MUGEN (Game đấu võ có tất cả nhân vật đây)

Thảo luận trong 'Fighting Game Club' bắt đầu bởi titytity, 8/9/06.

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  1. kyori kusagami

    kyori kusagami Trollzilla Moderator

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  2. titytity

    titytity Mario & Luigi

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  3. hunter_boss

    hunter_boss C O N T R A GameOver

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    hừm con kula robo này còn thua con kula quỷ của tôi nữa,con kula cuối của tui đánh mới ghê kìa toàn là chơi tuyệt chiêu ác không.
  4. titytity

    titytity Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    thế thì up "kula quỷ" cho xem đi tui chưa có nhỏ đó

    Web tui có chỉnh sửa 1 chút rùi đó

    1 bản mugen mới release đây

    DragonBall Z 2005 Demo by Rokcorp & ZGTeam


    Sôngoku cấp 3 mới đây
    hoặc nhấp vào link down trực típ này
    1 thằng Calic khác
    +Muốn down trên filefornt nhanh thì đợi đên khi có dòng
    "click this link " màu xanh thì nhấp chuột phải copy cái link đó vô trình down load như "Flash get" hay "IDM" thì sẽ down được thui :D
    nhanh đấy
  5. titytity

    titytity Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    sau đây tui xin up 1 bài hướng dẫn bằng tiếng anh sưu tầm được (chủ yếu cách viết code để tạo chưởng) ráng dịch hé
    Learning to program mugen characters by Detah:

    Update 2/2/2005: Had I known that the new ZGTEAM board had a link to this thing I would have updated it a long time ago. I updated the ZGTeam link, made some of the code easier to read with some white space, and added some comments on MEE.

    a “;” signifies a comment. Mugen will not read anything after a “;”

    The .cmd is where you put your commands
    The .air is where you put the animation definitions and hit boxes
    The .cns is where you put the conditions/definitions to states
    The .sff is where you put your sprites (2d images)
    The .def is where you define what files are used by this char
    The .snd is where you put the characters sound files

    I suggest that you read through the docs before you read through this. Well at least look at the trigger and sctrl docs. (not the whole thing just scan it over. Most of the sctrls and trigger are fairly easy to understand.)

    A “common” file is where the runs, walks, stands, blocks, etc... are located (not on all characters). This file is located in the Data folder in your Mugen folder.

    A "base" (aka. template) is mainly a starting point it usually has a .def .cns .air .cmd and maybe an .sff and a common. Probably won't have a .snd. It’s a good idea to use Kung Fu Man as a base.

    First I will explain a .def

    name = "(char name) by (your name)"
    displayname = "(Char name)"

    cmd = nameoffilehere.cmd
    cns = nameoffilehere.cns
    st = extra states.cns ;not needed but it can help you find certain pieces of code.
    st2 = extra states.cns ;same here
    stcommon = common1.cns
    sprite = nameoffilehere.sff
    anim = nameoffilehere.air
    sound = nameoffilehere.snd

    The .def file is not that hard to understand. Just make sure that the file's name match the ones you put in the .def.

    Now the .sff

    This where you put the sprites for the character. You need a certain program to do this. MCM (Mugen character maker) and MEE (Mugen editing ensemble) are the two best.

    Each sprite must be a .pcx image and have a palette on it. Two sprites cannot have two different palettes. To palette images you can use Paint Shop Pro or Photo Shop.

    You have to give the sprites a group number and an image number

    Group numbers are usually the same as the Action number in the .air
    ie. [Begin Action 3000]
    group number ------> 3000,0, 0,0, 5
    its the first number 3000,1, 0,0, 5
    in an .air statement

    Image numbers (the second number in an .air statement) usually start at 0 and go up. An image number cannot be the same if it has the same group number. This will cause only the first sprite to be used. Ie. Sprites with 200,1 and 200,1 for numbers will only cause the first one to be used.

    Seeing how we have started the .air in the .sff section. Lets move on to that.

    The .air is where you put the animation definitions. Use notepad, wordpad or any text editor. Also you might want to use Airedit found in the Mtools downloaded at the mugen home page. To use it put airedit.cfg in your C: drive. Not in program files or my documents. Then put the airedit application in the folder where mugen is. Then just double click the application. This is used to find where to put boxes.

    However there have been recent advances in MEE giving it a great .air editor. I highly recommend getting MEE. It’s CLSN box editor is perfect and a great time saver over Airedit.

    I’ll now explain all the numbers in the sprites

    200,0, 0,0, 2

    The first number is a group number and the second is an image number. The next two are the offsets first x (side to side) then y (up and down) the last is how many ticks (1/60 of a second) you want the sprite displayed for.

    An .air statement will probably look like this for an attack animation. (only without the spaces)

    [Begin Action 200]
    Clsn2: 1 ;Clsn2: is a gethit box or blue box. The 1 following it says how many boxes you want to define. In this case 1 box will be defined.

    Clsn2[0] = -19,-68,12,-5 ;This defines the end points of the box.
    200,0, 0,0, 2 ;This is the sprite in which has this box.

    Clsn2: 1 ;Another Clsn2: box.
    Clsn2[0] = -2,-66,29,-3

    Clsn1: 1 ;Clsn1: is an attack box or red box.
    Clsn1[0] = 30,-52,51,-35 ;This defines the end points of the box.
    200,1, 0,0, 6 ;This would be your hitting sprite.

    Clsn2: 1
    Clsn2[0] = -19,-68,12,-5
    200,0, 0,0, 2

    Now if you have sprites that would have the same gethit boxes you can use a Clsn2default:

    [Begin Action 1166]
    Clsn2Default: 1 ;This says that you want a gethit box used through out the whole animation.
    Clsn2[0] = -15,-63,13,1 ;This defines the end points.
    Clsn1Default: 1 ;The same can be done with Clsn1: boxes.
    Clsn1[0] = 13,-66,48,2
    211,0, 0,0, 3 ;all of these sprites would have those two boxes but
    211,1, 0,0, 3 ;remember just because they have a hit box (red box)
    212,0, 0,0, 3 ;doesn’t mean that, that sprite is a hit the other person
    212,1, 0,0, 3 ;sprite. That is all controlled in the hitdef. Which we will
    201,0, 0,0, 3 ;get too later
    201,1, 0,0, 3
    210,0, 0,0, 3
    210,1, 0,0, 3

    This can be very useful in lengthy combos. Where it might take a long time to put all in those boxes.

    LoopStart can be used to play a certain number of sprites over and over again. This can not be stopped except by a changestate or changeanim.

    201,1, 0,0, 3 ;This sprite is played once
    210,0, 0,0, 3 ;These two are repeated until the end
    210,1, 0,0, 3

    A sprite with -1 for a time will not change.

    201,1, 0,0, 3 ;played once
    210,0, 0,0, -1 ;it will stay at this sprite

    Lets do the .cmd now.

    You put your commands in the .cmd. You just need a text editor (notepad… etc.) for this one.

    To put commands for moves in just put something like this up toward the top.

    [Command] ;needed do not change
    name = "name" ;name of the move goes in the “”
    command = D, DF, F, x ;buttons pushed to do the command

    On the buttons part the "," says that you hit the first button THEN hit the next. A "+" will say you hit both buttons at the same time. Those are the main signs you will use. No need to go much farther right now.

    At the bottom you notice a bunch of coding after a line that looks like this

    [Statedef -1]

    DO NOT CHANGE THAT!!! Most of the entries will look like this.

    ; name of move here
    [State -1] ;Don’t change this.
    type = ChangeState ;This is the sctrl that changes your chars state.
    value = 203 ;This is the state your char is changed to.
    triggerall = command = "name" ;This is the name of the command from up top
    triggerall = command != "holddown" ;Standing attacks should have this line
    trigger1 = statetype = S ;A trigger saying you must be in a standing state
    trigger1 = ctrl = 1 ;A trigger saying you must have control

    All states must have at least one trigger1. You can have a trigger2 = this means that if trigger1 didn’t work it will check trigger2 to see if it works. triggerall are the conditions that all the triggers must meet.

    One great thing about the .cmd is that you can put more than just ChangeState in there.

    ; power gain  name of move
    [State -1]
    type = PowerAdd ;Poweradd changes the energy (not life) you have.
    trigger1 = ctrl = 1 ;Must have control
    trigger1 = 1 ;Happens every game tick.
    trigger1 = Var(20) != 1 ;This means that variable 20 CANNOT equal 1
    value = 5 ;The amount of energy gained

    That is an example of an energy gain on a character. (a pretty fast one at that)

    If you can code in the .cmd the .cns isn’t much different (contrary to most beliefs), but it is still one of the hardest things to program.

    A .cns contains all the hit and movement data for your moves.

    Before we start though I’d like to mention that MEE also has a great .cns editor as well. Just go get MEE it’s the best.

    First lets look at the StateDef part.

    ; name of move
    [Statedef 1000] ;this number should match the changestate in the .cmd
    type = S ;this means this is a standing type state
    movetype= A ;this means it is an attack move
    physics = S ;this means it has standing physics
    juggle = 1 ;this move takes one juggle point (not something I often worried about)
    velset = 0,0 ;these are the starting velocities of your char
    ctrl = 0 ;the char does not have control while in this state
    anim = 1000 ;the animation used (usually the same number as the statedef. Animation numbers come from the air file
    poweradd = -100 ;how much power this move gives/takes away

    This part is best explained in the doc called “cns”. Some of the more common sctrls you will use are HitDef and Changestate.

    Here’s an example of a HitDef.

    [State 1000, 1] ;the state number should match the statedef number. After the "," you can put anything. Instead of a 1 I could have put a 6 or even HitDef or hitting4. It doesn’t matter.

    type = HitDef ;this means the state is a hitdef.

    trigger1 = AnimElem = 2 ;this means the hitdef is activated on the second sprite of the animation

    trigger2 = AnimElem = 4 ;this second trigger causes this to happen on the forth sprite of the animation

    attr = S, NA ;the first part means it is a standing attack. The second part means that it is a Normal Attack.

    damage = 30 ;the damage for each time someone is hit.

    animtype = Light ;this a light hitting move

    guardflag = MA ;what states types they must be in to guard against your move. In this hitdef it’s mid(standing) and air.

    hitflag = MAF ;what states you can hit them in. in this hitdef its mid, air, and falling

    priority = 3, Hit ;this is the hit priority of the hit. High priorities will override ones with low priorities.

    pausetime = 0,0 ;the time the game pauses when the player hits. The second number is if the player blocks.

    numhits = 1 ;number of hits possible for each time the hitdef is activated.

    sparkno = 0 ;the hit “spark” used when the char hits the other guy.

    sparkxy = -10,-35 ;the “sparks” x,y offsets

    hitsound = 5,0 ;the sound it makes when you hit the other guy. The first number is for the group second for the sound number. (just like the .sff)

    guardsound = 6,0 ;the sound made when guarding.

    ground.type = High ;this will determine what animation the other guy goes into. Along with animtype.

    ground.slidetime = 5 ;this is how long they slide when hit.

    ground.hittime = 11 ;this is how long they are in the hit state.

    ground.velocity = 0,0 ;this is the velocity that the other will have if hit. X first then y.

    airguard.velocity = -1.9;this is the velocity when guarding in the air. In this case only an X velocity is used

    air.velocity = -1.3,-3 ;velocity when hit in the air.

    This HitDef hits the other guy twice, once when it is on the second sprite of the animation and the second on the fourth sprite of the animation. You may be asking your self “Can I put more than one HitDef in a state?”. Yes you can.

    A ChangeState in the .cns is different then the ones in the .cmd.

    [State 1000, 4] ;must have the same state number
    type = ChangeState ;the changestate sctrl

    trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 ;this is probably the most used ending trigger for changestates. This states that when the animation has reached the end it changes state. NOTE: This only works with animations without LoopStart or a -1 for time signature.

    value = 0 ;the state you change too most often 0 (standing state)

    ctrl = 1 ;you regain control

    Yes you can put more than one changestate in a move. The .cns is no more than a StateDef and states. States follow a pattern like this.

    [State ****, example]
    type = (sctrl) ;the sctrl doc explains them all
    triggers ;the triggers doc explains them all
    sctrl values ;explained in the sctrl doc

    That’s it. Not much more to it except patience. NEVER expect to be right the first time you make any move. If you’re wrong try again and again. And if you are stuck check the docs again. If you are still stuck look for a forum and ask them. (like newest link as of 2/2/2005 They are willing to help. If the link doesn't work go to a search engine and type zgteam. You should find something.)
  6. hunter_boss

    hunter_boss C O N T R A GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Độc chả hiểu gì cả!còn con kula ông có rồi mà là isbeau đó,sao cái link down 275 stage trong phần add on sao hư rồi cho xin lại link các stage nhé và xin 2 chars này nữa,o-rugal,banshee,yamasaki,athena01,EijiShirow,daimonx,goenitz,lixiang,or-zero,god_rugal,xin hơi nhiều nhưng thông cảm nhé vì game mà!ông có thể up mấy thành rar gửi lên yousendit cũng được.
  7. ngaohon20

    ngaohon20 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    các bác hướng dẫn cụ thể cho em cách tạo nhân vật bằng fighter factory với . cả cách add nhân vật vào winmugen nữa . cho em link down cái dùng để chỉnh sửa stage nữa và cách dùng nhé . cám ơn các bác nhiều:D
  8. titytity

    titytity Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Coi lại các trang trước(hướng dẫn add char đàng hoàng)ko chịu tìm tòi gì hết topic cả chục trang ko có coi saoX( :chicken:
    K'oss BETA by WaveBossa released
  9. hunter_boss

    hunter_boss C O N T R A GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ông tity xem lại mấy link megaupload của ông bị die cả rồi,xem lại hay sửa lại link khác đi chứ khách mà vô down không được là thua vì chi có web ông là mugen vn thôi.
  10. titytity

    titytity Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    uh đúng là có tất cả link die thiệt( mấy cái đó tui cũng sưu tầm thui chứ đâu phải của tui) (ko chịu nhanh tay down về) thui thì ai cần con gì nói tui có tui up cho

    Quảng cáo chút
    Trang web của tui có chỉnh sử thêm vài mục nữa
    thêm phần chat để ai có ý kiến về web của tui sẽ post vô đó
    Collection Game------Mục này post những game đủ thể loại có cả link down( đa số là game china và game chế )
    1 mục sắp đưa vào là Hardware-Console(Console là mấy bài về cách hack hay chế lại mấy cái máy PS1;PSP,...)
    còn về mugen thì đang tính up mấy con tui chế lên đó luôn

    nhưng buồn là tui(web tui) bị tui nước ngoài tẩy chai(bản quyền....)
  11. ninja0088

    ninja0088 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Hix bà con thông cảm em mới đọc tới trang 7 nhưng lười đọc quá nên nhảy cóc ra đây lun. Cho em hỏi là lúc trc có ai bán CD Mugen có nhiều nhân vật chut phải hông. Em mún mua có đc ko vậy, em ko cần nhièu char quá đâu, chi cần có các char của Marvel với Capcom và KoF là đc (em chỉ cần độ 50 trở lên thôi là đc). Nhưng mà em ngại nghiên cứu Mugen lắm, các bác làm ơn cho em bản nào cứ giải nén ra là chạy đc hông. Nếu có xin liên hệ nick: (sẵn sàng chịu mọi chi phí vận chuyển). Thanks các bác trước
  12. titytity

    titytity Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Nameless One by Y&K
    thăng nay nhin rat cool
    ko bit Ai no the nao day
    ai muon mua cd mugen lien he hashu di
  13. hunter_boss

    hunter_boss C O N T R A GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Mua rồi nè,tạm thấy được thôi chứ char cũng chưa hoàn thiện lắm,bản tui hiện giờ đang có 683 chars tất cả,cho hỏi máy ông bao nhiêu rồi tity là dung lượng nữa.
  14. hunter_boss

    hunter_boss C O N T R A GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    gửi dùm con god_gural luôn và o-kula nữa nhé!tui cũng nhanh tay down về mấy thằng rồi nhưng sáng nay định làm thêm mấy cái char nữa thì link ông bị....::( mà cho hỏi ông dùng soft gì chỉnh lại act,sff của char vậy?ý như chỉnh thêm chiêu đó mà cho link luôn.thanks
  15. K'Dash

    K'Dash The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ông làm gì có tới 600 + char dữ vậy. Bộ bạ đâu lấy đó hả? Tui tuyển chọn đàng hoàng , chỉ những con có hình đẹp và đánh khá tui mới lấy đó (khoảng 200 char à), ông chụp hình post lên thử đi, tui muốn coi mấy nhân vật cảu ông
  16. ninja0088

    ninja0088 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Dzậy có ai cho tui nick ông Hashu đi, để tui liên lạc đặng còn mua đĩa. Ko thì cho tui xin cái Link down bản nào hoàn thiện chút là đc. Ở trang 9 có 1 link nhưng mà cái file quan trọng nhất lại die mất òi (cái 500 char ấy). Nếu ông tity hảo tâm thì up lại để tui down về chơi lẹ. :D
  17. Demon Eyes Kyo

    Demon Eyes Kyo Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    tui mới tham gia gamevn thấy chương trình mugen hay nên tải về và chơi thử thú thiệt tui là fan cua KOF (trước kia chơi toàn là uqa phần mềm NEOGEO)
    giờ kiếm cũng được 100 chars roài mà mấy cái char độc như SAMURAI DEPER KYO kiếm chưa được zup tui
  18. Iori__Yagami__

    Iori__Yagami__ T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ông nói ông muốn char của mấy hãng đó hả,thì ông vào mà tìm,toàn là tụi trong hãng đó ko hà
  19. titytity

    titytity Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    @ hunterboss: cái củatui dám nói là hơn cả ngàn thằng
    tất cả thư mục của tui (gồm soft + chỉnh sửa+ chơi)= 7,5GB
    mà tui chơi lọc lại còn khoảng 150 thằng hà
    + tui chỉnh mấy cai act, sff bằng "fighter factory" với bằng mcm
    1 bản mugen warior thấy của người khác up chôm về
    Winmugen 88chars & 75scenarios
    Part5> being uploaded
    Part7> being uploaded
    Part8> being uploaded
    Part9> being uploaded
    hình nè

    Nick của hashu thì qua box quảng cáo đó (bán ps2-ps1)
    Samurai Depper Kyo nè;6008701;;/fileinfo.html

    o-kula là nhỏ nào tui ko khoái mấy char nữ lắm nên ít down về
    1 thằng mới
    Bagurom Man
  20. Iori__Yagami__

    Iori__Yagami__ T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cái con nhỏ áo trắng giơ 2 tay lên đó,Ella,ông up lên cho tui đi
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