pro commandos 1 cho xin chỉ dẫn với

Thảo luận trong 'Hướng dẫn | Hỏi đáp game' bắt đầu bởi jansan, 15/9/07.

  1. battle3

    battle3 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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  2. medex

    medex Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Những điểm cần lưu ý khi chơi com 1
    Đọc kỹ mục tiêu và bản đồ trước khi chơi bạn nhé
    I-KHÔNG NÊN ĐỂ BỊ BÁO ĐỘNG: Khi đó có nhiều đội tuần tra hơn, lính gác đơn độc cũng sẽ linh hoạt hơn và ở nhiều màn báo động cũng có nghĩa là Game over.
    II-Tư thế khống chế: Khi chưa bị báo động trước đó, trừ đội tuần tiễu, thì lính đức sẽ vào tư thế khống chế khi phát hiện ra bạn mà không báo động nếu: bạn đang không di chuyển (nếu di chuyển -trừ tư thế S chuyển sang C và ngược lại-nó sẽ bắn ngay và báo động), không ở quá gần tên lính phát hiện(nếu gần quá nó sẽ bắn ngay và báo động), trong hướng nhìn không có xác đồng bọn hay đồng bọn đang bị trói (com1 beyond) hoặc một biệt kích khác đang di chuyển(nó sẽ bắn ngay và báo động). Các tên lính gần đó khi nhìn thấy được tên lính đang ở tư thế khống chế sẽ chạy đến và vào tư thế khống chế. Riêng đội tuần tra mà thấy được thì có 2 khả năng: một là sẽ bị bắt hay nó sẽ báo động.
    Đặc điểm của tư thế khống chế là tầm nhìn của lính đức sẽ tập trung vào con mồi không đảo tới lui như trước.
    Chiến thuật:
    1-cho một biệt kích làm mồi để một anh khác từ hướng sau lưng tốp lính khống chế này diệt gọn, nhớ là diệt từ xa vào gần và sử dụng vũ khí lạnh. Trừ driver và Natasa ai cũng có vũ khí lạnh để bắt hoặc giết.
    2-Trong trường hợp có lính tuần tra trong khu vực thì sử dụng Spy hay Natasa hay một tù binh có cấp bậc hạ sĩ quan trở lên(thượng sĩ chỉ huy độ tuần tra, lính bắn súng máy, tướng tá) để giữ chân đội tuần tra theo hướng không nhìn thấy được cảnh khống chế. Cũng có thể sử dụng Spy hay Natasa hay một tù binh để hướng tầm nhìn của một lính về phía cảnh khống chế để dụ tên này nhập bọn.
    3-Dùng để dụ lính canh ra khỏi vị trí: bò vào tầm nhìn xa xong đứng dậy để tên lính vào vị trí khống chế xong nằm xuống (C) rồi bò đi chỗ khác tên lính sẽ chạy đến đúng chỗ bạn vừa đứng. Bạn có thể bắt hay giết mà không sợ đồng bọn phát hiện.
    III-Sử dụng tù binh:
    Dùng con rối để điều khiển tù binh (chỉ có trong com1 beyond) để tù binh hướng lính đức vào một hướng nhìn mình mong muốn để không phát hiện các hoạt động của mình. (như Spy hay Natasa)
    Đặc điểm là tầm nhìn của lính đức sẽ tập trung vào con mồi không đảo tới lui như trước.
    Tù binh cũng có thể giúp mở cổng hay lái xe mà không cần driver.
    Trong trường diệt một tên địch trong trường nhìn xa dao động của một tên khác mà bạn thấy không có đủ thời gian để mang tên bị bắt hay giết ra khỏi trường nhìn (tránh bị báo động) thì bạn có thể dùng spy hay Tiny bắt trói rồi dùng con rối để điều khiển tù binh trong tư thế nằm thì vẫn không bị phát hiện. Bạn có thể thoải mái dong tên tù binh này ra khỏi tầm nhìn rồi xử lý sau. Nếu không giết thì dùng spy hay Tiny còng chúng lại để thoát khỏi mod này.

    Một công dụng của tù binh (và cả Spy lẫn Natasa) nữa là dùng tù binh để hích những tên lính đang ở tư thế khống chế ra khỏi tầm nhìn của đồng bọn để tiêu diệt. Các commando khác cũng hích được từ phía sau nhưng lỡ lọt vào tầm nhìn của tên lính đang ở tư thế khống chế thì nó sẽ bắn ngay và báo động. Nhớ là không được di chuyển những tên lính đang ở tư thế khống chế quá gần kẻ bị khống chế.

    IV-Dụ địch ra khỏi vị trí:
    Để diệt địch hay vượt qua chỗ địch đang canh gác
    muốn diệt một tên địch ở vị trí không bị báo động bạn có thể dùng cách sau:
    1-Như II-3
    2-Dùng đá ném từ sau một vật khuất. Ném ba lần là tên lính sẽ chạy đến chỗ bạn ngay
    3-Dùng hộp vo ve của Tiny
    4-Bao thuốc lá
    5-Xác đồng bọn
    Nếu đã bị báo động rồi thì bạn cứ rút súng đoàng một phát thì hầu như tất cả tên nào đủ gần sẽ chạy ngay tới chỗ bạn bắn.

    V-Diệt tổ tuần tra:
    Nếu dồi dào vật liệu nổ bao gồm bom, lựu đạn, phuy chất nổ, xe bạn nên diệt các trại lính (có cắm cờ đức) trước rồi diệt tổ tuần tra sau.
    Có nhiều cách diệt tổ tuần tra mà không bị thương vong nhưng không biết có cách nào diệt mà không bị báo động không:
    1-Lựu đạn/bom/phuy chất nổ: bùm một phát gọn gàng nhưng nên tiết kiệm 2 trong một như bạn có thể ném vào giữa trại lính và tổ tuần tra hoặc bạn dùng cách lôi kéo nhiều tổ tuần tra hay lính gác đến một điểm để diệt gọn.
    2-Bẫy của saber: đặt trên đưởng đi hay ở một chỗ nào rồi dụ tổ tuần tra vào.
    3-tập trung ba commandos ở một góc khuất và dùng súng lục bắn gục từng tên vượt qua khóc khuất
    4-lao bắn cá của marine: lưu ý tầm bắn rất ngắn nên kết hợp với tù binh hay Spy hay Natasa để "nói chuyện" với tổ tuần tra. Đuôi của tổ tuần tra nên ở một góc khuất. Marine nhào tới bắn vào tên cuối hàng và dọt đi ngay vào góc khuất.
    Marine cũng có thể phục kích một mình như trong nhà đợi tổ tuần tra đi qua bắn vào tên cuối cùng rồi biến ngay vào trong nhà...
    5-Driver thì rất OK vì có cả carbine tầm xa và tiểu liên. Driver còn sử dụng được các vũ khí hạng nặng như đại liên, pháo
    6-Anh bắn tỉa thì khỏe rồi nhưng phí đạn
    7-Tiny và Spy cũng có thể đánh lén vào tên cuối nhưng phải nhanh tay hoặc nhanh chân. Lưu ý là Spy nếu Spy chọn áo lính thì Spy cũng có một cây carbine bắn được từ xa. Nhớ đòm thằng thượng sĩ trước rồi cất súng đi (click chuột phải) trước khi đám lính còn lại chạy tới hoặc phải chọn ngay áo sĩ quan nếu đám chạy tới có cả sĩ quan (hoặc phải lỉnh nhanh vào chỗ an toàn).
    8-Màn nào có xe tăng để chiếm được thì quá OK. bao nhiêu đội tuần tra cũng chết hết. Xe tải cũng được nhưng bạn phải lo cán hết tổ tuần tra trước khi xe bạn nổ tung.
  3. medex

    medex Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    Level Password
    2 KXII7
    3 GOH9O
    4 HCOAU
    5 TF4AO
    6 T8TSN
    7 TLESF
    8 TUSLV
    If those don't work try these:

    Level Password
    2 8K2IX
    3 9R291
    4 44G9J
    5 4HSAB
    6 J8TSN
    7 LUK2L
    8 DUSLZ

    Level Password
    2 NS2B7 Destroy river base.
    3 BFQBF Destroy dam.
    4 YGF1J Destroy headquarters.
    5 JJTCG Destroy radar site.
    6 NT1WN Destroy rail cannon.
    7 Y3YWX Destroy U-Boats.
    North Africa:
    8 B3WJO Destroy fuel depot.
    9 HIAXT Destroy desert compound.
    10 G4CM3 Rescue pilot.
    11 GDODW Destroy oil refinery.
    12 5MB4M Rescue prisoner and escape.
    13 65UWX Destroy battleship.
    14 CT34V Secure beachhead.
    15 YN9PD Assassinate general.
    16 BY4MD Defend bridge.
    17 Y14PW Rescue resistance member.
    18 8POJ8 Destroy bridge.
    19 8WGJ0 Destroy V2 rockets.
    20 88U4V Destroy doomsday compound
    If those do not work try the following:
    2 4JJXB
    3 ZDD1T
    4 RFF1J
    5 K4TCG
    6 MIR4M
    7 7QVJV
    8 K99XC
    9 AAAX1
    10 JSGPW
    11 CMODD
    12 JGHD3
    13 PUUWW
    14 WT348
    15 139P0
    16 L9IPV
    17 5LIMV
    18 YJOJG
    19 YFCWJ
    20 GDKWT
    Màn 17 BEL nếu bạn không qua được thì dùng pasword vào vòng 18
  4. medex

    medex Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Những điểm cần lưu ý khi chơi com 1 (tiếp theo)
    VI-Dùng xe như một phương tiện cản tầm nhìn di động:
    Cho spy bắt tù binh chui vào xe rồi chui theo. Tù binh có thể lái xe đến chổ mình muốn mà không bị bắn. Dùng xe cản tầm nhìn để đồng đội vượt qua hay diệt địch mà không bị phát hiện. Nhớ lúc chạy chỗ đông người không nên cán chết lính đức nếu không nó báo động um sùm rồi bắn vào xe.
    Dành cho Bác nào đọc được tiếng:-* Anh

    Moving Barrels Without Tiny
    It is possible to move barrels without the use of Tiny. Simply line up the barrel between your commando and the spot you want it, then click on it repeatedly to keep the motion going. It may take a little practice but is nice once you are good at it.

    God Mode
    While playing, type "1982gonzo" to enable cheat mode, then press Ctrl-I for invincibility.

    While playing, click on a member of your team, then move the pointer to the location where you wish to teleport and press Shift-X.

    Complete Mission
    To skip to the next level, type "1982gonzo" while playing to enable cheat mode. You can then press Ctrl+Shift+N to complete the mission with full marks for damage sustained, time and mission merit.

    Enemy Perspective
    While playing, type "1982gonzo" (or "gonzo1982") to enable Cheat mode, then press Shift-V to see from the enemy's perspective.

    Easy Promotions
    To get easy promotions, while playing type "1982gonzo" to enable cheat mode. Then press and hold the Ctrl and Shift keys and push N. The mission complete screen will appear. press "P" to replay the mission and repeat the code as often as you like to get lots of merit.

    Swim underground
    This is a very interesting glitch, and somewhat useful. Use the marine to put on suba gear. Then use the teleport code listed below to teleport to land. He will still be swimming. No one notices and and you can swim as far as you could in the river. To swim elsewhere, you must teleport near that area.
  5. duonghoan108

    duonghoan108 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    tôi cám ơn tất cả mọi người nhất là những ai đã lập nên cái diễn đàn này. vì nếu không có nó tôi chả biết đi đâu để tìm đươc cái trò này nữa ah. Nhưng cho tôi hỏi một tí được không? Thế cái pass của ải 18 là như nào vậy có thể viết lên được không? chứ tôi chả biết tim ở đâu cả cám ơn mọi người 1 lần nữa
  6. duonghoan108

    duonghoan108 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mà cho tui hỏi luôn cheat trong dos 1 là như thế nào vậy? sao tui chả biet gì cho dù đã chơi dos 1 lâu rồi. tôi đã từng chơi dos 3 nhưng người ta bảo là không biết cheat thi khó chơi lắm. Ai biêt lam ơn chỉ giùm tôi nhé. nếu khó nói thì cho tôi số điện tôi sẽ điện vào đó ok thanks
  7. medex

    medex Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    17 Y14PW Rescue resistance member.
    18 8POJ8 Destroy bridge.:devil:
    19 8WGJ0 Destroy V2 rockets.
    20 88U4V Destroy doomsday compound
  8. duonghoan108

    duonghoan108 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Rất cám ơn bạn vì bạn đã nhiệt tình giúp tôi. Cám ơn tât cả và nếu có ai biết cheat code làm ơn phô tui với thanks
  9. duonghoan108

    duonghoan108 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    liệu có ai là pro CMD o diễn đán này không vậy. sao cho tui cái pas ji` mà tôi đã từng đánh qua rồi vậy ha? chán quá các pác ơi. tương là từ giờ se đươc chơi ai ngờ. nêu ai thực sự có bản cmd 1 làm ơn đánh qua cửa EI4PD giùm ok thanks
  10. blue_lamichiokid

    blue_lamichiokid Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Có ai chơi "Hellorado" chua ? Cho mình xin mấy cái cheat
  11. phongvanbien

    phongvanbien Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cho tui cai link dow
    load commandos 1 di
  12. khoadang1990

    khoadang1990 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    em chơi tới map 10 nhưng làm sao để qua đây khó quá ai chơi qua rùi giúp em với
    cái map có 5 chiếc xe tăng trong đó có một chiếc là mình có thể lái được ,có 2 chiếc đi tuần,2 chiếc đứng yên
    và nhiệm vụ của vòng này là cứu một phi công,phá hủy hai máy bay và một căn nhà
    em đã cứu đươck phi công rùi phá hủy hai máy bay rùi ,nhưng khồn bít làm sao để phá căn nhà đây.dùng thùng dầu không được,có một quả boom duy nhất thì dùng để phá xe tăng rùi huhuhuhuhuh
    giúp em với
  13. mrquachhai

    mrquachhai Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    Có 1 cách để qua bàn này nhanh chóng đó là dùng thằng Beret đi giết hết bọn lính gác (ko để báo động) sau đó dùng thằng Thợ máy lấy cắp chiếc xe tăng còn lại, dùng chiếc xe tăng đó bắn nổ 4 chiếc xe tăng còn lại và bọn lính, sau đó lái chiếc xe tăng ra bắn nổ máy bay, thằng Nổ mìn có 1 quả bom thôi vì vậy hãy dùng nó để phá cái nhà chứa vũ khí. Vậy là ổn có thể qua bàn!!! Có 1 cách để giết bọn lính gác đó là cho 1 thằng (ví dụ cho thằng Thợ máy ra nằm im trong tầm nhìn rõ của bọn lính gác- lúc mà nó chưa nhìn thấy, sau đó nó lại gần và nhìn thấy nó sẽ ngắm bắn nhưng ko ALARM và bắn, dùng thằng Beret ra xỉa, thế là xong, he he, cách này mình dùng rất nhiều và rất có hiệu quả). Comandos 1+2 mình đã phá đảo 2 lần rồi, nói chung trò này chơi rất hay và trí tuệ, chúc bạn thành công!
  14. tuphung

    tuphung Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ai có thể dịch đoạn hướng dẫn này ra tv giúp với
    Commandos: Beyond The Call of Duty walkthrough


    Mission 1: Dying Light
    Date: July 14, 1940
    Location: Guernsey, England
    Personnel: Tiny, Duke, Inferno


    Summer, 1940. The Allied forces are expelled from the Continent,
    leaving all of Europe in the hands of the III Reich. Hitler begins
    planning the invasion of England. For weeks on end, the Luftwaffe drops
    countless bombs on England to prepare for the invasion.

    Your men must destroy the installations that are on Guernsey, a small
    British Channel island occupied by the Germans. The German Headquarters
    is counting on those installations to help guide the invasion force.
    You must, at whatever cost, make the Channel and unbreachable barrier.


    Welcome to the English Channel, officer. In this mission, your main
    targets are the radar station and the lighthouse, which are located on
    the island. Furthermore and to make the drop easier for our bombers,
    you must also destroy the anti-aircraft batteries that are also located
    on the island.
    Once you have finished, head to the meeting buoy where you will be
    picked up, taken home safe and sound. Escape will be easier if you use
    the lift to the beach. Before you finish, I must remind you that the
    area is full of underwater mines. So you must be extra cautious in the
    water. That will be all. Good luck!

    -Destroy the radar antenna, the lighthouse and the antiaircraft
    batteries with the bombs and the barrels of explosives.
    -The lift can make it easier to escape.
    -Flee to the southwest buoy.

    -Destroy the radar antenna.
    -Destroy the lighthouse.
    -Destroy the anti-aircraft batteries.
    -Escape to the southwest buoy.



    Use Fins to row a little bit to the west and tell Duke to snipe the
    guard on top of the radar station. Get Fins to dive and swim towards
    the docks where there is a machine gunner and two patrolling guards.
    Wait until when the left guard is walking to the left and when the
    machine gunner is looking away, climb the ladder and kill the machine
    gunner with the harpoon. Quickly harpoon the other guard before he can
    turn around. The patrolling guard to the left will later come to
    investigate. Hide behind the boxes and harpoon him also.
    Swim to shore on the other end, near the elevator. Run to the bottom of
    the elevator when the two guards on the left are not looking and kill
    the guard near the elevator. Stand at the right side of the ladder and
    harpoon the other guard when the one above the ladder is looking away.
    Dive again and swim back to the rest of the team. Disembark everyone at
    the dock and pick up the inflatable boat.


    Make everyone hide behind the boxes and tell Duke to crawl to the left,
    near the barracks. But don't get spotted by the guards. Keep him out of
    range. Snipe the guard on top of the building to the left when no one
    is looking and send him back to the team.
    Use Tiny to pick up a cigarette from the dead guards' corpse near the
    docks and send him crawling to the left of the barrack. Throw the
    cigarette on the ground so the guard patrolling the stairs would come
    to pick it up. Stab him when he is walking back and hide his body
    behind the barrack.
    Put the decoy between the barrack and the anti-aircraft gun and
    activate it. This should lure another guard. Hide behind the stairs and
    stab him. Hide the body in the same place as the first one. Don't
    forget to pick the decoy up.
    Send the team crawling to the back of the barrack and have Inferno drop
    an explosive between the barrack and the anti-aircraft gun. The
    explosion should be big enough to destroy both of them.
    Send Duke crawling up the stairs, head to the right and try to stick to
    the wall as close as possible and hide behind the right of the boxes
    near the radar antenna. Wait for the patrolling guard to walk towards
    the radar station. Snipe him and Duke shouldn't get spotted. If he is,
    load the game and try again. You only have a few seconds to snipe
    before the guard turns around. Tiny should crawl to Duke's position and
    stab the guard in front of the radar station from the rear when he is
    looking away. Just leave the bodies where they are. Regroup the team at
    the base of the radar station except Fins. Fins should go back into the
    water again and swim to the shore near the elevator and stand behind
    the ladder. Just leave him there for now.
    Tiny should hide to the left of the small barrack and wait for the
    patrolling guard to pass through. Knife him and hide the body to the
    left of the small barrack.


    Send Tiny to crawl to the stack of boxes in the middle of the island
    and put the decoy there. Activate it and the guard patrolling the
    stairs on the left should come to investigate. He might saw the corpse
    next to the barrack. Go around the boxes so as not to get spotted and
    stab him before he can raise the alarm. Hide the corpse at the same
    place as the previous guard. Send Inferno here and drop another
    explosive. Drop another explosive near the lighthouse and the barrack
    to the left so the explosion will destroy both structures.
    Duke should snipe the guard on top of the building near the elevator
    from beside the barrel to the south of the lighthouse. Beware not to
    get spotted by the patrolling guard nearby. Regroup everyone (except
    Fins) on top of the radar station and Inferno should detonate the three
    explosives in a quick succession. Enjoy the fireworks!!! Now, the alarm
    should ring but there are no more guards that will come out of the
    barracks because they have been destroyed also. ^_^ Wait until
    everything had settled down and all the guards have resumed their
    patrol before dropping the last explosive on top of the radar station.
    Get everyone out of the way and detonate it. That takes care of the
    radar station. Now all that's left are the anti-aircraft guns.


    Send Tiny to the stairs on the left and stab the guard patrolling the
    stack of boxes when nobody is looking. Just leave the body there or you
    can hide it behind the boxes. Kill the guard looking towards the sea
    beside the destroyed barrack and leave the body there or hide it. It's
    entirely up to you.
    Duke should snipe the two guards near the elevator. Since there aren't
    any barracks left, you can go on killing the remaining guards without
    fear of triggering the alarm. Use Tiny to move the barrels beside each
    of the anti-aircraft guns and blow them up. Next, send Tiny to kill the
    machine gunner facing the sea with the gun. Wait until the patrol is
    near the ladder so the noise would lure them also. Kill them both and
    heal up if you're shot.
    Use Fins to kill the two guards on top of the ladder near the shore and
    pump out the inflatable boat. Shoot the nearest water mine with the
    pistol by standing as close as possible to the water. Tiny, Duke and
    Inferno should get into the elevator and activate it to go down to the
    beach. Use Duke's two remaining bullets to blow the mines to create a
    large gap for the boat to cross. Load everyone on to the boat and have
    Fins row the boat towards the buoy. Mission accomplished!!!


    Mission 2: The Asphalt Jungle
    Date: April 23, 1941
    Location: Belgrade, Yugoslavia
    Personnel: Tiny, Tread, Spooky


    Belgrade has surrendered after a week of bombing. The Wehrmacht
    occupies Yugoslavia and is heading for Greece to help the Italian army
    to invade that country. Meanwhile, the rearguard troops are taking care
    of all the Yugoslav partisans.

    In the next few hours, Dragisa Skopje, one of the commanders of the
    Balkan army is due to be shot. Your mission consists in rescuing the
    man alive. This individual will provide us with valuable information
    for our cause.


    Hello, officer. On this occasion, you must infiltrate your men into the
    zoo. Rescue Major Skopje alive. Once you have managed to free the
    major, steal the small lorry and escape along the northwest road. I
    recommend that you be very careful when you move since the execution
    squad will carry out the death sentence in case of an attack.
    By the way, as you will see, due to the heavy bombing, most of the
    animals in the zoo have died. Even so, be careful with the surviving
    animals, as some of them may be dangerous. Good luck!

    -Make sure the alarm does not go off since otherwise the prisoner will
    be shot.
    -Place the prisoner inside the small lorry and escape down northwest
    -Be careful with the animals.

    -Rescue Major Dragisa Skopje.
    -Escape down the northwest road.



    Wait for the patrol to walk back to the west and when the lone guard
    patrolling nearby is not looking, then use Spooky to chloroform and
    handcuff him. Immediately carry him back to your starting position
    before the patrol turns around. Take the soldier's uniform and walk to
    the barrack and stand beside the lone guard just standing at the front.
    Be careful not to get spotted by the patrol sergeant as he can see
    through Spooky's disguise.
    Wait for the guard at the zoo (guy with blue uniform) to walk back in
    the zoo first, and then kill the soldier patrolling the bushes to the
    left of the barracks. Hide his body at the far left side of the bushes.
    Do the same thing to the guard standing at the gate and hide the body
    there as well. Next, kill the guard in front of the barrack when he is
    not looking and hide the corpse in the same place.
    Wait for the blue-uniformed guy to walk towards the barrack. Chloroform
    and handcuff him. Take the uniform and Spooky now can roam the map
    undetected even by the patrol sergeants. Hide him with the other
    corpses (behind the bushes).
    Spooky should go to the far left of the map and kill the lone guard
    there. Just hide the body beside the wall and nobody should see it.
    Tiny should ran to the barrack (don't get spotted) and make his way to
    the walls just outside the lion's den. There is a fracture in the wall
    where Tiny can climb to get access into the zoo. But don't do that yet
    for now.
    Use Spooky to go into the zoo from the main gate and kill the three
    lions with the lethal injection. It should be safe for Tiny to climb
    inside now.


    Tiny should climb the ladder and put the decoy to the left of the small
    house located next to the gate. Activate it and the guard on the other
    side of the wall should come to investigate. Hide in the house and kill
    him when he arrives or use Spooky with the injection. Either way works
    fine. Just leave the body there.
    Next, send Tiny crawling past the gate (don't get spotted) and place
    the decoy near the bottom right of the ladder (close to the wall). Tell
    him to hide at the trees to the far left and activate the decoy. The
    two guards on the other side should come to investigate. Stab them and
    hide the body between the barrack and the bushes to its right. Kill the
    guard at the bottom left of the barrack and carry the body to the same
    hiding place.
    Have Spooky distract the guard to the north of the circle courtyard who
    is looking to the west. Tiny have to climb the barrack's ladder and
    kill the guard on the roof. Hide the body at the left corner of the
    roof and climb back down. Kill the patrolling guard to the left of the
    courtyard and north of the barrack when nobody is looking. Again, hide
    the body at the previous place. That takes care of everyone near the


    Kill the guard that Spooky is distracting when the patrol are not
    looking and hide the body beside the barrack again (just to be safe).
    Or you may hide it behind the structure north of the courtyard if you
    don't want to walk a long way.
    Use Spooky to distract the patrol so they will be looking south. Kill
    the patrolling guard to the right this time and hide the corpse as
    Send Tiny to kill the three guards aiming their guns at Major Skopje.
    Beware not to get spotted by the patrolling guard outside the ostrich
    cage. Hide the bodies at the far right of the map, just beside the wall
    of the ostrich cage. Tell Major Skopje to go and wait in front of the
    barrack that you've secured earlier.
    Put the decoy at the gate leading to the courtyard from the barrack
    area and the noise should lure the guard nearby to investigate. Crouch
    behind bushes and kill him when he passed by. Hide the body in the same
    place with where you put the bodies of earlier kills in the courtyard.
    Just take care not to be seen when Tiny is moving bodies around.
    Release the distraction on the patrol and have Spooky distract them
    again so they are looking to the west now. Tiny should kill the guard
    standing in front of the small bush to the right of the courtyard and
    hide the body.
    Put the decoy south of the cart to the right of the guard you just
    killed and activate it. The guard patrolling the bushes to the south
    should come to investigate. Circle around and kill him. Hide the body
    as usual. Next send Tiny to the left the bushes just north of the
    courtyard gate where there are two guards standing. Put the lure there
    and hide to the left. When you activate it, the two guards should come
    including the one patrolling west and east to the right of the bushes
    where you just placed the decoy. Kill the three of them and hide the
    bodies. (Again be careful not to get spotted when moving bodies


    Send Tiny behind the broken cart and run to kill the guard nearby when
    no one is looking and just hide the body there (to the left of the
    small stone structure). Kill the guard looking at the escape van when
    the other guard patrolling the van is looking away. (This requires a
    bit of timing but it shouldn't pose too much of a problem).
    Kill the guard patrolling the van and hide the body at the same place.
    Next run and kill the guard patrolling the ostrich cage when he is
    looking away and hide the body also.
    Kill the machine gunner to the left and hide the body at the same place
    as before. Send Tiny crawling to the dead elephant cage and put the
    decoy between the two walls. Activate it and hide inside the elephant.
    The guard outside should come to investigate. Kill him and leave the
    body there.
    Release the distraction on the patrol in the courtyard and tell Spooky
    to distract the patrol near the main gate. Use Tiny to move the bodies
    hidden behind the small stone structure (near the van) to a safer area.
    I'll leave that to your own judgment since most of the map is clear
    Have Tiny crawl to the left of the lone guard at the main gate and when
    he is not looking, run and stab him. Hide the body in the elephant


    Release the distraction on the patrol in the courtyard and tell Spooky
    to distract the patrol near the main gate (Make sure they are looking
    to the east). Use Tiny to move the bodies hidden behind the small stone
    structure (near the van) to a safer area. I'll leave that to your own
    judgment since most of the map is clear now.
    Have Tiny crawl to the left of the lone guard at the main gate and when
    he is not looking, run and stab him. Hide the body in the elephant
    cage. All that's left now are three patrols, which you can't do
    anything about without raising the alarm.

    Additional note: You might want to distract the patrol again so they
    will be looking to the west for Tread to be able to drive the van
    without being seen.

    Have Tread run into the zoo through the main gate when the patrol
    outside is not looking and get into the car with Tiny. Drive the car to
    Major Skopje and pick him up. Don't forget about Spooky as well. Drive
    to the northwest and the mission is accomplished!!!


    Mission 3: Dropped Out of the Sky
    Date: June 10, 1942
    Location: Crete, Greece
    Personnel: Tiny, Duke, Tread


    June, 1942. The German advance in North Africa comes to a halt at the
    outskirts of Tobruk. The siege gets longer and longer as the Allies
    desperately defend the town. This is the occasion that the German High
    Command was waiting for to test its new secret weapons.

    By sheer chance, one of those weapons, the HS 293 bomb, has fallen on
    the island of Crete without exploding, halfway to its target. Your
    mission consists in recovering its navigation system. The study of that
    system will allow Allied technology to catch up with that of the III


    Welcome, officer. In this mission, you must recover the guidance system
    of the secret bomb HS 293. To do this, you must sneak pass the tight
    security system that is guarding the bomb. Once you have it in your
    possession, place it in the lorry, escape down the road to the west.
    That will be all. You must take all necessary precautions.

    -Use the Green Beret to capture the navigation system of the HS 293
    -Place it in the lorry and escape down the road to the west.

    -Steal the HS 293 bomb's navigation system.
    -Escape down the road to the west.



    Wait until the patrol is walking to the west and the guard patrolling
    the church is heading east, use Tiny to stab him and hide the body
    behind the church (behind the wooden cart). Kill the guard to the south
    of the church when the patrol is not around and carry the body behind
    the church also.
    Wait for the patrol guard to pass through the church to the east before
    sniping them with Duke. Shoot from the left to the sergeant. If you're
    fast, you should be able to kill them before they can raise the alarm.
    Use Tiny to hide the bodies.
    Put the decoy just slightly to the right of the church door and
    activate it, then quickly go inside the door. The guard to the left
    should come to investigate. Stab him and hide the body.
    Put the decoy on the road between the church and the house to its south
    (near the chimney). Activate it and hide in the house to the left. The
    guard to the upper left of the church and the one patrolling around the
    house where Tiny is hiding should come and investigate. Kill them both
    and hide the body behind the church.
    Climb to the platform overlooking the river and put the decoy at the
    bottom of the ladder (behind the guard) and go climb back up to the
    right of the platform. Activate the decoy and you should lure three
    guards from below. Kill them all and the guard overlooking the river as
    well. Be careful not to get spotted, if you do, load and try again,
    this might take a few tries.
    When it is done, it is time to take care of the only remaining guard
    below. You can do it in two ways: Climb down the cliff and stab him
    when he is not looking or stand up on the platform and when he sees
    you, crouch immediately. He should come to investigate and you can
    knife him while he is climbing the ladder.


    Crouch at the center of the river and quickly ran across when the guard
    is not looking. CROUCH AGAIN as soon as you cross the river (might need
    a few tries) hide behind the tent and kill the guard patrolling nearby.
    Just leave the body there. Next, kill the guard looking at the river
    when nobody is looking and IMMEDIATELY carry his body to behind the
    tent (where you left the previous guard).
    Go to the left tent near the river edge and put the lure there.
    Activate it and the two guards nearby should come. Go around and stab
    them. Leave the bodies there. If they saw the guard's body below the
    ladder (across the river), just stab them and leave the bodies also.
    It's the same either way.
    Go to the south of the map with Tiny and place the decoy near the big
    stone foundation. Activate it to lure a guard. Go around to kill him
    and leave the body there (behind the stone). Crawl to large tent to the
    left of the HS 293 bomb and place the decoy in the middle. Two guards
    should come, kill them both and carry the bodies behind the stone
    foundation where you kill the previous guard.
    Now go back to the river edge and crawl all the way to the northwest
    and stop just below the cliff. Kill the guard there when no one is
    looking and hide the body behind the stone structure to the left. When
    the second guard come, run and stab him. Hide the body there as well.
    Crawl and put the decoy to the left of the large tent just next to the
    HS 293 bomb. Hide behind the tent and activate the decoy. One guard
    should come, kill him and hide his body behind the stone foundation
    southeast of the HS 293 bomb.
    Go hide behind the big rock left of your current position and put the
    decoy there. Throw a cigarette slightly to the left of the rock and a
    guard should come. Activate the decoy and go around the rock to kill
    him. Leave the body there (DO THIS WHEN THE PATROL ARE NOT LOOKING).


    Send Duke to crouch on the right of the barrack tent beside the river
    and snipe the guard on top of the HUGE stone structure. Don't let
    anyone see you. This might need a few tries to succeed.
    Tiny should crawl back to the right of the large stone structure and
    stab the guard beneath the stairs to the left when no one is looking
    (might need a few tries as the timing has to be precise). IMMEDIATELY
    carry and hide the body to the right of the stone structure.
    Climb the cliff with Tiny and immediately crouch to avoid being seen.
    Kill the guard in guarding the barrack when he is looking away and
    leave the body there.
    Crawl to the large rock to the left and put the decoy. Activate it and
    a guard should be lured. Circle around and stab him from behind. Leave
    the body there. Now move the previous guard's corpse (the one in front
    of the barrack) and hide it behind the rock as well.
    Activate the decoy right in front of the barrack and it should lure
    another guard. Kill him and leave the body there.
    Now put the decoy slightly to the northeast of the stone structure
    (near the lone guard on the top of the stairs). Activate the decoy and
    kill him. Hide the body behind the rocks (don't get spotted by the
    patrol below).
    Now you have to kill the guard with the dog at the north. Notice that
    the guard is slightly behind the dog when they walk. Crouch and follow
    their route, you should knife them both when they reach the shaded area
    where nobody can see their corpse. Kill the guard first and quickly
    kill the dog as well.
    Tell Duke to join Tiny and position Duke at the fork of the road to the
    west. Snipe the lone guard at the other side of the bridge when he is
    at the end of his patrol route (to make sure that no one will see the
    Hide Duke behind the rocks and use Tiny to lure the guard patrolling
    the bridge by standing up and when he was spotted, immediately crouch
    and the guard will come. Hide behind any stones nearby and simply stab
    the guard. Hide the body behind the rocks.
    No use Tiny to kill the machine gunner beside the barrack and use
    Duke's two remaining bullets to dispose of the two guards at the
    Tiny should climb back down the cliff and grab the HS 293 navigational
    system. Carry it all the way back to the upper camp (beware of the
    patrol). Have Tread come out from the church and drive the truck to the
    place where Duke and Tiny are waiting. Pick them up and drive the truck
    to the northwest road. Mission accomplished!!!


    Mission 4: Thor's Hammer
    Date: September 11, 1943
    Location: Bonn, Germany
    Personnel: Tiny, Duke, Inferno


    Allied troops have recovered Sicily. Hardly a month has gone by since
    they arrived there. However, their progress has not been encouraging.
    Close collaboration between the infantry and the artillery permits
    Marshall Albert Kesselring to keep the Allies stuck in their positions.

    The objective of your mission will be to destroy a large-caliber rail-
    mounted cannon that is stopped at the train station in Bonn, Germany.
    If you manage to destroy it, the Wehrmacht will lose an important
    strategic artillery weapon that should be heading for Italy, and the
    invasion troops will be able to advance towards the North.


    Welcome, officer. During your mission, you must destroy the large
    caliber train-mounted gun. Place two explosive charges next to it and
    blow it to smithereens. You must also blow up the armored carriages
    stopped on the siding. To do this, you must increase the power of the
    explosives with the help of various barrels.
    When you have managed this, use the locomotive that is on the first
    track to escape towards the east. If you need to hide during the
    mission, you could try to move one of the carriages and use it as a
    shield. That will be all. As you will see, there is a great deal of
    activity in the station so be sensible and do not risk the lives of
    your men.

    -You can push the carriages in order to hide behind them.
    -To blow up the armor carriages, place several barrels of explosives
    together with the bombs.
    -Place two bundles of explosives to blow up the rail gun.
    -To escape, use the locomotive stopped on the first track.

    -Destroy the rail gun.
    -Destroy the armored train.
    -Use the locomotive to escape.



    First, you have to kill the guards nearby. Send Tiny to kill the guard
    patrolling around the small house when the soldier to the east is not
    looking. Timing is crucial here, as you have to IMMEDIATELY pick up the
    body and hide it behind the stack of boxes and cable rolls before you
    are spotted by the patrol to the north (might need a few tries). Next
    crawl behind the small house and approach the guard standing beside the
    guard standing next to the stack of boxed from the north. Kill him when
    nobody is looking and leave the body there for now.
    Kill the lone patrolling guard to your right when no one is looking
    (beware of the patrol to the east) and carry the body to your starting
    position. Do the same thing with the previous two corpses (just to be
    Crawl back to the boxes and this time wait for the patrol to pass by
    and quickly run to stab the guard between the two walls when he is not
    looking. Carry the body to the same place as previous kills.
    Now Tiny have to dispose of the two guards north of your starting
    position. Put the decoy near the stack of boxes and activate it, kill
    the patrolling guard that come to investigate. Hide the body with the
    rest. Turn off the decoy and throw a cigarette pack so the standing
    guard can see it, when he come to pick it up, activate the decoy. Kill
    him and hide the body (don't get seen by the patrol while doing this).
    Send Tiny to crawl north and stop at the train tracks. As soon as the
    patrol heads east again, run and quickly stab the patrolling guard to
    the north.
    Additional note: You must time your movement so that by the time Tiny
    delivers the cold steel blade to the guard, the guard should be walking
    between the two large boxes and the metal tower. If you time it right,
    the guard should be killed there and nobody will see the body. (If
    someone does, load and try again as it might need a few tries). And
    don't forget to crouch as soon as you knife him.
    Next wait for the patrol to the north (near the rolls of cable and two
    stacks of logs) to head east then send Tiny crawling to the south of
    the cable. Kill the lone patrolling guard when he passed by to the
    north and quickly hide his body between the two stacks of logs.
    Send Tiny to hide beside the rolls of cable to the north and the large
    warehouse. Put the decoy there and wait for the patrol to head south
    again before throwing a cigarette pack to lure the lone patrolling
    guard to the north. When he comes, activate the decoy and stab him.
    Leave the body hidden there.
    Crawl and stop at the staircase leading to the guard standing at the
    large warehouse to the north. Make sure no one is looking when you kill
    him and carry the body back to the previous place.
    Now crouch near the roll of cable to the right and kill the guard there
    when no one is looking. Carry the body through the gap at the wall and
    hide the body there. Now kill the two guards to the east of guard you
    just killed. Hide the bodies in the same place (should be a piece of
    cake). And then drop the decoy there and go hide behind the wooden
    carriage before activating it. The patrolling guard should come to
    investigate. Quickly run and stab him, leave the body there.


    Send Tiny to crawl and put the decoy between the compound wall (area
    with tents) and the large box (south of the barrack). Hide inside the
    barrack and wait for the lone patrolling guard (patrolling the compound
    perimeter) to come before activating the decoy to lure two guards
    together. Kill them both and leave the bodies there.
    Crawl into the compound and follow the pavement floor to the southeast
    until you find a guard guarding the gate. Kill him when no one is
    looking and leave the body there.
    Next drop the decoy at the left of the leftmost tent and hide beside
    the bottom tent. Activate it and the patrolling guard should come, kill
    him and hide his body outside. Crawl back inside and kill the guard to
    the right of the bottom tent and hide the body outside as well.
    Crawl back inside and wait for the only patrolling guard to head west
    again before killing the guard between the trees. Quickly run and kill
    the guard to his left. Then hide in the closest tent. The patrolling
    guard should see the body and yelled, bringing his friend along to
    investigate. Kill them both before they can raise the alarm and leave
    the bodies there.
    Crawl eastward near the edge of the map, drop and activate the decoy
    behind the pile of junk to lure the guard patrolling the compound
    perimeter. Kill him and leave the body there. Kill the machine gunner
    next, when nobody is looking.
    Crawl all the way back until the big warehouse just south of the
    barrack near the compound perimeter. Drop the decoy inside (far right
    corner) the warehouse and hide behind the huge black door. Activate it
    and two guards should come to investigate. Kill them both, leave the
    bodies and pick up the decoy.
    Drop the decoy again between the two wooden boxes and the car train to
    the east. Wait for the guard patrolling the compound perimeter to get
    close then activate the decoy. Two guards should come to investigate.
    Crawl there and kill them both. QUICKLY go hide in the warehouse and
    leave the bodies there. The patrolling guard to the south should see
    the body, kill him and leave the body with the rest.
    Stick and crawl alongside the compound perimeter. Stop just beside the
    only guard standing there. Kill him when no one is looking and QUICKLY
    carry the body and bring it A FEW STEPS to the southeast (stick to the
    wall). QUICKLY DROP THE BODY AND CROUCH before the guard at the train
    station can see you (might need a few tries).
    Kill the guard standing next to the small house and hide inside it. The
    guard at the train station should see the body and come to investigate.
    Come out from your hiding and stab him from behind. Move the bodies and
    hide them beside the house. Kill the guard next to the crane and hide
    the body in the same place. Climb the ladder leading to the roof of the
    station and stab the guard on top. Hide the body in the small corner.
    Crouch and wait to ambush the other guard when he turns his back to
    you. Leave the body there or hide it. It's entirely up to you.
    Climb back down and wait for the guards at the station to look away,
    then dash your way to the small corner at the center of the station.
    Wait for the patrolling guard to move away then quickly run and stab
    him so his body will fell right at the middle so the guards on both
    sides will not see the body (again, this requires extreme timing and
    you might need a few tries). Kill the guards on both sides and just
    leave the bodies there.
    Bring Duke over from the starting position to the station and position
    him near the pile of junk to the northeast. Snipe the soldier on the
    roof and just wait there for now. Tiny should put the decoy on the
    front of the rail gun and activate it. Hide beside the track next to
    the station and activate the decoy. The guard patrolling nearby should
    go down the track to investigate. Stab him and leave the body there
    (beware of the patrol and the remaining guard on the station roof).


    Go back to the west and climb down the ladder near the large
    warehouses, which lead to a large round space below. Place the decoy
    there and stick to the wall. Activate it and a guard should come to
    investigate. Wait at the bottom of the ladder and knife him while he's
    climbing down. Just leave the body there.
    Go to the western end of the rail gun where there are two guards
    standing on each side. Drop the decoy near the crane to the north of
    the upper guard and hide behind the crane. Activate it and when he
    comes to investigate, he should see the bodies of his comrades behind
    the house. Kill him when he walk by the crane and add his body to the
    pile beside the house.
    Next drop the decoy on the track, north of the second guard and hide
    behind the crane. He should come to investigate and see the bodies at
    the station. Kill him and hide the body with the rest. Don't forget to
    kill the machine gunner, west of the crane. Hide his body at the same
    Next kill the guard in front of the small barrack south of the machine
    gunner you just killed. Hide his body in the same place (beware of
    patrols). Next crawl to the rail gun and stop behind the guard in front
    of it. Kill him when the patrol is not looking and carry his body to
    the small house to join the bodies piled there.


    Send Inferno to plant two explosives on the rail gun (beware of the
    patrol and the guard on the station roof).
    Send Duke to hide behind the pile of junk near the northeast corner of
    the map (near the escape train). Get Tiny and Inferno to crawl to the
    big car train south of the end of train tracks (where there are two
    guards on top). Wait for the patrol to pass and use Inferno to lob a
    grenade to the ground. The resulting explosion should kill the patrol
    and the two guards on top. MAKE SURE that every guard around the
    armored train comes to investigate (including the other patrol to the
    west). Lob the second grenade to kill them all.
    Send Tiny to kill any remaining guards around the armored train. This
    should be easy because most of them would have died from the blast
    earlier (only two remains in my game). Send Inferno to plant the third
    explosive inside the first train then the last one next to the second
    train. Use Tiny to lift the barrels to the east and drop one inside the
    first train and the remaining two barrels next to the second train.


    Now circle around the map through the western side which you've cleared
    earlier and join Duke behind the pile of junk. Detonate the explosives
    simultaneously and tell Duke to snipe the guard at the gate leading to
    the station.
    Now everyone should crawl and get into the locomotive without being
    seen. This requires extra timing especially if you want your men enter
    the locomotive without even being shot once. The locomotive will start
    and the soldiers will be firing furiously at it. When the train reaches
    the northeastern corner of the map, the mission is accomplished!!!


    Mission 5: Guess Who's Coming Tonight
    Date: July 15, 1944
    Location: Rastenburg, Prussia
    Personnel: Tiny, Duke, Tread, Spooky


    In the summer of 1944, a desperate and unhappy group of high-ranking
    German soldiers dreamed up an operation meant to get rid of the Fuhrer,
    topple the III Reich and establish a new government. The chosen date is
    July 20. The place, Headquarters at Rastenburg, known as the
    Wolfsschanze, the Wolf's Lair. However, a problem has arisen. The SS
    Colonel Wilhelm von Below, chief of security of the complex, has some
    suspicions regarding the existence of a conspiracy and is about to
    unmask its leaders.

    You mission will be to enter the fortress and kidnap Colonel von Below
    before he can upset the plans. If you are successful, maybe Hitler will
    be eliminated and the war might end in a few days.


    I am pleased to see you again, officer. Your mission will be to
    infiltrate the walled compound, capture Colonel von Below, place him in
    an armored vehicle and escape down the road to the east. Due to our
    carelessness, one of our men has been captured. Free him and carry out
    your mission.
    One more thing, the enemy is on full alert. At the slightest sign of
    danger, the officer will escape in a vehicle that is waiting for him,
    terminating your mission immediately. That will be all. We are counting
    on you.

    -Get into the enclosure by climbing to the platform on the east door.
    -There is an ammunition box in the enclosure.
    -Free the Spy that is in prison at the northern part of the complex.
    -Capture the Colonel and take him into the tank.
    -Escape through the south-east road.

    -Free the Spy.
    -Kidnap Colonel von Below.
    -Escape through the southeast road.



    Order Tiny to drop and activate the decoy at the starting position
    (don't move anywhere). Quickly hide in the small hut. Three guards
    should come to investigate. Kill them all and leave the bodies there.
    Drop and activate the decoy again so the noise will attract the
    patrolling guard to the east (near the stack of logs and barrels). Go
    hide in the hut again and quickly kill him before he can raise the
    alarm upon spotting his dead comrades' bodies.
    Hide beside the large house to the north and as soon as the guard in
    front of the house slightly to the northeast (at the road intersection)
    is not looking, quickly run and hide in the house behind him. Stab him
    from behind and hide the body in the starting position.
    Drop the decoy between the house and the wooden wall to the northeast
    (near the guard at the road intersection) when no one is looking. This
    might require a few tries. Activate it and hide in the house nearby.
    Two guards should come, so stab them both and leave the corpses there.
    Send Tiny to the left of the house located west of Tread's position.
    Put the decoy and activate it before hiding in the house. The guard
    patrolling the road should come to investigate. This is a very easy
    kill. Just come out and stab him. Leave the body there.
    Next, quickly run to Tread's position when no one is looking (might
    need a few tries) and put the decoy in the small corner formed by the
    two wooden walls. Tell Tiny to hide with Tread before activating it.
    The two soldiers near the machine gunner should come to check. Stab
    them both and leave the bodies there. And then run to the machine-
    gunner and stab him when he is not looking. Hide the body in the small
    corner also.
    Send Tiny to hide in the corner of the house to the east (near the
    patrol). Wait until the patrol is heading east before dashing out from
    the corner (beware of the immobile guard near the field) into the
    field. Drop the decoy on the northern wall and go stand at the edge of
    the southern wall. Activate it and the guard shouldn't see Tiny, while
    he comes to investigate. Kill him and hide the body in the northern
    walls corner.


    Send Duke to Tiny's position and snipe the guard on top of the
    compound's eastern wall (don't get seen). Crouch as soon as this is
    done and hide in the hut.
    Tiny have to crawl at the edge of the map to avoid being seen by the
    guards at the gate. Climb up the wall when nobody is looking (don't
    forget to crouch). Climb down the ladder when the coast is clear and
    climb the ladder to the building east of the Panzer tank. Kill the only
    guard on the roof and leave the body there (beware of guards from the
    buildings nearby including the patrol).
    Climb back down and kill the soldier near the gate when the patrol is
    not around. Hide the body near the trees to the east. Only three guards
    are left near the gate now, but they will be dealt with later.
    For now, sneak past the patrol and climb to the roof of the barrack
    west of the Panzer tank. Kill the guard on the left when no one is
    looking and leave the body there. Lure the other guard's attention by
    using throwing some stones or using the decoy. Anyway, he should turn
    around and see his friend's corpse. Hide in the shadows and stab him
    when he runs by (beware of the patrol).
    Climb back down and climb down the eastern wall again. Stand beside the
    small barrack next to the gate and throw a stone so the two guards will
    turn their heads around. QUICKLY stab the guard next to the barrack and
    IMMEDIATELY carry his body behind the barrack.

    Additional note: Some people might find this part VERY HARD to pull
    off, as the guards will only turn around for a few seconds. I've tried
    this many times and it worked but precise timing is very vital to
    ensure success. Good luck!!! ^_^

    Climb the wall into the compound again and dispose of the two remaining
    guards when no one is looking. Hide the body near the trees to the east
    or behind the stack of boxes and barrels to the west.
    Send Tiny to drop the decoy next to the small wooden hut to the west.
    Be patient and wait for two soldiers to walk nearby before activating
    the decoy. Quickly hide in the hut. Kill them when they walked by and
    hide the corpses to the left side of the hut.


    Tread should join Duke and both of them have to sneak into the compound
    through the now "totally-safe" gate. Tell them to join Tiny and hide in
    the small hut.
    Tiny should plant the decoy at the corner of the stone building to the
    north (the one with an anti-aircraft gun on the roof) and hide in the
    building. Activate the decoy and a guard should come to investigate.
    Kill him and leave the body there.
    Tiny have to wait by the stack of barrels to the west and stab the
    guard patrolling nearby. Hide his body in the small corner near the
    trees just north of the stone building. Go hide in the opposite corner
    and wait for the patrolling guard from the northwest to see the body.
    Kill him before he can raise the alarm and hide the body in the same
    Go to the stack of logs to the northwest and drop the decoy on the left
    side. Hide somewhere to the south (near the trees again) and activate
    it. The guard standing next to the barrack should come, just kill him
    and leave the body there.
    Send Tiny to circle around the barrack from the south and throw a stone
    to divert the guard's attention. Stab him and leave the body there.
    Send Duke and Tread to Tiny's position. Duke should grab the ammunition
    box and he will be rewarded with four extra sniper bullets.


    Circle around the barrack again and use Tiny to drop the decoy slightly
    to the southeast of the power grid. Wait for the patrolling guard from
    the north to come before activating the decoy. The other immobile guard
    near the barrack should also be lured. Kill them both and leave the
    bodies there.
    Crawl past the machine-gunner's view from the east and head to the
    west. And then wait for the patrolling guard to walk south. Quickly
    kill the immobile guard and run to kill him as well. Leave the bodies
    Go all the way to the north and kill the lone immobile guard near the
    trees when nobody is around. Hide his body somewhere to the south (I'm
    sure you can find a safe place by yourself) ^_^
    Plant the decoy west of the prison (at the corner between the trees and
    the wooden wall). Hide on the other side of the trees and activate the
    decoy. Kill the guard that comes to investigate and carry his body to
    the south (beware of the patrol and patrolling guard to the east).
    Approach the prison again from the west and punch the guard in the
    corner between two wooden walls (left of the prison). Handcuff him and
    hide him behind the stack of logs nearby.
    Wait beside the prison and kill the guard in front when no one is
    looking. Hide his body behind the stack of logs as well.
    Quickly free Spooky when the patrol is not around and tell him to
    change his clothes from the guard that you knocked out cold earlier
    with Tiny. Then kill the only remaining guard patrolling next to the
    prison and hide his body behind the logs. Don't forget to take out the
    machine-gunner south of the prison and hide his body in the same place.
    Spooky should make his way across to the villa and climb the ladder to
    the east. Climb a few more ladders and he will eventually find a
    uniform in the northwest end of the roof (don't get spotted by patrols
    as the sergeants can see through Spooky's disguise). Change Spooky's
    uniform and he is free to roam the map now. ^_^


    Additional note: There is no need to move bodies around on the roof as
    nobody can see them unless I said it is necessary.

    Climb the ladder to the east and kill the guard patrolling nearby when
    no one is looking. Next, dispose of the two guards on top of the two
    ladders (north and south).
    Climb back down and kill the three guards to the left, beginning with
    the patrolling ones. Leave the one standing still for the last. This
    should be a piece of cake, just be careful of patrols on the ground.
    Next, climb down one level and kill the lone patrolling guard to the
    east. Climb all the way down to the ground and kill the patrolling
    guard to the left. Hide his body at the corner. Proceed by killing the
    guard to the right and hide his body in the same place.
    Take out the immobile guard and the machine-gunner to the south and
    leave the bodies there.
    Run all the way to the west of the HQ. There are two patrolling guards
    here. Kill the one patrolling west to east and vice versa. Hide the
    body at a small corner near the trees.

    Additional note: Drop the corpse as close as possible to the left side
    of the corner to avoid being seen by the patrol.

    Now kill the patrolling guard to the north when he reached his northern
    end of his patrol route. Quickly carry his body and hide it behind the
    stack of logs next to the prison (beware of the patrolling guard in the
    HQ's garden).
    Dispose of the guard patrolling the left garden of the HQ when the
    patrol is not around and hide his body in the same place as previous
    Run to the front door of the HQ and kill the lone patrolling soldier
    there when he reached the eastern end of his patrol route (to avoid
    being seen by the patrolling guard to the east).
    Kill the two guards on both sides of the Kubelwagen parked outside the
    HQ when no one is looking. Leave the bodies there. Don't forget to get
    rid of the guard patrolling the right garden of the HQ and hide his
    body at the bottom of the ladder leading to the HQ's roof.
    Kill the machine-gunner south of the Kubelwagen and hide the body next
    to the stack of logs nearby. Area secured!!!


    Send Spooky to distract Colonel von Below so he is looking to the west.
    Tiny should stand beside the trees and crouch until one of the guards
    spots him. The two guards and the Colonel will point their guns at

    Additional note: This idea may sound a little crazy but it works!!!
    I've tried it many times myself. ^_^

    Spooky should quickly kill the two guards and chloroform the Colonel.
    Don't forget to handcuff him as well. Leave him there for now.
    Spooky should go to the roof of the building north of the Panzer and
    kill the guard there when no one is looking.
    Send Duke crawling from the west and snipe the remaining guard on the
    roof. Send Tread to stay with Duke.
    Spooky have to kill the immobile guard next to the Panzer when the
    patrol is not around and hide the body near the trees to the north.
    Distract the patrol with Spooky so they should be looking to the
    southwest. Get Tiny to carry the Colonel and load everyone into the
    Panzer (excluding Spooky).
    Have Tread drive the Panzer out of eastern gate and wait there. Spooky
    may release the distraction now and get him into the Panzer. Drive
    along the road to the southeast and the mission is accomplished!!!


    Mission 6: Eagle's Nest
    Date: November 12, 1944
    Location: Neubranderburg, Germany
    Personnel: Tiny, Duke, Inferno


    The outcome of the war is being decided in the skies over Europe.
    Allied numerical superiority has meant that the Luftwaffe has been
    unable to prevent systematic Allied bombing of German-held territory.
    However, the situation can change. German technicians are working on
    the final details of a new generation of jet fighters.

    Your mission consists in sabotaging current research. To do so, destroy
    the prototypes stationed at the Neubranderburg airfield. Whoever rules
    the skies will hold the key to the ultimate victory.


    We meet again, officer. On this occasion, you must sneak into the
    airfield and destroy the German prototypes. To make sure there is
    nothing left, place the fuel tanks next to the aircraft and blow them
    up. Your objective is simply the destruction of the prototypes. But if
    you do not want any excessive risk, you may also destroy the remaining
    Finally, escape by using the aeroplane standing at the center of the
    runways. Capture an enemy pilot to help you with the controls. That
    will be all. We know that you will make it.

    -If you walk along the path, your footprints may give you away.
    -Push the fuel dumps towards the prototypes to enable you to destroy
    -You must kidnap the enemy pilot to escape.

    -Destroy the prototypes.
    -Kidnap the enemy pilot to escape.
    -Escape by using the jet plane in the airfield.



    Use Tiny to drop the decoy south of the large rock at your starting
    position. Hide behind the small rock to the east and activate the
    decoy. The guard patrolling to the north should come to investigate.
    Kill him and hide the body behind the large rock.
    Run past the stone wall and head to the cliff to the north without
    being seen. Climb the cliff and kill the guard on top when he is not
    looking. Hide the body at the edge of the trees to the left.
    Climb back down and crawl into the farmhouse. Kill the guard next to
    the large house when no one is looking and hide the body between the
    house and the stone wall (in the shadows).
    Stab the lone guard patrolling the large house and hide the corpse at
    the corner also.
    Now drop and activate the decoy between the well and the small pagoda-
    like structure next to it. Hide in the house and wait for the
    patrolling guard outside to come investigate. Come out from hiding and
    stab him. Again hide the body at the corner as previous kills.
    Drop the decoy near the second door from the left and hide behind the
    pagoda structure. Activate it and the guard at the gate should be
    lured. Kill him and hide the body in the same place as before.
    Bring Duke to the gate and tell him to snipe the guard outside the
    airfield to the north. As soon as you drop him, find the quickest
    moment possible to drop the other guard patrolling on the wall to the
    east. YOU MUST NOT BE SEEN as the alarm will immediately be triggered
    if you do.

    Additional note: Be careful of the guards who are patrolling the
    interior of the compound and the guard outside as well.


    Send Tiny to the road east of the farmhouse and wait behind the stone
    wall. Quickly stab the guard patrolling nearby when nobody is looking.
    Hide his body in the small corner to the north just nearby.
    Place the decoy on the left of the compound and hide behind the walls
    again. Activate it and the patrolling guard outside the compound should
    come to investigate. Kill him and hide the body in the corner as
    Now plant the decoy again just beside the lamp post in front of the
    compound and crawl through to the south to get to the other side of the
    compound's gate. Activate the decoy and the guard should come, crawl
    past through the gate and stab him. Hide the body in the small corner
    Now bring Duke to Tiny's position, sneak him into the compound and
    position him outside the house on the left side. Snipe the guard on the
    barrack without being seen. Drop prone as soon as this is accomplished
    and return him to the small corner. Don't forget to bring Inferno there
    Next send Tiny inside and drop the decoy on the shadows left of the
    western house. Activate it and hide in the house. The guard patrolling
    to the north should come to investigate. Come out from the house and
    stab him in the back. Leave the body there.
    Run and hide in the barn to the north when the pilot is not looking.
    Wait until he is going south again and quickly punch him with Tiny's
    fist. Handcuff the pilot and leave him there for now.


    Send Tiny to climb the ladder lading to the airfield and kill the
    patrolling guard to the north when nobody is looking. Hide the body
    behind the blue barrels to the west.
    Ascend the ladder of the building east of the barrels and stab the
    guard there without being seen. Crouch immediately after this is done
    and leave the body there.
    Now put the decoy left of the building's door and activates it before
    going into hiding. The immobile guard to the east should come to
    investigate. Come out and stab him as usual. Hide the body behind the
    blue barrels.
    Now crawl all the way west and plant the decoy behind the blue barrels
    near the western edge of the map. Activate the decoy and circle around
    the barrel while the lone patrolling guard comes to investigate. Kill
    him and leave the body there.
    Crawl north and kill the immobile guard near the blue barrels south of
    the bomber. Hide his body in the same place as previous kill.
    Climb onto the bomber and kill the guard on the left wing when nobody
    is looking. Just leave the body there.
    Climb back down and plant the decoy at the bottom of the bomber's right
    wing and hide behind the fuel tank before activating it. The guard on
    the other side of the bomber should come. Kill him and hide the body
    behind the blue barrels as before.


    Tiny have to push the fuel tank south until it is stuck between the two
    jet fighters. Send Duke and Inferno to Tiny's position. Inferno should
    chuck an explosive beside the fuel tank.
    Now Tiny should crawl and drop the decoy behind the spotlight to the
    north of the bomber. Activate it and circle around the spotlight when
    the lone patrolling guard to the north comes to investigate. Kill him
    and hide his body behind the blue barrels south of the bomber (favorite
    hiding place eh? ^_^)
    Crawl back north again and cross the landing strip to the left of the
    large rock near the brown oil barrels. Hide in the left edge and the
    patrolling guard to the north should see Tiny's footprints. Kill him as
    soon as he passed by Tiny and hide the body behind the large rock.
    Send Duke over and drop the soldier on the roof of the building to the
    east (beware of patrol). Send Duke to hide behind the large rock.
    Tiny should climb the ladder and dispose of the two guards remaining on
    the roof. Leave the bodies there.
    Send Inferno to climb onto the roof as well and wait for the patrol to
    pass through the staircase leading to the roof of the barrack. Throw a
    grenade PRECISELY at the bottom of the staircase. The resulting
    explosion should take out the patrol and destroy the barrack as well.
    Crouch IMMEDIATELY and wait for more soldiers and patrol to gather
    below before lobbing a second grenade, thus cleaning the western sector
    of the airfield from enemies. ^_^

    Additional note: Both explosions should not destroy the roof of the
    building where Tiny and Inferno are. The fuel tank nearby shouldn't be
    destroyed as well. If any of this does occur, reload and try again.
    I've tried it many times and it always worked. ^_^

    Send Tiny to push the fuel tank next to the staircase all the way to
    the north until it stopped beside the jet fighter. Put another
    explosive beside the fuel tank.
    Tiny have to push the next fuel tank beside the fighter plane to the
    south and stopped when it reached the tail of the jet fighter east of
    the bomber. Chuck another explosive there.
    Send Duke to the east and stopped at the building west of the bomber
    (near the hangar). Snipe the guard on top of the hangar and crawl a
    little further to the east. Take out the guard on the wing of the
    bomber with his final bullet. Duke should hide in the anti-aircraft gun
    emplacement west of the escape plane.
    Send Tiny to stab the remaining soldier near the bomber and just leave
    the body there. If someone sees it and raise the alarm, no extra
    patrols would come out from the barrack. Just get Tiny out of their
    sight and everything should be okay.
    Send Inferno out of the airfield through the ladder on the western
    side. Have him run all the way to the eastern cliff near the edge of
    the map. Prepare a grenade and wait for the patrol to pass through the
    barrack before throwing it. The explosion should take out the barrack
    as well as the patrol. Three guards should come to investigate, lob the
    last grenade to take them out.


    Send Tiny to the front of the building west of the destroyed barrack.
    Throw a stone to the guard at the gate to distract him. Quickly knife
    the machine-gunner, whip out the pistol and shoot the guard at the gate
    before he can turn around. There you go, the airfield is secured!!!
    Tiny should now push the last fuel tank to the north beside the brown
    Send Inferno inside and plant the last explosive there.
    Send Tiny to carry the pilot and wait beside the escape plane. Detonate
    all four explosives and get everyone into the plane. Mission


    Mission 7: The Great Escape
    Date: November 20, 1944
    Location: Nuremberg, Germany
    Personnel: Tiny, Fins, Inferno, Tread


    Six months have gone by since the Normandy landings. During that time,
    the Allies have recovered Paris and most of Occupied France. Allied
    Supreme Headquarters still believes in sabotage to achieve its
    strategic objectives. However, theses actions do not always have the
    expected ending.

    Several of your men have been captured behind enemy lines and are held
    prisoner in the Stalag 13 POW camp. Bring them back home safe and
    sound. Remember that it is your responsibility to keep your elite unit
    in one piece.


    I am very sorry that we should have to meet in these circumstances,
    officer. Your captured men are inside the POW camp. Use any means at
    your disposal to infiltrate the camp and free them, then recover their
    knapsacks since they contain maps and orders that must not be lost.
    Later, place an explosive charge next to the officers' barrack and blow
    it up. The prisoners inside the camp are aware of the escape attempt.
    When they hear the explosion, they will escape towards the north. You
    must help them make it. Finally, steal a lorry and escape down the road
    to the east.
    By the way, we suspect that among the prisoners there is a snitch. Be
    on the alert and try to find him out since he could complicate your
    mission considerably. That is all. Just remember, your men need you.

    -Recover the knapsacks with your equipment.
    -Get rid of the guards to allow the prisoner to escape.
    -Be careful with the snitch.
    -Escape with the lorry down the southeast road.

    -Free the Green Beret and the Driver.
    -Recover their knapsacks
    -Help the prisoners to escape.
    -Escape down the southeast road.



    Send Fins to the east and hide behind the rock next to the trees. Wait
    for the patrolling guard to turn his back before dropping him with the
    Crawl further east and hide behind beside the large rock. Harpoon the
    guard beside the rock when the patrolling guard to the north is looking
    away. He should come when he spotted his comrade's body. Drop him with
    the harpoon also.
    Hide behind the stack of hays and run to the north, whip out the
    harpoon and kill the soldier guarding the bridge when he is looking
    away. Go past through the bridge and hide behind the large rock west to
    Throw a cigarette pack next to the rock and the patrolling guard should
    come to pick it up. Harpoon him and crawl to trees on the left.
    Crawl again to the barrack and drop the lone immobile guard there with
    your harpoon (beware of the guard tower).


    Fins should crawl to the west where he can get into the river and dive.
    Tell him to go to the underwater pipe nearby and click on the well
    inside the camp. He will surface there.
    Wait for the guard patrolling nearby to walk between the house to the
    north and the well (to avoid detection by other guards), then quickly
    drop him with the harpoon and crawl down from the well.
    Wait beside the house south of the well and harpoon the patrolling
    guard there when he reached the eastern end of his patrol route.
    Dispose of the guard beside the barrack and go south to harpoon the
    guard overlooking the bridge.
    Bring Inferno over the bridge and plant the explosive beside the
    barrack and hide behind the rock to the west. Detonate the explosive
    and four guards should come to investigate including a sergeant from
    the destroyed barrack. Lob a grenade to take them out.
    Inferno should go to the eastern gate of the camp where the escape
    lorry is parked. Throw a second grenade while the patrol is walking
    pass the road next to the barrack. The explosion should blow the
    barrack to bits while taking out the patrol in process. Now you can
    make any noise without fear of raising the alarm anymore.
    He...he...he... ^_^


    Send Fins to kill the guard next to the large mound of rocks just
    northwest of the camp. Crawl to Tiny and Tread's knapsacks and wait for
    the patrolling guard to reach the western end of his patrol route, the
    quickly harpoon him.
    Crawl and hide behind the stack of logs right of the house and harpoon
    the immobile guard facing the camp. The patrolling guard to the north
    and east should come to investigate. Drop them both with the harpoon.


    Send Inferno to the southwest gate of the camp. Hide behind the small
    wooden hut next to it and lob a grenade right at the center of the two
    guards at the gate. Wait until more soldiers have come to investigate
    before throwing Inferno's last grenade to finish them off. There should
    be no more guards in the camp now excluding the four that is guarding
    Tiny and Tread.
    Send Inferno to the east and cut a hole through the fence with the
    pliers when no one is looking. Hide beside the house and when the guard
    comes to investigate, lure him by shooting the ground with the pistol.
    He should go pass through the hole and Inferno can shoot him down with
    Cut another hole in the inner fence and go to the northern gate. Shoot
    the guard there when no one is looking and hide behind the small house
    to the west. Shoot the guard patrolling here as well. There should be
    one more guard patrolling the outer perimeter to the south. Kill him
    with the pistol also.

    Additional notes: The following steps are very tricky. They require
    perfect timing and a bit of luck I guess...
    ???Open the southeastern gate and send Fins to join Inferno there
    (don't get spotted). Inferno should throw stone to divert the guard's
    attention (the one on top of the guard tower with a ladder). Fins
    should climb the ladder and kill him with the harpoon. Climb back down
    and leave Fins there for now.
    Inferno should crawl along the eastern edge of the map and shoot the
    patrolling guard to the north when he turns his back around.
    Now finish off the patrol to the north by laying trap on the ground.
    Reset the trap until all five people in the patrol are dead. If one of
    the guards didn't resume his patrol after you kill two or three people,
    just shoot him to saves time.???

    Regroup Inferno and Fins inside the compound. Have Fins open the
    northern gate.
    Inferno should crawl to the building where Tint and Tread are
    imprisoned. Lean close to the wall of the building where Tiny and Tread
    are held. Shoot the guard whose back is facing to you and quickly run
    forward to shoot the guard facing you when he is looking away.
    Cut another hole through the fence behind the prison and kill the guard
    beside the barrels. Finish off the guard at the door as well.
    The prisoners should run out at this moment and they will head straight
    to the north.
    Release Tiny and Tread and have them recover their knapsacks.
    Tread should use his rifle to finish off the two guards on top of the
    guard towers. Get everyone into the escape lorry and have Tread drive
    the lorry along the southeast road. Mission accomplished!!!


    Mission 8: Dangerous Friendships
    Date: December 18, 1944
    Location: Nijmegen, Holland
    Personnel: Tiny, Duke, Fins


    Since the German army is in continuous retreat, the Allies begin to
    think that the attitude of the German High Command is merely defensive.
    Therefore, the Americans and the British are taken by surprise on
    December 16, when the Panzer divisions launch an assault on their
    positions in the Ardennes. Hitler is confident that an offensive in the
    West will force the enemy to negotiate a peace treaty that is
    reasonable for the Reich. As a result, a great number of Allied
    soldiers and lots of equipment run the risk of falling into German
    hands and being wiped out.

    The plans of the last stage of the offensive are being held by General
    Hanz Rauter, who is in the Dutch city of Nijmegen, on a stopover during
    his trip to the front lines. Cooperate with the Dutch Resistance and
    get a hold of those documents. If you manage to solve this crisis,
    Eisenhower will have a clear path to Berlin for his troops.


    It is a pleasure to see your unit back to full strength, officer. This
    time you must get hold of some documents that are being held by the
    German officer. You will be able to do this with the help of Natasha,
    your courier from the Dutch Resistance. One way to reach her will be to
    use the drawbridge that crosses the channel. Once contact has been
    made, use your courier to complete your mission. When you have managed
    to get the documents, jump into the boat tied up at the dock and use it
    to escape to the east.
    By the way, the Germans are making some tests with some new diving
    equipment. You might find some interesting material in the area. I must
    warn you that the general's personal guard consists of members of the
    Gestapo who are able to identify our courier. Do not expose her to
    unnecessary risks. Nothing more. You must act without hesitation. Final
    victory is getting closer.

    -Get in touch with the contact by entering her building.
    -Take her to the club and wait for the general to walk in.
    -The Gestapo officers may be able to identify the contact.
    -Steal the documents.
    -To escape, steal the boat located at the western dock and head east.

    -Retrieve the scuba gear for the Diver.
    -Make contact with Natasha.
    -Get the documents from General Hanz Rauter with Natasha's help.
    -Steal the boat at the western dock to escape.



    Send Tiny to drop the decoy near the weeds to the left. The guard
    patrolling to the south should come to investigate. Simply have Fins
    harpoon him as he crossed over the bridge (hide behind the wooden
    fence). Hide his body if you want or just leave it there.
    Plant the decoy at the staircase of the barrack to the south and hide
    behind the barrack. Activate it and the guard patrolling to the left
    should come to investigate. Kill him and leave the body there.
    Plant the decoy behind the stack of hays to the west and activate it.
    Circle around when the guard comes to investigate and stab him. Hide
    the body at the same place as previous kill.
    Now bring Duke over and snipe the guard on top of the windmill.
    Send Tiny to plant the decoy beside the door of the house to the north.
    Activate it and hide inside the house. The guard patrolling nearby
    should come to investigate. Kill him and hide his body at the on the
    staircase next to the barrack.
    Now plant the decoy again to the right of the hays next to the
    windmill. Hide near the trees to the east and activate the decoy. Three
    soldiers should come running to investigate. Kill all of them and leave
    the body there.
    Quickly crawl to the south and plant the decoy between the small house
    and the hays next to it. Send Tiny to hide beside the house and
    activate the decoy. A guard patrolling to the west should come to
    investigate. Kill him and leave the body there (between the hays and
    the house).
    Crawl over to the west and plant the decoy next to the hays and the
    house there. Activate it and quickly hide inside the house. The last
    patrolling guard in the area should come. Come out and knife him. Leave
    the body there.


    Position Fins beside the weed at the starting point with his fingers
    ready at the harpoon. Tell Duke to wait between the barrack and the
    house next to it with his eyes on the scope and fingers poised on the
    trigger. ^_^
    Now wait until the patrolling guard across Duke to face him and tell
    Fins to QUICKLY come out and harpoon the other guard. Switch to Duke
    and he should drop the patrolling guard with the sniper rifle as before
    he can turn to see his comrade's fallen body. This step is not that
    hard, just requires good coordination and a perfect timing.
    Pump up the inflatable boat and send Fins across the canal.
    Wait beside the house for the patrolling guard to turn his back then
    drop him with the harpoon. Kill the guard looking at the scuba gear to
    the right. Grab the scuba gear and hide beside the house again.
    Now throw a stone to the right of the immobile guard overlooking the
    river. He should see his friend's body, harpoon him and send Fins
    diving into the canal.
    Tiny should finish the last soldier in the area just east of the
    windmill. Plant the decoy near the weeds to the right and hide behind
    the stack of hays to the south. Activate the decoy and knife him. Leave
    the body there (behind the weed) where guards across the canal can't
    see the body.


    Send Fins to the landing near the boathouse to the west.
    Have Duke snipe the two guards at the boathouse from the stack of hays
    left of the windmill. Drop the immobile guard when his friend is behind
    him and QUICKLY drop his friend as well.
    Position Tiny and Duke at the edge of the road leading to the bridge to
    the west. As soon as the patrol is not around, send Fins to harpoon the
    machine-gunner and the soldier on the windmill. Send Duke and Fins
    running to hide in the boathouse. Tiny should grab the machine-gunner's
    body and carry it to the boathouse as well.
    Send Fins and Duke to hide in the boathouse and plant the decoy near
    the weeds next to it. Activate it and have Tiny hide in the boathouse
    as well. Kill him before he can cry out upon spotting his friend's dead
    Have Tiny plant the decoy beside the hay wagon and hide beside the
    stack of hays just east of it. Activate it and a guard should come to
    investigate. Kill him and just leave the body there.
    Send Fins to the escape boat and climb up the ladder. Hide behind the
    house to the north and kill the patrolling guard behind it when he
    turns his back. QUICKLY send Fins crawling to the stack of hays to the
    north and wait there. A patrolling guard from the east should spot the
    body; kill him before he can raise the alarm.
    Have Fins crouch beside the staircase to the right. Take out the guard
    on the stairs when nobody is looking.
    Throw a cigarette pack slightly to the left of the wooden fence and
    have Fins hide beside the stack of hays to the north. When the
    patrolling soldier near the canal come to pick up the cigarette, throw
    a stone so he will see the bodies of his friends. Drop him with the
    harpoon before he can yell.
    Now go to the house west of the drawbridge and throw a cigarette pack
    beside the house. The patrolling soldier nearby should come to pick it
    up. Whip out the harpoon and kill him. Another soldier on top of a
    balcony to the east should see the body and come to investigate. Kill
    him as well.
    Now send Fins to kill the guard near the lever of the drawbridge and
    kill him silently with the harpoon. Press the switch to lower the

    Additional note: You have to lower the bridge right before the boat
    passed through it. The boat will get stuck there and it is necessary so
    that the patrol across the canal will not see the dead guard near the

    Kill the patrolling guard to the east of the bridge by using the
    Now send Fins to hide behind the milk wagon to the north and pelt the
    soldier guarding it with stones. After a few throw, he will come to
    investigate, kill him with the harpoon. Other guards should come one by
    one upon seeing their friend's bodies. Take them out one by one with
    the harpoon until the street is clear of any Nazi troops.
    Send Fins into Natasha's apartment and you'll gain control of her.


    Send her across the bridge to distract the patrolling guard north of
    the windmill so he will be looking to the west. Have Duke and Tiny
    crawl across the bridge and crouch beside the escape boat. Tell Fins to
    join them also.
    Natasha may release her distraction now and go all the way across the
    bridge again and head to the nightclub from the north. Go past through
    her apartment, the milk wagon, and the garden with a fountain and then
    stick to the east, as the Gestapo agents must not see her or her cover
    will be blown. Go inside the Dubois nightclub and the general will walk
    in a few moments later.
    Once she had got the document, walk her back to the drawbridge and
    raise it. Go to the escape boat and load everyone into the boat.
    Mission accomplished!!! Congratulations!!! You have finished the
    game!!! ^_^
  15. tuongquanlenh

    tuongquanlenh Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ai giúp Commandos 1 behind enemy lines với
    mission 15: the end of the butcher. Sau khi lấy đuợc đồng phục rùi(ko báo động, thằng tuớng vẫn còn ở đó) và giết một số thằng.
    Giết hết quân đức chỉ mỗi thằng tướng nó không cho qua màn, giết luôn thằng tướng cũng không cho qua màn. (Đều đạp nổ cái nhà lính và cía xe điện chạy tới chạy lui.
    Ai biết cụ thể huớng dẫn em làm sao qua mà này đi :((
  16. tuphung

    tuphung Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mình mới chơi CMD 1 cái bài đầu tiên đi thuyền ko làm cách nào tiếp cận đc dảo = thằng người nhái cả toàn bị báo động , nếu dùng bắn tỉa thì lại ko đủ đạn để phá thủy lôi ,ai làm ơn chỉ dùm cách qua đoạn này với :-/
  17. mrquachhai

    mrquachhai Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bàn này phải giết đc thằng tướng sau đó dùng cái xe chứa xăng cho nổ cái nhà mà trên bản đồ nó khoanh đỏ. Cuối cùng lấy cái xe ở nghĩa đĩa đi ra cuối đường thế là qua bàn! :wink:
  18. blackgoat

    blackgoat Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    nằm xuống ,spy ,sniper,beret là những thứ làm tui hông thể tin nổi nhất ngay cà ở những map cực khó,tui làm mison 90 % là nằm xuống,stealth với lại spy,cực đã^^
  19. gamethutapsu93

    gamethutapsu93 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Các bạn cho mình xin link download trò commandos 1 này đi. 1 bản cũng được, cả 2 bản càng tốt. Chơi bản 2 3 rồi, giờ muốn chơi lại 1. Đừng kêu mình ra tiệm mua nha tiệm nó kêu trò đó cũ quá rồi kg còn đĩa nữa. Hjx.::(
  20. trungkien2609

    trungkien2609 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chơi đến màn ở Hà Lan nhưng không biết làm thế nào để qua cửa. Giúp em với. Kill hết lính rồi. Còn thằng Gestapo gì đó. Hình như phải lấy tài liệu của nó hở các bác. Ai biết chỉ dùm với. Thanks

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