sims Command Prompt Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game to display the command prompt. After entering in one of the Codes you can also do the following. Enter an exclamation point at the prompt to repeat the last cheat entered. Enter a semi-colon between codes to enter several codes at the same time. Cheats 1000 Simoleons Klapaucius Island home water_tool Add new family history to family hist_add Architecture tools automatically set the level as needed auto_level Automatically load indicated house, no questions asked house <house #> Check and fix required lot objects prepare_lot Create-a-character mode edit_char Display personality and interests Interests Draw all animation frames disabled draw_all_frames off Draw all animation frames enabled draw_all_frames on Draw colored dots at each person's origin draw_origins End sim logging sim_log end Execute "file.cht" file as a list of cheats cht <filename> Floorable grid disabled draw_floorable off Floorable grid enabled draw_floorable on Force an assert for testing Assert Log animations in the event log window log_animations Map editor disabled map_edit off Map editor enabled map_edit on Move any object move_objects No tutorial object generation when tutorial house is loaded tutorial off Prevent web browser crashes browser_failsafe Preview animations disabled preview_anims off Preview animations enabled preview_anims on Programmer stats tile_info Quit game Quit Restore tutoria restore_tut Rotate camera rotation <0-3> Routing debug balloons disabled route_balloons off Routing debug balloons enabled route_balloons on Run series of random operations on unhoused families fam_test <opcount> Save currently loaded house save Save family history file History Selected person's path displayed draw_routes on Set event logging mask log_mask Set free thinking level autonomy <1-100> Set grass change value edit_grass <number>: Set grass growth grow_grass <0-150> Set lot size lot_size <number> Set time of day set_hour <1-24> Sets the neighborhood directory to the path <directory path> Start sim logging sim_log begin Ticks disabled sweep off Ticks enabled sweep on Tile information displayed tile_info on Tile information hidden tile_info off Toggle allowing visitors to be controlled using the keyboard visitor_control Toggle automatic object reset feature auto_reset Toggle camera mode cam_mode Toggle display of unavailable interactions in control menu all_menus Toggle music Music Toggle quaternion transformations Quats Toggle sound log window sound_log Toggle sounds Sound Toggle web page creation Html Total reload of people skeletons, animations, suits and skins reload_people Patch 1.5 Cheat Update As soon as you install The Sims 1.5 patch, you'll need to type ROSEBUD in order to get the $1000 instead of orignal cheat. Submitted by Introjm sim super Cheat List During gameplay, press CTRL+SHIFT+C, and a prompt will appear in the upper left corner of the screen. Enter one of the cheats below to enable the corresponding function. 1000 Simoleons: rosebud (or klapaucius) Add family history stat to current family: hist_add Allow visitors to be controlled using the keyboard: visitor_control Append route destination list to AllRoutes.txt when new route found: write_destlist Architecture tools automatically set the level as needed: auto_level Begin sim logging: sim_log begin Fix lot objects: prepare_lot Flush to VM file when running Windows NT: flush Crash game: crash Create moat or streams: water_tool Create shrunk_text_#.bmp files shrink_text (font_size) (text) Create-a-character mode: edit_char Disable "draw all animation frames": draw_all_frames off Disable floorable grid: draw_floorable off Disable map editor: map_edit off Disable preview animations: preview_anims off Disable routing debug balloons: route_balloons off Draw dots at each Sim's origin: draw_origins Dump memory to core_dump_[date:time].txt: core_dump Dump most recent list of scored interactions to a file: dump_happy Dump motive contribution curve to a file: dump_mc Enable "draw all animation frames": draw_all_frames on Enable floorable grid: draw_floorable on Enable map editor: map_edit on Enable review animations: preview_anims on Enable routing debug balloons: route_balloons on End sim logging: sim_log end Execute "file.cht" file as a list of cheats: cht (filename) Force assert: assert Import and load specified FAM file: import (FAM File) Invisible objects: genable_objects off Load house: house (house number) Log animations in event log window: log_animations Move any object move_objects on Prevent browser crashes: browser_failsafe Programmer stats: tile_info Quit game: quit Rebuild control panel/UCP from scratch: rebuild_cp Refresh character texture: refresh_textures Restore tutorial: restore_tut Rotate camera: rotation (0-3) Save house: save Save family history: history Say "plugh": plugh Say "porntipsguzzardo": porntipsguzzardo Say "xyzzy": xyzzy Set event logging mask: log_mask Set game speed: sim_speed (-1000-1000) Set grass change: value edit_grass (number) Set grass growth: grow_grass (0-150) Set lot size: lot_size (number) Set menu items to appear for in-use objects: allow_inuse Show tile information: tile_info on Show personality and interests: interests Sim's path displayed: draw_routes on Sim's path hidden: draw_routes off Ticks disabled: sweep off Ticks enabled: sweep on Toggle assets report: report_assets Toggle automatic object reset: auto_reset Toggle camera mode: cam_mode Toggle music: music Toggle object compression: obj_comp Toggle sound log: sound_log Toggle sounds: sound Toggle web page creation: html Total reload: reload_people Trigger sound event: soundevent sims 2 Cheat: Film Settings Filmmaking Set to “true” for all filmic cheats to function: boolProp enablePostProcessing true/false 0 is normal and 8 is slower: Slowmotion 0-8 A look that is bright and blurry. "r", "g," and "b" are color values (0-255) and "x" is the amount of blooming from 0 to 255: Bloom (r g b x) Creates a filmic look in which a clear focal point and blurry surrounding: vignette (centerx centery X) Changes a film graininess: filmgrain (0-1) Makes a letterbox view of a designated size: letterbox (0.0-0.4) Submitted by Yoshi Freak Cheat: 50,000 Cash To get 50,000 Sim bucks press CTL + Shift + C and type in Motherlode. Submitted by Steven Garcia Cheat List Press Ctrl + Shift + C to bring up the cheat console. Add 1,000 dollars to household funds: Kaching Move unmovable objects and put them in illegal places: Moveobjects on/off Sims won't age: Aging on/off Changes Sim's height: StretchSkeleton 1.0 where 1.0 is the default. (Courtesy Ellen Tansey) Toggles notification of available game patches: Autopatch on/off Turning off for better game performance with some graphical errors: Vsync on/off Turns off facial bounding limitations. It prevents the normal corrections the game will make for two parents with very different facial structures: faceBlendLimits (on/off) Lists some, but not all cheats: Help Closes cheat window: Exit Expands or contracts the cheat window: Expand Use false to place the objects out of grid: boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true/false Neighborhood Removes every sim from the neighborhood: deleteAllCharacters Toggles between two terrain types: TerrainType desert/temperate Turns shadows on and off: boolProp simShadows (True/False) Turns plants in neighborhood on and off: boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora (True/False) Turns roads in neighborhood on and off: boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads (True/False)
cho em xin lỗi nhưng mà đây là sim gì nguyên sim không đã có 5;6 trò rùi,lại còn có sim girl ,sim boy,sim city... không kể đến đây cũng đc tính là 1 cách câu bài(hình như thế)
@dequocxa : hình như cái cheat này có trong hộp lưu trữ rùi thì phải ( không biết có đúng không ) , mà mấy cái cheat này bạn phải để trong ngoặc
dequocxa à bạn đã pham luat sao ban lai ghi tieng anh ko dich ra cho tui nay xem bam lam the ai hieu hả ban :o :o X(
To use a cheat code, press CTRL + SHIFT + C, and a small text box will appear in the upper left corner of the screen. Type the code into that box, and press ENTER. rosebud Gives §1,000 move_objects on Allows you to move any object map_edit on Lets you alter the buildable area map_edit off Exits map edit mode and resumes game interests Display a Sim's interests water_tool Create water areas grow_grass (0-150) Makes grass grow in brown areas
Control+shift+C:để hiện cửa sổ nhập mã Đây là bản The Sims rosebud : 1000$. hist_add : thêm lịch sử gia đình vào gia đình hiện tại. visitor_control : cho phép điều khiển khách bằng bàn phím write_destlist : chèn danh sách điểm đến của lộ trình vào file allroutes.txt khi tìm thấy lộ trình mới. auto_level: công cụ kiến trúc tự động chuyển tới cấp độ cần thiết. sim_log begin : bắt đầu đăng nhập vào sim. prepare_lot : UK crash : phá vỡ cuộc chơi. water_tool : tạo suối. edit_char : chuyển chế độ tạo mode nhân vật. draw_all_frames off : Tắt "draw all animation frames". draw_floorable off : Tắt floorable grid. map_edit off : Tắt map editor. preview_anims off : Tắt preview animations. route_balloons off : Tắt routing debug balloons. draw_origins : UK core_dump : Ghi bộ nhớ vào file core_dump_[date:time].txt dump_happy : UK dump_mc : UK draw_all_frames on : Bật "draw all animation frames" draw_floorable on : Bật lưới nền map_edit on : Bật map editor preview_anims on : Bật review animations route_balloons on : Bật routing debug balloons sim_log end : Kết thúc log sim. cht (filename) : Chạy file .cht để thực hiện liền một lúc nhiều cheat. assert : N/A import (FAM File) : load FAM file. genable_objects off : ẩn các đối tượng. house (house number) : Load house log_animations : UK browser_failsafe : tránh cho trình duyệt khỏi hỏng tile_info : xem thông tin nhóm phát triển quit : Thoát. rebuild_cp : Xây dựng lại control panel refresh_textures : Làm đẹp lại hình ảnh nhân vật. restore_tut : Quay lại phần tutorial rotation (0-3) : Quay camera save : Save house. history : Lưu lịch sử gia đình. plugh : Nói "plugh". porntipsguzzardo : Nói "porntipsguzzardo". xyzzy : Nói "xyzzy". log_mask : UK sim_speed (-1000-1000) : Thay đổi tốc độ trò chơi value edit_grass (number) : Thay đổi thảm cỏ grow_grass (0-150) : Thảm cỏ lớn lên. lot_size (number) : UK allow_inuse : Hiện menu tương tác với đối tượng đang được lựa chọn. tile_info on : UK. interests : UK draw_routes on : Hiện các đường đi. draw_routes off : Ẩn các đường đi. sweep off : Tắt tiếng tíc tíc. sweep on : Bật tiếng tíc tíc. report_assets : Tạo thông báo tài sản. auto_reset : Bật chế độ tự động reset đối tượng. cam_mode : Bật chế độ camera. music : Bật nhạc. obj_comp : Bật chế độ nén đối tượng. sound_log : Tạo log tiếng. sound : Bật tiếng. html : Chuyển sang chế độ tạo file html. reload_people : Load lại toàn bộ. soundevent : Tạo ra tiếng động rất hay