Cards Discussions

Thảo luận trong 'Yu-Gi-Oh!! FanClub' bắt đầu bởi lanhdiendiemla, 2/2/06.

  1. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Kon này chỉ gặp 1 lần duy nhất trong phần giải thế...còn có thể nhét vô deck nào không thì nên hỏi CS hơn hắn là trùm dùng những quân bài quái đản
  2. _GuanYu_

    _GuanYu_ Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Vậy là Quý cũng chịu rùi, để xem CS và SH có cách nào nhét nó vô Deck 1 cách hợp lí không :D .Thực sự không hiểu konami nghĩ ra lá đó làm j? chỉ tốn tiền in thui :))
  3. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mineral Town
    Những kon bài không hiểu sinh ra làm gì như kon bài đó nhiều vô số kể...suy nghĩ làm gì cho mết
  4. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    The Sixth Sense Promo
    Strength: Trap Card
    Card #: VB6-003
    Found In: Value Book 6
    Translation: Choose two numbers from 1 to 6. The opponent rolls the dice once. If the result is any one of the numbers choosen, draw that amount of cards from your deck. If not, place the same amount of cards as the result from the top of your deck into the graveyard.
    post bừa 1 cái cho nó khỏ bị trôi xuống đáy
  5. _GuanYu_

    _GuanYu_ Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Gryphon's Feather Duster
    Strength: Magic Card
    Card #: IOC - 091
    Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on your side of the field. Increase your life point by the number of destroyed cards x 500 points.

    Lá này cũng rất là hay ! ( ko biết post hình :p . thông cảm :D )
  6. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Ốlala thằng Duy này có những sở thích thật quái đản...cứ cái đà này thì hoặc giống pettitD hoặc trở thành CS thứ 2...Ôlala
  7. _GuanYu_

    _GuanYu_ Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Còn 1 lá nữa cũng khá ngộ nghĩnh cả về hình dáng lẫn effect :
    Neko Mane King
    During your opponent's turn, when this card is sent to the graveyard by the effect of your opponent's Spell, Trap, or Monster Card, your opponent's turn ends.

    Ai thử cho lá đó vào duel thử xem có hay không ?
  8. công_tử@

    công_tử@ Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Có Chúa mới biết
    Có nhiều lá bài quái đản lắm. Có cả lá skip your own Stanby Turn, Trap đàng hoàng, chẳng biết skip làm gì cả
  9. _GuanYu_

    _GuanYu_ Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hôm qua mở đống bài ra xem, có nhiều lá ngộ nghĩnh quá, có những lá tui mới nhìn thấy lần dầu ( mặc dù bài của mình :p )
  10. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Kon đó có chỗ để dùng đấy chứ không hẳn vô dụng hoàn toàn đâu ...ví dụ đẻ chống lại Lava glem ...hay combo với kon spell each standby phase thì trừ số điểm gốc gấp đôi ấy
  11. BlackFlea

    BlackFlea Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Noob World
    3 lá này trông ngồ ngộ nên em up lên cho mọi người coi :D
    Select one Monster on your Field . The selected Monster's DEF becomes the sum of the original Def of all face-up Monsters on your Field untl your End Phase
    Request a handshake from ur opponent . If ur opponent reponds with a handshake , both players
    LP becomes one half the total of their LP . If you have a "Unity" in ur hand , by showing ur opponent that card , they must repond with a handshake
    3.A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon
    Return 1 face up level 5 or higher Dragon-Type monster on your side of the field to owner's hand and
    destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the field
  12. BlackFlea

    BlackFlea Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Noob World
    Kon Friendship có cái eff chuối quá , tự dưng bắt người ta phải bắt tay mình !! Con này chắc chỉ khi nào duel với kon gái mới cho vào =))
  13. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Kon nào cũng chuối hết...vậy giữa đúng lời hứa những quân bài trên của anh se thuộc về em...nhưng Cal tìm đâu ra vậy mấy bọn này chả kon nào có mã hết
  14. công_tử@

    công_tử@ Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Có Chúa mới biết
    Có những quân bài quái đản nhất là dòng họ Ojama =)). Coi phim tụi này cười muốn chết luôn, ai ngờ ngoài đời có đầy đủ mới ác chứ

    Bác nào thích "chơi với lửa" thì xin giới thiệu lá Spirital Fire Art-Kurenai. Ăn đứt Ring of Destruction.

    eff: Tribute 1 FIRE monster on your side of the field. Inflict Damage to your opponent's life pints equal to the original ATK of the Tributed monster

    to Quý: 500 năm trước, nhiều nhà khoa học vì tin trái đất tròn mà bị thiêu sống. Hiện giờ cũng thế, không nên vì chút áp lực mà từ bỏ những gì mình tin, mình thích
  15. championgaia

    championgaia Youtube Master Race

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  16. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    tôi chỉ kêu ca vậy thôi chứ ...bỏ thế nào được
  17. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
  18. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Neospacian Aqua Dolphin
    Discard a card from hand. Look at opponent's hand and choose a monster card from it. When you have a monster on your field with higher attack strength than the chosen monster, destroy the chosen monster and do 500 damages to opponent. When you don't have a monster on your field with attack strength higher than that monster, deal 500 damage to you. This effect can only be activate once per turn.

    Neospacian Flare Scarab
    Increase this card's attack strength equal to number of Magic/Trap cards on opponent's field x400.

    Neospacian Black Panther
    You can choose a face-up monster on opponent's field. As long as this card is face-up on your field, this card would be treated as same name as the chosen monster, and get the effect of the chosen monster until End Phase of the turn. This effect can only be activate once per turn.

    When a monster with "Roid" in its name would add to your hand from Graveyard, you can special summon this monster.

    When this card is face-up on the field, opponent cannot choose another face-up monster as target of attack other than [Decoyroid].

    When this card is face-up on the field, when a mmonster with "Roid" in its name is destroy as result of battle and sent to Graveyard, you may return it to your hand.

    D-Hero Doubleguy
    This card cannot be special summon. This card can attack twice in a battle phase. When this card is destroy, at your next Standby Phase, you may special summon 2 "Doubleguy Token" (Dark/Warrior/4/1000/1000) onto your field.

    D-Hero Defendguy
    When this card is in face-up defense mode during Standby Phase of opponent's turn, opponent player draw a card.

    D-Hero Dogmaguy
    This card cannot be Normal Summon. This card cannot be special summon other than sacrificing 3 monsters on your field with "D-Hero" in its name. When this card successfully special summon, during the standby phase of opponent's next turn, half opponent's lifepoints.

    D-Hero Daggarguy
    Discard this card from your hand. Until the end phase of this turn, increase the attack strength of a monster on your field with "D-Hero" in its name by 800. This effect can also be use during opponent's Battle Phase.

    Dark Ptera
    When this card is destroy and send to Graveyard from the field outside of result of battle, return this card into owner's hand.

    Dark Stego
    When this card is chosen as target of attack by opponent's monster, switch this card to defense mode.

    Ultimate Tyranno
    At the beginning of your Battle Phase when this card is in attack mode, this card must attack each opponent's monster once at the beginning.

    Baby Ceratosaurus
    When this card is sent to Graveyard by effect, choose a Dino sub-type monster with level 4 or less from your deck and special summon it onto your field.

    Miracle Jurassic Egg
    When this card is face-up on your field, this card cannot be from the game. Also, when a Dino sub-type monster is send to Graveyard, put 2 counters on htis card. Sacrifice this card, special summon a Dino sub-type monster with level equal to or less than the number of counters on this card.

    Alien Grey
    Reverse: Choose a face-up monster on opponent's field, and put a Alien Counter on it. When monsters with Alien Counter battle with a monster with [Alien] in its name, the attack and defense strength of that monster is decreased by 300 for each Alien Counter on it. Also, when this card is destroy in battle while it's reverse, draw a card from your deck.

    Alien Skull
    You may sacrifice a monster on opponent's field with level of 3 or less to special summon this card on opponent's field. When this monster is special summon this way, you can't normal summon this turn, and put a Alien Counter on this card when it's special summon. When monsters with Alien Counter battle with a monster with [Alien] in its name, the attack and defense strength of that monster is decreased by 300 for each Alien Counter on it.

    Alien Hunter
    When this card destroy a monster with Alien Counter(s) as a result of battle, this card can attack one more time continuously.

    Alien Warrior
    When this card is destroy as a result of battle, put 2 Alien Counters on the monster that destroy this card. When monsters with Alien Counter battle with a monster with [Alien] in its name, the attack and defense strength of that monster is decreased by 300 for each Alien Counter on it.

    Alien Mother
    When this card destroy a monster with Alien Counter(s) as a result of battle, special summon that monster to your field at the end of Battle Phase. All monsters that are special summon this way are destroyed when this card leaves the field.

    Space Beast Gangil
    If you sacrifice an opponent's monster to sacrifice summon this card, you may only sacrifice 1 monster to summon this card. Once during your turn, you may put an Alien Counter on a monster on opponent's field. When monsters with Alien Counter battle with a monster with [Alien] in its name, the attack and defense strength of that monster is decreased by 300 for each Alien Counter on it.

    Disk Musuki
    When this card is face-up on the field, instead of drawing a card in draw phase, you may select a card with [Alien] in its name from your deck and put it into your hand.

    E-Hero Aqua Neos
    [E-Hero Neos] + [Neo Spacian Aqua Dolphin]
    This card is special summon by returning the above monsters on your field to deck (The card [Fusion] is not required). Discard a card from your hand to destroy a card on opponent's hand randomly. This effect can only be used once per turn. Return this card to your Fusion Deck at End Phase.

    E-Hero Flare Neos
    [E-Hero Neos] + [Neo Spacian Flare Scarab]
    This card is special summon by returning the above monsters on your field to deck (The card [Fusion] is not required). The attack strength of this card is increase by the number of Magic and/or Trap card on the field *400. Return this card to your Fusion deck at End Phase.

    E-Hero Black Neos
    [E-Hero Neos] + [Neo Spacian Black Panther]
    This card is special summon by returning the above monsters on your field to deck (The card [Fusion] is not required). You may choose a face-up effect monster on the field. As long as this card is face-up on your field, the effect of that monster is negated until it leaves the field (Only 1 monster can be select). Return this card to your Fusion deck at End Phase.

    Chimeratech Over Dragon
    [Cyber Dragon] + One of more Machine sub-type monster(s)
    This card can only be special summon by Fusion summon. When this card is successfully Fusion Summon, send all cards on your field except this card into Graveyard. The original attack and defense strength of this card is equal to the number of monsters you used to Fusion summon this card *800. This card can attack a number of opponent's monsters equal to the number of card you use to Fusion Summon this card.

    Super Vehicroid - Jumbo Drill
    [Steamroid] + [Submarineroid] + [Drillroid]
    You can only use the above monsters when you Fusion Summon this card. When this monster attack a monster in defense mode, and the attack strength of this card is greater than the defense strength of that monster, do battle damage to opponent equal to the difference.

    Fake Hero
    Magic - Normal
    Special Summon a monster with [E-Hero] in its name from your hand. That monster cannot attack, and return it to your hand at the End Phase of that turn.

    Magic - Normal
    When there's a monster with [D-Hero] in its name on your field, you may special summon a monster with [D-Hero] in its name from your hand that is level 4 or less.

    Future Fusion
    Magic - Continuous
    Choose Fusion materials from your deck for a Fusion monsters and send them to Graveyard, and choose a Fusion monster from your Fusion deck. At the 2nd of your Standby Phase after this card is activate special summon that Fusion monster onto your field (this special summon is treated as Fusion Summon). When this card is not on the field, destroy that monster. When that monster is destroy, destroy this card.

    Common Soul
    Magic - Continuous
    Choose a face-up monster on the field to activate. special summon a monster with "N" (Neospacian) in its name from your hand to that monster's controller's field. The attack strength of the chosen monster would be increase by the attack strength of that "N" monster. When this card leaves the field, return the monster with "N" in its name special summon by this card into your hand.

    Magic - Field
    Increase the attack strength of [E-Hero Neos] and Fusion monsters with [E-Hero Neos] as Fusion material by 500. The Fusion monsters with [E-Hero Neos] as Fusion material can be not put back into deck at End Phase.

    Mausoleum of Deceased Emperor
    Magic - Field
    Both players can pay lifepoints equal to the number of monsters need for sacrifice summon *1000, and Normal Summon that monster without sacrificing.

    Mystery Circle
    Trap - Normal
    Send any number of monsters on your field to Graveyard to activate. Choose a monster with "Alien" in its name with level total equal to the levels of the monsters send to Graveyard from your deck and special summon it. If you fail to summon, you lose 2000 lifepoints.

    Artificial Angels
    Trap - Continuous
    Whenever you activate a Counter Trap, special summon a [Artificial Angel Token] (Light/Angel/1/300/300).

    Cyber Summon Blaster
    Trap - Continuous
    Whenever you successfully special summon a Machine sub-type monster, deal 300 damages to opponent.

    Fossil Excavation
    Trap - Continuous
    Discard a card from your hand. Choose a Dino sub-type monster from your Graveyard and special summon it. The effects of the monster special summon this way would be negate. When this card is not on the field, destroy that monster. When that monster is destroy destroy this card.

    Brainwash Ray
    Trap - Continuous
    Choose a monster on opponent's field with Alien counter on it and gain control of it. During each of your End Phase, remove an Alien counter from that monster. If all Alien counters on that controlled monster are remove or when that monster is destroy, destroy this card.
  19. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
  20. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town

    thông tin Hot nhất đây
    CyberDark Impact
    Releasing Date: August, 10th 2006
    60 Cards
    4 Ultras
    7 Super Rares
    14 Rares
    35 Normal
    Will contain powerful cards of Hell Kaiser Ryo (as shown in the GX-Episodes 83 (May 3rd) and 89 (June 14th) and the new cards which until now we still don't have [this system/technique yet] and cards from another characters
    phen này khối thằng phá sản

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