Cheat cho Dragon ball Z:Buu Futy

Thảo luận trong 'Cheat Code - Hints - Secrets' bắt đầu bởi shizumaru, 5/3/06.

  1. shizumaru

    shizumaru Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Soul's Planet
    Hercule Museum Exhibits
    When these exhibits are found, take them to the Hercule Cafe in Hercule City to view them.Unlockable How to Unlock
    Air Hercule Shoes Run the Orange Star High School track 3 times around in under 16 seconds.
    Autobiography Same as Weight Set
    Boxing Gloves Found behind a tree with blue fruit in East District 439.
    Cape Same as Weight Set
    Championship Belt Same as Weight Set
    Collector's Plate After Chapter 11, beat the boss of the Giant Airship at the top of the large continent.
    Diploma Give a Dino Tail to the man in the lighthouse in Thieves' Den.
    Hercule Action Figure Give the Hercule-Ade to the man in the lighthouse in Thieves' Den.
    Hercule Cereal Available as an Item in the Gifts shop on Papaya Island (25000 Zenny)
    Hercule Collectible Card Game Available as an Item in the Gifts shop on Papaya Island (50000)
    Hercule Comic Book Issue #1 Go to West citys Z-Mart once you've destroyed Kid Buu, and buy it for 30000 Zenie.
    Hercule: The Movie Found in a chest in the left room of Hercule's Mansion in Hercule City.
    Hit Pop Single Give Turkey to the man in the lighthouse in Thieves' Den.
    Key to West City Give Elixer to the man in the lighthouse in Thieves' Den.
    Moustache Wax Same as Weight Set
    Piiza Action Figure Give Root Beer to the man in the lighthouse in Thieves' Den.
    Pirozhki Action Figure Found in a chest behind Totenhotep's chamber.
    Punching Bag In the Thieves' Den, use Goku's Instant Transmission technique to get this chest on top of a roof.
    Sandwich Same as Weight Set
    Video Game Give Super Elixer to the man in the lighthouse in Thieves' Den.
    Weight Set After Chapter 9, return to the Fukurou Forest and open the character gate. Go north and give a bandana to the Ninja.

    Contributed By: ShadowEd567, DORUGARUMON
    Unlock Gogeta
    Unlockable How to Unlock
    Gogeta Collect all Z Exhibits and all Hercule Exhibits.

    Contributed By: SS3 Son Goku
    Z Fighters Exhibit List
    Everytime you get one of those, they are unlocked for the capsule corp museum, letting you see a specific item from the DBZ series.Unlockable How to Unlock
    Android #20's Hat After killing Kid Buu, return to the train. On the place where people usually were, you will find 2 enemies. Defeat them for this box.
    Baba's ball Finish the game and then talk to Baba, on Yenma's office.
    Broly's Crown Defeat Broly at the volcano.
    Ginyu's Capsule Talk to a scientist in the left side of the main building of Capsule Corp.
    Gohan's training sword On Goku's house, go to the toybox and search it for this item.
    Goku's Power Pole Outside of Babidi's spaceship in the Southwest Forest, go to the top right corner and use instant transmission to open the chest.
    Grand Kai's Boombox Speak to Grand Kai on Grand Kai's planet after you defeat Kid Buu
    King Kai's Hammer Go to the Cave of the Ancients on Grand Kai's Planet after completing the Other World Tournament and talk to Bubbles.
    King Yemma's Mug After beating Chapter 11, open the level 145 door with Goten in Pilaf's Castle, proceed to where the Dragon Ball was found, and beat the enemies.
    Korin's Cane You will receive the Z-Fighter exhibit Korin's Cane from Korin himself after you give him red snapper fishes.
    Mr. Popo's Turban There is an invisible chest in front of four trees on Kami's Lookout. Check between the middle two
    Ox King's hat Talk to King Ox in Goku's house
    The Bansho Fan Break the level 140 barrier with Gohan in the East District 439 area and proceed to the end of the area to find the chest.
    Yajirobe's Sword Walk around Yajirobe counter-clockwise three times and he will drop an item near Babidi's Spaceship. It is the artifact Yajirobe's Sword.
    Yamcha's Bat In Diablo Desert, destroy the boulder one area directly south of the Save Circle

    Contributed By: Mykas0, Kidwarrior66, ShadowEd567, DrZaius1, Taziar, Doomhand
    255 Senzu Beans
    During the World Tournament Saga, when Gohan asks Goku to get a Senzu Bean, fly to Korin's Tower and get a bean from Yajirobe. Instead of giving it to Gohan, eat it. When you return, Goku will still give a Senzu bean to Gohan even though he does not have any. When you look in your invintory, you will see that you have 255 senzu beans.
    Contributed By: Legotim
    Duplicate Equipment
    first, Equip Goku/Goten or Vegeta/Trunks (remove all unneeded equips before) and do the Fusion Dance. As Gogeta/Gotenks, remove the equipment from the equipped character. The Fusion will keep the equips but you'll be able to re-use the equips on another character. This will keep working untill you run out of Fusion time
    Contributed By: BlueEyes15243
    Train Weak Characters
    Lure an enemy onto a Save Point with a strong character. Punch the enemy and kill it. Before you earn any experience from the downed enemy, the "Switch Character" menu will come up. Switch to a weak character. The character you switched to will gain the experience.
    Contributed By: Yami_Jay
    Kai Store
    To access a store containing some of the best items in the game, visit the Kai's planet once you beat Buu and work your way to the right-most map and break through the crack in the wall. In here you'll find great items for levelling up, such as the Kiloton Gloves/Boots, and great armor with super high endurance.
    Contributed By: Ketay
    Move Talking Screen
    While a conversasion press the L or R button and the talking screen will go up and down.
  2. cold_boy222

    cold_boy222 Donkey Kong

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    Troài ơi lại thêm 1 cha câu MP nữa rồi ....viết cheats mà không dịch cho người ta gì hết vậy????....viết như cậu thì ai mà chả làm được....????
  3. hep

    hep Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    cheats đấy ko hay sao ko post cheats cho codebreak hay codegameshark có phải hay hơn ko

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