A message from a foreigner.

Thảo luận trong 'Ogame' bắt đầu bởi bef, 1/5/06.

  1. bef

    bef Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hello everyone,
    During the time in which I’ve played OGame, the friendliness and generosity I’ve received from Vietnamese players has been very comforting. Unfortunately, all good things have an end.

    As some of you are aware, I’ve been trying to acquire a big account and to enter the SIN alliance as I felt that it would be a great experience which would help me to further develop friendships. I was unfortunate in that when my good friend RoSE left universe 9, he handed his account off to Nova/Azmodai prior to me approaching him. I have absolutely no issue with RoSE giving his account to who he wanted, and this was no problem. Azmodai then gave the account to Hazard who was returning to Universe 9 after recently quitting (I believe at the start of Universe 17).

    I approached Hazard just to let him know that at anytime if he wished to retire, I’d love an opportunity to play that account. Hazard realised just how many opportunities that have passed me by previously and we tried to work out a way for him to get back his old account and for me to play RoSE’s. After a while of trying for Hazards old account, it became rather obvious that getting it back was not going to be easy and Hazard begun trying to make me take RoSE’s account, leaving Hazard with no account to play.

    I knew Hazard was just trying to please me, even at his own expense so I rejected this offer. I also realised the possible annoyance this would cause for Azmodai whom had intently given the account to Hazard and wanted him to continue playing it. After some time we continued discussion about it and Hazard coaxed me in to taking over the account. I did so excitedly, my opportunity had come after many disappointments. I happily gave my account to a good friend from Spawn as he too has been waiting a long time for an opportunity. In the morning, I woke to a message from Hazard explaining that Azmodai made him take the account back. I realised it was possible that Azmodai would be frustrated about this, but I never realised that he’d repossess the account especially without first approaching and talking to me about it.

    So now I have no account, and I feel disappointed. Basically there’s no way I can continue playing Universe 9 without an account and so this is suppose I have to say goodbye. I’d like to say a very special thanks to all of the good friends I have made on OGame. Huy, Antharas, DloveD, phd_vn, Azrael, Darkside, Greedisland and more recently, Miyakazi, Azmodai, Azdromalius and Hazard. All of you made my experience on OGame very enjoyable, and you’ve all taught me a lot. And Azmodai, although I do feel wronged by you, I forgive you.

    I will come back if and when a real opportunity comes for me to play a reasonable account. I hope everyone has a lot of fun, and I am very sorry that my Vietnamese isn’t quite good enough to have used for this message (hehe)..

    Tạm Biệt
  2. WhiteSneak

    WhiteSneak C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    I am so sad to say goodbye to you . ::( ::(
  3. em_tin

    em_tin The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Lol, not yet....
    I will find you an account and you can continue play universe 9, so sorry about that, let me talk with azmodai.
  4. bruce_lapaloma

    bruce_lapaloma Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chậc,anh em kiếm đâu 1 acc đưa cho nó đi.Mình có acc top 100 ở u18 đang không có ai chơi,không biết nó có chịu không?
  5. aznkoz

    aznkoz Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    trên địa dưới thi
    ặc ... mấy cha có bao nhiêu đâu mà 1 account nho nhỏ cũng ko có cho thèng bé >< .... O_O ... ặc, hay là mấy acc khác vứt cho mấy ku kia bị crash gần hết rồi ? O_O . Nhớ có cả chục cái mà đọc cái bài trên ... thấy có vài cái vứt qua vứt lại >< ... buồn :( .
  6. bef

    bef Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    I don't think either of the last two comments are particularly fair nor warranted... ::(

    I just hope something can be worked out.
  7. derek

    derek Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Well, I knew Bef when my friend, ghostnguyen, left U9. I want to give someone that account. At that time, he pmed me. After a long talk to him and some mates in VietWorrior(sphinx and ... sorry I forgot their names :p) also told that he is nice and well player. Intead I found that Bef is a kind man. Day after day, ghostnguyen's rank increased (that was what I wanted to).
    Now when ROSE left U9 and gave back to me D3r3k's account. Azmodai asked me 'what would you do with this account? That would be great if you play again. Or else one of mine friend needed it.' So I pleased to give him. I think you guys, Azmodai and Bef both had some misunderstood things. Bef played so well. You can give him that account. Don't worry!
    p/s: I will pm in Y!M to RoSE and Azmodai about this :)
  8. aznkoz

    aznkoz Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    trên địa dưới thi
    My bad, thought u can't write ^^ but u can't read either :D .
    What I wanted to say is there are so many account in u9 that needed to be watching yet there aren't one available for bef is what I found to be funny . Yet everyone asking those who aren't played in u9 anymore, that they can come back and there are account waiting for them o_O .
    Spare one account for bef to play isn't hard rather than seeing it appear in HOF for other to collect the debris :) .
  9. bef

    bef Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thankyou so much for clarifying, I am not strong with Vietnamese at all.. I only know a small amount that Antharas and other friends have taught me.

    I asked a friend to translate your message for me, and I suppose I did not interperate his translation correctly.

    Thankyou again.
  10. pow

    pow Let Us Cling Together

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    It 's true that there are many account but good one (top200 at least) is not. Many of us were crashed, you know.
  11. Nazgul_blr

    Nazgul_blr Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    TP Hồ Chí Min
    since Azmodai is not here since this Thursday (May 4th)...let this topix be frozen till he's back ok? ::)

    there're still many acc that can be rebuilt, or miner's acc...I thought we have some for him?

    chã lẽ ko có thật sao :|...tui nhớ Op2 giữ nhiều mà :|
  12. aznkoz

    aznkoz Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    trên địa dưới thi
    Exactly ... But I guess the problem lie on the one who play those account . They got crash and let it sit in (i) mode . I heard Op2 and many are complain about those . I dont know if they got it back yet but some probably got delete long time ago O_O .
  13. NV

    NV Administrator Administrator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    __This is a misunderstood. First : i didnt steal d3r3k's acc like you think. I heard that he wanna quit, so i asked him for his acc. He gave it to me, then i gave it to Hazard. Second : i want Hazard play this acc, and i will find another acc for you. But if Hazard dont wanna plays this acc and now he gives it to you, you can play on this acc.

    __I think Per's acc is pretty good, this acc nearly has Gravity and will soon be the first one has RIP in my alliance. I think if you really like to play Ogame with us, you should accept what you have. You know Per's acc is the best acc we can find now, the rest is already has owner.

    __I'm sorry because i disappointed you and being hypocritical.

    __Thật tình chả hiểu gì, him nói là him được d3r3k, rose và cả hazard yêu cầu chơi acc d3r3k, vậy mà tôi lấy acc đó đi, he nói là tôi chôm acc của him. Trong khi thật tế là tôi chỉ nghe d3r3k nghỉ nên tôi xin lại acc, và d3r3k cho. Cho nên tôi muốn đưa ai là quyền của tôi chứ ?

    __Vấn đề ở đây là tôi tin tưởng Hazard chơi sẽ tốt hơn, vì tôi đã thấy Hazard chơi rồi, còn him thì tôi chưa thấy nên chưa thể đưa acc rank cao quá cho him được, nhưng nói cái lý do này ra thì mất lòng, nên cũng chưa nói. Giờ he cứ đi theo lèm bèm về việc cái acc, nhức cả đầu.

    __Hazard : không có giao acc cho him, phần trên anh nói nếu em cho he acc thì he có thể chơi là nói vậy thôi, ý anh là không muốn thế.
  14. bef

    bef Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    My point is, Hazard already gave me the account and you took it away... I appreciate that you want me to play but I also think it's neccesary for you to realise that you intefered and made something which everyone was (supposedly) happy with into something where (atleast) one player was very unhappy. I know about Per's account, and it is a very good account, though for me it would be a greater honour to play an account which two friends in Derek and RoSE have developed. This is no insult to Per, whom is also a very nice person and I’m getting to know him well. I just hope that Hazard is willing to discuss this again and hopefully something can be resolved.
  15. helepolis

    helepolis Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Sao mình cứ thấy làm sao ấy.Thằng này cái acc đầu của nó rank 8xx,được chơi acc ghostnguyen thì thích lắm,nhưng phá mấy cái colony đi rồi bị tụt rank nên chán vứt long lóc giờ không biết thế nào mà cứ thấy rank tụt dần,giờ cứ thấy lèm bèm về cái vấn đề acc này.
    I know about Per's account...:nói vậy chứ cái acc kia rank 3x,fleet mine đều ổn cả,lý do hoài.
    Nói chung là nhức hết cả đầu.
  16. heoanot

    heoanot Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    đi học về thấy acc mất tiêu,mẹ nó chứ ức chế vãi >.< đã bảo với Hero là tui chơi acc ấy rồi thế mà còn cố lấy pass đưa cho thằng bef không thèm hỏi wa mình chẳng còn gì để nói với ông nữa.
    Tôi cũng đã từng đưa acc cho nó vài ngày trước để cho nó chơi thử xem thế nào,nhưng vì thấy nó chơi noob wá nên đành phải lấy lại acc vì không muốn lại thêm 1 vụ giống như NHN....thế mà giờ....đ. thể chán hơn.....
    @NV:em cũng có muốn đưa acc đâu tại nó cù nhây quá nên khó chịu vứt thử xem thế nào thôi nào ngờ....đang cố lấy lại acc đây +__________+
  17. sphinxmanu

    sphinxmanu Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    @Bef : I know waht u want , Bef.As I said ,its very impolite when u took that account back without a word.Whatever u r thinkin' about Hazard.I remember that it was a normal account (top 200 or 300) n my little bro Dragon Kid played it n built it up to reach top 50.When he retired ('koz he is too busy with his university's entrance exame) , he gave it back to VW with ahopeness a strong n experience player will keep it in top 100.Rose played it.Its quite right.But i dont think he has enough power to decide who will play it.This account is belong to VW n its VW's honour.
    At the last , it is right when Hazard played it n u could play Per if u can.We r friend n i know u r lack of experience , Per is ur best choice now :)
  18. helepolis

    helepolis Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thôi không phải dài dòng lịch sự với nó làm gì cả.Nó tưởng công sức anh em Vn ta chơi bao lâu là cái mỏ nick để nó lý do này nó để yêu cầu acc tốt à.Kể cả cái acc per thà để vacation rồi thỉnh thoảng ai đó vào xây dựng còn tốt hơn để nó phá.Noob mà bày đặt acc rank 30.Cẩn thận chơi vài ngày lại bị crash mốc mặt ra.
  19. aznkoz

    aznkoz Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    trên địa dưới thi
    ^^, finnally I get the situation .
    Anybody mind if I get top account ? lolz :D j/k :P .
    Thought the guy was better but now after reading all of this make me change my mind .
    I rather get a turtle account and develop than a top raiding account . Cause all u would do if not raiding is sitting at home FS . That's wat I usually do now . I hope that guy do that too O_O ... rather than going crazy over it :D .
  20. nasavn_ogamer

    nasavn_ogamer Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    I will give acc to vacation mode.I'll play acc next two months.

    Có một acc mà sao rắc rối quá.
    Theo em thấy thì:
    Bác Hazard làm mất mặt người VN quá đó.

    Hiện nay vẫn còn thi TN và ĐH nên chưa thể chơi được.Lúc đầu thấy uni9 có vẻ xuống nên cũng băn khoăn ko bít sau thi xong có nên chơi tiếp uni9 ko.
    Có vẻ bác HeRo nghỉ chơi vì lý do gia đình nên lúc giao acc ko tính toán kỹ.
    Hiện nay để chấm dứt tranh cãi em quyết định sẽ lấy lại acc này và để nó vacation trong 2 tháng.Sau đó sẽ tính tiếp xem em chơi uni9 hay uni khác.

    Ai là người đang giữ acc này vui lòng đưa trả lại cho em.
    Xin cảm ơn nhiều,

Chia sẻ trang này