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Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi tunganh2010, 27/2/06.

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  1. Tiểu Long

    Tiểu Long Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thua 1 trận vì nó tận những 558000 def của fortress không có gì ân hận

    SOIBIENDEN Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Keke, trận này quá hay. ;;) Trước lúc đánh tớ ko ngờ nó hay như vậy, vì khi đó mình do thám thấy địch chả có một mống quân nào. Ko ngờ 2000 quân chọi được 4000 quân chứ. Quá đã, 150K gold, tớ xây được cái fortress 4 mấy hôm nay định xây mà chưa được.

    À mà mọi người đều có phần mềm tính toán trận đánh rồi thì có vẻ ko cần phân tích trận đánh kiểu nông dân như thế này nữa nhỉ. Tớ cứ đăng lên đây để chia sẻ niềm vui "tê tái" :D hehe, mà bây giờ tớ mới được hưởng.

    Round 2
    Soldiers = 2045,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 105,Number of companies = 98

    Spearmen = 98
    Archers = 167
    Swordsmen = 1322
    Light cavalry = 83
    F Light cavalry = 375
    Soldiers = 3902,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 100,Number of companies = 99

    Spearmen = 817
    Archers = 200
    Swordsmen = 2885

    Round 3
    Soldiers = 2045,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 104,Number of companies = 98

    Spearmen = 98
    Archers = 167
    Swordsmen = 1322
    Light cavalry = 83
    F Light cavalry = 375
    Soldiers = 3884,Units Lost = 18,Morale = 93,Number of companies = 99

    Spearmen = 799 (Before the round = 817) (Units lost =18)
    Archers = 200
    Swordsmen = 2885

    Round 4
    Soldiers = 1697,Units Lost = 348,Morale = 102,Number of companies = 90

    Spearmen = 38 (Before the round = 98) (Units lost =60)
    Archers = 60 (Before the round = 167) (Units lost =107)
    Swordsmen = 1171 (Before the round = 1322) (Units lost =151)
    Light cavalry = 83
    F Light cavalry = 345 (Before the round = 375) (Units lost =30)
    Soldiers = 3236,Units Lost = 648,Morale = 87,Number of companies = 98

    Spearmen = 556 (Before the round = 799) (Units lost =243)
    Archers = 92 (Before the round = 200) (Units lost =108)
    Swordsmen = 2588 (Before the round = 2885) (Units lost =297)

    Round 5
    Soldiers = 1459,Units Lost = 238,Morale = 101,Number of companies = 88

    Spearmen = 17 (Before the round = 38) (Units lost =21)
    Archers = 20 (Before the round = 60) (Units lost =40)
    Swordsmen = 1020 (Before the round = 1171) (Units lost =151)
    Light cavalry = 80 (Before the round = 83) (Units lost =3)
    F Light cavalry = 322 (Before the round = 345) (Units lost =23)
    Soldiers = 2570,Units Lost = 666,Morale = 80,Number of companies = 95

    Spearmen = 292 (Before the round = 556) (Units lost =264)
    Archers = 25 (Before the round = 92) (Units lost =67)
    Swordsmen = 2253 (Before the round = 2588) (Units lost =335)

    Round 6
    Soldiers = 1284,Units Lost = 175,Morale = 100,Number of companies = 86

    Spearmen = 0 (Before the round = 17) (Units lost =17)
    Archers = 18 (Before the round = 20) (Units lost =2)
    Swordsmen = 884 (Before the round = 1020) (Units lost =136)
    Light cavalry = 76 (Before the round = 80) (Units lost =4)
    F Light cavalry = 306 (Before the round = 322) (Units lost =16)
    Soldiers = 2008,Units Lost = 562,Morale = 73,Number of companies = 85

    Spearmen = 64 (Before the round = 292) (Units lost =228)
    Archers = 7 (Before the round = 25) (Units lost =18)
    Swordsmen = 1937 (Before the round = 2253) (Units lost =316)

    Round 7
    Soldiers = 1140,Units Lost = 144,Morale = 99,Number of companies = 86

    Archers = 1 (Before the round = 18) (Units lost =17)
    Swordsmen = 766 (Before the round = 884) (Units lost =118)
    Light cavalry = 75 (Before the round = 76) (Units lost =1)
    F Light cavalry = 298 (Before the round = 306) (Units lost =8)
    Soldiers = 1632,Units Lost = 376,Morale = 66,Number of companies = 70

    Spearmen = 2 (Before the round = 64) (Units lost =62)
    Archers = 0 (Before the round = 7) (Units lost =7)
    Swordsmen = 1630 (Before the round = 1937) (Units lost =307)

    Round 8
    Soldiers = 1003,Units Lost = 137,Morale = 97,Number of companies = 85

    Archers = 0 (Before the round = 1) (Units lost =1)
    Swordsmen = 640 (Before the round = 766) (Units lost =126)
    Light cavalry = 73 (Before the round = 75) (Units lost =2)
    F Light cavalry = 290 (Before the round = 298) (Units lost =8)
    Soldiers = 1309,Units Lost = 323,Morale = 60,Number of companies = 64

    Spearmen = 0 (Before the round = 2) (Units lost =2)
    Swordsmen = 1309 (Before the round = 1630) (Units lost =321)

    Round 9
    Soldiers = 888,Units Lost = 115,Morale = 96,Number of companies = 85

    Swordsmen = 534 (Before the round = 640) (Units lost =106)
    Light cavalry = 71 (Before the round = 73) (Units lost =2)
    F Light cavalry = 283 (Before the round = 290) (Units lost =7)
    Soldiers = 1016,Units Lost = 293,Morale = 53,Number of companies = 58

    Swordsmen = 1016 (Before the round = 1309) (Units lost =293)

    Round 10
    Soldiers = 788,Units Lost = 100,Morale = 95,Number of companies = 85

    Swordsmen = 439 (Before the round = 534) (Units lost =95)
    Light cavalry = 71
    F Light cavalry = 278 (Before the round = 283) (Units lost =5)
    Soldiers = 746,Units Lost = 270,Morale = 46,Number of companies = 48

    Swordsmen = 746 (Before the round = 1016) (Units lost =270)

    Round 11
    Soldiers = 701,Units Lost = 87,Morale = 94,Number of companies = 82

    Swordsmen = 362 (Before the round = 439) (Units lost =77)
    Light cavalry = 70 (Before the round = 71) (Units lost =1)
    F Light cavalry = 269 (Before the round = 278) (Units lost =9)
    Soldiers = 501,Units Lost = 245,Morale = 39,Number of companies = 40

    Swordsmen = 501 (Before the round = 746) (Units lost =245)

    Round 12
    Soldiers = 639,Units Lost = 62,Morale = 93,Number of companies = 80

    Swordsmen = 307 (Before the round = 362) (Units lost =55)
    Light cavalry = 67 (Before the round = 70) (Units lost =3)
    F Light cavalry = 265 (Before the round = 269) (Units lost =4)
    Soldiers = 283,Units Lost = 218,Morale = 32,Number of companies = 25

    Swordsmen = 283 (Before the round = 501) (Units lost =218)

    Round 13
    Soldiers = 591,Units Lost = 48,Morale = 92,Number of companies = 79

    Swordsmen = 262 (Before the round = 307) (Units lost =45)
    Light cavalry = 67
    F Light cavalry = 262 (Before the round = 265) (Units lost =3)
    Soldiers = 81,Units Lost = 202,Morale = 25,Number of companies = 14

    Swordsmen = 81 (Before the round = 283) (Units lost =202)
    Final result - total 13 rounds were fought
    The ATTACKER wins
    Soldiers = 575,Units Lost = 16,Morale = 92,Number of companies = 78


    Round 1
    Fortress wall - 153600
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Òðèáóøåòè(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 0 [ Swordsmen(633) Spearmen(35)]

    The attacker began with 2045 soldiers. After the battle the attacker has 1103 soldiers. The attacker has lost 942 soldiers.
    The defender began with 3902 soldiers on the field. The defender is left with 662 soldiers on the field. The defender has lost 3240 soldiers on the field
    The defender began with 1 soldiers in the fortress. The defender is left with 0 soldiers in the fortress. The defender has lost 1 soldiers in the fortress.
    The winner takes the enemy's supply train. The supply train is worth 16291 gold.
    The attacker takes all collected resources in the province.
    The attacker has lost 141 points.
    The defender has lost 423 points.
    The winner takes home - 16291 gold.
    The honor of the winner has changed by 2 points.
    The attacker takes wood(9055),iron(2076),stone(53813),gold(77749) with total value(141279) gold :hug: :hug:
  3. drtuan

    drtuan Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đây là trận thua của 007forever,thua là do morale quá thấp,các bạn nhớ để ý kĩ morale của mình trước khi xuất quân nhé,và nó ảnh hưỡng do số point của bạn và quân địch,nếu points của bạn cao hơn hay thấp hơn đối phương trong khoảng hệ số 2 mà thôi,nghỉa là nếu bạn lá 100 thì đốt phương phải là trong khoảng từ 50 đến 200,nếu cao hơn hoặc thấp hơn thì cứ mỗi 0,1 là bị trừ 3 morale và quá gấp 3 là kô được đánh,nhớ kĩ nhẻ.
    There is a group of Swordsmen that is under the minimum number of soldiers (50) to participate in the battle. These Swordsmen have deserted their posts.
    There is a group of Light cavalry that is under the minimum number of soldiers (50) to participate in the battle. These Light cavalry have deserted their posts.

    Round 1
    Soldiers = 1000,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 100,Number of companies = 93

    Spearmen = 300
    Swordsmen = 600
    F Light cavalry = 100
    Soldiers = 85,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 105,Number of companies = 85

    Spearmen = 85

    Round 2
    Soldiers = 1000,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 100,Number of companies = 93

    Spearmen = 300
    Swordsmen = 600
    F Light cavalry = 100
    Soldiers = 85,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 105,Number of companies = 85

    Spearmen = 85

    Round 3
    Soldiers = 1000,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 96,Number of companies = 93

    Spearmen = 300
    Swordsmen = 600
    F Light cavalry = 100
    Soldiers = 85,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 101,Number of companies = 85

    Spearmen = 85
    Final result - total 3 rounds were fought
    The ATTACKER wins
    Soldiers = 1000,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 96,Number of companies = 93

    Spearmen = 300
    Swordsmen = 600
    F Light cavalry = 100
    Soldiers = 0,Units Lost = 85,Morale = 101,Number of companies = 0

    Spearmen = 0 (Before the round = 85) (Units lost =85)
    The attacker restores 32% of all lost soldiers.
    The defender restores 17% of all lost soldiers.
    Attacker's army after the battle
    Spearmen = 300
    Swordsmen = 600
    Light cavalry = 100
    Defender's army after the battle.
    Spearmen = 14
    Swordsmen = 4
    Light cavalry = 2
    The attacker began with 1000 soldiers. After the battle the attacker has 1000 soldiers. The attacker has lost 0 soldiers.
    The defender began with 125 soldiers. After the battle the defender has 20 soldiers. The defender has lost 105 soldiers.
    The winner takes the enemy's supply train. The supply train is worth 468 gold.
    The attacker has lost 0 points.
    The defender has lost 4 points.
    The winner receives from pillaging 468 gold.

    There is a group of Spearmen that is under the minimum number of soldiers (50) to participate in the battle. These Spearmen have deserted their posts.
    There is a group of Swordsmen that is under the minimum number of soldiers (50) to participate in the battle. These Swordsmen have deserted their posts.
    There is a group of Light cavalry that is under the minimum number of soldiers (50) to participate in the battle. These Light cavalry have deserted their posts.

    Round 1
    Fortress wall - 153600
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 0 [ Swordsmen(600) Spearmen(300)]
    Soldiers = 1000,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 96,Number of companies = 93

    Spearmen = 300
    Swordsmen = 600
    Light cavalry = 0 (Before the round = 100) (Units lost =100)
    F Light cavalry = 100 (Before the round = 0) (Units lost =-100)
    Soldiers = 81,Units Lost = -1,Morale = 10000,Number of companies = 81

    Spearmen = 1 (Before the round = 0) (Units lost =-1)
    Archers = 80

    Round 2
    Fortress wall - 153600
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 0 [ Swordsmen(600) Spearmen(244)]
    Soldiers = 944,Units Lost = 56,Morale = 96,Number of companies = 93

    Spearmen = 244 (Before the round = 300) (Units lost =56)
    Swordsmen = 600
    F Light cavalry = 100
    Soldiers = 81,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 10000,Number of companies = 81

    Spearmen = 1
    Archers = 80

    Round 3
    Fortress wall - 153600
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 15180 [ Swordsmen(600) Spearmen(165)]
    Soldiers = 865,Units Lost = 79,Morale = 89,Number of companies = 92

    Spearmen = 165 (Before the round = 244) (Units lost =79)
    Swordsmen = 600
    F Light cavalry = 100
    Soldiers = 81,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9999,Number of companies = 81

    Spearmen = 1
    Archers = 80

    Round 4
    Fortress wall - 138420
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 14208 [ Swordsmen(600) Spearmen(84)]
    Soldiers = 784,Units Lost = 81,Morale = 82,Number of companies = 92

    Spearmen = 84 (Before the round = 165) (Units lost =81)
    Swordsmen = 600
    F Light cavalry = 100
    Soldiers = 81,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9998,Number of companies = 81

    Spearmen = 1
    Archers = 80

    Round 5
    Fortress wall - 124212
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 13272 [ Swordsmen(600) Spearmen(6)]
    Soldiers = 706,Units Lost = 78,Morale = 75,Number of companies = 67

    Spearmen = 6 (Before the round = 84) (Units lost =78)
    Swordsmen = 600
    F Light cavalry = 100
    Soldiers = 81,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9997,Number of companies = 81

    Spearmen = 1
    Archers = 80

    Round 6
    Fortress wall - 110940
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 13200 [ Swordsmen(600)]
    Soldiers = 700,Units Lost = 6,Morale = 68,Number of companies = 65

    Spearmen = 0 (Before the round = 6) (Units lost =6)
    Swordsmen = 600
    F Light cavalry = 100
    Soldiers = 81,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9996,Number of companies = 81

    Spearmen = 1
    Archers = 80

    Round 7
    Fortress wall - 97740
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 13156 [ Swordsmen(598)]
    Soldiers = 698,Units Lost = 2,Morale = 61,Number of companies = 65

    Swordsmen = 598 (Before the round = 600) (Units lost =2)
    F Light cavalry = 100
    Soldiers = 81,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9995,Number of companies = 81

    Spearmen = 1
    Archers = 80

    Round 8
    Fortress wall - 84584
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 12694 [ Swordsmen(577)]
    Soldiers = 677,Units Lost = 21,Morale = 54,Number of companies = 65

    Swordsmen = 577 (Before the round = 598) (Units lost =21)
    F Light cavalry = 100
    Soldiers = 81,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9994,Number of companies = 81

    Spearmen = 1
    Archers = 80

    Round 9
    Fortress wall - 71890
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 12056 [ Swordsmen(548)]
    Soldiers = 648,Units Lost = 29,Morale = 47,Number of companies = 65

    Swordsmen = 548 (Before the round = 577) (Units lost =29)
    F Light cavalry = 100
    Soldiers = 81,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9993,Number of companies = 81

    Spearmen = 1
    Archers = 80

    Round 10
    Fortress wall - 59834
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 11990 [ Swordsmen(545)]
    Soldiers = 645,Units Lost = 3,Morale = 40,Number of companies = 65

    Swordsmen = 545 (Before the round = 548) (Units lost =3)
    F Light cavalry = 100
    Soldiers = 81,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9992,Number of companies = 81

    Spearmen = 1
    Archers = 80

    Round 11
    Fortress wall - 47844
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 11990 [ Swordsmen(545)]
    Soldiers = 645,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 36,Number of companies = 65

    Swordsmen = 545
    F Light cavalry = 100
    Soldiers = 81,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9988,Number of companies = 81

    Spearmen = 1
    Archers = 80
    The attacker has fled due to low morale
    Final result - total of 11 rounds were fought
    The DEFENDER wins
    Soldiers = 641,Units Lost = 4,Morale = 36,Number of companies = 65

    Swordsmen = 542 (Before the round = 545) (Units lost =3)
    F Light cavalry = 99 (Before the round = 100) (Units lost =1)
    Soldiers = 81,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9988,Number of companies = 81

    Spearmen = 1
    Archers = 80
    The attacker has fled due to low morale, 20% of the surviving soldiers are lost.
    The attacker restores 17% of all lost soldiers.
    The defender restores 32% of all lost soldiers.
    Attacker's army after the battle
    Spearmen = 51
    Swordsmen = 462
    Light cavalry = 82
    Defender's army after the battle.
    Spearmen = 10
    Archers = 80
    Swordsmen = 9
    Light cavalry = 9

    The attacker began with 1000 soldiers. After the battle the attacker has 595 soldiers. The attacker has lost 405 soldiers.
    The defender began with 85 soldiers on the field. The defender is left with 20 soldiers on the field. The defender has lost 65 soldiers on the field
    The defender began with 81 soldiers in the fortress. The defender is left with 108 soldiers in the fortress. The defender has lost -27 soldiers in the fortress.
    The winner takes the enemy's supply train. The supply train is worth 4560 gold.
    The attacker has lost 45 points.
    The defender has lost -1 points.
    The winner takes home - 4560 gold.
    The honor of the winner has changed by 2 points.
  4. UASSR

    UASSR Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hì mới làm một trận đã đời

    Round 1
    Soldiers = 1000,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 105,Number of companies = 91

    Swordsmen = 1000
    Soldiers = 1800,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 105,Number of companies = 96

    Spearmen = 800
    Archers = 1000

    Round 2
    Soldiers = 1000,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 105,Number of companies = 91

    Swordsmen = 1000
    Soldiers = 1800,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 105,Number of companies = 96

    Spearmen = 800
    Archers = 1000

    Round 3
    Soldiers = 998,Units Lost = 2,Morale = 98,Number of companies = 91

    Swordsmen = 998 (Before the round = 1000) (Units lost =2)
    Soldiers = 1800,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 104,Number of companies = 96

    Spearmen = 800
    Archers = 1000

    Round 4
    Soldiers = 948,Units Lost = 50,Morale = 97,Number of companies = 91

    Swordsmen = 948 (Before the round = 998) (Units lost =50)
    Soldiers = 950,Units Lost = 850,Morale = 97,Number of companies = 95

    Spearmen = 421 (Before the round = 800) (Units lost =379)
    Archers = 529 (Before the round = 1000) (Units lost =471)

    Round 5
    Soldiers = 944,Units Lost = 4,Morale = 96,Number of companies = 91

    Swordsmen = 944 (Before the round = 948) (Units lost =4)
    Soldiers = 154,Units Lost = 796,Morale = 90,Number of companies = 94

    Spearmen = 61 (Before the round = 421) (Units lost =360)
    Archers = 93 (Before the round = 529) (Units lost =436)
    Final result - total 5 rounds were fought
    The ATTACKER wins
    Soldiers = 943,Units Lost = 1,Morale = 96,Number of companies = 91

    Swordsmen = 943 (Before the round = 944) (Units lost =1)
    Soldiers = 0,Units Lost = 154,Morale = 90,Number of companies = 0

    Spearmen = 0 (Before the round = 61) (Units lost =61)
    Archers = 0 (Before the round = 93) (Units lost =93)
    The attacker restores 36% of all lost soldiers.
    The defender restores 17% of all lost soldiers.
    Attacker's army after the battle
    Swordsmen = 963
    Defender's army after the battle.
    Spearmen = 136
    Archers = 170
    The attacker began with 1000 soldiers. After the battle the attacker has 963 soldiers. The attacker has lost 37 soldiers.
    The defender began with 1800 soldiers. After the battle the defender has 306 soldiers. The defender has lost 1494 soldiers.
    The winner takes the enemy's supply train. The supply train is worth 4320 gold.
    The attacker has lost 2 points.
    The defender has lost 37 points.
    The winner receives from pillaging 4320 gold.


    Round 1
    Fortress wall - 153600
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 0 [ Swordsmen(963)]
    Soldiers = 963,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 96,Number of companies = 97

    Swordsmen = 963
    Soldiers = 1,Units Lost = -1,Morale = 10000,Number of companies = 1

    Spearmen = 1 (Before the round = 0) (Units lost =-1)

    Round 2
    Fortress wall - 153600
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 0 [ Swordsmen(963)]
    Soldiers = 963,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 96,Number of companies = 97

    Swordsmen = 963
    Soldiers = 1,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 10000,Number of companies = 1

    Spearmen = 1

    Round 3
    Fortress wall - 153600
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 21186 [ Swordsmen(963)]
    Soldiers = 963,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 92,Number of companies = 97

    Swordsmen = 963
    Soldiers = 1,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9996,Number of companies = 1

    Spearmen = 1

    Round 4
    Fortress wall - 132414
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 21186 [ Swordsmen(963)]
    Soldiers = 963,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 88,Number of companies = 97

    Swordsmen = 963
    Soldiers = 1,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9992,Number of companies = 1

    Spearmen = 1

    Round 5
    Fortress wall - 111228
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 21186 [ Swordsmen(963)]
    Soldiers = 963,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 84,Number of companies = 97

    Swordsmen = 963
    Soldiers = 1,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9988,Number of companies = 1

    Spearmen = 1

    Round 6
    Fortress wall - 90042
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 21186 [ Swordsmen(963)]
    Soldiers = 963,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 80,Number of companies = 97

    Swordsmen = 963
    Soldiers = 1,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9984,Number of companies = 1

    Spearmen = 1

    Round 7
    Fortress wall - 68856
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 21186 [ Swordsmen(963)]
    Soldiers = 963,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 76,Number of companies = 97

    Swordsmen = 963
    Soldiers = 1,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9980,Number of companies = 1

    Spearmen = 1

    Round 8
    Fortress wall - 47670
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 21186 [ Swordsmen(963)]
    Soldiers = 963,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 72,Number of companies = 97

    Swordsmen = 963
    Soldiers = 1,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9976,Number of companies = 1

    Spearmen = 1

    Round 9
    Fortress wall - 26484
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 21186 [ Swordsmen(963)]
    Soldiers = 963,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 68,Number of companies = 97

    Swordsmen = 963
    Soldiers = 1,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9972,Number of companies = 1

    Spearmen = 1

    Round 10
    Fortress wall - 5298
    Total attack from siege weapons - 0 [Battering rams(0) Catapults(0) Трибушети(0)]
    Total attack from soldiers - 21186 [ Swordsmen(963)]
    Soldiers = 963,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 64,Number of companies = 97

    Swordsmen = 963
    Soldiers = 1,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9968,Number of companies = 1

    Spearmen = 1
    The wall of the fortress has been destroyed.
    Final result - total of 10 rounds were fought
    The ATTACKER wins
    Soldiers = 963,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 64,Number of companies = 97

    Swordsmen = 963
    Soldiers = 1,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9968,Number of companies = 1

    Spearmen = 1
    The attacker restores 36% of all lost soldiers.
    The defender restores 17% of all lost soldiers.
    Attacker's army after the battle
    Swordsmen = 963
    Defender's army after the battle.
    Spearmen = 1

    Round 11
    Soldiers = 963,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 60,Number of companies = 97

    Swordsmen = 963
    Soldiers = 1,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 9964,Number of companies = 1

    Spearmen = 1

    Final result - total of 11 rounds were fought
    The ATTACKER wins
    Soldiers = 963,Units Lost = 0,Morale = 60,Number of companies = 97

    Swordsmen = 963
    Soldiers = 0,Units Lost = 1,Morale = 9964,Number of companies = 0

    Spearmen = 0 (Before the round = 1) (Units lost =1)
    The attacker restores 36% of all lost soldiers.
    The defender restores 17% of all lost soldiers.
    Attacker's army after the battle
    Swordsmen = 963
    Defender's army after the battle.

    The attacker began with 1000 soldiers. After the battle the attacker has 963 soldiers. The attacker has lost 37 soldiers.
    The defender began with 1800 soldiers on the field. The defender is left with 306 soldiers on the field. The defender has lost 1494 soldiers on the field
    The defender began with 1 soldiers in the fortress. The defender is left with 0 soldiers in the fortress. The defender has lost 1 soldiers in the fortress.
    The winner takes the enemy's supply train. The supply train is worth 4322 gold.
    The attacker takes all collected resources in the province.
    The attacker has lost 6 points.
    The defender has lost 112 points.
    The winner takes home - 4322 gold.
    The honor of the winner has changed by 0 points.
    The attacker takes wood(18945),iron(5094),stone(9720),gold(113914) with total value(145841) gold
  5. hiepkhachGHvn

    hiepkhachGHvn Youtube Master Race

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    may' pa dang choi cai tro` gi vay,tu nhien bum` 1cai' dua toan cai' gi ra ko ha`,co the noi ro~ do la gi ko vay,chi dang em di :-s
  6. tunganh2010

    tunganh2010 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    To hiepkhach: cậu vô topic thảo luận, huớng dẫn, chit chat Imperiaonline đó...bên đó có giới thiệu về game này khá rõ...ở đây chỉ post các trận đánh thôi...
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