The rays of the afternoon sun reached down through the trees where Kagome, Miroku and Songo were packing up the remains of their campsite. They were now well rested and fed and it was time to move on. Only Inu Yasha was missing. “Where did Inu Yasha go?” Miroku asked Kagome, “he’s always skipping out when we are getting ready to leave!” “He said he was going to the river to wash up after lunch,” said Kagome, but that was an hour ago she thought. Vague suspicions and uneasiness played on the edges of Kagome’s mind. What was he doing gone so long? “Well, maybe someone better go find him, we are almost ready to go” said Miroku and turned back to his packing. “Okay,” said Kagome with a sigh, “I’ll be right back with him.” Kagome got up from where she had been kneeling, brushed herself off, and headed off in the direction she had seen Inu Yasha go. As she neared the hedges in front of the river she heard the murmur of voices. With trepidation, she carefully parted the hedges and looked towards the sound. Inu Yasha was talking with Kikyou! Her heart skipped a beat. She felt the blood rush to her face and a trembling come over her. When had Kikyou appeared? What was she doing here and what did she want from Inu Yasha? Trying to stifle the anguish rising inside her, she thought, calm down and just listen to what is going on. As she listened she realized the conversation was not going well. “Fine!” said InuYasha angrily, “if that’s the way you feel about it, why don’t you just go and don’t bother us again!” Kikyou sighed and bowed her head. “I’ll do things my way Inu Yasha, you do it yours.” Inu Yasha growled and turned away from her. Silently Kikyou turned around and walked away. Inu Yasha just stood there steaming, not bothering to look back at Kikyou as she left. Kagome could hold herself back no longer. Trying to look nonchalant, and as I-was-not-eaves-dropping as much as possible, she parted the hedges and went over to him. “Oh, was that Kikyou I just saw leaving?” she said trying to keep any trembling from her voice. InuYasha spun around and to Kagomes surprise, grabbed her by her shoulders and gazed into her face with smoldering golden eyes. Kagome was too stunned to do more than let out a gasp as she looked back at him. After a few tense moments he pulled her to him and kissed her forcefully. His lips enveloped her mouth, his fangs nearly nicking her, and the breath was knocked out of her by the thrust of his tongue. A feeling of panic and excitement spread through her, making her tingle from head to foot. Her heart was racing so hard she thought it was going to bust out of her chest. Still clutching her tightly, InuYasha began to tug at her blouse. The material began to tear, and Kagome started at the sound but Inu Yasha just kissed her more deeply until she relaxed again. His assault on her clothes continued. The blouse fell to the ground, and somehow InuYasha was shirtless now as well, though Kagome did not know how or when he managed to do it. He seemed perplexed by her bra, but before Kagome could disengage herself long enough to ask him please not to rip it (since it was the only one she had brought with her), he had sliced through the back strap with his nails and it came tumbling off in front of her. She gasped as he reached for her now naked breasts, and squeezed them, caressing them and running his fingers over her nipples. He slid his tongue down her neck, passed her collarbone, and lifted her so that he could engulf her right nipple with his mouth. Unable to do anything but shudder with pleasure, she felt Inu Yasha tugging at her skirt. Sure enough there was another rrippppp, and her skirt was a puddle around her ankles. One hand on her back, the other on her ass, he moved her hips towards his body. Under his trousers, she felt his hard **** pressing through the fabric. He rubbed against the crotch of her panties, panting. Before she knew it the only fabric between her and Inu Yasha was the thin fabric of her panties. Not wanting another piece of shredded clothing, Kagome managed to pull her panties off before he could shred those as well. The feel of his **** rubbing against the mound of her pussy was maddening. The head started to spread the lips of her vulva, and oh so gently to rub against her clitoris. Kagome was gasping with each stroke. Inu Yasha was relentless with his motions, pressing harder and harder every time. Kagome could feel him start to shiver, until he could take it no more. He lifted her up by her hips and kneeling on the ground, drove his **** deep inside her. At first it hurt Kagome, since she had never done this before, but as his **** pushed passed her hymen the pain eased. His **** seemed to fill her up completely inside, she would never have guessed anything could feel like this. With his hands clamped tightly about her waist, he moved Kagome up and down on his **** in synch with his thrusts inside her. Kagome’s eyes were closed, and she held tightly to his forearms with her hands. Her grip was slick because of the sweat that ran off him and down his arms. Her lower legs grazed the grass with every lift and thrust. But it felt so good, Kagome just let these new feelings fill her up and overwhelm all her thoughts and emotions, until there was nothing left in the world except this act. Back at the campsite, Miroku sighed in disgust. He through down his pack and glanced over to Songo where she was repairing a strap. “Okay, now they are both missing,” he said, “ I guess now I have to go find them.” Songo raised her hand to say something but Miroku had already stormed off. She stared at his retreating back for a minute, sighed, and went back to her strap. Miroku was exasperated. But this was not the first, nor would be the last time he had felt this way during his time with Inu Yasha and Kagome. Coming upon the same spot where Kagome had spied on Inu Yasha talking with Kikyou, his steps were arrested by the unmistakable sound of soft female gasps and deep male grunts. Just as he was thinking what is going on here he let the idea that he definitely knew what was happening settle in, he just could not believe it. Should I take a peek? He thought, but of course he would! Carefully parting the hedges just like Kagome had done, he spied Inu Yasha and Kagome together. Inu Yasha was on his knees with Kagome straddling him, and he was lifting her up and then down on his ****, thrusting inside her with each downward motion. Her face was flushed, her eyes closed, and her breasts bounced up and down jarringly with every move. This is just too good, thought Miroku as he felt himself getting aroused. Inu Yasha now lay Kagome down on her back, never removing his **** from her, and lifted her legs so her thighs were pressed back towards her hips to continue his deep thrusts. He pulled almost completely out of her until the tip of his **** was teasing her labia minora, and she arched her back and shuddered. Miroku could not help grasping his own erect **** and staring intently, mentally measuring the length of Inu Yasha’s **** against his own. Hey, he thought, I am a guy, after all, I should not feel the slightest bit of guilt for looking. Inu Yashas **** was one even golden color, straight and of even thickness through the whole long shaft. Miroku thought to his chagrin but not surprise, that Inu Yasha was bigger than he was. Well, I couldn’t expect any less from a half dog-demon now could I? He found that clutching his **** through his robes was frustrating, so moving them away he grabbed his naked member with his hand and started to stroke it. Inu Yasha was now picking Kagome up by the small of her back, his **** still inside her, and turning her so that she was on all fours. She got on her elbows and knees, her head hanging down, and he knelt behind her, pulling her hips into him with each pelvic thrust. Inu Yashas head was thrown back, his eyes squinted, and snarls and gasps escaped his clenched teeth. Miroku was really getting into it, his **** throbbing as he masturbated. He almost did not hear Songo coming up next to him. “Wha….?” She managed to get out before Miroku wrapped his right arm around her head and clamped down on her mouth with his hand. She now saw Inu Yasha and Kagome and her eyes opened wide, her face flushing, and Miroku knew it wasn’t because she could not breath. “Shhhh, let them have this moment together,” he breathed. Songo glanced over at him, and then down to his lap. She startled and tried to get out of his grasp when she saw what he had been doing. “Just don’t scream or anything, okay?” Miroku said as he carefully let the wriggling Songo go. “You are really something, you know that?” said Songo huffily, crossing her arms and staring at the hedge in front if her, “ but I guess I shouldn’t expect any less from a perv like you.” “ Come on Songo, it’s perfectly harmless,” he said. “What, watching Kagome and Inu Yasha or what you’re doing to yourself?” she said. “Both,” he said, chuckling. Songo just glowered in silence. “Aww, come on Songo, lighten up,” he said “Well, I’m going back to the campsite and wait until you and them are finished.” Songo got up and started to head back. “Oh, alright,” said Miroku ruefully, “ I’m right behind you.” He had lost his erection under Songos withering disapproval and it lay limp in his hand now anyway. Inu Yasha you lucky dog you, he thought as he got up stiffly to follow her. Back by the river Inu Yasha and Kagome were covered with sweat and straining in the last throes of their heated love making. Just as Kagome felt a scream escape her lips, a warm, liquid, electric heat having built up deep inside vagina and burst, sending waves of ecstasy through body and blacking out all her other senses, Inu Yasha was also starting to come. His thrusts had become so frenzied and hard, he was bruising her, only she didn’t care. A guttural scream came from deep inside his throat as he made one last, deep thrust inside her and held it. She felt his come gush inside her and squeeze out between her vaginal walls and his pulsing **** to coat her labia, his balls, and then drip on the ground. Inu Yasha collapsed forward onto her back and pushed her down beneath him. They were both still panting, he now in her ear, his long hair tickling her sides. The grass felt cool and refreshing beneath her, and Inu Yasha had shifted his weight so he was not bearing down uncomfortably on her back. They were still connected, only loosely, and Kagome suddenly had a vision of them being stuck together for hours like dogs, but quickly banished the thought from her mind. Slowly she felt his **** shrink inside her, until finally he peeled off her, making a sticky sound because their sweat had dried and bonded them together. He rolled on his back next to her and she rolled on her left side to look at him. His eyes were closed and he was taking deep breaths, but she could tell he was not asleep. His left hand rested on his belly, and his pubic area was a tangle of matted silver hair and glistening strands of come which glinted on his now flaccid ****. Not too small even when he’s not erect, she found herself thinking. “Inu Yasha….” Kagome said tenatively. He turned his head towards her and opened his eyes, saying nothing, waiting for her to continue. “What just happened?” As he began to look like he was going to get angry she continued quickly, “I mean, you know, I know what just happened, but why? Does this mean there is nothing between you and Kikyou?” “There never was anything like this between Kikyou and I,” said Inu Yasha, turning his head away towards the sky. “Kikyou wanted me to be human first.” There was a moment of silence between them as they both thought about what he had just said. “Then I guess Kikyou’s love was conditional, she did not want to love you for who you were,” said Kagome, and thought not like me, I have always loved you just the way you are. As she was thinking this, Inu Yasha turned and looked her in the eyes, and she could tell that he saw these thoughts in them. He reached out and pulled her towards him and she nestled in the crook of his arm. Gently he held her against him, and kissed her hair, the top of her head. She had never felt so content, all seemed perfect to her except for the throbbing and aching between her legs. Her whole pussy felt like it had taken a beating, which it had. She shifted her legs and twinged. “Are you okay?” asked Inu Yasha, “You’re not hurt are you?” Kagome looked up into his face, now looking down at her, concerned. “Oh, now you ask,” she said, “you weren’t concerned before when you were slamming so hard into me I thought I was going to break!” The look of contrition on Inu Yasha’s face was so uncharacteristic that Kagome burst out laughing when she saw it. “But what about my clothes, how am I going to go back to the campsite in this condition.” She said plaintively. “I’ll go back and get a spare set for you from your sack,” he said. “And how will you explain why I need a spare set of clothes to the others, and how come you are getting them for me?” “Fine, you get in the river and take a bath and I’ll send Songo with your clothes.” “You know, that’s not a bad idea. You should take a bath before you return too. You stink. Like sex.” Although I never knew what sex smelled like before today, it’s not bad, really. “Oh yeah?” he said, and before she could utter a protest, he had hauled her up and was carrying her towards the river. “Inu Yasha, you beast, put me down!” she said and at the last minute before he tossed her in she grabbed him by the hair and pulled him off balance. With a yelp of surprise, Inu Yasha went tumbling into the water after her and came up spluttering. Kagome laughed and splashed water at him, which he quickly started splashing back. The water was cold but it felt good on her sore inner thighs and bruised private parts. After a little while Inu Yasha got out of the river and went to put on his clothes. Kagome went to the riverbank, rested her arms on it and rested her chin on her arms. She watched him get dressed, admiring his long lean muscles and silvery hair. He left her there to think about all that had just transpired between them, and what this would mean to their relationship now. Chapter 2 Well, I think this spot is as good as any other place to stop,” said Miroku. He turned back and looked at Songo and Kagome. They looked beat. They were not going to get to the next village without a break. “Hah, we’re so close, why should we stop now,” said InuYasha with his customary impatience. He stood with his arms crossed and legs spread, a scowl on his face. Wearily Kagome walked up to him and tugged on his arm to get his attention. He looked down at her and she beckoned him to come closer so she could say something softly in his ear. What ever she said seemed to mollify him, and he sat down on a rock in the clearing of the forest where they had elected to make camp. The four of them split up to find dry wood and kindling for a fire. Miroku noticed that Inu Yasha and Kagome started off in different directions, but then caught a glimpse of Inu Yasha veering off in the direction Kagome had taken. Kagome was waiting for Inu Yasha, and when he caught up to her she took his hand and they moved stealthily through the forest to a sunlit meadow they had passed earlier. “Do you think this is far enough away from the others?” said Inu Yasha. “I know that it is the best place around at the moment for what we have in mind,” said Kagome. “ I just don’t want that lech Miroku stumbling upon us,” said Inu Yasha. Kagome giggled. “Don’t worry Inu Yasha.” The meadow was warm and sweet smelling and Inu Yasha began to pull Kagome to him as soon as they entered it. “Uh-uh, Inu Yasha,” Kagome said, “you wait until I get my clothes off first. I’m still trying to discreetly sew together the ones you ripped off me.” Inu Yasha was out of his clothes in a flash and watching Kagome intently as she carefully disrobed. No sooner had she placed her folded clothes in the grass than he was upon her. He picked her up by the waist, her legs flew around his waist, and he crushed her to him. Her arms went around his neck and they kissed passionately. Inu Yasha became even more aroused by the feel of her soft breasts and hard nipples pressed against his chest. His erection was throbbing, twitching against his abdomen, and the tip was brushing up against her labia and the opening to her vagina, sending shivers of need through both of them. When Inu Yasha couldn’t take it anymore, he lifted her from where she clung to him and guiding his **** with one hand and her body with the other, he penetrated her. Kagome gasped. “Are you okay?” he asked, “is this too soon after the first time?” “No,” whispered Kagome and shook her head. He braced his legs and moved Kagome up and down, using the thrust of his hips to penetrate deep inside her until their pelvic bones touched. Briefly he looked down at her face to see that her eyes were closed, face flushed, and small gasps of pleasure were escaping her parted lips with each thrust. He was satisfied that this was what she wanted, and let himself melt into the feeling of her moist, hot walls as they clung tightly to his **** with his rhythmic thrusting. Songo felt ashamed from where she stood discreetly watching Inu Yasha and Kagome from behind a tree. Am I no better than Miroku? She thought. But she could not leave her spot and kept glancing up at the two of them, where InuYasha had now started to make love to Kagome standing up, Kagomes legs wrapped around his waist. Their choice of love making position and Songo’s angle of view left nothing to the imagination. Every time she looked their way she saw the whole long shaft of Inu Yasha’s **** penetrating deeply into Kagomes softly moaning body. This was an unfamiliar feeling to Songo. Her heart was racing and a moist heat was building between her legs. She was riveted by shame and arousal. When Miroku got back to the chosen campsite there was no sign of anyone. It looked like no one had been back there since they had split up earlier. Miroku dropped his load of twigs and decided to go find them. He bet he knew what Inu Yasha and Kagome were up to, but where had Songo gotten too? They had agreed to never stray to far from each other when they could never know if or when another demon could come upon them looking for a chikon jewel shard. Miroku finally spotted Songo some ways into the forest and could tell by the way she was standing partially hidden by a tree that she was trying to be discreet as she was watching something-or someone! Did she know her right hand had strayed to her crotch and she was clutching herself there? He could not see her face, but sure wished he could. He decided to come up to her slowly, but in her line of vision so he would not startle her or Kagome and Inu Yasha who he was sure she was watching. Sure enough, they were at it again. Kagome and Inu Yasha were so intent on their love making Miroku was sure they did not know they were being watched. Songos eyes were wide and filled with emotion when she turned to look him in the face as he came up beside her. The hand she held to her mouth was trembling, and she was gently biting her finger. She did not say a word to him, but realizing she had been clutching herself, suddenly let go. The now familiar gasps and grunts of Kagome and Inu Yasha could be heard. Miroku looked over at them just in time to see Inu Yasha lowering Kagome into the grass on her back, her legs around his hips, buried in her up to the hilt. There was a soft rustle and they disappeared into the tall grass. “Come on Songo,” whispered Miroku, putting his arm around her shoulders. “ The show is over.” To his surprise she let him keep his arm around her as he led her away. “Do you want to talk about it? Asked Miroku as they made their way back through the forest. Songo made to shake her head at first, then shrugged. “I’m ashamed,” she whispered, “but I felt this strange longing come over me as I watched them…and I couldn’t turn away.” Miroku laughed softly, sliding his arm down to her waist and letting her head fall and rest on his shoulder. “What they’re doing is only a natural expression of the feelings they have been hiding from each other for so long.” “How long have you known about them,” “Oh, I think yesterday was their first time together.” He remembered the way Kagome had staggered back to the campsite the other day. The dazed expression on her face and the way she gingerly sat down on the ground. She and Inu Yasha seemed to be making a great effort not to look at each other, but Miroku could see them stealing glances at each other when they thought no one was looking. Miroku debated on whether he should try and take advantage of Songo’s mood. Although she seemed ripe for the picking, he did truly care about her and didn’t want to hurt her by manipulating her to his own desires in her obviously vulnerable state. He decided to play it by ear. She had never let him get this far before. Songos head still rested on his shoulder. Miroku turned and gently kissed her forehead, which elicited a sigh from her. He rubbed her side, being careful not to get to close to her breast and possibly scare her. “So, you never had a sweetheart back in your village?” he asked. She shook her head. “No, I think all the boys were intimidated by me.” “Oh, I see.” “What do you see?” she said, moving her head off his shoulder to look at him. They had almost reached the campsite. Miroku stopped walking and put his hands on her shoulders. He turned her around so they were facing each other and gazing into each other’s faces. He wanted to see her expression, to gage what she was feeling. She looked earnest and confused, her brows drawn up in consternation and a pleading look in her eyes. “ I see a beautiful, brave and intelligent women who should not be ashamed of her feelings. Those boys back in your village were stupid if they could not see passed the demon slayer to the true women that you are.” Songo turned her eyes away. She pursed her lips. She seemed to be considering what he had said rather doubtfully. “How can I believe that,” she finally said to him, “no one has ever said anything like this about me before.” “Let me show you,” he said and drew Songo into an embrace. She didn’t resist. He cradled her in his arms and gently kissed her soft cheek. She smelled fragrant and cool like a spring day. Taking his left hand, he put a finger under her chin and tilted her head up to look at him. There was no resistance to be found there, just a searching look. She was still waiting for him to prove what he had said to her, and showed no fear or revulsion. Gently he kissed her lips. Due to her inexperience, she did not part them at once. Then she seemed to relax and let him slide his tongue in her mouth and gently caress her tongue with his own. She learned quickly and their kisses became deep and passionate. Miroku felt lust erupting in him like a volcano, but forced it back to a reasonable level. Songo had never done this before and he could not ruin it by letting his lust take control. He had to take it slow. He drew her to the ground to by the edge of the campsite and pulled her onto his lap. Cautiously, he let his hands brush her breasts through her clothes. Songos hands came up and she mirrored him, stroking his chest. Very slowly he started to disrobe her. She fumbled a bit with his robes so he helped her get them off. Soon she was sitting naked astride his legs, and the sight of her full breast, small waist and gently flaring hips sent spasms of lust through him. His erection throbbed and jerked, hitting his bare legs until she was pressed up against his chest, his **** imprisoned between their bodies. He let her feel it against her while he gently caressed her and they kissed again, deeply. He kissed her neck, her shoulder the tops of her breasts, and felt her quiver each time. He could feel moisture and heat building from between her legs in his lap. He took her breast in his hand and brought the rosy nipple to his mouth then sucked gently but firmly. She gasped and shivered. The warmth and moisture grew. Miroku was trembling with the effort to control himself. In some ways, fighting demons was easier then holding his lust at bay. But Miroku took the time to bring Songo along, caressing her smooth skin, licking and nibbling her full breasts, her throat, and sliding his hand underneath her to gently stroke her moist folds. It was going well. She responded to him with soft gasps and shivers and was kissing him with true desire and need. She rubbed her body up against him, against his straining erection, which caused it to leak fluid. Finally, he felt she was ready. He picked her up by her waist and guided himself into her. She was so ready, her hymen released easily. All she did was give a small gasp and flinch but then she relaxed. I’m going to make this last, he thought. I’m going to keep control. He started to move inside her smoothly and gently, slowly deepening his thrusts, picking her up by her waist and rocking her back and forth on his ****. She moaned and closed her eyes. He was relieved. She was obviously enjoying it, but he had been almost sure she would. Kagome and Inu Yasha were trying to surreptiously pick grass and debris from each other’s hair as they walked back to the campsite. Inu Yasha stopped suddenly, listening. “ What is it, what do you hear?” said Kagome and glanced around them fearfully. Inu Yashas eyes narrowed, then a slow smile curved the side of his mouth. He turned to her and motioned for her to be quiet. Silently they crept up to the campsite, Kagome clinging to Inu Yashas sleeve. Then she heard it too. Moans and gasps, but not of pain. As Miroku and Songo came into view, Inu Yasha pulled her down so they would not be seen. “Inu Yasha, should we be doing this?” she hissed. Inu Yasha turned to her and smiled, a wicked glint in his eyes. “Why not?” he said. Kagome wanted to berate him, but she couldn’t without possibly disturbing Miroku and Songo, so she just sat next to him and simmered. Inside Inu Yasha was gloating but he was also fascinated. He had little enough sexual experience of his own not to be intrigued by the sexual habits of others. Miroku was lying on his back on the ground and Songo was astride him. He was lifting her up and down on his ****, and he could see it glistening with each up stroke. Her head was thrown back, her full beasts bouncing, her hair hanging down her back and shimmering like black rain. Although he had thought himself thoroughly sated after his last session with Kagome, he felt himself getting aroused. Kagome noticed and gaped at him accusingly. “How could you?” she whispered at him furiously. He looked at her with that evil glint returning to his eyes, and a sly grin stole over his face. He began to push her down onto her back. “I can’t believe you Inu Yasha,” she said, “here and now? After all we just did?” “ Well, if that’s how you feel about it,” he replied, scooping her off the ground and throwing her over his shoulder, “then it’s back to the meadow with you.” As he hauled her off, speechless, the last thing she saw was Miroku and Songo, blissfully still going at it. “Did you hear something?” Said Songo. “No” gasped Miroku, “ S’probably some animal.” It took a few moments for Songo to relax again and get back into the rhythm. He only hoped he could make her come before he came himself. If he held back much longer he may not come at all. To his relief a new sort of trembling seemed to come over Songos body, and he could feel small contractions squeezing him, steadily becoming stronger. Songo opened her eyes and looked at Miroku with some dismay. “It’s alright,” he tried to say soothingly through clenched teeth, “just go with it. You’ll be fine, I promise.” Songos orgasm shot through her, arching her back, and a small shriek escaped her lips. She was now contracting on him so hard he could take it no more, and he exploded into her. He bucked, lifting off the ground, and Songo collapsed on top of him, panting. “So,” he breathed, “how was it. Okay?” Songo couldn’t say anything, he felt her nod her head against his shoulder and give his other shoulder a clumsy pat. He put his arms around her and held her to him, his **** still inside her, throbbing from the after effects. It seemed to him that steam was rising from their clasped genitals. He thought about the disturbance that has almost thrown them off course during their lovemaking. He hadn’t told her that he glimpsed Inu Yasha at the other edge of the campsite, rising off the ground and throwing a frazzled looking Kagome over his shoulder and carrying her off. Miroku smiled to himself. He didn’t know how much they saw but he didn’t mind. After all, hadn’t he and Songo taken guilty pleasure in watching them together these passed two days? But Songo may not feel that way. Her first time should not be spoiled by anything. No one said anything to each other when Inu Yasha and Kagome returned later. They decided they were all too beat to make it to the next village by nightfall, and decided to camp the night where they were. They each stood watch, and the night passed uneventfully.
Story gì toàn bằng tiếng Anh bắt tội người khác mà đi dịch à . Ông tưởng bọn tôi không biết mấy trang Story bằng tiếng Anh của SC2 không bằng , giỏi thì dich ra bằng tiếng Việt và thể hiện bằng giọng văn của mình làm cho câu chuyện trở nên hay hơn thế mới là có trình độ. Nếu không lập cái Topic này chẳng ai vào xem dâu