Xin cheat của Megaman X4 !!!

Thảo luận trong 'Cheat Code - Hints - Secrets' bắt đầu bởi Asakura.Yoyo, 11/3/06.

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  1. Asakura.Yoyo

    Asakura.Yoyo Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cho em xin cheat của megaman x4 với
    Hướng dẫn đầy đủ 1 chút nhé !
    Thanks trước!!! :D
  2. B H L

    B H L Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Box Thùng Rác
    Bản nào :| ? PC hay PS1 ? (PS2 thì không biết)

    X : tại màn hình chọn nhân vật, giữ xuống => Enter => Vào màn con nhện "ăn" cái "chân" ở dưói thác nước => U armor
    Z : lên => Enter => Zero đen

    Hết :D mà cheat làm gì :D hay ho gì đâu :D ?
  3. AMOEX

    AMOEX Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Dark Moon
    Nếu tui ko lầm thì như Megaman X4 muốn hóa Zero đen và X "xịn" thì:
    -Với X thì trong khi chọn nhân vật ,hãy chuyển sang Zero rùi vừa ấn <- để sang X vừa ấn Enter
    -Zero thì ngược lại
    Dễ ý mà(Và lưu ý là Zero luôn khỏe hơn X)
  4. B H L

    B H L Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Σ Base
    Tầm bậy @_@, cái đó là fake cheat =)) tui có xài thử có thấy gì đâu
  5. x_bwk_x

    x_bwk_x Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Press [Up] and [Shoot] buttons while selecting Zero.
    Enter a special armor capsule to receive the new armor.
  6. foreverlovept

    foreverlovept Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Vice city
    Robot Ride Armor #1:
    The location of the first Robot Ride Armor is in the level with jets/planes. Keep going straight and you will find a blue Robot Ride Armor. You can easily destroy enemies with those.

    Dark Megaman X:
    Highlight Megaman at the character selection screen. Then hold [Down] and press F.

    Ultimate X Armor:
    Highlight X at the title screen, then hold [Up] and press C. After you pass the introduction level, go to the "Web Spider" level. Find the capsule to get the Ultimate X Armor instead of the boots.

    Megaman X: Ultimate armor (Japanese version):
    Press [Up] and (Shoot)buttons while selecting Zero. Enter a special armor capsule to receive the new armor. Megaman X:

    Leg capsule
    Go to the Web Spider level and proceed to the part with the waterfalls. When you drop down to the section below the part with the spike spinning on the platform, just go through the gap on the right side wall opposite to the hole.

    Zero and MMX have different storylines in the game. The one that is most interesting is Zero's.

    Zero: Saber Attack:
    Zero cannot recharge his weapon, but using his saber he can destroy enemies easily. Press (Dash) + (Attack) while striking an opponent. This will make Zero's saber attack stronger and faster.

    Helmet capsule
    Go to the Cyber Peacock level and get a S rank on the third stretch with the yellow balls that drains your energy. This is difficult to accomplish, but possible.

    Armor capsule
    Go to Magma Dragoon level and proceed until reaching the part of Volcano Area 2 where you have the armor. Get into it and dash jump towards the platform. Get on to the platform, then charge twin slasher to full power and destroy the blocks in front of you. Pass through and get the armor upgrade.

    Ultimate X Buster Attack:
    When you want to destroy an enemy easily, hold (Attack) for a few seconds. Release (Attack) and he will blast a huge X Buster. The more energy MMX receives, the stronger his X Buster gets.

    Zero: Black armor (Japanese version):
    Press [Down] and (Shoot)buttons while selecting Zero.

    Easy lives and energy:
    Go to Frost Walrus/Kibatodos stage. Then, dash jump towards the first wall on your left, then dash jump to the right one. Continue to the right. You will see two snowmen. Use either the Lightning Web (X) or the Double Jump (Zero) to jump higher and reach the upper-right edge. Defeat the weak enemies here and get a lot of energy capsules. If you have not taken damage, you should have one E-tank full at 50%. You should also get the life near the appearing and disappearing platforms. Return four times maximum to fill up your two E-tanks and get a good supply of lives. Note : For really tough fights (for example, Colonel and Sigma) and you have already used all your energy tanks, it might not be a good idea to pick up many lives. However, do it against the eight Mavericks once you meet them again, if you do not use tanks during the fight.

    Character Appearances:
    You might find characters from the original Megaman games on the backgrounds of this game.

    Ultimate capsule
    Begin game play as Dark X. Go to the Web Spider level and proceed to where the leg capsule was located. Instead, you will receive the ultimate armor. This allows unlimited nova strike, unlimited none charged special weapons, hover in midair, and the ability to shoot plasma bolts.

    Arm capsule
    Go to Storm Owl Area 2 with all the laser cannons. Get to the section with the hole in the ceiling, with spikes on the floor and each side of the wall. Use the lightning web weapon to jump onto the platform. Above it are two capsules. One allows your fire four shots in a row and the other allows you to fire a plasma bolt. The best choice is the plasma bolt, as it keeps hitting the enemy after the first hit.

    Dark Zero:
    Highlight Zero at the character selection screen. Then hold [Up] and press F.

    Bạn tự dịch luôn nhé ( tui nhác lém ):D:D
  7. B H L

    B H L Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Σ Base
    Cái tội không dịch cheat sang tiếng Việt sẽ bị trừ điểm hay sao á :D, chẳng thà đưa link thôi,,,,,,,

    Bản E hay J cheat cũng tương tự nhau thôi mà. Vấn đề là ở đây toàn chơi PC, ít ai chơi PS :|? PS có gameshark sẽ có các mã khác làm cho game ... GLITCHES

    Trên Saturn cũng có 1 bản, và ít phổ biến...
  8. Coldsquall

    Coldsquall C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đà Nẵng
    Bản Saturn tồi hơn bản PS. Bản PC thì muốn đẹp hơn hình như phải ấn mây sphim F? gì đó để chỉnh độ phân giải cao hơn, 32bit.
  9. [socute]Eagles

    [socute]Eagles Youtube Master Race

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    chả hiểu gì cả.Có trainer thì chuẩn hơn...
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