Age of Empires: Rise of Rome

Thảo luận trong 'Cheat Code - Hints - Secrets' bắt đầu bởi muoima, 13/10/07.

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  1. muoima

    muoima Sonic the Hedgehog

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    Age of Empires: Rise of Rome ngoai cheat ra con co trainer ko, neu co cho em xin.
  2. king_magic3

    king_magic3 T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Có Cheat thôi :
    CHEAT-Nghĩa của Cheat

    PEPPERONI PIZZA - Gives you 1000 food.
    WOODSTOCK - Gives you 1000 wood.
    COINAGE - Gives you 1000 gold.
    QUARRY- Gives you 1000 stone.
    NO FOG - Removes Fog of War.
    REVEAL MAP - Reveals the map. Does not remove Fog of War.
    HOME RUN - Instant Win.
    diediedie - Kill everyone else
    medusa - Transforms villagers to Medusas. When the villager is killed, it will turn into a Black Rider. When the Black Rider is killed, it will turn into a Hea
    hari kari - You lose the game
    photon man - Create a guy in a white suit with a quick- fire laser gun
    gaia - Gives you control over nature, but you lose control of you team
    flying dutchman - Turns Juggernauts into Flying Dutchmen and +5 more attack, can 'sail' on land
    steroids - Buildings and units are created instantly
    home run - Win scenario
    KILL(Player #) - Kill player #
    bigdaddy - A black sports car with a rocket launcher
    big momma - A white rocket launcher car that fires twice as fast
    big bertha - Turns Heavy Catapults into Big Berthas
    hoyohoyo - Priests are faster and stronger
    icbm - Your Ballistas and Helepolis have a 99+1 range
    jack be nimble - Your catapults and stone throwers fire villagers, cows, etc.
    upsidflintmobile - Accelerates your Chariot Archers
    dark rain Turns a Bowman into a Composite Bowman which turns into a tree when not moving
    black rider - Turns Horse Archers into Black Riders
    e=mc2 trooper - Creates a guy in a white suit with a slow- firing nuke gun
    convert this! - St. Francis unit that resembles priest, but can call lightning when close enough to opponent
    grantlinkspence - Turn gazelles, lions, elephants, and alligators into animal kings
    stormbilly - A Zug Robot 209 appears
    king arthur - Turn birds into dragons
    pow - Baby on tricycle with bazooka gun
    power overwhelming - Baby riding a tricycle and using a gun. Appears at town center.

    HAVE FUN :hug:
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