H
    FE6159CE 6DF4BAA1 - LineOut J
    0CC0FFA7 B901C982 - LineOut Q
    4E59BFF3 74163765 - LineOut Y
    2E434644 B7D91D62 - LineOut *

    684273D0 5CCCE1F6 - Catcher F
    7EADB401 4BA41BDD - Catcher I
    CBC0CF29 656DF4EE - Catcher J
    8A3467DC 179CA730 - Catcher N
    41AEC891 6635434B - Catcher T
    BFD90F35 DCC970E9 - Catcher *

    A91340FA EF3D132D - Mindbndr D
    049201BC 2EE57912 - Mindbndr I
    6E6BC0C0 4641E5B1 - Mindbndr M
    D0372006 05C9CFC9 - Mindbndr N
    AF7244D8 50DCBF2E - Mindbndr T
    295FB799 1AC2F5BA - Mindbndr *

    E0BB14B2 39F4178B - Recov10 A
    F4AD7577 C56827C5 - Recov10 C
    FDAF4967 2AD77FBE - Recov10 E
    074D74D1 20D6C5A9 - Recov10 G
    E18BC0BC CDA44C3F - Recov10 L
    D40D90DB 53849A99 - Recov10 *

    70F6841D 4879B763 - Recov30 B
    2D970278 6BE7B609 - Recov30 D
    779FD107 88241274 - Recov30 F
    2827D528 9A3227E6 - Recov30 H
    9B7EAD31 11118B74 - Recov30 M
    8847E8A5 CEDAD43B - Recov30 *

    902A224B 129FF403 - Recov50 C
    A676BC25 8356F41C - Recov50 E
    E82C9BDF 267EB7E4 - Recov50 G
    EF14C55F 1A2483DB - Recov50 I
    7F2F3E9C 69EB3823 - Recov50 N
    FA80FD01 4C6FC9CE - Recov50 *

    1D124D09 138552A8 - Recov80 D
    B9DA13C9 AFF61868 - Recov80 F
    49448944 DD9CC550 - Recov80 H
    8C5A2B77 8AED5219 - Recov80 J
    4AE00B23 837F3685 - Recov80 O
    B9CA8B35 AE047733 - Recov80 *

    222282A7 4FF51390 - Recov120 O
    A1FA1527 737E2669 - Recov120 Q
    F2B6C9D7 3EE592D0 - Recov120 S
    B5E69784 7F9A9982 - Recov120 U
    26C8ABCF FECBB4A3 - Recov120 W
    1FB86F2D D2A0E2B4 - Recov120 *

    ECDA3376 128718BA - Recov150 N
    FAC780CA 86504FFF - Recov150 P
    E1C46387 5A93B682 - Recov150 R
    90323FA5 4D1C26A5 - Recov150 T
    BBB8A206 BD543DD7 - Recov150 V
    D4E105E9 8D710143 - Recov150 *

    113E99D4 6B0B310C - Recov200 M
    1AB387B6 1397FB21 - Recov200 N
    138357E5 F6FF5703 - Recov200 U
    4AC40049 47D31609 - Recov200 V
    36CB8226 98054B2C - Recov200 W
    776213E4 7C30D8A0 - Recov200 *

    7A4C8246 4D05C356 - Recov300 O
    2783EDE5 90357F6C - Recov300 R
    78DD510D A8353D5E - Recov300 V
    7926F118 8FEEE988 - Recov300 W
    CF0C7F6E 4CEC0CE3 - Recov300 Z
    30C89B28 26431E33 - Recov300 *

    E61E7B60 504AFFE5 - PanlGrab B
    155852BF A4C3DDAA - PanlGrab H
    1767A6BF 235272FC - PanlGrab K
    4837AC1E 8F43A0B1 - PanlGrab L
    392764E4 3F773AA8 - PanlGrab P
    01251384 3A351111 - PanlGrab *

    57236F3A BE516F20 - AreaGrab E
    D81AFD3A A1634CDD - AreaGrab L
    60749934 F4FF4819 - AreaGrab R
    90833C91 62786448 - AreaGrab S
    367216D4 D124FC8D - AreaGrab Z
    12C90ADB 31C4711F - AreaGrab *

    4EA22AC2 3350BBD3 - GrabRvng A
    3D2FE8F8 064024F2 - GrabRvng L
    D4C6C126 E33B73B3 - GrabRvng P
    641BBFB7 D487BC52 - GrabRvng S
    73EE291D 1BBB8DE6 - GrabRvng W
    A0C11D07 422DFBE8 - GrabRvng *

    AABD495B 4561AD40 - Geddon1 C
    70824CC2 083901CC - Geddon1 K
    40F6A76C 9EACBA53 - Geddon1 L
    A2D5A9AF 039E4983 - Geddon1 Q
    F00E60D0 8012AF3B - Geddon1 S
    B95AE3A6 365187F5 - Geddon1 *

    CE0165B8 8FD565BA - Geddon2 J
    CA54CF6A 66383279 - Geddon2 M
    45617E70 9F55E121 - Geddon2 R
    1E64015D 3212ADCD - Geddon2 T
    6974F174 1ADAB6DB - Geddon2 Z
    F6115831 B3C5638F - Geddon2 *

    2C0F5ACC 919E6B7F - Geddon3 E
    7FD3F46B 299FA567 - Geddon3 J
    D859D5D5 3116D4B2 - Geddon3 N
    CF0DB9BA 4934EE76 - Geddon3 P
    CD2C0804 291A4E8D - Geddon3 Y
    D8D06024 7D624B6F - Geddon3 *

    7A8AF91A C115C8E1 - Escape F
    99681BD1 EC95303B - Escape H
    37D7F8D7 7724B8D0 - Escape J
    B2BD8FFD 43B51AAC - Escape L
    CC149BAB 2D0D78DC - Escape N
    107C7770 02CF10C4 - Escape *

    A52D5BCF CEDE6BF8 - AirShoes A
    D8084335 7DFE719A - AirShoes J
    F1F00882 62645A7D - AirShoes O
    B9E01C56 CF63EEFD - AirShoes V
    9A6ABA5B EAA1DAA6 - AirShoes Z
    92B748F7 908B0120 - AirShoes *

    276D4F00 48ED1A42 - Repair A
    ABFE255A A4DF669B - Repair C
    06CB6823 C8A7040F - Repair E
    2E50C86B 8A571575 - Repair L
    6653CDAD 909DB150 - Repair P
    A4A17038 B0D5EB6C - Repair *

    B4AA12D4 C074A8CE - Candle1 C
    F4610F75 9C418526 - Candle1 F
    E0763A49 B2C351DF - Candle1 I
    033EB1CA 85E412FD - Candle1 M
    7EF131F1 00EE5A2D - Candle1 V
    B48D00F2 86C6875B - Candle1 *

    4B65B0C8 FF90A793 - Candle2 A
    7E6DACFC 75964337 - Candle2 G
    F4BA1C78 34D69DA5 - Candle2 J
    8C927CDA C5828F7A - Candle2 L
    1BBD5B4F B446BE58 - Candle2 T
    4070E74E 5C172D9C - Candle2 *

    1A2BC59E C3574556 - Candle3 B
    CCA494C8 00CF7CB7 - Candle3 E
    807AD547 CCDEF945 - Candle3 H
    116C3772 BB56E199 - Candle3 N
    B4D8EAAA 544AB130 - Candle3 W
    918DAB12 BC8700BF - Candle3 *

    F4DE188E 6739AF0A - RockCube B
    44F6CAD8 F23C4AEF - RockCube D
    54969AA7 C414F96F - RockCube G
    7567D327 F52EF1D7 - RockCube M
    289E8C06 0F81DF6B - RockCube V
    8DFDC0CD 9F0C6FAE - RockCube *

    903C5E08 B3082302 - Prism B
    D38DDA77 A085DD5C - Prism C
    4A5B9606 1C49F974 - Prism L
    08E2BF28 186D9D4E - Prism N
    2B762595 A8A6755D - Prism Q
    C0E950A5 235963E8 - Prism *

    68562E19 A6181A8F - Guardian O
    11CEB1D5 2A4FCCB1 - Guardian P
    667FB852 A9F0435F - Guardian U
    EA0C79BD 2F69C7C0 - Guardian V
    81AD8C22 98D6FBBE - Guardian Z
    8DC154D0 27795C18 - Guardian *

    4A694E27 6C9314E1 - Wind G
    1C337CEB 7E7E5AA5 - Wind J
    1BC2B758 9AC7459C - Wind O
    7B4F2217 DFE5072E - Wind Q
    B5840912 D6235A8B - Wind T
    A9CCABBE 1F548BF8 - Wind *

    E155F893 812D7B01 - Fan A
    1B2A72C9 20E3B049 - Fan G
    2A4E19C3 68841107 - Fan L
    1907AAB7 AC5CFE79 - Fan N
    3E0791F9 BAD9013E - Fan Y
    EF8E8503 572A2EE4 - Fan *

    19F575C4 D20B5D11 - Anubis H
    91D44DD7 A09B7FE0 - Anubis K
    99AF6C68 277D7D26 - Anubis M
    162906A1 0E6E6F0A - Anubis U
    70BAC8E4 DA93E21B - Anubis W
    0940CEB5 78F8C98D - Anubis *

    BB6DF2A9 A028A3A9 - SloGauge *

    051447D7 C2D428B6 - FstGauge *

    B3CF1F0B BF233307 - FullCust *

    842A4004 C0585AC0 - Invis1 A
    A337E3FB 3FE7389D - Invis1 F
    4ABFBBA7 3097C151 - Invis1 L
    0C0A1D99 3BF8403E - Invis1 R
    8D714354 2E0094B1 - Invis1 U
    9CC165EB 7BB7862C - Invis1 *

    525C11BD 38B0A3A3 - Invis2 B
    B78F89D5 2BAF4969 - Invis2 H
    ADA62A72 BD30F57E - Invis2 M
    46C3EC05 E6797530 - Invis2 Q
    38BF3750 8715020C - Invis2 V
    4CB8A030 6EBDAF92 - Invis2 *

    21C1B95F EE77E4C4 - Invis3 C
    D7006127 A8491C30 - Invis3 G
    D48B6C88 0DB71AD5 - Invis3 K
    993704DB E131C573 - Invis3 P
    DC4A2FEC E94E4221 - Invis3 W
    21232170 6C6D69E3 - Invis3 *

    D9863432 AFE44558 - DropDown A
    0485FF80 CFDC9E42 - DropDown C
    580F5E9B FCCB3455 - DropDown F
    DF934AF2 AF864FC5 - DropDown Q
    0C05AB84 3FA5C5BB - DropDown S
    B99BA85C CDCAEF8A - DropDown *

    D2B50FFC 88EDB3F7 - PopUp D
    7FBC2452 1EE67375 - PopUp I
    45AF1156 11078988 - PopUp J
    58EF7474 79461C88 - PopUp T
    81AF201C BD11D6BF - PopUp W
    8FC9DE53 1581AB1B - PopUp *

    37BDF71B 35930497 - StoneBod C
    84B8C0F5 EE0413B3 - StoneBod E
    30CB696D 76FDCE8A - StoneBod S
    2A6B60DA A4FE97D6 - StoneBod T
    0FAB5940 C1F31CD4 - StoneBod W
    E755C77C 661A82BE - StoneBod *

    BAFBC4BF 1B976130 - Shadow1 B
    01A2F233 AD3DFCC7 - Shadow1 G
    F0B11A2E D52E2833 - Shadow1 H
    67FADD40 E5728C81 - Shadow1 L
    68B9EEDB 0273359B - Shadow1 R
    B7B72F20 91ECD463 - Shadow1 *

    52065510 5E51F163 - Shadow2 D
    EF7424DD 7D3FF128 - Shadow2 E
    C9889C7D CD32344E - Shadow2 J
    400FD98C AB37A01F - Shadow2 M
    753826FE AD4D2C5C - Shadow2 T
    217E09A3 F1B8078B - Shadow2 *

    278984B9 A4DD8AB5 - Shadow3 C
    DC0EAF67 B2C4BC43 - Shadow3 F
    D2881CB2 2AA07EEB - Shadow3 K
    E6A910DA FAE30CE2 - Shadow3 N
    0A5DC7DB B3D5A9BF - Shadow3 V
    A293F247 5BD95DA1 - Shadow3 *

    2303C7A8 F191410C - UnderSht H
    01E99ACD 9726C4D9 - UnderSht J
    75E67853 4C5F3785 - UnderSht N
    FE5259FD F68148AF - UnderSht R
    2426F6D9 A30D5B77 - UnderSht W
    320EE2D9 23B37BA4 - UnderSht *

    BD74B866 3C27F119 - Barrier B
    D3914096 02110E6A - Barrier E
    35523D5B 8C99A938 - Barrier L
    E21525D7 4C569C20 - Barrier S
    001B8B38 4C7E1D24 - Barrier T
    514727E3 A8046F71 - Barrier *

    B41987A7 D30683E0 - BblWrap I
    069CE0E5 9C33CFA4 - BblWrap J
    7D3D2042 AF696B10 - BblWrap Q
    1153C894 FB230727 - BblWrap R
    038EBC0E 14AB2331 - BblWrap W
    6C37CF15 3A8CE8D1 - BblWrap *

    96D55C88 CFA6D5B5 - LeafShld A
    2474E047 B5FA11C6 - LeafShld D
    2E21C18F 75655939 - LeafShld R
    A5742EE9 1203A72A - LeafShld S
    63E9C925 360B38B8 - LeafShld W
    39D81F6D 1FF92382 - LeafShld *

    2A398F05 4F477D7D - AquaAura A
    EC375AF8 76BA6292 - AquaAura W
    CB9F88B9 15398D8F - AquaAura I
    C44CDAFB 78E07E40 - AquaAura M
    6352A46A 04AE9840 - AquaAura Q
    4F1A206D EA8C71DA - AquaAura *

    183D0CE8 7B55DFFE - FireAura B
    1E4B07AC 5B6395FB - FireAura F
    953FE08E C36E6B13 - FireAura J
    2EF1E54A ADAFB4C6 - FireAura N
    B0EF9765 35FD090C - FireAura R
    603B8AF8 26628166 - FireAura *

    BA2C7C67 421B27F0 - WoodAura C
    8AF75F40 CF13A461 - WoodAura G
    6E797104 A4A11883 - WoodAura J
    A74B9D2B F2590D43 - WoodAura O
    11F98F7D 44CD78AC - WoodAura S
    71D26799 F4A4A3D0 - WoodAura *

    A6B5057D 758B3B5A - ElecAura D
    68F4E449 298E44D6 - ElecAura H
    09444C66 A2870C36 - ElecAura L
    DF8D25E6 4C800FDF - ElecAura P
    799F009A 3BE77291 - ElecAura T
    807311F5 62C20A15 - ElecAura *

    1BDBB16D 81D3659B - LifeAur1 B
    BC5CFB92 3D5127DB - LifeAur1 G
    20214775 154D011F - LifeAur1 I
    2CD71EAC 633B5B89 - LifeAur1 O
    85E524D8 76C343D4 - LifeAur1 Q
    3430E25A 61FF73B5 - LifeAur1 *

    0BEC6A78 E97F5A95 - LifeAur2 D
    04990DC0 D9B908A2 - LifeAur2 F
    6DF9286A CA792F68 - LifeAur2 J
    3DC3C6DF 049468ED - LifeAur2 N
    957E2FE4 AD4733B3 - LifeAur2 R
    81E73D2F F92C25F6 - LifeAur2 *

    EE2C1E2D 31E861E4 - LifeAur3 E
    7A934596 1BC61044 - LifeAur3 H
    6BB93777 BBC9AF57 - LifeAur3 K
    4A58734A D2D8A2FF - LifeAur3 M
    8C3815C9 AF813FCA - LifeAur3 T
    1ADB02E7 C0F623B3 - LifeAur3 *

    DC2354C7 09EAB534 - MagLine A
    9F576773 116EFAC4 - MagLine E
    D8961BA8 44ECAF98 - MagLine I
    E261D026 1B00D1AA - MagLine M
    D0C07A21 CAAD4E2A - MagLine Q
    9609EF3B FD59D62D - MagLine *

    F0553D7C F182CE19 - LavaLine A
    700686DA 1EA7A99E - LavaLine F
    0F202434 20121E92 - LavaLine J
    7D9BB353 63070AE9 - LavaLine M
    67A1FA76 4C8930ED - LavaLine R
    8BFB3D3F 7701808F - LavaLine *

    65356B44 12F4BEE2 - IceLine B
    4657EA65 09E7C9CA - IceLine E
    26709E57 877D8945 - IceLine J
    C58F14FF EEBC4001 - IceLine N
    39E1D830 3893F4D2 - IceLine Q
    3F6EEEAA 6FB7E375 - IceLine *

    F78C0872 1EEC5652 - GrassLne B
    ABD7EC10 BD935846 - GrassLne F
    5EB53ECE F16CC224 - GrassLne I
    86640FCF 267E1E75 - GrassLne N
    C1F8A2DB FF635E06 - GrassLne R
    27AA877D 965E4282 - GrassLne *

    8D6E3810 AA70B31B - LavaStge D
    18D4507E 0D67B161 - LavaStge H
    D4EE8788 B0AE64D6 - LavaStge M
    87A27968 90D8240F - LavaStge U
    4A27435A 28E136ED - LavaStge V
    F5DD9D8E 0F118570 - LavaStge *

    43F2111C C966089D - IceStage A
    1783EAA5 B54BAA50 - IceStage C
    A15ECB93 17A0E774 - IceStage E
    09D69BF4 D96E6053 - IceStage I
    04EB1DC0 8F02143A - IceStage S
    7D6BA0B2 64F04EE1 - IceStage *

    B227441F CB3E4D73 - GrassStg B
    DAF90E5C 71298EC1 - GrassStg D
    6B5A6D38 BA7EE80D - GrassStg H
    01194D19 A5095F5B - GrassStg P
    A82EC0DA F7B618F3 - GrassStg R
    9C22C7C0 E10B797A - GrassStg *

    AFAEFCFD 959064E5 - HolyPanl C
    6C71377F 4C268A49 - HolyPanl E
    A2EFE171 1280338B - HolyPanl H
    B4E167FC D4A39499 - HolyPanl L
    3E08FB8B 90B96D72 - HolyPanl R
    80C51556 BD5506E2 - HolyPanl *

    A588ADC2 7240979C - Jealosy E
    353A4485 9CAAFB67 - Jealosy J
    45C57DD2 1CE3C522 - Jealosy O
    FE75764B 4468AF96 - Jealosy R
    2E6F4729 99CFF344 - Jealosy U
    AE42A317 5973009D - Jealosy *

    97E93C2A 12AF4AC6 - AntiFire F
    9DB74434 2CC8E456 - AntiFire K
    0CF79CEC C07F56BE - AntiFire L
    A08D7B38 E3CCFC2B - AntiFire P
    1B8DF19F EDF136B9 - AntiFire T
    61453114 5AE2BBBD - AntiFire *

    50809538 EB8A5E78 - AntiElec E
    8EA22C20 3E5F4643 - AntiElec H
    AB92154A EFA75E79 - AntiElec N
    EE8459A0 63BA1311 - AntiElec U
    EF2C4688 3646065F - AntiElec Y
    45C4D583 85C8CC8E - AntiElec *

    31E258F9 59815574 - AntiWatr A
    18CB0448 781AC9B9 - AntiWatr D
    C137215E 5045E3B7 - AntiWatr Q
    82860EB8 2DAC7B69 - AntiWatr W
    DD43E04A 89CFFE08 - AntiWatr Z
    A8CECDC0 32C0C664 - AntiWatr *

    F0C7361D 353F0338 - AntiDmg C
    7A72A17D 76675925 - AntiDmg J
    5C51A664 D7AF1E12 - AntiDmg M
    0D0CFC8C B2D030D2 - AntiDmg R
    0A036EB8 7D3211BB - AntiDmg S
    486A4EA9 1B78D2E6 - AntiDmg *

    C2B349E6 F3C0FBEB - AntiSwrd D
    BE054BEB E90F13D4 - AntiSwrd H
    96D6A0CA 72EC508A - AntiSwrd I
    E238C651 24D8E9B3 - AntiSwrd M
    707243D1 17014028 - AntiSwrd T
    0DD3025F 1FE8702E - AntiSwrd *

    451B8A55 9C6EB5CD - AntiNavi K
    5624C29D 799C1C27 - AntiNavi L
    FBAE3DE9 9101A4A0 - AntiNavi O
    D6987E25 539D3CB7 - AntiNavi T
    50AE68E2 E3BB562A - AntiNavi X
    9EAB7EAF 7E0EC97E - AntiNavi *

    7691F7C6 C26CB953 - AntiRecv B
    6B40DCE2 707573C5 - AntiRecv D
    D316EF47 E3C46691 - AntiRecv M
    67588F59 939409AD - AntiRecv P
    D255CF85 0335EEC5 - AntiRecv W
    116DB3B1 2718BA59 - AntiRecv *

    E3E57388 259FF5D6 - Atk+10 *

    7E6A7968 8E870E51 - Atk+20 *

    16AEDD47 C01EB776 - Atk+30 *

    1C6E5F7F 6CE85281 - Fire+40 *

    35112361 4DC2D938 - Aqua+40 *

    3472D220 D7C1DC37 - Wood+40 *

    3BE86017 26F47245 - Elec+40 *

    8415B067 154F9C90 - Navi+20 *

    64554F2F 5CD77101 - Navi+40 *

    3DB8BA02 745E586C - Roll R
    A9566001 B5AFF19E - Roll *

    01590002 7680E6FA - Roll V2 R
    7CE2CC3F 5B3CBBCF - Roll V2 *

    0E17BCD0 58618CE1 - Roll V3 R
    B5DA494A C1F27827 - Roll V3 *

    0DDFD6CD DE047B6F - GutsMan G
    64C8639E 1080A32E - GutsMan *

    0E1CD5AE BC7457B0 - GutsMan V2 G
    083DC634 2F67ADD0 - GutsMan V2 *

    18115776 36D517AD - GutsMan V3 G
    5B451435 1D53706C - GutsMan V3 *

    6c.Chips 201-261 (ProtoManV1 to Sanctuary) [C21]
    3EDF0CAA C2BBD56B - ProtoMan B
    F98682D5 F5EA8F8F - ProtoMan *

    02350F49 6BE77F09 - ProtoMn V2 B
    75CFD12E BDC2D626 - ProtoMn V2 *

    BE701A0F A544E65B - ProtoMn V3 B
    0F6FA695 96B2D522 - ProtoMn V3 *

    CBB938A9 FF58CAAB - AirMan A
    99742D5D 4FBE74FC - AirMan *

    AA527948 1F9ECC54 - AirMan V2 A
    8CD0EA2F 937A2805 - AirMan V2 *

    31B8B521 EE70F976 - AirMan V3 A
    C4B2DBBE 20871C0F - AirMan V3 *

    CBBE7E37 02391E4A - QuickMn Q
    A4BC9091 F48B3044 - QuickMn *

    D49728FA B709A0CA - QuickMn V2 Q
    3770A31C 2E3B5012 - QuickMn V2 *

    1779D149 4B45CCFD - QuickMn V3 Q
    7FFF19CB 14384699 - QuickMn V3 *

    2FFB7C1F 2CC7A3E6 - CutMan C
    34359B2E 91965F4B - CutMan *

    8CCD7D91 D06A1C60 - CutMan V2 C
    159735B9 26F32367 - CutMan V2 *

    80AE5A53 493846D9 - CutMan V3 C
    3EB1FB3B F3B54853 - CutMan V3 *

    84ED1170 25A4E590 - ShadoMan S
    172E7937 13001CA7 - ShadoMan *

    0D52C43A 5EDBA3F3 - ShadoMn V2 S
    C8DC09FE F7DA494C - ShadoMn V2 *

    61B06D91 78FD1B82 - ShadoMn V3 S
    84102192 D693656E - ShadoMn V3 *

    2C1C5D0A FBE1085C - KnightMn K
    C5B5D496 1F0B46D3 - KnightMan *

    151433A4 F00A10A5 - KnghtMn V2 K
    1FFB12FE A40B6779 - KnghtMn V2 *

    1847324B 5A3194C3 - KnghtMn V3 K
    998AD12F 7B460CCE - KnghtMn V3 *

    B1AD13A4 6D729746 - MagnetMn M
    A1FF6B5B 2EC4183E - MagnetMn *

    5EE1C1A4 F7860501 - MagntMn V2 M
    6A0C3A10 7E2FEFA5 - MagntMn V2 *

    78946F28 4867B288 - MagntMn V3 M
    FA416DB0 D3B7DC0C - MagntMn V3 *

    4DDF9F05 29277185 - FreezeMn F
    65AE85A4 546A4C12 - FreezeMn *

    165DF119 BB1364B4 - FrzMan V2 F
    F9C9CF4C 39954B13 - FrzMan V2 *

    3DCF844F 8FF20580 - FrzMan V3 F
    486369AC 8D75194D - FrzMan V3 *

    F81B8710 A69AB81B - HeatMan H
    D3868F3F 4ED10784 - HeatMan *

    626C82E9 DE002AB0 - HeatMan V2 H
    148ECCC4 3E33A8FD - HeatMan V2 *

    4836BB44 3458ABD3 - HeatMan V3 H
    A679BE63 11A32694 - HeatMan V3 *

    AE9DC2DC CFE1B87B - ToadMan T
    99FF14DC A524E95F - ToadMan *

    1C769423 142617E4 - ToadMan V2 T
    17D124BF 120A13B0 - ToadMan V2 *

    C77252DE 04D5EFD7 - ToadMan V3 T
    9C849E41 AB5B6DAC - ToadMan V3 *

    38075CDA D7F88245 - ThunMan T
    442B3BF5 15928AF0 - ThunMan *

    E050631F A4DAC3FF - ThunMan V2 T
    92D6FB2C AEE1037F - ThunMan V2 *

    530D7DE9 1E415DB4 - ThunMan V3 T
    970F1C05 CE02144C - ThunMan V3 *

    FFA5A72B 5F180CD9 - SnakeMan S
    9BD40DD2 FBE126A7 - SnakeMan *

    AF741F47 784ADCBE - SnakeMn V2 S
    FF0EFECA 9FC41402 - SnakeMn V2 *

    760D05A5 4CEDD1A4 - SnakeMn V3 S
    6DEBA25A C651EEA9 - SnakeMn V3 *

    8FC62DF8 8F86EF72 - GateMan G
    81ECC3FA 1C72F6E2 - GateMan *

    65F23C95 69D82725 - GateMan V2 G
    A5CD9BC1 8DB09172 - GateMan V2 *

    1F68AC5F B0057E36 - GateMan V3 G
    8310CAFC B757561B - GateMan V3 *

    23F1A4C8 F3761010 - PharoMan P
    6F8F1BFC A806F98B - PharoMan *

    3078250A B43B9FB6 - PharoMn V2 P
    59AA96BB 90A610C2 - PharoMn V2 *

    7E3EB8B5 6ADE0291 - PharoMn V3 P
    AF4AE70A C5D41674 - PharoMn V3 *

    9033379E AB3EAA6A - NapalmMn N
    CE2027B7 526C08AF - NapalmMn *

    0AAB7DFD ADAA64F8 - NaplmMn V2 N
    9FAFE5C3 94A89A00 - NaplmMn V2 *

    E74EE438 E13919B4 - NaplmMn V3 N
    44EB5E8D 3793E2BD - NaplmMn V3 *

    DE8EF4D5 B5E99B55 - PlanetMn P
    AD29F0A6 3D26EBB2 - PlanetMn *

    3D080A16 2D0D6D2A - PlnetMn V2 P
    12B64F19 5F6DCC55 - PlnetMn V2 *

    3884A24C 888C8D54 - PlnetMn V3 P
    CB75A49E 954BCB96 - PlnetMn V3 *

    7FA35752 1DA58648 - Bass F
    1BC8F8DB B677C020 - Bass *

    CBEF6A79 7040C0F4 - Bass V2 F
    C70936F8 4E4F8963 - Bass V2 *

    BF5ECA92 C10F67FB - Bass V3 X
    D2C39697 E4E9F796 - Bass V3 *

    9E83E060 300F5AFA - BgRedWav F
    60242517 25038A19 - BgRedWav H
    CECAC51D ACF16212 - BgRedWav P
    18180762 DC5C7410 - BgRedWav R
    FA5872F4 9F46C9E7 - BgRedWav S
    5CA0907C 113E1ACE - BgRedWav *

    FA64925D B96D669A - FreezBom A
    D52ECDF6 D86C2796 - FreezBom I
    C47C004C 3D327289 - FreezBom J
    B70BB776 2D97A0D6 - FreezBom Q
    3B0D0046 20E09597 - FreezBom U
    DF7E0FE9 77D2CA12 - FreezBom *

    48D8F46B 93A9B723 - Sparker C
    4EAC8322 E808C36A - Sparker E
    CC76FF34 6E701B62 - Sparker G
    44405D15 389F2E3D - Sparker K
    95C9A261 6FA75BF8 - Sparker V
    4C28801D 6FCB7781 - Sparker *

    878D24FE EC1BF0D2 - GaiaSwrd D
    AE2398C1 68EDE450 - GaiaSwrd L
    A8F6A119 F3239DBD - GaiaSwrd N
    EEFB5AD6 38D4C375 - GaiaSwrd W
    9727BAA0 B3BD49F0 - GaiaSwrd Y
    473C7328 F911D180 - GaiaSwrd *

    EA1D428E E4A08D80 - BlkBomb B
    371F033B 8C21A1B3 - BlkBomb F
    592E92A9 1567E8D2 - BlkBomb G
    1090E914 49F251C4 - BlkBomb P
    132295D3 464E5926 - BlkBomb R
    93FD0BF0 3D4121CE - BlkBomb *

    B961325E 38588BF7 - FtrSword A
    A92CEAF5 9816E464 - FtrSword I
    65F456F5 79799F37 - FtrSword L
    B6A2F080 1297FEF6 - FtrSword S
    B58CFB85 CC8747D9 - FtrSword Y
    77530C4C F43E657E - FtrSword *

    AFD105E3 9CBF5026 - KngtSwrd F
    97179ED0 965A0500 - KngtSwrd J
    E20C39D5 F5021DAF - KngtSwrd K
    C8474BA1 59EC66CA - KngtSwrd M
    4916056E 4B94A89A - KngtSwrd Q
    C6EE96D8 7204A4D8 - KngtSwrd *

    23F95F09 8AC65883 - HeroSwrd E
    AFC5FF11 260A5578 - HeroSwrd N
    892709D9 261D2DE8 - HeroSwrd O
    2BB102A5 74CF960F - HeroSwrd T
    EB635970 A2F6B9C4 - HeroSwrd Z
    1418CBC7 20CD977F - HeroSwrd *

    6D30504F 073C1DA0 - Meteors B
    CCEA29DA 68E27837 - Meteors H
    F934D09A 904CAA48 - Meteors O
    03149CDB 2969F015 - Meteors R
    41D473DD A0F442E8 - Meteors V
    4D3CC7F7 45B3F5F0 - Meteors *

    58CA000F EBF80FDF - Poltrgst E
    AD5674F2 9372F56B - Poltrgst P
    1C6DD188 02FB2C0E - Poltrgst R
    BADB4CC7 201EBA86 - Poltrgst U
    84FC9B4E E083DE72 - Poltrgst W
    81A4CD59 93967CDF - Poltrgst *

    B1887D69 C15060F1 - Snctuary A
    F08FC6BE EA988A0A - Snctuary C
    0D7B1D71 704339EF - Snctuary E
    29F599BF A91AE0D5 - Snctuary L
    FF5ABF9E A6FF6EF2 - Snctuary S
    942946F2 0D70B490 - Snctuary *

    6d.Capcom Giveaways (GateSP to WoodGspl) [C26]
    0E27CD8E D3FB9498 - GateSP G
    1AC2A81E DAE5F86B - GateSP *

    206C8DFD ACABE6A8 - FireGspl X
    88C158F0 8F690785 - FireGspl *

    5D55B2A6 F8C7C4DF - AquaGspl X
    7FABA920 8E5D3D9F - AquaGspl *

    822225F6 5EDBF404 - ElecGspl X
    0A32CB3D 9C227DEF - ElecGspl *

    954BFA8E 277769AE - WoodGspl X
    FDD96FC4 81013354 - WoodGspl *

    7.Style Codes [ST1]:
    Voila! The best section of this FAQ excluding the chips! This section will
    include the miscellaneous style codes (which sounds pretty weird...)

    E70CFDB4 1FA148B4 - Obtain Elec-Based Style

    223A716B 9D5BD6BD - Obtain Heat-Based Style

    915D1C47 6D9CE475 - Obtain Aqua-Based Style

    A63638B3 EF04F2D9 - Obtain Wood-Based Style

    7a.Equip Codes [ST2]
    OK, you will need a small lesson in styles.

    1.You can put in THREE styles, and Normal Style.
    2.You must REMOVE the style you don't want if you have three styles and want to
    put another one in.
    3.Don't use Team Style :), unless you're a master of Team style (somehow).

    Here are the equip codes. Enjoy this.


    Version 1:5C2DE73E B34443E9
    Version 2:820903DA 17987B1C
    Version 3:106A2D16 FCF7BE73

    Version 1:4DB95271 9F71FFA1
    Version 2:7D722016 0F2BD376
    Version 3:3FB21269 9D6DBA3A

    Version 1:6EAAB508 76DCB656
    Version 2:F3AAC6FF A8326B6C
    Version 3:60C66B45 F486576E

    Version 1:53AB398B EB707E0D
    Version 2:418583EA A26E75E4
    Version 3:A75D1F5E 2361F5F8


    Version 1:2F7D95D7 D3C01873
    Version 2:F99D7464 3F4A969B
    Version 3:DFFDA3BF 21C14E61

    Version 1:F3043476 F2F19F0B
    Version 2:9905C211 94303E21
    Version 3:C1B71F2E 6AE4B4EB

    Version 1:7F312F85 ECB30721
    Version 2:B2F66966 916F5C0D
    Version 3:9B9EDCA7 C8C5FEE2

    Version 1:34C2DE62 FABF1837
    Version 2:4AEECD54 8EB8344E
    Version 3:939B2007 677A84E7


    Version 1:EB28A36D 93BAE16A
    Version 2:456D58BB A62E90F2
    Version 3:CEC3EEDA E0F3F61A

    Version 1:ED5529FF 15DD2F44
    Version 2:37074FB8 7EF9F748
    Version 3:80EEC9B6 00B90E72

    Version 1:9E835A50 126D81E4
    Version 2:9671607B 90228D5B
    Version 3:23C5DE32 BA4CF4C2

    Version 1:BE3442CB B0005589
    Version 2:F99F4A51 D7F30926
    Version 3:9A089F79 C83577F0


    Version 1:2535D56F DF87BFE1
    Version 2:B565370F 84343914
    Version 3:0719EC59 A0F2B201

    Version 1:2A4F78CF 86D932EC
    Version 2:75E11F2F 33E0E695
    Version 3:AA5CE166 1A417584

    Version 1:CCB8E359 036D350D
    Version 2:012C572E 34E08098
    Version 3:A21DDF6E CAA9A00C

    Version 1:9A96A89A 75B0926F
    Version 2:5C912E03 68B0B460
    Version 3:5E9CE8D9 C0B3A432


    It doesn't matter what the version is in HubStyl; V1 is the same as V3. It's
    just that V3 looks better, doesn't it?

    Version 1:66E1E861 A8BFF927
    Version 2:71BB8F91 3CAC06AC
    Version 3:CF6FF5DC F7B29F42

    7b.Disable Codes [ST3]
    These are the disable style codes. These basically remove the style you have so
    that you can stick in another style. Enjoy this, too.

    HeatCust:CCFB868E 703EE248
    HeatShld:40EA3F90 298F1A72
    HeatGuts:F36E94AB C2D843C7
    HeatTeam:2E10CCF6 BD080431

    AquaCust:19362ED5 C4A8B698
    AquaShld:99231D84 546170D7
    AquaGuts:71D03D72 93C6CF31
    AquaTeam:B8CB32D1 A105A8A7

    ElecCust:3A890925 A3F30A13
    ElecShld:28087114 83317E5C
    ElecGuts:2B93A3C3 458DFC80
    ElecTeam:750A39BB 615B0A8B

    WoodCust:DD91734E DA5011F4
    WoodShld:B06522A6 FF5C48F5
    WoodGuts:D6C72F21 C9D43687
    WoodTeam:D2D2B9D6 C50E3100

    HubStyl:F39D53B3 EA5C7E21

    7c.Upgrade Codes [ST4]

    HeatCust:C58D96B0 7E9F917D
    HeatShld:C5D6F6C7 235163C8
    HeatGuts:982606B6 162B259F
    HeatTeam:E2B85867 3222DA70

    AquaCust:BEC43A76 AC074EB0
    AquaShld:24E4C349 79A75EAE
    AquaGuts:D48F7F70 382D5DA7
    AquaTeam:B08A9512 08CE3015

    ElecCust:87FFA4BB 2382DCD7
    ElecShld:4F00030F 48F48AF4
    ElecGuts:6C5B4F34 C8C069E4
    ElecTeam:D91BC08C 605356A0

    WoodCust:09C2348D FD9FC405
    WoodShld:8F204057 4F3E10FC
    WoodGuts:7B056706 DD196A94
    WoodTeam:A440B7E6 67B6A3C6

    8.Program Advance Chips [PRC]:
    You know, this is the cheater's heaven. The legendary 30 Darkness
    chips folder makers. Anyways, this replaces the chip you have with
    the PA chip.

    2068970A 690DF762 - Slot 1
    86CB5220 BCB0BABF - Slot 2
    A0E0B669 275AB7BF - Slot 3
    FC63A9CA 6F4BE5AF - Slot 4
    11BB8510 5172AFEE - Slot 5
    647ABE87 2EC0A873 - Slot 6
    A9BCF9D8 A88A2F3B - Slot 7
    C6C44CD0 BFD72233 - Slot 8
    2B1EA4ED 5D1A0A69 - Slot 9
    E7C40EF0 F9851CB1 - Slot 10
    A4041D6E 56B70271 - Slot 11
    8F022BF7 5E6AF99C - Slot 12
    4A60C54D 3EB2DD0D - Slot 13
    A5402D12 0255CD06 - Slot 14
    32F2D806 915BA88B - Slot 15
    2DD3DB1A C90C1B95 - Slot 16
    A72A295B C8DB7FDF - Slot 17
    3C6FF196 FC034730 - Slot 18
    4E6C8F51 FE782D1D - Slot 19
    DE1AF7D4 8AD2A076 - Slot 20
    FC8E64E2 C2907D4B - Slot 21
    AD9B26A0 D686D829 - Slot 22
    2F72FFCA 2B81F667 - Slot 23
    DBD53A05 4BBC4251 - Slot 24
    C4153529 9241026F - Slot 25
    70CEB029 0C4A3B7D - Slot 26
    2B224578 14171052 - Slot 27
    3C6104A4 DC9933C8 - Slot 28
    B60F3D89 D91D7C2C - Slot 29
    B0A80D85 9A468772 - Slot 30

    A94672AD 6ECBC011 - Slot 1
    23A8280E FD3AB845 - Slot 2
    A49E8EAB DBB725E2 - Slot 3
    7081575B AD9D62C8 - Slot 4
    B19D1C5A 5CB1486B - Slot 5
    627E1F72 378F9B45 - Slot 6
    95E825BB 67296A6A - Slot 7
    ACED36E3 2F329439 - Slot 8
    BF60FA02 696307CA - Slot 9
    B502D9D7 DC3CC6C3 - Slot 10
    F4483C06 B6DC4F44 - Slot 11
    E3D9BC50 27BAF6E8 - Slot 12
    47E205CE 8D492A48 - Slot 13
    32ED3787 B9771ACE - Slot 14
    668F49C1 DC3E7F75 - Slot 15
    7495C117 5F89EF4C - Slot 16
    F331EFC9 C7E2AE03 - Slot 17
    8C451439 C34CD8E9 - Slot 18
    C6B79EC4 D239CC4A - Slot 19
    7E42878C 2562E2DD - Slot 20
    4269D1AD C146B569 - Slot 21
    7E3B4A0B 5CDC5B61 - Slot 22
    9C8184AD 8F09DDF6 - Slot 23
    05A280BA 3A117C5F - Slot 24
    B187CF0A 0963701F - Slot 25
    FC71ACE3 61572D32 - Slot 26
    5CBA4A35 9B2044B6 - Slot 27
    AE98863F 925A74D6 - Slot 28
    526EDD21 FA16A772 - Slot 29
    C023267B FE3EC376 - Slot 30

    FD90B5EC F0A267C8 - Slot 1
    ECBD27E0 C9CB7D97 - Slot 2
    DD2DDCDA BFD68CBC - Slot 3
    86BF1B4D E568A1FA - Slot 4
    49E84DFF DB20C9DC - Slot 5
    C234346E E590531A - Slot 6
    4878AFEC 2AC06DC8 - Slot 7
    0CF5C597 CAAF7E95 - Slot 8
    A1E091AC 71006A51 - Slot 9
    3CED5601 F1BD88B7 - Slot 10
    5A35EF92 93A4DBCF - Slot 11
    127B78E5 492DCB0C - Slot 12
    C07B2342 59E37990 - Slot 13
    CE5FC02C 4B98EBA4 - Slot 14
    5C5FB4A9 9053A2AD - Slot 15
    04E83DA6 03327D20 - Slot 16
    65DD3D08 AC862E16 - Slot 17
    86C7C3F5 AE319BE8 - Slot 18
    C385A933 F6E20F8A - Slot 19
    4C89AA6E E5BE7278 - Slot 20
    D5C0B9C8 441C7065 - Slot 21
    4578611C 824CA522 - Slot 22
    468EFD40 DD936BF7 - Slot 23
    53AA5AA3 61E047E2 - Slot 24
    839868CC 006DE906 - Slot 25
    33F1929E A3F0C1C3 - Slot 26
    BC0B981E 8FDE23CC - Slot 27
    00EE5242 A8EB663C - Slot 28
    057A519B 87CC3274 - Slot 29
    427C921F 54E241D0 - Slot 30

    3B4E76EA BDD08F41 - Slot 1
    0CEE4578 ADF9679B - Slot 2
    9B689B94 1139E1D8 - Slot 3
    1C812958 4BDBE109 - Slot 4
    BAA05F50 18D5A3DD - Slot 5
    F96F7325 85255377 - Slot 6
    1847E410 1455E416 - Slot 7
    93D3AB27 06DBCCE3 - Slot 8
    090F7328 859C50A2 - Slot 9
    836C14CB 221EF3F2 - Slot 10
    EE49331B E4C8D194 - Slot 11
    6B0D7F4F E238E108 - Slot 12
    A862F782 BF993F29 - Slot 13
    0BDD0FFD 492D51F8 - Slot 14
    FC846002 47DC4E65 - Slot 15
    347BE945 70EB5E00 - Slot 16
    7277C2E7 027564D9 - Slot 17
    12088748 5D0664A0 - Slot 18
    F1035DC3 2B51E2F4 - Slot 19
    79DA2778 BB3EF006 - Slot 20
    06439E9F FD1CE411 - Slot 21
    17569355 3F1E1147 - Slot 22
    E95CE666 C23091FB - Slot 23
    EE1C74AB 19A59FD0 - Slot 24
    D3A59118 C6AFA3EB - Slot 25
    08450BF7 7921757A - Slot 26
    F63AEC0E 1332C256 - Slot 27
    0F7C134F 0D9644B3 - Slot 28
    02C3085C D8A99514 - Slot 29
    471DD37F 513B1FBD - Slot 30

    93837343 1A47DB59 - Slot 1
    12BEC619 9D43D312 - Slot 2
    3510C37A 9D40AA39 - Slot 3
    143378A6 32930818 - Slot 4
    159313C3 500FEB56 - Slot 5
    C85014FE 4C937229 - Slot 6
    EF3B26F9 90E360AD - Slot 7
    FB3BD376 D577E3E5 - Slot 8
    2055CFAB 651077B8 - Slot 9
    39435909 4A4C8A9E - Slot 10
    8C58473D 4B172C61 - Slot 11
    B424DDAB AB4A54E5 - Slot 12
    9ACA4EB1 BF137AF3 - Slot 13
    0CBC510B EB8E9E98 - Slot 14
    457F4349 381119DC - Slot 15
    AF721B8E 966B6B6A - Slot 16
    24F2D3BA 973C5917 - Slot 17
    79D1434B 405F0753 - Slot 18
    42EE7DD3 89321C8C - Slot 19
    197C71F7 360C567C - Slot 20
    C884DE6F 2D349B66 - Slot 21
    D0BF5A45 43DED144 - Slot 22
    150D3D13 DF111EA5 - Slot 23
    7805B79F D96B94B2 - Slot 24
    A87EA34B B3B5A53C - Slot 25
    B463177E A0B19631 - Slot 26
    AC163EC9 CEB886D3 - Slot 27
    B2C9AA93 C0E8018D - Slot 28
    750C96B8 484A704A - Slot 29
    A838DCDB 56372CF4 - Slot 30

    1B9485E1 F9A5622D - Slot 1
    6DB09A2B 73400B72 - Slot 2
    6AACF0B2 520F85CE - Slot 3
    8B7ED645 41D456E4 - Slot 4
    EB9996C1 DA421F3E - Slot 5
    303575BE 3E52E3DD - Slot 6
    331B5392 FA8CFD3F - Slot 7
    CE320542 D225909D - Slot 8
    9DD59A31 94170012 - Slot 9
    54633285 11793AB1 - Slot 10
    10749AF0 20BA2C0A - Slot 11
    74C6A708 A7867A60 - Slot 12
    D9BF2CD4 B111105C - Slot 13
    6A17DE81 AD79659C - Slot 14
    17BB5EB9 9F61B921 - Slot 15
    5CBFDD79 5A2E37F4 - Slot 16
    AB4E8EE9 611F8077 - Slot 17
    4DB19056 131B728F - Slot 18
    BE6CCBA3 6AB8E42A - Slot 19
    0CF04875 6FD1B57B - Slot 20
    FD55DA37 48A44E77 - Slot 21
    E5EEACDC B9382E03 - Slot 22
    8A6757B4 3AE42BA9 - Slot 23
    22FEEB2D 6C8542DA - Slot 24
    12E95903 E1D9B2FA - Slot 25
    0FCF5B5A FC096885 - Slot 26
    C342390F 78A249F5 - Slot 27
    6A09BF1D CA5595EA - Slot 28
    7F782442 95CBEFFC - Slot 29
    8C44176B C71F5B9F - Slot 30

    5A5EAB48 15B3C22A - Slot 1
    D501F3AC 036BE57C - Slot 2
    25C5AC77 567A940A - Slot 3
    1FBBD883 A9D215CE - Slot 4
    C936F033 F39574F7 - Slot 5
    73CAD57D 60528AA3 - Slot 6
    2B64A1F7 EDC8DBBE - Slot 7
    B49811BB 081C103A - Slot 8
    B9F1B5C1 6FE9A6B3 - Slot 9
    46DABDC2 A81CD46F - Slot 10
    7AED88B4 CD15558D - Slot 11
    7632E48A 87B4CED4 - Slot 12
    27536A57 E82D9B89 - Slot 13
    75457446 0B087CBA - Slot 14
    3A33A195 AC49B97E - Slot 15
    D397ECC1 BB8098DF - Slot 16
    9FAAB268 D8BE209D - Slot 17
    AAF916F6 E51E15DE - Slot 18
    84C967E5 E73DE31C - Slot 19
    9C665788 921CA8A5 - Slot 20
    C6EAA645 77FD1E58 - Slot 21
    984E78E3 5E700F62 - Slot 22
    D11FE3F9 44878B41 - Slot 23
    B133118C 84335182 - Slot 24
    E7B4DB90 BFF84E19 - Slot 25
    20439D0A AF432686 - Slot 26
    51CD9779 DF015976 - Slot 27
    3428FD6C 533E1A8C - Slot 28
    F11CBCDF 00FDDD45 - Slot 29
    897CC0A9 7D4216FC - Slot 30

    D5362AA8 881D31F1 - Slot 1
    828EF3A2 65066BDE - Slot 2
    8BAB2DD4 7A1EE70A - Slot 3
    66456A87 2323DB3C - Slot 4
    256FD2F0 610DADD6 - Slot 5
    4C739A57 F39EBA40 - Slot 6
    2C10A285 6ABF9599 - Slot 7
    499AA2E8 70805078 - Slot 8
    AB47861B 1D050012 - Slot 9
    3252D68F 4D8689D5 - Slot 10
    C31BB2E8 BF683FAE - Slot 11
    D6624857 355C82F6 - Slot 12
    4BC87A2E 345EB35B - Slot 13
    49B47492 C5C4DB0C - Slot 14
    4D2D914A 6C8E9369 - Slot 15
    A0347EF9 C05CE332 - Slot 16
    D4C3CD93 5543B376 - Slot 17
    CF024EE6 24E483DF - Slot 18
    9D1190A5 C1272A16 - Slot 19
    25836F23 EB74136B - Slot 20
    CC7628C6 257FB90A - Slot 21
    CB53EBFD 6895CC39 - Slot 22
    AAEA0B99 9AF05852 - Slot 23
    AE7E8ADC CA8DCAAF - Slot 24
    D5EA49B0 3BC5D1D2 - Slot 25
    9CB08D21 E0B3D752 - Slot 26
    906F23D6 697E03CE - Slot 27
    A46CDD22 7174E8F1 - Slot 28
    0C2895E0 6C880D9D - Slot 29
    6878F5B0 2157F5CA - Slot 30

    733F0624 EF44A049 - Slot 1
    A5497237 D1B60664 - Slot 2
    8CFB3191 40A1B04C - Slot 3
    7A31DDBF A17E5BA3 - Slot 4
    68ED8CE9 47383B23 - Slot 5
    26AD9A16 D65806A8 - Slot 6
    17ECD504 4665D723 - Slot 7
    1CF4C05A 8871CC08 - Slot 8
    7F2EC7E7 5652E684 - Slot 9
    C846A5A4 679D04EB - Slot 10
    CFFB2AED 5B5B5684 - Slot 11
    161EBCFB AD72DEBC - Slot 12
    AD85C4D6 590FE586 - Slot 13
    AD968ADF 6946DFD9 - Slot 14
    D7EC488B 965BAF4B - Slot 15
    366DF383 D8EADC17 - Slot 16
    7969F166 4F33DF06 - Slot 17
    FCC645CE EC95CFD5 - Slot 18
    98F0ADBB 6219436A - Slot 19
    EB2354F5 F12FF6E6 - Slot 20
    95F2656D 21D203BE - Slot 21
    53DF0E24 684335D8 - Slot 22
    4A27F4EC 316C55BE - Slot 23
    B80DFF06 2578B39C - Slot 24
    42A80B9D 6D1DA8AA - Slot 25
    C910555C 6A49EED3 - Slot 26
    26BD26BA 0062346D - Slot 27
    4B67C0EC 09853FB5 - Slot 28
    D7CE14D4 9AECA2F1 - Slot 29
    884295AF B54817F8 - Slot 30

    39F17622 2AEA195D - Slot 1
    10FF45D6 CB6AF475 - Slot 2
    FB406BDB 342698D6 - Slot 3
    C6E03880 6C666687 - Slot 4
    CA087C68 07E82139 - Slot 5
    FD7EBB3C 6566CE7B - Slot 6
    C597F7B2 D7C4AE33 - Slot 7
    37D74CDF 01725335 - Slot 8
    C188EB82 E318FE0B - Slot 9
    33E087EC DD7331AC - Slot 10
    50AEA17C BD1528B1 - Slot 11
    DC8DD356 059E4E6C - Slot 12
    CFC23617 EC5230C9 - Slot 13
    C902D436 74F8E819 - Slot 14
    A929219B 093523A0 - Slot 15
    2031BF7D AA75FF64 - Slot 16
    7AF2774F 6710E9C3 - Slot 17
    DA33B2EA 5C8EFFE3 - Slot 18
    A3967CB0 3EE326BF - Slot 19
    7DC42BC4 95C13428 - Slot 20
    8B95AE37 A2017481 - Slot 21
    D1367F59 7E3CE31E - Slot 22
    0FA8523A 3552ABA1 - Slot 23
    EB478F9D 9F59B3C1 - Slot 24
    D98B858E 26E96222 - Slot 25
    939C281C 48C7896E - Slot 26
    9C1ABFB7 1F825FE7 - Slot 27
    7D0318F4 CB2AF1B7 - Slot 28
    824C1062 8728EEE1 - Slot 29
    D89536C7 E55D6EAF - Slot 30

    92D63A87 B0DF7D5E - Slot 1
    7CCC95EA 4ADB78E5 - Slot 2
    CAEDD819 6545FA15 - Slot 3
    B65BD095 3518D4BB - Slot 4
    2D1A1C8E 4588D54F - Slot 5
    D5DAD458 34A68016 - Slot 6
    1F13798D 0DD1F8FB - Slot 7
    EB9AA07A 61700D27 - Slot 8
    CDA5EBB8 C64A4EFC - Slot 9
    3D345E39 ADD3F4C9 - Slot 10
    14F89373 C20E7B1C - Slot 11
    7213F446 2E39D902 - Slot 12
    857B0172 206B55FA - Slot 13
    E5A66E9C 0ACBAD0A - Slot 14
    09BBDC3D 52056636 - Slot 15
    0D1AF952 775B6912 - Slot 16
    653CF858 1D92A3BD - Slot 17
    09DEC75C 506689E5 - Slot 18
    824DF7C3 A01E9347 - Slot 19
    A1727E67 613AA2C0 - Slot 20
    D52AC293 46CD0AD4 - Slot 21
    AB6AB5BF 6B789702 - Slot 22
    EADE45EF C1FB4148 - Slot 23
    E6069A0E 17AA9E09 - Slot 24
    990A5215 61A5A918 - Slot 25
    2C55662F FA8C37DC - Slot 26
    231F7CC9 F601A698 - Slot 27
    80BC2FF8 C90B7957 - Slot 28
    90E7B0D4 BAED2EA2 - Slot 29
    8B52AD44 11BF5549 - Slot 30

    E4F2A712 AB97F7AE - Slot 1
    8950A816 8D4E8D4E - Slot 2
    3388AF0D 4BC8BAFD - Slot 3
    DBD7B33F F66C7F47 - Slot 4
    4CB15EC2 D2CB4D84 - Slot 5
    895DFDC8 90F349C4 - Slot 6
    8018EFAF F57D4CEC - Slot 7
    0AF7AF2F E8FC609D - Slot 8
    6B208899 9559243F - Slot 9
    B48556DD 3CAB7291 - Slot 10
    BD01654F 8F393D27 - Slot 11
    2C2D20A9 406DFD9F - Slot 12
    6B1BCD60 EAC81F8C - Slot 13
    D0996DC1 EB1E4DE5 - Slot 14
    C18A4F21 6D208B10 - Slot 15
    670243BC 8735CDDD - Slot 16
    F2D5CDF6 A5D698E9 - Slot 17
    D8488415 C3F33678 - Slot 18
    19F1A805 584D537D - Slot 19
    14EA60F1 A4A181BB - Slot 20
    E0F94823 EAE53BD0 - Slot 21
    0D6A44AA C6688AA7 - Slot 22
    E64AEB7A 5709CD47 - Slot 23
    5364A618 23E9BBFA - Slot 24
    13433442 4E2A2E67 - Slot 25
    91D03A2B 14D1E83A - Slot 26
    835B7A8D 7F990189 - Slot 27
    13187A56 047091B8 - Slot 28
    778B0201 570A7C20 - Slot 29
    1A7FCCE0 D924E70D - Slot 30

    FC004F76 2E0AC384 - Slot 1
    CD1239ED EDE035C2 - Slot 2
    B6C2C80C A94215AD - Slot 3
    6FC69923 9A3C8AC0 - Slot 4
    ABBF3D1A 80FBBBF9 - Slot 5
    2C91F26C 149AAA02 - Slot 6
    BA709610 290B152E - Slot 7
    F8AF869E C523BC28 - Slot 8
    AB642C47 4EC0AD14 - Slot 9
    62E96B58 BF59A029 - Slot 10
    0FAF22AA 8E4265DD - Slot 11
    BFE556B4 E18BA6C9 - Slot 12
    2B1F1E2C 75BD6699 - Slot 13
    7001A673 C9D69410 - Slot 14
    5856B572 3CB4CCAC - Slot 15
    C594C8D5 07A57C7E - Slot 16
    3C93BABE C4CF6F56 - Slot 17
    D2112EB8 6C6FF007 - Slot 18
    9D87ADE0 55074B94 - Slot 19
    4E59D6B3 3B71DF4B - Slot 20
    45AABD8B 89CAFDD6 - Slot 21
    55769901 07E5D666 - Slot 22
    32874FD7 6BCD48B2 - Slot 23
    E3825CFA 032A37A7 - Slot 24
    F4682011 3DA4FE96 - Slot 25
    3B26FD6B 2E30E451 - Slot 26
    84018E40 08C1CE0A - Slot 27
    9E80C44F 789F8873 - Slot 28
    2C94F486 4AAEC374 - Slot 29
    C02DFBF7 E4ED43F8 - Slot 30

    32251DC3 520F69F1 - Slot 1
    1C3F7B4C 2DF8A2FF - Slot 2
    FCFD6247 2E186A82 - Slot 3
    665F8041 35D9ADF8 - Slot 4
    7599DE1A 57459DF5 - Slot 5
    781F5CA9 8A3F1F06 - Slot 6
    AB83A82E FA668D6E - Slot 7
    969494BB 3CFB9F8F - Slot 8
    951A7336 1B0E9660 - Slot 9
    8251DD06 3CDE1351 - Slot 10
    C0B0D885 31469D06 - Slot 11
    BDC0D12D F2C565FE - Slot 12
    A13B1CD2 B476064C - Slot 13
    87E6D4AC 7300F69C - Slot 14
    1800F762 C4CC8300 - Slot 15
    D8F66E17 3D94C317 - Slot 16
    C220F565 1A7F46FF - Slot 17
    8A976823 94AFB71E - Slot 18
    D0009AE8 2E174B75 - Slot 19
    E1C42C24 082ABAAE - Slot 20
    CD49F041 E75A7DF2 - Slot 21
    E14D06B3 AD7B5D4A - Slot 22
    7A5A3827 5D4D9BBA - Slot 23
    E96E1178 C865B931 - Slot 24
    A8B7670A A0A54CE5 - Slot 25
    9976EEF6 FCF9C94E - Slot 26
    8904E745 D262CA7B - Slot 27
    E360FA86 9B1EC69D - Slot 28
    17AA0F34 EE6DAC13 - Slot 29
    97D39492 9A7F455F - Slot 30

    F231A746 3B7A6D64 - Slot 1
    4F491693 2DD38CB8 - Slot 2
    A701BCE2 935774D9 - Slot 3
    698DA13B 5F467BD5 - Slot 4
    F3681F7A A35DB120 - Slot 5
    F987F28A 7048FBE4 - Slot 6
    AC0B1942 0C09741A - Slot 7
    4B904066 CEB2E52D - Slot 8
    39A6D524 348D61F4 - Slot 9
    CFFE6035 BD5EDBB7 - Slot 10
    625BADE5 EA1C30FB - Slot 11
    A318E457 0A189517 - Slot 12
    51FD99E1 FAF871A9 - Slot 13
    C6A5EF13 EAEC8786 - Slot 14
    3B148DCC B3C4DE9D - Slot 15
    8385D602 8FB303EF - Slot 16
    27808FE1 7FE8B83B - Slot 17
    EA91F29A 6FEEE518 - Slot 18
    0000374A 08EBA4CA - Slot 19
    5D985364 BAB512D9 - Slot 20
    99A7B830 AB0A9C59 - Slot 21
    D11EE2C0 181207EA - Slot 22
    4BC11746 B9440C6C - Slot 23
    7A77AEAC 99D6B3B9 - Slot 24
    7DB0B328 0E63F668 - Slot 25
    DD6612E0 D885A1D5 - Slot 26
    14A272A4 2431A28C - Slot 27
    D52050C1 FA077368 - Slot 28
    09BF8093 EFDA386F - Slot 29
    67D98AA2 614496D0 - Slot 30

    A86DA794 D6BEDBFC - Slot 1
    67EE35D6 CB9565A0 - Slot 2
    73EC03B9 EE53D909 - Slot 3
    6F2E92A0 576053B8 - Slot 4
    DB976F72 70868DD6 - Slot 5
    4CFF4B96 A10428FE - Slot 6
    A905FF9A B7A250BA - Slot 7
    B29573B4 ED7E2B7E - Slot 8
    F5DA5B73 BD46059E - Slot 9
    32D7D04B D39DCD39 - Slot 10
    45C05A3C EFB162BB - Slot 11
    32CE2F3B D54D26A7 - Slot 12
    3AB3DD69 4FEA0395 - Slot 13
    B42D5710 D5149860 - Slot 14
    11AB0863 81EB4543 - Slot 15
    D0907477 EF8A154A - Slot 16
    B8E226B2 A4F684AE - Slot 17
    EB1C39C5 C25A5938 - Slot 18
    F1030A62 CB3A2720 - Slot 19
    EABA7247 2B1BF06F - Slot 20
    CCD59794 C1AACA16 - Slot 21
    8ACFB441 A3130095 - Slot 22
    5DB5EB80 8ECF4751 - Slot 23
    822C1F88 01F5B751 - Slot 24
    E9C82188 F221336E - Slot 25
    A5140E93 6BFA8873 - Slot 26
    D8DE2079 717BA696 - Slot 27
    5000E72E 82541A91 - Slot 28
    5FD05744 2D21A75D - Slot 29
    1B29EEC4 B690850C - Slot 30

    096E9E67 40487C07 - Slot 1
    E947E272 348E4E15 - Slot 2
    D04E1991 BF5B629C - Slot 3
    BEEAC47F 6E724059 - Slot 4
    A5017CC7 B576F6D5 - Slot 5
    21A7E71B 7CEA7CEA - Slot 6
    E58293F5 E009689B - Slot 7
    C088D442 1A5187C9 - Slot 8
    D1FF729D 37251642 - Slot 9
    D687F4D4 4EEFB142 - Slot 10
    40D62C47 064E50BF - Slot 11
    C3E1FF6B DF375E60 - Slot 12
    E15EB38E A617AA9E - Slot 13
    AC953767 673C58AC - Slot 14
    8F0E6F02 D8CE6C03 - Slot 15
    37D26609 3B7642D4 - Slot 16
    42462267 3F3F6B37 - Slot 17
    A286FCAD 57763E1F - Slot 18
    566526F4 7B16BB39 - Slot 19
    9B0505D5 B45B5179 - Slot 20
    8D931118 90C77350 - Slot 21
    C0B6804E BE384F00 - Slot 22
    5B065950 617C704F - Slot 23
    979008AB 829A2057 - Slot 24
    A73F3847 4454C6DA - Slot 25
    CFB706CF CA1074F6 - Slot 26
    B67A2645 4005FAF7 - Slot 27
    AADDE617 9458B1DD - Slot 28
    DAD4B649 A98030D4 - Slot 29
    4C15EC90 6F2EC7F8 - Slot 30

    76E03C66 A5BD6F3B - Slot 1
    BD8C210D A96B5661 - Slot 2
    D35C07E6 0AD14924 - Slot 3
    67AB4121 5E0C99C3 - Slot 4
    82EFE18F B32AF20B - Slot 5
    51EF7084 18518201 - Slot 6
    283EFBD8 5E589204 - Slot 7
    095ACE40 BE85DA50 - Slot 8
    E8F5FB44 FCA5E4F3 - Slot 9
    A5BBB829 8F8E70D3 - Slot 10
    ABC486FC 83521C72 - Slot 11
    1B087FBF EBB48E71 - Slot 12
    AEFBAD99 25A9D484 - Slot 13
    5CB8DEA0 CAE5C141 - Slot 14
    943E99C8 A5B23FAD - Slot 15
    321EA49C ED33D7EE - Slot 16
    0039CFA9 A66B86EC - Slot 17
    44D05EE7 389804C3 - Slot 18
    BA80BAEF B7A5AD1A - Slot 19
    4EBF446C 46349F12 - Slot 20
    15D94337 3EAA1F2F - Slot 21
    31E096DE CC8E180B - Slot 22
    3DF41CBE 8DE039EF - Slot 23
    F11255C9 C2B96F39 - Slot 24
    705A8E91 7407E719 - Slot 25
    1BB92292 16666578 - Slot 26
    9FE43B9A A678CA29 - Slot 27
    7328AA1D C439E29A - Slot 28
    F6A4D819 B51384AC - Slot 29
    1FA5ACC5 EF071D7D - Slot 30

    8DA77986 628E8641 - Slot 1
    3A14360E 5E7CB8E7 - Slot 2
    2554B326 BA000434 - Slot 3
    273FEA7E F36EFC4C - Slot 4
    0E713BFB F3948D2B - Slot 5
    BB940909 254708B9 - Slot 6
    189A6694 1DE36F4D - Slot 7
    84ABE765 E580D8C4 - Slot 8
    97C18F94 0CCE1A90 - Slot 9
    58AFF483 B58295AD - Slot 10
    3175C41C 872A67E5 - Slot 11
    B0B56B9F FA48D82F - Slot 12
    209A4DAD 55D3FDC1 - Slot 13
    D776E1AB 87F79ADF - Slot 14
    40FC0652 32E7778B - Slot 15
    8C176B5C BBAF851E - Slot 16
    DD29A3B2 DC79A431 - Slot 17
    351EB5B0 E573558D - Slot 18
    33108E7F 019829DD - Slot 19
    D7351513 E094C9AC - Slot 20
    C5394B01 6621EBBE - Slot 21
    45727212 5CBABF2F - Slot 22
    AB28089F 20C41A31 - Slot 23
    D27DAD5E 87BE4E1C - Slot 24
    D530DC8C EE5A628A - Slot 25
    DA6A744C DEF44B06 - Slot 26
    169FE7D1 C4E9CAEF - Slot 27
    54E806E7 841714B6 - Slot 28
    A5CFA19A 13CE9C0A - Slot 29
    F795277D 7E445CD4 - Slot 30

    9D9672AD D13F76F0 - Slot 1
    56C70038 3EA2EF06 - Slot 2
    069BB9FE 348FCCD6 - Slot 3
    10690004 D507460F - Slot 4
    7D17E36A 7B472F3D - Slot 5
    32DBFB51 DD2A72B0 - Slot 6
    225B2E9A 78933B0D - Slot 7
    01DE6345 51E49EB0 - Slot 8
    E7F505AB 94B4DA28 - Slot 9
    691099D8 C71FC534 - Slot 10
    0AE4B213 AD722550 - Slot 11
    87FC70AD E0A1CD8F - Slot 12
    145275B4 4E807252 - Slot 13
    56AFD463 918B63BB - Slot 14
    B55D8432 A331388F - Slot 15
    F3A52735 98F7DB39 - Slot 16
    A5F8D961 D2DB8661 - Slot 17
    02C78855 94941DA7 - Slot 18
    38B8186E E6A8BA67 - Slot 19
    11FFE4BF DA9115D3 - Slot 20
    B96FDFA1 A12CAA3B - Slot 21
    7D4699E7 954F5776 - Slot 22
    A1AF333A 1766835A - Slot 23
    9D008AE0 40375E70 - Slot 24
    66698BAC EC46E850 - Slot 25
    8C66CAE5 305AE159 - Slot 26
    22C63DA8 AE944F0E - Slot 27
    DD41EAEE 7515D680 - Slot 28
    9F6008D1 A63830A3 - Slot 29
    14BD3B0A 7DE02209 - Slot 30

    41D4F543 EE13B28E - Slot 1
    2925C07E D8AF3F7D - Slot 2
    06F097E2 FD5825C9 - Slot 3
    D883649D FFD69271 - Slot 4
    7F744797 B3EFBE55 - Slot 5
    D1765BDD 08994F0E - Slot 6
    A6BAA8DD B3FE6446 - Slot 7
    E60ED048 C40AD0F6 - Slot 8
    2B16F076 D5299829 - Slot 9
    7B3C5152 D7A716DB - Slot 10
    B1E7C191 040DDFAB - Slot 11
    ABE3D472 ECBF6338 - Slot 12
    F2B3B529 458B983B - Slot 13
    419E181F 0E0ADC79 - Slot 14
    B1E60C9F 120393A7 - Slot 15
    CEC5A446 CF4852C3 - Slot 16
    5B19B210 CB9BFFC6 - Slot 17
    A77086CC C7005633 - Slot 18
    E4AC878D 9B8E1B4F - Slot 19
    6D2C4271 C84A5B9C - Slot 20
    BE8660C6 DF350770 - Slot 21
    67AEF190 8179356C - Slot 22
    06B4568F D7E7E494 - Slot 23
    2ACCF13D 731B481E - Slot 24
    D479D430 52469324 - Slot 25
    517F8D67 821CA359 - Slot 26
    D9483F09 18C7793F - Slot 27
    F43758A7 770FB64C - Slot 28
    6E5C5FB2 C9CC1B68 - Slot 29
    5828A20B 06423008 - Slot 30

    0CA37ECF D8616D4D - Slot 1
    0226895C 7A1DFA57 - Slot 2
    2070FA2E AA33FE56 - Slot 3
    2D62916C 4D9EFC17 - Slot 4
    C1B7D7C2 6EC3CDDD - Slot 5
    42AAC4F1 BD7F5D54 - Slot 6
    C47BEE7B CB37BC05 - Slot 7
    831D9F37 27DBDC19 - Slot 8
    F38623CF A2EAEA34 - Slot 9
    73BA8B0C 28C5BF09 - Slot 10
    52918B9E 768CCD5E - Slot 11
    2431BB0F 0C0E5A36 - Slot 12
    C38D5111 790B1B5B - Slot 13
    56849627 F84AF146 - Slot 14
    F9B4095C 9188D91F - Slot 15
    1AB664BC E29594EB - Slot 16
    5FBA23B6 AE71627E - Slot 17
    CCFBEF2B 12CA5028 - Slot 18
    E337C3D5 63B040AD - Slot 19
    3F49F532 3AA68E50 - Slot 20
    96633D1B 9C3A7ACE - Slot 21
    F9C2999F BAD1D341 - Slot 22
    E27A7152 9F1A76EF - Slot 23
    97B899C0 22E0CF9E - Slot 24
    A46C6CED CD750F56 - Slot 25
    448B281E C013E6F4 - Slot 26
    F21F4638 F79DEF05 - Slot 27
    09B88392 76302811 - Slot 28
    5CFB8E98 170FAC77 - Slot 29
    F5EBFD23 0D7968FF - Slot 30

    974B48C1 3C104A1C - Slot 1
    09CEF642 C35D1F09 - Slot 2
    23A94A01 30E3D585 - Slot 3
    F48E221E 4CF97354 - Slot 4
    CE745764 47782EEB - Slot 5
    7311E506 7DB31624 - Slot 6
    55111DD0 FFCE815F - Slot 7
    8DAA0B10 E4F0D9E7 - Slot 8
    9365A83D ABDB3E3C - Slot 9
    D8CF7B86 780568B4 - Slot 10
    83AE2F8E 60BFBF5D - Slot 11
    6A3DBBCD 8245583F - Slot 12
    FB705E42 C3DEBD91 - Slot 13
    B157AF0A 3F9339FB - Slot 14
    AD85BFDC 9F4C3CD4 - Slot 15
    06BDCE7C 984A324C - Slot 16
    54314C79 92DC0833 - Slot 17
    0F74AFEF DF0F3523 - Slot 18
    909286B4 49944127 - Slot 19
    165B9FD1 371E22DD - Slot 20
    4169428B 3287214A - Slot 21
    237E09D4 A4A6B65E - Slot 22
    DC11D081 1081CBCC - Slot 23
    9A446F59 DC4ECE8D - Slot 24
    BE3F18FB 48F973E1 - Slot 25
    43CD34BB 5AFAF2BF - Slot 26
    B24BB4C0 9899D569 - Slot 27
    404FE380 C274E3F7 - Slot 28
    CD78DBEC 6DAE7343 - Slot 29
    03CFB2F5 1A558405 - Slot 30

    49165F25 1EB5C235 - Slot 1
    970F5B62 0B3DA9DB - Slot 2
    1877DA75 2CEED8B6 - Slot 3
    F763F09B CED006BA - Slot 4
    A8F32246 4111CC4B - Slot 5
    222ACDFF 78062A00 - Slot 6
    64C5318A D7E13B88 - Slot 7
    8F466AB9 4762FC62 - Slot 8
    F02B534D A9B55753 - Slot 9
    9ED04ABE 1A26873C - Slot 10
    D8F0A931 16849D7F - Slot 11
    D05D77B6 1B130211 - Slot 12
    4E96D9D2 B378B222 - Slot 13
    C4644559 962B6558 - Slot 14
    C25B2127 9FB2EC61 - Slot 15
    07499873 98F9871D - Slot 16
    8AAB0945 92A40CE1 - Slot 17
    44A9B4E1 DA57F99A - Slot 18
    F12C320E 55795E33 - Slot 19
    7DA0452F BB6C3885 - Slot 20
    169B9EAA 5211F468 - Slot 21
    43236331 5369DFDB - Slot 22
    C7891E5B 5E998FA3 - Slot 23
    7E5235E8 91062B07 - Slot 24
    EF7D2CEE 0636E1F9 - Slot 25
    7C6FDDC3 ACF5B221 - Slot 26
    784C0D78 281679F1 - Slot 27
    5B51738E C0D05CEA - Slot 28
    333500AC 00A8BBBE - Slot 29
    D8DF995C C41BCFBA - Slot 30

    7AB7D1DA C983FF64 - Slot 1
    824EA28F 58E078EF - Slot 2
    DC81EB54 6C4FAF86 - Slot 3
    00E16909 1BC70A89 - Slot 4
    48E01B91 472532AB - Slot 5
    AD9BF5A9 06640276 - Slot 6
    BBB8A24E DEAA745C - Slot 7
    15249228 F1A2486D - Slot 8
    601801F7 3097B54A - Slot 9
    A804B82A 0C823D9A - Slot 10
    9FCC2F33 A1D78702 - Slot 11
    A1C0A1B1 C7EB103A - Slot 12
    ABFACB0F BB5AF4F4 - Slot 13
    B21DBE57 9FF16D41 - Slot 14
    DCCF7A71 604E944E - Slot 15
    602521C5 DA31DA17 - Slot 16
    F66EE7AD 51C7697E - Slot 17
    875D25EB DA5EEFD5 - Slot 18
    4B88C650 AF4C0EDF - Slot 19
    C009CE2D 28268DF8 - Slot 20
    6E1EC762 F35BBB74 - Slot 21
    8A1315F6 AC9F62CB - Slot 22
    7E34DBA9 B95422CF - Slot 23
    1E76996C DD6237B6 - Slot 24
    D022133E 3C5D6974 - Slot 25
    034CD0A7 102D53BC - Slot 26
    2A287468 3F371BE1 - Slot 27
    78F3ABF4 A90B388B - Slot 28
    E84135A0 197972EA - Slot 29
    B0633ECB C7146956 - Slot 30

    3CDC8DBB 7C236156 - Slot 1
    6FC1D168 A5F48D0C - Slot 2
    F2A2CABB 4E132B51 - Slot 3
    79EAC32F 7857284E - Slot 4
    0C041655 E8F078AB - Slot 5
    1983C177 0895BE11 - Slot 6
    B6900388 672FF3D0 - Slot 7
    05C2D6F3 81F1EF69 - Slot 8
    CF553115 6FAAE985 - Slot 9
    068A5702 6760ED1C - Slot 10
    4389CAEF 40051BAF - Slot 11
    021F90AA 8D88D676 - Slot 12
    8E28D47B 07B07C32 - Slot 13
    E90AC55E 57585DD2 - Slot 14
    51290979 B7516B57 - Slot 15
    3AA94E99 DF9EBC83 - Slot 16
    D236B265 7E695B39 - Slot 17
    DFE5EC5E D25D13B1 - Slot 18
    1EBBC6A2 E80F5872 - Slot 19
    13E0128D D0536720 - Slot 20
    13CC533E 7F19565F - Slot 21
    AF31C864 0673FD2E - Slot 22
    4E91AB0B A6C3FB20 - Slot 23
    B0F08B8B E87FCE75 - Slot 24
    838CDE74 CF0D3931 - Slot 25
    BAC19C77 A0232C12 - Slot 26
    9F7F424D 2E5C4FA5 - Slot 27
    8BBB8498 902D9E69 - Slot 28
    9A14CF6F F2F6DE46 - Slot 29
    D2261318 0FD54644 - Slot 30

    41369D29 A05D3ACB - Slot 1
    3A306213 7108524B - Slot 2
    5CB5DB04 DE0D552C - Slot 3
    4BCAD722 FC08E57A - Slot 4
    651ACA3D E8239E72 - Slot 5
    728D1496 8938EAFA - Slot 6
    71697CE6 2D7D496D - Slot 7
    6D84F244 27818F80 - Slot 8
    12C7F0EB 2CE528B4 - Slot 9
    1D2F5741 E60488A7 - Slot 10
    C64CD4E6 1E3911B8 - Slot 11
    3DC2A9E0 8D49E076 - Slot 12
    0057928B 8D6AB48C - Slot 13
    08B00DCC 25735001 - Slot 14
    E7D907D6 207FF8D2 - Slot 15
    E530222D 1A682046 - Slot 16
    9C15150A F2970CD1 - Slot 17
    4A0BE979 D01152E8 - Slot 18
    18352276 DB02B4C2 - Slot 19
    0F589DC5 712CBD1B - Slot 20
    4C93DC42 DF2FF630 - Slot 21
    6177F59D 8626BBA2 - Slot 22
    FE108032 597E5B80 - Slot 23
    7D6B55B6 A7FBCB9B - Slot 24
    704A1A46 8C5E77E7 - Slot 25
    88BD0E99 423C9B72 - Slot 26
    D1CB47B7 FB0B92AC - Slot 27
    4CBEC587 EFAE3D0F - Slot 28
    3475CDD2 9977C0BF - Slot 29
    E44E7228 A94921F8 - Slot 30

    B519AAD5 0ECEF15A - Slot 1
    408F9BB4 058D4123 - Slot 2
    2768327A 1C3C2089 - Slot 3
    9B7BA66C 2A0D32DC - Slot 4
    56D35B18 61625A14 - Slot 5
    AE2D35A5 6612C196 - Slot 6
    2CF979BB 3A6F0D59 - Slot 7
    6140CE5E 94B4289F - Slot 8
    03BAE0A5 66A7A9DC - Slot 9
    C60EBDEA 563B7A36 - Slot 10
    7825FF0F 68915D85 - Slot 11
    CA5A52CC 89F7627C - Slot 12
    E0546DB7 3EF68481 - Slot 13
    8E168FD6 20B46760 - Slot 14
    EDC7CD11 9E6B7EE1 - Slot 15
    82612AC7 7A92DD31 - Slot 16
    48FDEA32 C4E713EE - Slot 17
    2B2EB83A 66C4B638 - Slot 18
    8AC12BDB 501BA37C - Slot 19
    7001DACC FBC6B655 - Slot 20
    C4BFA566 BE3FF31D - Slot 21
    FBECC1CB CEE548FE - Slot 22
    BA9A04E0 FC8A20F5 - Slot 23
    276E44B8 76052DB2 - Slot 24

    F1DFF38E A7AE3057 - Slot 25
    D0357EE4 1DFD0C23 - Slot 26
    41856CF0 BC5E44CE - Slot 27
    46779F4F 60064C05 - Slot 28
    29D9C9BA 48310E1B - Slot 29
    6C972E11 1E3C97C2 - Slot 30

    A6E6B902 9B1EBE37 - Slot 1
    72712B0B C1FCCA02 - Slot 2
    2B6A7C59 A2EE61B8 - Slot 3
    DCF34326 B5D3B758 - Slot 4
    E5AFCC78 B8F5A30E - Slot 5
    1BC1864B 5AABDD35 - Slot 6
    02F41150 22DA37BC - Slot 7
    AC8B84D6 87D6B250 - Slot 8
    44295B49 6A5BA74A - Slot 9
    B5229683 A322E563 - Slot 10
    5F858AD9 A2808386 - Slot 11
    32FD8976 CB15C3FD - Slot 12
    0D11E826 54511D98 - Slot 13
    1A35799F A868B1A0 - Slot 14
    AFC4520A C2D735C5 - Slot 15
    926773BA 21B49FBB - Slot 16
    A6916535 B2FF3812 - Slot 17
    66B12D3E 8ACD0FFB - Slot 18
    A64A444D 19C192E4 - Slot 19
    29375024 AEEAEA5F - Slot 20
    E301497C 31E8AC7E - Slot 21
    80E10531 B682AA0F - Slot 22
    82034E99 7B373382 - Slot 23
    0BA4AC2E 30568185 - Slot 24
    255416FE 9E3437AC - Slot 25
    DF53DF55 F3A09171 - Slot 26
    5CD68908 9127979F - Slot 27
    97371741 E65BE85B - Slot 28
    5DFA5807 0C5D466E - Slot 29
    231E2E8F D41F055E - Slot 30

    B53AE736 8A5419DB - Slot 1
    82F2D6B8 A7A1049D - Slot 2
    6FE05CBD DC22B94B - Slot 3
    AB17166C 6E02F29F - Slot 4
    B93D9AD8 2FDE30D3 - Slot 5
    7284FDCD AD379CFF - Slot 6
    EEFC64C0 0B7A4FB4 - Slot 7
    73E24393 A3405607 - Slot 8
    5BBC35B2 30F6279E - Slot 9
    B5EAED37 F5586FD9 - Slot 10
    D67A9D41 0A008C65 - Slot 11
    C44DC930 351C0BB8 - Slot 12
    71724D4E B9777F6B - Slot 13
    EA7E624E 83CD10D9 - Slot 14
    482E7FCB D469C4B7 - Slot 15
    C3B5B811 2CF0028E - Slot 16
    A102A4FC 355EE28A - Slot 17
    C4BF3862 97034B00 - Slot 18
    14E2E35E 5F5099E4 - Slot 19
    2FD7BDEF 8731A555 - Slot 20
    C75158F1 66CF91EC - Slot 21
    B3B60514 4A28B2BB - Slot 22
    330C4015 2EE978BB - Slot 23
    0C558818 A5C3C7D5 - Slot 24
    B386C4BE 75D261EA - Slot 25
    71225791 D2B9B270 - Slot 26
    6E338397 5F8EE102 - Slot 27
    2902190A 0A6C3708 - Slot 28
    E6A8FA4B F58DD683 - Slot 29
    32D61849 7DF25A64 - Slot 30

    548B8F02 F50A923B - Slot 1
    EBBC247F 11FC5F31 - Slot 2
    F634FC3F 0774AD9B - Slot 3
    D0341D7B CFA0D178 - Slot 4
    7558E434 80072546 - Slot 5
    409F4BFC AB12E186 - Slot 6
    BF185B8A 1FCFFA3A - Slot 7
    EBD85A3A 92EDE645 - Slot 8
    DC394367 A2C83212 - Slot 9
    0C5D9AA9 0A1F49E3 - Slot 10
    E459E505 8E54816B - Slot 11
    032F033F F6CB65ED - Slot 12
    12FFBE7F 1AAA6C98 - Slot 13
    8680F402 34FB0D4A - Slot 14
    0BAAA32D 091236A3 - Slot 15
    FFEDDFB0 B79E541B - Slot 16
    D3665128 050C52E3 - Slot 17
    9E83F588 419527F0 - Slot 18
    844599C3 604469F7 - Slot 19
    805A7AB2 CFBEE22E - Slot 20
    82C3DFF9 A11E9D13 - Slot 21
    49BE4EFE 9D5F84B5 - Slot 22
    A090E60A A3856B93 - Slot 23
    228F24B5 533D10F1 - Slot 24
    02CD6D0B B32B3641 - Slot 25
    28A8CDD4 FD7A726F - Slot 26
    5969C0EA 97BB4CC5 - Slot 27
    781D4422 C9E013F3 - Slot 28
    E11AB8D8 260030C6 - Slot 29
    1372F8E3 45DFFDF7 - Slot 30

    026D3CB4 0E9434B4 - Slot 1
    45DBF30D 184F570F - Slot 2
    20116B2F C150DA26 - Slot 3
    AD16778F BA9F22B8 - Slot 4
    82C397D7 F0A568B4 - Slot 5
    F9DB68BC B39D632C - Slot 6
    308819FD 3B800623 - Slot 7
    25E65FFF 61971CC7 - Slot 8
    D57EF8E1 ED72E357 - Slot 9
    87A3A00E 0FC6A15F - Slot 10
    61043F69 D8D0453C - Slot 11
    BDD1188F E4B6896E - Slot 12
    28F440E0 D86E8934 - Slot 13
    25180990 D0966B4C - Slot 14
    F47B5099 90ED1C7E - Slot 15
    B3C9A220 6F4EEBB8 - Slot 16
    0E6933B5 889F27DA - Slot 17
    AB00759A D134B0EB - Slot 18
    6154CCFD 7D6159E5 - Slot 19
    41B10ED2 7BD47C72 - Slot 20
    F00573F7 36D6F9AA - Slot 21
    7E41AA06 E2779C5C - Slot 22
    5C36E9E5 789340FA - Slot 23
    98C9E9A7 F344BD2C - Slot 24
    C4088528 253984F9 - Slot 25
    494D4703 73AB2C51 - Slot 26
    40E924FA BEAB408D - Slot 27
    5B2DFA4E 31F45760 - Slot 28
    7376DF28 24029F80 - Slot 29
    52A34926 EC5164AD - Slot 30

    9.Key Item Codes [KIC]:
    This is the only section apart from the FAQ that is incomplete.
    But what the hay, enjoy this anyway.

    0E8FD30D 5E6CAFA6 - ExamCard
    277788A2 9BEF769D - Lighter
    6FE0FE6A BAED95B2 - Firewood
    8327C909 08E8D7DE - OddProg
    2D0A7B5B 6762DA26 - BadDataA
    9AA6357C 2ABE06E9 - NoteData
    16FE0141 77C646B1 - Wireless
    ECF26971 3007F635 - RoboX
    8F5814C0 CC46371F - Whiskey
    E7542A0A DBFFE2B6 - Thread
    BBD3A313 C5DC806C - RedFrag
    24AFD79A 321E2540 - RedCure
    B248D06F 7C524293 - HeatData
    47344986 44A860D1 - YeloCure
    EFA4D390 75E225DB - BluFragA
    056D5481 5B8E5B50 - BluFragB
    D36602FB 14C1FA36 - GospelID
    621C5300 D51BCA4C - KotoPass
    769CF692 1531B956 - MagSuit
    0BAA9B26 29055425 - ElBit042
    E8EE43A0 F82192DC - ElBit082
    2902F0CD 8880103D - ElBit093
    6602A55F 569333D1 - ElBit201
    D4A29CDC 61D0BB01 - ElBit232
    F83E1277 97B90DA9 - ElBit243
    84BEA29A 9C90C4CC - ElBit253
    2C193E84 7ECAEA9E - ElBit271
    842464EA D7B83252 - ElBitEV
    9C67F5A8 3907023B - LoveLetr
    6F7C9CF6 6F2913D6 - Beetle
    A5FFF525 0F115346 - YumTear
    8D19B5F5 13536B04 - KngStone
    5D38B57D 66221BE0 - Twilight
    5B3ED203 2C0B1954 - ArmyData
    79E639EC 7A2936ED - ZLicense
    585E867C 71BD98D5 - BLicense
    0F2EB869 D68B69AB - ALicense
    D6CB32E3 4D9F745A - SLicense
    7E550016 A76E5067 - SS Lic
    DD063CF5 A4893EDA - SSS Lic
    BBBE5DB5 DF4C47D6 - FreePass
    B276732E B7E0C91F - GateKeyA
    245029C0 A5078CD0 - GateKeyB
    80033BC6 666C6D48 - GateKeyC
    F8B80ADE EBC7BC78 - GateKeyD
    AC43A928 467A3CB1 - 99 Bugfrag
    2D4D478A 170E611D - MaylCode
    6911F863 64F946A5 - RaulCode
    54803AFC CE064702 - ACDCPass
    6B4C28B1 8298D708 - HPMemory

    10.Chips After Battle Codes [CAC]
    Unfortunately, I am unskilled so that I cannot make the chips
    after battle into star code, just into the first code of it.
    If you put in the code for Cannon, for example, you would get Cannon
    A only. Simple enough?

    C05CA4A9 8928FBBA - Cannon
    0E620D30 FCE79CD7 - Hi-Cannon
    5C973D08 19D982C4 - M-Cannon
    8A075F16 3BEACC8D - Shotgun
    537FB488 95CF2D02 - V-Gun
    80BB2A33 1C8FAFC9 - CrossGun
    BF4EAA01 545F9B76 - Spreader
    3D563D68 A38C3297 - Bubbler
    790D8D73 D2572074 - Bub-V
    597FB4A8 3299151F - BubCross
    4A5A5F62 362A8EC3 - BubSprd
    4D61BB99 738207DD - HeatShot
    7F10DD13 A0C05885 - Heat-V
    A071372E 58440010 - HeatCros
    C6FD31A2 BE6C1A91 - HeatSprd
    8158C1CF 6F310458 - MiniBomb
    595A0BD3 12D8024A - LilBomb
    722D674E FF92779E - CrosBomb
    8B92CB24 1EF5436C - BigBomb
    20B55076 FAEE39FD - TreeBom1
    F696AD37 0F257DA0 - TreeBom2
    4346A0AE 2F069D81 - TreeBom3
    8D16A4D3 FE77F5B2 - Sword
    00CB59CB 49900B82 - WideSwrd
    0AF93DA9 FCFC8C36 - LongSwrd
    8396DB27 CEC9C5FC - FireSwrd
    5F8BB356 AE6299E4 - AquaSwrd
    F38F2FE6 597C1E15 - ElecSwrd
    2F500DB0 3E5B475D - FireBlde
    8AC48452 0D0F6D10 - AquaBlde
    3DEB1F09 CF27ED28 - ElecBlde
    A6A47109 C5F5572F - StepSwrd
    8A5C64BB 9FFC8636 - Kunai1
    0577B8D8 8DCBF652 - Kunai2
    F37D1054 F124848A - Kunai3
    73ABF6EE 2F5D84B6 - CustSwrd
    405E344A CCA8C924 - Muramasa
    34E6D4FF A36B83FD - VarSwrd
    B65F4D52 86E548A7 - Slasher
    2395AEB0 225C3FAF - Shockwav
    AA3CB9A5 309CBA38 - Sonicwav
    DD644490 EA9BCC34 - Dynawave
    2D0CCDA0 CC541186 - Quake1
    EB927C43 D2682660 - Quake2
    818D47D5 67E39F7E - Quake3
    D5EB4DB1 CEA4E657 - GutPunch
    588CCA96 6036135B - ColdPnch
    3DEE54B0 CE9C9B01 - DashAtk
    42073F0B 2D243674 - Wrecker
    01016FD5 44D1E437 - CannBall
    BD4E11BC A4145795 - DoubNdl
    59502C5F 17410CA1 - TripNdl
    C261139E 2DE71B39 - QuadNdl
    7D355BDA F24DC1D1 - Trident
    C005120E BE811968 - Ratton1
    1EF63AC1 A7A7FCF3 - Ratton2
    51F9BA11 4097FD62 - Ratton3
    6D3BF1C1 B88FE4E1 - FireRat
    BFEA213D 31CAD417 - Tornado
    0A2D8A02 628CF8FA - Twister
    EAF097F2 EAD8E4BC - Blower
    E8CA8A20 404F95F0 - Burner
    99B0909E ACB8CBF4 - ZapRing1
    8ED8DFF8 1FCC7013 - ZapRing2
    21639C07 A42A2FA8 - ZapRing3
    9A04E7FB 28308DEF - Satelit1
    F69E2E6B 52DB0F22 - Satelit2
    EC07F670 0B1BAB2A - Satelit3
    1D59A165 2B4E4986 - Spice1
    8E71843F BD8488C0 - Spice2
    5C055C11 DA378C25 - Spice3
    DC8B1342 CC2B5D46 - MagBomb1
    3DADC5B1 B20B1406 - MagBomb2
    1C5F3699 A6F08180 - MagBomb3
    90C0A9E2 43102B75 - Yo-Yo1
    407C5AE1 5BC13CB0 - Yo-Yo2
    40D990F5 2A3FB119 - Yo-Yo3
    AD11B2BD A022F41A - CrsShld1
    1D687CE7 7245420C - CrsShld2
    21D9C237 FEC13B0B - CrsShld3
    39E43C33 8B581EB2 - Hammer
    92F040B8 961A501C - ZeusHamr
    425D7756 4ADF80F9 - Lance
    9708B92D 6C670EF8 - BrnzFist
    06A06F9B 5BE83C85 - SilvFist
    17C77CC3 4B1C27C5 - GoldFist
    815ED082 4AE6ED85 - PoisMask
    7571E3DE 4C4C5EDE - PoisFace
    57937528 3E600014 - Whirlpl
    E76DC7E0 313DA3C6 - Blckhole
    31CA82F2 3396E5C7 - Meteor9
    AF3ABD30 C3B9984B - Meteor12
    F935CE7B 7C40360A - Meteor15
    413387B0 87F7C06C - Meteor18
    52A0751E 780209C0 - TimeBom1
    BFCB564F 2F313A42 - TimeBom2
    3193A57F B2F3DC1C - TimeBom3
    24A6CB4F 1B201F2A - LilCloud
    6523B6DC A73593EB - MedCloud
    4E89DDC3 ACA9854B - BigCloud
    8952ED0E 6BF3B412 - Mine
    45D51C62 D8548C20 - FrntSnsr
    1CFCF400 FC5F5A0D - DblSnsr
    AFAD86A0 E514381F - Remobit1
    84C79789 470DA085 - Remobit2
    F4B1B43F 457F0DC9 - Remobit3
    7A4866E2 67F96EA4 - AquaBall
    DD3C72B9 662A2495 - ElecBall
    52A1CF32 815690CC - HeatBall
    7930C86F C738F966 - Geyser
    86BF189C AC1815A5 - LavaDrag
    8501F698 0C6FCB56 - GodStone
    49772DEE DD5F59FD - OldWood
    1176A9E2 39983997 - Guard
    9D3AD887 9F8C7B23 - PanlOut1
    C547D373 D0EA66D9 - PanlOut3
    1FF48BE8 FBF95119 - LineOut
    3FCAC083 6333950A - Catcher
    299CA762 A7930604 - MindBndr
    A0EAF792 A250F933 - Recov10
    ACCA3474 777F531B - Recov30
    5E95854B 1C8254D9 - Recov50
    75B6F3BF 872E0204 - Recov80
    BDA967C2 F6CA4F61 - Recov120
    CB9A0994 D07E1FC5 - Recov150
    C78871AD 02F346E7 - Recov200
    B64A293C DBC256DF - Recov300
    49684C71 01BAF052 - PanlGrab
    959896E7 38C3DD1E - AreaGrab
    848C4025 8E7409A3 - GrabRvng
    01C5B123 15BC9ADA - Geddon1
    EE355231 1FB23A13 - Geddon2
    65CD0D62 1D49F1B0 - Geddon3
    2A1BC09D 0B51546A - Escape
    9EBEDAF8 B20F3D71 - AirShoes
    A5410F64 864C3DA7 - Repair
    78DB7EAC 4F963916 - Candle1
    D28C0F47 E399499F - Candle2
    88224F78 7FAD81A4 - Candle3
    42EA2808 34762D5F - RockCube
    F529D556 4E2BE430 - Prism
    23504B6B 4421D41B - Guardian
    735B7FC5 D40C8527 - Wind
    DBD81D0E 45B704FA - Fan
    CEF76DE7 8EF11268 - Anubis
    98CF3785 A7F47880 - SloGauge
    666DBF4B 1A4540F8 - FstGauge
    E22BE954 C0E57F5F - FullCust
    AB321838 AA30B9A4 - Invis1
    907F2C13 6048DF14 - Invis2
    ECE4E79F 0F06F6A4 - Invis3
    B704FDFC 25ADA292 - DropDown
    C71A2E58 7431E0A6 - PopUp
    F1C57F56 428A7BFA - StoneBod
    D769DDC4 37228557 - Shadow1
    2AC2A9B6 23BF1674 - Shadow2
    17DD9019 90577A4C - Shadow3
    7B28CB4C E46FFCAA - UnderSht
    BC5BA98C C93208D6 - Barrier
    4102A828 3CE71A0D - BblWrap
    95386FBD 07AD90FF - LeafShld
    59A75531 4D32830B - AquaAura
    9F144011 B9A68F43 - FireAura
    2D0B0FCF 54E514DE - WoodAura
    ECD2D30D 92B0FFEF - ElecAura
    F0B1D1D2 5DE72CE4 - LifeAur1
    22D9CBAE 927A3667 - LifeAur2
    BFB265B6 21280342 - LifeAur3
    8286394B E469CEAE - MagLine
    095633AF FDFC6677 - LavaLine
    D1EFE762 3AFF59A2 - IceLine
    B3991D66 F287B559 - GrassLne
    3A2A4EB1 E5A36EED - LavaStge
    332ACBB6 2F5F2528 - IceStg
    5CF6D5F7 2DD0E7E9 - GrassStg
    A8C8C9DB B9A5D5F4 - HolyPanl
    1D9AE421 F6F10E36 - Jealosy
    FF2E3B43 4323A133 - AntiFire
    B0470D38 D723205B - AntiElec
    565D5FD6 776781E8 - AntiWatr
    D72A69CE 7256668F - AntiDmg
    1F42CFCE B06AA4AA - AntiSwrd
    D17EF6FF 7DFC2AC1 - AntiNavi
    151E99DD 13EB4050 - AntiRecv
    37D4C438 190445E1 - Atk+10
    78A6E2C0 14E53E85 - Atk+20
    9FCBE537 E98DD432 - Atk+30
    7FA9B24F 777E452D - Fire+40
    0406B535 28B240F1 - Aqua+40
    07B0FE31 41FB929C - Wood+40
    E495E79E 9D8A127D - Elec+40
    435727E4 777A32B6 - Navi+20
    44B365D3 F2093108 - Navi+40
    9F5EB0C3 BA6F1240 - Roll
    12613662 5E9C46CA - Roll V2
    8E169AAE 6911C4F0 - Roll V3
    60E9B216 2E2ECF33 - GutsMan
    80BDFA8E DC5398D7 - GutsMan V2
    4F834D6B E442D3B0 - GutsMan V3
    50E95FA4 1082B630 - ProtoMan
    B625FBAB 855BC85E - ProtoMn V2
    1F0C1AED 7516DCCF - ProtoMn V3
    703BCC06 86EBE872 - AirMan
    ADDDC289 A64B27EA - AirMan V2
    9E27F44B 1E310CDB - AirMan V3
    2A853295 D1811EAC - QuickMan
    4C29CDCB 874F8524 - QuickMn V2
    9B7D80D2 6D9EEBCF - QuickMn V3
    4E97139D CEC38040 - CutMan
    D23C114B 8158F404 - CutMan V2
    90B24AA8 8B9E07A2 - CutMan V3
    B921A09B 22472417 - ShadoMan
    13A6B3D9 D9D7DE65 - ShadoMn V2
    6007FDE6 EF534E0D - ShadoMn V3
    5C95B44F 1F2D6AE4 - KnightMn
    F5F62338 36400A1D - KnghtMn V2
    FB8C1741 B9B662B9 - KnghtMn V3
    09BB7749 3E51DE4C - MagnetMn
    6CD94100 45FB243C - MagntMn V2
    CDA3F4CD 21B0F7C9 - MagntMn V3
    A41450EF 2757FE06 - FreezeMn
    0C888BC5 DAABCEE7 - FrzMan V2
    B42D878A 0001D094 - FrzMan V3
    AC8A1F0A C9562833 - HeatMan
    F21F8FC8 C23755AE - HeatMan V2
    274FB6A7 3D04DFE9 - HeatMan V3
    6F058415 8F46DFB5 - ToadMan
    687C8CAD 71611C49 - ToadMan V2
    FF074AEB 87F7B4EC - ToadMan V3
    22789A32 C5E042D9 - ThunMan
    D402F6BF 50AB3E3F - ThunMan V2
    9DCA5D89 8F465B5E - ThunMan V3
    55181968 50573464 - SnakeMan
    021BFEF6 D2F41BC2 - SnakeMn V2
    D88D42D8 1F4C348E - SnakeMn V3
    065D131F E651A8E3 - GateMan
    6648B3BE E8A0AEB7 - GateMan V2
    168DE11B 25239EA1 - GateMan V3
    FA032858 A78761F0 - PharoMan
    61A48BFA E83A9AF1 - PharoMn V2
    EA57EE4C 93A28A7A - PharoMn V3
    F108D194 2C011AC1 - NapalmMn
    B3A7AB40 7F8AEB0C - NaplmMn V2
    8B7BD85C 46B08EA9 - NaplmMn V3
    D46368BF CF1B9ECE - PlanetMn
    A19BABB2 AF1CB80E - PlnetMn V2
    F98393BF 2501122C - PlnetMn V3
    6C6A536E C3E2242E - Bass
    54060818 30C02CE1 - Bass V2
    9E36AF67 BC28DBA0 - Bass V3
    468B0413 07943BFC - BgRedWav
    7DF006E1 0EEDFCC7 - FreezBom
    3A3B365B B65A5B07 - Sparker
    8DD0801E 62E1957C - GaiaSwrd
    CA7B4738 082EA473 - BlkBomb
    14B93489 217FC507 - FtrSword
    F8A601EA F7804FDC - KngtSwrd
    EB50736D 2F38C413 - HeroSwrd
    1404F5FC 459F2D52 - Meteors
    8F8028B7 26148A87 - Poltrgst
    276EE1DD 201183DC - GateSP
    CAD16F8B 189CD27E - FireGspl
    127E814D 4F28E0B7 - AquaGspl
    2D991CE9 CD5B2C96 - ElecGspl
    FC0B3707 471FF35F - WoodGspl

    11.Credits [CRE]:
    I just added this so I can raise my status. No, I'm kidding. It's just to
    thank the people who helped out on my FAQ. The people so far are:

    Myself for making this
    CJayC for posting this FAQ
    Capcom (obviously)
    YOUR NAME HERE (if you help me)
    Koichi/DB - 'Cause he asked me and pointed some stuff out.
    Dark RPG Wizard 06 - Because every other FAQ for this game has him in it.
    Lord_Yawgmoth - Asked me for a legit site to post this FAQ on. And yes,
    he makes life fun by keeping this FAQ a degree.
    *gives Lord_Yawgmoth a hug*

    You can help me by:
    Reporting a code that ISN'T working.

    12.Version History/Copyright [VHC]:
    2.1 - 11/9/05
    11:47 AM (Eastern time)
    Added new sites where this FAQ may be posted (AOL Games and the
    Under Square)

    2.0 - 11/7/05
    12:05 PM (Eastern time)
    Fixed spacing problems, reworked contact information (not that I get
    any, anyway). Added a few credits.

    1.0 - 2/9/05
    9:38 PM (Eastern time)
    Almost completely done. One huge chunk of codes in my FAQ, and this is
    just the first version! Might add more codes later.

    13.Copyright [COP]
    All right, let's see, no copying, no posting any part of this on your site,
    and anything related to that UNLESS I give you my written permission (via
    e-mail,post or otherwise) that you may post my information, in part or in
    whole, on any site (wow, I sound like a darn lawyer). This FAQ may
    only be posted on:

    AOL Games (sorta unwillingly)
    "The Under Square" (H0tSh0tZ's web site, recommended by Lord_Yawgmoth)

    And NOWHERE ELSE! If you see these anywhere except for the site(s) above,
    contact me IMMEDIATELY. I WILL take appropriate action and put
    you in the
    credits. Whoever THAT DOES rip off my work will be brutally flamed forevermore.
  4. shizumaru

    shizumaru Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Soul's Planet
    Đây là cheat của MMNavi Customizer Program Compression Codes
    To enter these codes, highlight the program you want to compress and hold right, then input the codes. The Program then will shrink. If you input the code again, it will decompress.Code Effect
    ARAABARRBA Compress AimFish
    ARBABRRBAL Compress AirShoes
    LBRBABLBAL Compress AttackMAX
    BRBBBBBARR Compress BatteryMode
    LRBBALRABA Compress BeatSupport
    RLABLRLAAB Compress BodyPack
    BAABBBALBA Compress BoosterPack
    AAABRLBAAL Compress BugStopper
    LLALLBABBB Compress ChargeMAX
    ALABBAAABA Compress Collector's Eye
    LBBRBAALRR Compress Custom1
    RALLAABRBA Compress Custom2
    BBARABLARR Compress FirstBarrier
    RALABLBBRB Compress FloatShoes
    ABLRRBRLBA Compress FolderPack1
    BBARBLARBL Compress FolderPack2
    BLBRLLLABA Compress GigaFolder1
    LLABLBABLL Compress HumorSense
    ALARBRARLB Compress JungleLand
    BLALBRALBA Compress KawaramiMagic (AntiDmg)
    ARLALALLAB Compress MegaFolder1
    LALRBLRLRA Compress MegaFolder2
    RBARALBBBL Compress Millionaire
    AAALAABLRA Compress NumberOpening
    LRABARBBLR Compress OilBody
    AALABRALBA Compress RapidMAX
    LAABRRLRLR Compress Reflect
    RLBAABALLR Compress RushSupport
    BABARRLLAB Compress RythmicalPoem
    RRABLRARLA Compress SearchShuffle
    BBBAABAABB Compress SelfRecovery
    RBBBAAABRL Compress Shield
    BBBABBAARB Compress ShinobiDash
    ALAAALLABR Compress SlipRunner
    ABLLAALRBA Compress SuperArmor
    BRBRRABBRA Compress TangoSupport
    RRALLRAABB Compress UnderShirt

    Contributed By: ForteGSOmega
    Lottery Chip Machine Codes
    Once you are able to enter the chip shop in Central Town, go inside to find a green machine on the right-hand side. Upon pressing A in front of the machine, you will be able to enter a series of numbers to receive bonus items.Password Effect
    71757977 AirWheel3 O
    51702791 AquaMan *
    69544569 BambooLance *
    24616497 BlastMan *
    97049899 BlizzardBall H
    92070765 ChargeMan *
    51378085 CircleGun V
    44892547 ColonelArmy *
    23722234 CountBomb3 M
    38116449 DeathMatch *
    32310827 DiveMan *
    57656595 Django *
    60884138 DrillArm M
    79814666 DustMan *
    30424514 ElecMan *
    08789369 ElementWrap *
    79459146 Get "Spin Pink"
    04789479 Get "Unlocker"
    10414878 GroundMan *
    14212857 GunDelSol3 W
    12110031 Hakushaku *
    12404002 HeatMan *
    84387543 KillerMan *
    88674125 MegaBoomerang M
    59485971 Receive an Untrap subchip
    37889678 Receive HP+50 Navi Cust program
    77837421 Receive SpinRed
    75641392 Recovery300 Y
    55910601 SlashMan *
    00297421 TenguMan *
    67520179 TomahawkMan *
    97403000 Uninstall G

    BN6 Gregar
  5. shizumaru

    shizumaru Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Soul's Planet
    Vừa rồi là cheat của MMBN6 Gregar còn đây là của Falzar
    ARBABRRBAL Compress AirShoes
    BRBBBBBARR Compress BatteryMode
    ALABBAAABA Compress Collector's Eye
    LBBRBAALRR Compress Custom1
    RALLAABRBA Compress Custom2
    BLBRLLLABA Compress GigaFolder1
    ARAABARRBA Compress I'm Fish
    ALARBRARLB Compress JungleLand
    BLALBRALBA Compress KawarimiMagic(AntiDmg)
    ARLALALLAB Compress MegaFolder1
    LALRBLRLRA Compress MegaFolder2
    AAALAABLRA Compress NumberOpening
    LRABARBBLR Compress OilBody
    LAABRRLRLR Compress Reflect
    BBBABBAARB Compress ShinobiDash
    ABLLAALRBA Compress SuperArmor
    RRALLRAABB Compress UnderShirt
    LBRBABLBAL Compresses AttackMAX
    LRBBALRABA Compresses BeatSupport
    RLABLRLAAB Compresses BodyPack
    BAABBBALBA Compresses BoosterPack
    AAABRLBAAL Compresses BugStopper
    LLALLBABBB Compresses ChargeMAX
    BBARABLARR Compresses First Barrier
    RALABLBBRB Compresses Float Shoes
    ABLRRBRLBA Compresses FolderBack1
    BBARBLARBL Compresses FolderBack2
    LLABLBABLL Compresses HumorSense
    RBARALBBBL Compresses Millionaire
    AALABRALBA Compresses RapidMAX
    BABARRLLAB Compresses RathmicalPoem
    RLBAABALLR Compresses RushSupport
    RRABLRARLA Compresses Search Shuffle
    BBBAABAABB Compresses SelfRecovery
    RBBBAAABRL Compresses Shield
    ALAAALLABR Compresses SlipRunner
    BRBRRABBRA Compresses TangoSupport

    Contributed By: Cybertic Dragon, ForteGSOmega, MegaMagnetMan
    Lottery Chip Machine Codes
    Once you are able to enter the chip shop in Central Town, go inside to find a green machine on the right-hand side. Upon pressing A in front of the machine, you will be able to enter a series of numbers to receive bonus items.Password Effect
    71757977 AirWheel3 O
    51702791 AquaMan *
    69544569 BambooLance *
    24616497 BlastMan *
    97049899 BlizzardBall H
    92070765 ChargeMan *
    51378085 CircleGun V
    44892547 ColonelArmy *
    23722234 CountBomb3 M
    38116449 DeathMatch *
    32310827 DiveMan *
    57656595 Django *
    60884138 DrillArm M
    79814666 DustMan *
    30424514 ElecMan *
    08789369 ElementWrap *
    87341489 Get "Full Energy"
    79459146 Get "Spin Pink"
    04789479 Get "Unlocker"
    54654618 Get NCP "HP+300"
    10414878 GroundMan *
    14212857 GunDelSol3 W
    12110031 Hakushaku *
    12404002 HeatMan *
    84387543 KillerMan *
    88674125 MegaBoomerang M
    59485971 Receive an Untrap subchip
    94305487 Receive ChargeMAX Navi Cust program
    24823665 Receive HP+200 Navi Cust program
    37889678 Receive HP+50 Navi Cust program
    09256524 Receive SpinGreen
    77837421 Receive SpinRed
    41976910 Receive SpinYellow
    75641392 Recovery300 Y
    55910601 SlashMan *
    00297421 TenguMan *
    67520179 TomahawkMan *
    97403000 Uninstall G

    t của MMBN6 Gregar còn đây là của Falzar
  6. shizumaru

    shizumaru Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Soul's Planet
    Đây là cheat cho MMBN Battle chip
    Enter this on the Data page where you enter passcodes:Password Effect
    Name: CHAU Code: 93(clover)5-WXNH-9MWT-(star)VX8-DY7M-88H0 Fight Chaud
    Name: DEX Code: FD(star)3-3JW1-PS(star)V-(diamond)01(diamond)-(heart)6R(clubs)-1J32 Fight Dex
    Name: KAI Code: M(star)SP-3(heart)(diamond)C-6KGQ-(heart)9FM-X0N(heart)-M(diamond)P1 Fight Kai
    Name: LAN Code: NG75-H5RF-R0MN-440N-2QX(club symbol)-X341 Fight Lan
    Name: MARY Code: CX4(star)-1G(spade)9-5JKL-S(clubs)GD-3L5B-90Z1 Fight Mary
    Name: MAYL Code: 8NT8-JZFL-3Q9D-7RPX-T(diamond)CH-JX51 Fight Mayl
    Name: LAN Code: 5(star)4H-B81R-(star)KKZ-P15X-ZS5B-(club)XK0 Get HubStyl Chip

    Contributed By: Kaboobi, CrusaderEsper, hockeyguy8
    Getting the Data chips
    Unlockable How to Unlock
    Data chip 1 Talking to Higsby for 20 times
    Data chip 2 Finish the Ajina Free battle
    Data chip 3 Finish S class
    Data chip 4 Finish the 128 tournament

    Contributed By: Mastermind Chaud
    Misc. Unlockables
    Unlockable How to Unlock
    AntiElec Beat Tournament 32
    AntiFire Beat Tournament 32
    AntiWatr Beat Tournament 32
    Anubis Beat Tournament 16
    Aqua+40 Beat Tournament 64
    AquaCust Beat Tournament 128
    Atk+30 Beat Tournament 64
    BigBomb Beat Tournament 16
    BlckHole Beat Tournament 128
    DblSnsr Beat Tournament 16
    DropDown Beat Tournament 32
    Elec+40 Beat Tournament 64
    ElecTeam Beat Tournament 128
    Fire+40 Beat Tournament 64
    FireRat Beat Tournament 16
    FrntSnsr Beat Tournament 16
    Geyser Beat Tournament 32
    GodStone Beat Tournament 32
    HeatGuts Beat Tournament 128
    Kunai3 Beat Tournament 64
    LavaDrgn Beat Tournament 32
    Navi+40 (rare) Beat Tournament 64
    OldWood Beat Tournament 32
    Popup Beat Tournament 128
    Recov200 Beat Tournament 16
    TimeBom3 Beat Tournament 16
    UnderSht Beat Tournament 16
    Wood+40 Beat Tournament 64
    WoodShld Beat Tournament 128
  7. shizumaru

    shizumaru Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Soul's Planet
    Cheat cho MZ4
    Do the following in-game to make the Z-Buster, Z-Saber, or Z-Knuckle shoot their various charged shots.
    Note 1: If you're facing right, "Forward" is Right on the D-Pad. If you're facing left, "Forward" is Left. Down and Up are always Down and Up. "Fire" is B, A, L, or R, depending on how you've configured your game.
    Note 2: This was tested using Zero's normal armor only. It may not work, or may work differently with Zero's other armors. A Hacker Elf Lv 7 must be equipped to make this code work.Code Effect
    Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Fire Fully-Charged Z-Buster Shot
    Forward, Down-Forward, Down, Fire Fully-Charged Z-Knuckle(Down-Forward)
    Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Fire Fully-Charged Z-Knuckle(Forward)
    Down-Forward, Forward, Up-Forward Fully-Charged Z-Knuckle(Up-Forward)
    Forward, Up-Forward, Up, Fire Fully-Charged Z-Knuckle(Upwards)
    Forward, Down-Forward, Down, Fire Fully-Charged Z-Saber
    Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Fire Half-Charged Z-Buster Shot

    Contributed By: Joseph Collins
    Hard Mode available
    Unlockable How to Unlock
    Hard Mode Beat the game once

    Contributed By: juanca45002
    Unlock all 7 Mini-Games
    Unlockable How to Unlock
    Busy Basket Complete Hard Mode
    Elf Chase Complete the game without making ANY chip recipes(you can collect the parts and recipes, just don't make any of them)
    Energy Laboratory Beat the High Scores of all the above six Mini-Games
    Hammer Harvest Beat the game in under 1 hour
    Magma Border Beat the game with a complete Database
    Plant Panic Beat the game in Normal or Hard mode with a Level 0 Cyber Elf(meaning you must not even FEED her any E-Crystals)
    Wood Chopping Complete the game with an overall S-Rank

    Contributed By: xybazelu
    Unlock Ultimate Mode
    Complete the game with the following:
    1) Obtain all 51 parts(having at least one of each in your parts list); these include Garakuta(Junk), S Crystal, and Ceramical Titanium
    2) Fully upgraded Cyber Elf
  8. shizumaru

    shizumaru Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Soul's Planet
    Cheat cho MZ3
    Unlockable How to Unlock
    Fefnir Mini-game complete all missions with 100 points
    Harpuia Mini-game use zet zaber from the opening to the end, and finish the game with an S rank
    Leviathan Mini-game complete all missions with 100 points
    Phantom Mini-game use buster shot from the opening to the end, and finish the game with an S rank

    Contributed By: Darkness X Unlimited
    Misc. Unlockables
    Unlockable How to Unlock
    Ciel mini-game Beat the game with S ranking on all missions.
    Copy-X mini-game Using your previous save game, finish the game again in Hard Mode
    Hard mode Beat the game once, highlight new game at the main menu, hold L and press Start
    Ultimate mode Collect all of the secret disks, beat the game, then restart by holding R and selecting new game at the main menu
    Zero mini-game Finish the game once

    Contributed By: Mykas0, djsonic, darkness1111, Shadowscent
    Fight phantom
    On the second last level, go into the first hyperspace portal. Next, while you are riding the platforms, you should find a door. It leads you to 2 disks and a portal.
    When you go into the portal, you will fight phantom from Megaman Zero
  9. shizumaru

    shizumaru Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Soul's Planet
    Complete the game once and save. At the title screen select "new game," press and hold the L shoulder button and press start. There will be a second chime. When the game starts zero will be in the Protoform (dark green armor).
    NOTE: Forms and EX skill can not be earned in hard mode. Also, your weapons will not level u
    View image gallery
    Beat hard mode
    Highlight newgame.
    Press and hold the L and R shoulder buttons and the select button.
    Press start. You will hear a second tone and be taken to the first image in the gallery.
    While viewing images, press select to view/hide the image title.
    Some images can be scrolled up or down using the d-pad.
    Press start to exit to the title screen.

    Zero's Other Forms
    Perform these tasks in a level to unlock Zero's other forms:Unlockable How to Unlock
    Active Form Kill 20 enemies with the Z-Saber while dashing
    Defense Form Kill 20 enemies with the Shield Boomerang
    Energy Form Grab 25 Life Capsules
    Erase Form Ricochet 30 shots from enemies with the Shield Boomerang
    Power Form Pull anything 30 times with the Chain Rod
    Proto Form Complete the game
    Rise Form Kill 20 enemies with the Jumping Slash in a stage
    Ultimate Form Use every Cyber Elf
    X Form Kill 50 enemies with Buster Gun

    Bên trên là cheat của MZ2
  10. shizumaru

    shizumaru Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Soul's Planet
    Cuối cùng là cheat cho MZ1
    Simply collect and power-up every cyber elf without using any in normal mode, and beat the game once. After you continue from your old save, you'll get Jackson.

    Easy Mode
    You can get a slightly easier game. If you finish the game and save after the credits, you can begin a new game with all of your old equipment, though they won't be leveled up yet. This means you can start with the upgrades from cyber elves in effect, like double life gauge and protection from spikes.
    Contributed By: Paper Ace Chase
    Jackson Mode
    It is possible to obtain this very rare cyber elf, but I didn't say it was easy. Play through Hard Mode and collect (as well as power up to the max) every cyber elf, as well as getting Ranking A or S on every mission. If you start a new game from that saved game, you'll begin with every cyber elf, including Jackson.
    Contributed By: Paper Ace Chase
    Skip Credits
    After completing the game and saving when the game prompts you to do so, hold A when the credits appear when you complete the game any other time. Note: You must have at least one save with a ''1'' or higher to the right of your total play time.
    Contributed By: Neovejitto
    Starting a game in Hard Mode

    After completing the game, you can start a new game in Hard Mode by holding the left shoulder button down while starting a new file. In Hard Mode, weapons do not gain levels, and bosses have new attacks.
    Contributed By: Dais
    Ultimate Mode
    Once getting passed the challenge of getting Jackson, Ultimate Mode is a bit easier to unlock. Simply hold R when selecting a new game after playing through Jackson Mode and using every cyber elf to play Ultimate Mode. Though the name suggests otherwise, this mode allows you to start with all of your weapons maxed out and with the effects of cyber elves already in place; permanent cyber elves no longer effect ranking. Also, you can now perform any of Zero's charged attacks without actually charging them. To fire a semi-charged Z-Buster shot, press Down to Forward + B (doing this combination with the Z-Shield equipped will use a charged Z-Shield throw). To perform a charged Z-Buster shot, press Down to Forward, Down to Forward + B. To perform a charged Z-Sabre slash, press Forward to Down + B. To perform a charged Z-Rod swing, press Forward, Down, Down-Forward + B.
    t cho MZ1
  11. legendary_dragon

    legendary_dragon Ngụy Lão Làng GVN

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    Đồng Hới
    cheat thì dịch ra , ko thì đừng post lên như vậy
  12. shizumaru

    shizumaru Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Soul's Planet
    Tôi nghĩ việc dịch là không cần thiết vì đó toàn là những từ thông dụng,ai cũng biết.Chỉ cần chơi qua game này thì sẽ dùng được mó đễ dàng thôi
  13. somebody_stop_me

    somebody_stop_me Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hic, xin bác. Bác muốn hướng dẫn người khác thì cho cái link trang web chính thức của nó là được, chứ bác copy paste code từ đó vào đây thì bao nhiêu cho đủ, mà muốn tìm code ở đây còn mệt hơn tìm ở trang của code breaker ::(
  14. shizumaru

    shizumaru Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Soul's Planet
    Rất xin lỗi. Nếu bạn muốn tìm cheat thì cứ vào trangòn việc dịch thì tôi sẽ rút kinh nghiệm chứ không câu MP gì đâu,cái đó đâu có quan trọng

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