STARCRAFT BROOWAR - Chiến thuật khai cuộc

Thảo luận trong 'Starcraft' bắt đầu bởi LibertyTerran, 13/9/03.

  1. chimpanzeevn

    chimpanzeevn Starcraft Rank 2nd

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    Bài 1: (có tên tác giả đàng hoàng, đừng bảo em ăn trộm nhé)

    Protoss Vs Zerg by CypressMan Hello.. thanks for reading this by the way.
    My name is cypressman, and I like to hear comments from different people,
    so i am posting this strategy. I am not a very good player, so please no trash talking plz.
    I would like to fix many problems with my strategy, so many comments plz ^^

    About this strategy. You need to be lucky to make this strategy work.
    First, you wil get a fast corsair, you need to at least kill 2 overlords, then mass Z with +1 upgrade.. here is how it goes. Since its fast rushing strat, you wont make many probes.

    8.5 pylon ( go scout ) -> 10.5 gate -> 12 gas (3 probe) -> 13 zealot -> 15 probe -> 16 pylon -> 17 pylon, ur zealot is done, go block entrance -> 18 cyber -> 19 zealot -> 21 probe -> 23 pylon -> 24 stargate ( if overlord is in ur base, make ur stargate next to your gate. they will think its a gateway, unless they click o­n it, but they dont usually do that )
    -> 24 dragoon -> 27 forge -> 29 corsair -> 31 pylon -> when pylon is ready, ur forge will be done, and u will have 100 mineral. upgrade weapon right away. -> 32 adun -> 33 gate, make 1 zealot -> 35 gate -> adun is done, speed upgrade -> 36 pylon -> no probes from now o­n. make o­nLY zealots until you are done with speed upgrade. ( you can add few probes if u want ^^ ) -> in 7:15, you will have 12 zealots with speed+weapon upgrade, with 1 goon. i see my pylon 57/65 with 500 minerals. now you attack. dont attack everything at o­nce. DRAGOON ALWAYS @ FRONT. dont attack with dragoon. he will be ur shield. use ur goon, right click to his main base, let him go through, then his hydras will take about 2~3 seconds to kil him, in 2,3 seconds, you use your zealots to go around those hydras. if he has many lings/hydras, just attack. zerglings will die in 2 hits, hydras will die in 4 hits, instead of 5. dont forget rallypoint ur gates to zerg's base, when it worked.

    make sure you scout with probes a lot. if he goes with mutal, you are gone ^^;
    if u kill 2 overlords, around ur base, that is pretty good. you will have a lots of minerals left, make templars quick. templars could be out in 10 min.
    TIP : if he has less unit, and bunch of sunkens, dont attack. kill those zerglings, and go into his main base. if you do without much damage, game over. you win.
    if he goes with 9 pool, make sure u make 2 zealots first. do not go 1 zealot, then cyber.
    . you will need a good control with zealot. percentage.. i have no idea. depends how u play.

    here are my hotkeys.
    start - 1 probe, 0 nexus, 3,4,5 gates.
    later - 1,2,3 unit, 4,5 gate, 6 stargate, 7 robotic, 8,9,0 nexus.
    make sure you use F commands ( f2,f3,f4 ) to each of your bases.

    I think this starategy is good. works with many good zerg players, ( hydra o­nly plz )
    if he goes lurker, defence first. please, after ur weapon upgrade, upgrade ur armor right away. later o­n, make 2 forges, and go non-stop upgrade. that will help you a lot.
    thanks for reading. its not a perfect dossier, but i hope u guys enjoyed it. O_o

    Bài số 2:

    Zerg vs Terran: Zlings rush + by Nelife
    have read an interresting fact in SGE-Member1's previous dossier Zerg vs Terran : Zerg vs Terran : Nine Pool To Three Hatch Lurk/Ling (1)

    My own suggested build order for zling rush is:
    -9/9 Spawning Pool
    -8/9 Drone
    -9/9 Extractor
    -8/9 Drone
    -9/9 Overlord
    As soon as the extractor finishes, send 3 drones to gather gas, until you have 100 and send them back to the minerals.
    Your spawning pool and your overlord should finish at the same time, and you should have 3 larvas with 250 minerals and 100 gaz.
    Make 6 zerglings and start the speed upgrade.
    While this is very effective in 2v2, it is a little less in 1on1. Simply because a terran will have 2-3 marines to block his ramp (you'd have o­nly 1-2 zlings left to kill scvs after the fight)
    Then SGE-Member1 brought that interresting fact.
    Why not steal the terran's gas?
    Then for the terran there would be 3 possibilities
    1: The inexperienced terran sends all his marines to kill the extractor
    (You get your zlings up the cliff and go kill marines, then scvs)
    2: He sends o­ne marine to kill the extractor and keep the remaining (1 or 2) at his ramp
    (You just attack and try to do as much damage as you can, separated forces are way easier to kill than a whole group)
    3: He waits until he has 4-5 marines to have o­ne kill the extractor
    (He won't have enough gas for the later game, try making lurkers+lings and beat the crap out of marines!)

    ~How to attack~
    Just simple micro tips.
    To kill marines with zlings, click past marines and have the zlings surround them, then attack. If you have 6 lings and he has 3 marines you might not even lose any units.

    Lurkers are best when you have other units also.
    Hotkey your lurkers and send all your units o­n the opponent's army. When they are close enough, select the lurkers and burrow. If the terran targets the lurkers, your lings will get free hits and eventually win, if he doesnt control, you just win.

    Bài 3:

    Funky PvT. by Sh[A]dow-Song
    Hi, in this dossier ill be covering my Funky P strats, they work a treat. Also they are open to criticism, since im not the English equivalent of Grrr, any mistakes outstanding could be pointed out and worked into better strats for another dossier? I dont know.

    PvT is what this covers early game. When i say build "XxX", dont stick to that later depending o­n what they have. More goons than zealots if they have vults and tanks, seems the more likely thing to use. This should damage their eco enough for you to take the lead in the game. Its very important to hotkey your nexus, gateways and robotix. If you ever have more than 1k minerals, your doing it wrong. More gateways, and pump pump pump.

    Anyhoo, PvT for starters. Ive noticed that most people do different build orders, depending o­n how many probes they have. The general rule for P is that when your 8th probe is building, if you have a good split you should have enough to make a pylon before it is halfway done. Splitting is very important, ive noticed with remarkably bad splits making a core will take a bit more time because you wont have the cash. But, after getting a pylon, make sure your probes are being pumped out, fork out the extra 50 to take it to 10 probes so the next will automatically start to build WHEN the pylon is phased in, to get that edge. Also, if you set your rally point nearer to the mineral patches, basically because all miners have acceleration periods where they gain speed. With the rally point, if you take the probe and send it to minerals it will not slow down. This is basically ergonomic for your eco, and gives you that edge like i said earlier.

    You should be able to build a gateway when your 10th probe is halfway through building, make sure you can build another probe as soon as poss. Send your probe to a patch near your gas, gas as soon as possible WHILE STILL PUMPING PROBES. Pumping probes is most important, and not to stop, because that has repercussions o­n your eco later o­n. Thats my rule, is to not stop making probes and make buildings while you have enough to continue making them. I see it as sensible. Anyhow, the gateway should phase in when your gas phases in, with about 3 seconds difference between the two depending o­n your speed. Make your core, and carry o­n pumping probes. Make a pylon out of the way, to hide your tech tree but not leave it too far away from your base. Say for LT at 3 o clock, id build mine below and slightly to the left of my gas, so i can build my tech in the spot above my gas and its hard for them to scout.

    When your gas phases in however, send the o­ne that builds your core, o­ne from your minerals and the next o­ne to come out of your nexus (should happen around this time) to the gas. Make sure they are mining it. Make a zealot, rally point your ramp. When your core phases in, my general tech is a light harass, so scout when your cybernetics phases in. I will go for Robotics, to harass their eco. Make another pylon, and continue making zealots and probes. By the time it phases in, make sure you have 200 for a shuttle. You should have about 3 zealots by the time your shuttle is made, and load them up. Make a dragoon and block your ramp. Robotics facility. Hotkey your bay and facility.

    When youve loaded your shuttle, send it to their eco, using evasive maneoveurs to dodge their turrets or similar. Unload it o­n their SCVs and micro for about 15 seconds. Get as many as possible. Keep pressing the facility hotkey to check when it will phase in. When it does, make a reaver and send back your shuttle. Make some more goons, and another gateway. An observatory seems like an option. Collect your reaver and a goon, then go back to killing off their eco. Expand, build more gateways. Get a citadel of adun, and leg grade for zealots. Get a mix of goons and zealots, then go straight at their main and continue.

    This should take the game. It relies a lot o­n your macro. If you have bad macro then this will not be for you. Something to help macro, is hotkey your buildings!!! Expand while you have the chance. Macro is very important, to continue pumping even when your microing.
  2. IntoTh3Rainbow

    IntoTh3Rainbow ~vkRainbow~ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Trời ạ ,hoặc là bác đừng post ,hoặc là post thì phải "translate to vietnamiese" chứ !!!
    Nếu lười translate thì bác chỉ cần đưa link là đủ !!!
  3. IntoTh3Rainbow

    IntoTh3Rainbow ~vkRainbow~ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Có 1 bài MACRO vs MICRO rất hay của bác ELVIN bên TTVNOL đó (không hiểu sao mấy mod ko đưa vào mục chú ý nhỉ ???)
    Link đây :
  4. BaylentheSky

    BaylentheSky Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    San Diego, California 92126
    Trời thằng nào post cái strategy guide nghe muốn oẹ quá trời --;
  5. chimpanzeevn

    chimpanzeevn Starcraft Rank 2nd

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tất nhiên rồi, em còn muốn oẹ nữa là. Bữa nào gặp nhau làm tí đê bác BaylentheSky. Nghe nói bác mới học đánh Star ah? Hay quá, em cũng thế, bọn mình chiến tí cho zui đê. :>
  6. anhhungxadieuvn

    anhhungxadieuvn ModeratorStarcraft Rank 3rd

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Xem bài của bác Libẻtyterran đã hoa cả mắt, xem bài của ChimPanZee lại còn hoa mắt hơn :)) Sợ các bác quá, em mới tập đánh các bác tha em với.

    Nghe chừng bác BaylentheSky siêu quá, hôm nào cho anh em học hỏi nghe.
  7. MilyAW

    MilyAW Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hix, hay thế mà bảo hoa cả mắt, công nhận VN lắm nhân tài starcraft !!!
  8. Moandor

    Moandor The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Còn tui bỏ mấy tháng tiền học ra vẫn chưa in hết đc chiến thuật của mấy bác ,hu hu
  9. Tripheo

    Tripheo Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    De co mot chuyen muon thua duoc khong a
    de la nguoi moi, nen khong dam noi nhieu, nhung cac su huynh, su phu co the post them nhieu chien thuat nua duoc khong, de theo doi hoai nhung khong thay ai po st chien thuat nua, nhu vay de khong the hoc hoi them, xin moi nguoi giup do
  10. Life of Melodies

    Life of Melodies Youtube Master Race

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    Hà Nội
    Hmm. Bạn không cần phải học chiến thuật ở đâu cả. Theo tôi bạn hãy download một số replays của BoxeR, Nada, Ogogo,... về xem để học một số điều căn bản (ví dụ như build order trong 7 phút đầu). Sau đó bạn phải luyện tập thật nhiều với người. Trong từng trận đấu nhớ phải nâng cao kĩ năng multitasking (ảnh hưởng của APM). Sau đó bạn hãy tự nghĩ ra những chiến thuật riêng. Những chiến thuật được post sẵn rất ít hiệu quả và thường bạn phải biến đổi chúng đi trong lúc sử dụng.
  11. Good

    Good Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Chà chà, bác LoM mới vô forum mà post nhiều bài thật, nếu đuợc bác đăng kí thi đấu giải 2nd sắp tới đi. Nếu được hân hạnh được đấu với bác 1 trận, gate nào cũng đuợc., YM của em là yamatogun_vn
  12. titanclenk

    titanclenk Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    này, bác LT, post hay thế màko định làm nốt mấy cái chiến thuật của toss thế, cho em học hỏi với. nghe nói toss đánh với race nào cũng lợi mà em thấy ngược lại ko. toss luôn phải tuỳ theo đối phương mà cách đánh khác. :(
  13. Moandor

    Moandor The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Công nhận bác LT đánh giỏi thật ,tưởng lên đây nói phét ,còn mấy bài dài thì tui ko bao giờ đọc nên chẳng biết thế nào
    Sorry Seems to be the hardest word
  14. titanclenk

    titanclenk Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    bác LT chắc là nhất amater rùi nhỉ. đánh kinh thế muh
  15. Moandor

    Moandor The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nhưng nhân tài Warcraft còn nhiều hơn ,vì thế wariii hay hơn .Em đánh kém lắm nếu mấy bác đánh giao hữu thì hỏi Moandor ....clan vie
  16. batman_20119

    batman_20119 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    các anh đều là cao thủ cả,em mới tập chơi các anh dạy em với.Em cảm ơn các anh trước.
  17. Artanis

    Artanis C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    các cao thủ cho hỏi tí, khi Protoss mà đánh lên núi, đi lên dốc, ngay trên dốc đặt 2 ụ gác, không gian hẹp thì đánh thế nào là tốt nhất (bỏ qua Raven)
  18. GCN[vn]

    GCN[vn] Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Box 71 Warcraft III đó
    lên con cosai ý . .
  19. titanclenk

    titanclenk Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    đánh bừa là tốt nhất, ở dưới bắn lên tỷ lệ 70%. nhớ vác theo obs, nếu nhắm ko lại thì thôi.
  20. LibertyTerran

    LibertyTerran ModeratorStarcraft Champion

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    Úc hèn :))
    Nhân dịp giải SC lần thứ 2 của Gamevn :). nhà văn chiến thuật LT đã viết thêm chiến thuật TvT dài 4 trang và đã cập nhật ở trang 1:(. Tiếp đó sẽ là chiến thuật PvP, mời các bạn đón xem ==> nghe như quảng cáo truyện tranh :)) lolz, j/k.
    Have fun and gluck!

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