Destiny of an Emperor

Thảo luận trong 'Những game Tam Quốc Chí khác' bắt đầu bởi ninjasasukes5, 12/1/07.

  1. ninjasasukes5

    ninjasasukes5 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

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    Earth Federation
    Đúng đó trong DoaE1 tỉ lệ gặp quái rất cao, có khi mình đi 4 bước gặp 4 phát, mà lại chỉ có mỗi Smoke, trong khi bản 2 thì có cả Smoke lẫn tactics mà xài , với lại bản 2 cũng lắm trò hay hơn !
  2. Zhuge Liang

    Zhuge Liang Donkey Kong

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    Trò này trước mình chơi, cũng khá hay , có thể nói là 1 trong các game PRG hay nhất trên NES, nhất là DoaE2 có phần vũ khí cuối , tìm khó quá trời luôn !

    1 số hình ảnh của DoaE2 :

  3. Fireemblem&me

    Fireemblem&me Dragon Quest

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    Đây là trò gì vậy trò TQC mới hả
  4. minhop98

    minhop98 Youtube Master Race

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    ai co' huong dan doae1 ko??????????????????????????????
    ai có bản hướng dẫn doae1 ko???????????????????????????
    có thì đăng hộ cái
  5. minhop98

    minhop98 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ban huong dan = tieng anh nay ai dich jum` coi

    Copyright © 2003 Aaron Ringgenberg

    This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
    personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
    otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission.
    Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public
    display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

    To ask for permission to use this guide, to give a suggestion, or
    if you have any comments in general, email me at

    -My older brother Jon who introduced me to this game when I was
    just a young lad.
    -The webmaster of, for providing me with some info
    and secrets I was unaware of before.
    -The ancient Chinese people for actually performing all the events
    that this game was based off of.
    -Capcom for making such an awesome game!

    Table of Contents
    I. About
    II. Getting Started
    III. The Yellow Scarves Rebellion
    IV. Dong Zhou
    V. Yuan Shu
    VI. Yuan Shao
    VII. Jing Zhou
    VIII. Shu
    IX. Wu
    X. Wei

    XI. Characters & Generals
    XII. Equipment
    XIII. Items
    XIV. Tactics
    XV. Experience Levels
    XVI. Game Genie Codes
    XVII. Version History

    I. About

    Destiny of an Emperor, released by Capcom on the NES in 1989, is a very
    underrated and not well known RPG. However, it is not only a long and
    enjoyable game, but it is based on a true period of ancient Chinese
    history, known as the Three Kingdoms period, which lasted about 50
    years in the 200s A.D.

    If you would like to learn more about this story, there are many websites
    that have full information on the spectacular wars and unique people that
    shaped this period of the past. The largest site I know of, which covers
    every Three Kingdoms game, is There you can find full
    descriptions and history for any of the amazing characters that you
    learn of while playing this game.

    II. Getting Started

    An opening sequence shows 3 best friends, warriors Liu Bei, Zhang Fei,
    and Guan Yu, swearing an oath of loyalty to each other in a peach garden
    in a small village. Afterwards, you learn of recent happenings from a
    wise man. In the little village talk to every person. One man, a merchant,
    will give you 200 gold and 1,000 rations, which are necessary for the
    start of the game. Also, there are two men standing next to each other:
    Song Ren and Song Yong. They will add their armies to your cause. However,
    they are both very weak. They won't be with you too long, so don't worry.

    Before you go outside, make sure to equip Liu Bei's, Guan Yu's, and Zhang
    Fei's weapons and armor, and give Liu Bei's dagger to Song Ren. When you
    go outside, go directly left to the castle Xu Zhou. When inside, go left
    and to the house in the trees. There you will meet Mi Zhe. He will join.
    Make him your active tactician. Now, go to the long building, shingled
    roof, no curtain on door. There's no name for this place, so we'll call
    it the eatery. Go in, and have Song Yong leave your party. He is weaker
    than Song Ren and Mi Zhe, and so you don't need him. Also, if you want
    a better chance for battles with higher EXP gain, fire Song Yong so you
    can fight him out in the open.

    Next, if you feel like using any of the 200 gold you started with, you
    can go to either of the two shops at the top of the town, one is the
    merchant's shop and the other is weapons and armor. Personally, I wait
    and save up for Leathers at this time. Whenever you need to heal your
    party, go to the closest building to the entrance to the town. That is
    the Inn. You can pay a small price there to cure all your armies. And
    lastly, to save the game, or in some cases invite Liu Bei to a newly
    conquered castle (Liu Bei becomes the emperor later), go to the medium
    building, shingle roof, plain door, no window. It's right above the
    Eatery and the food shop. You can find out how long you have to wait
    until your party increases a level when you save. Also note that
    if you ever run out of food, which is seldom because fort and castle
    battles give you a lot, you will be losing men every step you take out
    in the open, so get to the nearest food store quick.

    III. The Yellow Scarves Rebellion

    Now go to the palace and talk to the king. He says he is sick, and will
    make you his heir if you defeat the Yellow Scarves. So, our mission
    will be to crush the rebellion. For starters, your generals armies are
    very weak right now and you have little equipment. Spend time fighting
    battles outside against rebel, bandit, pirate, and brigand forces, and
    the occasional random general(s). You should get to level 4 before our
    next task, and have leathers for Zhang Fei and Guan Yu. and maybe a few
    bandanas to go around. Some elixer As wouldn't hurt, either. When you
    have done all this, follow the path directly west of Xu Zhou. Touch the
    camp entrance and Zhang Bao will make a threat to you, and the battle

    *****BATTLE 1*****

    Zhang Bao - 299
    Chen Yuan Zhi - 195
    Rebel Force - 140

    This is a rather easy fight. Start out by having Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, and
    Guan Yu attack Zhang Bao, and have Song Ren and Mi Zhi use Lian Huo on
    Chen Yuan Zhi. Zhang Bao and Chen Yuan Zhi can both use Lian Huo, but
    rarely will it hurt. Once you have both of them down to below 100 men
    each, do an all out and finish them off. Zhang Bao will say you are too
    strong, and retreat.


    Enter the large middle tent in the camp and search the corner pot. You
    will find an Ax. Give it to Zhang Fei or Guan Yu. Give the replaced Flail
    to Song Ren, and his dagger to Mi Zhi. You should've gotten up to level 5
    from that battle and learned Chi Xin. If so, go back to Xu Xhou, heal,
    and save. If not, fight random battles until you're at level 5. Then,
    head south of Xu Zhou and you will find another camp. Zhang Jao mentions
    you routing his brother and says the guy was a fool anyways. Now he gives
    out a threat! Time to fight!

    *****BATTLE 2*****

    Zhang Jao - 346
    Zheng Mao - 153
    Han Zhong - 204
    Rebel Force - 120
    Rebel Force - 100

    This battle is a bit tougher than the last one, but not by much. Have
    Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, and Guan Yu attack to get Han Zhong below 100 men,
    and have Song Ren and Mi Zhi use Lian Huo to bring down Zheng Mao. Once
    they're below 100, concentrate on just attacking Zhang Jao. Use Chi Xin
    to heal if necessary, and if Zhang Jao heals one of the other two generals,
    attack them again. After Zhang Jao has less that 100 men, do an all out
    attack. The battle will end shortly, and Zhang Jao will retreat.


    In the camp, enter the largest middle tent and obtain an Ax from a treasure
    chest. Equip it on Zhang Fei or Guan Yu, whoever didn't get the last one.
    After this, return to Xu Zhou, heal, save, and then go north to Qing Zhou.
    DO NOT ATTACK THIS CASTLE FROM THE FRONT! You would be confronted by Zhang
    Jao, Zhang Bao, Zhang Liang, Zheng Mao, and Chen Yuan Zhi. The result would
    not be pretty. Instead, move around to the back of the entrance and press
    the castle from there. You will only meet up with Zhang Liang.

    *****BATTLE 3*****

    Zhang Liang - 259
    Rebel Force - 120
    Rebel Force - 100

    Zhang Lian has no tactics. Immediately all out attack. If any of your men
    look about to die, pull out and use Chi Xin to heal them. This shouldn't
    happen, though.


    After the battle, DO NOT try and enter the city! You have not taken it over
    yet. If you do attack, you will be faced with all those generals I stated
    previously. However, you should now see a cave opened up behind Qing Zhou.
    Don't go in yet, because you can't get through if you're not a Yellow Scarves
    rebel. What you must do is wander the country until you meet up with Han
    Zhong, whose loyalty to Zhang Jao is quavery. If you battle him, you will
    capture him, but he may request a steed or money upon joining. Make sure
    you have a steed on hand, they can be bought at the merchant shop in Xu

    Once Han Zhong is on your side, heal, save, and enter the cave. Put Han
    Zhong in front of your party, and talk to the man by the water. He will make
    a bridge. You may return Liu Bei to the front of your line, now.
    Cross, and then go left and up to get an Ax from a treasure chest.
    Equip it on whom you please, preferably Liu Bei. This cave is very small and
    easy to navigate. Find 3 men standing side by side. They are the Zhang brothers.

    Fight them.

    *****BATTLE 4*****

    Zhang Jao - 346
    Zhang Bao - 299
    Zhang Liang - 259

    Your armies are now pitted against the 3 strong generals who previously
    retreated from you. However, you hold the brains and the superior numbers,
    so this will be a swift and sure battle. Have Liu Bei, Han Zhong, Zhang Fei,
    and Guan Yu all attack Zhang Liang and Mi Zhi use Lian Huo on him, to wipe
    out his army first, because his is the smallest and physically strongest.
    After he is dead, go for Zhang Bao, but don't use tactics on him. Tactics
    are generally less effective against opposing tacticians. Heal your forces
    when necessary. Once he is dead, all out verses Zhang Jao. He may be able
    to use Chi Xin, but it won't make up for all the damage you do to him.
    Once they're all dead, you can wipe the dust off your armor with their faces
    for all I care. The rebellion is over.


    Exit the cave through the entrance in front of you. Enter Qing Zhou and go
    to the house up and to the right. Enter and talk to Chen Deng. He will join
    your force. Replace Han Zhong with him, because he has higher attack and
    much higher intelligence. You can make him your tactician, though he has
    the same intelligence as Mi Zhi.

    IV. Dong Zhou

    Return to Xu Zhou and talk to the king, who is lying on the bed in the
    back room. He will give up his rule to Liu Bei, who will in turn leave
    you in order to stay and rule. However, his son, Liu Fend, will be a
    worthy replacement, with more men, and slightly higher strength.
    Save the game and head south as far as you can go, until you get to
    another fort you haven't been to yet. When you enter, Sun Ce (ruler of
    the Wu kingdom) tells you he attacked, but failed because Dong Zhou's
    forces were too strong, and Yuan Shu didn't send reinforcements.
    He leaves you. Don't worry, this battle isn't at all as tough as Sun Ce

    *****BATTLE 5*****

    Hua Xiong - 439
    Li Su - 299
    Rebel Force - 100
    Rebel Force - 100
    Rebel Force - 140

    These enemies know no tactics, so an all out straight from the start wouldn't
    be suicide, except that Xua Xiong has 162 strength, almost twice as much
    as any general you've fought so far! Plus, his immense army will take a few
    turns to bring down. Attack him and have Mi Zhi / Chen Deng use Lian Huo.
    When Hua Xiong is dead, all out to destroy the rest of them.


    In the camp, go to the back and talk to Yang Jin, who will join you. Have him
    replace Mi Zhi. Then, go into the right tent for an Ax. In the middle tent
    you'll find an Inn. Stay there if you must. Go back outside. If you want to
    go back to Xu Zhou to save, you may. Once ready, walk 8 paces west and 1 pace
    south of the entrance of the camp. Search the spot and find Chi Tu Ma, who is
    Lu Bu's best horse (you'll meet Lu Bu soon). The person who has Chi Tu Ma will
    be MUCH faster in battle, and probably go first every turn. I suggest giving
    it to Zhang Fei, if you want his strong attack first, or to your best tactic
    user, so you can get healings and other tactics in before other attacks in
    a battle.

    **Note: From here on for a while, make sure to always have a steed with you.
    Be on the lookout for Hua Xiong, and if you fight him, hopefully you can capture

    him! He can replace Yang Jin.**
    Travel west of the camp and immediately upwards to the cave there. On the first
    level of the cave, go either all the way left or right, go to the back of the
    floor, take the stairs and get about 1,000 coins in a chest. Return to the
    entrance to the cave. Go up the middle, go left or right, and take the fork
    downward. On the next floor, walk until there is a big fork. Go downward. Take
    the stairs, and on the next floor go left and up to the stairs. Obtain the Gold
    Key. Make your way back out of the cave. At the entrance, Guan Ping will be waiting

    there. He is VERY strong. Replace whatever tactician you have in your battle lineup

    with Guan Ping. Now leave and return to Xu Zhou to heal and save.
    Also get some more Elixer As while you're there. Go back to where the fork in
    the mountains by the cave is and go west. You will come to a fort- here you will

    face the mighty Lu Bu for the first time.

    *****BATTLE 6*****

    Lu Bu - 439
    Li Ru -
    Rebel Force - 120
    Rebel Force - 120

    Just one report on Lu Bu will tell you he is the strongest general in the game.
    Thus, he is very dangerous to you and should be eliminated as soon as possible.
    Note that Guan Yu has very high intelligence- he will be using tactics for this
    battle. Have him keep doing Ye Huo on Lu Bu while everyone else attacks him
    until he is dead. Once he is, Li Ru shouldn't be too much trouble, and the battle

    will go quickly from there. After a threat, Lu Bu retreats.


    In this fort, go right and talk to Huo Hu, who joins you. Replace your current
    tactician with him. Now enter the central tent with the bushes around it. Talk
    to Cao Cao, who is the leader of the Imperial Army. He talks of not being able
    to catch Dong Zhou and says that Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao have gone ahead to the
    castle of Lou Yang and he goes there also.

    Exit the camp, and return all the way back to Xu Zhou to heal and save. Drop
    off your old tactician, and replenish any Elixer As you've used up. You should
    have at least one on each person. Also get a few Gullwings for easy travel back
    Xu Zhou when you need it.

    Now then, travel north and west of fort Hu Lao Guan to get to Lou Yang. You will

    have to fight a few battles at gates before you fight the battle at the castle.
    Battles 7 and 8 will be walks in the park. However, the one at the castle will
    be just a little bit tougher. A general (I'm not sure who) will tell you he
    failed to take Lou Yang because Dong Zhou and Lu Bu are working together, and
    then he leaves you. But I think you can take on this next battle.

    *****BATTLE 9*****

    Dong Zhou - 439
    Lu Bu - 439
    Rebel Force - 180
    Rebel Force - 180

    OK- Dong Zhou doesn't have as much strength as Lu Bu, but he does have 20 more
    attack power, making him just as dangerous. They both have a lot of men... but
    you should take down Lu Bu first, because his attack is still the greatest.
    Have everyone attack except Guan Yu who should use Ye Huo. If you want more
    firepower, have Liu Feng use Ye Huo also, for he has very high intelligence
    also. Just be ready for big attacks from the enemies each turn until you have
    them both dead, because they still do a fair amount with under 100 men. When
    it is over, Dong Zhou and Lu Bu will retreat.


    When you talk into Lou Yang, you will see it has been burned and pillaged. This
    once grand capitol of China has been put to ruin. There are only 2 buildings
    you can enter. Bottom middle is an Inn, and top left is a house. In the floor
    in that house is a safe. Open it with the gold key to find the Gem sword. It
    is not a weapon. Give it to Zhang Fei for later use.
    Leave the city and continue westward to the next castle, where you shall fight
    Lu Bu once again. Make sure Zhang Fei is at the front of your army for this

    *****BATTLE 9*****

    Lu Bu - 439
    Cai Yong - 380
    Hu Zhen - 299
    Rebel Force - 150
    Rebel Force - 120

    On your first turn, have Zhang Fei use the Gem Sword on Lu Bu. When Zhang Fei
    uses the Gem Sword on Lu Bu, he will give a speech and then join you. He talks
    of Chi Tu Ma, whom you already got earlier.
    Now this battle is a cinch without Lu Bu fighting you. Just take care of these
    two loser generals the usual way.


    After the battle, replace Hua Xiong with Lu Bu in your lineup. Enter Yang Zhou
    castle. Stay at the Inn, then save. You cannot invite Liu Bei here, though it
    would seem you could because of the palace. Also, go to the lower right house
    and search in the pot for a Club. Give this to Lu Bu, and give his Ax to whoever

    is still using a flail. Also give Lu Bu Chi Tu Ma, because you want his super
    high attack to go first during battle.

    As soon as you leave the city, you will see another cave. Inside, go left at
    the first fork, and down at the next. On the next floor, grab the Club in the
    chest above you. Give it to Zhang Fei. Now go down and left and to the first
    staircase you see. This leads to the way out. I suggest you not go to Chang An
    right now. Fight some random battles in the area, and when you need healing
    go back to Yang Zhou. Always keep some gullwings with you. When you are ready
    to attack Chang An, go up to the gate before it to fight the first battle.

    *****BATTLE 10*****

    Dong Min - 380
    Fen Chou - 399
    Rebel Force - 180
    Rebel Force - 180

    Fen Chou has the great attack, so kill him first. All out once he is dead.


    Now attack Chang An castle.

    *****BATTLE 11*****

    Dong Zhou - 439
    Jia Xu - 418
    Zhang Ji - 362

    If you had not brought Lu Bu to your side earlier, you would be fighting him
    now. This battle is much easier with him on your side. Have all physical attacks

    go on Jia Xu until he is dead, and have Guan Yu keep using Shui Xing and Ye Huo
    on Dong Zhou and Zhang Ji. Jia Xu is very dangerous, because he uses Shui Zing
    a lot, and it hurts. Be proud of yourself when this battle has ended. Dong Zhou
    is killed and peace returns to Chang An...


    V. Yuan Shu

    Now you enter Chang An. It is a giant monster of a city- the biggest in the game.

    It is a paradise. This will be your main headquarters until you occupy Nan Yang,

    much later. List of things to do here include buying Caps and Clubs for everyone,

    stocking up on Elixers and Power Pills, and inviting Liu Bei to the palace. When

    he has arrived, go speak with him. He tells you you've done a good job fighting
    and he lets you rest. He awakens you however, and summons you to the palace. A
    messanger has arrived from Cao Cao bringing ill news. He says general Yuan Shu
    has somehow aquired the Imperial Seal and calls himself the Emperor. This is a
    problem that must be fixed!

    Leave Chang An and travel south. Take the right fork through the mountains. The
    house you see to the left is not important until later. Attack the castle you
    see ahead.

    *****BATTLE 12*****

    Lei Bo - 643
    Chen Ji - 531
    Rebel Force - 200
    Rebel Force - 220

    This generals may see to have overwhelmingly large armies, but their attacks
    are really not great, and neither of them use tactics. Wipe out Lei Bo with
    attacks and Guan Yu using Shui Xing. Then all out to kill the rest of them.


    This is Yuan castle. Not a very important place. However, you can buy Padded
    armors here, which are much stronger than Leather armors. Buy as many as you
    can, but they are expensive. Give them first to anyone still wearing a Robe.
    Leave and continue south. From here on you will be fighting many generals
    with upwards of 500 men, and Rebel, Pirate, Brigand, and Bandit forces now
    have over 200 men apiece. Take the shortcut through the mountains and go west.
    You will come to a castle where you will fight two very powerful generals.

    *****BATTLE 13*****

    Ji Ling - 613
    Zhang Xun - 675
    Rebel Force - 230

    Both of these generals have insanely large armies and attack to rival any
    of your generals due to the high AP they are given in this battle coupled
    with their almost 200 strength each. They are both equally dangerous, so
    use Power Pills to kill them quickly, and also have Guan Yu use Shui Xing.
    Tactics will be more effective than physical damage because both generals
    have very high defense. Once one of the two is defeated, then it should be
    safe to all out attack. **Note: These are the two strongest capturable
    men before Nan Yang, and I highly advise you to spend time trying to find
    and capture them so they can fight for you. Have the first of two you catch
    replace Liu Feng and the second replace Guan Ping.**


    This is Huai Nan castle. Fairly small, but you can both heal and save here.
    Spend some time in the field north of here trying to find Zhang Xun and Ji
    Ling before you go any further. You want those two generals ASAP. Also,
    around this point in the game, your health bars will change from pink to
    orange, because the number of men generals are getting is too great for
    the pink scale.

    There is a small fortress just to the north of here. The battle is of no
    importance to you. You will flatten it. Even farther north is a cave. It
    is medium sized and has only 2 floors and then a little one. It is not
    hard to navigate and contains 3 spears, so take a trip into it with some
    elixers on hand.

    Once you are about level 14, return to Huai Nan castle, heal and save.
    Now venture northward towards Nan Yang castle. The two gate battles are
    sinchy, just squash them. Now to Nan Yang.

    *****BATTLE 17*****

    Yuan Shu - 899
    Yuan Yin - 643
    Lu Fan - 817
    Rebel Force - 250

    Nan Yang would've been much tougher had you not had Lu Bu, because then
    there would be a mighty fighter against you as well as all the tacticians.
    Luckily, only Yuan Shu has somewhat of an attack. Focus on taking him out
    first, with everyone attacking except Guan Yu who should use Yan Re, which
    you learned at level 14. This battle may take a bit because all these
    generals can heal, but if you have power pills, you should be able to pick
    off one or two of them in one round apiece. Watch out for your health- have
    Zhang Xun heal if you're low (he has lowest attack). After the battle is
    over, you're given the choice weather or not to kill Yuan Shu for being a
    traitor, but you actually have to let him go. Oh well.


    VI. Yuan Shao

    Now that the battle is over, DO NOT TAKE A STEP NORTHWARD. Just enter Nan
    Yang RIGHT AWAY. Once you've gone in and healed and saved, take off all
    of Lu Bu's items and give them to Guan Ping, who will replace him. Give
    Chi Tu Ma to Zhang Fei now, though. He will keep him for a while. Now
    when you step outside and go a few steps north, you will be met with a
    horrifying battle. You don't have to fight this one, though. Yuan Shao and
    Yuan Shu show up with immense armies and backing generals, and bully you
    for a turn. Lu Bu switches sides, seeing that he is on the "losing" side.
    That's why you took his stuff away.

    Now go back inside the castle and heal. Invite Liu Bei in and talk to him.
    He will thank you for killing Yuan Shu, but this is a typo. You didn't kill
    him and he's off with his big brother. Also, go to the northest corner of
    the town and talk to a man walking around. Buy the key from him, even though
    4,000 is a lot, it is more than worth it later.

    Above Nan Yang you will face slightly harder rebel and other forces, but not
    very much harder. However now a new group of generals will meet you out in the
    open, and many now have over 1000 men and over 150 strength. The key to
    fighting them is to get their health below 1,000 as soon as possible. Above
    that number, their attacks will be great, but below they will be just average
    of what you're used to.

    Head north and west of Nan Yang and take a stop in a small cave. There are 2
    people in here, and one you can't reach now. The one you can talk to is Zhou
    Cang, who will join voluntarily. He is stronger than Guan Ping, so replace him
    with Zhou Cang.

    Once you are at least level 15, head north and east to Bo Hai castle.

    *****BATTLE 18*****

    Lu Guang - 1037
    Shen Pei - 1255
    Gao Lan - 942
    Rebel Force - 230
    Rebel Force - 230

    This is your first castle battle against generals of this caliber, and 2 of
    them have over 1,000 men. Luckily, one is a weak tactician, and the other will
    fall below 1,000 in just 1 attack. Simply, attack Lu Guang once, then focus
    attacks on Shen Pei until he is dead. Have Guan Yu use Yan Re every turn.
    Once Shen Pei is dead, then you can choose to all out or kill Lu Guang first,
    then all out. Shouldn't make much difference, just watch your health, because
    no one in your party is really higher than 700 men, if any.


    In Bo Hai, heal, then enter the left of the double house. Get the Gun Powder
    and go to the cave in the west. Use the powder to free Xu Zhe who is trapped.
    He will join you. Make him your tactician, because he is very intelligent.
    Note that he is going by the name Dan Fu, so there's no confusion. Now with
    him you can get past the woman blocking the bridge in Bo Hai. Get Wood Helmets
    for at least Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, and if funds permit, for other generals
    in the front of your group.

    Continue east of Bo Hai until you see a gate in the middle of nowhere. Attack.

    *****BATTLE 19*****

    Xu Shou - 1255
    Yan Liang - 1381
    Wen Hun - 1449
    Rebel Force - 230

    This is a hard battle, but though you're outnumbered, you are a human and they
    are just NES intelligence. Wen Hun and Yan Liang have two insanely high attacks,

    and with their HP are hard to get below 1,000 immediately. In fact it will take
    at least 3 turns to get all generals below 1,000. Xu Shou has Yan Re and is not
    afraid to use it. Be ready to heal anyone who gets down to around 250, because
    they could be killed in one turn by consecutive hits on their armies. The main
    thing is to focus on Xu Shou and kill him, after Wen Hun and Yan Liang are
    under 1K men. Guan Yu should be using Yan Re every turn. Once you have routed
    this enemy force, you should be proud. Now, you will not face any of them again,

    which means if you meet up with Wen Hun or Yan Liang out in the open, hope that
    you can convert them, for they are as you saw very powerful.


    Enter this fortress and free the girl behind the bars. She gives you a letter.
    Before we do anything with this, you should go back to Nan Yang to heal and save.

    Also consider getting to level 17. Try to capture Wen Hun and Yan Liang or at
    least one of the two. Lu Guang is also pretty good. Now, travel to the castle
    east of Bo Hai. Go ahead and "go in", but actually this just gives the game a
    chance for you to talk to Zhao Yun. Show him the letter from his sister and he
    joins you. Fit him into your team, because he is one of the 5 what are called
    "Tiger" generals. He gains men every level, and has insanely high attack and
    intelligence. When the end of the game comes he will be your best man all
    around. Now, attack the castle.

    *****BATTLE 20*****

    Yuan Tan - 1594
    Yuan Xi - 1519
    Tian Feng - 1141
    Rebel Force - 270

    Attack Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi using power pills with Zhang Fei and whatever
    random generals you have. Guan Yu and Zhao Yun should use Yan Re every
    turn. Once Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi are below one thousand, concentrate attacks
    on Tian Feng until he is dead. Once he is gone, all out attack.


    Now enter this castle, which is Guang Zong. Heal, and save (the building is
    at the far end of the city). Do not talk to the pink and white general in
    the middle until you've saved. Ok, now talk to him. He is blood of Yuan
    Shu and Yuan Shao, and he wants to kill you.

    *****BATTLE 21*****

    Yuan Shang - 1672
    Rebel Force - 230
    Rebel Force - 300
    Rebel Force - 230
    Rebel Force - 300

    Yuan Shang is a strong general. However, with only Rebel Forces as backup,
    you can take him down quickly. Have Guan Yu and Zhao Yun use Yan Re, and
    everyone else attack him. If he is not below 1000, then do another round,
    all attacking him. Watch out in case he uses Yan Re, for he is a capable
    tactician. Now, you can all out to kill him and any remaining rebel


    Heal and save again, and continue eastward towards Ji Zhou, the castle
    where Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, Lu BU, and others await you. Defeat the gate
    battles (#22 and 23, no special strats needed), and return to Guang Zong
    for a quick heal/save. If you are not level 18, get there, so Zhang Fei
    will have a little over 1,000 men. Make sure to get all generals at least
    2 power pils and 1 elixer B each. Now, attack Ji Zhou.
    Yuan Shao will again say you killed his brother, but that makes no sense
    because he's in this next battle.

    *****BATTLE 21*****

    Yuan Shao - 1754
    Yuan Shu - 899
    Zhang He - 1317
    Ju Shou - 1449
    Lu BU - 1449

    THIS BATTLE IS HARD, and in fact harder than first glance. Not only do
    all these generals, and there are 5 of them, have a mass army of over
    7,000 men, but each of them is a strong fighter except Ju Shou, and all
    are expert tacticians except Lu Bu. Note that Lu Bu has now about 1,500
    hit points, and will be doing over 300 damage a hit until brought down,
    and 150 until he is defeated. Basically, we take this battle slowly, one
    step at a time. First turn, have Wen Hun, Yan Liang, and Zhang Fei use
    power pills to attack Lu Bu. Have Guan Yu use Ji Rou to reduce enemy
    attacks, and Zhao Yun use Yan Re. Hopefully Zhang Fei got to do his attack
    before he was knocked below 1,000. He should do between 300 and 400 damage.
    Odds are you took some heavy damage, so have Guan Yu use Yin Xian now.
    Concentrate attacks and Lu Bu, and keep using Yan Re with Zhou Yun. save
    your power pills for Yuan Shao, whom you will kill last. After Lu Bu is
    dead, focus on Ju Shou. Go up the enemy line from him, killing them one
    by one. When only Yuan Shao is left, have everyone attack with power pils.
    Congratulate yourself, a lot, when they are all defeated.


    VII. Fighting in Jing Zhou

    Enter Ji Zhou, heal, save, and invite Liu Bei in. Talk to him and he tells
    you the land of Jing Zhou is in turmoil and you need to stop the fighting
    there. Before heading off, buy 3 sabres, for Wen Hun, Yan Liang, and Zhang
    Fei. I'd have you buy more, but only 2 towns away is your next weapon, which
    though expensive is very awesome, and you should save your money for some.

    Gullwing back to Nan Yang and save. Go left now and down the path. Following
    this path you will go by 4 houses, and then come to a castle.

    *****BATTLE 21*****

    Jin Xuan - 1317
    Gong Zhi - 1197
    Rebel Force - 350
    Rebel Force - 300

    Simple battle. All out if you want. These are not dangerous enemies.


    Enter Wu Ling castle. Heal, leave, and continue eastward along the path.
    Before attacking the next castle, which is hard, get to level 19. When
    you're ready, attack the castle.

    *****BATTLE 21*****

    Han Xuan - 1519
    Huang Zhong - 1381
    Wei Yan - 1317
    Yang Ling - 1197
    Rebel Force - 300

    This battle has 2 of the strongest men in the game fighting you. Huang Zhong
    and Wei Yan. Basically, have Wen Hun, Yan Liang, and Zhang Fei keep attacking
    Huang Zhong and then Wei Yan, and Zhao Yun should keep using Yan Re. Once they
    are dead, kill Yang Ling, and then allout to kill Han Xuan.


    Entering Chang Sha you see Huang Zhong and Wei Yan standing in the way. They
    will join you now. Replace Wen Hun and Yan Liang with them. Now, go to the
    weapon shop and buy as many Bows as you can afford. Now heal, leave, and go
    south. Enter the castle you see; you don't have to fight your way in. Go to
    the palace and talk to the leader. He will show you to your sleeping quarters.
    Then, he will attack you in your sleep. You wake up and enter a battle, with
    severely reduced armies.

    *****BATTLE 22*****

    Zhao Fan - 1594
    Bao Long - 1255
    Chen Ying - 1197
    Rebel Force - 350
    Rebel Force - 380

    The only challenge to this battle is everyone starts with 200-300 men. Have
    Wei Yan use Yin Xian right away, and have everyone else attack Zhao Fan, but
    have Zhao Yun use Yan Re. Once everyone is back up to regular health, this
    fight will be a cinch.


    Now this town becomes completely docile. You can heal and save here, and
    invite Liu Bei in. He will siimply tell you that the fighting in Jing Zhou
    needs to be stopped. Guess its up to you to stop it. Every fight between
    here and the next castle will be simple because of your almighty bows. All
    out against anyone. The fight at the gate (#23) is simple. Now for the
    castle, which is not much harder.

    *****BATTLE 24*****

    Liu Du - 1672
    Xing Da o Rong - 1519
    Rebel Force - 380
    Rebel Force - 350

    Bows must be the cheapest weapons in the game. These battles are too easy
    with them. Oh well, guess its a lot quicker. The end of this battle restores
    peace to Jing Zhou.


    Enter Ling Ling castle. Heal and save. If you try and invite Liu Bei here,
    the scribe will say that Liu Bei is going to Gui Yang, the last castle you
    were at. You should visit him in a bit. First, go around the edge of the town
    to a house on the left, and search in front of the man inside. You'll find a
    sword. Equip it on Zhang Fei. It is only 1 attack, but does as much as 2 bow
    hits would. Though he won't get two hits anymore, now Power Pils can be used
    effectively again for hits of over 1000 damage.

    Now go back to Liu Bei in Gui Yang. You will probably meet up with a mighty
    tactician named Pang Tong on the way back...

    *****BATTLE 25*****

    Pang Tong - 3765
    Rebel Force - 380
    Rebel Force - 320
    Rebel Force - 320

    Pang Tong is... well strong. He has quite a good few men, and very advanced
    tactics such as Ji Mian, which stops you from attacking, Da Re, a fire spell
    capable of huge damage to one army, and Wan Fu, which allows a full heal of
    the target army. Ouch. Well, just never cease to attack Pang Tong. When hurt,
    heal. However, with your bows, you can kill him in two turns flat, and so
    just hope he doesn't use any of his big guns.


    When he's defeated, he'll join you. Yay. Replace Xu Zhe with him, and if you
    wish, put him in your battle party in place of Huang Zhong, due to his sheer
    mass of men and great tactical capablities. But, on the other hand, greater
    attack is better for now. Just let Pang Tong do his stuff from behind the
    fight. When you get back to Gui Yang, Liu Bei gives you a letter for Xu Zhe
    saying he needs to leave to care for his sick mother. Good thing you have
    Pang Tong. When you walk out of the palace, Xu Zhe says something he almost
    forgot. He is telling you to go see Zhu Ge Liang at his house, which is
    the third one down to the left of Nan Yang. Go there. Stock up on Gull Wings,
    you're gonna need em. Also note that the game music has now changed from the
    fun, upbeat squeeky noise, to a more mellow, epic sort of sound. This is how
    it will be until the end of the game.

    *****Zhu Ge Liang Scavenger Hunt*****

    When you arrive at Zhu Ge Liang's house, he is not there. You must go to Lou
    Sang villiage, where you began the game. Gullwing to Xu Zhou. Enter the small
    house and ask the man there, who will say Zhu Ge Liang was there but left.
    Now go back to his house, and the man there will refer you to Nan Yang. Go to
    Nan Yang, invite Liu Bei in. Talk to him and he says someone named Jin came
    and was looking for you. Now go back to Zhu Ge Liang's house one last time.
    You see Zhu Ge Liang sleeping. Talk to him but choose not to wake him, and
    he will awaken by himself. He says he will join but go to Gui Yang castle

    Now gullwing to Chang Sha and go down to Gui Yang and meet up with him
    in the palace. Finally! In rapid succession you just got the 2 best tacticians
    in the game. However, you can only use one of them, so you should make Zhu Ge
    Liang the acting strategist and now if you want, put Pang Tong into your party
    in place of Wei Yan. Also, around this time, your health bars should change
    from orange to light yellow.

    Now, go west to Ling Ling castle, heal, and save, and venture onward. Soon
    you should meet up with a pretty crazy battle...

    *****BATTLE 26*****

    Lu Bu - 7003
    Rebel Force - 700
    Rebel Force - 1000
    Rebel Force - 1000
    Rebel Force - 900

    This battle is easier than it looks, though Lu Bu will take a while to kill,
    and he does around 800 damage a hit. Best ways to deal with him are power
    pils. If you have the tactic Da Re, it is also very effective, so have Guan
    Yu, Zhao Yun, and Pang Tong use it, while the others attack. Hopefully Lu
    Bu doesn't get any critical attacks before you kill him (and this time, you
    kill him for good). Also, if you have Bei Ji, that would be great right now,
    for double attacks. Yi Xin can also be good, to prevent Lu Bu from attacking.
    Whatever you do, just have fun killing the stupid traitor.


    Return to Ling Ling to heal and save. Now, I suggest you spend a lot of time
    building up levels, at least to 25. Yes it may seem like a lot, but this new
    area we've entered has many new generals and the rebel forces all have many
    more men. Plus, experience should come pretty quickly. Also note that from
    this point on there will be no more pirate, brigand, or bandit forces. Only
    rebel forces. Something else to keep in mind: make sure that Zhang Fei has
    your one sword equipped right now. Always keep him with at least 2 power pills
    at hand. Give Chi Tu Ma to Pang Tong. Then, if you get into a battle with
    some really big armies against you, have Pang Tong use Bei Ji and then Zhang
    Fei use a power pill- he will deal over 2,000 damage! Hong Shui is another
    great tactic right now. When near water, you can have Pang Tong deal over
    1,000 damage to every opponent! Ouch.

    Travel past Ling Ling, down, up, around, down, left, etc... until you reach
    a house between some mountains. This is the gateway into the kingdom of Shu,
    a land ruled by Liu Bei's brother which is in turmoil right now. Time for
    you to step in. Before stepping in, make sure to have elixer Cs for everyone.

    VIII. Shu

    Head west until you reach a fortress.

    *****BATTLE 27*****

    Liu Kui - 3262
    Zhang Ren - 3262
    Rebel Force - ???
    Rebel Force - ???
    Rebel Force - ???

    There are no tacticians on the other team, so this fight is pretty simple.
    Use Bei Ji on Zhang Fei, and just have everyone attack, on Zhang Ren first
    and then Liu Kui. Should be dead in a few turns.


    There is nothing of interest in this fortress. Continue northward. You will
    go through a series of twisting mountain paths. Also watch out around here,
    for you can meet up with Ma Chao and Ma Dai, who are two of the strongest
    generals in the game, especially Ma Chao. Eventually you will reach a castle
    with a gate. Defeat the gate (#28) and attack Fu Shui castle.

    *****BATTLE 29*****

    Yan Yan - 3262
    Fa Zheng - 2965
    Yang Huai - 2965
    Rebel Force - ???
    Rebel Force - ???

    These opponents are all very capable. Yan Yan is both an expert fighter and
    a superb tactician. Yang Huai's attack is nothing to scoff at, either. I
    suggest you use Bei Ji on Zhang Fei, and have everyone attack except Pang Tong
    who should use Da Re on Yan Yan or Yang Huai. When they're dead, all out to


    Enter Fu Shui castle, heal, and save. Enter the palace, which cannot entertain
    Liu Bei. Go through the door to the right, and then you see a prison cell. Keep
    pushing your character against it, repeatedly tapping, or backing away and
    running into it. Eventually the door will break. Then talk to the man. Now go
    to the weapons shop. If you feel like making the switch from Bow to Sword, you
    can. You should probably just keep your bows until the next weapon after sword
    comes along. Also get copper helmets.

    Head northward once you are at least level 26. Attack the gate at the next
    castle (#30, I suggest using Hong Shui for an easy win). Now, let's attack Lou

    *****BATTLE 31*****

    Ma chao - 3262
    Ma Dai - 3110
    Pang De - 2965
    Rebel Force - 900

    This battle is hard. You are facing Ma Chao, one of the 5 Tiger generals (you
    have 4 on your side right now), Ma Dai, his almost as strong brother, and Pang
    De, an obvious relative of Pang Tong and also an expert tactician. All of his
    tactics are dangerous to you, so I would recommend killing him first. But to
    start this battle, have Pang Tong use Bei Ji on Zhang Fei, and have everyone
    else cast it on themselves except Zhang Fei, who should use a power pill on
    Ma Chao. Next turn, have Pang Tong use Da Re on Ma Dai, and have everyone else
    attack Ma Chao, except zhang Fei who should use another power pil, on Pang De.
    After this turn, there shouldn't be much left of your opponent. All out attack
    to defeat them. Now, Ma Chao and Ma Dai will join you. Put Ma Chao in your line
    up in place of Huang Zhong, but keep him with you. Keep Ma Dai in the reserve.
    We still want Pang Tong leading the party.


    Enter Lou Castle. Note that you can gullwing here, so you can now go between
    older cities and here easily. Heal here, and go somewhere else to save if you
    want. Continue south of Lou and you come to a cave. In this cave is the Iron
    Ore, which you will really want. The cave is relatively small. Take the lower
    of the 2 pathways left at the beginning and its straight directions from there
    to the Iron Ore. Gullwing out to Lou when you have it. Then go back to Fu Shui,
    go a bit south of there, and hook around back up to a house, and give the ore
    to the blacksmith. Gullwing back to Lou, and return to Mt. Gang Tai (the cave).
    Take the path upwards this time to get through.

    When outside, go down and left, then hook back up to a fortress. This battle
    consists only of weak generals that you've probably faced many times out in
    the open before. Do not hesitate to kick their asses.

    Enter Mian Zhu Guan fortress. In the leftmost tent, there is a treasure chest
    with a battleax in it. Give the battleax to Zhang Fei and his Sword to Ma Chao.
    Leave and continue onwards. Attack the gate at the next castle.

    *****BATTLE 33*****

    Lei Tong - 3110
    Wu Lan - 2965
    Rebel Force - 850
    Rebel Force - 850
    Rebel Force - 1000

    Though Lei Tong and Wu Lan both have great attacks, you totally outnumber them,
    outsmart them, and out hit them. Plus you've faced them both many times. Time
    to whoop them.


    Now Cheng Du

    *****BATTLE 34*****

    Liu Zheng - 4142
    Gao Pei - 2872
    Wu Yi - 3589
    Wang Lei - 2827
    Rebel Force - 900

    This battle is much easier than it looks. The big "bad guy" Liu Zheng is very
    weak in strength and intelligence, despite his mass of soldiers. Gao Pei and Wu
    Yi are moderate, but you've beaten them before. Wang Lei is just crap. Use Bei
    Ji on Zhang Fei with his battleax, then have him power-pill attack Liu Zheng
    and then Wu Yi. Kiss them goodbye. Pang Tong should Bei Ji Zhang Fei the first
    turn, then do Da Re on Gao Pei. Everyone else can attack whoever. Voila, you win,

    Liu Bei now rules Shu.


    In Cheng Du, heal, save, and invite Liu Bei in. He says something about the
    blacksmith and your swords. Don't worry about that yet. Go buy battleaxes
    for everyone who doesn't have one yet (except of course Zhu Ge Liang). Get Chain

    Mails for everyone. Don't go back to the swordsmith yet. Spend some time around
    here facing battles and owning with your battleaxes. You can gain some quick
    levels. Get to at least level 29.

    Ok, now go to the swordsmith's house. He tells you he made 5 great swords and
    tells you what he named them. But they were stolen! Oh no! Don't worry. You'll
    find them in various places later on.

    Return to Cheng Du and talk to Liu Bei. He gives you a speech about how the
    world is all good right now, but he says Shu is too vast for him to control
    alone, so he makes Guan Yu the ruler of Chang Sha and Zhang Fei the ruler of
    Gui Yang. This is to help keep the peace in Jing Zhou, a very hostile area.

    But suddenly something happens. Some time passes, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei
    have left. Now two messengers come and say that Cao Cao and Sun Ce both died.
    Uh oh. And, Wu is attacking Jing Zhou, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are barely
    holding on. You must go help them. First, gullwing to Chang Sha. Go to the
    palace and speak with Guan Yu, who offers his son to join your army. Good!
    Do the same at Gui Yang where Zhang Fei's son will join you. Alright, awesome.
    They are both a bit weaker in stats than their fathers but have the same men
    and all the stuff the two dads left with.

    Go back to Cheng Du and speak to Liu Bei. He says that Wu has invaded Jing Zhou.

    Head to Wu Ling first and fight the enemies there.

    *****BATTLE 35*****

    Fan Zhang - 4780
    Chen Wu - 5014
    Rebel Force - 350
    Rebel Force - 300
    Rebel Force - 320

    This is your first fight against generals from Wu. These two are sort of strong,

    but with power pils and you battle axes, you'll have them routed in no time.


    Head to Gui Yang. Heal, save, and reload on power pils. Now go to Ling Ling to

    *****BATTLE 36*****

    Ling Tong - 5516
    Wu Fan - 5014
    Rebel Force - 380
    Rebel Force - 380

    This battle is just as easy as the last one, because Ling Tong isn't that strong

    and Wu Fan doesn't have any dangerous tactics. Use power pils and whoop them.


    IX. Wu

    Get back to Cheng Du and talk to Liu Bei again. He gives another speech, and this

    time you'll do some butting in also. At the end of the speech, 3 people now claim

    the title of emperor. Woah. Go back to Gui Yang and you will find a bridge there

    now. Woah, cool. You can cross it and explore a bit if you want, but until you
    are level 31, stay close to Gui Yang. There are dozens of new generals in Wu,
    and many of them have immense strength, armies reaching over 10,000, and very
    vicious tactics. Stay near water, because Pang Tong can use Shui Long to do over

    2,000 damage to every enemy. Always keep a fresh supply of power pils, especially

    on Zhao Yun and Ma Chao, who are your strongest attackers now. At level 30, your

    health bars should change to light blue.

    At level 31, heal and save. Take Pang Tong out of your battle party, but keep him

    with you. Put it Huang Zhong now. Give Chi Tu Ma to Zhao Yun. Heal, save, and
    head west and south of Gui Yang now. Generals to watch out for in this area, some

    you may have met while building up, include Tai Ci Si, Zhou Yu, Lu Sun, Lu Su,
    among others. Do not hesitate to try retreating if you face any of them. Attack
    the first castle you come to.

    *****BATTLE 37*****

    Gan Ning - 6069
    Lu Su - 6365
    Rebel Force - 1000
    Rebel Force - 1100
    Rebel Force - 1300

    Gan Ning is a strong general, but he is the least of your worries. Lu Su has Ji
    Mian, Yi Xin, and Li Jian, which prevent you from attacking, prevent one general

    from doing anything, and cause one general to attack his allies, respectively.
    First turn, have everyone cast Bei Ji on themselves. Next turn, have everyone
    attack Lu Su with powerpils except Zhao Yun who should use Huo Shen. That will
    do over 3000 damage to anyone it hits, but probably won't hit Lu Su. One dose
    of that should be sufficient. Then just own the battle with your Bei Jied hits.


    Enter Jian An. Make sure everyone has at least 1 elixer D. Go to the back of
    the town and search in front of the lone tree for some Dead Wood. Now leave
    and head north into the cave in the mountains. In the cave, take the lower
    fork and take the stairs you see. Then go left and up on the next floor. The
    path to the saltpeter which you came for is straightforward. Gullwing out to
    Jian An when done.

    Talk to the man standing in place in the front part of the town. He will take
    your saltpeter and dead wood and make dam so you can get across the canal. Leave

    and head south. You will come to a fortress where you will fight a very hard

    *****BATTLE 38*****

    Zhou Yu - 6365
    Gu Yong - 5014
    Kan Ze - 5259
    Rebel Force - 1100

    Ok, you're up against 3 tacticians. Zhou Yu is probably tied for the most
    dangerous in the game, next to Cao Pi, Si Ma Yi, and very few others. He is
    who you want dead the fastest. First turn, have everyone use Bei Ji. Then,
    have everyone attack except Zhao Yun who should use Huo Shen. You will
    probably have to heal often, since these guys love to use Hong Shui. Guan
    Xing should do the healing, he's your weakest man. Use power pils and just
    try to get Zhou Yu dead as fast as you can, and hope he doesn't ues Wan Fu
    too many times. Also note he has An Sha, which can wipe out an entire general
    of yours with one swipe. Hopefully someone has some ressurects, which we've
    not really needed so far. When you finally get Zhou Yu dead, get Kan Ze, and
    then all out to finish. An alternate way to start the battle would've been
    for Zhao Yun to cast Ce Mian the first turn to ward off enemy tactics for
    whatever number of turns it lasts.


    Gullwing back to Chang Sha. Reload on power pils and gullwings, and gull
    back to Jian An. Continue past the fortress you just beat until you get to
    another castle.

    *****BATTLE 39*****

    Zhu Ge Jin - 6365
    Jang Qin - 5259
    Han Dang - 5516
    Rebel Force - 1100

    This is a rather easy battle vs Zhu Ge Liang's bad brother. Whoop up on
    them with powerpils and Zhou Yun using Shui Long when he's Bei Jied.


    Enter Wu castle. Heal, save, and leave. Continue onwards. You come to
    the first confusing cave in the game. This one is big and stupid. Get
    to level 33 before going in, and make sure to have elixer Ds for everyone.
    Uhhh... I'll try to give directions, though if you can find a map somewhere
    on the internet (like my site this would be much
    easier. The first two rooms are very small. Then there's a big floor. Follow
    the path around, then go down at the fork. On the next floor take the stairs
    right next to you, and on the next follow the plain path around. Again take
    the stairs next to you. On this floor, follow the path, go left at first
    fork, right at second, down at third. This leads you to Nu Long, one of the 5
    swords. Give it to Ma Chao. Now backtrack to that last fork, and go right to
    get out of the cave.

    Go north for a darn long while until you come to a gate and a fortress. The
    gate is guarded by just Ding Feng. All out vs him, he's weak. Attack the
    fort now.

    *****BATTLE 41*****

    Chen Pu - 9326
    Zhang Zhao - 8082
    Bu Xi - 7003
    Rebel Force - 1200
    Rebel Force - 1000

    The reason this fight will be tough is cuz you just went on a long journey
    since your last heal, so you probably are way down on tactic points. Use
    Bei Ji on Zhao Yun and Ma Chao only. Everyone should attack Zhang Zhao
    with whatever power pills you might have, but Zhao Yun should use Huo Shen.
    Good luck winning, a lot depends on if they use a lot of annoying tactics
    like Li Jian, Ji Mian, Yi Xin, and Wan Fu.


    Enter Po Yang fortress, which lovingly has a place to rest in. Leave and
    go southwest. Attack the gate, and then attack Jin Du.

    *****BATTLE 43*****

    Sun Yu - 13027
    Zhang Hong - 10763
    Zhu Zhi - 10261
    Rebel Force - 1200
    Rebel Force - 1000

    These generals have huge armies. 2 are amazing fighters, 1 is an annoying
    tactician. However, with Bei Jied power pil attacks (on the tactician)
    and Bei Jied Shui Long uses, you should be able to take them down quickly.


    Be very happy, for Jin Du is on your gullwing list, you can go to and
    from here easily. Heal now. Before talking to anyone, buy crossbows for
    everyone except Ma Chao and Bronze Helmets for everyone. Now talk to the
    soldier in the middle of the town to initiate a fight.

    *****BATTLE 44*****

    Lu Meng - 14333
    3 Rebel Force - ????

    This is a strong general and even greater tactician. Use Bei Jei on
    everyone, then give him dose after dose of attacks. He may use Wan Fu,
    which would ****. Hope he doesn't! Don't use powerpils except with Ma
    Chao, because everyone else has double attack weapons. Huo Shen wouldn't
    hurt. When you beat him he runs off, saying you're strong but Tai Si Ci
    is stronger. Phhtt you've beaten Tai Si Ci a few times already I assume.


    Gull out of Jin Du to someplace where you can get powerpils and more
    gullwings and come back. Head south of Jin Du to find a house. Attack
    the group of pirates inside. They all have over 10K men but they're
    easy. Return to Jin Du and talk to a man who will give you Qing Long,
    another one of the 5 swords. Give it to Zhang Bao.

    Now, wander around the area, and attack the gates of the next castle
    if you wish (#44-46), but don't attack Jian Ye until you're level 38
    so some of your guys have over 10K men. Also your health bars should
    turn dark blue about now. Now then, heal and save. Give Ma Chao's Nu
    Long to Zhao Yun just for this battle, because Zhao Yun has over 10K
    men and Ma Chao does not, so we want the best damage we can give out.
    Attack Jian Ye castle.

    *****BATTLE 48*****

    Tai Si Ci - 15769
    Lu Sun - 11814
    Rebel Force - 1100
    Rebel Force - 1100
    Rebel Force - 1300

    Well, though you've probably faced both of these generals at random
    times before, this time they're together. And you can't just go all
    out with tactics, because this battle is a 2 parter, and any Bei Jis
    will not carry over to the next part. So, Bei Ji just Zhao Yun and
    Zhang Bao. Everyone should focus attacks on Lu Sun, though Zhao Yun
    should use Huo Shen once. I feel confident you should be able to take
    down these two with relative ease. But now comes part 2 of the battle...

    Sun Quan - 19087
    Rebel Force - 1100
    Rebel Force - 1200
    Rebel Force - 1000
    Rebel Force - 1300

    Wow. Sun Quan is a monster. 228 strength with 240 AP to back it up,
    and plenty of men to keep him over 10K for a while. And, he has very
    high intelligence and some of our least favorite tactics like Ji Mian,
    Li Jian, and Yi Xin. So, start out with everyone using Bei Ji on himself.
    Next turn, have everyone attack except Guan Xing, who should use Huo Shen.
    If he fails to hit Sun Quan with it, try again with Zhao Yun the next turn.
    Just keep attacking turn by turn, and use any power pills Zhang Bao and Zhao
    Yun might have. Don't let anyone get down too low on health, because if Sun
    Quan does a super attack... **shudder**. Yeah, so just focus your energy and
    take this sucker down. After all, he wants to take over China, and so do you,
    so he's just kinda in your way. At the end he gives another speech, then dies.
    So closes the Wu chapter, for Liu Bei's army now occupies it all.


    X. Wei

    Enter Jian Ye, heal, save, and invite. Liu Bei says Cao Pi must die, and you
    should attack from "Jian Ye, northeast of here" which is an obvious mistake-
    you're in Jian Ye! Anyways, go to the weapon shops and replace your crossbows
    with Lances. Also give Nu Long back to Ma Chao. Do not buy the mail here for
    there is better armor at the next town. For now, just go outside to the east
    and wander around a bit. There are many new generals with armies reaching over
    20 and 30K men, so you should definately do some leveling up. Generals to watch
    out for include Cheng Yu, Yang Xiu, Chen Qun, Cao Zhi, Guo Jia,

    When you reach level 39, head east and north of Jian Ye for your next fight.
    Attack the gate (easy fight, #49). Then attack the castle.

    *****BATTLE 49*****

    Zhang Liao - 13027
    Cao Zhen - 10763
    Rebel Force - 1900
    Rebel Force - 1900
    Rebel Force - 1800

    This battle, though the opposing generals don't have too many men, is hard
    because they're BOTH strong warriors and elite tacticians, especially Zhang
    Liao. Bei Ji everyone and power pill Zhang Liao to death before he kills
    anyone with An Sha. If he does, don't worry about resurrecting, just kill
    the bastard. Cao Zhen can go next. Don't all out against these guys. I suggest
    using Shui Long once or twice with Bei Ji for whoopass potential.


    Enter Guang Ling castle and talk to the first person you see after the guard.
    This is Jiang Wei, a great tactician and good fighter, who gains men like
    all your other generals right now, and gets as many as Zhao Yun. He is so good
    that you should replace Huang Zhong with him. Keep the old fart around though,
    in case you need a backup when someone dies. Give Chi Tu Ma to Jiang Wei. In
    the middle of a town, a tree sticks out on the side. Search there to find Bo
    Ye, another sword. It is not as strong as the first 2 you got, but still
    stronger than any generic weapons. Give it to Guan Xing. Now go in the weapon
    shop and buy Plate Mail for everyone.

    Go back to Jian Ye and save. Build up to level 40. Heal, save, and continue
    past Guang Ling castle. You might consider getting some smoke pots. Oh and
    while fighting you should notice your health bars changed to a cool green.
    That's the last color. After a lot of walking you come to a gate.

    *****BATTLE 50*****

    Cao Pi - 20020
    Cao Ren - 14333
    Xia Huo Dun - 13665
    Rebel Force - 1500
    Rebel Force - 1800

    Your first battle against the second hardest opponent in the game- Cao Pi.
    And, there's a very high chance you will be suprised as you enter the battle.
    So you're already starting a turn behind. Get everyone Bei Jied as soon as
    possible. Have Jiang Wei use Shui Long at least once, but more times if TP
    permits. Save the rest of your points for healing. Basically, gang up on Cao
    Pi with power pils before he can An Sha and Hong Shui you to death. He's your
    main worry and probably will be a real pain. If you can get him dead its smooth
    sailing from there.


    Gullwing first back to someplace with Power Pills so you can reload. Then gull
    back to Jian Ye, get more Elixer Ds and gulls, heal, and save. Get more smoke
    pots, because you've got to take that long hike again. This time we're going
    even further. Continue past He Fei fortress where you fought Cao Pi. Go across
    one bridge, then another, and then straight down. You will see a castle protected

    by some gates. Go in and attack! The first gate is just against some Caos (#51),

    but they're weak. The second (#52) is against some Xia Huo's. They're easy, too.

    Now, attack Ru Nan.

    *****BATTLE 53*****

    Cao Pi - 20020
    Cao Zhang - 19087
    Cao Ang - 18197
    Xia Huo Mao - 16504
    Rebel Force - 1800

    Here's Cao Pi again, this time with a load of strong backup, including the 7th
    strongest general in the game, Cao Zhang. Yeah, that says something. You WILL
    be caught off guard in this battle, so you'll have a round of beating on you
    before you can even get going. Now on your first turn, everyone should use Bei
    Ji. Second turn, everyone attack Cao Pi with powerpils except Jiang Wei, using
    Huo Shen or Shui Long (depending where you initiated the battle). This will
    probably bring Cao Pi down below 5K. Do one more power pill attack and one more
    regular on him to kill him. Hopefully he never An Shaed anyone. You should be
    strong enough to all out after this to finish them.

    But wait! Si Ma Yi has arrived! And he's backstabbing Cao Pi! Sounds like a cool

    guy. Well, he kills Cao Pi and gives you his head. However, he says he claims Wei

    for his own, then does some crazy thunder on you, and you wake up in Jian Ye.


    Heal, save, and go talk to Liu Bei. He says Guan Yu's other son found you unconsious

    and brought you back to Jian Ye. He says you should go to Chang Sha to talk to him.

    So, do so! When you talk to him he says he knows Si Ma Yi's thunder tactic, and says

    the counter is to press up, up, down, down, left, right, up, down before the attack

    hits. Also restock on power pills here, and get everyone at least three of them.

    Now gullwing back to Jian Ye. Reload on gullwings and elixer Ds. Make sure you
    are at least level 44 before heading out. Huang Zhong should have his inventory full

    of them since he's not fighting. You will probably get to level 45 on the way.

    Upon reaching Ru Nan, touch the castle from the left side, so you are away from the

    water, because Si Ma Yi can use Shui Long. When it starts, you will first have to

    counter the thunder. If you mess up you are returned to Jian Ye. So don't mess up.

    Now, the battle starts.

    *****BATTLE 54*****

    Si Ma Yi - 40972
    Xu Zhu - 20020
    Dian Wei - 20020
    Rebel Force - 1800
    Rebel Force - 1500

    You'll probly be caught off guard. Now, do a report on Si Ma Yi. He has 250
    intelligence, so he will a) be able to hit any of your guys with his tactics
    successfully and b) it will be hard for you to hit him with tactics. He has Huo
    Shen and Shui Long, two tactics that hardly any of your opponents had before. He

    also has Bei Ji, so his attacks and tactics will be twice strength once he uses
    it. In addition, he has Wan Fu, and coupled with his 40K men, will mean a long,
    hard, tedious fight. And this isn't the only time you face him- you fight him 2
    more times!

    Begin this battle with Bei Ji on everyone. Now, focus on killing Xu Zhu, and then

    Dian Wei. Don't use power pills - save those for Si Ma Yi. You can use Huo Shen a

    few times, but try and save tactic points for healing. You will be healing often

    because Si Ma Yi loves to hit everyone for 4K damage with Huo Shen. Do power pil

    attacks on Si Ma Yi until you get him down to around or below 10K. But, if you
    are in range of killing him in just one more turn, start that turn with Jiang Wei

    using Ce Mian so Si Ma Yi can't use Wan Fu. That should work and have him dead.


    Enter Ru Nan castle. Heal, and go to the weapon shop. Buy Steel Helmets for everyone.

    Now go back to Jian Ye and restock on Elixer Ds and Gullwings, and definately get

    some smokepots. Also go to Chang Sha or one of the places that has power pills and

    restock until everyone but Jiang Wei has 3, for Jiang should have ressurects.
    Save and gull back to Ru Nan and get ready to go through a big cave. Go through the

    little niche in the mountains at the back of Ru Nan.

    Go left at the first fork, left at the next, and right at the next. Go to the stairs.

    Don't worry about treasures you're passing by. They all ****, except one in the cave

    we're making sure to get, which is one of the 5 swords. On the next floor go left

    and then immediately up, which leads you around to the next stairs. Next part is
    small, take the next stairs. So is the next. Keep going. On the next floor go towards

    the lava and through it. It won't hurt too much. Get only the first chest which has

    Wan Sheng in it. Give it to Zhao Yun. The other chests just have armor you don't

    Backtrack out of the lava and go up. Take the first set of stairs you see. Go down,

    and take the left of the the 3 paths. This takes you out of the cave. However, walking

    outside you see yet another cave. Argh. Inside, go left and follow the floor to the

    stairs. Go down and curve back up to the stairs downward. Follow that to a Halberd,

    the strongest weapon in the game. Give it to Ma Chao, give Nu Long to Zhao Yun, and

    Wan Sheng to Jiang Wei. Go back 2 stairs and this time go left at the fork. Follow

    this floor (has green ground) until a fork. Go diagonal up-right for Qing Guang.
    it to Guan Xing, and give Bo Ye to Zhu Ge Liang or Huang Zhong to hold, though it

    doesn't really matter. Go back down, right, up-right, up, and to the stairs. Grab

    the chest in your way (power pil) if you want and give it to Ma Chao who has the
    weapon of anyone. Now you'll get out of the cave.

    Odds are you're level 47 by now. Hope you didn't use any tactics on your journey.

    You'll need them for the battles ahead. Go north and west to the next gate (#55).

    Use Huang Zhong and Zhu Ge Liang's spare elixer Ds to get everyone's HP back up.

    Now attack the gate.

    *****BATTLE 56*****

    Si Ma Yi - 40972
    Yang Xiu - 20999
    Jiang Gan - 19087
    Rebel Force - 1900
    Rebel Force - 1500

    Uh oh. You may have all your tactic points, elixer Ds, resurrects, power pils, and

    the best physical army in the land, but you're up against 2 generals with Wan Fu,

    Ji Mian, and Yi Xin. Plus, you're close enough to the water where Si Ma Yi can use

    Shui Long and the other two can use Hong Shui. You're in for a rough ride unless

    you play your cards right. Start with a round of Bei Jis on everyone except Jiang

    Wei, who should use Ce Mian. Gang up on Si Ma Yi with power pills until he is dead,

    and whenever Ce Mian runs out, use it again. When Si Ma Yi is dead, you can stop

    using power pills and Ce Mian. Take out Yang Xiu and then Jiang Gan. These two
    wont last long against an army of Bei Jied warriors.


    Go past the fortress and head north to Chin castle.

    *****BATTLE 57*****

    Xun Huo - 25418
    Li Dian - 23103
    Wang Shuang - 20999
    Rebel Force - 1800
    Rebel Force - 1800

    Odds are you have between 20 and 40 tactic points left, 0-2 power pils left on
    any given man, and you don't want to face another guy with Wan Fu. Don't use
    any Bei Jis. Take out Li Dian and Wang Shuang, then slowly work down Xun Huo.
    If you heal, make sure you save at least 15 tactic points. When he is in
    range of killing in one turn, use Ce Mian. Use your last power pils to kill the
    sucker. Take out his lackeys afterwards. If at some time before you kill him
    he An Shas someone, use a resurrect and then 3 elixer Ds or 2 and a heal, but
    like I said, be penny-pinching with your tactic points so you have that 15.


    In Chin castle you find out that Si Ma Yi controls a newly rebuilt Luo Yang castle.

    His very strong, intelligent sons are helping him guard it. Sounds like fun.
    Walk outside and you see a bridge built. You can go across it and wow! You're right

    next to Luo Yang castle! Don't fight yet. Gullwing to Chang Sha or Chang An and
    fill up on power pils- 3 for Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, and Guan Xing, 4 for Ma Chao.
    Fill the rest of your space with at least 3 resurrects spread out and at least 1

    elixer D per person. Go to Xu Zhou to save. This is the closest place on your gullwing

    list that can attack Luo Yang- the path from Yang Zhou has been blocked off.

    Blow past the gates of Luo Yang, poorly defended as they are by the last remaining

    beleagured troops of Wei. If you're not level 50 by now, get to that by building
    around Chin. Once level 50, gullwing to Ji Zhou. In there, go around the right wall

    to a house, where a man will raise your level to 51. This is the highest level. Cool.

    Return to Xu Zhou, heal, and save. If you're fully stocked, attack Luo Yang.

    ******************************FINAL BATTLE PART 1******************************

    Si Ma Shi - 27965
    Si Ma Zhao - 30767
    Rebel Force - 180
    Rebel Force - 150
    Rebel Force - 150

    Alright... let's see. Si Ma Yi's two loving sons which he seems to have raised
    well, because they're both very bright people. And they even try to taunt you
    into submission before every attack of theirs. What a nice thing to teach your

    Begin the battle with Jiang Wei using Ce Mian and everyone else using Bei Ji.
    Each time Ce Mian runs out, use it again. These generals are dangerous and not
    afraid to use An Sha and Wan Fu. You will not need tactic points for anything
    but Ce Mian, because if you gang up on the two generals one at a time with
    powerpils, you can get them dead very quickly (Ma Chao will be doing insanely
    high amounts of damage). I really doubt you can get into a very big predicament
    fighting them, though I could be wrong. When they're dead, you obviously know
    there must be more, because you didn't fight Si Ma Yi. And here he is...


    Si Ma Yi says its his destiny to rule, and you can't prevent. Well you can,
    just not in your tacticless condition. Though it may not seem like it, you can
    run from this battle. Either do that or use the Gui Han tactic. Fill back up on
    powerpils, heal, save, and come back. Now, you will not have to fight his sons,
    just the battle against Si Ma Yi and his henchmen.

    ******************************FINAL BATTLE PART 2******************************

    Si Ma Yi - 40972
    Yu Jin - 30767
    Wei Xu - 27965
    Cheng Yu - 24233
    Xu Zhu - 20020

    Alright, going into this battle, you should be confident, since you've taken on
    all the other foes this game could throw at you, and you outnumber these guys
    roughly 5:2 if you're on level 51. You also have the superior brains. Though
    they may have infinite TP, you know how to use them better. So, try not to get
    frustrated if you get An Shaed or repeatedly Huo Shened when Si Ma Yi is Bei
    Jied. Just know that you're superior to these punks.

    Kick it off with a round of Bei Ji. Wittle down Cheng Yu until he is dead- he
    is the most dangerous, with An Sha in his arsenal. When he's gone you can worry
    a bit less and focus on getting the fighter generals out of the way. If at any
    time someone dies, use 2 elixer Ds and 1 Jin Xian, to get them back up over 10K,

    and repeat this if they fall back under. You should be able to successfully
    revive 4 people if everyone has 1-2 elixer Ds.

    When only Si Ma Yi is left, spend a few turns attacking, and defend for however
    long necessary if he uses Ji Mian. If you get him down to about 15K, Jiang Wei
    should use Ce Mian followed by everyone else attacking with powerpils. Odds are
    this will kill him. If you accidentally get Si Ma Yi to low on health and he gets

    a chance he will Wan Fu and be fresh as new. And he will barage you with Huo Shens

    a lot. Hopefully you get him down to the right health and can finish him, because

    you only have so many powerpils and TP until you're a goner. If you win, he has
    some last sentiments, and then he dies. Yay. Congratulate yourself. Kiss the
    nearest person. No more fighting. Now its time for the ending pieces.


    The music changes to that of victory. Ahhh it sounds so sweet. Enter Luo Yang and

    gaze upon its majestic looks as a newly rebuild city. Everyone is talking of peace

    and happy things. Go to the scribe and invite Liu Bei in. If you want to fight Si

    Ma Yi again, don't save.

    Enter the palace. Talk to Liu Bei and hear his final speech:

    "Zhang Bao, Zhao Yun, Jiang Wei, Guan Xing, Ma Chao, Zhu Ge Liang, Huang Zhong,
    my people. Finally peace reigns again. I thank you all for your devoted effort.
    Through this great trial, I have gained much wisdom. I will rule fairly but with

    an iron hand so that no uprising can threaten the peace again."

    Now its time for the credits! Yippee! We get to see lots of clips of Liu Bei,
    Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei in many places they never were together to some funky
    music. Woohoo! Between each scene are some names, and portraits are displayed
    of characters. Capcom thanks you for playing at the end. Pat yourself on the back,

    give yourself a high five, whatever. You just beat on of the coolest RPGs ever.
    I haven't tried the sequel, maybe you should try it.


    XI. Characters & Generals

    Main Characters:

    Name Strength Intelligence Soldiers Note

    Liu Bei 180 225 314 Leader of your army, stops fighting to
    Guan Yu 245 180 Grows Mighty warrior in your army for long
    Zhang Fei 250 75 Grows Second strongest fighter in the world

    Lu Bu 255 72 439 Strongest fighter in the world, traitorous

    Dong Zhou 162 72 439 Cruel ruler who burnt Luo Yang to the
    Yuan Shu 142 152 899 Tries to make himself emperor, fails

    Yuan Shao 170 140 1754 Mighty brother of Yuan Shao
    Zhao Yun 245 216 Grows Your best warrior at end game
    Huang Zhong 235 147 Grows Old yet strong and wise fighter
    Zhu Ge Liang 122 255 Grows Greatest tactician in the world
    Ma Chao 245 162 Grows Almost as strong in battle as Zhang Fei

    Guan Xing 237 175 Grows Guan Yu's powerful son
    Zhang Bao 240 150 Grows Zhang Fei's mighty son
    Sun Quan 228 207 19087 Assasinates Sun Ce to rule Wu
    Jiang Liao 204 225 Grows Great tactician/fighter, joins you late

    Cao Pi 216 204 20020 Devious ruler of Wei
    Si Ma Yi 180 250 40972 Kills Cao Pi to rule Wei, final boss

    Other Generals:

    Name Strength Intelligence Soldiers

    Bao Long 126 63 1255
    Bu Xi 124 192 7003
    Cai Yong 117 180 380
    Cao Ang 180 84 18197
    Cao Chun 168 48 13665
    Cao Ren 180 156 14333
    Cao Xiu 168 108 15034
    Cao Zhang 242 168 19087
    Cao Zhen 192 192 10763
    Cao Zhi 132 220 13665
    Chen Deng 94 157 153
    Chen Ji 85 47 531
    Chen Jiao 48 192 11841
    Chen Lan 76 57 460
    Chen Qun 72 228 24233
    Chen Wu 161 115 5014
    Chen Ying 136 42 1197
    Cheng Yu 148 216 24233
    Cheng Yuan Zhi 85 68 195
    Dian Wei 222 48 20020
    Ding Feng 120 184 15769
    Dong Min 72 36 380
    Fa Zheng 66 198 2965
    Fan Zhang 185 90 4780
    Fen Chou 153 36 399
    Gao Lan 100 60 942
    Gao Pei 172 88 2827
    Gong Zhi 94 157 1197
    Gu Yong 127 184 5014
    Guan Ping 200 137 418
    Guo Ji 128 72 418
    Guo To 180 90 1317
    Han Dang 180 115 5516
    Han Xian 114 38 585
    Han Xuan 136 126 1519
    Han Zhong 80 30 204
    Hou Cheng 192 108 18197
    Hu Zhen 90 45 299
    Hua Xiong 162 36 439
    Huang Gai 217 103 9326
    Huang Quan 66 165 2695
    Huo Hu 80 175 236
    Ji Ling 192 47 613
    Jia Xu 18 220 418
    Jiang Gan 136 180 19087
    Jin Xuan 147 42 1317
    Ju Shou 40 180 1449
    Kan Ze 160 199 5259
    Le Xin 168 72 29332
    Lei Bo 142 76 643
    Lei Tong 184 88 3110
    Leng Bao 180 99 2024
    Li Dian 156 108 23103
    Li Feng 76 57 557
    Li Jue 120 72 399
    Li Ru 18 200 362
    Li Su 99 45 299
    Li Yan 90 160 2827
    Liang Gang 85 28 506
    Liang Ji 85 76 643
    Ling Tong 161 103 5516
    Liu Ba 99 176 2569
    Liu Dai 168 84 26661
    Liu Du 126 157 1672
    Liu Feng 187 162 399
    Liu Kui 110 110 3262
    Liu Xun 132 99 3110
    Liu Yang 126 126 1381
    Liu Ye 60 180 16540
    Liu Zheng 110 110 4142
    Lu Fan 76 161 817
    Lu Guang 160 50 1037
    Lu Ji 57 161 11289
    Lu Meng 130 225 14333
    Lu Sun 215 240 11841
    Lu Wen 168 132 22026
    Lu Xiang 150 50 942
    Ma Dai 225 175 3110
    Ma Liang 59 211 1449
    Ma Su 138 195 1754
    Ma Yan 90 80 942
    Ma Yuan Yi 76 34 177
    Mao Jie 132 72 24233
    Meng Da 154 132 3589
    Mi Zhe 73 157 161
    Niu Jin 204 36 20020
    Pang De 212 200 2965
    Pang Tong 99 240 3765
    Shen Rei 60 130 1255
    Si Ma Shi 192 220 27965
    Si Ma Zhao 180 232 30767
    Song Ren 80 100 110
    Song Xian 168 60 13665
    Song Yong 60 40 104
    Sun Huan 215 115 16540
    Sun Yi 172 46 15769
    Sun Yu 210 180 13027
    Tai Si Ci 230 123 15769
    Tao Qian 90 160 2226
    Tian Feng 120 160 1141
    Wang Can 36 204 26661
    Wang Gui 110 40 346
    Wang Lei 135 132 2827
    Wang Shuang 216 48 20999
    Wei Xu 180 84 27965
    Wei Yan 228 136 1317
    Wen Hun 190 40 1449
    Wu Fan 69 184 5014
    Wu Lan 180 99 2965
    Wu Yi 176 143 3589
    Xia Hou De 168 132 16540
    Xia Hou Dun 204 192 13665
    Xia Hou Mao 180 84 16540
    Xia Hou Shang 156 144 17349
    Xia Hou Yuan 204 168 11289
    Xing Dao Rong 168 31 1519
    Xu Huang 216 108 18197
    Xu Rong 90 117 314
    Xu Sheng 195 103 11289
    Xu Shou 40 170 1255
    Xu Zhe 73 220 643
    Xu Zhu 228 24 20020
    Xue Rong 69 115 9326
    Xun Huo 72 228 25418
    Yan Liang 180 40 1381
    Yan Yan 207 154 3262
    Yang Huai 165 99 2965
    Yang Jin 125 40 247
    Yang Ling 168 42 1197
    Yang Xiu 124 228 20999
    Yu Jin 200 48 30767
    Yuan Shang 170 140 1672
    Yuan Tan 160 130 1594
    Yuan Xi 140 120 1519
    Yuan Yin 133 142 643
    Zhang Bao 68 144 299
    Zhang Hang 113 211 10763
    Zhang He 210 150 1317
    Zhang Jao 93 136 346
    Zhang Ji 147 36 362
    Zhang Liang 102 34 259
    Zhang Liao 232 216 13027
    Zhang Ren 207 165 3262
    Zhang Xun 183 28 675
    Zhang Yi 100 90 989
    Zhang Zhao 140 240 8082
    Zhao Fan 136 105 1594
    Zheng Mao 93 34 153
    Zhou Cang 215 85 506
    Zhou Chao 140 20 346
    Zhou Tai 180 45 10763
    Zhou Yu 195 230 6365
    Zhu Zhi 210 95 10261

    XII. Equipment


    Name Cost Defense Found at

    Robe 100 20 Xu Zhou
    Leather 300 35 Xu Zhou, Chang An, Yuan
    Padded 800 45 Yuan, Nan Yang, Bo Hai, Ji Zhou
    Ring M. 2000 50 Chang Sha, Fu Shui
    Chain M. 4000 70 Cheng Du, Jin Du
    Splint M. 10000 85 Jian Ye
    Plate M. 30000 100 Guang Ling, Ru Nan


    Bandana 50 10 Xu Zhou, Chang An
    Cap 150 20 Chang An
    Hood 500 40 Nan Yang, Bo Hai
    Wood H. 1000 60 Bo Hai, Ji Zhou, Chang Sha
    Copper H. 2000 70 Fu Shui
    Bronze H. 4000 80 Jin Du
    Iron H. 15000 90 Jian Ye
    Steel H. 40000 100 Ru Nan


    Name Cost AP Found at:
    Dagger 50 10 Xu Zhou
    Flail 100 15 Xu Zhou, Chang An
    Ax 200 20 Chang An
    Club 500 30 Chang An, Yuan, Nan Yang
    Spear 1000 50 Bo Hai
    Saber 2000 70 Ji Zhou
    Bow 4000 80 Chang Sha, Fu Shui
    Sword 6000 120 Fu Shui, Cheng Du
    Battleax 10000 140 Cheng Du
    Scimitar 20000 150 Jin Du
    Crossbow 45000 130 Jin Du, Jian Ye
    Lance 65000 170 Jian Ye, Guang Ling, Ru Nan
    Bo Ye Found 190 Below a tree in Guang Ling castle
    Wan Sheng Found 190 Cave in Wei
    Nu Long Found 240 South of the exit at Wu's mountain pass
    Qing Long Found 240 Defeat the brigands south of Jin Du castle
    Qing Guang Found 240 Final cave past Ru Nan
    Halberd Found 250 Same cave as Qing Guang

    XIII. Items

    Bought Items:

    Name Cost Use

    Elixer A 20 Recovers 100 Soldiers
    Elixer B 50 Recovers 500 Soldiers
    Elixer C 200 Recovers 1,000 Soldiers
    Elixer D 500 Recovers 4,500 Soldiers
    Gullwing 100 Fly to a main city
    Power Pill 50 User does an attack of 2x dmg in battle
    Resurrect 100 Revives general along with 400 men
    Steed 200 Help sway general's into joining you
    Smoke Pot 200 Avoid enemies while traveling for short time

    Found Items:

    Name Where Use

    Chi Tu Ma On a square 8 spots west and
    1 south of Fan Shui Guan fort Rider gains passive increase in
    Gold Key Cave before Lou Yang Open trap door to get Gemsword
    Gem Sword House in Lou Yang Sway Lu Bu into joining you
    Intro Letter Chen Cang fort Talk to Shui Jing in his house
    for good tips
    Gunpowder Bo Hai castle Destroy blocks by Xu Zhe in cave
    west of Bo Hai
    Silver Key Nan Yang, 4K to buy Open cell where Zhou Yun's sister
    is held
    Zhou Letter In fort where Zhou Yun's sister is captive Convince

    Zhou Yun to join you
    Iron Ore Mt. Gang Tai in Shu Give to swordsmith for him to make
    best weapons
    Deadwood By tree in Jian An Man in Jian An castle in Wu uses this

    and Saltpeter to make explosive to let

    you pass through Jian An
    Saltpeter Cave in northwestern Wu
    (west of bridge by Gui Yang
    castle) Used with Saltpeter

    XIV. Tactics

    Fire Tactics:

    Name TP Level Effect

    Lian Huo 2 2 Attack enemy for about 40 damage
    Ye Huo 4 8 Attack enemy for about 100 damage
    Yan Re 6 14 Attack all enemies for about 200 damage
    Da Re 8 22 Attack enemy for about 1000 damage
    Huo Shen 12 30 Attack all enemies for about 2000 damage

    Water Tactics:

    Name TP Level Effect

    Shui Tu 3 4 Attack enemy for about 80 damage
    Shui Xing 6 10 Attack enemy for about 120 damage
    Shui Lei 8 15 Attack all enemies for about 200 damage
    Hong Shui 12 21 Attack all enemies for about 1500 damage
    Shui Long 15 29 Attack all enemies for about 2500 damage

    Healing Tactics:

    Name TP Level Effect

    Chi Xin 3 5 Heal one ally for about 90 soldiers
    Tong Xian 5 13 Heal one ally for about 200 soldiers
    Yin Xian 10 16 Heal all allies for about 900 soldiers
    Wan Fu 10 23 Heal one ally's soldiers completely
    Jin Xian 4 28 Heal all allies by about 5000 soldiers

    Miscellaneous Tactics:

    Name TP Level Effect

    Wuo Jian 4 3 Fire attacks do half damage
    Cheng Nei 5 6 Reduces the defense level of a castle
    Qi Shou 4 7 Raise targeted general's agility
    Shui Jian 3 9 Water attacks do half damage
    Jie Ce 5 11 Undo any status changes caused by enemy tactics
    Ji Rou 5 17 Enemy attacks do 1/2 damage
    Yi Xin 5 18 Targeted general will not attack
    Bei Ji 8 18 Increases attack power of one ally
    Li Jian 6 20 Targeted general attacks himself and/or his allies
    Fu Bing 6 12 For a short time, user will do extra attack of 1/2
    damage each turn on a chosen General
    Ji Mian 7 24 Enemies attacks do nothing
    Tui Lu 5 25 Retreat from battle
    Gui Huan 6 26 Teleport instantly to palace where Liu Bei is
    An Sha 10 27 Behead an enemy general
    Ce Mian 17 31 Enemies cannot use tactics for a few turns

    XV. Experience Levels

    1 - 18 13547 35 181060
    2 20 19 17040 36 202073
    3 50 20 21232 37 225188
    4 95 21 26263 38 250614
    5 162 22 31797 39 278583
    6 263 23 34884 40 309349
    7 404 24 44579 41 343191
    8 602 25 51944 42 380417
    9 897 26 60045 43 421365
    10 1267 27 68956 44 466408
    11 1811 28 78759 45 515956
    12 2518 29 89542 46 549978
    13 3438 30 101403 47 627686
    14 4634 31 114451 48 687775
    15 6189 32 128730 49 750868
    16 8210 33 144591 50 817116
    17 10636 34 161957

    XVI. Game Genie Codes

    Code Effect

    AEKPZZGT Buy 300 provisions for no money
    AEKPIZYZ + AEKPTZAP Buy 30,000 provisions for no money
    AENLULZL Dagger costs nothing
    AEVLKGZL Bandana costs nothing
    AENUKLGT Flail costs nothing
    AEXLXGGT Robe costs nothing
    AEXUOKGZ + AEXUXGPA Leather costs nothing
    AEUUXLGP Elixir A costs nothing
    AEXUVLGT Resurrect costs nothing
    AEXLVUEG Steed costs nothing
    AEEUKUEG Gullwing costs nothing
    NNVUUAOV Main character (Liu Bei) starts with 255 Intelligence
    (instead of 225). Also, T.P. (Tactical Points) goes up.
    AEKPLZLA Buy 3,000 provisions for $232
    AEKPLZLA + AEKPGXET Buy 3,000 provisions for free

    XVII. Version History

    April 25th, 2003: Guide started, progress tracked on Classic Gaming
    Entertainment (my site at the time).
    May 21st, 2003: Walktrhough portion completed.
    June 6th, 2003: Appendices added; Guide v1.0 submitted to GameFAQs.


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    / / / __ / / ____/
    / / / / / / / /___
    /_/ /__/ /__/ /______/

    ________ ___ ___ _______
    / _____/ / | / / / __ /
    / /___ / | / / / / / /
    / ____/ / /| |/ / / / / /
    / /___ / / | / / /_/ /
    /______/ /__/ |___/ /______/

    ===========================================================================Kongming’s Archives –> Destiny of an Emperor –> FAQs and Walkthroughs Author: Chzn8r; FAQ: destiny_of_an_emperor_e.txt; Ver. 1.0

    Complete Walkthrough/FAQ for Destiny of an Emperor

    Version 1.0

    Copyright © 2003 Aaron Ringgenberg

    This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
    personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
    otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission.
    Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public
    display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

    To ask for permission to use this guide, to give a suggestion, or
    if you have any comments in general, email me at

    -My older brother Jon who introduced me to this game when I was
    just a young lad.
    -The webmaster of, for providing me with some info
    and secrets I was unaware of before.
    -The ancient Chinese people for actually performing all the events
    that this game was based off of.
    -Capcom for making such an awesome game!

    Table of Contents
    I. About
    II. Getting Started
    III. The Yellow Scarves Rebellion
    IV. Dong Zhou
    V. Yuan Shu
    VI. Yuan Shao
    VII. Jing Zhou
    VIII. Shu
    IX. Wu
    X. Wei

    XI. Characters & Generals
    XII. Equipment
    XIII. Items
    XIV. Tactics
    XV. Experience Levels
    XVI. Game Genie Codes
    XVII. Version History

    I. About

    Destiny of an Emperor, released by Capcom on the NES in 1989, is a very
    underrated and not well known RPG. However, it is not only a long and
    enjoyable game, but it is based on a true period of ancient Chinese
    history, known as the Three Kingdoms period, which lasted about 50
    years in the 200s A.D.

    If you would like to learn more about this story, there are many websites
    that have full information on the spectacular wars and unique people that
    shaped this period of the past. The largest site I know of, which covers
    every Three Kingdoms game, is There you can find full
    descriptions and history for any of the amazing characters that you
    learn of while playing this game.

    II. Getting Started

    An opening sequence shows 3 best friends, warriors Liu Bei, Zhang Fei,
    and Guan Yu, swearing an oath of loyalty to each other in a peach garden
    in a small village. Afterwards, you learn of recent happenings from a
    wise man. In the little village talk to every person. One man, a merchant,
    will give you 200 gold and 1,000 rations, which are necessary for the
    start of the game. Also, there are two men standing next to each other:
    Song Ren and Song Yong. They will add their armies to your cause. However,
    they are both very weak. They won't be with you too long, so don't worry.

    Before you go outside, make sure to equip Liu Bei's, Guan Yu's, and Zhang
    Fei's weapons and armor, and give Liu Bei's dagger to Song Ren. When you
    go outside, go directly left to the castle Xu Zhou. When inside, go left
    and to the house in the trees. There you will meet Mi Zhe. He will join.
    Make him your active tactician. Now, go to the long building, shingled
    roof, no curtain on door. There's no name for this place, so we'll call
    it the eatery. Go in, and have Song Yong leave your party. He is weaker
    than Song Ren and Mi Zhe, and so you don't need him. Also, if you want
    a better chance for battles with higher EXP gain, fire Song Yong so you
    can fight him out in the open.

    Next, if you feel like using any of the 200 gold you started with, you
    can go to either of the two shops at the top of the town, one is the
    merchant's shop and the other is weapons and armor. Personally, I wait
    and save up for Leathers at this time. Whenever you need to heal your
    party, go to the closest building to the entrance to the town. That is
    the Inn. You can pay a small price there to cure all your armies. And
    lastly, to save the game, or in some cases invite Liu Bei to a newly
    conquered castle (Liu Bei becomes the emperor later), go to the medium
    building, shingle roof, plain door, no window. It's right above the
    Eatery and the food shop. You can find out how long you have to wait
    until your party increases a level when you save. Also note that
    if you ever run out of food, which is seldom because fort and castle
    battles give you a lot, you will be losing men every step you take out
    in the open, so get to the nearest food store quick.

    III. The Yellow Scarves Rebellion

    Now go to the palace and talk to the king. He says he is sick, and will
    make you his heir if you defeat the Yellow Scarves. So, our mission
    will be to crush the rebellion. For starters, your generals armies are
    very weak right now and you have little equipment. Spend time fighting
    battles outside against rebel, bandit, pirate, and brigand forces, and
    the occasional random general(s). You should get to level 4 before our
    next task, and have leathers for Zhang Fei and Guan Yu. and maybe a few
    bandanas to go around. Some elixer As wouldn't hurt, either. When you
    have done all this, follow the path directly west of Xu Zhou. Touch the
    camp entrance and Zhang Bao will make a threat to you, and the battle

    *****BATTLE 1*****

    Zhang Bao - 299
    Chen Yuan Zhi - 195
    Rebel Force - 140

    This is a rather easy fight. Start out by having Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, and
    Guan Yu attack Zhang Bao, and have Song Ren and Mi Zhi use Lian Huo on
    Chen Yuan Zhi. Zhang Bao and Chen Yuan Zhi can both use Lian Huo, but
    rarely will it hurt. Once you have both of them down to below 100 men
    each, do an all out and finish them off. Zhang Bao will say you are too
    strong, and retreat.


    Enter the large middle tent in the camp and search the corner pot. You
    will find an Ax. Give it to Zhang Fei or Guan Yu. Give the replaced Flail
    to Song Ren, and his dagger to Mi Zhi. You should've gotten up to level 5
    from that battle and learned Chi Xin. If so, go back to Xu Xhou, heal,
    and save. If not, fight random battles until you're at level 5. Then,
    head south of Xu Zhou and you will find another camp. Zhang Jao mentions
    you routing his brother and says the guy was a fool anyways. Now he gives
    out a threat! Time to fight!

    *****BATTLE 2*****

    Zhang Jao - 346
    Zheng Mao - 153
    Han Zhong - 204
    Rebel Force - 120
    Rebel Force - 100

    This battle is a bit tougher than the last one, but not by much. Have
    Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, and Guan Yu attack to get Han Zhong below 100 men,
    and have Song Ren and Mi Zhi use Lian Huo to bring down Zheng Mao. Once
    they're below 100, concentrate on just attacking Zhang Jao. Use Chi Xin
    to heal if necessary, and if Zhang Jao heals one of the other two generals,
    attack them again. After Zhang Jao has less that 100 men, do an all out
    attack. The battle will end shortly, and Zhang Jao will retreat.


    In the camp, enter the largest middle tent and obtain an Ax from a treasure
    chest. Equip it on Zhang Fei or Guan Yu, whoever didn't get the last one.
    After this, return to Xu Zhou, heal, save, and then go north to Qing Zhou.
    DO NOT ATTACK THIS CASTLE FROM THE FRONT! You would be confronted by Zhang
    Jao, Zhang Bao, Zhang Liang, Zheng Mao, and Chen Yuan Zhi. The result would
    not be pretty. Instead, move around to the back of the entrance and press
    the castle from there. You will only meet up with Zhang Liang.

    *****BATTLE 3*****

    Zhang Liang - 259
    Rebel Force - 120
    Rebel Force - 100

    Zhang Lian has no tactics. Immediately all out attack. If any of your men
    look about to die, pull out and use Chi Xin to heal them. This shouldn't
    happen, though.


    After the battle, DO NOT try and enter the city! You have not taken it over
    yet. If you do attack, you will be faced with all those generals I stated
    previously. However, you should now see a cave opened up behind Qing Zhou.
    Don't go in yet, because you can't get through if you're not a Yellow Scarves
    rebel. What you must do is wander the country until you meet up with Han
    Zhong, whose loyalty to Zhang Jao is quavery. If you battle him, you will
    capture him, but he may request a steed or money upon joining. Make sure
    you have a steed on hand, they can be bought at the merchant shop in Xu

    Once Han Zhong is on your side, heal, save, and enter the cave. Put Han
    Zhong in front of your party, and talk to the man by the water. He will make
    a bridge. You may return Liu Bei to the front of your line, now.
    Cross, and then go left and up to get an Ax from a treasure chest.
    Equip it on whom you please, preferably Liu Bei. This cave is very small and
    easy to navigate. Find 3 men standing side by side. They are the Zhang brothers.

    Fight them.

    *****BATTLE 4*****

    Zhang Jao - 346
    Zhang Bao - 299
    Zhang Liang - 259

    Your armies are now pitted against the 3 strong generals who previously
    retreated from you. However, you hold the brains and the superior numbers,
    so this will be a swift and sure battle. Have Liu Bei, Han Zhong, Zhang Fei,
    and Guan Yu all attack Zhang Liang and Mi Zhi use Lian Huo on him, to wipe
    out his army first, because his is the smallest and physically strongest.
    After he is dead, go for Zhang Bao, but don't use tactics on him. Tactics
    are generally less effective against opposing tacticians. Heal your forces
    when necessary. Once he is dead, all out verses Zhang Jao. He may be able
    to use Chi Xin, but it won't make up for all the damage you do to him.
    Once they're all dead, you can wipe the dust off your armor with their faces
    for all I care. The rebellion is over.


    Exit the cave through the entrance in front of you. Enter Qing Zhou and go
    to the house up and to the right. Enter and talk to Chen Deng. He will join
    your force. Replace Han Zhong with him, because he has higher attack and
    much higher intelligence. You can make him your tactician, though he has
    the same intelligence as Mi Zhi.

    IV. Dong Zhou

    Return to Xu Zhou and talk to the king, who is lying on the bed in the
    back room. He will give up his rule to Liu Bei, who will in turn leave
    you in order to stay and rule. However, his son, Liu Fend, will be a
    worthy replacement, with more men, and slightly higher strength.
    Save the game and head south as far as you can go, until you get to
    another fort you haven't been to yet. When you enter, Sun Ce (ruler of
    the Wu kingdom) tells you he attacked, but failed because Dong Zhou's
    forces were too strong, and Yuan Shu didn't send reinforcements.
    He leaves you. Don't worry, this battle isn't at all as tough as Sun Ce

    *****BATTLE 5*****

    Hua Xiong - 439
    Li Su - 299
    Rebel Force - 100
    Rebel Force - 100
    Rebel Force - 140

    These enemies know no tactics, so an all out straight from the start wouldn't
    be suicide, except that Xua Xiong has 162 strength, almost twice as much
    as any general you've fought so far! Plus, his immense army will take a few
    turns to bring down. Attack him and have Mi Zhi / Chen Deng use Lian Huo.
    When Hua Xiong is dead, all out to destroy the rest of them.


    In the camp, go to the back and talk to Yang Jin, who will join you. Have him
    replace Mi Zhi. Then, go into the right tent for an Ax. In the middle tent
    you'll find an Inn. Stay there if you must. Go back outside. If you want to
    go back to Xu Zhou to save, you may. Once ready, walk 8 paces west and 1 pace
    south of the entrance of the camp. Search the spot and find Chi Tu Ma, who is
    Lu Bu's best horse (you'll meet Lu Bu soon). The person who has Chi Tu Ma will
    be MUCH faster in battle, and probably go first every turn. I suggest giving
    it to Zhang Fei, if you want his strong attack first, or to your best tactic
    user, so you can get healings and other tactics in before other attacks in
    a battle.

    **Note: From here on for a while, make sure to always have a steed with you.
    Be on the lookout for Hua Xiong, and if you fight him, hopefully you can capture

    him! He can replace Yang Jin.**
    Travel west of the camp and immediately upwards to the cave there. On the first
    level of the cave, go either all the way left or right, go to the back of the
    floor, take the stairs and get about 1,000 coins in a chest. Return to the
    entrance to the cave. Go up the middle, go left or right, and take the fork
    downward. On the next floor, walk until there is a big fork. Go downward. Take
    the stairs, and on the next floor go left and up to the stairs. Obtain the Gold
    Key. Make your way back out of the cave. At the entrance, Guan Ping will be waiting

    there. He is VERY strong. Replace whatever tactician you have in your battle lineup

    with Guan Ping. Now leave and return to Xu Zhou to heal and save.
    Also get some more Elixer As while you're there. Go back to where the fork in
    the mountains by the cave is and go west. You will come to a fort- here you will

    face the mighty Lu Bu for the first time.

    *****BATTLE 6*****

    Lu Bu - 439
    Li Ru -
    Rebel Force - 120
    Rebel Force - 120

    Just one report on Lu Bu will tell you he is the strongest general in the game.
    Thus, he is very dangerous to you and should be eliminated as soon as possible.
    Note that Guan Yu has very high intelligence- he will be using tactics for this
    battle. Have him keep doing Ye Huo on Lu Bu while everyone else attacks him
    until he is dead. Once he is, Li Ru shouldn't be too much trouble, and the battle

    will go quickly from there. After a threat, Lu Bu retreats.


    In this fort, go right and talk to Huo Hu, who joins you. Replace your current
    tactician with him. Now enter the central tent with the bushes around it. Talk
    to Cao Cao, who is the leader of the Imperial Army. He talks of not being able
    to catch Dong Zhou and says that Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao have gone ahead to the
    castle of Lou Yang and he goes there also.

    Exit the camp, and return all the way back to Xu Zhou to heal and save. Drop
    off your old tactician, and replenish any Elixer As you've used up. You should
    have at least one on each person. Also get a few Gullwings for easy travel back
    Xu Zhou when you need it.

    Now then, travel north and west of fort Hu Lao Guan to get to Lou Yang. You will

    have to fight a few battles at gates before you fight the battle at the castle.
    Battles 7 and 8 will be walks in the park. However, the one at the castle will
    be just a little bit tougher. A general (I'm not sure who) will tell you he
    failed to take Lou Yang because Dong Zhou and Lu Bu are working together, and
    then he leaves you. But I think you can take on this next battle.

    *****BATTLE 9*****

    Dong Zhou - 439
    Lu Bu - 439
    Rebel Force - 180
    Rebel Force - 180

    OK- Dong Zhou doesn't have as much strength as Lu Bu, but he does have 20 more
    attack power, making him just as dangerous. They both have a lot of men... but
    you should take down Lu Bu first, because his attack is still the greatest.
    Have everyone attack except Guan Yu who should use Ye Huo. If you want more
    firepower, have Liu Feng use Ye Huo also, for he has very high intelligence
    also. Just be ready for big attacks from the enemies each turn until you have
    them both dead, because they still do a fair amount with under 100 men. When
    it is over, Dong Zhou and Lu Bu will retreat.


    When you talk into Lou Yang, you will see it has been burned and pillaged. This
    once grand capitol of China has been put to ruin. There are only 2 buildings
    you can enter. Bottom middle is an Inn, and top left is a house. In the floor
    in that house is a safe. Open it with the gold key to find the Gem sword. It
    is not a weapon. Give it to Zhang Fei for later use.
    Leave the city and continue westward to the next castle, where you shall fight
    Lu Bu once again. Make sure Zhang Fei is at the front of your army for this

    *****BATTLE 9*****

    Lu Bu - 439
    Cai Yong - 380
    Hu Zhen - 299
    Rebel Force - 150
    Rebel Force - 120

    On your first turn, have Zhang Fei use the Gem Sword on Lu Bu. When Zhang Fei
    uses the Gem Sword on Lu Bu, he will give a speech and then join you. He talks
    of Chi Tu Ma, whom you already got earlier.
    Now this battle is a cinch without Lu Bu fighting you. Just take care of these
    two loser generals the usual way.


    After the battle, replace Hua Xiong with Lu Bu in your lineup. Enter Yang Zhou
    castle. Stay at the Inn, then save. You cannot invite Liu Bei here, though it
    would seem you could because of the palace. Also, go to the lower right house
    and search in the pot for a Club. Give this to Lu Bu, and give his Ax to whoever

    is still using a flail. Also give Lu Bu Chi Tu Ma, because you want his super
    high attack to go first during battle.

    As soon as you leave the city, you will see another cave. Inside, go left at
    the first fork, and down at the next. On the next floor, grab the Club in the
    chest above you. Give it to Zhang Fei. Now go down and left and to the first
    staircase you see. This leads to the way out. I suggest you not go to Chang An
    right now. Fight some random battles in the area, and when you need healing
    go back to Yang Zhou. Always keep some gullwings with you. When you are ready
    to attack Chang An, go up to the gate before it to fight the first battle.

    *****BATTLE 10*****

    Dong Min - 380
    Fen Chou - 399
    Rebel Force - 180
    Rebel Force - 180

    Fen Chou has the great attack, so kill him first. All out once he is dead.


    Now attack Chang An castle.

    *****BATTLE 11*****

    Dong Zhou - 439
    Jia Xu - 418
    Zhang Ji - 362

    If you had not brought Lu Bu to your side earlier, you would be fighting him
    now. This battle is much easier with him on your side. Have all physical attacks

    go on Jia Xu until he is dead, and have Guan Yu keep using Shui Xing and Ye Huo
    on Dong Zhou and Zhang Ji. Jia Xu is very dangerous, because he uses Shui Zing
    a lot, and it hurts. Be proud of yourself when this battle has ended. Dong Zhou
    is killed and peace returns to Chang An...


    V. Yuan Shu

    Now you enter Chang An. It is a giant monster of a city- the biggest in the game.

    It is a paradise. This will be your main headquarters until you occupy Nan Yang,

    much later. List of things to do here include buying Caps and Clubs for everyone,

    stocking up on Elixers and Power Pills, and inviting Liu Bei to the palace. When

    he has arrived, go speak with him. He tells you you've done a good job fighting
    and he lets you rest. He awakens you however, and summons you to the palace. A
    messanger has arrived from Cao Cao bringing ill news. He says general Yuan Shu
    has somehow aquired the Imperial Seal and calls himself the Emperor. This is a
    problem that must be fixed!

    Leave Chang An and travel south. Take the right fork through the mountains. The
    house you see to the left is not important until later. Attack the castle you
    see ahead.

    *****BATTLE 12*****

    Lei Bo - 643
    Chen Ji - 531
    Rebel Force - 200
    Rebel Force - 220

    This generals may see to have overwhelmingly large armies, but their attacks
    are really not great, and neither of them use tactics. Wipe out Lei Bo with
    attacks and Guan Yu using Shui Xing. Then all out to kill the rest of them.


    This is Yuan castle. Not a very important place. However, you can buy Padded
    armors here, which are much stronger than Leather armors. Buy as many as you
    can, but they are expensive. Give them first to anyone still wearing a Robe.
    Leave and continue south. From here on you will be fighting many generals
    with upwards of 500 men, and Rebel, Pirate, Brigand, and Bandit forces now
    have over 200 men apiece. Take the shortcut through the mountains and go west.
    You will come to a castle where you will fight two very powerful generals.

    *****BATTLE 13*****

    Ji Ling - 613
    Zhang Xun - 675
    Rebel Force - 230

    Both of these generals have insanely large armies and attack to rival any
    of your generals due to the high AP they are given in this battle coupled
    with their almost 200 strength each. They are both equally dangerous, so
    use Power Pills to kill them quickly, and also have Guan Yu use Shui Xing.
    Tactics will be more effective than physical damage because both generals
    have very high defense. Once one of the two is defeated, then it should be
    safe to all out attack. **Note: These are the two strongest capturable
    men before Nan Yang, and I highly advise you to spend time trying to find
    and capture them so they can fight for you. Have the first of two you catch
    replace Liu Feng and the second replace Guan Ping.**


    This is Huai Nan castle. Fairly small, but you can both heal and save here.
    Spend some time in the field north of here trying to find Zhang Xun and Ji
    Ling before you go any further. You want those two generals ASAP. Also,
    around this point in the game, your health bars will change from pink to
    orange, because the number of men generals are getting is too great for
    the pink scale.

    There is a small fortress just to the north of here. The battle is of no
    importance to you. You will flatten it. Even farther north is a cave. It
    is medium sized and has only 2 floors and then a little one. It is not
    hard to navigate and contains 3 spears, so take a trip into it with some
    elixers on hand.

    Once you are about level 14, return to Huai Nan castle, heal and save.
    Now venture northward towards Nan Yang castle. The two gate battles are
    sinchy, just squash them. Now to Nan Yang.

    *****BATTLE 17*****

    Yuan Shu - 899
    Yuan Yin - 643
    Lu Fan - 817
    Rebel Force - 250

    Nan Yang would've been much tougher had you not had Lu Bu, because then
    there would be a mighty fighter against you as well as all the tacticians.
    Luckily, only Yuan Shu has somewhat of an attack. Focus on taking him out
    first, with everyone attacking except Guan Yu who should use Yan Re, which
    you learned at level 14. This battle may take a bit because all these
    generals can heal, but if you have power pills, you should be able to pick
    off one or two of them in one round apiece. Watch out for your health- have
    Zhang Xun heal if you're low (he has lowest attack). After the battle is
    over, you're given the choice weather or not to kill Yuan Shu for being a
    traitor, but you actually have to let him go. Oh well.


    VI. Yuan Shao

    Now that the battle is over, DO NOT TAKE A STEP NORTHWARD. Just enter Nan
    Yang RIGHT AWAY. Once you've gone in and healed and saved, take off all
    of Lu Bu's items and give them to Guan Ping, who will replace him. Give
    Chi Tu Ma to Zhang Fei now, though. He will keep him for a while. Now
    when you step outside and go a few steps north, you will be met with a
    horrifying battle. You don't have to fight this one, though. Yuan Shao and
    Yuan Shu show up with immense armies and backing generals, and bully you
    for a turn. Lu Bu switches sides, seeing that he is on the "losing" side.
    That's why you took his stuff away.

    Now go back inside the castle and heal. Invite Liu Bei in and talk to him.
    He will thank you for killing Yuan Shu, but this is a typo. You didn't kill
    him and he's off with his big brother. Also, go to the northest corner of
    the town and talk to a man walking around. Buy the key from him, even though
    4,000 is a lot, it is more than worth it later.

    Above Nan Yang you will face slightly harder rebel and other forces, but not
    very much harder. However now a new group of generals will meet you out in the
    open, and many now have over 1000 men and over 150 strength. The key to
    fighting them is to get their health below 1,000 as soon as possible. Above
    that number, their attacks will be great, but below they will be just average
    of what you're used to.

    Head north and west of Nan Yang and take a stop in a small cave. There are 2
    people in here, and one you can't reach now. The one you can talk to is Zhou
    Cang, who will join voluntarily. He is stronger than Guan Ping, so replace him
    with Zhou Cang.

    Once you are at least level 15, head north and east to Bo Hai castle.

    *****BATTLE 18*****

    Lu Guang - 1037
    Shen Pei - 1255
    Gao Lan - 942
    Rebel Force - 230
    Rebel Force - 230

    This is your first castle battle against generals of this caliber, and 2 of
    them have over 1,000 men. Luckily, one is a weak tactician, and the other will
    fall below 1,000 in just 1 attack. Simply, attack Lu Guang once, then focus
    attacks on Shen Pei until he is dead. Have Guan Yu use Yan Re every turn.
    Once Shen Pei is dead, then you can choose to all out or kill Lu Guang first,
    then all out. Shouldn't make much difference, just watch your health, because
    no one in your party is really higher than 700 men, if any.


    In Bo Hai, heal, then enter the left of the double house. Get the Gun Powder
    and go to the cave in the west. Use the powder to free Xu Zhe who is trapped.
    He will join you. Make him your tactician, because he is very intelligent.
    Note that he is going by the name Dan Fu, so there's no confusion. Now with
    him you can get past the woman blocking the bridge in Bo Hai. Get Wood Helmets
    for at least Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, and if funds permit, for other generals
    in the front of your group.

    Continue east of Bo Hai until you see a gate in the middle of nowhere. Attack.

    *****BATTLE 19*****

    Xu Shou - 1255
    Yan Liang - 1381
    Wen Hun - 1449
    Rebel Force - 230

    This is a hard battle, but though you're outnumbered, you are a human and they
    are just NES intelligence. Wen Hun and Yan Liang have two insanely high attacks,

    and with their HP are hard to get below 1,000 immediately. In fact it will take
    at least 3 turns to get all generals below 1,000. Xu Shou has Yan Re and is not
    afraid to use it. Be ready to heal anyone who gets down to around 250, because
    they could be killed in one turn by consecutive hits on their armies. The main
    thing is to focus on Xu Shou and kill him, after Wen Hun and Yan Liang are
    under 1K men. Guan Yu should be using Yan Re every turn. Once you have routed
    this enemy force, you should be proud. Now, you will not face any of them again,

    which means if you meet up with Wen Hun or Yan Liang out in the open, hope that
    you can convert them, for they are as you saw very powerful.


    Enter this fortress and free the girl behind the bars. She gives you a letter.
    Before we do anything with this, you should go back to Nan Yang to heal and save.

    Also consider getting to level 17. Try to capture Wen Hun and Yan Liang or at
    least one of the two. Lu Guang is also pretty good. Now, travel to the castle
    east of Bo Hai. Go ahead and "go in", but actually this just gives the game a
    chance for you to talk to Zhao Yun. Show him the letter from his sister and he
    joins you. Fit him into your team, because he is one of the 5 what are called
    "Tiger" generals. He gains men every level, and has insanely high attack and
    intelligence. When the end of the game comes he will be your best man all
    around. Now, attack the castle.

    *****BATTLE 20*****

    Yuan Tan - 1594
    Yuan Xi - 1519
    Tian Feng - 1141
    Rebel Force - 270

    Attack Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi using power pills with Zhang Fei and whatever
    random generals you have. Guan Yu and Zhao Yun should use Yan Re every
    turn. Once Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi are below one thousand, concentrate attacks
    on Tian Feng until he is dead. Once he is gone, all out attack.


    Now enter this castle, which is Guang Zong. Heal, and save (the building is
    at the far end of the city). Do not talk to the pink and white general in
    the middle until you've saved. Ok, now talk to him. He is blood of Yuan
    Shu and Yuan Shao, and he wants to kill you.

    *****BATTLE 21*****

    Yuan Shang - 1672
    Rebel Force - 230
    Rebel Force - 300
    Rebel Force - 230
    Rebel Force - 300

    Yuan Shang is a strong general. However, with only Rebel Forces as backup,
    you can take him down quickly. Have Guan Yu and Zhao Yun use Yan Re, and
    everyone else attack him. If he is not below 1000, then do another round,
    all attacking him. Watch out in case he uses Yan Re, for he is a capable
    tactician. Now, you can all out to kill him and any remaining rebel


    Heal and save again, and continue eastward towards Ji Zhou, the castle
    where Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, Lu BU, and others await you. Defeat the gate
    battles (#22 and 23, no special strats needed), and return to Guang Zong
    for a quick heal/save. If you are not level 18, get there, so Zhang Fei
    will have a little over 1,000 men. Make sure to get all generals at least
    2 power pils and 1 elixer B each. Now, attack Ji Zhou.
    Yuan Shao will again say you killed his brother, but that makes no sense
    because he's in this next battle.

    *****BATTLE 21*****

    Yuan Shao - 1754
    Yuan Shu - 899
    Zhang He - 1317
    Ju Shou - 1449
    Lu BU - 1449

    THIS BATTLE IS HARD, and in fact harder than first glance. Not only do
    all these generals, and there are 5 of them, have a mass army of over
    7,000 men, but each of them is a strong fighter except Ju Shou, and all
    are expert tacticians except Lu Bu. Note that Lu Bu has now about 1,500
    hit points, and will be doing over 300 damage a hit until brought down,
    and 150 until he is defeated. Basically, we take this battle slowly, one
    step at a time. First turn, have Wen Hun, Yan Liang, and Zhang Fei use
    power pills to attack Lu Bu. Have Guan Yu use Ji Rou to reduce enemy
    attacks, and Zhao Yun use Yan Re. Hopefully Zhang Fei got to do his attack
    before he was knocked below 1,000. He should do between 300 and 400 damage.
    Odds are you took some heavy damage, so have Guan Yu use Yin Xian now.
    Concentrate attacks and Lu Bu, and keep using Yan Re with Zhou Yun. save
    your power pills for Yuan Shao, whom you will kill last. After Lu Bu is
    dead, focus on Ju Shou. Go up the enemy line from him, killing them one
    by one. When only Yuan Shao is left, have everyone attack with power pils.
    Congratulate yourself, a lot, when they are all defeated.


    VII. Fighting in Jing Zhou

    Enter Ji Zhou, heal, save, and invite Liu Bei in. Talk to him and he tells
    you the land of Jing Zhou is in turmoil and you need to stop the fighting
    there. Before heading off, buy 3 sabres, for Wen Hun, Yan Liang, and Zhang
    Fei. I'd have you buy more, but only 2 towns away is your next weapon, which
    though expensive is very awesome, and you should save your money for some.

    Gullwing back to Nan Yang and save. Go left now and down the path. Following
    this path you will go by 4 houses, and then come to a castle.

    *****BATTLE 21*****

    Jin Xuan - 1317
    Gong Zhi - 1197
    Rebel Force - 350
    Rebel Force - 300

    Simple battle. All out if you want. These are not dangerous enemies.


    Enter Wu Ling castle. Heal, leave, and continue eastward along the path.
    Before attacking the next castle, which is hard, get to level 19. When
    you're ready, attack the castle.

    *****BATTLE 21*****

    Han Xuan - 1519
    Huang Zhong - 1381
    Wei Yan - 1317
    Yang Ling - 1197
    Rebel Force - 300

    This battle has 2 of the strongest men in the game fighting you. Huang Zhong
    and Wei Yan. Basically, have Wen Hun, Yan Liang, and Zhang Fei keep attacking
    Huang Zhong and then Wei Yan, and Zhao Yun should keep using Yan Re. Once they
    are dead, kill Yang Ling, and then allout to kill Han Xuan.


    Entering Chang Sha you see Huang Zhong and Wei Yan standing in the way. They
    will join you now. Replace Wen Hun and Yan Liang with them. Now, go to the
    weapon shop and buy as many Bows as you can afford. Now heal, leave, and go
    south. Enter the castle you see; you don't have to fight your way in. Go to
    the palace and talk to the leader. He will show you to your sleeping quarters.
    Then, he will attack you in your sleep. You wake up and enter a battle, with
    severely reduced armies.

    *****BATTLE 22*****

    Zhao Fan - 1594
    Bao Long - 1255
    Chen Ying - 1197
    Rebel Force - 350
    Rebel Force - 380

    The only challenge to this battle is everyone starts with 200-300 men. Have
    Wei Yan use Yin Xian right away, and have everyone else attack Zhao Fan, but
    have Zhao Yun use Yan Re. Once everyone is back up to regular health, this
    fight will be a cinch.


    Now this town becomes completely docile. You can heal and save here, and
    invite Liu Bei in. He will siimply tell you that the fighting in Jing Zhou
    needs to be stopped. Guess its up to you to stop it. Every fight between
    here and the next castle will be simple because of your almighty bows. All
    out against anyone. The fight at the gate (#23) is simple. Now for the
    castle, which is not much harder.

    *****BATTLE 24*****

    Liu Du - 1672
    Xing Da o Rong - 1519
    Rebel Force - 380
    Rebel Force - 350

    Bows must be the cheapest weapons in the game. These battles are too easy
    with them. Oh well, guess its a lot quicker. The end of this battle restores
    peace to Jing Zhou.


    Enter Ling Ling castle. Heal and save. If you try and invite Liu Bei here,
    the scribe will say that Liu Bei is going to Gui Yang, the last castle you
    were at. You should visit him in a bit. First, go around the edge of the town
    to a house on the left, and search in front of the man inside. You'll find a
    sword. Equip it on Zhang Fei. It is only 1 attack, but does as much as 2 bow
    hits would. Though he won't get two hits anymore, now Power Pils can be used
    effectively again for hits of over 1000 damage.

    Now go back to Liu Bei in Gui Yang. You will probably meet up with a mighty
    tactician named Pang Tong on the way back...

    *****BATTLE 25*****

    Pang Tong - 3765
    Rebel Force - 380
    Rebel Force - 320
    Rebel Force - 320

    Pang Tong is... well strong. He has quite a good few men, and very advanced
    tactics such as Ji Mian, which stops you from attacking, Da Re, a fire spell
    capable of huge damage to one army, and Wan Fu, which allows a full heal of
    the target army. Ouch. Well, just never cease to attack Pang Tong. When hurt,
    heal. However, with your bows, you can kill him in two turns flat, and so
    just hope he doesn't use any of his big guns.


    When he's defeated, he'll join you. Yay. Replace Xu Zhe with him, and if you
    wish, put him in your battle party in place of Huang Zhong, due to his sheer
    mass of men and great tactical capablities. But, on the other hand, greater
    attack is better for now. Just let Pang Tong do his stuff from behind the
    fight. When you get back to Gui Yang, Liu Bei gives you a letter for Xu Zhe
    saying he needs to leave to care for his sick mother. Good thing you have
    Pang Tong. When you walk out of the palace, Xu Zhe says something he almost
    forgot. He is telling you to go see Zhu Ge Liang at his house, which is
    the third one down to the left of Nan Yang. Go there. Stock up on Gull Wings,
    you're gonna need em. Also note that the game music has now changed from the
    fun, upbeat squeeky noise, to a more mellow, epic sort of sound. This is how
    it will be until the end of the game.

    *****Zhu Ge Liang Scavenger Hunt*****

    When you arrive at Zhu Ge Liang's house, he is not there. You must go to Lou
    Sang villiage, where you began the game. Gullwing to Xu Zhou. Enter the small
    house and ask the man there, who will say Zhu Ge Liang was there but left.
    Now go back to his house, and the man there will refer you to Nan Yang. Go to
    Nan Yang, invite Liu Bei in. Talk to him and he says someone named Jin came
    and was looking for you. Now go back to Zhu Ge Liang's house one last time.
    You see Zhu Ge Liang sleeping. Talk to him but choose not to wake him, and
    he will awaken by himself. He says he will join but go to Gui Yang castle

    Now gullwing to Chang Sha and go down to Gui Yang and meet up with him
    in the palace. Finally! In rapid succession you just got the 2 best tacticians
    in the game. However, you can only use one of them, so you should make Zhu Ge
    Liang the acting strategist and now if you want, put Pang Tong into your party
    in place of Wei Yan. Also, around this time, your health bars should change
    from orange to light yellow.

    Now, go west to Ling Ling castle, heal, and save, and venture onward. Soon
    you should meet up with a pretty crazy battle...

    *****BATTLE 26*****

    Lu Bu - 7003
    Rebel Force - 700
    Rebel Force - 1000
    Rebel Force - 1000
    Rebel Force - 900

    This battle is easier than it looks, though Lu Bu will take a while to kill,
    and he does around 800 damage a hit. Best ways to deal with him are power
    pils. If you have the tactic Da Re, it is also very effective, so have Guan
    Yu, Zhao Yun, and Pang Tong use it, while the others attack. Hopefully Lu
    Bu doesn't get any critical attacks before you kill him (and this time, you
    kill him for good). Also, if you have Bei Ji, that would be great right now,
    for double attacks. Yi Xin can also be good, to prevent Lu Bu from attacking.
    Whatever you do, just have fun killing the stupid traitor.


    Return to Ling Ling to heal and save. Now, I suggest you spend a lot of time
    building up levels, at least to 25. Yes it may seem like a lot, but this new
    area we've entered has many new generals and the rebel forces all have many
    more men. Plus, experience should come pretty quickly. Also note that from
    this point on there will be no more pirate, brigand, or bandit forces. Only
    rebel forces. Something else to keep in mind: make sure that Zhang Fei has
    your one sword equipped right now. Always keep him with at least 2 power pills
    at hand. Give Chi Tu Ma to Pang Tong. Then, if you get into a battle with
    some really big armies against you, have Pang Tong use Bei Ji and then Zhang
    Fei use a power pill- he will deal over 2,000 damage! Hong Shui is another
    great tactic right now. When near water, you can have Pang Tong deal over
    1,000 damage to every opponent! Ouch.

    Travel past Ling Ling, down, up, around, down, left, etc... until you reach
    a house between some mountains. This is the gateway into the kingdom of Shu,
    a land ruled by Liu Bei's brother which is in turmoil right now. Time for
    you to step in. Before stepping in, make sure to have elixer Cs for everyone.

    VIII. Shu

    Head west until you reach a fortress.

    *****BATTLE 27*****

    Liu Kui - 3262
    Zhang Ren - 3262
    Rebel Force - ???
    Rebel Force - ???
    Rebel Force - ???

    There are no tacticians on the other team, so this fight is pretty simple.
    Use Bei Ji on Zhang Fei, and just have everyone attack, on Zhang Ren first
    and then Liu Kui. Should be dead in a few turns.


    There is nothing of interest in this fortress. Continue northward. You will
    go through a series of twisting mountain paths. Also watch out around here,
    for you can meet up with Ma Chao and Ma Dai, who are two of the strongest
    generals in the game, especially Ma Chao. Eventually you will reach a castle
    with a gate. Defeat the gate (#28) and attack Fu Shui castle.

    *****BATTLE 29*****

    Yan Yan - 3262
    Fa Zheng - 2965
    Yang Huai - 2965
    Rebel Force - ???
    Rebel Force - ???

    These opponents are all very capable. Yan Yan is both an expert fighter and
    a superb tactician. Yang Huai's attack is nothing to scoff at, either. I
    suggest you use Bei Ji on Zhang Fei, and have everyone attack except Pang Tong
    who should use Da Re on Yan Yan or Yang Huai. When they're dead, all out to


    Enter Fu Shui castle, heal, and save. Enter the palace, which cannot entertain
    Liu Bei. Go through the door to the right, and then you see a prison cell. Keep
    pushing your character against it, repeatedly tapping, or backing away and
    running into it. Eventually the door will break. Then talk to the man. Now go
    to the weapons shop. If you feel like making the switch from Bow to Sword, you
    can. You should probably just keep your bows until the next weapon after sword
    comes along. Also get copper helmets.

    Head northward once you are at least level 26. Attack the gate at the next
    castle (#30, I suggest using Hong Shui for an easy win). Now, let's attack Lou

    *****BATTLE 31*****

    Ma chao - 3262
    Ma Dai - 3110
    Pang De - 2965
    Rebel Force - 900

    This battle is hard. You are facing Ma Chao, one of the 5 Tiger generals (you
    have 4 on your side right now), Ma Dai, his almost as strong brother, and Pang
    De, an obvious relative of Pang Tong and also an expert tactician. All of his
    tactics are dangerous to you, so I would recommend killing him first. But to
    start this battle, have Pang Tong use Bei Ji on Zhang Fei, and have everyone
    else cast it on themselves except Zhang Fei, who should use a power pill on
    Ma Chao. Next turn, have Pang Tong use Da Re on Ma Dai, and have everyone else
    attack Ma Chao, except zhang Fei who should use another power pil, on Pang De.
    After this turn, there shouldn't be much left of your opponent. All out attack
    to defeat them. Now, Ma Chao and Ma Dai will join you. Put Ma Chao in your line
    up in place of Huang Zhong, but keep him with you. Keep Ma Dai in the reserve.
    We still want Pang Tong leading the party.


    Enter Lou Castle. Note that you can gullwing here, so you can now go between
    older cities and here easily. Heal here, and go somewhere else to save if you
    want. Continue south of Lou and you come to a cave. In this cave is the Iron
    Ore, which you will really want. The cave is relatively small. Take the lower
    of the 2 pathways left at the beginning and its straight directions from there
    to the Iron Ore. Gullwing out to Lou when you have it. Then go back to Fu Shui,
    go a bit south of there, and hook around back up to a house, and give the ore
    to the blacksmith. Gullwing back to Lou, and return to Mt. Gang Tai (the cave).
    Take the path upwards this time to get through.

    When outside, go down and left, then hook back up to a fortress. This battle
    consists only of weak generals that you've probably faced many times out in
    the open before. Do not hesitate to kick their asses.

    Enter Mian Zhu Guan fortress. In the leftmost tent, there is a treasure chest
    with a battleax in it. Give the battleax to Zhang Fei and his Sword to Ma Chao.
    Leave and continue onwards. Attack the gate at the next castle.

    *****BATTLE 33*****

    Lei Tong - 3110
    Wu Lan - 2965
    Rebel Force - 850
    Rebel Force - 850
    Rebel Force - 1000

    Though Lei Tong and Wu Lan both have great attacks, you totally outnumber them,
    outsmart them, and out hit them. Plus you've faced them both many times. Time
    to whoop them.


    Now Cheng Du

    *****BATTLE 34*****

    Liu Zheng - 4142
    Gao Pei - 2872
    Wu Yi - 3589
    Wang Lei - 2827
    Rebel Force - 900

    This battle is much easier than it looks. The big "bad guy" Liu Zheng is very
    weak in strength and intelligence, despite his mass of soldiers. Gao Pei and Wu
    Yi are moderate, but you've beaten them before. Wang Lei is just crap. Use Bei
    Ji on Zhang Fei with his battleax, then have him power-pill attack Liu Zheng
    and then Wu Yi. Kiss them goodbye. Pang Tong should Bei Ji Zhang Fei the first
    turn, then do Da Re on Gao Pei. Everyone else can attack whoever. Voila, you win,

    Liu Bei now rules Shu.


    In Cheng Du, heal, save, and invite Liu Bei in. He says something about the
    blacksmith and your swords. Don't worry about that yet. Go buy battleaxes
    for everyone who doesn't have one yet (except of course Zhu Ge Liang). Get Chain

    Mails for everyone. Don't go back to the swordsmith yet. Spend some time around
    here facing battles and owning with your battleaxes. You can gain some quick
    levels. Get to at least level 29.

    Ok, now go to the swordsmith's house. He tells you he made 5 great swords and
    tells you what he named them. But they were stolen! Oh no! Don't worry. You'll
    find them in various places later on.

    Return to Cheng Du and talk to Liu Bei. He gives you a speech about how the
    world is all good right now, but he says Shu is too vast for him to control
    alone, so he makes Guan Yu the ruler of Chang Sha and Zhang Fei the ruler of
    Gui Yang. This is to help keep the peace in Jing Zhou, a very hostile area.

    But suddenly something happens. Some time passes, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei
    have left. Now two messengers come and say that Cao Cao and Sun Ce both died.
    Uh oh. And, Wu is attacking Jing Zhou, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are barely
    holding on. You must go help them. First, gullwing to Chang Sha. Go to the
    palace and speak with Guan Yu, who offers his son to join your army. Good!
    Do the same at Gui Yang where Zhang Fei's son will join you. Alright, awesome.
    They are both a bit weaker in stats than their fathers but have the same men
    and all the stuff the two dads left with.

    Go back to Cheng Du and speak to Liu Bei. He says that Wu has invaded Jing Zhou.

    Head to Wu Ling first and fight the enemies there.

    *****BATTLE 35*****

    Fan Zhang - 4780
    Chen Wu - 5014
    Rebel Force - 350
    Rebel Force - 300
    Rebel Force - 320

    This is your first fight against generals from Wu. These two are sort of strong,

    but with power pils and you battle axes, you'll have them routed in no time.


    Head to Gui Yang. Heal, save, and reload on power pils. Now go to Ling Ling to

    *****BATTLE 36*****

    Ling Tong - 5516
    Wu Fan - 5014
    Rebel Force - 380
    Rebel Force - 380

    This battle is just as easy as the last one, because Ling Tong isn't that strong

    and Wu Fan doesn't have any dangerous tactics. Use power pils and whoop them.


    IX. Wu

    Get back to Cheng Du and talk to Liu Bei again. He gives another speech, and this

    time you'll do some butting in also. At the end of the speech, 3 people now claim

    the title of emperor. Woah. Go back to Gui Yang and you will find a bridge there

    now. Woah, cool. You can cross it and explore a bit if you want, but until you
    are level 31, stay close to Gui Yang. There are dozens of new generals in Wu,
    and many of them have immense strength, armies reaching over 10,000, and very
    vicious tactics. Stay near water, because Pang Tong can use Shui Long to do over

    2,000 damage to every enemy. Always keep a fresh supply of power pils, especially

    on Zhao Yun and Ma Chao, who are your strongest attackers now. At level 30, your

    health bars should change to light blue.

    At level 31, heal and save. Take Pang Tong out of your battle party, but keep him

    with you. Put it Huang Zhong now. Give Chi Tu Ma to Zhao Yun. Heal, save, and
    head west and south of Gui Yang now. Generals to watch out for in this area, some

    you may have met while building up, include Tai Ci Si, Zhou Yu, Lu Sun, Lu Su,
    among others. Do not hesitate to try retreating if you face any of them. Attack
    the first castle you come to.

    *****BATTLE 37*****

    Gan Ning - 6069
    Lu Su - 6365
    Rebel Force - 1000
    Rebel Force - 1100
    Rebel Force - 1300

    Gan Ning is a strong general, but he is the least of your worries. Lu Su has Ji
    Mian, Yi Xin, and Li Jian, which prevent you from attacking, prevent one general

    from doing anything, and cause one general to attack his allies, respectively.
    First turn, have everyone cast Bei Ji on themselves. Next turn, have everyone
    attack Lu Su with powerpils except Zhao Yun who should use Huo Shen. That will
    do over 3000 damage to anyone it hits, but probably won't hit Lu Su. One dose
    of that should be sufficient. Then just own the battle with your Bei Jied hits.


    Enter Jian An. Make sure everyone has at least 1 elixer D. Go to the back of
    the town and search in front of the lone tree for some Dead Wood. Now leave
    and head north into the cave in the mountains. In the cave, take the lower
    fork and take the stairs you see. Then go left and up on the next floor. The
    path to the saltpeter which you came for is straightforward. Gullwing out to
    Jian An when done.

    Talk to the man standing in place in the front part of the town. He will take
    your saltpeter and dead wood and make dam so you can get across the canal. Leave

    and head south. You will come to a fortress where you will fight a very hard

    *****BATTLE 38*****

    Zhou Yu - 6365
    Gu Yong - 5014
    Kan Ze - 5259
    Rebel Force - 1100

    Ok, you're up against 3 tacticians. Zhou Yu is probably tied for the most
    dangerous in the game, next to Cao Pi, Si Ma Yi, and very few others. He is
    who you want dead the fastest. First turn, have everyone use Bei Ji. Then,
    have everyone attack except Zhao Yun who should use Huo Shen. You will
    probably have to heal often, since these guys love to use Hong Shui. Guan
    Xing should do the healing, he's your weakest man. Use power pils and just
    try to get Zhou Yu dead as fast as you can, and hope he doesn't ues Wan Fu
    too many times. Also note he has An Sha, which can wipe out an entire general
    of yours with one swipe. Hopefully someone has some ressurects, which we've
    not really needed so far. When you finally get Zhou Yu dead, get Kan Ze, and
    then all out to finish. An alternate way to start the battle would've been
    for Zhao Yun to cast Ce Mian the first turn to ward off enemy tactics for
    whatever number of turns it lasts.


    Gullwing back to Chang Sha. Reload on power pils and gullwings, and gull
    back to Jian An. Continue past the fortress you just beat until you get to
    another castle.

    *****BATTLE 39*****

    Zhu Ge Jin - 6365
    Jang Qin - 5259
    Han Dang - 5516
    Rebel Force - 1100

    This is a rather easy battle vs Zhu Ge Liang's bad brother. Whoop up on
    them with powerpils and Zhou Yun using Shui Long when he's Bei Jied.


    Enter Wu castle. Heal, save, and leave. Continue onwards. You come to
    the first confusing cave in the game. This one is big and stupid. Get
    to level 33 before going in, and make sure to have elixer Ds for everyone.
    Uhhh... I'll try to give directions, though if you can find a map somewhere
    on the internet (like my site this would be much
    easier. The first two rooms are very small. Then there's a big floor. Follow
    the path around, then go down at the fork. On the next floor take the stairs
    right next to you, and on the next follow the plain path around. Again take
    the stairs next to you. On this floor, follow the path, go left at first
    fork, right at second, down at third. This leads you to Nu Long, one of the 5
    swords. Give it to Ma Chao. Now backtrack to that last fork, and go right to
    get out of the cave.

    Go north for a darn long while until you come to a gate and a fortress. The
    gate is guarded by just Ding Feng. All out vs him, he's weak. Attack the
    fort now.

    *****BATTLE 41*****

    Chen Pu - 9326
    Zhang Zhao - 8082
    Bu Xi - 7003
    Rebel Force - 1200
    Rebel Force - 1000

    The reason this fight will be tough is cuz you just went on a long journey
    since your last heal, so you probably are way down on tactic points. Use
    Bei Ji on Zhao Yun and Ma Chao only. Everyone should attack Zhang Zhao
    with whatever power pills you might have, but Zhao Yun should use Huo Shen.
    Good luck winning, a lot depends on if they use a lot of annoying tactics
    like Li Jian, Ji Mian, Yi Xin, and Wan Fu.


    Enter Po Yang fortress, which lovingly has a place to rest in. Leave and
    go southwest. Attack the gate, and then attack Jin Du.

    *****BATTLE 43*****

    Sun Yu - 13027
    Zhang Hong - 10763
    Zhu Zhi - 10261
    Rebel Force - 1200
    Rebel Force - 1000

    These generals have huge armies. 2 are amazing fighters, 1 is an annoying
    tactician. However, with Bei Jied power pil attacks (on the tactician)
    and Bei Jied Shui Long uses, you should be able to take them down quickly.


    Be very happy, for Jin Du is on your gullwing list, you can go to and
    from here easily. Heal now. Before talking to anyone, buy crossbows for
    everyone except Ma Chao and Bronze Helmets for everyone. Now talk to the
    soldier in the middle of the town to initiate a fight.

    *****BATTLE 44*****

    Lu Meng - 14333
    3 Rebel Force - ????

    This is a strong general and even greater tactician. Use Bei Jei on
    everyone, then give him dose after dose of attacks. He may use Wan Fu,
    which would ****. Hope he doesn't! Don't use powerpils except with Ma
    Chao, because everyone else has double attack weapons. Huo Shen wouldn't
    hurt. When you beat him he runs off, saying you're strong but Tai Si Ci
    is stronger. Phhtt you've beaten Tai Si Ci a few times already I assume.


    Gull out of Jin Du to someplace where you can get powerpils and more
    gullwings and come back. Head south of Jin Du to find a house. Attack
    the group of pirates inside. They all have over 10K men but they're
    easy. Return to Jin Du and talk to a man who will give you Qing Long,
    another one of the 5 swords. Give it to Zhang Bao.

    Now, wander around the area, and attack the gates of the next castle
    if you wish (#44-46), but don't attack Jian Ye until you're level 38
    so some of your guys have over 10K men. Also your health bars should
    turn dark blue about now. Now then, heal and save. Give Ma Chao's Nu
    Long to Zhao Yun just for this battle, because Zhao Yun has over 10K
    men and Ma Chao does not, so we want the best damage we can give out.
    Attack Jian Ye castle.

    *****BATTLE 48*****

    Tai Si Ci - 15769
    Lu Sun - 11814
    Rebel Force - 1100
    Rebel Force - 1100
    Rebel Force - 1300

    Well, though you've probably faced both of these generals at random
    times before, this time they're together. And you can't just go all
    out with tactics, because this battle is a 2 parter, and any Bei Jis
    will not carry over to the next part. So, Bei Ji just Zhao Yun and
    Zhang Bao. Everyone should focus attacks on Lu Sun, though Zhao Yun
    should use Huo Shen once. I feel confident you should be able to take
    down these two with relative ease. But now comes part 2 of the battle...

    Sun Quan - 19087
    Rebel Force - 1100
    Rebel Force - 1200
    Rebel Force - 1000
    Rebel Force - 1300

    Wow. Sun Quan is a monster. 228 strength with 240 AP to back it up,
    and plenty of men to keep him over 10K for a while. And, he has very
    high intelligence and some of our least favorite tactics like Ji Mian,
    Li Jian, and Yi Xin. So, start out with everyone using Bei Ji on himself.
    Next turn, have everyone attack except Guan Xing, who should use Huo Shen.
    If he fails to hit Sun Quan with it, try again with Zhao Yun the next turn.
    Just keep attacking turn by turn, and use any power pills Zhang Bao and Zhao
    Yun might have. Don't let anyone get down too low on health, because if Sun
    Quan does a super attack... **shudder**. Yeah, so just focus your energy and
    take this sucker down. After all, he wants to take over China, and so do you,
    so he's just kinda in your way. At the end he gives another speech, then dies.
    So closes the Wu chapter, for Liu Bei's army now occupies it all.


    X. Wei

    Enter Jian Ye, heal, save, and invite. Liu Bei says Cao Pi must die, and you
    should attack from "Jian Ye, northeast of here" which is an obvious mistake-
    you're in Jian Ye! Anyways, go to the weapon shops and replace your crossbows
    with Lances. Also give Nu Long back to Ma Chao. Do not buy the mail here for
    there is better armor at the next town. For now, just go outside to the east
    and wander around a bit. There are many new generals with armies reaching over
    20 and 30K men, so you should definately do some leveling up. Generals to watch
    out for include Cheng Yu, Yang Xiu, Chen Qun, Cao Zhi, Guo Jia,

    When you reach level 39, head east and north of Jian Ye for your next fight.
    Attack the gate (easy fight, #49). Then attack the castle.

    *****BATTLE 49*****

    Zhang Liao - 13027
    Cao Zhen - 10763
    Rebel Force - 1900
    Rebel Force - 1900
    Rebel Force - 1800

    This battle, though the opposing generals don't have too many men, is hard
    because they're BOTH strong warriors and elite tacticians, especially Zhang
    Liao. Bei Ji everyone and power pill Zhang Liao to death before he kills
    anyone with An Sha. If he does, don't worry about resurrecting, just kill
    the bastard. Cao Zhen can go next. Don't all out against these guys. I suggest
    using Shui Long once or twice with Bei Ji for whoopass potential.


    Enter Guang Ling castle and talk to the first person you see after the guard.
    This is Jiang Wei, a great tactician and good fighter, who gains men like
    all your other generals right now, and gets as many as Zhao Yun. He is so good
    that you should replace Huang Zhong with him. Keep the old fart around though,
    in case you need a backup when someone dies. Give Chi Tu Ma to Jiang Wei. In
    the middle of a town, a tree sticks out on the side. Search there to find Bo
    Ye, another sword. It is not as strong as the first 2 you got, but still
    stronger than any generic weapons. Give it to Guan Xing. Now go in the weapon
    shop and buy Plate Mail for everyone.

    Go back to Jian Ye and save. Build up to level 40. Heal, save, and continue
    past Guang Ling castle. You might consider getting some smoke pots. Oh and
    while fighting you should notice your health bars changed to a cool green.
    That's the last color. After a lot of walking you come to a gate.

    *****BATTLE 50*****

    Cao Pi - 20020
    Cao Ren - 14333
    Xia Huo Dun - 13665
    Rebel Force - 1500
    Rebel Force - 1800

    Your first battle against the second hardest opponent in the game- Cao Pi.
    And, there's a very high chance you will be suprised as you enter the battle.
    So you're already starting a turn behind. Get everyone Bei Jied as soon as
    possible. Have Jiang Wei use Shui Long at least once, but more times if TP
    permits. Save the rest of your points for healing. Basically, gang up on Cao
    Pi with power pils before he can An Sha and Hong Shui you to death. He's your
    main worry and probably will be a real pain. If you can get him dead its smooth
    sailing from there.


    Gullwing first back to someplace with Power Pills so you can reload. Then gull
    back to Jian Ye, get more Elixer Ds and gulls, heal, and save. Get more smoke
    pots, because you've got to take that long hike again. This time we're going
    even further. Continue past He Fei fortress where you fought Cao Pi. Go across
    one bridge, then another, and then straight down. You will see a castle protected

    by some gates. Go in and attack! The first gate is just against some Caos (#51),

    but they're weak. The second (#52) is against some Xia Huo's. They're easy, too.

    Now, attack Ru Nan.

    *****BATTLE 53*****

    Cao Pi - 20020
    Cao Zhang - 19087
    Cao Ang - 18197
    Xia Huo Mao - 16504
    Rebel Force - 1800

    Here's Cao Pi again, this time with a load of strong backup, including the 7th
    strongest general in the game, Cao Zhang. Yeah, that says something. You WILL
    be caught off guard in this battle, so you'll have a round of beating on you
    before you can even get going. Now on your first turn, everyone should use Bei
    Ji. Second turn, everyone attack Cao Pi with powerpils except Jiang Wei, using
    Huo Shen or Shui Long (depending where you initiated the battle). This will
    probably bring Cao Pi down below 5K. Do one more power pill attack and one more
    regular on him to kill him. Hopefully he never An Shaed anyone. You should be
    strong enough to all out after this to finish them.

    But wait! Si Ma Yi has arrived! And he's backstabbing Cao Pi! Sounds like a cool

    guy. Well, he kills Cao Pi and gives you his head. However, he says he claims Wei

    for his own, then does some crazy thunder on you, and you wake up in Jian Ye.


    Heal, save, and go talk to Liu Bei. He says Guan Yu's other son found you unconsious

    and brought you back to Jian Ye. He says you should go to Chang Sha to talk to him.

    So, do so! When you talk to him he says he knows Si Ma Yi's thunder tactic, and says

    the counter is to press up, up, down, down, left, right, up, down before the attack

    hits. Also restock on power pills here, and get everyone at least three of them.

    Now gullwing back to Jian Ye. Reload on gullwings and elixer Ds. Make sure you
    are at least level 44 before heading out. Huang Zhong should have his inventory full

    of them since he's not fighting. You will probably get to level 45 on the way.

    Upon reaching Ru Nan, touch the castle from the left side, so you are away from the

    water, because Si Ma Yi can use Shui Long. When it starts, you will first have to

    counter the thunder. If you mess up you are returned to Jian Ye. So don't mess up.

    Now, the battle starts.

    *****BATTLE 54*****

    Si Ma Yi - 40972
    Xu Zhu - 20020
    Dian Wei - 20020
    Rebel Force - 1800
    Rebel Force - 1500

    You'll probly be caught off guard. Now, do a report on Si Ma Yi. He has 250
    intelligence, so he will a) be able to hit any of your guys with his tactics
    successfully and b) it will be hard for you to hit him with tactics. He has Huo
    Shen and Shui Long, two tactics that hardly any of your opponents had before. He

    also has Bei Ji, so his attacks and tactics will be twice strength once he uses
    it. In addition, he has Wan Fu, and coupled with his 40K men, will mean a long,
    hard, tedious fight. And this isn't the only time you face him- you fight him 2
    more times!

    Begin this battle with Bei Ji on everyone. Now, focus on killing Xu Zhu, and then

    Dian Wei. Don't use power pills - save those for Si Ma Yi. You can use Huo Shen a

    few times, but try and save tactic points for healing. You will be healing often

    because Si Ma Yi loves to hit everyone for 4K damage with Huo Shen. Do power pil

    attacks on Si Ma Yi until you get him down to around or below 10K. But, if you
    are in range of killing him in just one more turn, start that turn with Jiang Wei

    using Ce Mian so Si Ma Yi can't use Wan Fu. That should work and have him dead.


    Enter Ru Nan castle. Heal, and go to the weapon shop. Buy Steel Helmets for everyone.

    Now go back to Jian Ye and restock on Elixer Ds and Gullwings, and definately get

    some smokepots. Also go to Chang Sha or one of the places that has power pills and

    restock until everyone but Jiang Wei has 3, for Jiang should have ressurects.
    Save and gull back to Ru Nan and get ready to go through a big cave. Go through the

    little niche in the mountains at the back of Ru Nan.

    Go left at the first fork, left at the next, and right at the next. Go to the stairs.

    Don't worry about treasures you're passing by. They all ****, except one in the cave

    we're making sure to get, which is one of the 5 swords. On the next floor go left

    and then immediately up, which leads you around to the next stairs. Next part is
    small, take the next stairs. So is the next. Keep going. On the next floor go towards

    the lava and through it. It won't hurt too much. Get only the first chest which has

    Wan Sheng in it. Give it to Zhao Yun. The other chests just have armor you don't

    Backtrack out of the lava and go up. Take the first set of stairs you see. Go down,

    and take the left of the the 3 paths. This takes you out of the cave. However, walking

    outside you see yet another cave. Argh. Inside, go left and follow the floor to the

    stairs. Go down and curve back up to the stairs downward. Follow that to a Halberd,

    the strongest weapon in the game. Give it to Ma Chao, give Nu Long to Zhao Yun, and

    Wan Sheng to Jiang Wei. Go back 2 stairs and this time go left at the fork. Follow

    this floor (has green ground) until a fork. Go diagonal up-right for Qing Guang.
    it to Guan Xing, and give Bo Ye to Zhu Ge Liang or Huang Zhong to hold, though it

    doesn't really matter. Go back down, right, up-right, up, and to the stairs. Grab

    the chest in your way (power pil) if you want and give it to Ma Chao who has the
    weapon of anyone. Now you'll get out of the cave.

    Odds are you're level 47 by now. Hope you didn't use any tactics on your journey.

    You'll need them for the battles ahead. Go north and west to the next gate (#55).

    Use Huang Zhong and Zhu Ge Liang's spare elixer Ds to get everyone's HP back up.

    Now attack the gate.

    *****BATTLE 56*****

    Si Ma Yi - 40972
    Yang Xiu - 20999
    Jiang Gan - 19087
    Rebel Force - 1900
    Rebel Force - 1500

    Uh oh. You may have all your tactic points, elixer Ds, resurrects, power pils, and

    the best physical army in the land, but you're up against 2 generals with Wan Fu,

    Ji Mian, and Yi Xin. Plus, you're close enough to the water where Si Ma Yi can use

    Shui Long and the other two can use Hong Shui. You're in for a rough ride unless

    you play your cards right. Start with a round of Bei Jis on everyone except Jiang

    Wei, who should use Ce Mian. Gang up on Si Ma Yi with power pills until he is dead,

    and whenever Ce Mian runs out, use it again. When Si Ma Yi is dead, you can stop

    using power pills and Ce Mian. Take out Yang Xiu and then Jiang Gan. These two
    wont last long against an army of Bei Jied warriors.


    Go past the fortress and head north to Chin castle.

    *****BATTLE 57*****

    Xun Huo - 25418
    Li Dian - 23103
    Wang Shuang - 20999
    Rebel Force - 1800
    Rebel Force - 1800

    Odds are you have between 20 and 40 tactic points left, 0-2 power pils left on
    any given man, and you don't want to face another guy with Wan Fu. Don't use
    any Bei Jis. Take out Li Dian and Wang Shuang, then slowly work down Xun Huo.
    If you heal, make sure you save at least 15 tactic points. When he is in
    range of killing in one turn, use Ce Mian. Use your last power pils to kill the
    sucker. Take out his lackeys afterwards. If at some time before you kill him
    he An Shas someone, use a resurrect and then 3 elixer Ds or 2 and a heal, but
    like I said, be penny-pinching with your tactic points so you have that 15.


    In Chin castle you find out that Si Ma Yi controls a newly rebuilt Luo Yang castle.

    His very strong, intelligent sons are helping him guard it. Sounds like fun.
    Walk outside and you see a bridge built. You can go across it and wow! You're right

    next to Luo Yang castle! Don't fight yet. Gullwing to Chang Sha or Chang An and
    fill up on power pils- 3 for Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, and Guan Xing, 4 for Ma Chao.
    Fill the rest of your space with at least 3 resurrects spread out and at least 1

    elixer D per person. Go to Xu Zhou to save. This is the closest place on your gullwing

    list that can attack Luo Yang- the path from Yang Zhou has been blocked off.

    Blow past the gates of Luo Yang, poorly defended as they are by the last remaining

    beleagured troops of Wei. If you're not level 50 by now, get to that by building
    around Chin. Once level 50, gullwing to Ji Zhou. In there, go around the right wall

    to a house, where a man will raise your level to 51. This is the highest level. Cool.

    Return to Xu Zhou, heal, and save. If you're fully stocked, attack Luo Yang.

    ******************************FINAL BATTLE PART 1******************************

    Si Ma Shi - 27965
    Si Ma Zhao - 30767
    Rebel Force - 180
    Rebel Force - 150
    Rebel Force - 150

    Alright... let's see. Si Ma Yi's two loving sons which he seems to have raised
    well, because they're both very bright people. And they even try to taunt you
    into submission before every attack of theirs. What a nice thing to teach your

    Begin the battle with Jiang Wei using Ce Mian and everyone else using Bei Ji.
    Each time Ce Mian runs out, use it again. These generals are dangerous and not
    afraid to use An Sha and Wan Fu. You will not need tactic points for anything
    but Ce Mian, because if you gang up on the two generals one at a time with
    powerpils, you can get them dead very quickly (Ma Chao will be doing insanely
    high amounts of damage). I really doubt you can get into a very big predicament
    fighting them, though I could be wrong. When they're dead, you obviously know
    there must be more, because you didn't fight Si Ma Yi. And here he is...


    Si Ma Yi says its his destiny to rule, and you can't prevent. Well you can,
    just not in your tacticless condition. Though it may not seem like it, you can
    run from this battle. Either do that or use the Gui Han tactic. Fill back up on
    powerpils, heal, save, and come back. Now, you will not have to fight his sons,
    just the battle against Si Ma Yi and his henchmen.

    ******************************FINAL BATTLE PART 2******************************

    Si Ma Yi - 40972
    Yu Jin - 30767
    Wei Xu - 27965
    Cheng Yu - 24233
    Xu Zhu - 20020

    Alright, going into this battle, you should be confident, since you've taken on
    all the other foes this game could throw at you, and you outnumber these guys
    roughly 5:2 if you're on level 51. You also have the superior brains. Though
    they may have infinite TP, you know how to use them better. So, try not to get
    frustrated if you get An Shaed or repeatedly Huo Shened when Si Ma Yi is Bei
    Jied. Just know that you're superior to these punks.

    Kick it off with a round of Bei Ji. Wittle down Cheng Yu until he is dead- he
    is the most dangerous, with An Sha in his arsenal. When he's gone you can worry
    a bit less and focus on getting the fighter generals out of the way. If at any
    time someone dies, use 2 elixer Ds and 1 Jin Xian, to get them back up over 10K,

    and repeat this if they fall back under. You should be able to successfully
    revive 4 people if everyone has 1-2 elixer Ds.

    When only Si Ma Yi is left, spend a few turns attacking, and defend for however
    long necessary if he uses Ji Mian. If you get him down to about 15K, Jiang Wei
    should use Ce Mian followed by everyone else attacking with powerpils. Odds are
    this will kill him. If you accidentally get Si Ma Yi to low on health and he gets

    a chance he will Wan Fu and be fresh as new. And he will barage you with Huo Shens

    a lot. Hopefully you get him down to the right health and can finish him, because

    you only have so many powerpils and TP until you're a goner. If you win, he has
    some last sentiments, and then he dies. Yay. Congratulate yourself. Kiss the
    nearest person. No more fighting. Now its time for the ending pieces.


    The music changes to that of victory. Ahhh it sounds so sweet. Enter Luo Yang and

    gaze upon its majestic looks as a newly rebuild city. Everyone is talking of peace

    and happy things. Go to the scribe and invite Liu Bei in. If you want to fight Si

    Ma Yi again, don't save.

    Enter the palace. Talk to Liu Bei and hear his final speech:

    "Zhang Bao, Zhao Yun, Jiang Wei, Guan Xing, Ma Chao, Zhu Ge Liang, Huang Zhong,
    my people. Finally peace reigns again. I thank you all for your devoted effort.
    Through this great trial, I have gained much wisdom. I will rule fairly but with

    an iron hand so that no uprising can threaten the peace again."

    Now its time for the credits! Yippee! We get to see lots of clips of Liu Bei,
    Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei in many places they never were together to some funky
    music. Woohoo! Between each scene are some names, and portraits are displayed
    of characters. Capcom thanks you for playing at the end. Pat yourself on the back,

    give yourself a high five, whatever. You just beat on of the coolest RPGs ever.
    I haven't tried the sequel, maybe you should try it.


    XI. Characters & Generals

    Main Characters:

    Name Strength Intelligence Soldiers Note

    Liu Bei 180 225 314 Leader of your army, stops fighting to
    Guan Yu 245 180 Grows Mighty warrior in your army for long
    Zhang Fei 250 75 Grows Second strongest fighter in the world

    Lu Bu 255 72 439 Strongest fighter in the world, traitorous

    Dong Zhou 162 72 439 Cruel ruler who burnt Luo Yang to the
    Yuan Shu 142 152 899 Tries to make himself emperor, fails

    Yuan Shao 170 140 1754 Mighty brother of Yuan Shao
    Zhao Yun 245 216 Grows Your best warrior at end game
    Huang Zhong 235 147 Grows Old yet strong and wise fighter
    Zhu Ge Liang 122 255 Grows Greatest tactician in the world
    Ma Chao 245 162 Grows Almost as strong in battle as Zhang Fei

    Guan Xing 237 175 Grows Guan Yu's powerful son
    Zhang Bao 240 150 Grows Zhang Fei's mighty son
    Sun Quan 228 207 19087 Assasinates Sun Ce to rule Wu
    Jiang Liao 204 225 Grows Great tactician/fighter, joins you late

    Cao Pi 216 204 20020 Devious ruler of Wei
    Si Ma Yi 180 250 40972 Kills Cao Pi to rule Wei, final boss

    Other Generals:

    Name Strength Intelligence Soldiers

    Bao Long 126 63 1255
    Bu Xi 124 192 7003
    Cai Yong 117 180 380
    Cao Ang 180 84 18197
    Cao Chun 168 48 13665
    Cao Ren 180 156 14333
    Cao Xiu 168 108 15034
    Cao Zhang 242 168 19087
    Cao Zhen 192 192 10763
    Cao Zhi 132 220 13665
    Chen Deng 94 157 153
    Chen Ji 85 47 531
    Chen Jiao 48 192 11841
    Chen Lan 76 57 460
    Chen Qun 72 228 24233
    Chen Wu 161 115 5014
    Chen Ying 136 42 1197
    Cheng Yu 148 216 24233
    Cheng Yuan Zhi 85 68 195
    Dian Wei 222 48 20020
    Ding Feng 120 184 15769
    Dong Min 72 36 380
    Fa Zheng 66 198 2965
    Fan Zhang 185 90 4780
    Fen Chou 153 36 399
    Gao Lan 100 60 942
    Gao Pei 172 88 2827
    Gong Zhi 94 157 1197
    Gu Yong 127 184 5014
    Guan Ping 200 137 418
    Guo Ji 128 72 418
    Guo To 180 90 1317
    Han Dang 180 115 5516
    Han Xian 114 38 585
    Han Xuan 136 126 1519
    Han Zhong 80 30 204
    Hou Cheng 192 108 18197
    Hu Zhen 90 45 299
    Hua Xiong 162 36 439
    Huang Gai 217 103 9326
    Huang Quan 66 165 2695
    Huo Hu 80 175 236
    Ji Ling 192 47 613
    Jia Xu 18 220 418
    Jiang Gan 136 180 19087
    Jin Xuan 147 42 1317
    Ju Shou 40 180 1449
    Kan Ze 160 199 5259
    Le Xin 168 72 29332
    Lei Bo 142 76 643
    Lei Tong 184 88 3110
    Leng Bao 180 99 2024
    Li Dian 156 108 23103
    Li Feng 76 57 557
    Li Jue 120 72 399
    Li Ru 18 200 362
    Li Su 99 45 299
    Li Yan 90 160 2827
    Liang Gang 85 28 506
    Liang Ji 85 76 643
    Ling Tong 161 103 5516
    Liu Ba 99 176 2569
    Liu Dai 168 84 26661
    Liu Du 126 157 1672
    Liu Feng 187 162 399
    Liu Kui 110 110 3262
    Liu Xun 132 99 3110
    Liu Yang 126 126 1381
    Liu Ye 60 180 16540
    Liu Zheng 110 110 4142
    Lu Fan 76 161 817
    Lu Guang 160 50 1037
    Lu Ji 57 161 11289
    Lu Meng 130 225 14333
    Lu Sun 215 240 11841
    Lu Wen 168 132 22026
    Lu Xiang 150 50 942
    Ma Dai 225 175 3110
    Ma Liang 59 211 1449
    Ma Su 138 195 1754
    Ma Yan 90 80 942
    Ma Yuan Yi 76 34 177
    Mao Jie 132 72 24233
    Meng Da 154 132 3589
    Mi Zhe 73 157 161
    Niu Jin 204 36 20020
    Pang De 212 200 2965
    Pang Tong 99 240 3765
    Shen Rei 60 130 1255
    Si Ma Shi 192 220 27965
    Si Ma Zhao 180 232 30767
    Song Ren 80 100 110
    Song Xian 168 60 13665
    Song Yong 60 40 104
    Sun Huan 215 115 16540
    Sun Yi 172 46 15769
    Sun Yu 210 180 13027
    Tai Si Ci 230 123 15769
    Tao Qian 90 160 2226
    Tian Feng 120 160 1141
    Wang Can 36 204 26661
    Wang Gui 110 40 346
    Wang Lei 135 132 2827
    Wang Shuang 216 48 20999
    Wei Xu 180 84 27965
    Wei Yan 228 136 1317
    Wen Hun 190 40 1449
    Wu Fan 69 184 5014
    Wu Lan 180 99 2965
    Wu Yi 176 143 3589
    Xia Hou De 168 132 16540
    Xia Hou Dun 204 192 13665
    Xia Hou Mao 180 84 16540
    Xia Hou Shang 156 144 17349
    Xia Hou Yuan 204 168 11289
    Xing Dao Rong 168 31 1519
    Xu Huang 216 108 18197
    Xu Rong 90 117 314
    Xu Sheng 195 103 11289
    Xu Shou 40 170 1255
    Xu Zhe 73 220 643
    Xu Zhu 228 24 20020
    Xue Rong 69 115 9326
    Xun Huo 72 228 25418
    Yan Liang 180 40 1381
    Yan Yan 207 154 3262
    Yang Huai 165 99 2965
    Yang Jin 125 40 247
    Yang Ling 168 42 1197
    Yang Xiu 124 228 20999
    Yu Jin 200 48 30767
    Yuan Shang 170 140 1672
    Yuan Tan 160 130 1594
    Yuan Xi 140 120 1519
    Yuan Yin 133 142 643
    Zhang Bao 68 144 299
    Zhang Hang 113 211 10763
    Zhang He 210 150 1317
    Zhang Jao 93 136 346
    Zhang Ji 147 36 362
    Zhang Liang 102 34 259
    Zhang Liao 232 216 13027
    Zhang Ren 207 165 3262
    Zhang Xun 183 28 675
    Zhang Yi 100 90 989
    Zhang Zhao 140 240 8082
    Zhao Fan 136 105 1594
    Zheng Mao 93 34 153
    Zhou Cang 215 85 506
    Zhou Chao 140 20 346
    Zhou Tai 180 45 10763
    Zhou Yu 195 230 6365
    Zhu Zhi 210 95 10261

    XII. Equipment


    Name Cost Defense Found at

    Robe 100 20 Xu Zhou
    Leather 300 35 Xu Zhou, Chang An, Yuan
    Padded 800 45 Yuan, Nan Yang, Bo Hai, Ji Zhou
    Ring M. 2000 50 Chang Sha, Fu Shui
    Chain M. 4000 70 Cheng Du, Jin Du
    Splint M. 10000 85 Jian Ye
    Plate M. 30000 100 Guang Ling, Ru Nan


    Bandana 50 10 Xu Zhou, Chang An
    Cap 150 20 Chang An
    Hood 500 40 Nan Yang, Bo Hai
    Wood H. 1000 60 Bo Hai, Ji Zhou, Chang Sha
    Copper H. 2000 70 Fu Shui
    Bronze H. 4000 80 Jin Du
    Iron H. 15000 90 Jian Ye
    Steel H. 40000 100 Ru Nan


    Name Cost AP Found at:
    Dagger 50 10 Xu Zhou
    Flail 100 15 Xu Zhou, Chang An
    Ax 200 20 Chang An
    Club 500 30 Chang An, Yuan, Nan Yang
    Spear 1000 50 Bo Hai
    Saber 2000 70 Ji Zhou
    Bow 4000 80 Chang Sha, Fu Shui
    Sword 6000 120 Fu Shui, Cheng Du
    Battleax 10000 140 Cheng Du
    Scimitar 20000 150 Jin Du
    Crossbow 45000 130 Jin Du, Jian Ye
    Lance 65000 170 Jian Ye, Guang Ling, Ru Nan
    Bo Ye Found 190 Below a tree in Guang Ling castle
    Wan Sheng Found 190 Cave in Wei
    Nu Long Found 240 South of the exit at Wu's mountain pass
    Qing Long Found 240 Defeat the brigands south of Jin Du castle
    Qing Guang Found 240 Final cave past Ru Nan
    Halberd Found 250 Same cave as Qing Guang

    XIII. Items

    Bought Items:

    Name Cost Use

    Elixer A 20 Recovers 100 Soldiers
    Elixer B 50 Recovers 500 Soldiers
    Elixer C 200 Recovers 1,000 Soldiers
    Elixer D 500 Recovers 4,500 Soldiers
    Gullwing 100 Fly to a main city
    Power Pill 50 User does an attack of 2x dmg in battle
    Resurrect 100 Revives general along with 400 men
    Steed 200 Help sway general's into joining you
    Smoke Pot 200 Avoid enemies while traveling for short time

    Found Items:

    Name Where Use

    Chi Tu Ma On a square 8 spots west and
    1 south of Fan Shui Guan fort Rider gains passive increase in
    Gold Key Cave before Lou Yang Open trap door to get Gemsword
    Gem Sword House in Lou Yang Sway Lu Bu into joining you
    Intro Letter Chen Cang fort Talk to Shui Jing in his house
    for good tips
    Gunpowder Bo Hai castle Destroy blocks by Xu Zhe in cave
    west of Bo Hai
    Silver Key Nan Yang, 4K to buy Open cell where Zhou Yun's sister
    is held
    Zhou Letter In fort where Zhou Yun's sister is captive Convince

    Zhou Yun to join you
    Iron Ore Mt. Gang Tai in Shu Give to swordsmith for him to make
    best weapons
    Deadwood By tree in Jian An Man in Jian An castle in Wu uses this

    and Saltpeter to make explosive to let

    you pass through Jian An
    Saltpeter Cave in northwestern Wu
    (west of bridge by Gui Yang
    castle) Used with Saltpeter

    XIV. Tactics

    Fire Tactics:

    Name TP Level Effect

    Lian Huo 2 2 Attack enemy for about 40 damage
    Ye Huo 4 8 Attack enemy for about 100 damage
    Yan Re 6 14 Attack all enemies for about 200 damage
    Da Re 8 22 Attack enemy for about 1000 damage
    Huo Shen 12 30 Attack all enemies for about 2000 damage

    Water Tactics:

    Name TP Level Effect

    Shui Tu 3 4 Attack enemy for about 80 damage
    Shui Xing 6 10 Attack enemy for about 120 damage
    Shui Lei 8 15 Attack all enemies for about 200 damage
    Hong Shui 12 21 Attack all enemies for about 1500 damage
    Shui Long 15 29 Attack all enemies for about 2500 damage

    Healing Tactics:

    Name TP Level Effect

    Chi Xin 3 5 Heal one ally for about 90 soldiers
    Tong Xian 5 13 Heal one ally for about 200 soldiers
    Yin Xian 10 16 Heal all allies for about 900 soldiers
    Wan Fu 10 23 Heal one ally's soldiers completely
    Jin Xian 4 28 Heal all allies by about 5000 soldiers

    Miscellaneous Tactics:

    Name TP Level Effect

    Wuo Jian 4 3 Fire attacks do half damage
    Cheng Nei 5 6 Reduces the defense level of a castle
    Qi Shou 4 7 Raise targeted general's agility
    Shui Jian 3 9 Water attacks do half damage
    Jie Ce 5 11 Undo any status changes caused by enemy tactics
    Ji Rou 5 17 Enemy attacks do 1/2 damage
    Yi Xin 5 18 Targeted general will not attack
    Bei Ji 8 18 Increases attack power of one ally
    Li Jian 6 20 Targeted general attacks himself and/or his allies
    Fu Bing 6 12 For a short time, user will do extra attack of 1/2
    damage each turn on a chosen General
    Ji Mian 7 24 Enemies attacks do nothing
    Tui Lu 5 25 Retreat from battle
    Gui Huan 6 26 Teleport instantly to palace where Liu Bei is
    An Sha 10 27 Behead an enemy general
    Ce Mian 17 31 Enemies cannot use tactics for a few turns

    XV. Experience Levels

    1 - 18 13547 35 181060
    2 20 19 17040 36 202073
    3 50 20 21232 37 225188
    4 95 21 26263 38 250614
    5 162 22 31797 39 278583
    6 263 23 34884 40 309349
    7 404 24 44579 41 343191
    8 602 25 51944 42 380417
    9 897 26 60045 43 421365
    10 1267 27 68956 44 466408
    11 1811 28 78759 45 515956
    12 2518 29 89542 46 549978
    13 3438 30 101403 47 627686
    14 4634 31 114451 48 687775
    15 6189 32 128730 49 750868
    16 8210 33 144591 50 817116
    17 10636 34 161957

    XVI. Game Genie Codes

    Code Effect

    AEKPZZGT Buy 300 provisions for no money
    AEKPIZYZ + AEKPTZAP Buy 30,000 provisions for no money
    AENLULZL Dagger costs nothing
    AEVLKGZL Bandana costs nothing
    AENUKLGT Flail costs nothing
    AEXLXGGT Robe costs nothing
    AEXUOKGZ + AEXUXGPA Leather costs nothing
    AEUUXLGP Elixir A costs nothing
    AEXUVLGT Resurrect costs nothing
    AEXLVUEG Steed costs nothing
    AEEUKUEG Gullwing costs nothing
    NNVUUAOV Main character (Liu Bei) starts with 255 Intelligence
    (instead of 225). Also, T.P. (Tactical Points) goes up.
    AEKPLZLA Buy 3,000 provisions for $232
    AEKPLZLA + AEKPGXET Buy 3,000 provisions for free

    XVII. Version History

    April 25th, 2003: Guide started, progress tracked on Classic Gaming
    Entertainment (my site at the time).
    May 21st, 2003: Walktrhough portion completed.
    June 6th, 2003: Appendices added; Guide v1.0 submitted to GameFAQs.


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    ________ ___ ___ _______
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    / /___ / / | / / /_/ /
    /______/ /__/ |___/ /______/

  6. game4nut

    game4nut Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cac' anh oi nha`em cũng co' trò "destiny of an emperor" nhưng mà 4 nút thoi. em dọc mấy bai` các anh pót len toàn tướng lạ hoắc ah. vay co' anh nào choi "destiny of an emperor" 4 nút ko ,cái kiểu choi ở đầu Đĩa ý. cho em hỏi với. em cầy 14h liên tục mà ko thấy về nước gì cả. em đi dến chỗ "vùng đất thanh bình" nó bảo thế mà. ko thể nào đi tiếp đươc. Họ bắt em phải quay về cứu LiuBieu thoát khỏi quân đội Rebel. nhưng em về gặp LIUBEu thì chẳng thấy gì cả. em nghiên cứu lâu lắm rùi mờ ko biêt, quan của em co' YaoYun, Guanyu.Zangfeng. Mong các anh Cứu em Với
  7. Zhuge Liang

    Zhuge Liang Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
  8. game4nut

    game4nut Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    coái bán đĩagame destiny of an emperor 2 ko. pm mình nha.ò nhán tin đên số 0914335353 rồi mình goi.lại cho. cảm ơn nhiều.
  9. Zhuge Liang

    Zhuge Liang Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ko ở đâu có bán đâu bạn, chỉ có lên mạng down về thôi !
  10. ninjasasukes5

    ninjasasukes5 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Earth Federation

    Có bản này đã chỉnh sửa tên hầu hết các tướng thành tiếng việt, nhưng không có dấu . Và đã cài thêm mấy anh em bên box HVD vào rồi .

    Mọi người thử chơi xem !
  11. The_Angel

    The_Angel Lão Làng GameVN Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Òh hay quá nhĩ, đang down, cảm ơn bạn nhé, nghe có tên anh em HVĐ là khoái rồi ^^.
    Trò này down về giải nén ra chơi luôn hay là cần trình giả lập gì ko vậy bạn :-/.
  12. ninjasasukes5

    ninjasasukes5 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Earth Federation
    Chết , nhìn thấy Angel mới nhớ , hôm qua tôi đã thử qua khu kỷ niệm HVD để tìm các anh em kỳ cựu bên đó. Nhưng lại quên mất bồ :D

    Cậu down về giải nén ra rồi bật trình giả lập của NES là ZNES hay Virtual lên là chơi dc thôi mà. Bản này trong đó có wiwi, DOS, therebex và 1 số anh em khác của hội , đương nhiên là ko thể có ngay từ đầu các nhân vật mà phải đi theo cốt truyện là sẽ có. Và tất nhiên là các anh em trong hội thì tớ sẽ ưu tiên cho chỉ số cao 1 chút :))
  13. thjchthjnhich123

    thjchthjnhich123 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ai Bik Cóp Trò Destiny .... Này Phần 2 Về Đĩa CD Chơi voi Dầu thế nào Bảo mình cái nha mình choi Phan 1 Roi pha dao roi bay gio muon choi phan 2:) ai bik bao mjnh cai nha:L:B:B:B Thanks truoc
  14. ninjasasukes5

    ninjasasukes5 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Earth Federation
    Cái này mình ko rành, bạn sang box Phần Mềm mà hỏi, từ trước nay mình chỉ chơi trên PC mà thôi .

Chia sẻ trang này