Fable: the lost chapter

Thảo luận trong 'RPG Vault' bắt đầu bởi 1001, 8/7/06.

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  1. cmtoan91

    cmtoan91 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cái này không nhớ lắm hình như là max Strenght thi nhổ được.
  2. m3Noa

    m3Noa C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mirkwood of Rhovanion
    Kiếm đó cũng lởm mà, ko xịn lắm đâu
  3. hongngant

    hongngant Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Đại học Bách Khoa
    Có diễn đàn này khoái ghê, ko biết gì hỏi được ngay, cám ơn các bạn nha. Các bạn chỉ giùm mình cách mở cánh cửa quỷ ở Heroes Guild với.
  4. swordsaint

    swordsaint Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chịu khó đọc tí đi, lười quá!
    Muốn nhổ thanh kiếm ở phiến đá, đừng cố công chi vô ích, đến khi thực hiện quest nhất định sẽ nhổ được nó thôi mà :D, thanh kiếm này tuy không mạnh nhưng nhìn cũng đẹp mắt lắm chứ :D
  5. |vTv|

    |vTv| Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    thanh đấy mà k0 mạnh à ><
    kiếm mạnh thứ 3 trong trò đấy chứ >_________<
  6. hongngant

    hongngant Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Đại học Bách Khoa
    bác nói thế cũng nói, ai chẳng biết thực hiện quest xong thì nhổ được, quan trọng là thực hiện thế nào ấy chứ!:D
  7. thunder dragon

    thunder dragon Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Muốn mở cửa thì tới gần cái cửa rồi bật đèn lên là xong
  8. sat_thu_ko_buon

    sat_thu_ko_buon Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Theo mấy huynh thì bí mật lớn nhất của trò này là gì
  9. PlasmaSword

    PlasmaSword Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cho em hỏi là muốn giết con trùm trong Twinblade’s Tent phải làm thế nào. Kiếm damage 49 ko ăn thua với nó, họa hoằn lắm khi kiếm lóe sáng chém 1 phát thì nó mất mấy micro mét cột máu. Làm sao bi h??
  10. cmtoan91

    cmtoan91 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Muốn đánh thằng đó thì phải lừa cho nó đánh mình mình trước rồi tránh đòn rồi vòng ra sau lưng nó chém thì nó mới mất máu.
  11. cmtoan91

    cmtoan91 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Theo tui bí mật lớn nhất của trò này là silver keys với mấy vũ khí cuối.
  12. minh_thang_pham

    minh_thang_pham The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bác ơi cho em hỏi cái :: o trong fable co may cai của hình mặt người muốn mở
    thì phải làm sao
  13. thaisalembk

    thaisalembk Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bác ơi,để mở đc mấy cái Demon door thì trước hết bác fải lắng nghe xem cái cửa đó nói gì :thường là nó yêu cầu làm gì đó .Có cửa yêu cầu bạn fải có goodpoint cao(Demon door ở Heroesguid),có cửa thì cần badpoint cao,có cửa cần tìm ng` iêu (!) (Cái DE ở Rose cottage-->cứ tặng nó 1 bông hoa hồng là xong)...đấy...bác cứ tìm hiểu nhá...
  14. thaisalembk

    thaisalembk Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Quest Doors

    Ok, so let’s start with the doors that are required to complete certain quests.
    This includes any important quest along the game. For the majority of you that
    has played this game, you know what I'm talking about.

    * 1. [HH] Headsman's Hill *
    This is required only if you decide to marry Lady Grey (I would suggest you
    foil her after doing this ;D). When you fight Thunder, he will knock you down
    a hill/cliff. When you fall and fight, he flees to the cave. Plus, before you
    continue into the cave, you find the Demon Door! Don't bother talking to it
    right now. Anyway, after you beat Thunder, you can leave the cave (obvious).
    The Demon Door will open for you and you will end up outside.

    Inside the Door:
    - Actually, it's a way out.

    * 2. [LN] Lookout Point *
    This is probably the last required door you will go through. It is after you
    have defeated Jack (And get the Sword of Aeons/Avo's Tear). In this door, all
    you will need to have is to have beaten Jack. That's it. Isn't that cool!

    Inside the Door:
    - Minigame! It allows you to save The Prophets and obtain the Fire Heart.

    * 3. [LG] Lychfield Graveyard *
    Farther in the game, you will pass along another required Demon Door. This
    time it's in the graveyard (Ooo scary!). For this demon door, you are required
    to dig, fish, and pick up the 4 armor (and a weapon) that lie around the area.
    Of course, these things are not for you! It is for Nostro! When you gather the
    items, talk to Nostro and the door will open.

    Inside the Door:
    - A map for you to go through to save your mother!

    * 4. [WW] Witchwood Stones *
    You will eventually pass along this Demon Door while playing Fable. When you
    start the "Find the Archaeologist" Quest, you will be required to go into a
    demon door to find him. When you arrive at Witchwood Stones and talk to it, he
    tell you that the only thing that will get him open is if his name is called.
    You will find that on the northern side of the map, there are stones that
    carry the letters: T, S, H, I. The letters required to pass is (in the order)
    H, I, T, S (Spells out HITS for the lazy people). You can try other words
    (Though I will not go into that ;D Have fun fighting 2 balverines!), but if
    you try them, please do them before entering HITS, or you will never get the
    chance again.

    Inside the Door:
    - The Archaeologist
    - Treasure Chests and other goods

    Optional Demon Doors

    Now, for the optional doors! For the people who don't understand: Items!
    Weapons! Armor! Yay!

    * 5. [BD] Abandoned Road *
    For this door, you will be required to have 3 sets of clothing. One of them you
    will probably already have. For this door, you will need: Dark Will Armor,
    Bright Plate Armor, Bandit Armor. And I mean the full sets. When you have them,
    where the Bright Plate Armor and talk to him. After, wear the Dark Will Armor
    and then talk to him. Finally, wear the Bandit Armor and talk to him so he
    opens up.

    Inside the Door:
    - Dollmaster's Mace

    * 6. [BF] Barrow Fields *
    In the south end of the map, the demon door will want to have you obese! Don't
    think this stuff is real life or anything and make you want to go at a Fast
    Food or something. Just eat tons of meat or pie, or you can gain this by the
    cool way, BEER! You must drink a lot of it, though. Also, you can buy 60
    carrots in a shop and eat them to become fat (Credit on the bottom). When you
    become fat, he will open up for you, you weighty warrior!

    Inside the Door:
    - Will Master's Elixir

    * 7. [DB] Darkwood Bordello *
    Probably one of the weirdest requirements for a Door. You must have scored with
    a woman at least 10 times. Any less, he will call you inexperienced (Ha). If
    you do not fit the requirements, just go into that building! Waste like 1,000
    Gold. You can also get the deed from the owner to the Bordello and take it over
    so you don't even have to pay money for it! After you have done this, get in.

    Inside the Door:
    - Pimp Hat!!

    * 8. [DM] Darkwood Marshes *
    In this map, the Demon Door will make you fight his guardians. There are a
    bundle of Hobbes that appear, so be ready to kill them. After you kill them
    all, the door will open.

    Inside the Door:
    - Dark Will Armor (Full set)

    * 9. [GC] Greatwood Caves *
    This door is really easy to get if you've beaten the game or have high stats.
    The door requires a combat multiplier of 14 (Credit on bottom). The easiest
    way I know is to take out your bow, hold onto your fire button for about half
    a minute, and then launch the arrow straight into the Earth Troll! If you
    can't, enter the Hobbe Cave and kill some Hobbes. After you get a nice
    multiplier (around 20 will do), rush out, attack the Troll, and finally talk
    to the door. Another helpful hint (submitted by Aden Rihaz) is to hire a
    mercanary, bring him there, attack him, heal him, rinse and repeat.

    Inside the Door:
    - Cutlass Bluetane

    * 10. [GW] Greatwood Gorge *
    Near the south end of the map, you will encounter this door. It requires you
    to do an evil deed. Well, for the evil people, that's no problem! Just run on
    in there! He'll let you in ;D For the good people, you will need to kill
    people in front of him or turn evil. Also, you can eat 10 Crunchy
    Chickens in front of the door and it will let you pass through (Credits on the

    Inside the Door:
    - Wellow's Pickhammer

    * 11. [YH] Grey House *
    To get into this door, you MUST have married Lady Grey and did not divorce.
    If you have her, then talk to this door! It will open up.

    Inside the Door:
    - Ronok the Axe

    * 12. [HG] Heroes' Guild *
    Probably the first Demon Door you will find. This took me forever to find
    out in Fable. Yes, I know, it's sad. Ha. Well, after you finish Guild training
    and leave, you will obtain the lamp. Any guesses on what you will do with it?
    Well, it's obvious! Use it on the Demon Door and it will open for you! ;D

    Inside the Door:
    - Elixir of Life
    - Goods from the shelves!

    * 13. [KG] Knothole Glade *
    This door is an easy one. Just have a bow out. You will be required to hit his
    head with an arrow. Ebony bows and anything better will take this guy down.
    I've heard that it can be done with an Oak bow, as long as you hold for an
    insanely long time. I wouldn't try this though, ha. You can also use the skill
    Fireball or Multi Arrow for this (Credit on bottom). Once you hit him, he will

    Inside the Door:
    - Elixir of Life

    * 14. [NP] Necropolis *
    Probably the most risky demon door to enter. For this, you will be required to
    lose ALL of your Silver Keys. Reminder: You will NOT receive the keys back! The
    door wishes to become a silver key chest, but became a Demon Door. Give it all
    of you keys and it will open.

    Inside the Door:
    - The Bereaver

    * 15. [RZ] Rose Cottage *
    This door wants someone to love it. He wants a gift from a certain someone
    (And guess what? It's you!). Give the door (As in Use) a red rose or some
    chocolate and it will open up for you. You can also give the door a wedding
    ring! But do NOT give it any gems, as I have done this before and have not
    worked. So don't waste it ;D

    Inside the Door:
    - Bright Will Armor (Full set)
  15. thaisalembk

    thaisalembk Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Guild Woods
    - Fish at the ripple in the water at the pond

    Lookout Point
    - Cut through the vines near the statue

    Bowerstone South
    - On the balcony of the top floor of the clothing shop

    Bowerstone South
    - Complete the school teacher's Book Collection Quest

    Orchard farm
    - Fish at the ripple at the end of the northern pier

    Fisher Creek
    - Fish at a ripple along the northern side

    Fisher Creek
    - Complete the Fishing Competition Quest

    Greatwood Lake
    - At the end of the northern path

    Rose Cottage
    - Dig in the ring of flowers by the house

    Hobbe Cave
    - Dig in the ring of mushrooms inside of the Focus Chamber

    Darkwood Lake
    - Shoot an arrow through the hole in the tall mystic stone at the
    southern end

    Ancient Cullis Gate
    - Fish at the ripple at the western bridge

    Grey House
    - Fish at the ripple near the Demon Door

    - Dig at the base of the statue in the Memorial Garden

    - Complete the Chicken Kicking Competition Quest

    Twinblade's Camp
    - Dig in the ring of flowers at the southeastern edge

    Witchwood Stones
    - Fish at the ripple near the Demon Door

    Witchwood Lake
    - Dig at the base of the red glowing statue

    Knothole Glade
    - Dig in the ring of plants between two houses at the southern edge

    Windmill Hill
    - Dig in the ring of flowers near the western house

    Windmill Hill
    - Dig in the ring of flowers near the windmill

    Headsman's Hill
    - Fish at the ripple in the pond during the Mayor's Invitation Quest

    Bowerstone Manor
    - Search the bed in Lady Grey's Bedroom

    Lychfield Graveyard
    - Fish at the ripple in the pond near the house of the gravekeeper

    Lychfield Graveyard
    - Dig in the grave of Katie Stutter outside of the middle crypt

    Lychfield Graveyard
    - Search inside of the middle crypt

    Cliffside Path
    - Dig in the ring of mushrooms at the northern edge

    Hook Coast
    - Search in a cabinet inside of the lighthouse

    The Lost Bay
    - Dig in the grave of the Bayhouse Keepers near the western shore

    - Fish at the ripple near the Demon Door
    --->Đây chỉ là mấy chỗ dễ tìm ,nếu các bác chịu khó cày game này thì sẽ còn nhiều chỗ khác nữa đấy...more fun !
  16. thaisalembk

    thaisalembk Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tui chơi lau rùi nên ko biết còn nhớ chính xác ko:hình như mỗi lần hắn tấn công ,lúc hắn chém xuống đất thì fải mất 1 lúc (lâu !) hắn mới nhổ kiếm lên đc,bác hãy sd cái fép jì mà biến ra sau lưng đối thủ mà chém hắn...rồi lại chạy ra xa,..cứ thế 1 lúc sau là ok thui...
  17. gacon5

    gacon5 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ngay trong Hero Guid của bạn có 1 thằng bán 1 thanh kiếm khủng lắm vào đó mà mua đi!
    Con ây dễ đánh lắm mà tui hit vài độc chiêu là nó tiêu luôn!
  18. kelvinz

    kelvinz Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    fep biến ra sau lưng địch là Assasin Rush , cái này tăng 1 thôi là đủ xài rồi
  19. cmtoan91

    cmtoan91 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cần gì cái phép biến ra sau lưng đối thủ ,chạy chay ra là dc rồi .;))
  20. Xenogear

    Xenogear The Last of Us

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Sealeap Zack
    có cái phép đấy đánh đơn giản đi nhiều chứ :))
    chơi 2 lần, một lần có phép đấy, đánh sướng hẳn lên
    có thể cũng tại biết cách đánh nó rồi
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