Cheat của Alien vs Predator 2 DEMO! Mình tìm trong Cheat book thì có vài cheat nhưng thử thì thấy ko dc, chắc là tại bản demo nó giới hạn ::(, bản demo nhé :hug:
Cheat của trò Alien vs Predator 2 là: mpcanthurtme - God mode on/off mpschuckit - Add weapons and ammo mpsmithy - Full armor mpkohler - Full ammo mpstockpile - Full ammo (maybe with differences?) mpbeamme - Beam player to level start with initial conditions mpsixthsense - No clip on/off mpicu - 3rd person mode on/off (HUD doesn't visible in this mode) mptachometer - Show speed info on/off mpsizeme - Show size info on/off mpgrs - Show rotation info on/off mpgps - Show position info on/off mpfov - Edit (with keys) FOV value mpvertextint - Edit (with keys) vertext tint mplightadd - Edit (with keys) light amplification mplightscale - Edit (with keys) light scale mpbreach Edit - (with keys) weapon breach mpwmpos Edit - (with keys) weapon offset 1 mpwpos Edit - (with keys) weapon offset 2 Cậu thử xem có dùng được không.