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Thảo luận trong 'Nhóm Update' bắt đầu bởi shinichi-kudo, 6/3/03.

  1. shinichi-kudo

    shinichi-kudo Mario & Luigi

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    The Sims: Superstar details
    Electronic Arts has released new details on The Sims: Superstar, the upcoming expansion pack for The Sims. In The Sims: Superstar, players guide their characters through the entertainment industry, working their way up until they reach the heights of fame as a rock star, a movie star, or a supermodel. Sims begin the game by signing with a talent agency in the fictional Studio Town area, which is a makeshift Hollywood.
    New social interactions, a fame attribute, and special studio objects are included in the expansion pack. The studio objects include karaoke machines, an open mic stage, a film set, and a fashion runway. Studio Town also features special areas for sims to relax, like an oxygen bar, a smoothie stand, the star trailer, and the mud bath, which is featured in today's new screenshots. New characters in The Sims: Superstar include a photographer, a director, a choreographer, and a fashion designer, all of whom need to be impressed for the player to rise in the ranks of stardom. As fame increases, would-be superstars will also be harassed by the paparazzo and the obsessed fan.

    With more than 150 new items, new skins, and new decorative walls and tilesets, The Sims: Superstar will add even more variety to the gameplay in The Sims universe. For more information on The Sims: Superstar, which is scheduled to ship in May
  2. shinichi-kudo

    shinichi-kudo Mario & Luigi

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    for example, in the version we tried, it takes four soldiers, eight technicians, and four officers to morph into one tank, which comes armed with a powerful laser cannon. The morphing process is fully reversible, a feature that 1C's Anatoly Subbotin stressed would "eliminate the problem of useless units." With the ability to morph infantry into vehicles and de-morph them back into their constituent parts, players can change up their units and strategies on the fly. It's worth noting that the morphing isn't instantaneous, and does special morphing energy--this prevents players from just morphing units and changing them around with reckless abandon.

    The graphics engine of PeriMeter is quite advanced, capable of impressive detail in the terrain and featuring three-dimensional explosions with full particle effects. Players can zoom and rotate the map freely, and need to do so often in order to see around some of the mountains and hills on the various maps.

    The developer, KD-Labs, is planning on having two factions in the game, one of which is more technologically oriented with high tech vehicles. The other, unfinished faction will have psionic powers, with more ability to bend the terrain and also take control of the world's resident fauna, the filth monsters. The different varieties of filth range from swarms of giant wasps to humongous worms that tunnel underground and resemble the sandworms of the Dune movie. Currently, PeriMeter has no North American publisher, but 1C is working on getting a distribution deal in place. We'll have more details on PeriMeter as they become available.

  3. shinichi-kudo

    shinichi-kudo Mario & Luigi

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    Golden Sun: The Lost Age impressions
    Nintendo shows off a localized version of its excellent GBA franchise.
    We had the chance to check out a localized version of Golden Sun 2 this week. The game is the second entry in the fledgling Game Boy Advance franchise from Camelot. It continues the story begun in the original Golden Sun and features improved graphics and new gameplay elements.
    The game's extended intro takes you through a summary of the events in the original Golden Sun. The actual intro opens shortly before the ending of the original game and puts you in the role of Jenna. You'll partner with Krayden and head off in search of her brother Felix, who has disappeared.

    The game's graphics have been bumped up from those in its predecessor and showcase detailed sprites that animate smoothly. The environments in the game feature rich detail with little touches--such as birds that fly off as you approach--that build on the original game's graphics engine.

    While the game handles the same as its predecessor, there have been some notable tweaks to the combat system--you'll be able to mix djinn of different elemental affinities unlike in the previous version of the game. Unfortunately the game still lacks intelligent targeting by the members of your party, which results in missed attack opportunities. The members of your party will not target the next available enemy if their intended target is defeated before their turn to attack comes up. On the upside, the game will let you import character data from the original Golden Sun into the game. You'll have the option either to use a lengthy password like in Animal Crossing or to simply use a GBA link cable. The transfer will let you bring your party, djinn, and item data into the game, which will directly affect your game when Jenna encounters them later in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. The game will feature a longer quest than the original game as well as more challenging puzzles.

    Golden Sun: The Lost Age is currently slated to ship this April for the Game Boy Advance. Look for much more on the game very soon.

  4. shinichi-kudo

    shinichi-kudo Mario & Luigi

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    GDC 2003: Deus Ex: Invisible War update

    We check out an updated version of Ion Storm's futuristic first-person role-playing game, and talk to Warren Specter about the game's rapid progress.

    When we met with Ion Storm at the Game Developers Conference today, we were surprised to hear that there was an updated demo of the game, since it's been just a few weeks since our trip out to the studio's office in Austin, Texas. As it turns out, the technical progress on the game was quite noticeable. The framerate was much smoother and we got a demonstration of a new audio feature: physics sound.

    Ion Storm's studio director, Warren Specter, had previously hinted at some cool plans for the game's audio, and it's totally in keeping with Deus Ex's interactive design for Ion Storm to try to do something like physics sound, which ties the game's physics into the into the audio system to create dynamic sound effects. If you throw an object--or if it's accidentally bumped to the floor--there are a number of factors that go into creating the sound of one object impacting on another, including the object's mass, material, velocity, and angle of impact. A simple example is that a cardboard box sounds different when it hits a wall than a rubber bucket does, and pushing a heavy chair across a wood floor is different than if the floor were metal. Specter said that this is quite likely the first game to have such dynamic audio.

    There was plenty of opportunity to try out the physics sound effects in a level we hadn't previously seen before, the Seattle inclinator, which is an angled elevator that moves goods and passengers between Seattle's working-class old town at ground level and the rich upper level. And while it's nice that the sounds are different for simple interactions, the dynamic sound is most immersive when it makes the unexpected possible. What sold us on the concept was when a metal canister was thrown across a cargo area and it not only made a hollow rolling sound with it was on its side and a crash when it impacted on the lip of a service tube, but it also scraped and banged the sides of the tube as the canister fell down it. Basic acoustics are modeled, and the noises smoothly attenuated into the distance. Imagine such audio in full 5.1 glory.

    Ion Storm often says that its technology efforts have to have a direct effect on gameplay, and physics sound does add the sort of detail that should help the player suspend disbelief and stay immersed in the game world. Plus, the AI will react to odd sounds, so bumping into a table and knocking off a coffee cup could put an idle guard on alert and prompt it to investigate. The game's producer, Harvey Smith, noted that this could be used by a clever player to attract guards towards one direction, as the player takes advantage of the distraction to pass unnoticed. The game does invite the player to experiment with the game world such that it's practically a "sandbox shooter," to use Harvey Smith's casual phrase.

    As mentioned previously, Deus Ex: Invisible War features quite technically advanced graphics, with bells and whistles like dynamic shadows and normal mapping. But when we saw the game just after it reached alpha, it was impossible not to notice that there was plenty of engine optimization to do. It's a pleasant surprise to know that the framerate and load times have already improved substantially, and Specter says that the team is making "insanely fast progress" on the technical side of things. We only saw the PC version today, but the simultaneously developed Xbox version has an acknowledged performance advantage because it runs at a lower resolution. Because it was running on a high-quality display rather than on a large digital projection screen, today's demo also did a better job of conveying the actual color palette in the game, which has many strong, saturated colors. Despite the conspiratorial story and gritty locations like the Seattle mercenary bar and the dusty shantytown in Cairo, you can't say that Invisible War portrays a bleak, steel-gray vision of the future.

    At this point in the project, the designers are adding a lot of detail to levels and characters, and main characters like J.C. Denton aren't being shown because their look is still being finalized. The interface is one part of the game that's still far from final. We've seen screenshots and animated movies of the circular ocular-implant look that the team is going for, but Specter confessed that, as cool as the nanotech-inspired interface would be, the current mockups take up too much space on the screen.

    In addition to Deus Ex, Specter has been the creative force behind a string of ambitious first-person role-playing games, and history tells him that play testing and balancing games that emphasize dynamic, emergent elements is an unpredictable process. He noted that Ion Storm and Eidos are working towards establishing methods for testing such games that would make it possible to more fully test the gameplay possibilities as well as predict how long a game project will linger in a playable but not entirely fun state. There's obviously quite a bit at stake, not only for the new Deus Ex game, but also for Thief III, which another team at Ion Storm has been developing simultaneously. Thief III uses the same advanced technology base, but there are a couple additional features that are being saved for the stealth-focused game.

    Specter couldn't specify when in the year Deus Ex: Invisible War will be released, but again confirmed that the Xbox and PC versions are due out in 2003. We'll have more on Invisible War in the coming months.

    By Sam Parker, GameSpot
  5. VN_Martin

    VN_Martin C O N T R A

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    Trời ơi tiếng em không à đọc không biết đọc.Có bác nào rãnh thì dịch cho em đọc với.
  6. ca_sau_

    ca_sau_ Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ

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    Kiev - Ukraine
    Xí khoan , German cộng điểm thế này nhưng mà người đọc đâu có hiểu đâu mà được thưởng dzạ , ca sau chôm chừng khoảng 50 chục bài trên nét về cho German cộng điểm nhé , kì khôi quá , chẳng thà đưa tin games sắp ra rồi dịch vì mấy bài đó ngắn rồi cộng điểm còn đằng này chơi bán sỉ 1 lần cả 4 bài liên tục mà được công liên tục hic hic mà ca sau đọc chẳng hiểu ca sai mô tê gì sất thế thì sao mà coi đây huh trời Help me plz
  7. TDT_Bahamut

    TDT_Bahamut Mario & Luigi

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    Nói thẳng ra là giống câu bài wá đi...!
    Nếu muốn post bài tiếng anh thì cứ lên box tham khảo á
    Khi đưa ra những thông tin gì thì ít ra cũng pảhi dịch chứ để mọi người còn đọc chứ hả, chứ tiếng anh như vầy thì thà mọi người tự đi lên net đọc cũng được mà
    Còn game thì phải chơi thử rùi hãy post lên chứ nhỉ
    Như hồi barnaby làm thì ổng chơi xong rùi mới giới thiệu lên đây
    kaka :D

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