gta 1 Cheat: All levels and cities Press [Delete] at character selection screen. Then enter "ITSGALLUS", "NINEINAROW" or "SUPER WELL". Cheat: 9,999,999 points Press [Delete] at character selection screen. Then enter "ITCOULDBEYOU". Cheat: Unlimited lives Press [Delete] at character selection screen. Then enter "ITSTANTRUM" or "6031769". Cheat: View FMV sequences Press [Delete] at character selection screen. Then enter "HEARTOFGOLD". Cheat: 10x multiplier Press [Delete] at character selection screen. Then enter "HATE MACHINE" or "HEART OF GOLD". Cheat: Debug mode Press [Delete] at character selection screen. Then enter "PORKCHARSUI". Debug mode keys are as follows. Effect Key Advance screen frame-by-frame * + Center view [Home] Current status C Pan down * 2 Pan left * 4 Pan right * 6 Pan up * 8 Quick frame advance [Alt] Refresh screen R Restart level [F12] Take screen shot ** D Zoom in (aerial camera) L Zoom in (ground camera) [ Zoom out (aerial camera) K Zoom out (ground camera) ] * Entered from numeric keypad. ** Captured screens are stored as DUMP.TGA files within the /GTADOS subdirectory. (Note: files are in TGA format.) Cheat: All weapons Press [Delete] at character selection screen. Then enter "BUCKFAST" or "CALLMENIGEL". Press the keyboard asterisk [*] for all weapons; press a second time for all ammo. Cheat: Raise point values Press [Delete] at character selection screen. Then enter "HATEMACHINE". Cheat: "Get Out of Jail Free" card Press [Delete] at character selection screen. Then enter "SUCKMYROCKET" to get prison pass, all armor and weapons. Cheat: No police Press [Delete] at character selection screen. Then enter "IAMTHELAW" or "STEVESMATES". Cheat: UFO police Enable a cheat .Then enter "ENIGMA" as a name. UFOs replace squad cars; and their armaments will have more ammunition. gta 2 All weapons and ammunition Enable Cheat mode. Enter "GODOFGTA" during game. Submitted by AC Free merchandise Enable Cheat mode. Enter "EATSOUP" during game for free oil, guns, spray and more. Submitted by AC Blood mode Enable Cheat mode. Enter "GOREFEST" during game. Submitted by AC Invincibility Enable Cheat mode. Enter "RSJABBER" during game. Submitted by AC Gain respect from all gangs Enable Cheat mode. Enter "MADEMAN" during game. Submitted by AC 99 lives Enable Cheat mode. Enter "CUTIE1" during game. Submitted by AC Points for spraying car, saving game, etc. Enable Cheat mode. Enter "DANISGOD" during game. 999,999,999 points Enable Cheat mode. Enter "IAMDAVEJ" during game. Skip exploding scores. Enable Cheat mode. Enter "COCKTART" during game. 10x multiplier Enable Cheat mode. Enter "SEGARULZ" during game. Default weapons and ammo Enable Cheat mode. Enter "DAVEMOON" during game. Flame thrower Enable Cheat mode. Enter "FLAMEON" during game for flame-thrower with unlimited ammo. "Get Out of Jail Free" card Enable Cheat mode. Enter "JAILBAIT" during game. Pedestrians are aggressive Enable Cheat mode. Enter "BUCKFAST" during game. Submitted by AC Pedestrians are nude Enable Cheat mode. Enter "NEKKID" during game. Small cars Enable Cheat mode. Enter "FISHFLAP" during game. Pedestrians are Elvis impersonators Enable Cheat mode. Enter "LASVEGAS" during game. All levels Enable Cheat mode. Enter "TUMYFROG" during game to access all levels including hidden ones. Invisibility Enable Cheat mode. Enter "HUNSRUS" during game. Double damage power-up Enable Cheat mode. Enter "SCHURULZ" during game. Keep weapons after arrest Enable Cheat mode. Enter "ARSESTAR" during game. $500,000 Enable Cheat mode. Enter "MUCHCASH" or "COOLBOY" during game. Submitted by AC Debug scripts Enable Cheat mode. Enter "NO FRILLS" during game. Rodent on screen Enable Cheat mode. Enter "MEATMAN" during game. Display coordinates Enable Cheat mode. Enter "WUGGLES" during game. Increase brutality Enable Cheat mode. Enter "BEEFCAKE" during game. Select level Enable Cheat mode. Enter "ITSALLUP" during game. Maximum Wanted level Enable Cheat mode. Enter "DESIRES" during game in set Wanted level to four. No police Enable Cheat mode. Enter "LOSEFEDS" or "ELVIS IS HERE" during game. $200,000 Enable Cheat mode. Enter "DANISGOD" during game. $9,999,990 Enable Cheat mode. Enter "IAMDAVEJ" during game. Bonus Level To access the bonus level, collect all Grand Theft Auto 2 shields. Enable Cheat Mode Enter "GOURANGA" as a name to enable cheat mode. Once cheat mode has been enabled, other cheats may be entered by typing them before you start a new mission. NOTE: Some of these codes only work in the European version of th egame. Electro gun Enable Cheat mode. Enter "VOLTFEST" (or "VOLTEST")during game for Electro gun and unlimited ammo. gta 3 Cheat List Type one of the codes below during gameplay to activate its function. Invisible Cars: anicesetofwheels Destroy all cars: bangbangbang Speed up Gameplay: boooooring Flying vehicle: chittycittybb Better vehicle handling: cornerslikemad 100% Health: gesundheit Tank (Rhino) appears: giveusatank Get All Weapons: gunsgunsguns More Money: ifiwerearichman Change Outfit: ilikedressingup Cloudy Weather: ilikescotland Rainy Weather: ilovescotland Insane Pedstrians: itsallgoingmaaad Super-speedy Game Clock: madweather Higher Wanted Level: morepoliceplease Crank Up Gore: nastylimbscheat Pedestrians Attack: nobodylikesme Lower Wanted Level: nopoliceplease Foggy Weather: peasoup Clear Weather: skincancerforme Clock Moves Faster: timeflieswhenyou Pedtrians Fight One Another: weaponsforall Cheat: Armor During game play, type in "turtoise" and you will have armor. Version 1.1 gta vcity Cheat List See the keyboard? Type the cheats (displayed in CAPs) to get the effect. Note that Cap Sense does not apply to the cheats! THUGSTOOLS ~ Weapon set #1 PROFESSIONALTOOLS ~ Weapon set #2 NUTTERTOOLS ~ Weapon set #3 ASPIRINE ~ Restore health PRECIOUSPROTECTION ~ Gain/restore armor ICANTTAKEITANYMORE ~ Kill self YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE ~ Increase Wanted Level LEAVEMEALONE ~ Decrease Wanted Level FANNYMAGNET ~ Female actors follow player CERTAINDEATH ~ Tommy smokes a cigarette DEEPFRIEDMARSBARS ~ Player model changed to fat PROGRAMMER ~ Player model changed to skinny STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP ~ Player model changed randomly CHEATSHAVEBEENCRACKED ~ Player model is Ricardo Diaz LOOKLIKELANCE ~ Player model is Lance Vance MYSONISALAWYER ~ Player model is Ken Rosenberg LOOKLIKEHILARY ~ Player model is Hilary King ROCKANDROLLMAN ~ Player model is Love Fist rocker #1 WELOVEOURDICK ~ Player model is Love Fist rocker #2 ONEARMEDBANDIT ~ Player model is Phil Cassidy IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY ~ Player model is Sonny Forelli FOXYLITTLETHING ~ Player model is Mercedes PANZER ~ Spawns a Rhino Tank TRAVELINSTYLE ~ Spawns a Bloodring Banger GETTHEREQUICKLY ~ Spawns a Bloodring Banger (alternate) GETTHEREFAST ~ Spawns a Sabre Turbo GETTHEREVERYFASTINDEED ~ Spawns a Hotring Racer GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST ~ Spawns a Hotring Racer (alternate) THELASTRIDE ~ Spawns a Romero's Hearse ROCKANDROLLCAR ~ Spawns a Love Fist Stretch/Limo RUBBISHCAR ~ Spawns a Trashmaster BETTERTHANWALKING ~ Spawns a Golf Caddie BIGBANG ~ Explodes nearby cars MIAMITRAFFIC ~ Aggressive AI driving on AHAIRDRESSERSCAR ~ All cars become pink IWANTITPAINTEDBLACK ~ All cars become black COMEFLYWITHME ~ Flying cars cheat GRIPISEVERYTHING ~ Vehicle handling improved GREENLIGHT ~ All traffic signals green SEAWAYS ~ Cars hover over water WHEELSAREALLINEED ~ Only car wheels visible LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS ~ Some cars have big wheels HOPINGIRL ~ Actors get into player's current car ALOVELYDAY ~ Weather sunny APLEASANTDAY ~ Weather overcast ABITDRIEG ~ Weather very overcast CANTSEEATHING ~ Weather foggy CATSANDDOGS ~ Weather stormy LIFEISPASSINGMEBY ~ Time compression (speeds up game time) ONSPEED ~ Time compression (alternate) BOOOOOORING ~ Time expansion CHASESTAT ~ Shows Media Level FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT ~ Actors all attack (riot cheat) NOBODYLIKESME ~ Actors attack player CHICKSWITHGUNS ~ Female actors armed OURGODGIVENRIGHTTOBEARARMS ~ All actors armed CHASESTAT ~ Show media level (when 2+ stars): :hug: (vui ve nhe) gta sdreas Cheats Codes Type these codes in during gameplay. SPEEDFREAK: All Cars Have Nitro NIGHTPROWLER: Always Midnight FLYINGFISH: Boats Fly BUBBLECARS: Cars Float Away When Hit STATEOFEMERGENCY: Chaos Mode BLUESUEDESHOES: Elvis is Everywhere SPEEDITUP: Faster Gameplay CRAZYTOWN: Funhouse Theme ONLYHOMIESALLOWED: Gang Members Everywhere BIFBUZZ: Gangs Control the Streets ROCKETMAN: Have Jetpack PROFESSIONALKILLER: Hitman In All Weapon Stats CJPHONEHOME: Huge Bunny Hop FULLCLIP: Infinite Ammo, No Reload WHEELSONLYPLEASE: Invisible car NATURALTALENT: Max All Vehicle Skill Stats BUFFMEUP: Max Muscle WORSHIPME: Max Respect HELLOLADIES: Max Sex Appeal KANGAROO: Mega Jump NINJATOWN: Ninja Theme STICKLIKEGLUE: Perfect Handling ROCKETMAYHEM: Recruit Anyone (Rockets) GHOSTTOWN: Reduced Traffic BRINGITON: Six Star Wanted Level SLOWITDOWN: Slower Gameplay ITSALLBULL: Spawn Dozer OHDUDE: Spawn Hunter JUMPJET: Spawn Hydra MONSTERMASH: Spawn Monster FOURWHEELFUN: Spawn Quad VROCKPOKEY: Spawn Racecar WHERESTHEFUNERAL: Spawn Romero CELEBRITYSTATUS: Spawn Stretch FLYINGTOSTUNT: Spawn Stunt Plane TRUEGRIME: Spawn Trashmaster GOODBYECRUELWORLD: Suicide PLEASANTLYWARM: Sunny Weather SCOTTISHSUMMER: Thunderstorm EVERYONEISPOOR: Traffic is Cheap Cars EVERYONEISRICH: Traffic is Fast Cars TOODAMNHOT: Very Sunny Weather PROFESSIONALSKIT: Weapon Set 2, Professional Tools :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) Cheat Khi chơi đánh các cheat dưới vào: MUNASEF - Chế độ Adrenaline. YLTEICZ - Các tên lái xe trở nên hung hãn luôn muốn gây sự. COXEFGU - Tất cả các xe đều được trang bị khí Nitro. ZEIIVG - Tất cả các đèn xanh được bật. XJVSNAJ - Luôn Midnight (khoảng 12 giờ đêm). CIKGCGX - Beach Party - Buổi tiệc trên bãi biển. IOWDLAC - Giao thông đen. CPKTNWT - Tất cả các xe xung quanh đều nổ tung. AFSNMSMW - Tàu thuyền có thể bay. BSXSGGC - Xe sẽ xuất hiện trạng thái ban đầu khi đụng xe khác (giống như chơi NFSU2 khi nhấn R). RIPAZHA - Xe có thể bay. ASNAEB - Xoá hết các cấp độ truy nã. BMTPWHR - Không biết rõ nhưng có thể nói là trang bị cho các xe lưu thông trên đường. ASBHGRB - Bạn sẽ thấy nhãn hiệu Elvis khắp nơi. FOOOXFT - Mọi người đều được trang bị vũ khí. YSOHNUL - Tăng tốc cho đồng hồ chạy nhanh hơn. PPGWJHT - Tăng tốc độ Game. BTCDBCB - Trở nên mập. CFVFGMJ - Sương mù. OUIQDMW - Sử dụng được tất cả các vũ khí trong khi đang lái xe. PRIEBJ - Funhouse Theme. MROEMZH - Các băng Gangster ở mọi nơi. MROEMZH - Các tên cô hồn cô đảng sẽ quậy phá và quản lý tất cả đường phố. BAGOWPG - Không rõ. YECGAA - Trang bị Jetpack. AIYPWZQP - Trang bị Parachute. HESOYAM - Sức khoẻ, Áo giáp và $250k. NCSGDAG - Sử dụng ràng rẽ các loại súng. JHJOECW - Huge Bunny Hop. OSRBLHH - Tăng cấp độ truy nã lên 2 sao. WANRLTW - Vô hạn đạn không cần reload. BAGUVIX - Máu và sức khoẻ vô hạn. CVWKXAM - Không giới hạn Oxygen. XICWMD - Xe tàng hình. JYSDSOD - Trở thành 1 lực sĩ. OGXSDAG - Max Respect - Tấy cả các chú ý đều nhắm vào bạn do đó được nể trọng dữ lém. EHIBXQS - Thu hút các em. LFGMHAL - Cú nhảy rất cao. IAVENJQ - Cú đấm ngàn cân. AEDUWNV - Không đói. AEZAKMI - Luôn không bị truy nã. AFPHULTL - Ninja Theme. OFVIAC - Bầu trời trở nên màu cam lúc 21:00. ALNSFMZO - Khí trời u ám. AJLOJYQY - Mọi người đánh lẫn nhau và được sử hữu Golf Club. BGLUAWML - Mọi người tấn công bạn bằng vũ khí, Rocket. PGGOMOY - Ôm cua hay kiểm soát mọi thứ điêu nghệ. LLQPFBN - Giao thông "hồng". AUIFRVQS - Trời mưa. SJMAHPE - Chiêu mộ anh em (sử dụng 9mm). ZSOXFSQ - Chiêu mộ anh em (Sử dụng Rockets). THGLOJ - Hạn chế tai nạn giao thông. IOJUFZN - Riot Mode (bạo động). CWJXUOC - Bão cát. LJSPQK - 6 sao cho cấp độ truy nã. KVGYZQK - Trở nên gầy. LIYOAAY - Làm chậm tốc độ Game. BEKKNQV - Con gái sẽ theo bạn. JCNRUAD - Đụng và nổ bùm. CQZIJMB - Được xe Bloodring Banger. RZHSUEW - Được xe Caddy. EEGCYXT - Được xe Dozer. OHDUDE - Được xe Hunter. JUMPJET - Được xe Hydra. AGBDLCID - Được xe Monster. AKJJYGLC - Được xe Quad. PDNEJOH - Được xe Racecar. VPJTQWV - Được xe Racecar. JQNTDMH - Được xe Rancher. AIWPRTON - Được xe Rhino. AQTBCODX - Được xe Romero. KRIJEBR - Được xe Stretch. URKQSRK - Được xe Stunt Plane. AMOMHRER - Được xe Tanker Truck. UBHYZHQ - Được xe Trashmaster. KGGGDKP - Được xe Vortex Hovercraft. SZCMAWO - Tự sát. AFZLLQLL - Ngày nắng đẹp. VKYPQCF - Tất cả các xe Taxi đều trang bị Nitrous, L3 Bunny Hop. MGHXYRM - Bão tố. BGKGTJH - Toàn xe rẽ tiền lưu thông trên phố. FVTMNBZ - Toàn Country Vehicles lưu thông. GUSNHDE - Chỉ xe tốc độ cao lưu thông trên đường. ICIKPYH - 1 ngày nắng đẹp. LXGIWYL - Vũ khí cấp 1, Thug's Tools. KJKSZPJ - Vũ khí cấp 2, Professional Tools. UZUMYMW - Vũ khí cấp 3, Nutter Tools. Cái này mình không dám xác định là dịch đúng 100%. Lý do là trò này mới quá và chưa chơi nữa. Tất cả tên các loại xe mình giữ nguyên theo trang Web nước ngoài sợ sai lệch. Còn nữa như 1 số mã Theme hay Event mình cũng giữ nguyên. Đợi ai chơi roài thông báo để sữa lại cheat nha nhằm hoàn thiện hơn.
Cái quái gì thế này , nhìn cái đống này tôi không hiểu gì cả . Mà nếu muốn post cheat thì phải đặt cheat trong ngoặc
GGGGGTTTTTAAAA 33333 đây Type in the following codes while playing for the desired effect: Code Result ------------------------ guns.guns,guns -All Weapons IFIWEREARICHMAN -More Money GESUNDHEIT -Full Health MOREPOLICEPLEASE -for more cops NOPOLICEPLEASE -for no cops GIVEUSATANK -Tank BANGBANGBANG -Blow Up All Cars ILIKEDRESSINGUP -Change Outfit/Skin ITSALLGOINGMAAAD -Peds Fight Each Other NOBODYLIKESME -Peds All Hate You WEAPONSFORALL -Crazy Peds TIMEFLIESWHENYOU -Faster Time BOOOOORING -Slower Time TURTOISE -Full Armor SKINCANCERFORME -Clear Weather ILIKESCOTLAND -Cloudy Weather ILOVESCOTLAND -Rainy Weather PEASOUP -Foggy Weather MADWEATHER -Faster Time ANICESETOFWHEELS -Invisible Cars With Visible Wheels CHITTYCITTYBB -Low Gravity CORNERSLIKEMAD -Improve Car Handling NASTYLIMBSCHEAT -More Gore GUNSGUNSGUNS -All Weapons IFIWEREARICHMAN -More Money GESUNDHEIT -Full Health MOREPOLICEPLEASE -Raise Wanted Level NOPOLICEPLEASE -Lower Wanted Level GIVEUSATANK -Tank BANGBANGBANG -Blow Up All Cars ILIKEDRESSINGUP -Change Outfit/Skin ITSALLGOINGMAAAD -Peds Fight Each Other NOBODYLIKESME -Peds All Hate You WEAPONSFORALL -Crazy Peds TIMEFLIESWHENYOU -Faster Time BOOOOORING -Slower Time TORTOISE -Full Armor SKINCANCERFORME -Clear Weather ILIKESCOTLAND -Cloudy Weather ILOVESCOTLAND -Rainy Weather PEASOUP -Foggy Weather MADWEATHER -Faster Time ANICESETOFWHEELS -Invisible Cars With Visible Wheels CHITTYCITTYBB -Low Gravity CORNERSLIKEMAD -Improve Car Handling NASTYLIMBSCHEAT -More Gore
Cái GTA: San Andrease là đạo văn nha..... Mấy cái kia tôi không biết vì bê nguyên si English vào... Còn cái GTA: SA này là do tôi dịch đấy . Hên cho ông là Mod đang trong thời gian học thi đó...
Bổ xung mấy cheat cần thiết đây : Lên,Trái,X,Tam Giác,R1,O,O,O,L2(Cú đấm siêu đẳng) R2,R2,R2,X,L2,L1,R2,L1,Xuống,X(Tuyển thêm đệ tử cho mình) L1,R1,Tam Giác,Xuống,R2,X,L1,Xuống,L2,L2,L1,L1(Tăng full Respect) Vuông,L2,X,R1,L2,L2,Trái,R1,Phải,L1,L1,L1(Tăng tất cả)