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Thảo luận trong 'Age of Empires' bắt đầu bởi huulam1986, 29/4/08.

  1. ylinhtientu

    ylinhtientu Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ma lương thực trong AOE II là cheese steak jimmy's đó.
    ___________Auto Merge________________

    sao the hỏi trả lời rùi mà ko thank đcj 1 tiếng sao. X(
  2. Oda Nobunatra

    Oda Nobunatra Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mấy mã này chơi với com lúc nào bận đi đâu mà chưa song trận thì làm 1 đoàn sang đập nó rồi đi đâu thì đi =))
  3. *BrokenD*

    *BrokenD* Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mới hồi sinh...
    trời AOE II nhiều Cheats thế ko bik
    Minh bik mỗi cái Cheat ra con ô tô :))
  4. Neodnvn01

    Neodnvn01 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    còn mã lương thực ai biết chỉ với....
  5. Cricnat82

    Cricnat82 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    1000 food - cheese steak jimmy's
    1000 gold - robin hood
    1000 stone - rock on
    1000 wood - lumberjack
    Cobra car - how do you turn this on
    Control nature - natural wonders
    Destroy all opponents - black death
    Fast building - aegis
    Flying dogs - woof woof
    Full map - marco
    Instant loss - resign
    Instant victory - i r winner
    Kill Opponent 1 - torpedo1
    Kill Opponent 2 - torpedo2
    Kill Opponent 3 - torpedo3
    Kill Opponent 4 - torpedo4
    Kill Opponent 5 - torpedo5
    Kill Opponent 6 - torpedo6
    Kill Opponent 7 - torpedo7
    Kill Opponent 8 - torpedo8
    Little monkey - furious the monkey boy
    No fog of war - polo
    Saboteur unit - to smithereens
    Suicide - wimpywimpywimpy
    Tall, fast moving, useless villager - i love the monkey head
  6. ThiệnBòHúc

    ThiệnBòHúc Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    cứ mã xe mà táng, cỡ 10 chíc là làm cỏ map :'>:'>
  7. *BrokenD*

    *BrokenD* Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mới hồi sinh...
    Thế AOE ROR có ai có cheats nào mới ko shar đi xem nào...
  8. tuongquanlenh

    tuongquanlenh Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hehe Tất cả trông một đây AOE nhé
    1,000 food cheese steak jimmy's
    1,000 gold robin hood
    1,000 stone rock on
    1,000 wood lumberjack
    Cobra Car how do you turn this on
    Commit suicide wimpywimpywimpy
    Control nature natural wonders
    Destroy all opponents black death
    Fast building aegis
    Flying dogs woof woof
    Full map marco
    Instant loss resign
    Instant victory i r winner
    Kill Opponent 1 torpedo1
    Kill Opponent 2 torpedo2
    Kill Opponent 3 torpedo3
    Kill Opponent 4 torpedo4
    Kill Opponent 5 torpedo5
    Kill Opponent 6 torpedo6
    Kill Opponent 7 torpedo7
    Kill Opponent 8 torpedo8
    Little monkey furious the monkey boy
    No fog of war polo
    Saboteur unit to smithereens
    Tall, fast moving, useless villager i love the monkey head
    Thấy hay thi nhớ thank :D
    ___________Auto Merge________________

    KHông thấy ai đã post rùi :(
    Thôi post thêm cheat của AOR luôn hehe

    New priest unit convert this!
    Car with a missile launcher big momma
    Baby on a tricycle with a super-gun pow
    Combat robot stormbilly
    Turns eagles into a 999 hp dragons king arthur
    Animals kill with one bite grantlinkspence
    Instant building steroids
    Win scenario home run
    Everyone dies diediedie
    Resign game resign
    Full map reveal map
    1000 food pepperoni pizza
    1000 gold coinage
    1000 wood woodstock
    1000 stone quarry
    Remove Fog of War no fog
    Transform villagers [Note 1] medusa
    Laser gunner [Note 2] photon man
    Animal control gaia
    Juggernauts may move on land flying dutchman
    Kill player kill [player's position 1-8]
    Rocket launcher car bigdaddy
    Increased catapult range and effect big bertha
    Priest 600 hit points, speed 6 hoyohoyo
    Increased ballista range icbm
    Catapults fire peasants [Note 3] jack be nimble
    Nuclear missile trooper e=mc2 trooper
    Commit suicide hari kari
  9. bebubube

    bebubube Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    đây là cheats cho The Conquerors :

    1000 food - cheese steak jimmy's
    1000 gold - robin hood
    1000 stone - rock on
    1000 wood - lumberjack
    Cobra car - how do you turn this on
    Control nature - natural wonders
    Destroy all opponents - black death
    Fast building - aegis
    Flying dogs - woof woof
    Full map - marco
    Instant loss - resign
    Instant victory - i r winner
    Kill Opponent 1 - torpedo1
    Kill Opponent 2 - torpedo2
    Kill Opponent 3 - torpedo3
    Kill Opponent 4 - torpedo4
    Kill Opponent 5 - torpedo5
    Kill Opponent 6 - torpedo6
    Kill Opponent 7 - torpedo7
    Kill Opponent 8 - torpedo8
    Little monkey - furious the monkey boy
    No fog of war - polo
    Saboteur unit - to smithereens
    Suicide - wimpywimpywimpy
    Tall, fast moving, useless villager - i love the monkey head
    aegis - your buildings will be constructed in one touch

    Tiếp theo là cheats cho bản The Ageof Kings :

    NO FOG - turns off Fog of War
    POLO - Remove Shadow
    MARCO - Reveal Map
    AEGIS - Immidiate Building
    ROCK ON - 1000 Stone
    LUMBERJACK - 1000 Wood
    ROBIN HOOD - 1000 Gold
    CHEESE STEAK JIMMY'S - 1000 Food
    NATURAL WONDERS - Control Nature
    RESIGN - Defeat yourself
    WIMPYWIMPYWIMPY - Destroy yourself
    HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON - Gives a 'cobra' car
    TORPEDOx - Kills opponent x (where x is the
    opponent number)
    TO SMITHEREENS - Gives a saboteur
    BLACK DEATH - Destroying all the enemies
    I R WINNER - Victory
    helloknight - palladin health increases to 192(only in franks)

    Tiếp theo là ........The Rise of home ,( AOEI)

    STORMBILLY Gives you a powerful robot
    CONVERT THIS! - Gives you a very powerful priest
    BIG MOMMA - Sportscar with a nuke launcher
    POW - Baby on a tricyle with a super gun
    KING ARTHUR - Turns the eagle into a dragon (no effect on the game)
    POW BIG MAMA - BabyPrez (Baby on trike)
    GRANTLINKSPENCE - Turns animals into Animal Kings.
    DIEDIEDIE - All opponents die
    RESIGN - You resign
    REVEAL MAP - Reveal the whole map
    PEPPERONI PIZZA - Gain 1000 food
    COINAGE - Gain 1000 gold
    WOODSTOCK - Gain 1000 wood
    QUARRY - Gain 1000 stone
    PHOTON MAN - Creates a nuke trooper
    GAIA - Lets you control the animals, but not your men
    HARI KARI - Commit suicide
    FLYING DUTCHMAN - Catapult ships can go on land
    NO FOG - Removes fog of war
    STEROIDS - Buildings and people are created instantly
    BIGDADDY - Fast car with a rocket launcher
    KILLX - Kill player X
    HOMERUN - Win the current scenario
    BIG BERTHA - Heavy catapults are stronger
    ICBM - Ballistas get 100 range points
    HOYOHOYO - Priests are faster and stronger
    DARK RAIN - Composite bowmen turn into trees
    BLACK RIDER - Horse archers become black riders
    UPSIDFLINTMOBILE - Chariot archers go super fast and fire very fast

    còn ai muồn bít thêm phiên bản nào thì cứ pm cho mình nha :D

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