tui co mot dong day ne nhung o co ma bat pokemon dau B1:ban vao CHEATS->CHEATS LIST... B2:ban an vao "add gameshark" B3:an vo cac ma: _FC3A2D1A63E8 : bat tu tien _FCF33D4B40B1 : bat tu PP _8855D2F00807 : len level nhanh _344D401AA8A5 : len level nhan bang daycare _708855A36BF6:ma ban do bay ( nho phai an [L+B+Up]) _53E74AAF965D : trong pokemon bang daycare mien phi _AFFCC14DD7FA : trung no nhanh hon _ va cuoi cung la..v.v.v.. _1st Pokemon - Max Stats EDF9BF404889 C8B4C66C910F 2nd Pokemon - Max Stats 751D5B136AD2 C8B4C66C910F 3rd Pokemon - Max Stats 75803B066153 C8B4C66C910F 4th Pokemon - Max Stats E9ACCB2CC18B C8B4C66C910F 5th Pokemon - Max Stats 6120AB7DE358 C8B4C66C910F 6th Pokemon - Max Stats F99D4B6AC881 C8B4C66C910F Have all Berries 2451A2D96A56 B9564ABF9704 8CCCC34C0183 B8564AFF9306 Have all TM/HM's 8C9DC7880887 BE565AD71306 8C8CC70C0181 BF565A971704 Have all PokeBalls 8C0CC69D0384 FA9826EE9187 8C9DC7080881 FB9826AE9585 Have all Desks 04DDC6892AD5 CBF6CA2C950D 048DD684A0F4 Have all Chairs 07DDC6493EFD CBF6CA2C950D 070DD455B6D7 Have all Plants 547B2812285C 88B8A66C918F Have all Ornaments 503338BAA874 9898266E9187 E81ECF790BA7 Have all Mats 8B40B1BD9506 D8DA2A6E9187 Have all Posters 9B3D5232948A C8F6CA6C910F Have all Dolls AF55C29814AA DBD64A2E9505 AF14C39935DA CB02BDBD9D02 CBF6CA2C950D CB12ADB91F21 Have all Cushions A884D3E48B83 C8F6CA6C910F Trainers Eyes Complete E88EC924CB3B 985A2A7F9386 Complete Pokedex CBDAAE69BFD5 8B4DD03454A1 533A3DB37FD9 EC4ABD5C4B38 8F76DA15170C 64A2B94C6BE1 DF9836061585 FC0E4912436A DF9836061585 Rain Maker [Press L+R] 30DB592762F0 53322E3B2F0D 30DB592762F0 533E4EBB3F8D 30DB592762F0 075CC2981DD4 30DB592762F0 54722E5A095C 30DB592762F0 57322E9A1D5E 30DB592762F0 0381B2A5965D Access Birch's Bag [L+R+Up] 30CA59236BF4 4670BA95170C 30CA59236BF4 56103A971704 30CA59236BF4 D9812AEBE06F 30CA59236BF4 26AFD4801C85 99533777483F AE6FD51076C4 Access Your PC [A+R+Up] 338A59637FF6 55103AD70306 338A59637FF6 4670BA95170C 338A59637FF6 9E5A351E7F62 338A59637FF6 158334C2082F 338A59637FF6 75C138C20827 338A59637FF6 56CD58021CAD Access Mod Shop [L+A+Sel] 13D739677670 C9B9AAEDC005 5B84E6089D05 13D739677670 C9B9BAE44204 DA8C4EAA9D85 8AB8A66C918F All Key Items (Note 2) C9B9BAE44204 BADE502717A4 C9B9BAE44204 C9EAAA288D8F DE9456461107 All Misc Items (Note 2) C9B9BAE44204 BECF420B9EA0 C9B9BAE44204 B98446AA8D25 C934C63D970C C9B9BAE44204 AE39B55502AE 9EDA3A461187 C9B9BAE44204 EA6AA8F98BAA CAB4C66C910F C9B9BAE44204 3115473FA650 Vay la xong roi day. ban vao game roi tao ban moi sau do nhap cheat => save => reset => load game=> vao choi:hug: :hug: :hug: met qua di mat :whew: :whew: :whew: :whew:
cheat nè của game shark đó nhé Mã: [M] Must Be On 9820F6AE8203 2A2082A9A143 50C4AB43573D Encounter Less A83F9AD9A2F7 Always Your Turn E74BE30D537F 8D09EBCF83F7 E27F02207209 4A7B1AD662BD Easy Win (Trainer) 0824929FB3D3 FEFB8201D259 Weak Opponents D79FE38742DB 4506FDD347FF Single Pokemon Battles C72F4BC253BF 2F46FDD1877D Ride Bike over Water 3886329423BF 4772D3BB4241 Gain 5000 Exp FEBB0A6A8203 087B9AD720EE Free Daycare 6F1FF3B5C2EF Quick Level Gain (Daycare) E6343C0CCC28 6F5DCD154C62 Quick Egg Hatch 908D349E3D92 Instant Male Egg 43546BC26EBD Instant Female Egg EB7DDB51EA7C Infinite Safari Time 663F08E44889 Infinite Safari Balls 4B294D4AE337 Safari PKMN Easy Catch E20D22347134 662D9A614D50 Wild PKMN Easy Catch 5AB49CE3E4D1 662D9A614D50 Infinite PP 6E2494715369 17D4F39712D9 1st Pokemon-Maximum Stats 38A014382724 3FF453949219 2nd Pokemon-Maximum Stats A019AC6DB640 3FF453949219 3rd Pokemon-Maximum Stats 25345D549618 3FF453949219 4th Pokemon-Maximum Stats AD6DCD41177E 3FF453949219 5th Pokemon-Maximum Stats BCDD240C0612 3FF453949219 6th Pokemon-Maximum Stats 3CE494190776 3FF453949219 Access Your PC [L+Up] F4992E69CC26 F382E9533B46 F4992E69CC26 4E2D12B885AF 72B6B47BA856 5F86F3B183EF 17D4F39712D9 Access Poke PC [R+Up] F4992E694C24 E7264372872C F4992E694C24 0C4FB2B9C1ED F4992E694C24 662F123A0327 Battle Deoxys [Select] 97E24BE207AD 082998B163FD 97E24BE207AD 5ECD32909FB5 Battle Ho-oh [Select] 97E24BE207AD E746690A0D24 97E24BE207AD 5ECD32909FB5 Battle Lugia [Select] 97E24BE207AD 88102CA4669A 97E24BE207AD 5ECD32909FB5 Free Shop Items E72B4B569129 30E20AC023BD 17D4F39712D9 Maximum Sale Price 72A6162E252A A1504556EC22 Access Mod Shop [L+A+Sel] CC3984AA58E6 DFCFCBC909ED 396813B492C9 F6BB065A0E37 77965D368A0C 93F043A212ED F6BB065A0E37 34DDBE2F5A41 Purchase Items: (Note 1) All Pokeballs (Part 1) E72B4B569129 D3BB49CE208E 9BC0ABE182ED E72B4B569129 52A218DA2BAB 45265DD247B7 E20F0A2EBD29 E20FA22F2543 E20F0A2EBD29 5E9FBCFD92FB E72B4B569129 6F2653389303 3FF653949099 All Pokeballs (Part 2) E72B4B569129 95ED49EA47B8 51B253B67A8B E72B4B569129 94ED08E247B0 51B253B67A8B E72B4B569129 0546F3BB53C3 51B253B67A8B E72B4B569129 0446B2B353CB 51B253B67A8B All Misc Items (Part 1) E72B4B569129 5B8279D2A1A2 9BC0ABE182ED E20F0A2EBD29 F6AB084E1913 E20F0A2EBD29 4E2FB2B983D5 E72B4B569129 7EF69A7D8465 54A6129A5137 E72B4B569129 35B4DF754C6F 12C2B2BB3165 All Misc Items (Part 2) E72B4B569129 D29B0CCEAA86 45265DD247B7 E72B4B569129 851D61A65696 12E212BA3BA5 E72B4B569129 841D20AE569E 12E212BA3BA5 E72B4B569129 15B6DBF742ED 12E212BA3BA5 E72B4B569129 14B69AFF42E5 12E212BA3BA5 All TM's/HM's (Part 1) E72B4B569129 57C679F201B0 9BC0ABE182ED E72B4B569129 D69F0CEE0294 45265DD247B7 E20F0A2EBD29 A479060A4835 E20F0A2EBD29 DAB2ACCDBAE0 E72B4B569129 EB5B6704323D 7982F3B1F1EF All TM's/HM's (Part 2) E72B4B569129 118079D267A2 3EF6129C9A11 E72B4B569129 108038DA67AA 3EF6129C9A11 E72B4B569129 812BC38373D9 3EF6129C9A11 E72B4B569129 802B828B73D1 3EF6129C9A11 All Berries (Part 1) E72B4B569129 DECF28EA81B8 9BC0ABE182ED E72B4B569129 538259D2A9A9 45265DD247B7 E20F0A2EBD29 CA1FA6A9A4E7 E20F0A2EBD29 5FBFFDF510F9 E72B4B569129 E66F82291740 5586F393517F All Berries (Part 2) E72B4B569129 9C8D28EAC7BA 55B653965A9B E72B4B569129 998969C2E7A2 55B653965A9B E72B4B569129 0C2692BBD3C1 3FF653949A19 E72B4B569129 0922D393F3D9 3FF653949A19 All Hold Items (Part 1) E72B4B569129 DADB28CEA08C 9BC0ABE182ED E72B4B569129 578659F281B9 45265DD247B7 E20F0A2EBD29 A05DA62B6465 E20F0A2EBD29 5BABF9D139CD E72B4B569129 A40D26285B02 55A65392513F All Hold Items (Part 2) E72B4B569129 989928CEE68E 7DB65394DA1B E72B4B569129 9D8D69E2C7B2 7DB65394DA1B E72B4B569129 0832929FF2F5 55B653965A9B E72B4B569129 0D26D3B3D3C9 55B653965A9B All Key Items (Part 1) E72B4B569129 57C679F201B0 9BC0ABE182ED E72B4B569129 D69F0CEE0294 45265DD247B7 E20F0A2EBD29 CE3B068888B7 E20F0A2EBD29 DAB2ACCDBAE0 E72B4B569129 A9096300731B 79B253B4F08B All Key Items (Part 2) E72B4B569129 F2EB8849AD51 3BF253B4B089 E72B4B569129 118079D267A2 3EF6129C9A11 E72B4B569129 108038DA67AA 3EF6129C9A11 E72B4B569129 812BC38373D9 3EF6129C9A11 E72B4B569129 802B828B73D1 3EF6129C9A11