Gamevn English school - learned by fools taught by fools

Thảo luận trong 'Tâm sự' bắt đầu bởi Harry Kane, 20/3/19.

  1. huycondo

    huycondo T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tôi biết 1 ít tiếng đức nhưng thấy đủ dùng rồi, nay muốn học thêm tiếng anh để đi tán gái. Hôm nọ tôi đi tàu 500km để về nhà, ngồi cạnh 1 con mà nó lại biết nói mỗi tiếng anh, buồn quá không biết nói gì. Chỉ đến lúc nó xuống giữa đường thì thấy nó vác vali nặng quá thì mình mới hỏi:

    - mây ai heo diu

    nó nói gì không rõ mình nghe na ná như: - ai cen ke ri bai mai seo

    Chán quá, có web hay chương trình gì luyện tiếng anh giao tiếp nhanh không nhỉ. Mình tiếng toàn học vớ vẩn qua game nên toàn nhớ vào đầu mấy câu không thiết thực trong đời sống và giao tiếp gì cả, kiểu như: i dont want to be horny anymore.
    Bigboi808 and Harry Kane like this.
  2. Harry Kane

    Harry Kane G.O.A.T

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    Hiểu mà ko biết trả lời =))
  3. Interista

    Interista ✣✣✣ Xiaolonista✣✣✣ CHAMPION ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

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    Xì Gòn
    Câu này nó nói là "i can carry by myself". Nghĩa là "tao tự xách dc, đ cần mày ok" :5cool_big_smile:
  4. Bigboi808

    Bigboi808 Trùm Tâm Hự...Á á Hự... Ớ ớ

    Tham gia ngày:
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    nhưng còn vú nó thì sao, ý thày huy là đỡ hộ nó cặp ngực cho đỡ tưng ấy mà
  5. Interista

    Interista ✣✣✣ Xiaolonista✣✣✣ CHAMPION ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Xì Gòn
    cặp ngực thì có người khác đỡ dùm nó mỗi ngày rồi nhé :3cool_angry:
  6. Bigboi808

    Bigboi808 Trùm Tâm Hự...Á á Hự... Ớ ớ

    Tham gia ngày:
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    đang nói trong ngữ cảnh khi ấy, thày huy ngồi địa gái cả chuyến thấy nhấp nhô phập phồng, đến cuối mở lời rõ ràng là dùng tay đỡ hộ để gái xách hành lý, manly thế còn gì
    mà thày huy ko dùng động từ to quơ hả, bên vn quơ tay múa chân chỉ trỏ là hiểu hết
    Interista thích bài này.
  7. huycondo

    huycondo T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chỉ chỉ vào ngực nó đòi đỡ hộ nó đấm chết thì sao.
  8. Harry Kane

    Harry Kane G.O.A.T

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thặc là thô thiểng
  9. huycondo

    huycondo T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    how rude
  10. QuaiVatToTBung

    QuaiVatToTBung Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    A Deep Hole
    Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment. Why is this happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?

    It is alarming that the recidivism rate is increasing nowadays. This essay will explain the underlying factors that give rise to this phenomenon and point out some proactive measures to solve the issue.

    Currently, our justice system does not provide enough vocational courses for prisoners. In particular, being in prison for a long time without any self-development while lacking necessary tools, it is impossible for them to secure meaningful employment after being released. They can not financially support their children, their family and theft, to them, is a must to survive. Public stigmatization is also another factor making the matter worse. Instead of happily welcoming ex-detainees re-integrate the community after serving their first punishment. The locals, even family members tend to mock or isolate them, this breeds negative thoughts in their mind and directly forces ex-convicts to gather again with criminal groups, and recommitting crimes will be an unavoidable result.

    One possible response to reduce the recidivism rate in society is offering more courses. By mentally and physically preparing, they will be no longer worried about finding jobs to meet their needs. More importantly, the government should raise people’s awareness of this issue by introducing a ban against stigmatization. People need to feel sympathetic for their backgrounds, and forgiving the past is necessary for successful rehabilitation. If society holds their mistakes for a long time, they will push people to criminal life again because we denied all of their opportunities.

    While recidivism is rising at a significant rate, as long as we identify the causes, including lack of working skills and public boycott, and give out feasible solutions, the problem can be solved

    (273 words) - 50 minutes

    It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments, such as South pole. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

    Nowadays, scientists and tourists are able to travel to isolated natural areas.When weighing the pros and cons of this development, my position is that while it has specific drawbacks, the positives are far more significant.

    In fact, my position on this development that traveling to certain remote destinations with extreme environments such as the South pole or the Amazon forest could be potentially harmful to both travelers and scientists. The threats posed by unknown bacteria or dangerous animals are always ready to harm unprepared travelers or those who do not follow safety procedures. Furthermore, a specific number of untouched places have been threatened and irreversibly damaged by wastes left by visitors. In particular, a recent study from Harvard University revealed that garbage accumulation over years has contaminated groundwater in 118 caves in Vietnam.

    However, my claim is that with huge advantages offered to humans when scientists and tourists are now able to approach isolated areas, these absolutely outweigh the mentioned disadvantages. Certainly, the tourism industry has revived after years of dismalness since travelers were bored of sightseeing in many cities, skyscrapers, or malls all the time. The unique natural phenomenon such as the giant icebergs of the South pole or the picturesque atmosphere in the Amazon forest has amazed tourists over the world and offered them exclusive travel experiences. Not to mention, by allowing scientists to visit these pristine areas, they have done numerous research, and needless to say, countless of the most fatal virus strains would be found. As a result, with valuable knowledge obtained from these trips, our understanding of nature can be expanded further,and this will protect humans from another pandemic in the future.

    From my perspective, the benefits of this trend have overshadowed its disadvantages since it has both flourished our tourism industry and broadened our knowledge about Mother Earth. As such, I reaffirm that encouraging both tourists and scientists to land in these places is for the sake of humanity
    Harry Kane thích bài này.
  11. Harry Kane

    Harry Kane G.O.A.T

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tôi chỉnh một số ý gây rối với vài cái nhỏ xíu vặt vãnh nhưng mình cần tinh hơn một chút. Với đôi chỗ bạn dùng từ tiếng Việt dịch ngang qua tiếng Anh sẽ sai nhen. Nhiều dấu phẩy làm ý ko liên mạch, nhất là ở nơi có thể nối bằng từ. Tuy vậy, câu cú rõ, ko tệ đâu bạn. Từ dùng oke đó, đủ hàn lâm. Người đọc đọc là hiểu liền, nên cứ cố gắng thêm nhé. Mình thấy bạn làm oke, ko tệ đâu.

    It is alarming that the recidivism rate is increasing nowadays. This essay will explain the underlying factors that give rise to this phenomenon and point out some proactive measures to solve the issue.

    Currently, our justice system does not provide enough vocational courses for prisoners. In particular, being in prison for a long time without any self-development while lacking necessary tools makes it (gọn ý, bớt phẩy) impossible for them to secure meaningful employment after being released. They can not financially support their children, their family thus theft, to them, is a must to survive. Public stigmatization is another negative matter hoặc điệu đà "another factor adding to the severity of the issue . Instead of happily assisting ex-detainees with re-integrating into the community after serving their first punishment ,the locals and even family members tend to mock or isolate them which breeds negative thoughts in their mind (hoặc inner negative thoughts) and indirectly forces ex-convicts to consider rejoining criminal groups, and recommitting crimes is (fact thì giữ hiện tại đơn luôn, will thì không sai lắm nhưng mình thích để is vì đang nói fact) an unavoidable result.

    One possible response to reduce the recidivism rate in society is offering more courses (có thể nói rõ thêm là khi họ trong tù, hoặc ngay khi họ ra tù). By mentally and physically preparing, they have less worry about finding jobs to meet their needs. More importantly, the government should raise people’s awareness of this issue by introducing a ban against stigmatization. People need to feel sympathetic for their backgrounds, and forgiving the past is necessary for successful rehabilitation. If society holds their mistakes for a long time, they will push these ex-convicts (đừng để people rối, câu trên có people rồi, society cũng là people, nên cái này rõ ra luôn) to criminal life again because we already deny their opportunities. (đừng dùng quá khứ trong khi đang lý luận, mình đang nói fact)

    (Câu kết lủng củng nhiều phẩy quó)

    If we put more importance to the causes of recidivism that is mentioned above, focusing on the active solution and compassion instead of passive fear, we will have increasing chance to reduce recidivism

    Hí hí sửa 1 bài thôi, cái kia để sau rảnh

    Ai sửa hay hơn cứ sửa hen
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 22/6/21
  12. HuyBerserker

    HuyBerserker Liệt Dương Tử Lão Làng GVN

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    10th Dimension
    :v cao cấp quá
    Harry Kane thích bài này.
  13. Harry Kane

    Harry Kane G.O.A.T

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    Sữa bài ông trên khá chán vì khuôn mẫu quá, học theo khuôn rồi. Sửa con xe tải vui hơn
  14. [Huntress]

    [Huntress] Youtube Master Race

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    Hi guys

    Mi chiamo Helena

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