Request Cheat Code + Hint + Secret + Trainer.

Thảo luận trong 'Hộp Lưu Trữ' bắt đầu bởi Ryomurai, 2/2/07.

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  1. minhducnq

    minhducnq Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ai bik cheat cua? Castlevania thi chi? voi kho' choi we'
  2. Kinas

    Kinas GVN Hero GVN CHAMPION Moderator ♞ Blade Knight ♞

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  3. nguyenhuy1985

    nguyenhuy1985 Youtube Master Race

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    anh ơi! em kô hiểu controller 2 là cái gì? giúp em với và trong khi chơi giữ L1,rồi nhấn L1,L1,L1,L1 là ấn như nao` ấn một lúc rồi bỏ ra à như thé nào vậy ???:cry:
  4. Frederic Chopin

    Frederic Chopin Final Fantasy Moderator ⚜ Duel Master ⚜

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cho tui xin cheat code captain tsubasa JAP trên VBA thanks
  5. Hitman_Mr47

    Hitman_Mr47 Youtube Master Race

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  6. BMXycle

    BMXycle Youtube Master Race

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    Ho Chi Minh City
    Ai cho em xin cheat của trò Sacred ạ
  7. zidanetri

    zidanetri Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ai hảo tâm cho em xin cái cheatcode của FFXII được kô ạ
  8. hoanchoa

    hoanchoa Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cho mình xin trainer của need for speed carbon với cái mà khi mua đồ không mất tiền ý đợt trước mình có nhưng mất rồi
  9. Kinas

    Kinas GVN Hero GVN CHAMPION Moderator ♞ Blade Knight ♞

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  10. Kinas

    Kinas GVN Hero GVN CHAMPION Moderator ♞ Blade Knight ♞

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  11. cravenal92

    cravenal92 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Death village
    anh oi cho em xin chest cua Gothic II di
  12. tkthien

    tkthien † Dark Angel †

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cao ốc 100 t
    ai share dùm Code Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon và infinite money ( 999999 Starchip ) trong Yu-gi-oh forbiden của Playstaytion 1 với, lên 1 số diễn đàn khác thì ko có còn Code Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon thì chỉnh báo sai ??
    ai giúp dùm, thanks nhìu
  13. delu

    delu Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    co ai co ban huong dan day du cua "GTA3" khong chi dum cai
  14. badman619

    badman619 Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    mí cái nhiệm vụ trên gta tương đối dễ thôi mà . làm rồi riếc wen thì dễ ẹc . mình chủ íu chỉ ghét ba cái nhiệm vụ mà có TIME ........ làm chậm và gà nên thường lose >"<
  15. dragon_child

    dragon_child Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mar Heaven
    Ai biết cheat và hack của trò Black & White 1 thì xin chỉ giáo::)
  16. kidred1110

    kidred1110 One United ! Forever United ! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    My Home
    tui có ne` đọc xem phải ko
    Black & White

    Tons of belief:
    Submitted by: Filip Panoski

    First charge-up a Forest miracle(if you have it at your
    worship site of course)then cast it in a vilage you want to
    take over.When it's fully appeared you'll get alot of belief,
    but for even more follow these steps:

    1.When it's fully appeared(there will be butterflies if it is)
    click with the action button on the thing that looks like a stick
    on top of it.

    2.The forest will be charged for 0 prayer power.
    3.Activate it in the same village.
    4.Be careful not to activate it quickly because every time you
    do it like this a smaller amount of trees will be created.

    Submitted by: Herman Verheul

    In level 4 (were you must defeat the 3 guardian stones)
    one of the stones is guarded by a shield. You have to touch
    bells in order to make it disappear,
    This is the sequence:
    make this stone the first one to disappear, because the
    fireball rain it controls does the most damage to your
    followers, and you need them !!

    Submitted by: S.Ravindranath.

    In the 3rd village there will be villager infront of
    temple just below hill where the guru stands.

    We can go to any village outside our influence by
    throwing him repeatedly until we reach the village.

    many miracles shots:
    Giaco Bonomo, Submitted the following Information:

    On the end of the third level (when the teleporter
    appears) go to the house of the guy you had to follow
    and try picking up some trees. You\'ll find lot\'s of
    miracles shots underneath two trees.

    Submitted by: Neo Cool

    You can expand your empire by bilding many Town
    center in your Workshop.

    Barry Dibble, Submitted the following Information:

    If you put a dead villager in a teleport he/she will
    come out alive at the other end.If you pick the person
    up at this point he/she will die again.Let the skeleton
    walk back to its house.It will regain its health after
    sleeping for a can now treat this skeleton as
    a normal villager and pick it up and do whatever you want
    with it.

    Submitted by: Robert Lounsberry

    After you go through the training for knocking the
    rock off the piller, go back to it and start knocking
    it off over and over and you will keep getting water

    Unlimited Water Miracles:
    Submitted by: rickHH
    Use the following trick to get unlimited Water Miracles
    on the first level. At the place where there is the
    first silver reward, scroll on land one. After completing
    it, knock over the rock again and it turns into a
    Water Miracle.

    Alter time:
    Hold [Alt] and press 1 to slow down time or hold [Alt]
    and press 2 to speed up time.

    South Park spoof:
    Leave the game running without taking any actions.
    Eventually, you will hear the advisors in a spoof
    of South Park.

    Easy miracles:
    You can teach your creature some miracles easily.
    Take either Food, Wood, Water, Lightning, Fireball,
    Teleport, or any other miracle you can use and use
    some/regrab it. Then put the rest back in the dish at
    the worship site. You will get the same amount of prayer
    power, so you can use it again.

    Finding one-shot miracles:
    You can sometimes find one-shot miracles under
    trees and rocks.

    Dice and a teddy bear:
    In land one (the first island), go above the cache (the
    location where many children live), and zoom in until
    you are "in" the house. You should see two big dice, a
    small die, and a big Teddy Bear.

    Unlimited Lightning Miracles:
    Take the Lightning Miracle and go the the edge of your
    influence. You can win whole towns by jumping out long
    enough for a brief shot and back in before it is used up.

    Did you know, that if you search for the file names.txt
    in your Black directory, you will be able to edit this
    list of names that are allocated to your villagers.
    Make sure that you type how many names are in the list
    on the first line of the text file, so if you had 50
    names in your list, the first line would read 50. Add
    the names of your friends, or the names of your enemies,
    it will add a new level of villager interaction.

    Custom villager names:
    Note: This procedure involves editing a game file;
    create a backup copy of the file before proceeding.
    Use a text editor to edit the "names.txt" file in the
    game folder. You can change the names contained in the
    file as desired, for example use friends or family.
    However, the number of names in the file must match the
    number listed in the first line.

    Dizzy evil conscience:
    Start the tutorial and wait for your conscience to stop
    talking. Repeatedly move your mouse in circles and your
    evil conscience's head will eventually start spinning.

    Unlimited food and wood:
    Activate a Food or Wood Miracle. Then hold the Hand
    over the door of the village store or workshop and
    quickly and repeatedly press the Right Mouse Button.
    If done correctly, a large amount of food or wood will
    be created for very little mana.

    Beach balls, bowling balls and bowling pins:
    Go to the God's Playground (press [F2] during game play)
    and exit out of the first tutorial by pressing [Esc].
    Then zoom all the way out. Look for the small island off
    of the larger one. When you find it, zoom in on it.
    Rotate the camera so that you are looking at the small
    island and can see the large island in the distance.
    At the base of the small island you will see two beach
    balls, two bowling balls and some bowling pins with smiley
    faces on them.

    Smiley face footprints:
    Set your system date to April 1 and being the game.
    Your character will leave smiley face footprints in
    the ground.

    April Fools Trick:
    During the game on April 1st, Your monster will leave
    smiley face foot prints in the ground instead of their
    regular foot prints. You do this change your computer's
    date to April 1st.

    Since navigation is such a big part of this game,
    personalizing control is key to your success and
    enjoyment of the game. While point and click control
    is well developed, we found that it is quicker to assign
    movement to the keyboard. Map the movement controls to
    the AWSD buttons, like a first person shooter.
    Set Q and E for camera rotation, and R and F to change
    pitch. This will make controlling your god hand quick
    and easy, and keep your other hand free to use the two-button
    mouse and zoom wheel.

    Double-clicking is another great way to move around the map
    and quickly zoom in on action you want to be a part of.
    Whenever moving around the map, zoom out and tilt down to
    get a bigger perspective. It will save you a lot of time
    and frustration to see the whole island and simply click
    to the region you want to be in.

    While your powers only work within areas you control,
    you can affect areas outside of your domain for a very
    brief period of time. By quickly crossing outside of
    your realm of influence, you can grab valuable resources
    and even rival villagers that you can convert or sacrifice
    to gain more Miracle power.

    Five Teddy Bears:
    To get five quite harmless yet fun to throw teddy
    bears, find the gold story scroll near the large
    crater near the Indian graveyard. Select it and do
    as the man says and after you finish the teddy bears
    will still be in the crater and available to toss about
    or arrange in any manner you wish.

    More Bowling Balls and Bowling Pins:
    To find two very small bowling balls and ten
    downsized versions of the pins found on the small
    island just look near the bottom of the mountain
    with the Celtic Wonder on top. There should be a
    shallow ditch at the bottom side facing in towards
    the mainland where you will find the bowling balls
    and pins.

    Another Toy Ball:
    To find another toy ball just go to the narrowest
    part of the mainland and look for a medium sized grey
    rock standing straight up with a very ponty tip.
    Hiding behind it is the toy ball.

    Choose a village that you want to get some belief from.
    Make sure your and/or creature has Fireball, Water and/or
    Heal miracle. Then, use Fireball to get some belief. Next,
    with your and/or your creature, use Water and/or heal on
    the flaming villagers to get even more belief. To get more,
    you can rebuild the buildings that were destroyed.

    Floating tree:
    In the first level after the sailors build the boat, but
    before you give them meat, put a tree on top of the boat
    and make sure it remains there.Then give them what they
    need. After they are gone, the tree will be floating.

    The Angry Stone Heads of Doom:
    To find the two angry stone heads go to the hill
    near the crater talked about in how to get the five
    teddy bears that has a big forest atop it. If you're
    in the right spot you should be able to see the two
    angry stone heads very easily. Note that if destroying
    villages is your cup o' tea these stone heads are perfect
    for it (which is obviously why I call them the
    "Angry Stone Heads of Doom").

    Get any creature from the start:
    Go to My computer, then drive C: Then Program files,
    Then lionhead studios ltd, Then Black & White, Then
    Data, Then Ctr, Then you will see a list of all the
    creatures in the game, to get any of these, you must
    swich places of one of the 3 started chars,(Ape, Cow,
    Tiger) by switching the name of one of them to the one
    you want. Then start up Black & White, Then when you
    make a new game and get the creature quest finished.
    You will see the creature you want instead of the cow,
    or tiger or ape. Like Switching the BHorse.CBN file to
    the BCow.CBN file. That will switch places of both those
    creatures in the game.
    [Make a backup before renaming any files]

    Funny Trick:
    Submitted by: Pangeran Akbarsyah

    Here's an interesting thing, during the tutorial, when you conscience
    aren't talking, move your mouse in circles alot and the evil conscience
    will start spinning his head. ;)

    Funny Names

    Find the file names.txt in the game's directory and edit it with a text
    editor like notepad to make any names you want.

    Unlimited Food and Wood

    When having activated a wood or food miracle,
    hold the Hand over the door of the village store .
    ( Not in the middle of it !! )

    Then press the action button ( right mouse button ) very quick
    repeatedly over the Village stores door.

    You get an insane amount of wood or food
    ( 20.000 )for very low mana costs.

    Same thing with the workshop. click repeatedly over the door and
    you get very much wood.

    With this you wont have any probs managing your villages.

    Unlimited Food and Wood

    The unlimited Wood trick also works to supply new buildings, especially
    the big "Wonders". Right after you set the scaffolds down, invoke miracle
    wood,zoom in to get a clear view, hover your hand over one corner of the
    scaffold,(not what will be the door when finished), then use the mega wood
    trick. You may have to try once or twice to get the right position on
    the scaffold, but your minion won't use up all the wood you just put in
    the village store and shop, and you can continue to build like a crazy
    person, (or your minion can)......Kewl?

    April Fools Trick

    During the game on april 1st (April Fools Day - You can change your
    computer's date to April 1st) your monster will leave smiley face foot
    prints in the groung instead of their regular foot prints. Enjoy.

    White Mushrooms

    I'm not sure about the other types of mushrooms but the small white
    ones slightly increase the growth of your creature. Keep an eye out for them!

    Cast spells out of your Power

    To cast spells out of your area of effect, create a town center scaffold
    and move it somewhere just out of your area. When it appears it will have
    a small area of effect by itself. Now pick the scaffold back up and move
    it somewhere close to the town center and put it back down. When you have
    it at the area you want to cast spells, cast a spell and move out of the
    are of effect. As you can go a short distance from it you can cast spells
    far out of your main area of effect. I am not sure if this works if you
    have downloaded a patch.


    Itâ?Ts very simple - and very useful in the later "islands"

    I used it on island 3 and 5 with great success - the trick is
    best suited for villages already "owned" by other gods!

    First you get your influence limit as close as possible to the vilage
    you want to take over.

    Now the choices:

    You poison their food - and when there is nobody left in the village,
    you drop a villager you have into it - as a "missionary"!

    When that happens you just impress him a little and... you got a village!
    but only with one villager but thatâ?Ts easily fixed.

    Another way - building on the same concept - is to kill of the villager
    with lightning, fireballs or my favourite: THE MEGABLAST!
  17. NanaCáchCách

    NanaCáchCách Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    mình cần tìm cheat của game Commader & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars và Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance cả cách sử dụng cheat cùng các cheat tiền ,xây nhanh mình cảm ơn trước
  18. dragon_child

    dragon_child Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Mar Heaven
    Mấy cái cheat dạng này phải chủ động vào google chứ không thì pó tay:'>
  19. NanaCáchCách

    NanaCáchCách Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    mình đã thử lên google roài nhìn muốn đuôi con mắt mà chả biết cái nào là cheat cái nào là hướng dẫn nên mới lên đây hỏi thăm mọi người nè >____<
  20. elyblackcat

    elyblackcat Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    có ai co cheat diablo2, cho em với
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