Hướng dẫn Megaman Battle of Network mọi phiên bản

Thảo luận trong 'Hộp Lưu Trữ' bắt đầu bởi Lord Chu Du, 7/3/04.

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  1. Lord Chu Du

    Lord Chu Du T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Somewhere I Belong
    Phù sao mà mình vừa mới viết một bài y chang mà nó bị văng đi đâu thế thui đánh lại vậy
    Đầu tiền sẽ là chip nghen (bác Asa thông cảm sắp về rùi nên đành post như vậy ) [-o< NẾu bác Asa tìm được bài nào giống vậy cứ del nghen 0:)
    Megaman Battle of Network 1
    #1 Cannon *
    Damage: 40
    Element: Normal
    Description: A nice, big Cannon!

    #2 HiCannon **
    Damage: 80
    Element: Normal
    Description: A nice, big Cannon!

    #3 M-Cannon ***
    Damage: 120
    Element: Normal
    Description: A nice, big Cannon!

    #4 Shotgun *
    Damage: 30
    Element: Normal
    Description: Hits enemy and keeps goign 1pnl

    #5 CrossGun *
    Damage: 30
    Element: Normal
    Description:4-panel diagonal blast

    #6 Spreader **
    Damage: 30
    Element: Normal
    Description: Gun with a 1-panel blast

    #7 Bubbler *
    Damage: 50
    Element: Aqua
    Description: Bubbles w/ a 1-panel blast

    #8 Heater **
    Damage: 70
    Element: Fire
    Description: Fire with a 1-panel blast

    #9 MiniBomb *
    Damage: 50
    Element: Normal
    Description: Throw a bomb! Depth=3

    #10 LilBomb *
    Damage: 50
    Element: Normal
    Description: Throw a bomb! Depth=3

    #11 CrosBomb **
    Damage: 70
    Element: Normal
    Description: Throw a bomb! Depth=3

    #12 Big Bomb ****
    Damage: 90
    Element: Normal
    Description: Bomb with a big boom Depth=3

    #13 Sword *
    Damage: 80
    Element: Normal
    Description: Cut down enemies! Range=1

    #14 WideSwrd *
    Damage: 80
    Element: Normal
    Description: Cut down column! Range=1

    #15 LongSwrd **
    Damage: 80
    Element: Normal
    Description: Cut down enemies! Range=2

    #16 FtrSword ***
    Damage: 100
    Element: Normal
    Description: Warrior's sword Range=3

    #17 KngtSwrd ****
    Damage: 150
    Element: Normal
    Description: Knight's sword Range=3

    #18 HeroSwrd *****
    Damage: 200
    Element: Normal
    Description: Legendary sword Range=3

    #19 FireSwrd **
    Damage: 100
    Element: Fire
    Description: Cuts down column Range=1

    #20 AquaSwrd ***
    Damage: 150
    Element: Aqua
    Description: Cuts down column Range=1

    #21 ElecSwrd ***
    Damage: 120
    Element: Elec
    Description: Cuts down column Range=1

    #22 Muramasa *****
    Damage: ???
    Element: Normal
    Description: Do damage = to your HP loss

    #23 ShokWave *
    Damage: 60
    Element: Normal
    Description: Piercing ground wave

    #24 SoniWave **
    Damage: 80
    Element: Normal
    Description: Piercing ground wave

    #25 DynaWave ***
    Damage: 100
    Element: Normal
    Description: Piercing ground wave

    #26 FireTowr **
    Damage: 100
    Element: Fire
    Description: Fire that can move up & down

    #27 AquaTowr **
    Damage: 120
    Element: Aqua
    Description: Water that can move up & down

    #28 WoodTowr **
    Damage: 140
    Element: Wood
    Description: Log that can move up & down

    #29 Quake1 *
    Damage: 90
    Element: Normal
    Description: Cracks a panel Depth=3

    #30 Quake2 **
    Damage: 120
    Element: Normal
    Description: Cracks a panel Depth=3

    #31 Quake3 ***
    Damage: 150
    Element: Normal
    Description: Cracks a panel Depth=3

    #32 GutsPnch *
    Damage: 60
    Element: Normal
    Description: Knocks stuff over Range=1

    #33 IcePunch **
    Damage: 80
    Element: Aqua
    Description: Knocks stuff over Range=1

    #34 Dash *
    Damage: 50
    Element: Normal
    Description: Knock over all in your path!

    #35 Howitzer ****
    Damage: 150
    Element: Normal
    Description: Breaks panels Depth=3

    #36 TriArrow *
    Damage: 40
    Element: Normal
    Description: Fires a 3-arrow burst

    #37 TriSpear **
    Damage: 50
    Element: Normal
    Description: Fires a 3-spear burst

    #38 TriLance ***
    Damage: 60
    Element: Normal
    Description: Fires a 3-lance burst

    #39 Ratton1 *
    Damage: 80
    Element: Normal
    Description: Missile that can turn once

    #40 Ratton2 **
    Damage: 100
    Element: Normal
    Description: Missile that can turn once

    #41 Ratton3 ***
    Damage: 120
    Element: Normal
    Description: Missile that can turn once

    #42 Wave ***
    Damage: 80
    Element: Aqua
    Description: 3-row wave! [Aqua]

    #43 RedWave ***
    Damage: 100
    Element: Fire
    Description: 3-row wave! [Fire]

    #44 BigWave ****
    Damage: 160
    Element: Aqua
    Description: 3-row giant wave [Aqua]

    #45 Gaia1 ***
    Damage: 100
    Element: Normal
    Description: Rolling 3-column explosion!

    #46 Gaia2 ****
    Damage: 130
    Element: Normal
    Description: Rolling 3-column explosion!

    #47 Gaia3 *****
    Damage: 160
    Element: Normal
    Description: Rolling 3-column explosion!

    #48 Thunder1 *
    Damage: 90
    Element: Elec
    Description: A rolling lightning attack

    #49 Thunder2 **
    Damage: 120
    Element: Elec
    Description: A rolling lightning attack

    #50 Thunder3 ***
    Damage: 150
    Element: Elec
    Description: A rolling lightning attack

    #51 RingZap1 *
    Damage: 100
    Element: Elec
    Description: Lightning circles you once

    #52 RingZap2 **
    Damage: 120
    Element: Elec
    Description: Lightning cirlces you twice

    #53 RingZap3 ***
    Damage: 100
    Element: Elec
    Description: Lightning cirlces you thrice

    #54 Typhoon *
    Damage: 30
    Element: Normal
    Description: Creates a twister w/ 3 hits

    #55 Huricane **
    Damage: 30
    Element: Normal
    Description: Creates a twister w/ 5 hits

    #56 Cyclone ***
    Damage: 30
    Element: Normal
    Description: Creates a twister w/ 8 hits

    #57 Snakegg1 *
    Damage: 130
    Element: Wood
    Description: Squirming snake attack!

    #58 Snakegg2 **
    Damage: 140
    Element: Elec
    Description: Shocking snake attack!

    #59 Snakegg3 ***
    Damage: 150
    Element: Fire
    Description: Scorchign snake attack!

    #60 Drain1 **
    Damage: 50
    Element: Normal
    Description: Charge to drain HP from enemy

    #61 Drain2 **
    Damage: 70
    Element: Normal
    Description: Charge to drain HP from enemy

    #62 Drain3 ***
    Damage: 90
    Element: Normal
    Description: Charge to drain HP from enemy

    #63 BodyBurn ****
    Damage: 100
    Element: Fire
    Description: Engulf all around you in flames!

    #64 X-Panel1 **
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Erase 1 panel Range=1

    #65 X-Panel3 ***
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Erase column Range=1

    #66 Hammer **
    Damage: 100
    Element: Normal
    Description: Breaks cubes Range=1

    #67 MetGuard *
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Hold A Btn for 3 sec defence!

    #68 IronShld **
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Hold btn. to create shield!

    #69 Recov10 *
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Recover 10HP

    #70 Recov30 *
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Recover 30HP

    #71 Recov50 *
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Recover 50HP

    #72 Recov80 *
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Recover 80HP

    #73 Recov120 **
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Recover 120HP

    #74 Recov150 **
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Recover 150HP

    #75 Recov200 ***
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Recover 200HP

    #76 Recov300 ****
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Recover 300HP

    #77 Steal ***
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Steal left column of enemy area

    #78 Geddon1 ***
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: All Panels become cracked!

    #79 Geddon 2 ****
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Erases all empty panels

    #80 Escape ***
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Escape from most enemies

    #81 Interupt ***
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Destroy enemy chip data

    #82 Repair *
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Repair panels in your area

    #83 TimeBom1 **
    Damage: 80
    Element: Normal
    Description: Sets time bomb in enemy area

    #84 TimeBom2 ***
    Damage: 120
    Element: Normal
    Description: Sets time bomb in enemy area

    #85 TimeBom3 ****
    Damage: 160
    Element: Normal
    Description: Sets time bomb in enemy area

    #86 Cloud *
    Damage: 30
    Element: Aqua
    Description: Rains up & down on 1 column

    #87 Cloudier **
    Damage: 50
    Element: Aqua
    Description: Rains up & down on 1 column

    #88 Cloudest ***
    Damage: 100
    Element: Aqua
    Description: Rains up & down on 1 column

    #89 Mine1 **
    Damage: 160
    Element: Normal
    Description: Hides a mine in enemy area

    #90 Mine2 ***
    Damage: 180
    Element: Normal
    Description: Hides a mine in enemy area

    #91 Mine 3 ****
    Damage: 200
    Element: Normal
    Description: Hides a mine in enemy area

    #92 Dynamyt1 ***
    Damage: 100
    Element: Normal
    Description: Looks right for enemy

    #93 Dynamyt2 ***
    Damage: 120
    Element: Normal
    Description: Looks right for enemy

    #94 Dynamyt3 ***
    Damage: 150
    Element: Normal
    Description: Looks right for enemy

    #95 Remobit1 *
    Damage: 80
    Element: Normal
    Description: Remote contorl smasher!

    #96 Remobit2 *
    Damage: 100
    Element: Normal
    Description: Remote contorl smasher!

    #97 Remobit3 *
    Damage: 120
    Element: Normal
    Description: Remote contorl smasher!

    #98 Lockon1 *
    Damage: 10
    Element: Normal
    Description: Creates a lock on satellite!

    #99 Lockon 2 **
    Damage: 15
    Element: Normal
    Description: Creates a lock on satellite!

    #100 Lockon3 ***
    Damage: 20
    Element: Normal
    Description: Creates a lock on satellite!

    #101 Candle1 **
    Damage: None
    Element: Fire
    Description: Set candle & recover some HP

    #102 Candle2 ***
    Damage: None
    Element: Fire
    Description: Set candle & recover some HP

    #103 Candle 3 ****
    Damage: None
    Element: Fire
    Description: Set candle & recover some HP

    #104 Anubis *****
    Damage: ???
    Element: Normal
    Description: Set Anubis statue to reduce HP

    #105 IceCube **
    Damage: None
    Element: Aqua
    Description: Creates ice cube Range=1

    #106 RockCube ***
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Creats 3 rock cubes randomly

    #107 BstrGard ***
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: 1-turn of MetGuard w/ B Btn.

    #108 BstrBomb ****
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: 1-turn of MiniBomb w. B Btn.

    #109 BstrSwrd ****
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: 1-turn use of Sword with B Btn

    #110 BstrPnch ****
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: 1-turn of GutsPnch with B Btn

    #111 SloGauge **
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Slow down Custom gauge

    #112 FstGauge **
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Speeds up custom gauge

    #113 Invis1 **
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Temporary immunity

    #114 Invis2 ***
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Temporary immunity

    #115 Invis3 ****
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Temporary immunity

    #116 Dropdown *****
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Invisible until you attack!

    #117 Popup *****
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Invisible when not attacking!

    #118 IronBody **
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: 30 seconds of stoneshape Defense UP

    #119 Barrier **
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Nullify 1 enemy attack

    #120 BblWrap1 **
    Damage: None
    Element: Aqua
    Description: Aqua wall Comes back if damaged

    #121 BblWrap2 **
    Damage: None
    Element: Aqua
    Description: Aqua wall Comes back if damaged

    #122 BblWrap3 ***
    Damage: None
    Element: Aqua
    Description: Aqua wall Comes back if damaged

    #123 LeafShld ***
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Turns dmg from 1 hit into HP

    #124 AquaAura **
    Damage: None
    Element: Aqua
    Description: Null<10dmg Weak vs. [Elec]

    #125 FireAura ***
    Damage: None
    Element: Fire
    Description: Null<40dmg Weak vs. [Aqua]

    #126 WoodAura ****
    Damage: None
    Element: Wood
    Description: Null<80dmn Weak vs. [Fire]

    #127 LifeAura *****
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Negate all attacks w/ damage<100

    #128 Roll ***
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Hit enemy and heal some HP

    #129 Roll2 ****
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Hit enemy and heal some HP

    #130 Roll3 *****
    Damage: None
    Element: Normal
    Description: Hit enemy and heal some HP

    #131 GutsMan ***
    Damage: 40
    Element: Normal
    Description: Shock foe and crack enemy area

    #132 GutsMan2 ****
    Damage: 70
    Element: Normal
    Description: Shock foe and crack enemy area

    #133 GutsMan3 *****
    Damage: 100
    Element: Normal
    Description: Shock foe and crack enemy area

    #134 ProtoMan ***
    Damage: 140
    Element: Normal
    Description: Hit column w/ nearest enemy

    #135 ProtoMan2 ****
    Damage: 160
    Element: Normal
    Description: Hit column w/ nearest enemy

    #136 ProtoMan3 *****
    Damage: 180
    Element: Normal
    Description: Hit column w/ nearest enemy

    #137 FireMan ***
    Damage: 100
    Element: Fire
    Description: 1 row fire arm

    #138 FireMan2 ****
    Damage: 120
    Element: Fire
    Description: 1 row fire arm

    #139 FireMan3 *****
    Damage: 150
    Element: Fire
    Description: 1 row fire arm

    #140 NumbrMan ***
    Damage: ???
    Element: Normal
    Description: Die Rollx10 damage to enemy area

    #141 NumbrMn2 ****
    Damage: ???
    Element: Normal
    Description: Die Rollx20 damage to enemy area

    #142 NumbrMn3 *****
    Damage: ???
    Element: Normal
    Description: Die Rollx30 damage to enemy area

    #143 StoneMan ***
    Damage: 100
    Element: Normal
    Description: Drops 3x3 stones on enemy area

    #144 StoneMn2 ****
    Damage: 100
    Element: Normal
    Description: Drops 4x3 stones on enemy area

    #145 StoneMn3 *****
    Damage: 100
    Element: Normal
    Description: Drops 5x3 stones on enemy area

    #146 IceMan ***
    Damage: 60
    Element: Aqua
    Description: Blizzard attack on enemy area

    #147 IceMan2 ****
    Damage: 80
    Element: Aqua
    Description: Blizzard attack on enemy area

    #148 IceMan3 *****
    Damage: 100
    Element: Aqua
    Description: Blizzard attack on enemy area

    #149 ColorMan ***
    Damage: 90
    Element: Normal
    Description: Towers of [Aqua] & [Fire]!

    #150 ColorMn ****
    Damage: 110
    Element: Normal
    Description: Towers of [Aqua] & [Fire]!

    #151 ColorMn *****
    Damage: 130
    Element: Normal
    Description: Towers of [Aqua] & [Fire]!

    #152 ElecMan ***
    Damage: 90
    Element: Elec
    Description: Lightning hits enemy panel!

    #153 ElecMan2 ****
    Damage: 120
    Element: Elec
    Description: Lightning hits enemy panel!

    #154 ElecMan3 ****
    Damage: 150
    Element: Elec
    Description: Lightning hits enemy panel!

    #155 BombMan ***
    Damage: 120
    Element: Normal
    Description: Enemy area CrossBomb Depth=3

    #156 BombMan2 ****
    Damage: 140
    Element: Normal
    Description: Enemy area CrossBomb Depth=3

    #157 BombMan3 *****
    Damage: 160
    Element: Normal
    Description: Enemy area CrossBomb Depth=3

    #158 MagicMan ***
    Damage: 100
    Element: Normal
    Description: Magic fire =instant delete!?

    #159 MagicMn2 ****
    Damage: 120
    Element: Normal
    Description: Magic fire =instant delete!?

    #160 MagicMn3 *****
    Damage: 140
    Element: Normal
    Description: Magic fire =instant delete!?

    #161 WoodMan ***
    Damage: 60
    Element: Wood
    Description: Skewer entire enemy area

    #162 WoodMan2 ****
    Damage: 80
    Element: Wood
    Description: Skewer entire enemy area

    #163 WoodMan3 *****
    Damage: 100
    Element: Wood
    Description: Skewer entire enemy area

    #164 SkullMan ***
    Damage: 150
    Element: Normal
    Description: Big skull attack on one enemy

    #165 SkullMn2 ****
    Damage: 180
    Element: Normal
    Description: Big skull attack on one enemy

    #166 SkullMn3 *****
    Damage: 210
    Element: Normal
    Description: Big skull attack on one enemy

    #167 SharkMan ***
    Damage: 90
    Element: Aqua
    Description: 3-row shark fin attack

    #168 SharkMn2 ****
    Damage: 110
    Element: Aqua
    Description: 3-row shark fin attack

    #169 SharkMn3 *****
    Damage: 130
    Element: Aqua
    Description: 3-row shark fin attack

    #170 PharoMan *****
    Damage: 100
    Element: Normal
    Description: 3-row coffin laser!

    #171 PharoMn2 *****
    Damage: 120
    Element: Normal
    Description: 3-row coffin laser!

    #172 PharoMn3 *****
    Damage: 140
    Element: Normal
    Description: 3-row coffin laser!

    #173 ShadoMan *****
    Damage: 80
    Element: Normal
    Description: Split into 3 for star attack

    #174 ShadoMn2 *****
    Damage: 90
    Element: Normal
    Description: Split into 3 for star attack

    #175 ShadoMn3 *****
    Damage: 100
    Element: Normal
    Description: Split into 3 for star attack

    #176 Bass ****
    Damage: 200
    Element: Normal
    Description: Explodes on entire area!

    Megaman Battle of Network 2
    #001 Cannon
    None ABCDE* 16/040: Cannon for attacking 1 enemy.
    Location: Canodumb in Den Area 1.

    #002 HiCannon
    None CDEFG* 24/060: Cannon for attacking 1 enemy.
    Location: Airplane Computer Area 2 in BMD.
    Kotobuki Apartment Area 1 in BMD.

    #003 M-Cannon
    None EFGHI* 32/080: Cannon for attacking 1 enemy.
    Location: GMD in UnderNet Area 3.
    Canodumb3, found in Kotobuki apartment, 1st floor.
    #004 ShotGun
    None BFHJN* 04/030: Explodes 1 square behind.

    #005 V-Gun
    None AFGLP* 04/030: Explodes 2 diagonal squares.
    Location: GMD in DenArea 2.

    #006 CrossGun
    None HJMQS* 08/030: Explodes 4 diagonal squares.
    Location: Den Area 2 in BMD.

    #007 Spreader
    Water MNOPQ* 20/030: Creates a large explosion.
    Location: Buy from NetDealer in Upper Den Area 3.
    GMD in Den Area 3.

    #008 Bubbler
    Water BGHPR* 12/040: Explodes 1 square behind.
    Location: Shrimpy, found in mother computer at Marine Harbor's center.
    Shrimpy, found in Ribbita’s van.

    #009 Bub-V
    Water CDJNS* 16/040: Explodes 2 diagonal squares.
    Location: Shrimpy2, found in Netopia Castle's trap systems.

    #010 BubCross
    Water KOPTV* 20/040: Explodes 4 diagonal squares.
    Location: Shrimpy3, found in UnderNet 1, 2 and 3.

    #011 BubSprd
    Water EFILM* 32/040: Creates a large explosion.
    Location: Puffy, found in Undernet 7.

    #012 HeatShot
    Fire BGHPR* 14/050: Explodes 1 square behind.
    Location: Spikey, found in Okuden bomb detonators.

    #013 Heat-V
    Fire CDJNS* 18/050: Explodes 2 diagonal squares.
    Location: Spikey2, found at Netopia's departure lobby. Jack into the
    duty-free shop.

    #014 HeatCros
    Fire KOPTV* 22/050: Explodes 4 diagonal squares.
    Location: GMD in UnderNet Area 3.
    Spikey3, found in vending machine outside Kotobuki Apartments.

    #015 HeatSprd
    Fire EFILM* 36/050: Creates a large explosion.
    Location: Buffy, found in UnderNet Area 5.

    #016 MiniBomb
    None BEGLO* 08/050: Throws a bomb 3 squares.
    Location: Beetank, found in the second part of Yai's heater program.
    GMD in DenArea1-2.
    #017 LilBomb
    None FJOQT* 12/050: Bomb that explodes vertically.
    Location: Airplane Computer Area 4 in BMD.
    Beetank, found in the second part of Yai's heater program.
    #018 CrosBomb
    None DJOQT* 16/060: Bomb that explodes in a cross.
    Location: Beetank2, found in Netopia 2 and 3.

    #019 BigBomb
    None OQTVY* 32/070: Bomb with a 9-square explosion.
    Location: GMD in WWW Area 1.
    BeeTank3, found in UnderNet Area 4 and 6.

    #020 TreeBom1
    Wood BGHPR* 10/100: Tree seed! Water for a PowerUp!
    Location: KillPlant, found in MotherComp2

    #021 TreeBom2
    Wood CDJNS* 15/120: Tree seed! Water for a PowerUp!
    Location: KillWeed, found in UnderKoto.

    #022 TreeBom3
    Wood KOPTV* 20/150: Tree seed! Water for a PowerUp!
    Location: KillFleur, found in UnderNet Area 5.

    #023 Sword
    None AKLSY* 12/080: Cut enemy in front! Range is 1.
    Location: GMD in UnderNet Area 1.
    GMD in Den Area 1, 2 and 3.
    #024 WideSwrd
    None ACLQY* 16/080: Cut enemy in front! Range is 3.
    Location: GMD in UnderNet 1.
    Swordy, found in KotoArea. (Busting level of 7-8).
    GMD in Den Area 3.
    #025 LongSwrd
    None AILOY* 22080: Cut enemy in front! Range is 2.
    Location: KotoArea in BMD.
    GMD in UnderNet 1.
    Swordy, found in KotoArea. (Busting level of 9+).

    #026 FireSwrd
    Fire FHNRU* 24/100: Flame sword cuts 3 vertical.
    Location: Swordy2, found in Koto Area.

    #027 AquaSwrd
    Water AHNRW* 26/100: Water sword cuts 3 vertical
    Location: Swordy3, found in MotherComp1.
    Netopia Castle Comp Area 4.
    #028 ElecSwrd
    Elec EHNRV* 28/100: Electric sword cuts 3 vertical
    Location: GMD in UnderKoto.

    #029 FireBlde
    Fire FHPRZ* 32/090: Flame sword cuts 2 horizontal.
    Location: Koto Square's shop.
    GMD in WWW Area 1.

    #030 AquaBlde
    Water AFJRZ* 32/090: Water sword cuts 2 horizontal.
    Location: Under Koto's chip merchant.
    GMD in WWW Area 1.

    #031 ElecBlde
    Elec EFMNR* 32/090: Electric sword cuts 2 horizontal.
    Location: GMD in UnderKoto.
    GMD in WWW Area 1.
    Undernet 1's chip merchant.

    #032 StepSword
    None DHMQU* 54/150: Two steps, then use a wide sword.
    Location: GMD in UnderNet 1.
    Complete the job "Please help".

    #033 Kunai1
    None EILPS* 48/040: Kunais up and down 1 square.
    Location: Snapper, found in the third part of the apartment complex server.

    #034 Kunai2
    None DFJQR* 64/040: Kunais up and down 2 squares.
    Location: Snapper2, found in UnderNet 5.

    #035 Kunai3
    None CGHKN* 78/040: Kunais up and down 3 squares.
    Location: Snapper3, found in WWW3.

    #036 CustSwrd
    None BGKQT* 68/??: Custom Gauge = Attack Strength.
    Location: Buy from NumberMan at any location.

    #037 Muramasa
    None NOTUW* 88/???: Sword that uses HPs to attack. (Max HP – Current HP =
    Location: Shadowman V3, found in UnderNet 5.

    #038 VarSwrd
    None BLNTZ* 40/160: A magical, shifting sword.
    Location: GMD in UnderNet 7.
    Trade the boy at the Marine Harbor station a Poismask S.

    #039 Slasher
    None ADHLQ* 24/180: Cuts while A button is held!
    Location: Complete job "Chip please!"

    #040 Shockwav
    None HJLRU* 10/040: Shock goes through enemies.
    Location: Mettaur, found in Den Area 1-3.

    #041 Sonicwav
    None EIMSW* 30/060: Shock goes through enemies.
    Location: Mettaur2, found in Yumland 1 and 2.
    Mettaur2, found in the freezer in Netopia Hotel.
    #042 Dynawav
    None GNQTV* 50/090: Shock goes through enemies.
    Location: GMD in UnderNet Area 4.
    GMD in UnderKoto.
    Mettaur3, found in UnderNet Area 3.
    Mettaur3, found in Kotobuki's apartment, 1st floor in the
    auto lock.

    #043 Quake1
    None AMPQW* 16/090: Attack cracks the floor.
    Location: Flappy, found in Den Area 2 and 3.

    #044 Quake2
    None BGNQW* 32/110: Attack cracks the floor.
    Location: GMD in UnderKoto.
    Flappy2, found in your freezer in your hotel room at Netopia.

    #045 Quake3
    None CEOQW* 64/130: Attack cracks the floor.
    Location: Flappy3, UnderNet Area 1 and 2.

    #046 GutPunch
    None BDHKN* 08/070: Punch that punches 1 square.
    Location: GutsMan (Busting level of 5+)

    #047 ColdPnch
    Water BDLPS* 08/070: Cold punch punches 1 square.
    Location: Yumland2's chip merchant.
    GMD in Den Area 3.

    #048 DashAtk
    None BDGJL* 12/090: Dash right through enemies.
    Location: Fishy, found in dog house alarm system.

    #049 Wrecker
    None OQSUW* 16/080: Can break 3rd square ahead.
    Location: Yumland 1 as green mystery data.

    #050 CannBall
    None l OPQRS* 22/150: Can break 3rd square ahead.
    Location: Netopia Area 3 in PMD.
    GMD in UnderNet 7,
    Hardhead, found in UnderKoto.

    #051 DoubNdl
    None ACFIJ* 18/050: 2 volleys of needles.
    Location: GMD in UnderNet Area 4.

    #052 TripNdl
    None CIMTV* 24/050: 3 volleys of needles.
    Location: Shellnerd, found in Mrs. Million's purse.

    #053 QuadNdl
    None CHIPU* 30/050: 4 volleys of needles.
    Location: The Duty Free shop in the Departure Lobby in Netopia.

    #054 Trident
    None EIKOT* 30/060:
    Location: WWW 1 NetDealer.

    #055 Ratton1
    None HIJKL* 26/070: A crawling rat that turns once.
    Location: Ratty, found in Netopia Area 2 and 3.

    #056 Ratton2
    None JKLMN* 32/080: A crawling rat that turns once.
    Location: Ratty2, found in the Kotobuki Apartment servers.

    #057 Ratton3
    None LMNOP* 38/090: A crawling rat that turns once.
    Location: Ratty3, found in WWW Area 2.

    #058 FireRat
    None BFGHR* 30/200: Amazing when lit with fire.
    Location: YumLand Area 1 in PMD.

    #059 Tornado
    None EJLMQ* 22/020: 8-hit tornado 2 ahead.
    Location: WWW1 NetDealer.

    #060 Twister
    Wood NOTUY* 22/020: 8-hit tornado 2 ahead.
    Location: Complete request "Fight Crime."
    GMD in Undernet3.

    #061 Blower
    Fire PRTWZ* 22/020:
    Location: Trade with a guy in the alley in Netopia for a PopUp D.

    #062 Burner
    Fire ABFLS* 28/150: Envelopes you with flames.
    Location: Fishy2, found in UnderNet Area 4 and 5.

    #063 ZapRing1
    Elec 1 AMPQW* 12/020: Paralyzing electric rings!
    Location: Bunny, found in Den Area 2 and 3.

    #064 ZapRing2
    Elec BGNRS* 16/030: Paralyzing electric rings!
    Location: TuffBunny, found in Netopia Area 1,2 and 3.

    #065 ZapRing3
    Elec CEOTZ* 20/040: Paralyzing electric rings!
    Location: MegaBunny, found in the vending machine in Kotobuki City.

    #066 Satelit1
    Elec GOQUW* 20/060: A floating & spinning satellite.
    Location: Spark, found in Yumland Area 1 and 2.

    #067 Satelit2
    Elec HJKPR* 24/080: A floating & spinning satellite.
    Location: The Statue in Yai’s house.

    #068 Satelit3
    Elec LSTYZ* 28/100: A floating & spinning satellite.
    Location: Sparkanoid, In the door lock in the Kotobuki Apartment.

    #069 Spice1
    Wood ACGQT* 14/100: Unhealthy powder on all grass.
    Location: Mosh, Mother Comp Areas.
    Mosh, Mrs. Millions’ purse.

    #070 Spice2
    Wood BEHJN* 28/120: Unhealthy powder on all grass.
    Location: Airplane Computer Area 1 in BMD.
    Moshy, Duty Free Shop in the Departure Lobby.

    #071 Spice3
    Wood DKMPQ* 42/140: Unhealthy powder on all grass.
    Location: Mushy, found in WWW Area 3.

    #072 MagBomb1
    Elec FGJMN* 10/080: Stops the enemy in its tracks.
    Location: Magneaker, found in the third part of the airplane's cockpit

    #073 MagBomb2
    Elec BDIRT* 14/100: Stops the enemy in its tracks.
    Location: Magmacker, Undernet Area 6.

    #074 MagBomb3
    Elec HKOQS* 18/120: Stops the enemy in its tracks.
    Location: WWW1 and WWW2.

    #075 Yo-Yo1
    None CERTV* 36/040: A 3-square yo-yo attack!
    Location: Yort, found in the first part of Kotobuki's apartment complex

    #076 Yo-Yo2
    None AGJKN* 40/050: A 3-square yo-yo attack!
    Location: Yurt, found in Undernet 6

    #077 Yo-Yo3
    None DIMSY* 44/060: A 3-square yo-yo attack!
    Location: Yart, found in WWW Area 3.

    #078 CrsShld1
    None AOPSZ* 18/130: Guard then bite into the enemy.
    Location: Dominerd1, NetCastle computers.

    #079 CrsShld2
    None AOPTV* 24/170: Guard then bite into the enemy.
    Location: Dominerd2, found in UnderKoto.

    #080 CrsShld3
    None AOPUW* 32/210: Guard then bite into the enemy.
    Location: Dominerd3, found in Undernet Area 7.

    #081 Hammer
    None RTUVZ* 24/100: Hammer for smashing things.
    Location: NetDealer in NetSquare.

    #082 ZeusHamr
    None JKOVZ* 70/200: Damage all if panel.
    Location: BugFrag exchange shop in KotoSquare, 16 BugFrags.

    #083 Lance
    Wood OPTVY* 20/090: A lance through back line.
    Loaction: GMD in WWW3.

    #084 BrnzFist
    None BNORS* 18/100: Fist of death!
    Location: YumLand Area 1 in PMD.

    #085 SilvFist
    None EILSV* 30/140: Fist of death!
    Location: UnderNet Area 7 in PMD.

    #086 GoldFist
    None DGLOZ* 60/180: Fist of death!
    Location: Complete request "Find my gem!"

    #087 PoisMask
    None DSUWZ* 24/000: Poison 1 panel with A Button!
    Location: PuffBall, Mother Computer Area 4 and 5.
    Duty Free shop in Netopia Departure Lobby.

    #088 PoisFace
    None PQUWY* 30/000: Spread poison w/ A Button!
    Location: PoofBall, found in the first part of Kotobuki's apartment complex

    #089 Whirlpl
    None ACEGI* 20/000: Whirlpool kills weak enemies!
    Location: Null, found in UnderNet Area 1, 2 and 3.

    #090 Blckhole
    None BDFHJ* 30/000: Black hole kills weak enemies!
    Location: Null, found in UnderNet Area 3.
    Void, found in UnderNet 7.

    #091 Meteor9
    Fire CELSV* 12/060: 9 fireball rains from the sky.
    Location: MettFire, found in Okuden Detonators.
    MettFire, found in the third part of the mother computer.

    #092 Meteor12
    Fire ACFJW* 24/080: 12 fireball rains from the sky.
    Location: Undernet 5.

    #093 Meteor15
    Fire DGHRZ* 48/100: 15 fireball rains from the sky.
    Location: DeathFire, found in UnderNet Area 2, 3 and 6.

    #094 Meteor18
    Fire BGIKO* 60/150: 18 fireball rains from the sky.
    Location: WWW3 (Mole2).

    #095 TimeBom1
    None CGKMZ* 32/170: Count to 0, the bomb explode.
    Location: Handy, found in Okuden, second bomb detonator.

    #096 TimeBom2
    None FGKOZ* 48/120: Count to 0, the bomb explode.
    Location: Handy2, second part of the Airplane server.

    #097 TimeBom3
    None EGKPZ* 64/200: Count to 0, the bomb explode.
    Location: Handy3, found in Koto Apartment Area 4.

    #098 LilCloud
    Water CGIKN* 16/070: Rain damage on one enemies's column.
    Location: Cloudy, Netopia Area 1, 2 and 3.
    Cloudy, freezer in the Hotel.

    #099 MedCloud
    Water DHJLO* 24/090: Rain damage on one enemies's column.
    Location: GMD in UnderNet Area 3.
    Cloudy2 found in UnderNet Area 1, 2 and 3.

    #100 BigCloud
    Water QRTVW* 32/110: Rain damage on one enemies's column.
    Location: Cloudy3, found in UnderNet Area 5 and 6.

    #101 Mine
    None LNRSV* 12/300: Place mine in enemy area.
    Location: WWW1 NetDealer.

    #102 FrntSnsr
    None HMQRT* 14/100: Automatic dynamite device.
    Location: WWW1 NetDealer.

    #103 DblSnsr
    None EJPWY* 24/100: Diagonal dynamite device.
    Location: WWW1 NetDealer.

    #104 Remobit1
    Elec EGJKN* 08/080: Generates remobit in enemy area.
    Location: Twisty1, Raoul's radio.

    #105 Remobit2
    Elec BFIRU* 16/080: Generates remobit in enemy area.
    Location: Twisty 2, found in UnderKoto.

    #106 Remobit3
    Elec ALMTY* 32/080: Generates remobit in enemy area.
    Location: ATM on 1st floor of Kotobuki apartment.

    #107 AquaBall
    Water ABQTW* 20/010: Pops when it hits something.
    Location: The huge information screen in The Center.

    #108 ElecBall
    Elec EHJKV* 20/010: Pops when it hits something.
    Location: Angel statue in NetCastle.

    #109 HeatBall
    Fire CFRSU* 20/010: Pops when it hits something.
    Location: Octavian, found in Undernet 7.

    #110 Geyser
    Water ABDLS* 40/200:Geyser if there is no panel.
    Location: YumLand Area 2 in PMD.

    #111 LavaDrag
    Fire FGORY* 60/200:
    Location: 24th Floor of the Kotobuki Apartment.

    #112 GodStone
    None EILQU* 60/150: Summons a God Stone!
    Location: WWW1 NetDealer.

    #113 OldWood
    Wood CMSTW* 60/100: Summons Old Wood!
    Location: WWW Area 2 in PMD.

    #114 Guard
    None * 02/000: Repel the enemy's attack.
    Location: Mettaur, found in Den Area 1, 2 and 3. (Busting level of 5-6)

    #115 PanlOut1
    None ABDLS* 04/000: Destroy 1 panel in front.

    #116 PanlOut3
    None CENRY* 08/000: Destroy 3 panels in front.

    #117 LineOut
    Fire FHJQY* 24/040: Destroy 1 line of panels!

    #118 Catcher
    None FIJNT* 12/000: Sends UFO to steal a chip.
    Location: RedUFO, found in UnderNet Area 7.

    #119 Mindbndr
    None DIMNT* 38/000: Enemy loses control.
    Location: GMD in UnderNet Area 4.
    Buy from NetDealer in UnderKoto.

    #120 Recov10
    None ACEGL* 02/000: Recovers 10HP.

    #121 Recov30
    None BDFHM* 04/000: Recovers 30 HP.

    #122 Recov50
    None CEGIN* 08/000: Recovers 50 HP.
    Location: Netopia Area 1 in BMD.

    #123 Recov80
    None DFHJO* 16/000: Recovers 80HP.

    #124 Recov120
    None OQSUW* 32/000: Recovers 120HP.
    Location: Kotobuki Apartment Area 1 in BMD.
    Spooky3, found in UnderNet Area 1, 2, 3 and 5.
    Spooky3, found in UnderKoto.

    #125 Recov150
    None NPRTV* 48/000: Recovers 150HP.
    Location: Spooky3, found in UnderNet Area 1, 2, 3 and 5.
    Spooky3, found in UnderKoto.

    #126 Recov200
    None MNUVW* 64/000: Recovers 200HP.
    Location: GMD in UnderNet Area 6.
    Complete request “To bug academics”.

    #127 Recov300
    None ORVWZ* 80/000: Recovers 300HP.
    Location: UnderNet Area 7 in BMD.

    #128 PanlGrab
    None BHKLP* 04/000: Steals 1 enemy square!
    Location: Den Area 1 in BMD.
    Den Area 3 NetDealer.
    #129 AreaGrab
    None ELRSZ* 08/000: Steals left edge from enemy.

    #130 GrabRvng
    None ALPSW* 24/000: Punishes for stolen panels!
    Location: Buy from a NetDealer in UnderNet Area 1.

    #131 Geddon1
    None CKLQS* 16/000: Cracks all panels!
    Location: Buy from NumberMan in Den Area 1.

    #132 Geddon2
    None JMRTZ* 32/000: Breaks all empty squares!
    Location: Buy from NumberMan in Den Area 1.

    #133 Geddon3
    None EJNPY* 48/000: Turns all panels to swamp!
    Location: Hidden NPC in Marine Harbor. Behind the stairs opposite the chip

    #134 Escape
    None FHJLN* 64/000: Escapes from some enemies.

    #135 AirShoes
    None AJOVZ* 12/000: Stand on empty square.
    Location: Kotobuki Shop for 4 BugFrags, or WWW3 (Mole2)

    #136 Repair
    None ACELP* 08/000: Fixes your side's panels.
    Location: NetSquare NetDealer.

    #137 Candle1
    None CFIMV* 50/000: Places a healing candle.

    #138 Candle2
    None AGJLT* 60/000: Places a healing candle.
    Location: CanDevil2, found in UnderNet Area 6.

    #139 Candle3
    None BEHNW* 70/000: Places a healing candle.

    #140 RockCube
    None BDGMV* 16/000: Places a stone cube in front.
    Location: Airplane Computer Area 1 in BMD.
    GMD in UnderNet Area 6.

    #141 Prism
    None BCLNQ* 24/000: Shoots all over after it hits.
    Location: Netopia Area 1 in BMD.

    #142 Guardian
    None OPUVZ* 54/000: Statue punishes when hit.
    Location: PMD in ATM on 1st floor of Kotobuki apartment.

    #143 Wind
    None GJOQT* 10/000: WindBox blows at enemy area.
    Location: GMD in UnderNet Area 6.
    Windbox, found in UnderKoto.

    #144 Fan
    None AGLNY* 10/000: VacuumFan sucks from enemy area.
    Location: GMD in UnderNet Area 4.
    VacuumFan, Raoul's radio.

    #145 Anubis
    None HKMUW* 90/000: 1x# damage if statue is present
    Location: S rank PharaohManV3, found in WWW1.

    #146 SloGauge
    None * 10/000: Cust Gauge slows down for battle.
    Location: Buy from NetDealer in UnderKoto.

    #147 FstGauge
    None * 10/000: Cust Gauge speeds up for battle.
    Location: Buy from NetDealer in UnderKoto.

    #148 FullCust
    None * 10/000: Cust Gauge is always full!

    #149 Invis1
    None AFLRU* 12/000: Invisible for a while.
    Location: Spooky1, found in Yumland.
    Spooky1, found in Yai’s Homepage.

    #150 Invis2
    None BHMQV* 24/000: Invisible for a while.

    #151 Invis3
    None CGKPW* 48/000: Invisible for a while.
    Location: Spooky3, found in UnderNet Area 2, 3 and 5.
    Spooky3, found in UnderKoto.
    GMD in UnderNet Area 6.

    #152 Dropdown
    None ACFQS* 64/000: Invisible until you attack!
    Location: Popper3, in WWW Area 2.

    #153 PopUp
    None DIJTW* 84/000: Invisible except for attack!
    Location: Mole, found in UnderNet Area 6.

    #154 StoneBod
    None CESTW* 64/000: Stone body takes only 1HP damage.
    Location: KnightMan, get a Busting Level of 7.(Netopia 1)

    #155 Shadow1
    None BGHLR* 32/000: Only sword attacks hurt you.
    Location: Shadow1, NetCastle computers.

    #156 Shadow2
    None DEJMT* 48/000: Only sword attacks hurt you.

    #157 Shadow3
    None CFKNV* 64/000: Only sword attacks hurt you.
    Location: WWW1

    #158 UnderSht
    None HJNRW* 18/000: Reduce you next damage to 1

    #159 Barrier
    None BELST* 08/000: Nullify damage one time!
    Location: Airplane Computer Area 5 in BMD.
    Square NetDealer.

    #160 BublWrap
    Water IJQRW* 36/000: Water barrier reforms.
    Location: WWW1 NetDealer.

    #161 LeafShld
    Wood ADRSW* 26/000: Next attack heals you.
    Location: Popper2, found in UnderNet Area 5.

    #162 AquaAura
    Water AWIMQ* 30/000: Repels attacks under 10.
    Location: MegalianA, found in UnderNet Area 4.
    GMD in WWW3.

    #163 FireAura
    Fire BFJNR* 36/000: Repels attacks under 40.
    Location: MegalianH, found in UnderNet Area 4.

    #164 WoodAura
    Wood CGJOS* 42/000: Repels attacks under 80.
    Location: Undernet 7.

    #165 ElecAura
    Elec DHLPT* 48/000: Repels attacks under 100.
    Location: MegalianE, found in UnderNet Area 7.

    #166 LifeAura1
    None BGIOQ* 60/000: Repels all attacks under 100.
    Location: Scuttle, found in WWW Area 1.

    #167 LifeAura2
    None DFJNR* 70/000: Repels all attacks under 150.
    Location: Scuttlest, found in WWW Area 2.

    #168 LifeAura3
    None EHKMT* 80/000: Repels all attacks under 200.
    Location: WWW3 from Bass. 247/250 chips required.

    #169 MagLine
    None AEIMQ* 24/000: Changes your line to magnet.
    Location: Buy from NetDealer in UnderSquare.

    #170 LavaLine
    None AFJMR* 24/000: Changes your line to lava.
    Location: Buy from NetDealer in UnderSquare.

    #171 IceLine
    None BEJNQ* 24/000: Changes your line to ice.
    Location: Buy from NetDealer in UnderSquare.

    #172 GrassLine
    None BFINR* 24/000: Changes your line to grass.
    Location: Airplane Computer Area 3 in BMD.
    Buy from NetDealer in UnderSquare.

    #173 LavaStage
    None DHMUV* 64/000: Changes all panels to lava.
    Location: WWW Area 1 in BMD.

    #174 IceStage
    None ACEIS* 64/000: Changes all panels to ice.
    Location: Koto Area 1 in BMD.

    #175 GrassStage
    None BDHPR* 64/000: Changes all panels to grass.
    Location: UnderNet Area 7 in BMD.
    WWW Area 3 in BMD.

    #176 HolyPanl
    None CEHLR* 64/000: Makes all panels holy.
    Location: Brushman, found in UnderNet Area 4.

    #177 Jealosy
    None EJORU* 22/000: More chips means more damage.
    Location: NetSquare NetDealer.

    #178 AntiFire
    Fire FKLPT* 32/000: Punishes enemy for using fire.
    Location: NumberMan, found in Den Area 1. (After you defeat Gospel.)

    #179 AntiElec
    Elec EHNUY* 32/000: Punishes enemy for using elec.
    Location: NumberMan, found in Den Area 1. (After you defeat Gospel.)

    #180 AntiWatr
    Water ADQWZ* 32/000: Punishes enemy for using
    Location: NumberMan, found in Den Area 1. (After you defeat Gospel.)

    #181 AntiDmg
    None CJMRS* 32/000: Fake pain and throw shurikens!
    Location: Trade kid on Airplane ShadowMan V1/V2/V3.

    #182 AntiSword
    None DHIMT* 32/000: Punishes use of swords.
    Location: UnderNet Area 7 in PMD.

    #183 AntiNavi
    None KLOTX* 32/000: Take the enemy’s Navi away.
    Location: WWW Area 3 in PMD.

    #184 AntiRecv
    None BDMPW 32/000: Punish the recovery of HPs!
    Location: UnderKoto in PMD.

    #185 Atk+10
    None * 04/000: +10 to selected AtkChip!

    #186 Atk+20
    None * 20/000: +20 to selected AtkChip!
    Location: UnderNet Area 6 in PMD.
    BugFrag exchange shop in KotoSquare.

    #187 Atk+30
    None * 38/000: +30 to selected AtkChip!

    #188 Fire+40
    None * 12/000: Adds 40 to Fire AttackChip
    Location: KotoSquare NetDealer.

    #189 Aqua+40
    None * 12/000: Adds 40 to Aqua AttackChip

    #190 Wood+40
    None * 12/000: Adds 40 to Wood AttackChip

    #191 Elec+40
    None * 12/000: Adds 40 to Elec AttackChip
    Location: NumberMan, found in Den Area 1. (After you defeat Gospel.)

    #192 Navi+20
    None * 24/000: +20 to selected NaviChip!
    Location: YumLand Area 2 in BMD.

    #193 Navi+40
    None * 42/000: +40 to selected NaviChip!
    Location: WWW Area 3 in BMD.

    #194 Roll
    None R* 08/060: Attacks 1 enemy then heals you.
    Location: Given by Mayl.

    #195 RollV2
    None R* 24/080: Attacks 1 enemy then heals you.
    Location: Given by Mayl.

    #196 RollV3
    None R* 48/100: Attacks 1 enemy then heals you.
    Location: Given by Roll.

    #197 Gutsman
    None G* 32/050: Creeps and smashes panels!
    Location: Dex in ACDC. Defeat GutsMan.

    #198 GutsmanV2
    None G* 48/070: Creeps and smashes panels!
    Location: Dex in ACDC. Defeat GutsMan.

    #199 GutsmanV3
    None G* 64/090: Creeps and smashes panels!
    Location: Dex in ACDC. Defeat GutsMan.

    #200 Protoman
    None B* 52/120: Swings sword at enemy face.
    Location: Chaud in Netopia. Defeat ProtoMan.

    #201 ProtomanV2
    None B* 64/160: Swings sword at enemy face.
    Location: Chaud in Netopia. Defeat ProtoMan.

    #202 ProtomanV3
    None B* 76/200: Swings sword at enemy face.
    Location: Chaud in Netopia. Defeat ProtoMan.

    #203 Airman
    None A* 16/040: Shoots air twisters in a line.
    Location: Defeat AirMan in Den Area 1.

    #204 AirmanV2
    None A* 34/070: Shoots air twisters in a line.
    Location: Defeat AirMan in Den Area 1.

    #205 AirmanV3
    None A* 52/100: Shoots air twisters in a line.
    Location: Defeat AirMan in Den Area 1.

    #206 Quickman
    None Q* 32/050: Boomerang attacks whole row.
    Location: Defeat QuickMan Koto Area 1.

    #207 QuickmanV2
    None Q* 56/070: Boomerang attacks whole row.
    Location: Defeat QuickMan Koto Area 1.

    #208 QuickmanV3
    None Q* 80/100: Boomerang attacks whole row.
    Location: Defeat QuickMan Koto Area 1.

    #209 Cutman
    None C* 20/150: Scissor attacks one square.
    Location: Defeat CutMan in Yumland Area 2.

    #210 CutmanV2
    None C* 50/200: Scissor attacks one square.
    Location: Defeat CutMan in Yumland Area 2.

    #211 CutmanV3
    None C* 80/300: Scissor attacks one square.
    Location: Defeat CutMan in Yumland Area 2.

    #212 ShadowMan
    None S* 64/060: Splits and shoots 3 shurikens!
    Location: Defeat ShadowMan in UnderNet 5.

    #213 ShadowManV2
    None S* 80/070: Splits and shoots 3 shurikens!
    Location: Defeat ShadowMan in UnderNet 5.

    #214 ShadowManV3
    None S* 96/080: Splits and shoots 3 shurikens!
    Location: Defeat ShadowMan in UnderNet 5.

    #215 KnightMan
    None K* 64/160: Smashes enemies in circle!
    Location: Defeat KnightMan in Netopia Area 1.

    #216 KnightManV2
    None K* 80/210: Smashes enemies in circle!
    Location: Defeat KnightMan in Netopia Area 1.

    #217 KnightManV3
    None K* 96/260: Smashes enemies in circle!
    Location: Defeat KnightMan in Netopia Area 1.

    #218 MagnetMan
    Elec M* 48/130: Bipolar tackle on 1 enemy.
    Location: Defeat MagnetMan in UnderNet Area 2.

    #219 MagnetManV2
    Elec M* 64/140: Bipolar tackle on 1 enemy.
    Location: Defeat MagnetMan in UnderNet Area 2.

    #220 MagnetManV3
    Elec M* 80/150: Bipolar tackle on 1 enemy.
    Location: Defeat MagnetMan in UnderNet Area 2.

    #221 FreezeMan
    Water F* 64/050: Rains icicles on enemies.
    Location: Defeat FreezeMan in UnderNet Area 7.

    #222 FreezeManV2
    Water F* 80/060: Rains icicles on enemies.
    Location: Defeat FreezeMan in UnderNet Area 7.
    #223 FreezeManV3
    Water F* 96/070: Rains icicles on enemies.
    Location: Defeat FreezeMan in UnderNet Area 7.

    #224 HeatMan
    Fire H* 64/100: Flame attack! Range is 3.
    Location: Mr. Match in Airport Boarding Lobby. Defeat HeatMan.

    #225 HeatManV2
    Fire H* 80/130: Flame attack! Range is 3.
    Location: Mr. Match in Airport Boarding Lobby. Defeat HeatMan.

    #226 HeatManV3
    Fire H* 96/160: Flame attack! Range is 3.
    Location: Mr. Match in Airport Boarding Lobby. Defeat HeatMan.

    #227 ToadMan
    Elec T* 28/100: Shocking melody paralyzes!
    Location: Ribbitta at Marine Harbor. Defeat ToadMan.

    #228 ToadManV2
    Elec T* 48/140: Shocking melody paralyzes!
    Location: Ribbitta at Marine Harbor. Defeat ToadMan.

    #229 ToadManV3
    Elec T* 68/180: Shocking melody paralyzes!
    Location: Ribbitta at Marine Harbor. Defeat ToadMan.

    #230 ThunMan
    Elec T* 30/080: Thunder attacks 3rd line.
    Location: Raoul in Netopia Alley. Defeat TunderMan.

    #231 ThunManV2
    Elec T* 60/130: Thunder attacks 3rd line.
    Location: Raoul in Netopia Alley. Defeat TunderMan.

    #232 ThunManV3
    Elec T* 90/180: Thunder attacks 3rd line.
    Location: Raoul in Netopia Alley. Defeat TunderMan.

    #233 SnakeMan
    Wood S* 25/030: Main attack and snakes!
    Location: Mrs. Millions in Netopia Jewelry Store. Defeat SnakeMan.

    #234 SnakeManV2
    Wood S* 50/040: Main attack and snakes!
    Location: Mrs. Millions in Netopia Jewelry Store. Defeat SnakeMan.

    #235 SnakeManV3
    Wood S* 75/050: Main attack and snakes!
    Location: Mrs. Millions in Netopia Jewelry Store. Defeat SnakeMan.

    #236 GateMan
    None G* 24/040: 3 soldiers charge forward!
    Location: Mr. Famous in The Center (Marine Harbor). Defeat GateMan.

    #237 GateManV2
    None G* 40/040: 4 soldiers charge forward!
    Location: Mr. Famous in The Center (Marine Harbor). Defeat GateMan.

    #238 GateManV3
    None G* 56/040: 5 soldiers charge forward!
    Location: Mr. Famous in The Center (Marine Harbor). Defeat GateMan.

    #239 PharoMan
    None P* 32/240: Laser-shooting coffin ect.
    Location: Defeat PharaohMan in WWW Area 1.

    #240 PharoManV2
    None P* 48/270: Laser-shooting coffin ect.
    Location: Defeat PharaohMan in WWW Area 1.

    #241 PharoManV3
    None P* 64/300: Laser-shooting coffin ect.
    Location: Defeat PharaohMan in WWW Area 1.

    #242 NapalmMan
    Fire N* 48/220: Bombs that even break panels!
    Location: Defeat NapalmMan in WWW Area 2.

    #243 NapalmManV2
    Fire N* 64/240: Bombs that even break panels!
    Location: Defeat NapalmMan in WWW Area 2.

    #244 NapalmManV3
    Fire N* 80/260: Bombs that even break panels!
    Location: Defeat NapalmMan in WWW Area 2.

    #245 PlanetMan
    Wood P* 64/070: Planet smashes 1 enemy!
    Location: Defeat PlanetMan in WWW Area 3.
    #246 PlanetManV2
    Wood P* 80/080: Planet smashes 1 enemy!
    Location: Defeat PlanetMan in WWW Area 3.

    #247 PlanetManV3
    Wood P* 96/090: Planet smashes 1 enemy!
    Location: Defeat PlanetMan in WWW Area 3.

    #248 Bass
    None F* 96/050: Air-burst attack on all lines!
    Location: Defeat Bass after defeating PlanetMan in WWW Area 1.

    #249 BassV2
    None F* 96/060: Air-burst attack on all lines!
    Location: Defeat Bass in WWW Area 3. (247/250 chips required.)

    #250 BassV3
    None X* 96/070: Air-burst attack on all lines!
    Location: Defeat Bass in WWW Area 3. (247/250 chips required.)

    Megaman Battle of Network 3
    1. Cannon 40 None * Cannon to attack 1 enemy
    Canodumb's in Den Area 1
    2. HiCannon 60 None ** Cannon to attack 1 enemy
    Canodumb2's in yoka areas
    3. M-Cannon 80 None *** Cannon to attack 1 enemy
    Canodumb3's in Tank in ACDC Town
    4. Airshot1 20 None * Knocks enemy back 1
    Comes in starting folder
    5. Airshot2 30 None ** Knocks enemy back 1
    GMD's in beach area
    6. Airshot3 40 None ** Knocks enemy back 1
    Enter 15789208 at the number machine in Higsby's shop
    7. LavaCan1 90 Fire * Fires lava fr. area
    Beat Volcano in Secret Area 2 and 3, undernet 3
    8. LavaCan2 120 Fire ** Fires lava fr. area
    Beat Volcaner in Secret Area 2 and 3
    9. LavaCan3 150 Fire *** Fires lava fr. area
    Beat Volcanest in Secret Area 3
    10. Volcanoe 150 Fire **** Fire lava from your area
    Beat Volcanest with Custom style in Secret Area 3
    11. ShotGun 30 None * Explodes 1 square behind
    GMD's in ACDC areas
    12. V-Gun 30 None * Explodes 2 diag. squares
    GMD's in ACDC areas
    13. SideGun 30 None * Explodes up, down on hit
    GMD's in ACDC areas
    14. Spreader 30 None ** Creates a large explosion
    GMD's in ACDC areas
    15. Bubbler 60 Aqua * Explodes 1 square behind
    Shrimpy in Yoka areas
    16. Bub-V 60 Aqua * Explodes 2 diag. squares
    Shrimpy2 in undernet1
    17. BublSide 60 Aqua ** Explodes up, down on hit
    Shrimpy3 in undernet7
    18. HeatShot 40 Fire *** Explodes 1 square behind
    Spikey in lans doghouse
    19. Heat-V 40 Fire * Explodes 2 diag. squares
    Spikey2 in lans doghouse
    20. HeatSide 40 Fire ** Explodes up, down on hit
    Spikey3 in undernet 7, lans doghouse
    21. MiniBomb 50 None *** Throws a bomb 3 squares
    Comes in starting folder
    22. SnglBomb 50 None * Throws a big bomb 3 squares
    Beetle in beach areas
    23. DublBomb 50 None * Throws 2 big bombs 3 squares
    Deetle on Hades Isle
    24. TrplBomb 50 None ** Throws 3 big bombs 3 squares
    Geetle in Secret areas
    25. CannBall 160 None *** Breaks 3rd panel ahead
    Hardheads in hospital area
    26. IceBall 120 Aqua *** Freezes 3rd sqr. ahead
    Coldheads in Hades Island's elimination console, must have fish
    27. LavaBall 140 Fire *** Shoot lava 3rd sq. ahead
    Heatheads in scilabs door to virus lab, must have oilbody
    28. BlkBomb1 120 Fire ** Firebomb hits 3rd sq ahead!
    BMD in Hades elimination console
    29. BlkBomb2 170 Fire *** Firebomb hits 3rd sq ahead!
    BMD in undernet 2
    30. BlkBomb3 220 Fire **** Firebomb hits 3rd sq ahead!
    bugfrag trader in yoka area 1, costs 90
    31. Sword 80 None * Cuts enmy in front! Range: 1
    Comes in starting folder
    32. WideSwrd 80 None ** Cuts enmy in front! Range: 3
    Comes in starting folder
    33. LongSwrd 80 None *** Cuts enmy in front! Range: 2
    Swordy in scilab areas
    34. FireSwrd 150 Fire *** Fire: Cuts fwd 3 squares
    Swordy2 in hospital areas
    35. AquaSwrd 150 Aqua *** Water: Cuts fwd 3 squares
    Swordy3 in secret areas
    36. ElecSwrd 130 Elec *** Elec: Cuts fwd 3 squares
    Shop in acdc square
    37. BambSwrd 140 Wood *** Wood: Cuts fwd 3 squares
    Shop in acdc square
    38. CustSwrd ???? None *** Cust Gauge = Atk Str
    Shop in acdc square
    39. VarSwrd 160 None **** A magical shifting sword
    Shop in beach square
    40. AirSwrd 100 None *** Wide swrd with air attack!
    Shop in under square
    41. StepSwrd 130 None **** 2 steps, then uses wide swrd
    42. StepCros 130 None **** 2 steps, then uses cross atk
    Bugfrag shop in undernet 2
    43. Slasher 240 None *** Cut while A button is held!
    44. ShockWav 60 None * Shock through enemies
    Metool in acdc areas
    45. SonicWav 80 None ** Shock through enemies
    Metool2 in yoka areas
    46. DynaWave 100 None *** Shock through enemies
    Metool3 in yoka inn tv
    47. BigWave 190 None **** Shck wave cracks panels
    S-rank metool3 with custom style in yoka inn tv
    48. GutPunch 80 None * Punch pushes 1 square
    BMD in dex's pc
    49. GutStrgt 100 None ** Punch 2 square range
    GMD's in beach areas
    50. GutImpct 160 None *** Punch pushes 1 square
    bugfrag trader in yoka area 1, costs 100
    51. DashAtk 90 None * Dash through enemies!
    Fishy in scilab area
    52. Burner 130 Fire *** Envelops you in flame!
    Fishy2 in yoka area 1
    53. Condor 180 None **** Chrge atk pierces enemies
    Fishy3 in undernet1
    54. Burning 150 Fire **** Fire atk in cross shape!
    S-rank Fishy2 with custom style in yoka area 1
    55. Zapring1 20 Elec * Pralyzing electric ring atk!
    Bunny in ACDC areas
    56. Zapring2 40 Elec ** Pralyzing electric ring atk!
    HiBunny in undernet areas
    57. Zapring3 60 Elec *** Pralyzing electric ring atk!
    MegaBunny in WWW comp (flashmans)
    58. IceWave1 80 Aqua * Creates a 2 sq wide ice wave!
    Pengi in scilab vending machine
    59. IceWave2 100 Aqua ** Creates a 2 sq wide ice wave!
    Pengu in scilab vending machine
    60. IceWave3 140 Aqua *** Creates a 2 sq wide ice wave!
    Penga in hospital area 5, equip fish
    61. Yo-Yo1 40 None * 3-square yo-yo attack!
    Yorts in Beach areas
    62. Yo-Yo2 50 None ** 3-square yo-yo attack!
    Yurt in Undernet areas
    63. Yo-Yo3 60 None *** 3-square yo-yo attack!
    Yart in Secret areas
    64. AirStrm1 50 None * Creates 3 whirlwinds
    SnoBlow in Beach areas
    65. AirStrm2 60 None ** Creates 3 whirlwinds
    LoBlow in Hades Isle gargoyle
    66. AirStrm3 70 None *** Creates 3 whirlwinds
    MoBlow in Secret areas
    67. Arrow1 100 Elec * Bee fly diagonal paths
    Elebee in WWW area
    68. Arrow2 130 Elec ** Bee fly diagonal paths
    Elewasp in Secret area 2
    69. Arrow3 160 Elec *** Bee fly diagonal paths
    Elehornet in Principals PC, equip battery
    70. Ratton1 80 None * Crawling rat, turns once
    Ratty1 in Scilab area 1
    71. Ratton2 100 None ** Crawling rat, turns once
    Ratty2 in undernet 7
    72. Ratton3 120 None *** Crawling rat, turns once
    Ratty3 in secret area 1
    73. FireRatn 230 None *** Activates when hit w/fire!
    PMD near Bowlman
    74. Wave 80 Aqua *** Creates a wave that moves 3 sq
    Jelly in WWW comps
    75. RedWave 90 Fire *** Creates a 3 sq wave of lava
    HeatJelly in undernet 7
    76. MudWave 100 Wood *** Mud wave advances 3 squares
    EarthJelly in Secret area 2
    77. Tornado 20 None ** An 8-hit tornado 2 ahead
    BMD in Yoka area 1
    78. Spice1 80 Wood * Dangerous powder on all grass
    Mushy in Hospital bed
    79. Spice2 110 Wood ** Dangerous powder on all grass
    Mashy in Hospital bed
    80. Spice3 140 Wood *** Dangerous powder on all grass
    Moshy in Secret areas
    81. Shake1 90 None * Vertical shaking 3 sq ahead
    Heavy in undernet5
    82. Shake2 110 None ** Vertical shaking 3 sq ahead
    Heavier in WWW hidden console
    83. Shake3 140 None *** Vertical shaking 3 sq ahead
    Heaviest in Secret areas
    84. NoBeam1 200 None ** Fires if something behind
    NO1's in secret area 1
    85. NoBeam2 260 None *** Fires if something behind
    NO2's in secret area 2
    86. NoBeam3 300 None **** Fires if something behind
    NO3's in secret area 3
    87. Hammer 100 None ** Hammer smashes front!
    BMD in ZOO area 4
    88. Geyser 200 Aqua **** Geyser 3 squares forward
    PMD in Zoo, hidden console
    89. Rope1 50 Wood * Entwines adjacent enemies!
    Viney in Hospital areas
    90. Rope2 70 Wood ** Entwines adjacent enemies!
    Viner in Undernet
    91. Rope3 90 Wood *** Entwines adjacent enemies!
    Vinest in WWW comps, equip jungle
    92. Boomer1 60 Wood * Boomerang encircles field
    Boomer in SciLab areas
    93. Boomer2 80 Wood ** Boomerang encircles field
    Gloomer in undernet areas
    94. Boomer3 100 Wood *** Boomerang encircles field
    Doomer in Secret areas
    95. PoisMask None * Poison area w/ A button!
    Puffball in Undernet areas
    96. PoisFace None ** Spread poison w/ A button!
    Poofball in Hospital areas
    97. RockArm1 100 None * Paralyzes enemy w/ erthquake
    Crasher in Scilab areas
    98. RockArm2 150 None ** Paralyzes enemy w/ erthquake
    Crasher2 in DNN van
    99. RockArm3 200 None *** Paralyzes enemy w/ erthquake
    Breaker in Secret areas
    100. CrsShld1 160 None * Guard, and bite into the enemy
    Dominerd in Undernet areas
    101. CrsShld2 210 None ** Guard, and bite into the enemy
    Dominerd2 in WWW consoles
    102. CrsShld3 260 None *** Guard, and bite into the enemy
    Dominerd3 in Secret area 3
    103. Magnum1 120 Fire * Cursor destroys panel!
    Basher in WWW areas
    104. Magnum2 150 Fire ** Cursor destroys panel!
    Smasher in Secret area 3
    105. Magnum3 180 Fire *** Cursor destroys panel!
    Trasher in Tank in ACDC Town, equip oilbody
    106. Plasma1 30 Elec * Launches electric attack
    Plasma in Principals PC
    107. Plasma2 60 Elec ** Launches electric attack
    PlasmaBall in WWW areas
    108. Plasma3 90 Elec *** Launches electric attack
    PlasmaGlobe in Secret areas
    109. RndmMetr 100 Fire *** Meteors smash enemies!
    Metrid in undernet1
    110. HoleMetr 100 Fire *** Meteors smash into sq
    WWW areas
    111. ShotMetr 100 Fire *** Meteors shoot out forward
    Secret areas
    112. Needler1 30 None * Advance w/ A, stop to attack
    Needler in Hospital areas
    113. Needler2 40 None ** Advance w/ A, stop to attack
    Nailer in tank in ACDC Town
    114. Needler3 50 None *** Advance w/ A, stop to attack
    Needlest in Secret area 3
    115. Totem1 100 Fire * Creates a totem to blow fire
    Totem in Hospital areas
    116. Totem2 140 Fire ** Creates a totem to blow fire
    Totam in undernet 5
    117. Totem3 180 Fire *** Creates a totem to blow fire
    Totem in secret area 1
    118. Sensor1 100 Elec *** Sensor to watch sq ahead
    KillerEye in Undernet
    119. Sensor2 130 Elec *** Watch sq ahead or diagonal
    DemonsEye in Undernet
    120. Sensor3 130 Elec *** Watch sq ahead or diagonal
    JokersEye in Secret area
    121. MetaGel1 90 Aqua * Gel atk steals a panel!
    Slimey in Yoka areas
    122. MetaGel2 130 Aqua ** Gel atk steals a panel!
    Slimer in Hospital Vending Machine
    123. MetaGel3 170 Aqua *** Gel atk steals a panel!
    Slimest in Secret areas
    124. Pawn 90 None *** Attack by pressing A button
    Shop in Undernet 4
    125. Knight 150 None *** Jumps fwd and attacks
    Shop in Under Square
    126. Rook None *** Protects you from attacks
    GMD's In Secret areas
    127. Team1 10 None ** Powers up when ally is hit
    Teamy in DNN editting room control panel
    128. Team2 None ** Ally's HP recovered if hurt
    Teamy in DNN editting room control panel
    129. TimeBomb 150 None *** An area-wide time bomb
    Shop in Beach Square
    130. Mine 300 None *** Places a mine in enmy area
    GMD's in Secret area 3
    131. Lance 130 Wood *** Lances through back line
    BMD in Undernet 3
    132. Snake 40 Wood *** Snake from hole in area
    Recieve from higsby
    133. Guard None * Repels enemy's attack
    Mettaurs in ACDC areas
    134. PanlOut1 None * Destroys 1 panel in front
    GMD's in ACDC area
    135. PanlOut3 None * Destroys 3 panels in front
    BMD in ACDC area 3
    136. PanlGrab None * Steals one enemy square!
    Shop in ACDC Square
    137. AreaGrab None ** Steals left edge from enmy
    Shop in Yoka Square
    138. GrabBack 40 None *** Retaliate stolen panels!
    BMD in Scilab 2
    139. GrabRvng 80 None **** Retaliate stolen panels!
    140. RockCube None * Places a rock cube in front
    Shop in Scilab Square
    141. Prism None *** Prism fires randomly
    Win gambling in scilab 4 times in a row
    142. Wind None * Windbox blows at enmy area
    Windbox in Yoka areas
    143. Fan None * Vacuum pulls enemies
    FanBox in Undernet areas
    144. Fanfare None *** Take no damage for a while
    Trumpy in Beach areas
    145. Discord None *** Confuses enemies w/ music
    Tuby in Undernet areas
    146. Timpani None *** Paralyzes enemies w/ music
    Piccolo in WWW areas
    147. Recov10 None * Recovers 10HP
    Shop in ACDC 2
    148. Recov30 None * Recovers 30HP
    BMD in ZOO area 3
    149. Recov50 None ** Recovers 50HP
    GMD's in Yoka and Scilab areas
    150. Recov80 None ** Recovers 80HP
    Beach area GMD's
    151. Recov120 None *** Recovers 120HP
    BMD in Hospital area 1
    152. Recov150 None *** Recovers 150HP
    BMD in WWW areas
    153. Recov200 None **** Recovers 200HP
    BMD in Undernet 4
    154. Recov300 None **** Recovers 300HP
    Will Job
    155. Repair None * Fix your area's panels
    BMD in Yai's Phone
    156. SloGauge None *** CustGauge slows down in battle
    157. FstGauge None *** CustGauge speeds up in battle
    158. Panic None *** Confuses enmies if you are
    PMD in ACDC area 1
    159. Geddon1 None *** Cracks all panels!
    BMD in Zoo comp
    160. Geddon2 None **** Breaks all empty squares!
    Under plant in Hospital area 3
    161. Geddon3 None **** Turn all panels to swamp!
    BMD in Secret area 1
    162. CopyDmg None *** Duplicate damage on 2nd enemy
    BMD in Zoo area 2
    163. Invis None *** Invisible for a while
    ACDC Square Shop
    164. Shadow None *** Only swrd attack hurt you
    Shadow in Secret area 2
    165. Mole1 None * Attacks fr. under ground!
    Momogra in Hades area
    166. Mole2 None ** Attacks fr. under ground!
    Momogro in undernet 7
    167. Mole3 None *** Attacks fr. under ground!
    Momogru in secret areas
    168. AirShoes None *** Can stand on empty squares
    BMD in Virus Lab door
    169. Barrier None * Nullifies 10HP of damage!
    Shop in ACDC area 2
    170. Barr100 None ** Nullifies 100HP of damage!
    Shop in Beach Square
    171. Barr200 None *** Nullifies 200HP of damage!
    172. Aura None *** Repels attacks under 100
    Undernet 6, access from DNN Editting room
    173. NrthWind None **** Wind removes auras, etc
    Shop in Secret area 2
    174. Mettaur ???? None ***** Summons a Mettaur to fight!
    Virus lab
    175. Bunny ???? Elec ***** Summons a Bunny to fight!
    Virus lab
    176. Spikey ???? Fire ***** Summons a Spikey to fight!
    Virus lab
    177. Swordy ???? None ***** Summons a Swordy to fight!
    Virus lab
    178. Jelly ???? None ***** Summons a Jelly to fight!
    Virus lab
    179. Mushy ???? Wood ***** Summons a Mushy to fight!
    Virus lab
    180. Momogra ???? None ***** Summons a Momogra to fight!
    Virus lab
    181. KillrEye ???? Elec ***** Summons a KillerEye to fight!
    Virus lab
    182. Scuttlst ???? None ***** Summons a Scuttlest to fight!
    Virus lab
    183. Hole None **** Open hole to dark world
    BMD in secret area 3
    184. HolyPanl None ** Creates a holy pnl in front
    Brushman in Undernet 5
    185. LavaStge None *** Changes all panls to lava
    Mr. Match (main story)
    186. IceStage None *** Changes all panls to ice
    Trade for FireSword P outside Ura Inn
    187. GrassStg None *** Changes all panls to grass
    ACDC Square Shop
    188. SandStge None *** Changes all panls to sand
    GMD's in Undernet area 3
    189. MetlStge None *** Changes all panls to metal
    Shop in Beach Square
    190. Snctuary None **** Change own panls to holy
    BMD in Secret area 3
    191. AntiDamg 100 None *** Sets trap & throws stars!
    Shop in Scilab Square
    192. AntiSwrd 100 None *** Retaliate for sword damage
    Trade for Shadow J with man in DNN Editting Room
    193. AntiNavi None **** Take the enemy's Navi away
    BMD in Secret area 2
    194. AntiRecv None *** Punish recovery of HPs!
    195. Atk+10 None * +10 for selected atk chip
    ACDC area 2 shop
    196. Fire+30 None ** +30 for Fire atk chip
    BMD in hot springs Lion Console
    197. Aqua+30 None ** +30 for Aqua atk chip
    198. Elec+30 None ** +30 for Elec atk chip
    Zoo area
    199. Wood+30 None ** +30 for Wood atk chip
    Bugfrag shop in Yoka 1
    200. Navi+20 None ** +20 for selected Navi chip
    Bugfrag shop in Undernet 2


    Mega Class Chips
    #. Chip Name Damage Element Rareness What it does
    Where to find it

    1. Muramasa ???? None ***** Power= amount of HP lost!
    Enter 50098263 at the number machine in Higsby's shop
    2. HeroSwrd 180 None **** Legendary swrd cuts 3 sq!
    Enter 03284579 at the number machine in Higsby's shop
    3. ZeusHamr 250 None ***** Damages anyone on a panel
    Trade at hades isle, bring grabback K
    4. StandOut 220 Fire *** Heat: Send Fire into hole
    Can be bought from Mr. Higsby at his shop
    5. Salamndr 300 Fire **** Heat: Send Fire into hole
    Enter 65497812 at the number machine in Higsby's shop
    6. WatrLine 180 Aqua *** Water: Draw wter from hole
    Can be bought from Mr. Higsby at his shop
    7. Fountain 240 Aqua *** Water: Draw wter from hole
    Enter 88543997 at the number machine in Higsby's shop
    8. Ligtning 160 Elec *** Elec: Dmgs object & area
    Can be bought from Mr. Higsby at his shop
    9. Bolt 210 Elec *** Elec: Dmgs object & area
    Enter 54390805 at the number machine in Higsby's shop
    10. GaiaSwrd 100 Wood *** Wood: Take power frm next chip
    Can be bought from Mr. Higsby at his shop
    11. GaiaBlad 100 Wood **** Wood: Take power fr. next chip
    Enter 33157825 at the number machine in Higsby's shop
    12. Meteors 40 Fire **** Drop many meteors on enemy
    Bugfrag Trader in Undernet 2, use gargoyle on Hades Isle to access
    13. Guardian None ***** Statue punishes when hit
    BMD in undernet 7
    14. Anubis None ***** Anubis poisons enemies
    Can be bought from Mr. Higsby at his shop for 80000z
    15. Godstone 150 None **** Summons a GodStone from hole
    Bugfrag Trader in Undernet 2, use gargoyle on Hades Isle to access
    16. OldWood 100 Wood **** Summons OldWood from hole
    Can be bought from shop in Undernet Square
    17. Jealousy 100 None *** More dmg if enemy has chips
    DNN editting console
    18. Poltrgst None ***** Objects thrown at enemies!
    Basement of hospital, behind tree of life
    19. LifAura None **** Repel all attacks under 200
    Scuttles in Secret Area 3
    20. FullCust None *** CustGauge instantly refills!
    Bugfrag Shop in undernet 2
    21. Atk+30 None *** +30 for selected atk chip
    Shop in undernet 4
    22. Navi+40 None *** +40 for selected Navi chip
    Quiz Master on Hades Isle
    23. Roll 20 None *** Attack an enemy, heal you
    24. RollV2 30 None **** Attack an enemy, heal you
    25. RollV3 40 None ***** Attack an enemy, heal you
    26. GutsMan 50 None *** Sneaks up to smash panels
    27. GutsManV2 70 None **** Sneaks up to smash panels
    28. GutsManV3 90 None ***** Sneaks up to smash panels
    29. GutsManV4 100 None ***** Sneaks up to smash panels
    30. ProtoMan 160 None *** Moves in to slice the enemy
    31. ProtoMnV2 180 None **** Moves in to slice the enemy
    32. ProtoMnV3 200 None ***** Moves in to slice the enemy
    33. ProtoMnV4 220 None ***** Moves in to slice the enemy
    34. FlashMan 50 Elec *** Flash atk paralyzes enemy
    35. FlashMnV2 70 Elec **** Flash atk paralyzes enemy
    36. FlashMnV3 90 Elec ***** Flash atk paralyzes enemy
    37. FlashMnV4 120 Elec ***** Flash atk paralyzes enemy
    38. BeastMan 40 None *** Claw atk 3 squares ahead!
    39. BeastMnV2 50 None **** Claw atk 3 squares ahead!
    40. BeastMnV3 60 None ***** Claw atk 3 squares ahead!
    41. BeastMnV4 70 None ***** Claw atk 3 squares ahead!
    42. BubblMan 20 Aqua *** Fires several AquaShots
    43. BubblMnV2 20 Aqua **** Fires several AquaShots
    44. BubblMnV3 20 Aqua ***** Fires several AquaShots
    45. BubblMnV4 20 Aqua ***** Fires several AquaShots
    46. DesrtMan 120 None *** Launches fists at enemies!
    47. DesrtMnV2 140 None **** Launches fists at enemies!
    48. DesrtMnV3 160 None ***** Launches fists at enemies!
    49. DesrtMnV4 180 None ***** Launches fists at enemies!
    50. PlantMan 20 Wood *** Vines harm all enemies!
    51. PlantMnV2 30 Wood **** Vines harm all enemies!
    52. PlantMnV3 40 Wood ***** Vines harm all enemies!
    53. PlantMnV4 50 Wood ***** Vines harm all enemies!
    54. FlamMan 120 Fire *** Flames burn all enemies!
    55. FlamManV2 150 Fire **** Flames burn all enemies!
    56. FlamManV3 180 Fire ***** Flames burn all enemies!
    57. FlamManV4 210 Fire ***** Flames burn all enemies!
    58. DrillMan 70 None *** 3 drills fly at enemies!
    59. DrillMnV2 90 None **** 3 drills fly at enemies!
    60. DrillMnV3 110 None ***** 3 drills fly at enemies!
    61. DrillMnV4 130 None ***** 3 drills fly at enemies!
    62. MetalMan 100 None *** Iron fist smashes 1 square!
    63. MetalMnV2 130 None **** Iron fist smashes 1 square!
    64. MetalMnV3 160 None ***** Iron fist smashes 1 square!
    65. MetalMnV4 190 None ***** Iron fist smashes 1 square!
    66. KingMan 140 None *** Move up 3 square & 4-way hit
    67. KingManV2 170 None **** Move up 3 square & 4-way hit
    68. KingManV3 200 None ***** Move up 3 square & 4-way hit
    69. KingManV4 240 None ***** Move up 3 square & 4-way hit
    70. MistMan 90 None *** Appears from mist & attacks
    71. MistManV2 110 None **** Appears from mist & attacks
    72. MistManV3 130 None ***** Appears from mist & attacks
    73. MistManV4 150 None ***** Appears from mist & attacks
    74. BowlMan 100 None *** Lines up pins for a strike!
    75. BowlManV2 120 None **** Lines up pins for a strike!
    76. BowlManV3 140 None ***** Lines up pins for a strike!
    77. BowlManV4 160 None ***** Lines up pins for a strike!
    78. DarkMan 30 None *** Creates 3 caves in enmy area
    79. DarkManV2 30 None **** Creates 3 caves in enmy area
    80. DarkManV3 30 None ***** Creates 3 caves in enmy area
    81. DarkManV4 30 None ***** Creates 3 caves in enmy area
    82. JapanMan 40 None *** Multiple attacks w/ spear
    83. JapanMnV2 45 None **** Multiple attacks w/ spear
    84. JapanMnV3 50 None ***** Multiple attacks w/ spear
    85. JapanMnV4 55 None ***** Multiple attacks w/ spear

    Megaman Battle of Network 4
    001: Cannon A,B,C,*
    002: Hi-Cannon C,D,E
    003: Mega Cannon E,F,G
    004: Air Shot A,S,V,*
    005: Vulcan 1 E,S,V,*
    006: Vulcan 2 B,H,O
    007: Vulcan 3 O,T,W
    008: Spread Gun L,M,N,*
    009: Heat Shot B,C,D
    010: Heat V C,D,E
    011: Heat Side D,E,F
    012: Bubble Shot P,Q,R
    013: Bubble V C,D,E
    014: Bubble Side D,E,F
    015: Thunderball 1 B,L,P,*
    016: Thunderball 2 H,P,S
    017: Thunderball 3 I,T,W
    018: Wide Shot 1 C,D,E,*
    019: Wide Shot 2 L,M,N
    020: Wide Shot 3 S,T,U
    021: Flame Line 1 F,G,H,*
    022: Flame Line 2 D,E,F
    023: Flame Line 3 J,K,L
    024: Gun Del Sol 1 A,G,M,*
    025: Gun Del Sol 2 B,G,S
    026: Gun Del Sol 3 C,G,T
    027: Blizzard H,J,V,*
    028: Heat Breath D,K,O,*
    029: Elec Shock J,L,S,*
    030: Woody Powder F,T,W,*
    031: Sand Ring C,R,S,*
    032: Twin Fang 1 A,B,C,*
    033: Twin Fang 2 O,P,Q
    034: Twin Fang 3 F,G,H
    035: Element Flare K,N,P
    036: Element Ice H,Q,V
    037: Element Leaf C,D,I
    038: Element Sand A,L,S,*
    039: Magbolt 1 B,C,D
    040: Magbolt 2 E,F,G
    041: Magbolt 3 A,B,C
    042: Tornado E,L,T
    043: Noise Storm B,G,Z,*
    044: Mini Bomb B,L,T,*
    045: Energy Bomb E,N,T
    046: Mega Energy Bomb D,J,W
    047: Hougan B,T,V,*
    048: Black Bomb D,H,Z
    049: Kanketsusen B,L,V
    050: Bug Bomb B,G,Z
    051: Bound Note 1 C,O,S,*
    052: Bound Note 2 A,T,Y
    053: Bound Note 3 E,I,O
    054: Sword E,L,S
    055: Wide Sword E,L,S
    056: Long Sword E,L,S
    057: Wide Blade C,K,S
    058: Long Blade G,R,S
    059: Custom Sword B,P,S
    060: Variable Sword C,J,V
    061: Iai Form F,H,R
    062: Fuujin Racket A,L,R,*
    063: Air Hockey 1 D,E,F,*
    064: Air Hockey 2 I,J,K
    065: Air Hockey 3 U,V,W
    066: Counter 1 F,M,T,*
    067: Counter 2 B,H,L,*
    068: Counter 3 A,N,V
    069: Boomerang 1 L,M,N,*
    070: Boomerang 2 L,M,N
    071: Boomerang 3 S,T,U
    072: Side Bamboo 1 B,I,R,*
    073: Side Bamboo 2 H,O,S
    074: Side Bamboo 3 A,F,U
    075: Bamboo Lance A,G,R,*
    076: White Web 1 D,L,R,*
    077: White Web 2 C,E,Y,*
    078: White Web 3 K,O,V,*
    079: Moko Rush 1 C,I,M
    080: Moko Rush 2 G,K,U
    081: Moko Rush 3 O,T,Y
    082: Circle Gun 1 H,T,Z
    083: Circle Gun 2 D,G,T
    084: Circle Gun 3 J,M,R
    085: Common Snake D,M,R
    086: Magnum H,Q,V
    087: Big Hammer 1 B,O,R
    088: Big Hammer 2 G,J,W
    089: Big Hammer 3 D,V,Z
    090: Boy's Bomb 1 E,J,M
    091: Boy's Bomb 2 I,S,W
    092: Boy's Bomb 3 G,T,V
    093: Count Bomb J,K,L
    094: Stealth Mine C,H,Z
    095: Stone Cube *
    096: Toppou E,G,N,*
    097: Suikomi *
    098: Ouenka *
    099: Discord E,G,N,*
    100: Tinpani P,T,Z,*
    101: Silence C,M,R,*
    102: Wara Ningyou I,O,Y
    103: Met Guard 1 A,L,V,*
    104: Met Guard 2 C,G,P,*
    105: Met Guard 3 F,R,T,*
    106: Crack-out *
    107: Double Crack B,L,R,*
    108: Triple Crack B,L,R,*
    109: Recovery 10 A,L,N,*
    110: Recovery 30 F,H,R,*
    111: Recovery 50 E,L,S,*
    112: Recovery 80 B,J,O,*
    113: Recovery 120 F,J,Q,*
    114: Recovery 150 C,T,Z
    115: Recovery 200 H,M,W
    116: Recovery 300 J,N,Y
    117: Repair I,P,R,*
    118: Panel Steal K,O,Y,*
    119: Area Steal E,M,S,*
    120: Steal Jelly K,T,Z
    121: Steal Punish E,K,P
    122: Steal Revenge D,J,N
    123: Panel Return *
    124: Deathmatch 1 J,K,W
    125: Deathmatch 2 N,T,Y
    126: Deathmatch 3 H,Q,U
    127: Heavy Gauge E,H,V,*
    128: Quick Gauge I,Q,U,*
    129: Blind *
    130: Super Kitakaze E,N,T,*
    131: Holy Panel *
    132: Dark Hole *
    133: Invisible *
    134: Pop-up J,P,Y,*
    135: Barrier A,D,Z,*
    136: Barrier 100 P,Q,W
    137: Barrier 200 I,O,U
    138: Kakigenkin K
    139: Daikouzui D
    140: Hiraishin H
    141: Mayoi no Mori M
    142: Kawarimi K,M,R
    143: Shirahadori C,I,N,*
    144: Navi Scout J,M,T
    145: Bad Medicine B,D,G,*
    146: Copy Damage *
    147: Life Synchro N,Q,Y
    148: Attack +10 *
    149: Navi +20 *
    150: Color Point *
    Thui nhé nbác Asa có thể không cộng EXP cho cái này cũng được (^^0
    Bài viết sau sẽ là nói về công việc (jobs) nghen >:-D<t
  2. Lord Chu Du

    Lord Chu Du T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Somewhere I Belong
    Bây giờ là vê công việc nghen
    Hình như là job thì MM 1 và 2 không có đâu
    Megaman Battle Of Network 3
    Job #1 Please deliver this
    Tiền thưởng :Yo-Yo1 D
    Cách làm :Jack in vào SciLab Virus Lab .Đi vào CyberMetro và đi đến ACDC .Đi theo con đường và gặp một con NAvi màu đỏ .Con Navi ây muốn nhờ bạn đưa đồ cho chông của con Navi đó .Bạn jack in vào cái bảng của lớp LAn và đưa đồ cho con Navi .Sau khi đưa xong thì quay lại nhận tiền thưởng

    Job #2 My Navi is sick
    Tiền thưởng :Reg-Up3
    Cách làm :đi tới nhà ga của Scilab và đưa cho cái con nhóc đứng ở đó Recov30* của bạn .Xong rùi đó [-(

    Job #3 Help me with my son!
    Tiền thưởng :SpinYllw
    Cách làm :đi đến nhà ga Yoka và bạn nòi chuyện với 1 cái bà đứng ở đó .Sau đó jack vô máy tính của LAn .Đi đến ACDC 3 .Tìm con Navi màu hồng và đánh với nó .Bạn sé đánh Mettaur2,Fishy, và Boome .Sau đó quay lại nói chuện với bà kia và nhận tiền thưởng .

    Job #4 Transmission error
    Tiền thưởng :HpMemory
    Cách làm :đi đến Scilab và nói chuyện với ông tiến sĩ .Sau đó đến Zoo và bấm A vào chuồng của con flamingos .Bạn sẽ đánh Yort, Ratty, và Ratty2
    .Sau đó đi lại nói chuyện với ông tiến sĩ và nhận tiền thưởng :-?

    Job #5 Chip Prices
    Tiền thưởng :Slasher B
    Cách làm :đi đến ACDC .Nói với con NAvi ở phía trên bên phải con đường .Đi đến SciLab Square nói chuyện với con Navi màu hồng .Lại trở về ACDC Square và nói với con Navi ban nãy .Và bây giờ đi gặp con Navi ở SciLab Square và xác định lại giá cả .Cuối cùng quay về n1oi chuyện với con Navi màu hồng để nhận tiền thưởng
    Thui nghen trễ rùi bây giờ me đi ngủ B-) mai post tiếp hen [-o<
  3. Lord Chu Du

    Lord Chu Du T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Somewhere I Belong
    Đây đây post tiếp đây (^^)Xin lỗi để chờ lâu
    Job #6 I'm broke?!
    Tiền thưởng :8000 Zennys quay lại và HPMemory
    Cách làm :đến yoka ,vô nhà trọ gặp người đàn ông và nói chuyện với ông ta .Sau khi nói xong thì ra ngoài ngồi đợi một chút sau đo quay dô nói chuyện lại với ông ta .Đi đến Yoka 1 và 1 trong hai con NAvi là kẻ trộm .Bạn sẽ đánh với Shrimpy2, Spikey2, and Ratty2 .Bạn sẽ nhận được CashData, sau đó đưa cho người đàn ông và nhận tiền thưởng

    Job #7 Rare chips for cheap!
    Tiền thưởng :10000 Zenny
    Cách làm : đi đến nhà của Yai và jack vào cái điện thoại của yai và đấu với con navi .Bạn sẽ phải đánh two Twinners (bạn phải tiêu diệt cùng lúc ).Sau đó con Navi sẽ đưa co bạn tiền thưởng .

    Job #8 Be my boyfriend
    Tiền thửng :StepSwrd O
    Cách làm :đi đến Beach Square .Trả lời các câu hỏi ,thứ tự các câu trả lời như sau Yeah, that drama! My own CyberMetro. Uh, sure? .Sau đó nhận tiền thưởng

    Job #9 Will you deliver?
    Tiền thưởng :Aqua+30*
    Cách làm :đi đến yoka ,trên con đừơng đến nhà trọ thì gặp một bà lão nhận TimeBomb N từ bà già .Đi đến DNN và gặp một ông già và đưa con chip cho ông ta .Đi lại gặp bà già và lấy Invis*, đi đến ACDC square và đưa con chip đó cho tên NAvi màu đỏ .Đi về gặp bà già và lấy iền thưởng

    Job #10 Look for friends (Tora)
    Tiền thưởng :Reg-Up3
    Cách làm:đi đến công viên ACDC và nói chuyện với người đàn ông .Đi đến yoka 1 và gặp tên NAvi ,nói chuyện với nó .Đi đến sở thú và nói với nhà khoa học ở đó .Sau đấy quay về cỗ người đàn ông ở ACDC và nhận tiền thưởng

    Job #11 Stuntmen wanted! (Tora)
    Tiền thưởng :HPMemory
    Cách làm :đi đến Beach 1, gặp con NAvi và bạn sẽ đánh với nó .BẠn sẽ đánh với Yort, HardHead, Skikey2,Mettaur,
    Fishy, Spikey2, Shrimpy Beetle, Beetle, Shrimpy, Shrimpy, Boomer

    Stop sau đây là phần code của Numberman
    Code: 01697824
    Item: CopyDmg *

    Code: 03284579
    Item: HeroSwrd P

    Code: 15789208
    Item: AirShot3 *

    Code: 21247895
    Item: HiCannon *

    Code: 31549798
    Item: Spreader *

    Code: 33157825
    Item: GaiaBlde *

    Code: 50098263
    Item: Muramasa M

    Code: 54390805
    Item: Thndrblt *

    Code: 63997824
    Item: VarSword F

    Code: 65497812
    Item: Salamndr *

    Code: 76889120
    Item: StpCross S

    Code: 88543997
    Item: Tsunami *

    Code: 95913876
    Item: GtStrght S

    Code: 19878934
    Item: SetSand

    Code: 23415891
    Item: AirShoes

    Code: 24586483
    Item: SneakRun

    Code: 41465278
    Item: WpnLV +1

    Code: 11002540
    Item: SpinBlue

    Code: 28274283
    Item: SpinGrn

    Code: 72563938
    Item: SpinRed

    Code: 77955025
    Item: SpinWht

    Code: 90690648
    Item: Mr. Famous's Wristband

    Code: 05088930
    Item: Untrap

    Code: 24586483
    Item: SneakRun

    Code: 35331089
    Item: Unlocker

    Code: 46823480
    Item: Untrap

    Code: 56892168
    Item: FullEnrg

    Code: 57789423
    Item: MiniEnrg

    Code: 86508964
    Item: MiniEnrg

    Code: 87824510
    Item: LockEnmy

    Code: 99826471
    Item: FullEnrg

    Xong rùi đó ,Mây you đợi kỳ sau nghen (^^)
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